chapter four love of a werewolf

Story by drake pleasurepaw on SoFurry

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A few days had passed, and toma was sitting on the stairs waiting for aura to come back. Toma's shoulder had completely healed and toma was feeling a lot better after aura had bit him. Bored, toma got up and began to walk around. He went in to the library and looked over the book shelves, looking for anything interesting to read. Toma found a white book with 'moon incantations' in silver letters on it. Figuring he was going to become a lycan, maybe this book and some insight to him being able cancel the turn. Opening the book, toma skimmed the pages for anything about werewolves. A word caught his eye 'dragon's venom'. Toma read the passage

Dragon's venom can be found in dessert dragons, sea dragons, and mountain dragons. Dragon's venom can cure anything... if used correctly. If not used correctly it could kill a person with one drop. There is two ways to get dragon's venom, first you can barter with one of the dragons to give you a jar full... if you can. And second, you battle with the dragon and kill it to obtain the venom.

Dragon's venom was going to be hard to find for two reasons. First, there are no such things as dragons. And second, if they were real... where would he find one? Toma turned around and eeped. Aura was standing there with a worried look across his face.

"Hey you.... are you okay?"

Aura pointed to the book and frowned.

"What this? There is no such thing as dragon's or dragon's venom" toma said (even though I wish it was)toma thought.

Aura smiled and padded up to toma. Toma smiled as aura hugged him.

" What's with all the hugs?" toma asked hugging back.

Aura loosened the hug and looked at toma. Toma watched as aura leaned in and kissed him, the wolven tongue wanting to penetrate his lips. Toma let him in and felt the tongue inspect his mouth. Toma dropped the book, closed his eyes, and kissed back. Toma felt aura's paws search his body as they kissed. Aura paws had made their way to toma's crotch and toma broke the kiss backing away from aura.

"Aura... I don't think I can do that..."

Aura pushed toma and made him lay on a table.

"A-aura, no... I'm not ready for this yet"

Aura pinned toma to the table with his paws, making sure toma won't go. With his arms pinned, toma squirmed, wanting to be free.

"Aura let me go!"

Aura moved a paw to toma's chest and held him down, while taking his other paw and groped toma's crotch. Toma, despite him being afraid of his first time, moaned as the paw coaxed his member to harden. Aura began to unbutton his pants and pull them off.

" Hellllloooooo?"

Aura looked up and ran out of the room. Toma buttoned his pants back up and ran out of the room too. Toma ran in to the main hall to see aura floating in the air, whimpering. Then toma saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. She had white hair and wore a black dress that went to the floor. It was split in the middle so her legs were showing. She had black high heels on. Her skin was pail and at the moment her eyes were glowing white as she was holding her hand out... like casting a spell. Toma shook his head and looked up to aura, who was looking back with tears in his eyes, whimpering for help. Toma shook his head and rammed in to the woman who held aura captive. Aura fell to the floor and hid behind toma as toma stood there looking at the girl, who was laying on the floor.

"How dare you touch me you brat!"

She looked up with glowing eyes.

"Your gonna wish you weren't born!"

"Please don't do anything to aura, just kill me instead" toma said looking back " aura go, get out of here"

Aura shook his head.

"Go aura!!"

" He's not going anywhere, and neither are you!"

She was standing with her hand out again pointing a finger at aura as she said something under her breath. Three chains sprouted from her finger and wrapped around aura. Toma looked at aura, who was crying out in pain as the chain squeezed the life out of him.

"Stop please!!"

Something snapped as toma watched her smile. Toma rushed toward her and pounced on her, knocking her down, his hands around her neck. Toma herd her choke as he pressed his thumbs into her throat. Toma felt two furry arms wrap around him and pull him from her. Aura held him close as toma, blinded by fury, squirmed and kicked wanting to finish her off. Aura squeezed toma making him stop squirming. Toma felt aura nuzzle his neck, letting him know that it was okay now.

"How did... you get...pass my barrier...?" the woman asked, heavily breathing, trying to get up.

"Barrier?" toma asked.

Aura put toma down, but kept his paws on his shoulders.

"Who are you anyways?" toma asked "and where did you learn magic?"

"It's not magic, it's essence" she said standing up " and me, you do not need to know"

"Then why are you here?"

" Looking for him" she said pointing to aura.

"Why, he never harmed anyone... did you aura?"

Aura shook his head.

" I need something from him"

"And what's that?" toma asked

She smiled "his heart"

"What!!!??? ... You want his heart like rip his chest open and take it?"

