Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 3

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#3 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 3:

I pray the fates never make us part

We traveled south for a few weeks before coming upon the Black Sea. It was a huge body of water as far as the eye could see. I thought this was finally the ocean that Lorelai had told me about. She told me it connected to the ocean, but not quite. Apparently, there was a difference between the sea and the ocean. Regardless, it was the largest, angriest body of water I had ever seen, I couldn't imagine anything being bigger.

We traveled along the coast, occasionally spotting fishing villages and small towns along the way. The journey had been a long one, nearly a month of travel. When we were almost to our destination, Lorelai spoke to us about the city we were about to enter.

"We will be in the city of Istanbul soon. We're going to have to play by their rules which are admittedly, very obnoxious." The sheep spoke the words while leading the three of us.

"Istanbul?" I asked curiously, my ears lifting.

"It's the former city of Constantinople. The Turks brought it down over fifty years ago and renamed it." Val spoke out to me in an answer to my question.

"Oh, I remember reading about that city in my history books. Wasn't it supposed to be impregnable with massive walls and fortifications?" I put my finger to my cheek in thought, recalling how a lot of cities used its design of defense in their own structure.

"Sure, but they didn't expect the Turks to bring black powder and cannons to the party," Lorelai calmly answered.

"Black powder? Oh, that's the stuff that catches fire and can make fireworks." I spoke the words then grinned at myself. I had been doing nothing but training and studying since I got with my family, it made me feel good to keep up with them in conversations like this.

"That's right, but it also can make powerful if not unwieldy weapons. Cannons are like a ballista only dozens of times more powerful. The walls of Constantinople were not ready for that." Val chimed in on the topic once more.

Elias cleared his throat, obviously not wanting to be left out. "Yes, they load great iron balls into the device and use the black powder to propel them forward. It takes less manpower or materials to make than traditional siege weapons and brings much more power."

"The mundane sure come up with some interesting things." My words came out with both fear and respect.

"It will change the world, of that there is no doubt." Lorelai nodded then lifted her ears. "More to the point... Sarnai, you ride behind Elias and I will ride behind Val. You do not look at anyone and if someone speaks to you, you do not address them unless Elias gives you permission."

I barked out and showed my teeth, "I most certainly will not!"

"You most certainly will!" The sheep snarled at me, her words coming out with authority. "Women are of a lower caste here. If this were a fully Turkish city we would be required to cover our faces and tails too."

A growl carried through my throat before I jerked my nose up. "Barbarians..."

"Just a different way of thinking. Those 'barbarians' currently sport some of the greatest technology the world over. We do not need to stay in this city, but it is where we will reside for a time." Lorelai gave me a hard glance. "You two are an established couple, just pretend you are wed and you have taken the role of a wife as you would have in your tribe."

The white fox folded his ears, his cheeks dark as he looked over at me. "You know I would never willingly disrespect you or think you lesser, Sarnai."

"I know that... mmm... fine.." I grumbled the words and thrashed my tail around in irritation.

"We won't be dealing with the populace all that much anyway. Don't let it wear too heavily upon you, my sister." Lorelai gave me a reassuring smile.

"I apologize for having to act in such a manner, my lady. Know if you did not order it, I would never dream of it." Val spoke the words politely to the sheep.

"I know that, my goat. Do not worry." She responded then shook her head. "I hope the others and the servants were able to avoid any problems..."

"They know where we are going, so we should see them start to trickle in behind us over the next week or two." Elias spoke out to us optimistically.

We arrived upon the city guards who looked us over suspiciously. However, between Val and Lorelai coaxing their will, the guards were happy to let us enter without any issues. A large portion of the architecture looked recent, no doubt having been rebuilt over the last few decades. I gazed in awe at the sprawling metropolis, my tail wagging slowly about.

"This is even bigger than our home city was." I huffed the words in awe.

"A few hundred thousand I would imagine." Lorelai shrugged. "It would have been much larger before the occupation."

I barked out in shock. "Gods! How are there so many in one location?"

The sheep grinned and shook her head. "It's easier to make more mundane than us, that's how. Regardless we are here, I regret not being able to give her sufficient warning of my arrival."

We came to a halt at a large three-story building. I had never seen the style before, all brick and mortar with peaked white roofs that looked like ivory. Lorelai sighed and climbed from her steed. The large double wooden doors looked heavy and sturdy. She grasped a large copper knocking ring and knocked upon the wood three times.

