Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 2

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#2 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 2:

Do you wish to claim me?

"I was raised as a hunter and warrior, I am not opposed to your orders, my lady." I gave Lorelai a respectful bow while standing before her in the small study.

"It is not an order, my sister. More a request..." She frowned and stood from her chair, I could see the multiple cushions in the seat that had given her the height she needed at the large desk. She moved over to me and put her hands upon her curvy hips. "Our life is a dangerous one, with the church and hunters nipping at our heels constantly. I wish you to be ready to defend yourself."

I took a knee and looked into her soft brown eyes with my darker ones. "I appreciate your concern. I am still not accustomed to people... caring about me, not like that... not since my parents and tribe."

She pushed her palm to my cheek and pressed her forehead to my own, her eyes closed. I felt her will wash over me gently, like that of a mother. "You are my sister, and I will stand by you so long as you stand by our family."

A shiver moved down my spine and I nodded against her, my ears folding. "Of course. I cherish all of my family."

"Especially Elias?" She pulled from me with a knowing grin.

I felt my face grow warm and averted my eyes. "I- I do not know what you speak of, my lady..."

"Please... you think I do not see how you two look upon one another?" Lorelai hummed the words playfully and moved back to her desk. "I am far from a cherub, but even I can sense the attraction you two share."

My brow furrowed and I'm sure I looked like I was pouting as I stood once more. "My lady... what does this have to do with my training as a warrior?"

She climbed back into the chair and sat at her desk, her ears flicking upwards. "Why, only that you both share the fires of radiance and hellfire. The world is vast but I have yet to find another since your late sire that possessed it. It is why I insisted upon you claiming it before we left."

A frown showed on my face and I processed the words thoughtfully. A power no one had but me. It made me feel good and full of pride for some reason. "So Elias and I, our powers are unique to us?"

"That appears to be the case. I have been all over this world, Sarnai, and it is much more vast than you could imagine. Hundreds of years I've done this and I've never seen anyone else with it." She cocked her head and I saw a glint of pride in her eyes, her curls bouncing around her horns. "My family houses several unique members and I am proud of that. We are the only house with an incubus, two foxfire users, and I myself with my power."

"What is your power exactly, my lady?" I folded my arms, curiously tilting my head.

She gave me a sharp glance and I saw the sparkle in her eyes. "Domination. My will is absolute and only the most powerful beings can hope to stand before my demands."

I lifted my ears. "So like a stronger version of what brother Val has?"

The sheep shook her head. "No. His is seduction, mine simply breaks another's will altogether."

My ears fold and I frown. "How frightful... so you could command me to fall upon my own sword if you willed it?"

"I couldn't, but I could find creative ways to accomplish the task. I cannot out right demand someone kill themselves for me, the power would not allow it. I can, however, ask them to defend me with their lives, or do an impossible task, like leap from a cliff and fly like a bird." The sheep showed me a coy grin. "There are ways around the supernatural laws I have in place."

I shiver and clench my teeth. "My power feels minuscule in comparison..."

The sheep gave me a stern look. "Do not seek to compare yourself with others, Sarnai. It is a dead-end road. I've told your brothers just as such many times as well. Your power is wonderous, you should cherish and grow it."

I took a composing breath and nodded. "Yes, my lady. I apologize."

"Do not apologize. You are young and have a lot to learn." Lorelai smiled at me gently.

A frown formed and I folded my arms. "My lady... I am no child. I am nearly forty years old."

She giggled and smiled at me, her eyes sparkling in amusement. The view just made me scowl. "You are a puppy, Sarnai... do you have any idea how old I am? Even your brothers are over sixty."

I grunted at her words and looked away. "No... how old are you?"

"Unknown, but at least a millennium." She spoke the words with a shrug. "Ra's the head of the council is older than me. The others at your evaluation are all six hundred or more."

My jaw dropped slightly. "S-so many years... how is that possible?"

The sheep smiled and peaked her fingertips. "How is it possible you will hellfire from your body, my pup?"

I blushed at the words and showed my teeth. "Please, my lady... must you call me a puppy?"

The sheep offered me a playful smile, her eyes sparkling. "I find your reactions adorable, however, I will not disrespect you if it bothers you, Sarnai."

"T-thank you..." I frown and fold my arms. "I do thank you for your kind words though... I've never been called such doting things."

"Oh, you have, just not to your knowledge." The sheep drummed her fingertips together, giving me a coy smile.

I bark at her words and glare, "Who has been saying such things? It is disrespectful to speak behind my back!"

