Chapter One

Story by IanTheFolfy on SoFurry

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#1 of Headed to College

Just a sona backstory. They enjoy their final moments of high school as they prepare to enter college where they will undergo numerous trials and tribulations in their first year of college

"James!" Ian called out excitedly as his eyes glanced across his laptop screen rapidly.

"Yo?" James replied, sitting next to his brother as he looked at the email. Ben came next to James and rested his head on James' shoulder.

After quickly scanning the email, a wide grin crept onto Ian's lips as he leaped to the air, "I got in!"

James quickly leaped up to catch Ian's laptop before it crashed to the ground. "You gotta be more careful, Ian," James warned as he handed Ian's laptop back to him.

"It's old as dust, gonna get a new one anyway," Ian argued, digging into his drawer and grabbing a shirt to put on.

"Yeah, you're getting a new one before you go to college," Ben retorted, now sitting in James' lap. James smiled at Ben and kissed him on the cheek. He snaked his hands up Ben's shirt, and Ben began to blush. Meanwhile, Ian was muttering to himself as he threw shirts onto the floor, trying to find a good one to wear.

It was May 1st, 2017, 2:27 PM. The late Southern Spring heat was in full force, so Ian tried to find something to wear. He and James have stayed inside all day; it was senior skip day since many students were finding out where they were going to college that day. Ben came over to visit James and Ian, and the threesome chilled inside playing video games and watching The Walking Dead. Ian, who has been in his underwear all day, finally decided that he wanted to clothe himself and go out and celebrate.

"Oh come on, this piece of shit has survived worse, I'm sure it'll last until Au-gust..." Ian faltered as he turned around and saw James on top of Ben as the two were making out. The couple was in a state of bliss in a state outside of space and time. Their senses muted the outside world and were attuned to one another--the sound of each other's beating hearts. The smell of each other as their pheromones filled the air. The taste of each other's tongues as they twirled around one another. James was slipping his hand down upon Ben's crotch when Ian came up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Listen, I don't mind you two fucking, but for Christ's sake, don't do it on my bed," Ian asserted. James got up and put his hand behind his head and laughed while blushing.

"Sorry, bro," James apologized. "Got a little carried away."

"Wait, we have our appointment, right?" Ben remembered, averting his eyes away from Ianto's green gaze as his cheeks were red as a rose.

"Yeah, that's why I gotta look good!" Ian replied, shrugging, and putting on his blue polo and khaki shorts. "Never know if I'm gonna meet a nice guy there!"

"Ian, you're going to get tattoos, not a job interview," James commented.

"Meh, you're just jealous because I look good," Ian smirked.

"Says the single one," James countered, his brown glare lighting up as he teased his brother.

"I'm single by choice!" Ian pouted.

Ben got up and ruffled Ian's hair. "It's okay, Ian, you'll find someone in college."

The trio got ready to head out. They grabbed their wallets, phones, Ben his car keys, James the house key (since Ian could not be trusted with them), and headed out of the front door.

Ben unlocked his car as the afternoon sun shined its radiant rays upon them. The car was hotter than a kitchen at a resort during rush hour. Ben quickly turned on the car and turned the temperature down to as low as it could go. James hopped in the passenger seat and Ian the back. Ben turned around and put the car in reverse before shifting it to drive and heading to the city.

"Hey babe," James said softly, "Can you go to the store after we get tatted? I need to buy some more condoms."

"Wait, you don't have any?" Ben asked in shock. "That was part of the reason why I came over because I thought you had some because I sure don't."

"And the other reason is that you want to hang out with your best friend Ian!" Ian chimed in, grinning like a fool.

"Yes, Ian, the other reason why I came was to see you," Ben chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road.

Ian sat back down and raised his legs behind Ben's seat while placing his arms behind his head. "If y'all want, y'all can use mine."

"Ian, they're probably expired; they're so old," James jabbed towards his brother.

"Hey, Google says that under proper storage, they last three to five years, and I would say my underwear/sock drawer is proper storage enough!" Ian argued. "Plus they're only six months old, and there's like half a dozen left or so.

"Wait," James turned around to face his brother, "who've you been sleeping with?"

"I just put them on my dildos," Ian lied, playing it cool.

"Bull," James replied. "You wouldn't waste money to do that."