After a few moments, the door groaned as it opened and a servant answered it. The sheep ran her fingertips through her hair and sighed. "Please inform your mistress that Lorelai of house Silverpaw has come to call." The small female cat nodded and quickly slipped away.

We stood there for a handful of minutes before the door opened fully, the golden-haired dog from my evaluation standing there. She was dressed in a long flowing black dress that hugged her chest and hips, a stark comparison to the simple white robes I saw her in prior.

"Lorelai, what a pleasant surprise!" She clapped her hands together once, the motion making her heavy breasts bounce slightly in her dress. "What brings you he-" Her words cut off as she saw the three of us behind her. Her green eyes darted between us, Lorelai, and the horses as if cluing in on things.

The sheep sighed and folded her arms. "Diana, you're the closest house to mine. We... need asylum."

Her mouth gaped slightly before she gave a quick nod. "You have it, all of you have it. Come in, hospitium is given." Diana pulled the door wide open and the three of us followed behind the sheep.

"Take their steeds to the stables." The dog spoke the words to a few servants that had gathered. She then turned to look upon us. "You poor things, how long have you been on the roads?"

"Nearly a month." Lorelai nodded and then shook her head. "The church set fire to our home in the middle of the day. Thankfully the four of us and the servants were the only ones in the house. The others were spread out in the city, they will most likely come behind us in the days to pass."

"How awful... wasn't your home practicing a no-killing policy?" The collie tilted her head curiously.

"We were. I wouldn't be surprised if it were more political than anything else. They probably wanted the land and just waited for an excuse. We just happened to be what we are, so there was no need to brand us heretics." Lorelai rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue.

"Dreadful... simply dreadful..." The small dog looked towards the three of us. "Well, there is more than enough room for all of your house. Come, let us get you cleaned up and comfortable. Relax and we can discuss matters further at a later date."


We settled in at our temporary home. Diana was nothing but kind to us and offered us all the comfort we could want. A week passed before I started to see the concern on my lady's face with each night. Once the second week had ended, her fears were obvious and she had spoken out her concerns vocally to us at dinner. The third week ended and then finally a month had passed with none others coming behind us. A few days after having been with Diana's family for a full month, we finally received visitors.

When Diana had mentioned she had visitors, Lorelai practically ran to the entrance of the mansion. I quickly followed after her as I had been in the midst of my lessons with her, learning Turkish.

I recognized the two visitors right away, servants from our home, but not family members. Lorelai was standing over them, the two mice slightly shorter than her. "Children... what are you doing here? You were instructed to disperse, take your final payment, and start your lives over!" She spoke the words sternly at them, but I could hear the relief in her voice.

"Beg your pardon, Mistress, we... we uh..." The male of the two trailed off, trying to find the words.

The female of the two spoke out calmly. "Brother... you know our Mistress would prefer we tell her without hedging words." The brown-haired mouse looked up at Lorelai and spoke out pointedly. "We came to inform you the church had obviously been keeping track of the whole of the family's movement. The remaining five of our house were ensnared individually and put to the sword."

Diana gave a shocked gasp and Lorelai stumbled back a step, her ears lifted and her mouth agape. "N-no... You jest with me, Jennifer." She whispered the words, her voice cracking slightly.

"She does not, Mistress..." The male of the two spoke out, his eyes looking away as he clenched his teeth. "There was naught we could do, even we were hunted along with the others. I and my sister were the only ones to escape."

The sheep clenched her fists along with her teeth. I saw her head lower and could clearly see tears on her cheeks, the first real emotion I had seen upon her in the whole time I had known her. I hesitated before moving to her and throwing my arms around her, not knowing what else could be done.

"Do not touch me!" Lorelai spat the words and glared upon me. I put a hand to her head and shoved her face into my chest, hugging her tightly. The sheep shuddered and I felt her arms hesitantly wrap around my form as she hugged me.

"Do not think... I am here... Elias, Val, and these two children are here. You have not lost everything!" I growled the words into her ears while my hand rested upon her head. The sheep said nothing and just nodded. I could feel my chest growing wet, she was clearly sobbing but soundlessly.

I clenched my teeth, thinking about my fallen sisters and brothers, feeling my own rage build. I buried the emotions, it wouldn't do to lose myself right now, not when the sheep I owed everything to needed me. "Lady Diana, I beg your forgiveness. Could you take Jennifer and Jeremy to rest? I will tend to my lady."

The collie gave me a nod and moved to the two mice. "With me, brave children. I will get you food and you may take a much-deserved rest."