She nodded " yep and plan I on having it before I leave this place"

Toma smiled " heh sorry, but I already claimed his heart"

Toma felt aura wrap his arms around him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Eeeewwwww... I think I'm gonna hurl"

Toma sighed " you wouldn't understand why we love each other"

" Cause your both gay"

"That half of it" toma said( well you could consider me bi after all the time I've spent with him) toma thought

" Then what the other half?"

" That's what you don't need to know"

" Fair enough... now about that heart..."

"You minus well stop cause you're not going to get it... and why do you need it?"

" To create the most powerful essence, a dragon"

That was toma's ticket to being cured " what type of dragon?"

" A mountain dragon... why?"

" No reason..." toma lied "hey aura do you know of any other werewolves?"

Aura nodded

" If we help you find another werewolf will you spare aura?"

" How can I trust you?"

" Please just team up with us so we can get this out of the way and live our lives"

"Hamm okay... on one condition"


" You let me barrow aura as a ride there"

" Fine "

"Good... I'm grune by the way"

"I'm toma" toma said extending a hand out.

She looked at toma's hand and stepped back a foot.

"Sorry" toma said

" I'll be back in two days and I want to know the location of this other lycan"

" Got it"

Grune walked out and shut the door behind her. Toma fell to the floor exhausted and aura kneeled next to him with a worried look across his face.

" It's okay, I'm fine"

A question accrued to toma, what if he and aura couldn't find another lycan. Toma would lose the best friend ( with some benefits) he's ever had. Aura helped toma up and wrapped his arms around him.

"Aura I'm fine really"

That didn't stop aura for kissing toma. Toma closed his eyes and kissed back. Toma then realized something... he was beginning to enjoy this. Toma felt around his mates back, enjoying the softness. Aura broke the kiss and picked toma up and went up stairs. They went into their room and aura placed toma on their bed. Aura crawled on top of toma and toma realized that aura wanted him. Toma stared at aura's white eyes, which were looking into toma's very soul. Aura slid down to toma's mid-section and rubbed toma's crotch. Toma felt his heart beat faster as aura made him hard. Toma couldn't believe that he was letting aura do this to him. Toma struggled with the next decision, let him pleasure him or stop aura and let him wait longer. Toma felt aura unbutton his pants and pull them down. Toma decided to let aura have his fun so he would leave him alone for a good week before aura felt the urge again. Toma stared at aura, taking in what he was doing to him. Aura stared at the tented area in toma's boxers. Then aura leaned in and inhaled, getting a muzzle full of musk. Toma watched aura shudder as he pulled off his boxers, reviling his manhood in front of aura. Aura seemed to drool at the sight of toma's erection. Aura leaned in and licked toma's member from bottom to top, covering it in his Silva. Toma gasped as he felt pleasure he never felt before, clenching the sheets on the bed. Aura saw toma gasp and wrapped his muzzle over toma's cock, sucking it carefully so that his teeth wouldn't scratch his lover's member. As aura began to headbob on toma's cock, toma closed his eyes as he was helplessly sucked, loving aura's soft, yet tight muzzle. Toma moaned as he felt aura rub the tip of his cock with his tongue, getting immense pleasure from it. Aura stopped sucking toma and crawled on top of him, positioning his tailhole in front of toma's cock. Toma opened his eyes and saw aura waiting for approval from him. Toma nodded and gasped as he felt his cock sink into aura's soft and tight tailhole. Toma saw aura's fully erect wolf hood pulsing in front of him, begging to be played with. Toma felt the last of his cock sink into aura and herd him murr, looking down at toma with wide eyes as he rested on toma. Toma grabbed aura's red wolf hood and began to stroke him, his hand becoming wet with pre and internal lubricant. Aura moaned as toma stroked him at a fast pace, his knot growing at the base. Toma felt the knot grow in his hand as he stroked the lycan. Aura was taking in so much pleasure that he literately ripped off toma's shirt and tossed it aside. Aura's pre shooting toma like a water gun, covering his chest, stomach and some of toma's face with his pre. Aura began to ride toma at a fast pace, signaling toma that he was close to his climax. Toma stroked aura faster making aura whimper with pleasure. Aura howled as he exploded all over toma, soaking toma's face, chest, and stomach in his seed. Toma moaned as aura tailhole tightened around his cock, making the pleasure ten times greater. Toma moaned as he erupted into aura's tailhole, filling the lycan to the brim with seed. Aura collapsed on toma panting, matting his fur in cum. toma licked his lips, tasting auras salty cum, which he enjoyed the taste.

"Wow... aura... that was amazing..." toma said out of breath

Aura smiled and licked toma's face, getting some of the cum on his face. Aura shifted and layed next to toma. In a matter of moments the both were happily snoring.