She showed her teeth in an amused grin. "Just a certain fox telling me how cute he thought you were, and if I thought he should pursue certain motivations."

My ears folded and I frowned, my mind filling right away with the white fox that I called brother. Lorelai raised a finger and wagged it. "Ah... it seems you've caught the scent of the trail, my fox. I will say nothing more."

I grunted and put my palm to my cheek, feeling it hot to the touch. I took a moment to compose myself and gave her a fussy pout. "C-can we return to business, my lady?"

"Certainly. Two times per week you are to go down to the cellar and train with Elias. I wish the two of you to learn your unique powers together, since they are so similar."

I barked out in protest, her words cutting deep, especially after what was just told to me. "B-but! After everything you just told me-"

"You will be fine, sister." Lorelai fixed me with a strong glance. "Do you know what a hurricane is?"

My arms folded and I plucked my thoughts before shaking my head. The sheep nodded as she continued, "Great powerful storms will come forth from the sea from time to time, these are known as hurricanes. They are exclusive to coastal parts of the world. You will not see them anywhere but from the salty waters of the sea, and only certain parts of the world are prone to them."

"I understand, but why ask me that out of the blue?" I lift my ears curiously.

She gave me a smile. "Live your life in such a way. You may no longer age, but any of us could still die any day, Sarnai. Live your life and make love, like a hurricane."

"M-make love? What are you even trying to imply, my lady?" I barked the words and clenched my fists, my tail whipping about, my cheeks hot all over again.

"I'm saying life is shorter than you think. Even a thousand years can be short if you don't live it to the fullest." Lorelai clicked her tongue and tapped her desk. "Any questions for me?"

"Hundreds... but they will wait." I huffed the words and turned from her. "When should I begin training?"

"He's already down in the makeshift training room in the cellar. Get going." The sheep hummed the words as she waved her hand casually.

I swallowed a lump in my throat and nodded. "As you will."


I felt my heart thumping a little heavier as I opened the door to the cellar. The white fox was there and I clearly saw him jump as the door opened, a testament to his own nerves. My tail drooped as I walked to him, then folded my hands behind my back and cocked my head. "Brother, Elias. I've been told we are to begin training together."

His eyes widened at my posture, I didn't realize why, but I had inadvertently pushed my chest out, the gown I had worn making my cleavage more pronounced. The fox jerked his eyes away and I saw his cheeks grow dark. "Yes... I'm to instruct you in what I know, then we are to regularly begin testing our powers against one another."

"If we are to come to blows, I am hardly dressed for such a thing this day." I frowned as he kept his eyes averted and put my hands on my hips, my teeth showing in frustration. "W-why do you not look upon me? Have I upset you already?"

His white ears sprang up and he quickly looked back to see my fussy glare. "Perish the thought! N-no, Sarnai... not at all."

I pursed my lips and folded my arms over my chest. I had never been good with the awkwardness of males. "Then look upon me properly. Do not be so rude, Elias."

The fox clenched his teeth and fully faced me, offering me an apologetic bow. "I never meant you any disrespect, sister. Please forgive me."

My ears folded and I frowned upon his display, seeing I had rattled him into being proper and apologetic. I looked away and shook my head, focusing on the task at hand. "It is nothing of note. I do not hold resentment... let us... let us be on with this."

He cleared his throat and looked upon me with a business-like focus. I saw the moment had slipped away and cursed myself for pulling him out of the cute display he had been in prior. "Yes. Let us get down to the point of the matter."

Elias paced from me and summoned his flames, blue wisps licking at his tail and ears, drifting upon his fingertips. "Can you summon them effortlessly?"

"Naturally..." I spoke the words with a haughty tone, black flames coming to my fingertips, wisps dancing off my ears and tail. I saw his gaze settle upon me. Was he sizing me up? No, he was looking upon me with hunger. I averted my eyes and pursed my lips. "Why do you gaze so intently upon me, brother?"

I saw his blue eyes dart back and forth in thought for several heartbeats as if mustering up the words, "I just find you beautiful..."

A shocked gasp escaped my throat and I blinked upon him wide-eyed. "Do you... are you toying with me?"

"I..." He clenched his teeth and I heard him suck a deep breath in through them, knowing keenly he did not need to do such a thing. The fox was upon me and I felt his hands grasp my own, clenching them gently, his blue flames mingling with my black ones. "I do not toy with you, I mean it. I find you breathtaking, I have since the first night I laid eyes upon you, Sarnai."