The two of them stood from the kneel they were in. They gave me a hesitant look but I gave them a nod. The guest room emptied and Diana pulled the doors closed, leaving us alone. I felt Lorelai shudder and shake her head, hugging tighter to me.

"I... it is unbecoming... you seeing me so weak..." She huffed the words into my chest, shaking her head again.

"Do not be a fool, my lady. You have been there for me through so much... It brings me great joy to be here for you... please do not think less of yourself." I stroked her soft hair, feeling her small curled horns pushing into my bosom while she held me.

"I should... I should have ensured they were alright... I should have made sure everyone made it out." She whispered the words, her voice cracking a little.

"You did what you could... you couldn't plunge yourself into the sun. Second-guessing with what if's will only drive you mad now." I growled the words and shook my head. "Do not think. For now, just stay in my arms as long as you need."

The sheep nodded and grew silent, save for the occasional hic of a sob I would hear, muffled against my breasts. We stayed like that for nearly an hour. I didn't move from my position, I simply held her and stroked the back of her hair.

Finally, I heard a deep controlled breath escape her throat and she pulled from my arms. She opened her eyes and I saw the composure had returned to her. "Sarnai... thank you."

I gave her a smile and bowed my head. "You are not just my lady, you are my greatest friend. Gratitude is unnecessary. My arms are always here for you, my ears always open for your words."

Lorelai swallowed and gave me a sharp nod. "You mean the world to me, all three of you." She spun on her heel and started to pace from the room. "Let us go, we need to speak with those children."

We met with the twins and Diana in the dining hall while the two mice were ravenously eating. Lorelai sat at the table across from them and peaked her fingertips. "I apologize for losing my composure. You both have done me an immense service, one neither of you were obligated to do."

The brother of the two spoke out after drinking from his tankard. "You deserved to know the truth, we couldn't leave things how they were."

"Indeed. We have served you since childhood, Mistress. You have been a constant in our lives for nearly twenty years." Jennifer spoke out to her respectfully.

Lorelai huffed and shook her head. "My dominion was not in effect, you had no compulsion by me to do any of this."

"Our loyalty is with house Silverpaw, not coin." Jeremy reached to the large purse next to him and dropped it upon the table, the sound of coins heavy in it.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

Jennifer wagged a finger. "The other servants are gone, and I and my brother would be damned if we would see the church with it. We return the coin you left us that night. We are still in your service, so there is no need for the parting payment."

Lorelai grunted at the display then shifted her gaze to Diana. "Council law states I must have approval from one other-"

"You have it. If they are willing, I will be your witness." The golden-haired collie spoke the words pointedly and folded her hands behind her back.

Lorelai lifted a brow as she looked over the two mice. "Children... a house of four is a small house indeed... You've shown your dedication and loyalty. Do you wish to step down as servants and join me as siblings?"

Jennifer pursed her lips and Jeremy grinned at her. "You see sister? I told you things would work out eventually."

The sheep frowned and pushed her will forth. "Explain yourselves."

The compulsion made both the mice lift their ears and give the sheep their full attention. "We've wanted to join your family for years!" They both spoke the words out in unison.

Lorelai showed her teeth in a grin. "You braved such a long journey, brought what was left of our houses wealth with you, and even risked your lives dodging the church, all in hopes of being brought into our family?"

Jennifer shook her head. "No... we did all that because we are loyal to Silverpaw. We will stay with you until our mortal day's end, be that by your hand, or deaths embrace."

The sheep cut her eyes back to Diana. "Members of my house cannot embrace them, it is our law. Do you have members willing to do so?"

The collie showed her teeth in a grin. "Oh yes, I could rouse up a few. I have a brother and sister in my family actually. They are not twins, but the irony will still be there." The dog hummed the words and quickly made her way out of the dining hall.

"You are certain of this?" Lorelai spoke to them, her ears lifted.

Both of them looked to one another, then back to the sheep and gave a nod. "Yes, Mistress." The two of them spoke once more in unison.

Lorelai chuckled and shook her head. "Well savor that title, you won't need it soon." The sheep clicked her tongue and grinned at them. "Savor that meal too, mundane food won't be the same ever again."


The two mice joined our ranks and Lorelai wasted no time setting them to training both in combat as well as the mind. Diana's home became ours and she told us to take as long as we liked. Time as always was constant and moving. Before I knew it their house had become as our own and we had been with them nearly a decade.

"So... know I will long for you every night." Elias folded his ears, his hands clasped in my own as we stood together in front of the large mansion.

