Chapter 3 (Groping, Body Modification, Light Oral, M/F)

Story by Omegastar on SoFurry

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#3 of Royal Service

This is the first time I've written in over 8 years. As such I am extremely rusty, and appreciate any and all feedback.

This story is going to include some very strong fetishes, but I will always warn readers what they will encounter.

I don't know how long my sudden inspiration to write will last, but if it keeps up, I've got quite a lot planned. What I am posting now is (hopefully) just the beginning.

Chapter 3 is light on the action, but its setting up for the next chapter, where things get heavy. :)

*Authors note: Breaks between the paragraphs indicate when the point of view shifts between the two protagonists.

**"Finally!" The other boar, Garm, said with an exasperated grumble. He approached the two dragonesses, but his attention was on Meress - or rather, on her body. His eyes greedily traveled up and down her curves, making it quite clear what he was after. "Time to see that big rack you've been flaunting. Take that robe off." The giant boar crossed his arms, impatient to see the dragoness in the flesh.

Meress smiled back "Of course, I would be happy to show off my body to you." She turned towards Veriss and continued. "Veriss, would you mind helping me undress myself? I am sure the boys would like a show."

Veriss had barely taken a step towards her when Garm burst out in anger. "I didn't tell your fuckin' sister to undress you!" Stepping up to her, the size difference between the towering male and the royal dragoness became clear, making his outburst all the more intimidating. Meress' head barely reached up to the boar's wide, blocky shoulders as he loomed over her, spittle flying from his lips as his voice boomed through the room. "I told you to take your fucking robe off! Are you fucking deaf?"

The boar glared at her, and Meress could see the muscles in his huge arms flexing. He looked like he could snap her spine like a twig. Her instincts were telling her she was in danger, but she was frozen in place. She needed to defend...herself? No, that was wrong. She was here to provide her services to him. She needed to calm down.

Meress felt confused. It was as if her mind was fighting with itself. Her inaction spurred Garm into action, however. "I'll do it myself then, fucking useless whore." He grumbled, his loud voice deep enough to make the dragoness shiver. Reaching out with his massive hands, the boar grabbed her robe at the shoulders, and pulled.

There was a loud ripping sound as her robe was torn from her body, the silk tearing like piece of paper in the hands of the boar. Trying to stay calm, Meress did not move a muscle as the remnants of her robe fell to the ground, revealing her undergarments to the eyes of the male. Staring down, Garm examined the light undershirt that covered her chest and belly. He must not have liked it, because he slid a finger under the hem and pulled, effortlessly tearing it and ripping it away from her body, leaving Meress with just her bra and slip.

The sight of her bare scales and bra-covered chest seemed to calm the brutish boar down a bit, a contemplative look appearing on his face. Deciding her best option was to keep going, Meress gingerly reached behind her back to undo the clasp to her bra. Before she could do so, however, Garm casually grasped one of the bra-straps with his fingers and gave a tug. Meress yelped as the clasp snapped instantly, the torn bra joining her other destroyed clothes on the floor. Meress looked up at the boar uncertainly, but the sight of her naked breasts seemed to satisfy the male. Strangely, she thought she could see an expression of disappointment on his face as he stared at her naked breasts. Not taking any chances, the dragoness quickly slipped her undergarment down her legs before the boar decided to destroy that article of clothing as well.

Now fully naked, Meress allowed the huge boar to examine her body. Garm, however, remained fixated on her breasts, ignoring her other assets. Meress couldn't blame him. The rather impressive size of her chest had been an asset she had grown very fond of. It made it so much easier for her to deal with males, as they seemed unable to resist drooling over them, especially when she wore the right clothing. The attention she received was nice as well.

Clasping her hands behind her back, she slightly arched her back, making her chest stand out a bit further as she smiled invitingly at Garm, but his expression remained unchanged. Meress felt a slight nervousness creep into her belly. Why did he not seem happy with the sight of her breasts? Especially when he had sounded eager to see them earlier. Trying to entice him, Meress twisted her torso left and right, showing him various point of views to admire her breasts from. "Don't you like my big tits?" She said, a tease in her voice.