I parted my lips in shock, my eyes still wide at his confession. "You... you have hardly known me a season... yet here you are telling me such things..."

"Yes... I am a wretched fox for saying them so casually, but I mean them. I find you glorious to behold and feel so happy when you are with me." The white fox shook his head then fixed me with a confident stare I had not seen from him. His white tail flicked about furiously, blue flames spilling from it. "I... I very much like you, Sarnai!"

My sharp teeth sunk into my lower lip as I bit it, hearing the almost childish words. A giggle erupted from my throat and I blinked into his exotic eyes. "You like me? Such a childish statement. Shall we make daisy crowns and go frolic in the grass, fox?"

The words were meant as a playful jest, but my tone apparently had not said as such. I saw him flinch and slowly release my hands. "M-my... I apologize. I did not mean it to sound so simple and make light of things."

My ears lifted and my eyes widened, seeing I had cast him back into that forlorn state once more. My heart lurched into pace before I shook my head, my hands moving to his face and jerking his gaze to my own. "Did you not hear the jest in my voice, Elias?"

His eyes widened and he stared into my own, my hands warm on his face. My black flames rolled up his cheeks and mingled with the azure ones upon his ears. He and I spoke not a word as time seemed to halt in that moment.

I parted my lips at last to speak and found myself silenced abruptly. My eyes widened as his mouth pushed hard and aggressively to my own. My hands drifted from his face and I threw my arms around his neck, pushing closer and returning the gesture.

His own arms embraced me fully and drew me closer, our tongues darting out through our kiss. We curiously explored one another's mouth, our tongues playfully rolling against one another.

My nails dug hard into his back and a growl filled my throat. I heard his own growl rumble forth, his nails clutching into my own flesh through the silk of the gown I wore. I broke the kiss with a show of my sharp teeth, my eyes focused and intent upon his own. "You presume to simply kiss me and think I will fall into your arms?"

He yipped at my words then furrowed his brow, giving me a strong glance. "I do not assume anything, I simply could not resist your lips any longer. Will you now strike me across the face and walk away?"

I grunted and glared at him, my cheeks dark, my arms still clinging tightly to him. I felt him draw me closer, almost possessively, my smaller body squeezed against his own. I barked out in a mock protest and felt his hand slide into my raven hair. He clenched it gently, just enough to make me feel it in my scalp and jerked my head to face him more directly.

The fox claimed my mouth once more in a show of dominance. I felt my knees grow weak at the display and my fingers curled against the silk of his shirt. I clenched hard to him and felt his tongue force it's way past my lips once more. I met it and rolled my own tongue to his, eagerly accepting his affection.

His hand drifted from my hair to my ear, his fingertips sliding along the length, his thumb moving along the inside where the fur was thinner. I shuddered at his touch and broke the kiss with a panicked yip, my eyes growing wide as he touched them. "Elias! T-those are... ngh..." My tongue lolled as he continued to rub them, now keenly aware of what he was doing to me.

"You're a stunning vixen... I've wanted to touch you every day since that first time..." His words filled my ears, deep and confident, a faint growl in them. I felt my knees wobble from the pleasure, both his hands now teasing my sensitive ears. His thumbs kneaded the inner cusps of them, my tongue lolling in a labored pant.

"Y-you... too much... s-stop..." I whispered the words, my panting making them sound almost as if I were moaning. I shivered and then blinked several times as he listened to me and withdrew his hands. I shook my head, composing myself and rationalizing what had just happened. He had stopped, he had honored my request and not just taken me, though he could have easily done so.

My forehead pushed to his chest as I panted gently, trying to reign the desire he had kindled forth. "You... you stopped..."

"Of course I did..." Elias spoke the words gently into my ears, his fingertips now stroking down my hair gently.

"Why?" I looked upon him, blinking slowly, the red in my eyes fading back to a dark brown.

He looked confused and then gave me a smile. "Because I like you... I respect what you want and would never want you to think I forced myself upon you."

I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head before resting it against his chest again. "You're an odd fox, Elias... I've never met a male who spoke in such a way... most simply would have assumed to claim me because they could." I gave a haughty huff. "Granted I am a warrior and would handily overpower them and break bones... I've done it many times..."

I felt him flinch at the thought of it. "I-is that, right? Good thing I stopped, isn't it?" He spoke the words with an awkward laugh.

My head lifted from his chest and I gave him a confident smile. "Perhaps... though if I am truthful, I do not think I would have stopped you. Lost respect for you? Yes... but I do find I ... like you as well. I would have been willing."