"I will long for you as well, my love. Please be safe while I am away." I stepped into his arms and we embraced in a long deep kiss. We had spent the previous day in bed, making love and holding one another, trying to get it out of our systems before tonight.

Diana smiled at Lorelai. "So you're sure you will be moving on after you return from your journey?"

"Yes, Sister. I am eternally grateful for your aid. This will likely be my last journey into the eastern regions before I move my family further to the west. I plan to use the wealth we've accrued to move some goods and turn a profit. I will then use the funds to establish a new home." Lorelai moved to embrace the slightly larger dog in a hug.

"Know you always are welcome here and I wish you safe travels," Diana spoke the words gently while holding the sheep tightly.

I pulled from Elias and offered him a coy grin. "I will bring you a souvenir from the journey."

"I look forward to it." The white fox held my hands and we stared into one another's eyes for a long moment.

"That's enough you two. We should be going." Lorelai spoke the words to me in commandment and I pulled from his hands.

"We should be back before the first snows of next winter," Lorelai spoke out to the white fox while climbing upon the small covered wagon of various trade goods.

"Safe travels, my lady. I will miss you as well." The fox bowed politely.


We set out with our small wagon of various textile goods. Lorelai had insisted we could turn a tidy profit for the items and we were making the trip anyway, so we would sell them off once we arrived.

Spring was a few weeks out, but we left regardless, counting on the snows to melt on the way. We retraced our route we had taken when we fled nearly a decade ago. The trip was uneventful and within the month we could see the gates of our old home in the distance.

"Hmm... it's gotten bigger..." Lorelai spoke the words calmly as she reigned the steeds in to guide the cart.

"Indeed..." We both shared a look before I cleared my throat. "So what will we do?"

"The Turks will have little interest in anything this city can offer. We will sell our wares along with the wagon. We will then travel on horseback further east. We will make the trip I made when we found you, and then we will circle back and return to our new home."

I gave her a nod and followed her lead as we entered the city. Thankfully since spring had just begun, the sun didn't rise terribly early compared to the summer months. We were able to conduct our trade and seek lodging before the light fully broke. Lorelai ended up being an expert negotiator at the table, though I'm sure her natural powers for domination had a strong play in things.

We settled in and then I woke in the afternoon to the sound of steel on a grindstone. I lifted my ears and sat up from the bed, seeing Lorelai sharpening her small cutlass. She lifted her ears and smiled upon me. "Apologies if I woke you."

"It was time I stirred, think nothing of it." I sat up and moved my elbows over my knees, looking her over. "Expecting to use that tonight?"

"Yes." She spoke the word pointedly and resumed sharpening her sword.

"I hope you planned to take me along," I growled the words and reached to my saber at the nightstand.

"Do not be daft, of course I did," Lorelai spoke the words calmly and tossed me the whetstone.

I nodded and began to grind my own blade, making sure the edge was razor sharp. "What happened to not seeking vengeance?"

"I said those words assuming all we lost were material things. Our family was priceless and a payment must be rendered, it is the way of things." Lorelai sheathed her weapon and moved to put her boots on.

I nodded. "I know all too well what you mean. I will follow your lead, my lady."

We prepared ourselves and once the night fully settled we left the inn, but we did so out of our window. We took to the rooftops and leaped from building to building in the moonlight. We finally settled on the rooftop of a large mansion overlooking the site of our former home. A beautiful ornate looking cathedral resided there.

"Looks like you were right, the church simply wanted the land." I showed my teeth with a growl in my words.

She nodded. "We could have been law-abiding mundane, they would have just branded us heretics, executed us, and took the land regardless. They just had the convenience of labeling us abominations."

"Can we get past the threshold? It's a cathedral after all." I cocked my brow curiously.

"A cathedral built upon a spot we both resided in for years. We are more in tune with the land there than the church is. It will offer some resistance, but should be easy enough." The sheep looked the streets over and hopped down from the roof, I quickly followed her.

We both calmly approached the massive church that stood upon the grave of our former home. I felt a slight bit of resistance when we moved through the entrance, but as my lady had predicted, the threshold paled in comparison to our own history with the place.

The services were over for the evening as it was late, probably a few hours before midnight. The cathedral was empty except for two armored acolytes near the podium at the back of the church, a large ornate table before it where collections had been taken.

"Hah... you can always tell the church's priority..." I growled the words bitterly as we stand near the entrance.

