A New Position

Story by Magnus Strange on SoFurry

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This was a really fun read written by Draconicon. This was a "Wheel of Fetish" themed story stream where he asks for 6-10 kinks and uses three different kinks for three prompts that you can choose from. He doesn't do this type stream, so it's always nice when you can grab one.The story revolves around a Company that uses a magic program on its employees to test them and see if they are tough enough to rise as a dominant or submit to the submissive program and receive a new job classification among other things. I'm not sure if I want to get a longer story to see what Argon's fate is and, if I do, what should his fate be?

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A New Position

For GaytorDragon

By Draconicon

Argon fled his manager's office with red cheeks and wide eyes, not daring to say anything as he fast-walked back to his cubicle. The thought of what had just happened...

The red dragon managed to get to his desk without anyone seeing him, though how that had happened, he wasn't entirely sure. He was panting hard, his cheeks burning a hot pink, and his whole body felt like it was on fire. Not just the sort that left him feeling sweaty in the summer, either, but more the sort that burned down towards the space between his legs, and...well...

He slowly glanced up towards the lip of his cubicle, looking over the top of it to the glass-walled office that housed his boss's desk. The zebra on the other side stood right at the window, arms folded and smirking at him. Argon ducked his head back down, holding one hand to his head as his heartbeat a hundred miles an hour in his chest.

How the hell did I piss him off that bad? he wondered.

Probably something with the latest project, though that wasn't his fault. Just a slip of the delivery orders that he'd put out. He'd already fixed it, but it had been screwed up at all seemed to have been enough for Harry. The boss had called him in and - without any warning - had cast Punishment Alpha-Sigma.

He could already feel the effects of it running through his body, burning through his limbs and down his ass. His tail was twitching, trying to pull up and only not doing it because he kept pushing it back down, going so far as to jam it back into the hole in his chair and relying on the plus back to keep it from coming up. Even then, he could feel it grinding, shifting, trying to slide up.

And that was nothing compared to what he could feel happening in the front of his pants.

Don't you dare. Don't you dare start shrinking, he thought towards his cock, looking down at the bulge in the front of his pants. As soon as the company's magic had been invoked, his cock had shot up to full erection, and - as a dragon - that was a considerable sight to see. However, despite that, he could already tell that it had gone down a few inches, the massive tent in the front of his slacks no longer that much more impressive than a panther's, or even a lion's.

He was afraid to look inside his pants, worried about what he'd see if he did. He shifted a bit, trying to pull himself a bit closer to his desk so that he didn't have to look at that. For now, he should get back to work. Try not to piss off the boss any more than he had already done, and then, hopefully, everything would be okay.

The dragon settled himself, his claws starting to dance over his keyboard once more, but it was a hard thing to do, distracting oneself from Punishment Alpha-Sigma. It was almost always invoked on people that management thought was getting above themselves, those that needed to learn a lesson, and he could feel that lesson burning away under his tail. His cheeks burned every time that he took his thoughts off the immediate work at hand and thought about his ass, because -


He groaned, biting his lips as he felt the emptiness that the magic had forced on him. His hole felt like it was hungry, like his ass needed to be fed as much as his stomach did, and his toes curled in his shoes as he tried to hold back from giving in to that need.

If you give in, the change only gets worse...

Loosening his tie to try and give himself a chance to breathe a little easier, Argon forced himself to look at the screen, to only focus on what was on the monitor rather than what was pulsing under his ass. The feeling of that pulsing, clenching, burning need back there…

He shivered, shaking his head. A little beep caught his attention, the messenger service of the company calling for his attention. He clicked without thinking -


And immediately backed up from the screen. A giant, black horse cock had just dominated his screen completely, the tip pointed right at him and twitching, pulsing, leaking a little bit. Directly under it was a caption, one that he couldn't help but read.

Stage two, sissy boy.

Argon hissed again, his breath coming faster as his heart felt like it was going to thud right out of his chest. As he slumped back on the chair, his ass clenched down hard, almost as if it was trying to find something, some toy, dick, finger, tongue, anything to clamp down on and fill him. The red dragon could feel his cock shrinking down, the front of his pants getting more and more roomy and empty. It was positively wretched, feeling his cock go from a massive log of meat more than a foot long to something so pathetic.