His ears sprang up at my words and he gave me an eager smile. "Really now? Does that mean you would be willing now?"

I giggled and brushed my fingertips to his lips as he held me. "Elias, you randy fox... I can practically smell the rut upon you. Can we even go into heat in this state? Because you stink of it right now."

His answer was a growl and a motion for my throat. I yipped out excitedly as he began to kiss and drag his tongue against my soft tanned skin. My fingertips tangled into his hair and I huffed out into his ears hotly. "I have but one request..."

"Anything... name it..." He growled the words in the crook of my neck.

My teeth showed in a hungry grin and I moved my fingertips to rub his own ears, whispering into them softly. "Take me to your chamber. My first time with you will not be in some dank cellar... if you agree to those terms, you may do what you like with me."

His ears jerked sharply upwards at my words. Before I knew it he had bent down and lifted me from my feet, carrying me like a male would his newly claimed wife. I couldn't help but giggle at the notion of things and threw my arms around his neck, pushing my forehead to his own.


A soft yip escaped my throat as he dropped me to his bed. I blinked upon him with my lower lip bit, watching the white fox peel his top away, his strong defined muscles coming into view before my eyes. He had the body of a warrior or farmer, strong and tone in a way that came with training or work, not the pursuit of vanity.

He gave me a grin and I could see the nervousness in his eyes, despite his attempts at being a strong-willed dog for me. I shifted to sit up on his bed, my hand reaching to the draw strap of my gown, pulling the lacing free. The material slacked and my shoulders slipped into view, my heavy breasts pushing forward, shifting as their support eased.

"Will you make a willing vixen disrobe herself before you? Do you take me as some paid female to put a show on for you?" I growled the words with a playful grin on my face, my arms clasped below my chest, making my breasts push forward, the material of my gown just barely covering the hard peaks of them.

The white fox quickly shook his head and climbed onto his bed with me. He grasped my bared shoulders and pushed me into the bedding, the silk of the sheets gliding over my exposed back. His mouth was upon my own once more, his tongue forcing my own into a playful duel. I moaned in earnest for him, my body eager for his touch now, the first male I had willingly given myself to.

His hands were gentle and glided over my soft skin as he drew the folds of my gown down, exposing my chest fully to him. He pulled from my lips to raise up and eagerly look upon his prize. I bit my lower lip and arched my back, pushing my breasts out for him to see clearly, my peaks dark on my naturally tan skin. I had no sizing chart back then to compare them to, I simply knew I had been told on more than one occasion I was well endowed. His wide eyes seemed to indicate he agreed.

"Does my appearance please you as much as yours pleases me?" I practically purred the words as I moved to pull the remainder of my gown away, leaving me in just my black stockings. My body was now fully exposed to him, my womanhood clearly eager and wet with anticipation.

His eyes wandered me for several moments and my cheeks darkened at his intent gaze, as if he were unsure where to begin. I self consciously brushed my fingers over the small trim tuft of black hair at my crotch. I had kept it groomed but I wasn't sure how he would feel about seeing it, knowing some men preferred a cleaner look.

"Please, Elias... do not stare so int-" I gasped as he moved down and shoved his mouth against my left breast. My ears lifted as I felt him suckle upon my teat as if a hungry cub wishing to feed. I clenched my teeth and shivered, feeling his tongue roll and flick at my dark nipple. They had always been sensitive to the touch and I felt my tongue lolled as I panted eagerly for him. "Y-you're like a hungry pup..."

His crystal blue eyes darted up to me at my words and I bit my lower lip, getting lost in the exotic gaze. His tongue dragged hard against my peak before pulling his lips away, the flesh around it darker, almost as if bruised from his attentions. "I hunger for you in many ways, Sarnai..." He growled the words and before I knew it, his hands were under my knees and I was spread before him in a very unflattering position.

I barked out as my back slapped into the bedding and blinked up at him before his head moved between my forced apart legs. "D-do not! That is vulg- ngh!" I clenched my teeth and felt his tongue against me. I shuddered and lolled my own tongue, feeling him intently lapping upon me, tasting my eagerness for him, and teasing at my sensitive pearl. I barked out and pushed a palm to my cheek, both in embarrassment and pleasure. "Huff... huff... s-so good... but... such a shameful... ngh..."

"Nothing about your body is shameful, all of you is gorgeous and I wish to taste every part of you." Elias snarled the words as he looked upon me after rising from between my legs. I shivered at his words, my eyes wide and my cheeks dark. I parted my lips to answer but his mouth pushed to my folds once more.