Lorelai nodded. "Faith is a business to them. They have their devout leaders, but most are in it for the coin they can extract from their followers."

The acolytes looked on edge to see us, two lone females standing in the church full of confidence and not looking ready to worship. One of them even put a hand to their crossbow at their hip, resting it there on the hilt of it.

"I don't think they trust us." I showed my teeth to Lorelai.

"Are you focusing your senses? Do you feel the energy of the living within the walls?" Lorelai looked back to me, as if she had no concern over their obvious hostility.

"Hmm... yes... seems a little over a dozen... all have that faint touch of divinity in them." I scanned over the interior, sensing the energy traces, the various clergy no doubt in their quarters.

The sheep nodded. "I sense no energy from any mundane that isn't touched in some way. It's safe to say they are not holding any vagabonds."

I folded my arms and showed her a hungry grin. "What are your orders, my lady?"

Lorelai cut her eyes to me and they flooded with red. "Kill them all, but when you enthrall them, make them feel fear, especially the clergy. They will go to their divines broken. Also... do not heal the bite marks."

By now the two acolytes were walking towards us, weapons drawn and looking ready to have a talk with us. I and Lorelai shared a look and nodded. "For our brothers and sisters." The sheep spoke out pointedly.

"For Silverpaw," I growled the words and flicked my large black tail.

There was no grand battle, the acolytes fell in an instant to us. Then I and my lady proceeded to make our way through the divine house, ending the lot of them. We fed deeply from each of them but refused to let them feel the comfort of the embrace. We sent every member of the clergy to the divines full of fear and terror.

After the purge was complete we met back at the altar and I gave the sheep a smile. "Do you feel better, my lady?"

"Hardly... but I suppose we will consider their debt mostly paid." Lorelai scoffed the words and looked around the beautiful gilded interior of the church.

"Shall we take their tithes to rub salt in the wounds?" I hummed playfully.

"I do not want their filthy coin, it can burn with the rest of this place." She sneered the words at me.

"Oh? I suppose it's only fair." I willed my black flames forth and grinned. "Shall I do the honors in your name?"

"In a moment. We gather the bodies and throw them into the street before the entrance. We send a clear message this night." The sheep folded her arms and glared hard at the altar with a large ornate statue upon it made of gold.

Following her orders, we gathered all of those we slew and piled them near the entrance. She nodded at me. "Good, now go set the whole altar ablaze with your strongest fire. Once the flames are taking, we throw these fools to the street and slip away."

I grinned and summoned all of my flames, the fires caking my feet as I strode deep into the church. My steps left small spots of flame that began to spread on the regal carpet as I made my way to the altar. I snorted through my nose and clapped my hands before sending a wave of black flames across the altar and out around me in a wide arch. The tapestries took to burning first, then the beautiful polished woods took the dark flames next. I felt a chill run up my spine when the statue was engulfed and felt I should return to my lady.

I quickly made my way back to her, she had already thrown the door open and tossed nearly half a dozen of the mundane corpses into the street. "Did you feel that?" She asked me while tossing one of the acolytes into the pile outside.

"Yeah... what was that?" I growled and picked the bodies up two at a time, launching them into the streets in a tumble of lifeless limbs.

"It means we have somethings attention," Lorelai muttered the words and tossed another clergy member out, seeing me heft the last two, leaving a pile of fifteen dead in our wake.

She grabbed my wrist and quickly pulled me into the streets and we jumped back up onto one of the adjoining buildings. From our vantage we could see town guards and acolytes rushing to the scene but we didn't bother waiting for their reaction to the pile of corpses. We bounded over the rooftops and made our way back to our lodging.

"So what's the plan? I've still got that chill going down my spine." I asked her while gathering my bag.

"The plan is we get out of this city and continue our route. We have taken our dues and so long as the church does not seek further hostilities, I will call it even." Lorelai grit her teeth and sneered. "A generous offer I might add, tonight's payment didn't equate to even one of our fallen siblings."


We wasted no time leaving the city. We were hardly even looked upon as the authorities rallied to fight the fires on the other side of town. Word hadn't gotten out about the pile of the dead to the guards on this end of the city yet. Lorelai dominated the two at the gate to forget they saw us leave, just to cover our tracks.

We moved along the road for nearly two hours before that sensation finally left me. I shuddered and frowned. "So, that gone for you as well?"

"No... it's grown more intense." Lorelai spoke calmly in answer to my question.

"What do you mean?" I barked out and looked upon her with concern.

The sheep sighed and looked straight ahead. "It means I've got their focus. I thought this might happen."