It was Marl who spoke up, the other boar having stepped up next to Garm to fully admire her firm orbs. "Who knew the queen had such good genes for breeding? Those fat udders of yours would make you an excellent choice for a whorehouse." He grinned at her and reached out, copping a quick feel of her left breast, his fingers quickly finding the pink nipple topping it, twirling around it and giving a quick pinch. Meress yelped, but allowed the male to do as he pleased.

Marl's initiative finally seemed to spur Garm into action, and he too reached out to caress her breasts, his fingers exploring the contours of her chest with a surprisingly delicate touch. Marl seemed satisfied with copping just a quick feel, leaving Garm to his business as the boar moved towards Veriss. Approaching her, he reached for her armour, searching for the straps that held the armour pieces in place. Understanding his intentions, Meress watched her sister begin the laborious process of removing her gear, while Marl assisted her by groping her where he could, only pausing to pull away any armour piece as Veriss loosened them.

In the meantime, Garm had taken over where Marl left, both hands now examining her chest. He had gotten a little more in to it, but he still showed little enthusiasm. It seemed like a win-win situation for Meress, the dragoness providing a service while getting a little bit of pleasure out of it as well. One thing did bother her though: Garm's neutral expression had slowly turned into a frown. Meress wasn't sure why he was frowning; if he did not like her breasts, why was he continuing to molest them?

The oversized boar finally withdrew his hands, but he seemed unhappy. Meress was about to ask what was bothering him when Garm turned his head sideways to look at an empty chair standing a few feet away. Meress frowned. Why was that chair standing there, away from the wall? She couldn't recall placing a chair there. In fact, she was quite sure no chair had been there when she entered her room.

The green dragoness looked back at Garm. To her surprise, a large smile appeared on the boar's face, his lips curling around his tusks. Turning back to her, the boar's smile changed into a smirk. She looked back at him, puzzled. Why was he smiling?

Meress blinked. She felt.....something. She looked at Garm, but his gaze had shifted downwards, to her tits. His grin widened even further. Confused, Meress looked down at her bosom, but could not figure out what made the boar smile. The pair of enormous jugs protruding from her chest looked the same as ever. Using a hand to lift up one of the heavy melons, she examined it, but could not find anything wrong with the huge orb, whose size approached that of her head. The large areola and the fat nipple sticking out from it looked perfectly fine as well.

Her self-examination was interrupted when Garm's hand suddenly reached out to grasp the massive teat she had been holding. Squeezing, his big fingers sank deep into the tit-flesh, making the dragoness gasp.

"Ah!" She nearly jumped from the boar's rather ungentle act. Looking back at him, she pleaded. "Please be careful, my tits are very sensitiIEEVE!" Yelping loudly, the dragoness quivered as pain and pleasure radiated from her chest.

The giant boar had taken hold of the thick nipple jutting out from her left breast, and squeezed it, hard. He was looking at her with savage eyes. "I don't give a shit how sensitive these milkbags of yours are. I'm going to do what I want with them." Tightening his grip, he pulled her nipple outward, stretching the scales on her breast. He smiled cruelly at her. "Are you going to stop me?"

Meress squealed loudly, squeezing her eyes shut as she strained to keep herself still. "No! You can do what you want!" She answered desperately, half-squealing as the pain intensified. Strangely, she could feel waves of pleasure as well, though the pain dominated for now. But Garm wasn't done yet.

His eyes dark, he rumbled "I can do what I want?" Reaching out with his other hand, he seized her right nipple and pulled at it, harshly. His voice deepened to an intense, lust-filled growl as he continued to stare at her face, which was twisted by pain. "Then tell me you are okay with what I am doing."

Meress howled in agony as both her nipples were tormented by the boar. They were so sensitive, she could hardly keep herself standing. Her entire body was trembling and shaking as she fought to control the pain. With a strained voice, she managed to barely get the words out. "Yes-Hah! I'm o-okay with you h-hurting my breasts! Ah!-P-Please, continue p-pulling on my n-nipples for as long as y-you want!" Her distressed voice pitched wildly as she could feel tears leak from her eyes, her claws biting into her palm as she squeezed her fists tightly.