I yipped out from his attention, my mind reeling at the thought of a male between my legs, tasting me so plainly. It was perverse but exciting and I felt myself growing closer with each drag of his tongue. "Tch... I... I can't hold it, please..."

"Hurry up then!" He barked the words sharply and my back arched as if on command. I sobbed out in a defeated moan, my ears folded as he drew forth my release, with his mouth of all things. I shuddered and shook my head, wanting to apologize as he lapped and cleaned my honey with his tongue.

I jerked and twitched a few times before my throes eased. I blinked back tears in my eyes, my chest heaving up and down as he climbed over me, a satisfied grin showing on his face. "Ha... E-Elias... I'm so sorry... to have done such a thing while you-"

"You tasted like heaven... I will have to taste you again and again in the future..." I huffed out a yip at his crude words then bit my lower lip hard as he held my legs spread. I looked down to see he had finished disrobing in my ecstasy and was now fully exposed to my gaze.

He had a small tuft of his own hair at his groin, a soft patch of white that I found endearing, the hair groomed and short, not unkempt. It made me feel a little better about my own grooming. My eyes widened at his size, he was large, larger than I had ever seen before. A small bit of panic filled me, wondering if this would hurt me and should I back away. He didn't give me the time to really consider things though and shoved the tip of his length to my drenched entrance.

I barked out and grabbed at the silk bedding all around me, shaking my head. "A-ah... E-Elias... hold a moment... what if it-" I panted out with panic in my voice, then barked out and clenched my teeth as he didn't wait to hear my excuses, his tip gliding past my entrance eagerly.

"I won't hurt you... just relax and enjoy it..." He practically purred the words as he slowly claimed me, his length forcing into my walls, plunging deep into my smaller body until I felt him halted at my core. I gasped out and blinked up at him, biting my lower lip as he throbbed violently inside me.

"T-truly? You will not harm me? You will be gentle our first time?" I panted the words as he moved closer and my hands grabbed his shoulders. I felt his hips already starting to grind and move against my own.

He nodded and pushed his palm to my face, my brown eyes meeting his blue ones. My tongue was lolled slightly and so was his, both our bodies eager for the pleasure. "On my word... I will go slow... I will partake of your body like a fine wine..." He cooed the words as he leaned in to whisper into my ears. "I hope to have you many times, Sarnai... but we will never have our first again... let us both enjoy it and take our time..."

I gritted my teeth and nodded, feeling tears fill my eyes at his gentle words. I grasped his wrist that was near my face, my other hand digging my nails into his shoulder. "Yes... please..." I panted the words, blinking up into his eyes, feeling his hips grind and buck against me. His movements were controlled and with purpose, not frantic with desperation.

"Elias..." I moaned out his name, my ears folding and my eyes half-lidded. I felt him move gently against me again and again, his length touching me in all the right ways. My body was desperate to respond and I felt myself growing closer, my body eager to give in while he was deep inside me.

"Don't hesitate... I will take good care of you..." He whispered the words and I bit my lower lip hard, nodding furiously at him.

My nails dug into his wrist and shoulder hard, feeling him drive me past my edge. "Hgn! E-Elias!" I cried out his name, then lolled my tongue, my ears folded flat as my body gave in to him, my walls viciously locking around him. He yipped at the tight clench as my honey slicked his length and I offered him an apologetic gaze. "I... I am sorry if it-"

"Do not be absurd... you feel amazing..." He moaned the words and moved in for my lips once more. I gasped out but didn't resist as his mouth was upon mine once again. I moaned against his lips, feeling his movements resume, his length gliding through my walls, his tip jabbing deep in me again and again.

I couldn't help myself, my heels dug into the bedding and my own hips began to work in tandem with him. He felt too good and I simply had to have more of him. I broke the kiss and he could see the madness in my eyes he had called forth. "Ha... Elias... harder... faster... mate me as if you were breeding me!" I barked the words, my teeth showing, my eyes red and filled with desperation.

The fox was all too eager to get caught up in my own storm of desire. His hips began to buck in time with my own frantic motions and his length was now pushing much harder as well as deeper. "Yesss... oh yes..." I growled the words drunkenly.

"Ngh... L-like this? A-are you happy?" He panted the words, then perked his ears and yipped out as my walls locked around him once more in a release.

I shuddered and moaned out, lazily blinking my crimson eyes open. "What do you think?" I showed him a hungry grin, my fingertips moving to rest upon his face. "Ha... you are close, are you not?"