"You're talking about celestials, aren't you?" I growled the words.

"Yes." She gritted her teeth and halted her steed, hopping off it to the road.

"M-my lady, what are you doing?" I barked out in concern, bringing my own ride to a halt.

Lorelai drew her cutlass and shouted out into the open night air. "Show yourself, celestial. I do not suffer fools lightly. You keep this charade up, I will burn down a dozen more churches and scores of your flock!"

I felt the shift of energy in an instant and reality seemed to bend slightly before us, then a woman was standing there. A fox like me, with platinum blonde hair, a contrast to the brown of her ears and tail. She drew a longsword and held it aloft, her brown tail cutting through the air, her teeth bared in a snarl.

"Abominations, you have much to answer for." She barked the words as she shifted her gaze between the two of us. I had already drawn my longbow and knocked an arrow, the tip training on her chest.

"I won't humor your nonsense, celestial. We simply were repaying an overdue debt. This was between us and the mundane. Scamper back to your cloud in the sky." Lorelai lifted her ears and set her stance with the cutlass.

"You murdered nearly a score of my flock and burned down their house of worship to us, you're insane if you think this doesn't pertain to us!" The fox barked the words sharply and shifted her gaze to me. "You especially... defiling our altar like you did."

"Defile this, girl!" I let the arrow loose but it shattered against a screen of power. I clenched my teeth in a snarl, recognizing the power as something they educated me on. I focused my will and knocked another arrow, this one erupting in unholy hellfire.

"That's enough Sarnai... We will negotiate first, and take her head only if needed." Lorelai spoke out sharply towards me. I frowned but willed the flames out and growled.

"There is no negotiation to be had, you abominations crossed a line this night!" The platinum-haired fox barked the words and lunged at the sheep in a sweeping strike.

There was a blur of motion, steel on steel as Lorelai parried the strike and disarmed the fox with a flourish of her cutlass. She barked out as the sheep planted a booted kick into her stomach and stumbled back.

The fox snarled out as the sheep advanced on her and put the blade to her throat. "What's your name, cadet?" She hissed the words, pressing the blade to the other woman's throat.

"A-as if I would offer you my- Ngh!" She grunted as the sheep dug the edge of her sword into the divine warrior's flesh, a heavy dribble of blood cascading down the blade.

"I told you, I don't suffer fools lightly. I will have your name or your life. Choose with your next words." Lorelai snarled the words, her large teeth showing.

The fox grunted and I heard a whimper escape her throat before she focused her eyes sharply. "I-it's Rachel..."

"Well, Rachel. Let me explain something to you..." The sheep sneered and eased the blade from her throat, then proceeded to explain what the church had done a decade past.

The foxes' eyes flashed gold then back to blue as she stumbled back and held her hand over her throat, obviously healing the wound. "You... you speak the truth but, how can I believe such a thing?"

"That was not a church that worshiped the divines, it worshiped coin. They would have put our family to sword even if they had been mundane." I spoke the words in a sneer from atop my horse.

"I have no reason to turn my sword to your kind, I am not fond of picking hopeless fights. This was personal business and it is concluded." Lorelai dragged her tongue over her cutlass, cleaning the blood from it before sheathing it.

Rachel shook her head and frowned. "Be that as it may... my superiors will not stand for this transgression."

"Then tell your superiors to keep control of their flock. We are done here, Rachel. Go in peace, but know if you or any of your kind raise arms against my family, I will have your heads." The sheep spat the words out and climbed atop her steed once more.

She pushed her ride into motion and I sat there staring upon the fox while she blinked up upon me, her blue eyes reminding me of Elias. I frowned and shook my head. "We're not good beings Rachel, but then neither are the mundanes or your lot for that matter." I pushed my own steed into motion and paced up with Lorelai, leaving the other fox behind with her thoughts.

"Why didn't you put her down, my lady?" I asked Lorelai, once we had made some distance.

"She is a soldier doing her duty, albeit blindly. She did nothing to warrant my ire and she stood down when I explained things. I am cruel in my defense of my family and court, but I am no mindless killer eager to taste blood."

I gave her a nod. "She didn't seem to have a chance against you."

Lorelai clicked her tongue. "She is a cadet, doesn't even have her wings yet. A fledgling and nothing more. Putting her down would have been like plunging my sword into a mundane still in the arms of their mother."

"You think it will end here?" I asked her.