To her great relief he suddenly let go. Gasping loudly, it was all Meress could do to keep her hands at her sides, fighting against her reflexes that sought to cover and protect her nipples from further assault. But she knew that would only provoke Garm into doing even worse to her huge tits. Panting, she stared down at the heavy jugs jutting out from her chest. Angry red fingerprints on her throbbing nipples marked where the boar had held them between his fingers. Biting her lip, Meress whined at the high levels of pain emanating from them.

Her whine sharply rose when Garm reached out and grabbed her tits. His hands and fingers were just large enough to cover the entire orb. Clearly unconcerned with her distress, he was grinning like a child who had just unwrapped the biggest present on his birthday. Squeezing firmly, but not harshly, he watched wide-eyed as his fingers sank into her breasts, the tit-flesh bulging out in between them, almost obscuring the thick digits from sight. Letting out a strained, keening wail, Meress barely paid any attention to the boar as he turned his head elsewhere.

Garm's voice rumbled happily. "These are perfect!" She wondered for a split second who he was talking to, but the question disappeared from her mind when the boar began to kneed his fingers into her tits, relaxing his fingers only to again squeeze them into the malleable orbs, over and over. The only thing Meress could do was whimper and whine as she stood there, presenting her huge teats for the boar to use and abuse as he pleased.

Veriss watched anxiously as the huge boar brutally molested her sister. She desperately wanted to come to the aid of Meress, but she knew there was nothing she could do to improve the situation - any intervention on her part would only push Garm into inflicting even more abuse on the big-titted dragoness. Instead, she was forced to watch her sister tremble and moan in pain while her own clothing was being removed by Marl. Her armour and gear already lay discarded on the floor, thrown away carelessly by the boar.

Veriss barely paid attention as he finished stripping down her leather pants, pulling them off her feet and adding them to the pile on the floor. She watched reluctantly as Garm treated the massive bust of her sister like dough, squeezing and pulling at the sensitive orbs, contorting them into different shapes for his lust-filled amusement while her sister moaned and whimpered in pain. At one point the boar wrapped his fingers around the base of Meress' tits, and then squeezed as hard as he could, causing her sister to scream out in agony as her huge breasts bulged out obscenely.

Unable to witness her sister's pain any longer, Veriss decided to look elsewhere. Her attention returned to Marl, who was having some trouble with her bra. Rolling her eyes, Veriss reached behind her back to unclasp the strap, allowing the huge boar to finally uncover her own jewels. To the male's pleasant surprise, Veriss' own breasts were roughly the same size as those of her sister. The plate armour simply hid them rather effectively.

Veriss frowned. Wait a second. That wasn't true. Her breasts were nowhere near the size of the pair of melons jutting out from her sister's torso. To compare their size to that of her own chest would be ridiculous. Distractedly pulling down her panties, Veriss tried to figure out where that thought had come from. She barely noticed that Marl was talking to someone else, only partially registering his words.

"Nah....half is good....bigger curves..." The boar's voice rumbled.

She looked up at Marl to see him looking empty chair in the middle of the room? She blinked, feeling confused, but when she looked around a chance glance at her sister made her forget about it. The green dragoness stood rigid, her body trembling as Meress grit her teeth, high-pitched whines escaping through them anyway. Garm had taken hold of her nipples again. The boar ignored her sister's reaction completely as he looked down at her enormous funbags with unrestrained lust, his fingers slowly twisted her nipples around. Veriss winced, not wanting to imagine the state of her sister's nipples after the male was done with her.

The purple dragoness was caught off guard when two large hands suddenly grabbed her by the hips. Jumping slightly, she turned back to find the towering boar standing in front of her. She was surprised to see a huge, shit-eating grin on Marl's face as his eyes looked down past her chest to instead examine her bottom assets. The big male slid his large fingers over her thick, muscled thighs, wide hips and narrow waist. As the male boar figuratively drooled all over her incredible hourglass figure, Veriss smiled briefly to herself. The purple dragoness did have a killer body, after all. Her curves were legendary, and her broad hips alone were enough to make any male think of the word 'breeder' upon seeing her.