He nodded his head, chewing on his lower lip. "S-shall I withdraw? I do not wish to disre-"

"Only if you wish to never lay with me again." I snarled the words and locked my legs tightly around him in response.

"R-right!" He barked out and I could hear the excitement in his voice, his hips now grinding more desperately against my own.

"That's it... I'm almost ready again too..." I lifted my ears and ground my hips, seeing his now red eyes smolder with desire for me. "Hum... do you wish to claim me? To fill me and say... this is my fox?"

"Yes!" He showed his teeth and snarled the response, shoving heavily into me, the impact making me yip softly.

I clenched my teeth and gave him a snarl in response. "Then claim me properly... not with a gentle touch... hold me down and fill me as if you were my pack leader!" I barked the words in his face, showing my teeth in a defiant glare.

Elias huffed back and my wrists were grabbed before they were shoved to the bedding. I gasped out excitedly as he pinned me down and loomed over me. The fox snarled as he squeezed my wrists before he shoved deep and hard with a final labored thrust.

"You're mine, bitch!" He snarled the words and my tongue lolled at them, then I yipped out once more, feeling his heat pour into me from above. My ears folded and I relaxed in his grip, giving him a submissive gaze saying nothing as his heat claimed me.

He ground against me and I gave a defeated weak huff as his last gush filled me. I shuddered and blinked up at him, feeling him still holding me. His teeth were bared, his eyes were red and he was snarling like a wild animal. His composure returned after several moments and I heard his own defeated groan, his grip easing upon my wrists before he collapsed upon his elbows, his forehead to mine in a heavy, fatigued pant.

My fingertips slid into his silky white hair, rubbing his ears lovingly, both of us panting in relief. After several moments I composed myself and offered him a cocky grin. "Your bitch, am I?"

His ears lifted and he spoke out in shock as his eyes widened. "D-did I say that aloud?"

I licked my lips and gave him a nod, quirking my brow. "Such a crass thing to say, would you not agree?"

"Y-you told me to claim you like an alpha... it seemed the appropriate thing to say. I'm so sorry if I've-"

I put my fingertips to his lips and grinned. "Hush... it is fine. I... liked it."

"Really?" Elias spoke the words excitedly and I could feel his silky white tail wagging at my toes.

"Yes... but do not overuse it. I do not wish to be called your bitch every time we make love. Also if you ever call me such a thing in public, I would never let you touch me again." I spoke the words sternly and poked my nose up.

"I would never disrespect you like that..." His palm moved to my face and I saw him guide my gaze back to his. I huffed out as I looked into his eyes. I knew then and there he had me, the soft gentle gaze he offered me, underlying the fierce guardian that would protect me. Deep in my soul, I knew I had fallen in love.


Nights became weeks, weeks became months, and months turned to years. Our relationship was hot and passionate, with both of us giving everything we could for one another. Lorelai and Val teased us constantly but we didn't mind, we took it all in stride.

Our bonds made training and learning together seem like second nature. He and I grew together exponentially as the days moved by. Our training and studying would oftentimes break down to frantic lovemaking though, earning us scoldings from Lorelai.

Times were good and we were all happy. We did not kill and we did not harm any of the mundane around us. However, things ended much more quickly than I would have liked. Nearly fifteen years into my life with my new family, a single day rearranged our whole world.

I was clinging to Elias in his bed, secure and comfortable in his arms when the door to his chamber burst open. The fox was quick to react and had leaped from the bed, already having drawn my own saber near the nightstand.

"Peace brother, it's me!" The voice calling out towards us was Val. He looked exasperated and in a panic.

"Val... what's going on?" I spoke out sharply, climbing from the bed in my nightgown.

"Lorelai has sent me for you, we have not much time. The church has found us." The incubus spoke the words quickly. "We are to meet her in the cellar post haste."

"What?! But-" Elias's ears lifted as he finally caught the scent on the air.

I also smelled it. "Fire..." I spoke out quietly.

"Yes! We have to go, now!" Val spat the words out and moved to us grabbing both our wrists.

"Okay, okay! Let me at least get my pants on!" Elias barked the words and quickly tugged his trousers on. I also quickly threw on my own pants before I donned my longbow and saber.

The three of us pushed out of the bedroom, the whole foyer in flames that were creeping up over the various tapestries and fixtures. An armored acolyte pointed at us from the ground level below. "There! The abomi-" He couldn't finish the words as I knocked an arrow and fired it, sending it straight into his throat. The soldier fell over gurgling and gasping for air.