"Unlikely. Her kind cannot let things be. She will stand down but I suspect we will have issues from them in the future. Still, we are set in our course, we will cross bridges as they come." Lorelai poked her nose up in the air with a haughty huff.

"You have my bow and sword. I'm by your side no matter the odds, my lady... my friend." I reached a hand out to her while we rode. She moved and grasped it, a smile showing on her face.

"Thank you for helping me avenge our family. I question if Elias or Val would have had the stomach for it. I'm sure those mice would have though." The sheep held my hand a few moments longer, then returned it to the reigns of her ride.

"Those twins are very loyal. I'm glad they are with us." I spoke the words conversationally.

"Speaking of them... could you not smell it of them?" Lorelai hummed the words in a gossiping tone of voice.

I lifted my ears and blinked a few times. "Ah, so it was not my imagination? How very lewd of them." I giggled the words, my tail wagging slowly.

The sheep shrugged. "Love is love I suppose. I never had siblings so I couldn't fathom it one way or another. Still, if they are happy, all the same."

"Love huh?" I clicked my tongue. "Have you ever loved, my lady?"

"I have... many times... in many ways." Her voice grew distant at the words and I felt it best to let the subject rest unless she elaborated upon it.


Our trip took nearly ten months to complete. The first snows were nipping at our heels as we made our way home. I and Lorelai grew our bond strong like steel on the trip, which I suspect was part of her intention all along. Diana had gotten word from travelers about the fire that burned down the cathedral and the pile of corpses found, reprimanding us upon our return.

We spent another month with Diana's house. Then with preparations made, we chartered a ship to take us through the Mediterranean to the port town of Ceuta. I found myself fascinated by the ocean and couldn't pull myself from the deck of the ship we were on. For the first time in years, I lamented not being able to see something in the day hours.

"So what do you think of ship travel?" I heard his words come to me and looked over my shoulder, seeing my white fox walking over to me.

"It's wondrous... we move so fast and the ocean is so huge... Do you realize we covered the length of our entire trip in a day's time?" I barked the words out, probably sounding like a little kid while my tail wagged.

Elias gave me a wide grin and moved next to me, his hand moving to rest on my hip. I felt him pull me possessively next to him as he gazed out on the dark waters, the moon reflecting upon them. "I'm glad I could experience all these firsts with you, Sarnai... I love you."

My cheeks darkened and I moved to rest my head on his chest, folding my ears. "I love you as well... I hope you do not find me too troublesome as a mate."

"What a foolish statement, I love the trouble you get us into!" He barked the words into my ear and I couldn't help but giggle at them. I lifted my face to look into his eyes, the moonlight sparkling in them.

"You are gorgeous and I never tire of your eyes..." I sighed the words and pushed closer, my lips moving over his own to kiss him. I felt my fox return the gesture, his arms strong around me while we embraced.

Our tongues met and rolled together slowly, then I pulled from his mouth with a playful smile. "We are alone and I feel like a young female in heat right now..."

"You wish it here, upon the deck of a ship?" He growled the words into my ears, both his strong hands kneading at my hips.

I sighed and turned from him, grasping upon the railing before pushing my rear out slightly. My large black tail lifted, bringing my flowing gown up to show I had chosen not to wear undergarments. "I had hoped you would come to find me... can you tell?" I panted the words, my lust evident as my folds glistened in the light of the moon.

Looking out of the corner of my eye, I watched my fox tug the drawstring of his trousers free, parting the fabric just enough to expose himself to the cool night air on the ocean. My tail wagged furiously as he grabbed my hips and I felt his head push to my slick folds.

My teeth gritted as he teased me for a moment, then I let out a soft yip as he pushed past my entrance. His hips pushed to mine and every inch of my fox filled my tight clenching walls. His hands rested over my own on the railing and my tongue lolled heavily.

"Ha... I appreciate you do not treat me as a young vixen obsessed with teasing and build up." I groaned the words and leaned back, pushing my body to his own. His fingertips locked with mine on the rail as he bucked his hips eagerly against my rear.

"I'm happy to still dote upon you, but I can smell how much you need it. I will hold you in my arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ear once we are satisfied..." He growled the words dominantly in my ear and I shivered while nodding.

I barked out sharply, my tongue lolling once more as he pushed deep and hard into my smaller form, my core feeling him jab into it repeatedly. We were along in our years of relationship, we did not mate fervently like pups, but our lovemaking was still glorious to me. I panted out and smacked my tail against his chest, shaking my head. "Ngh... Elias... you waited too long... it's been over a week..." I cooed the words, feeling myself give in to him, shivering as he ground his tip deep inside me.