"He doesn't have to tell you if he doesn't want to, hun," Ben said softly to James.

"I'm genuinely curious!" James asserted.

"You know him, James," Ian replied, looking down.

James averted his gaze before turning them back to Ian. "Well, do you like him?"

"Not really," Ian sighed. "I mean, he's big down there, and handsome as hell, but he's very subtle about his sexuality. Like he hates himself for fucking me, for fucking a guy, and sometimes he'll lash out that hate on me. I don't even like sleeping with him anymore, but he'll just text me saying he wants to fuck, and we'll just meet and fuck. No passion, no love, just him using me as his living fleshlight. I don't even get off when he fucks me anymore. Like, the only reason why I go is because I'm horny, but every time I return from our fuck sesh, I just get even hornier. Feels like I'm trapped. "

"Ian..." Ben murmured. "You don't have to sleep with him. You have the right to say no!"

"Do you need your older brother to kick his ass?" James said, added dryly while flexing.

Ian smiled a bit. "You're only older than me by two minutes."

James stuck his tongue out at his younger brother, and Ian laughed.

Ian, James, and Ben finally arrived at the tattoo parlor. A big brown bear stood up, and Ian ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hans!" Ian smiled.

"Hello, Ian!" Hans said in his thick Bavarian accent. "How is my favorite teenager?"

"Adult now, I turned 18 back in December," Ian grinned.

The pair walked forward together, and James and Ben followed behind them. Hans had a tablet in his hand, scrolling down as Ian was pointing at the tablet and talking to Hans. The parlor was mostly empty, and Ben and James seemed a bit sus of the place, but Ian reassured them that it would be okay. Back when Ian had piercings before joining the swim team, he came to Freaky's Tattoo Parlor and Smoke Shop.

Last summer, Ian spoke to Hans, and he went ahead and illegally got a tattoo on his forearm. It matched his fur pattern, so unless you looked really closely at his left forearm, you would not notice. Unfortunately for Ian, his mother caught sight of it, and he got in trouble, but she let him keep it.

"Okay," Hans began, looking at his tablet, "So Ian will be getting the pride symbol on his right shoulder, James the symbol from Code Lyoko, and Ben, a French symbol. And then all of you want a Star Wars symbol on y'all's butts, correct?"

"Yep!" Ian chirped. "Rebel!"

"Imperial," James chimed in.

"Mandalorian," Ben added.

"The force is strong with you all," Sen said, flipping her black-pink hair behind her ear as she handed a tablet to Ben. "I'll be tatting you up today. I just need you to go ahead sign these waivers." Ben took the stylus and tablet from Sen and began to read and sign the waivers. A large short little blue-jay came up behind James, and James proceeded to read and sign the releases.

The trio got tatted as death metal played throughout the studio. Death metal wasn't Ian's cuppa tea, but years of living with James, he could tolerate it now. Ian preferred more EDM. Ben was more of an electro-swing type of guy; he hopes it will become popular in the 2020s.

"Hey, y'all ever heard of Dehumanizing Itarian Worship?" James asked in the middle of getting his back tatted.

"You talking 'bout the Anime Slam band, right?" Sen responded with a question of her own.

"Yeah," James answered. "The band from China that does their vocals in Japanese. Pretty fucking brutal, if you ask me. You should also listen to Party Cannon, Alien Fucker, and Acidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh Fetus."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at James with mild disgust and concern with what just came out of his mouth. Ian knew his brother listened to some wild shit. Still, that last one, he thought it went too far, but then remembered when his brother showed him the names of Infant Annihilator songs a few years ago, so he just laid back down into his chair. Hans kept his eyes on James before returning back to work.

The blue jay set his ink pen down and stood up, and Sen began to laugh. "That's the one thing about band names these days. They're just becoming crazier and crazier. One of these days, they're just gonna have an acronym that is just Hamlet," she laughed.

"I need a smoke break," the blue jay huffed, grabbing his pack of American Spirit and lighter.

"I'll join you, Kirk," Sen replied, then turned to James and Ben. "Y'all want to join us?"

"Sure," James replied, hopping up.

"Yeah," Ben answered.

"Awww, I wanna join you guys!" Ian whined.

"You don't smoke, Ian," James argued.

"I do too!"

"Yeah, weed. We're smoking tobacco."