It was too late, nearly a dozen acolytes drew crossbows and fired upon us. Elias snarled and sent his foxfire out in a wave that engulfed the steel and wooden bolts in mid-flight. The arrowheads scattered about the walls harmlessly, smoking and charred.

"Bastards!" Val spat the words before he simply leaped from the railing and blurred towards the nearest two. They drew longswords but the goat simply pushed his palms to their faces, the acolytes then turned on their fellows. The incubus deftly charmed half of the soldiers and a melee broke out in our home, their own companions having to defend themselves from their allies.

"Quickly, let us move!" The incubus snarled the words as the three of us made our way to the hall that led to the cellar.

I hesitated before rounding the corner, feeling fury fill my soul at what had been done to our home. "They have to pay for this..." I spat the words out, my black flames coming forth.

Elias grabbed my wrist and gave me a stern look. "We do not have time, we have to go, Sarnai!"

I set him with a hard glare and extended my left palm towards the melee, willing a torrent of jet black flames forward. The blaze engulfed the dozen or so soldiers and I heard them screaming in agony. I held the flames until the whole lot of them dropped to the ground as charred corpses, all the while my gaze never leaving my foxes. "We do not need to run, we can kill them all for what they've done." I hissed the words, my eyes blood red with fury.

Val rushed to us once more. "Sure we could, only there is a few hundred outside, and our house is burning down around us, did you also forget the sun is up? Let's go Sar!" He gently gripped my shoulder and I frowned.

"Come on, I don't want to lose you... please, love." Elias gripped my wrist and I felt my resolve wane. I shook my head and let them coax me into leaving our burning home behind.

"What in the nine hells took you all so long?" Lorelai spat the words out sharply upon our arrival.

"I had to kill some of the trash." I growled the words as I stomped forward.

The sheep set me with an annoyed look but said nothing as she moved over to a large pile of old crates and debris. Handily pushing it all aside revealed a trap door that blended in with the floor. "We take to the catacombs. We can lay low there, then flee the city once the night falls."

"So we just abandon everything and flee with our tails tucked?" I spat the words out bitterly.

"We do. They are thousands strong, my fox. It is a battle we cannot win. Now come with me." Lorelai spoke the words as she wrenched the door open to the catacombs below.

We dropped down into the tunnels of the city, the stench of mold and dirt pungent in the air. I clenched my teeth in a sneer, my eyes shifting and adapting to the pitch black to see the outlines of the tunnels.

Lorelai pulled the hatch closed and threw several strong looking bolts on the outside of it into place. She then hopped down to the three of us and looked us all over. "I'm glad you're all safe, the other members of the house were dispersed throughout the city. I've arranged for the servants to get word to them"

"Will our servants be alright?" Elias spoke out, concern in his voice.

Lorelai nodded. "I had separate servants tunnels built into the catacombs and instructed them thoroughly on how to use it. They will find a large sum of final payment to them. They will carry out their final task of sending word to the scattered family members, then integrate back into society."

"What if they talk about us?" I asked curiously.

"They will not, I have their absolute trust, they have been trained by me for decades, they are mine and when they slip away they will still be mine." Lorelai spoke the words and gripped my wrist, pulling me along. "Enough of that, we need to make some distance from here."

"What will we do, my lady?" Val spoke out calmly as we walked through the tunnels.

"We will gain as much distance from the mansion as we can, then when the sun sets, we will flee the city. We will gather at the nearest family's home which is several week's travel to the southwest. Let us be thankful this happened in the summer months and not the dead of winter." Lorelai spoke the words as if the whole situation didn't surprise her.

"But... we have to pay these bastards back, we can't just let them get away with this!" I barked the words, heat in my voice.

"Sarnai, you propose to fight an unstoppable juggernaut. We would be crushed under the heel of the mundane as if we were bugs. Did my forewarning mean nothing to you?" The sheep snapped out at me sharply.

I clenched my teeth and jerked my gaze away. "Tch... this makes me sick."

"It does not sit well with me either, sister. It is our reality though. Keeping my family safe is my priority, not exacting revenge." She nodded her head while we slinked through the crude tunnels. "Possessions can be acquired again, my brothers and sisters cannot."

We walked for several hours and she explained how she had these tunnels carved out decades ago for this very situation. Eventually, the sun dipped and we came out near a rocky outcropping outside of the city. I had hoped acolytes would be waiting for us so I could kill more of them, but the coast was clear.