"My apologies... we can do it every day going forward... let's mark every room in this ship..." He barked the words and bucked harder against me, his tip jabbing into my core heavily. I moaned and nodded my head furiously in response, feeling him drawing me closer once more.

"Yes... yes... claim me all over this ship..." I dropped to my elbows, bending and pushing my hips out, feeling him bucking heavily. He drew forth another from me and I yowled out sharply, my voice muffled by the loud crashing of waves against the bow of the ship.

Several moments passed of him grinding and I felt him grow more eager with each push. My ears lifted at his final thrust and I barked out sharply, feeling him shove deep into me. My tongue lolled out and I cried out in relief as his heat finally erupted deep inside me. I felt his fire burning my womb and flooding me with his love for me. "Yes... oh yes, my fox.... My love..."

He jerked his hips a few more times, then gave me a defeated groan as he pushed close and panted into my ears. I raised up on my palms, feeling his chest on my back. "I love you so much, Sarnai..." He whispered the words into my ears and I wagged my tail, feeling that giddy childlike sensation fill my heart.

I hummed and felt him wrap his arms around me while I stared at the moonlight over the ocean. "I love you too Elias, my strong brave fox... I pray the fates never make us part one another."

Elias and I made good on our promise to one another. We marked every last room of that ship through the trip. We had to get creative to get to a few of them, even getting caught a few times by some of the crew. Eventually, we anchored in our new home, the coastal city of Ceuta.


"It's warmer here than I expected, seeing as it's winter." I huffed the words, flicking my ears and tail to keep the heat off me.

"Well, it's a different kind of climate. We are in northern Africa right now." Lorelai looked to me and Elias. "I hope you spent at least some time studying your Portuguese and Spanish? If you spent even half as much effort upon it as you did on mating all over the ship, you should be fluent by now."

I giggled and the white fox awkwardly rubbed the back of his head with a grin. Val just snorted and rolled his eyes. The twins gave us both an awkward glance, the looks on their faces saying they had been guilty of doing similar things.

"Well... let us disembark and find our new home. I've already purchased the villa in advance." Lorelai spoke the words and led the five of us along as we made our way through the streets.

"By the way, why this location, my lady?" Elias asked her while we walked through the streets, the city mostly empty since it was the middle of the night.

"I consulted with Ra's and the rest of the council. We had no presence in Africa at all, plus this will make for an advantageous position. We will have a family here and another nearby in Seville on the other side of the straight. We can fully monitor and react to the mundanes during their comings and goings." Lorelai spoke the words calmly as we walked, her voice taking on an educational tone.

"What benefit will it do us to know that?" I asked her.

"The mundane are constantly at war with one another over lands here along the coasts. It benefits us to keep abreast of their movements in case we need to adapt, my elder sister." Jeremy spoke the words respectfully towards me.

"Also this location doesn't suffer so heavily from the yolk of the church. It is a Portuguese settlement so the Spanish cannot so heavily influence its beliefs." Jennifer chimed in then put her hands upon her hips. "That being said... Ceuta is a major port of call, we can expect several religious types to mingle through the masses. We can't let our guards down."

"As always, it pleases me you two are up to speed on things. It does my heart good to know you made time for your studies and were not just mating in a frenzy on the ship." Lorelai spoke the words in a sing-song voice, both of the mice looking away from the group awkwardly.

We finally arrived at a large villa on the outskirts of the harbor area. It bordered the beach that leads out of the city and even had its own small dock. "And here we are. It's not as big as our old place, but it has around eight rooms. We can add to it as we grow our family again." Lorelai grinned as she looked the residence over, her tail flicking proudly.

"It's a lovely home, my lady." Val spoke the words while folding his arms and looking upon the large building.

"It is... I'm glad we finally have a place to call home again." Elias sighed the words and I felt him grip my hand gently.

Lorelai put her hand to her cheek and shook her head. "It has been a long trip and I'm starving, let us return to the harbor and find a ship."

"Why a ship?" Jeremy asked her curiously.

The sheep showed her teeth in a hungry grin. "Because ships have no threshold and are full of drunk sailors that won't wake up easily, just don't kill any of them."

"Oh my... that will certainly make things easier for us. They will even wake up weak and feel they are simply sick with drink." I spoke the words excitedly, my tail wagging.

The sheep winked at me and tapped her nose. "Alright my brother's and sisters. Off you go, be back here by sunrise."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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