"Well, you know what, Hans and I are gonna smoke some green while we're still waiting for you to finish up!" Ian shot back, grinning.

"Okay," James replied plainly. Ian looked at James, defeated that he did not crack his brother, that he did not make him jealous. James loved smoking pot, but he also knew that he would unnerve his brother by sounding disinterested.

The foursome went outside, and Sen asked them which would they prefer as she had Marlboro Red.

"American Spirit," Ben said, and Kirk gave her a cig.

"Marlboro, those America Spirits make me nauseous," James replied, and Sen gave him a cig. Sen gave James her lighter, and Kirk gave Ben his.

The four of them took a drag before Kirk asked, "So, that Ian fella in there, are you two dating?"

James and Ben looked at each other for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"What?" Kirk asked with a puzzling look on his face. "What did I say?"

"James and I are dating," Ben laughed. "Ian is James' brother."

"Really?" Kirk and Sen asked in unison.

"Twins actually," James added. "I know we don't look alike, but he is like a carbon copy of our mom, and I a carbon copy of our dad."

"Well I'll be damned," Kirk said, taking a drag of his cigarette. The four of them talked, and they found out that Sen and Kirk are dating, and the couple found out that Ben is from France, but he has been in America since he was four, and he stays with his aunt in America.

"So, how did your parents react to you being trans?" Kirk asked, and Sen slapped him on his head. Kirk grimaced and rubbed his head while Ben was caught off guard by the question.

"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to," Sen said softly Ben.

"Nah," Ben said, taking a drag of his cigarette, "It's okay. They're conservative Catholics, but they wanted to see me be happy more than anything in the world. Sometimes they accidentally misgender me or use the name they gave me. Still, it's completely new for them, like, it's annoying at times, but I understand as well. Also helps that I see them twice a year. They just want me to have kids, though I am not so sure I want to have any, you know how French Catholics are," Ben laughed. They didn't but joined in with Ben's laughter.

James, Ben, Sen, and Kirk all finished their cigs and headed back inside.

"As you all were outside, smoking, Hans is halfway through coloring my ass tat," Ian stuck out his tongue.

"Okay, just means you're gonna have to wait here longer." Ben smiled at Ian, and Ian just groaned.

Ian was finally finished with his tattoos, and he went ahead and paid Hans.

"I'll be right back, Hans, gonna head to that Kroger down the street, and maybe that Taco Bell on the way back for when we schmoke," Ian grinned. "Y'all want anything? Wait, if you do, just have James or Ben write it, then text it to me," Ian said as he pulled out his Galaxy S8 and pointed to it.

Ian waved to everyone and headed out. He put in his earbuds, and he started listening to Tape Five. Rush hour traffic was beginning to die down at this point, but the sun was still high in the sky, but more to the west. The shopping district was a fourth of a mile away; Ian could see it down the street. He put the pedal to the metal in his Sperry's and continued onward.

He finally got to Kroger, where he was met by a blast of nice, cold, refreshing air. He immediately turned to the right, and he went towards the pharmacy. Ian was humming to himself, grabbing two packs of 20 Trojan condoms, both variety packs since he didn't know what James and Ben were into. He also went ahead and bought lube for them just in case.

"Oh hi, Ian!" A familiar voice greeted him. Ian jumped a bit, and the case of lube leaped into the air only to come crashing down onto the floor. He turned around and saw his friend, Ashley, looking at him. She was a red panda with the brightest brown eyes you've ever seen.

Ian turned off his earphones and placed them back in their pack. "Hey, Ashley!" Ian laughed nervously as his cheeks blushed.

"Did you finally meet someone!" She exclaimed, and Ian went ahead and shushed her as she was drawing attention to them.

"Nah, they're for my brother and his boyfriend. Which lube you think I should get for them, actually?" Ian inquired, picking one brand up and examining it.

"Well, I know that Astroglide is the gay go-to for anal, but I don't know how much they're having anal considering how Ben has a cooter and all that. I mean, I don't really like anal myself, but.," Ashley said.

"You naughty girl!" Ian gasped and lightly hit her shoulder with the box of lubricant before laughing.

"Yeah, Brad keeps wanting to do it, like pestering me for it. I don't know why straight guys like anal, like is my pussy not good enough?" Ashley inquired while rubbing her chin.