"Now what?" Elias spoke out to Lorelai.

The sheep nodded to him. "We make our way to the stables, we slip in to make a meal of the proprietor and his family, then we head out with fresh steeds."

"We kill them?" I asked with a frown.

"The church has forced our hand and so we must feed in the old ways." Lorelai gave a shrug. "We have a long journey and will need our energy at maximum for it."

"Truly a shame, but times beget it." Val nodded at her words as we all started off towards the stables near the outskirts of the city.

My ears lifted and I looked out to the distance, seeing a small patrol of acolytes in the fields, separated from the city. "A moment my lady."

Lorelai paused and cut her eyes to me. "Yes?"

"We spare the stablemaster and his kin, we simply steal their horses," I spoke, showing my teeth in a grin.

"Oh? And you propose we make a meal of that small band of acolytes instead?" She folded her arms, already clued in upon my logic.

"As you said, the church forced our hand. Let us feed upon those that wrought this upon us, not the innocents." My tail flicked eagerly as I looked upon the group of five soldiers.

"Innocents would not be able to fight back. Even a small risk is a risk, Sarnai." Lorelai sighed and shook her head. "However... I also feel the pangs of hunger for vengeance in me. I agree with your suggestion this time."

I giggled eagerly and licked my lips. "Oh, I'm thrilled to end a few more of those worthless creatures."

"Do not let vengeance cloud judgment, sister." Lorelai spoke the words sternly to me.

Elias nodded. "She is right, love. I also feel the anger within me, but we must not let it cloud our minds. We have to outsmart the behemoth, not try to fist fight it."

I frowned and shook my head. "Very well..."

"I will take care of things, you three wait here." The sheep waved a hand and casually walked over to the small band of soldiers. They froze in their tracks at her approach and drew weapons, then simply stood there motionless, Lorelai then waved us over.

As we approached I saw each of the acolytes were standing frozen, grimaces on their faces as if they struggled to even breathe. "They are broken and will offer no resistance. Leave two for Val, he cannot drink as deeply as we can." We all nodded and set to work feeding upon our helpless prizes.

I sighed blissfully and licked my fingertips. "Ha... it's been so long since I fed fully. Imagine that, the church offering us tithes."

The sheep dropped the lifeless soldier and wiped her mouth. "Sarnai, you revel in this too much. I understand your anger, but you are not acting as a member of my house should. Please control your demons properly." She spoke the words in commandment at me.

I frowned and folded my ears, looking away. "I... you are right, I'm sorry for bringing you shame, my lady."

"I am not ashamed, only concerned. Please understand you're giving the demons too much hold upon you right now, do not lose who you are over your rage and anger." She stepped to me and moved to rest a hand on my head, petting my ears gently.

"Apologies I had to take two." Val spoke the words as he bowed to the three of us.

"Nonsense, old friend. One was enough for each of us, besides... if we were terribly famished, we could have fed upon those two while you were in their dreams." Elias showed the incubus a smile as he spoke.

"That is right, my brother. Please think no further upon it." Lorelai nodded and looked to the fallen guards. "Let us search them for anything of value, we have nothing and some extra coin may come in handy. Be wary of blessed silver though."

We stripped the bodies of anything of value and then left them in the field. "So we do not attempt to hide them?" I asked curiously.

"We do not. I intend it to be a clear message to the clergy for their actions tonight." Lorelai poked her nose up into the air with a huff.

"Should we prey upon any patrols we happen upon on our journey as well?" Elias spoke out to her.

"No. If we did such we would establish a trail they could follow to track us. The church is clever, do not take them lightly, Elias." Lorelai nodded as we happened upon the large stable.

"So what now?" Val asked.

"Now I will dominate the stablemaster, we will claim our horses and he will only recall that four of them escaped because he left the gates open. This way we do not have the authorities pursuing us with details of stolen horses." The sheep calmly spoke the words as she walked up the door and knocked upon it.

"You really have thought this through, my lady." I spoke the words with an impressed tone in my voice.

"I've been playing this cat and mouse game with the church for hundreds of years, my fox. It all comes with trial and error." Lorelai smiled at me as the stablemaster opened the door in his sleepwear. I saw his eyes widen and then glaze over, the sheep not even looking at him to do so.

And so with a few meager possessions and fresh horses, we left behind the charred remains of our home. We struck out to the southwest, leaving behind the massive city I had called home for the last decade and a half. It would be another decade before I saw Moscow again.

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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