Nudging her with his hands, Marl actually did begin drooling when the naked dragoness turned around for him. His large hands slapped down onto her huge ass, his fingers sinking into the supple flesh. Raising her thick tail to give him full access, Veriss allowed the boar to do as he pleased with her hindquarters. She felt his hands pulling her asscheeks apart, smushing them together, and wobbling them around. Thoroughly engrossed by her huge backside, the male continued to maul at her butt for several minutes. He explored every inch of the two perfectly rounded cheeks, his fingers reaching every scale, and even occasionally brushing over her asscrack. He seemed quite interested in her nether regions, but for the moment his hands did not venture there. Getting up, the boar smacked her rear quite harshly, the dragoness suppressing a yelp as she jumped slightly, her asscheeks continuing to jiggle for several seconds afterwards.

Stepping around to stand in front of her, the huge boar shifted his attention to her chest. Watching with a pleasant smile as he began to palm her tits eagerly, Veriss couldn't help but feel proud of her bust. Sure, her sister's massive udders were over twice the size of hers, but Veriss' breasts were still big enough that most males would struggle to fully grasp them with their hands.

That did not include the towering boar male currently feeling her tits up, of course. His huge hands easily covered the big, round globes on her chest as he continued to grope at them with a childish delight. He was fairly rough with her tits, but he didn't seem to share Garm's interest in testing the limits of what her breasts and nipples could endure.

Instead, Garm went into a different direction. The giant boar moved his head closer until his muzzle was only inches away from her chest. Veriss watched as the huge male opened his mouth and leaned forward, engulfing her entire left breast with his snout. The dragoness shivered as she felt the boar's thick tongue slide over the scales on her breast, lathering the sensitive orbs with his spit. She gasped, the sensation sending an unexpectedly large amount of pleasure through her body. Veriss was surprised; the dragoness didn't know her tits were so sensitive. Gasping again, she could feel another spike of pleasure as the boar dragged his fat, wet appendage over her nipple.

Marl seemed to greatly enjoy himself, the male making no effort to keep silent as he smacked his lips hungrily over her breast-scales, his tongue slurping noisily all over the sensitive orb. Soon, he shifted to producing obscene sucking sounds as he sealed his lips against her scales and began sucking at the entire breast.

Veriss bit her lip. The situation felt rather humiliating, with the huge boar making an obscene mockery of breastfeeding. She was more bothered by the sensations it produced, however. The boar's administrations had resulted in an embarrassing state of arousal for the dragoness. Veriss prided herself on her self-control, but it was starting to take effort not to show any reaction. The stimulation her tits were receiving was particularly bothersome, the boar switching to give her other breast the same treatment, noisily slobbering all over it while paying special attention to her nipple.

Trying to ignore the spikes of pleasure the boar's thick tongue produced, the purple dragoness looked up to see how Meress was doing. To her great relief, she saw that Garm had ceased manhandling her sister's massive jugs. The green dragoness was gingerly rubbing her sore tits, lingering pain still visible in her reddened eyes. Bright red patches were visible across the surface of those huge orbs, the result of Garm's cruel treatment. The giant boar himself was now observing Marl feast on her tits as he waited for him to finish. He clearly wanted to move on, but seemed to respect his companion enough to wait for him to finish.

He did not have to wait much longer as Marl finished up his oral enjoyment of Veriss' chest. Giving one last, noisy suck, he released her tit from his mouth and leaned back to admire his handiwork. Both of the purple dragonesses breasts were covered by the boar's spit. Veriss looked down apprehensively as she felt the excess saliva slowly slide down her tits. She resisted the desire to wipe away some of the spit, suspecting that Marl would not appreciate that.

Grinning down at the purple dragoness, Marl got back to his feet. "I'd love to keep sucking on those fat melons of yours, princess, but we gotta move on." The boar licked his lips hungrily. "I think its time you started 'servicing' my body."**

Chapter 2 (Spitplay, Incest, F/F, M/F)

**\*Authors note: Breaks between the paragraphs indicate when the point of view shifts between the two protagonists.** As Meress watched her sister deal with her obstinate guardsmen, she noticed Marl looking at her out of the corner of her...

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Chapter 1 (intro, no sex)

**\*Authors note: This chapter sets up the plot, no sex yet. Breaks between the paragraphs indicate when the point of view shifts between the two protagonists.** Veriss was tense as she ran down the corridors of the palace. The battle-clad...

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A State Of Denial

A State Of Denial ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer: This story feautures M/F sex and incest, do not read if you are below the age of...

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