But worse than that was the swelling that was happening in the backside. As much as the front of his pants were getting roomier, the back was getting more stretched out. His rump was growing, spreading out and filling up the chair, making it harder to think of anything but how big it was, how much it would look better if he just -

Nnngh, no, no, no!

Argon forcibly dragged himself back to the desk, clicking the image away. Having no cock in front of him was something, at least, but it was still not helping his body. His mind could stay clear if he didn't have any visual temptations around, but there was nothing he could do about the magic wreaking havoc on his body. He shivered, panted, groaned under his breath, feeling the need to ride something rising.

The punishment magic was working on him. It was designed to break down those that saw themselves as alphas, burn away their independence, and disobedience with the heat that only the caster could satisfy. He could get rid of this any time if he just went to the office of his boss if he went down on his knees in front of Harry and begged for that...that luscious...that thick, juicy, hot…

Stop it!

He shook his head again, erasing his last few lines on the screen about horse cock and going back to writing the proper information that the datasheets required.

Punishment Alpha-Sigma was designed to break someone, but if you could make your way through it without giving in, it was a guaranteed way up the ladder. The promotion was assured, as you showed that you had too great a spirit to be entirely broken down by it. He could get that raise and new position before the end of the week rather than next year.

If he could make it that far, that was.

"Hey, Argon."

The dragon turned before he could think about it, only to come face to face with the Arabian stallion from down the hall. The big guy was leaning on the edge of his cubicle, showing off a pair of tight yoga pants that showed off that massive, curved stallion ass...and unfortunately for him, the horse's thick cock in front, as well. Even as Tony turned around, showing off that curvy ass, Argon's eyes were drawn to the dick instead.

No, no, no, he thought, even as his hole clenched down and begged for filling, even as his cock shrank even further, down to little more than three inches long. No longer hard, despite how aroused he was, it dripped down over his balls, starting to soak his underwear.

"Hey, I was thinking, you want to -"

"Out of the way!"

He barreled past the stallion, running from his cubicle to the restroom. He punched through the door, knocking several men at the urinals out of the way, and ran to the stall the furthest end of the room. Slamming the door shut and locking it, he pulled his dick out, letting it drip into the toilet bowl under him.

The sheer difference from what he'd had to what he held was insane. It used to be that even his large hands hadn't been able to cover more than two-thirds of his cock. Now, he barely had to use two fingers to cover the whole thing. He had to hold it forward and lean his hips along; otherwise, he'd drool his pre all over his pant legs.

And worse…

He had to grip his wrist with his free hand; otherwise, it would go behind him, reaching back for his ass. That hunger was still there, and he could feel the muscles in his ass cheeks and between his legs tensing constantly, his hole puckering, unpuckering, clenching, unclenching. It was almost painful how hard it was doing it.

Just...just gotta last a week... last a week...and hope that...that Harry isn't any more of an ass than he's already been.

The dragon leaned forward, resting his head against the tiled wall, letting his cock drool away. The longer that he just stood there without anything around, the less that he thought about dick. The more that he exclusively focused on the cold tile under his arm, the better he felt, and as all that pre just oozed out, dripping into the bowl rather than into his pants, he felt less and less aroused.

After about ten minutes, he felt safe. Or at least, safer. He pulled his pants back up, padded the front with a bit of toilet paper - just in case he started dripping again - and opened the stall door.

Right on the other side, Harry and some of the higher-ups had all stopped to take a piss. They had their huge dicks in hand and were turned just enough that there was no way for Argon to avoid seeing them.

Instantly, his cock was oozing, drooling again into his pants. His tail went right up over his back, and the red dragon could feel his ass growing all the more, becoming so massive and swishy that he knew he'd be walking with a sway for the rest of the day. He groaned, his zebra boss turning with dick in hand.

"Heh, there you are, Argon. Do you need anything?"

The zebra bounced his dick suggestively, but the dragon was able to hold out. That time. He walked out, feeling his mouth drying out as he did, his mouth wanting that cock as much as his ass did.

Mmmph...if it's this bad now, how the hell am I going to last the whole week?

The End

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