"He keeps bothering you, you could honestly send him my way," Ian's eyes lit up with joy. Brad was a hottie, and from what Ashley has been telling Ian about him, he would be perfect.

"Honestly, I just might. If he's that serious about anal, Brad'll fuck you, and if not, we can go back how things were. Like every time he asks you, I'll just refer him to you. Maybe even call you to show Brad how serious I am," she laughed, and Ian joined in with her laughter too.

"Oh! Before I forget!" Ian lifted up his sleeve and showed his pride tattoo wrapped in saran wrap.

"Oh, wow! Is this the reason you weren't in class?" Ashley asked, gushing over his tat.

"Yep! I also got another tat, and you won't guess where," Ian had a sly grin come across his face.

"No way!" She raved quietly. "Lemme see!"

"No!" Ian laughed and looked around. He quickly pulled down his pants and showed his rebel tattoo to Ashley, and she screamed with joy.

"What the...?" Someone asked, surprised. Ian's cheeks turned red as he quickly tried to put his tail back through the hole, but it kept getting stuck, and he was fidgeting with his shorts. He finally got them on, then turned around to only see Brad.

"Hi, hun!" Ashley went over to Brad and kissed him on the cheek. He was a raccoon, about two inches taller than Ian, and had beady black little eyes. He was lean and muscular, and he had calves to kill for. He also played with James on the varsity soccer team, and from what Ashley told him, he was big.

"So, what was that all about?" Brad smiled and pecked Ashley on the lips. "Didn't expect to be mooned in a Kroger, but Compton, you got a nice ass."

"Thanks, Brad," Ian blushed. He couldn't believe that this was happening. It seemed like a joke, but it didn't sound like it.

"Speaking of ass. Ian has a proposition for you, hun," Ashley whispered, and Ian shook his head in embarrassment. "So you know how you always want to do anal, and I always say no? Well, Ian said that he'd let you do anal with him."

Ian fell to the floor in utter embarrassment, and Brad and Ashley quickly rushed to his side, fanning him. He got up a few seconds later and sat on the floor with his tail covering his face.

"This true, Ian?" Brad asked, moving Ian's tail from his face. His soft black gaze stared at Ian, who's eyes were red from crying.

"Yeah," he sniffled.

"I'm so sorry, Ian. I didn't mean to embarrass you like that!" Ashley apologized.

"Well," Brad smiled, picking up the condoms and lube. "It seems like you already got everything you need for it. Tell you this, if we win our last game this Friday, I will rock your world. How does that sound?"

Ian looked at Brad, all flabbergasted, and Ashley looked at Ian with glee. Brad moved in to kiss Ian softly on the lips. Ian stared at him in surprise before moving in to kiss him back. Ashley fell to the ground, this time with a nose bleed, and the two got her to her feet and grabbed a box of tissue for her.

Ian waved bye to them, and he could overhear their conversation as they left.

"I thought that you were straight?!" Ashley asked, excited.

"I'm more bi-curious. And I mean, Ian is adorable. Surprising how he's single. Anyway, I think that you need not be there when I fuck him lest you get another nosebleed, babe," Brad laughed.

Ashley laughed too, and the two of them checked out and walked out of the store. Ian sat there for five minutes, processing what just happened before a store associate asked him if he was alright.

"I'm fine," Ian said, picking up the condoms and Astroglide. He felt a complex range of emotions, from what happened to embarrassment to jubilee, and now he was hard as a rock. At this point, he didn't even care anymore. He walked towards checkout with one goal in mind.

"Holy fuck, I want some weed right now."

Chapter Two

This was the last game of the school year. Crowds were cheering. Smoke from the fog machines filled the air. The stadium was packed to the brim. This was what typically happened when the Northside Yankees went up against the Southside Rebels. This...

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Chapter Seven

Avi p.o.v So we went to Ian's friend's house, that Daniel kid. I had a bad feeling about this, but if it would keep us safe and prevent us from getting caught, then so be it. And Ian trusts him, so I should too, but I still have a feeling that...

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Chapter Five

When I woke up private Robins was piloting an old F-5 freedom fighter; the base giving us the oldest and out of date jet they had. To be fair, we were going away from the fighting to Langley Falls, and they gave me a private so that way nobody would be...

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