Academ: A Curse at Night

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#3 of Academ

Mara spends her evening experimenting with the tome but her thoughts are peppered with memories of her day. When the time comes to sleep, she finds herself with a new visitor.

Mara had made it back to her room after a quick bath before the evening. It had been late enough that there wasn't anyone there to question why she wore a towel around her neck in the bath or why she winced and hissed at the contact of water on her sore body. At her room, the sun was descending and so she turned on the light and set aside the two new books that she had gained from her adventure along with Wel's scarf. She got comfortable and stripped out of her robes before slipping on long striped leg warmers and set her rump on the seat in front of her study desk. Both of her paws came up to clasp one another, knuckles cracking before she grabbed the magic tome and placed it before her. One claw touched the surface, her presence extending to feel over the various bindings on the book. Unweaving such magical wards would be a lesson in and of itself but she was excited to try, excited to put her mind to the task and just the same, it would be a good distraction from the passionate exchange that had occurred in the fox's wagon. The marks on their body and the general soreness pulsing through her made it difficult to concentrate as each throb brought a memory with it that she both cherished and wished would go away. Mara had thought it would be impossible to get riled up again but as it turned out, her hunger ran far deeper than she initially realized, or perhaps it was simply the fact that no one had given her that kind of trust before. Wel hadn't babied her or pitied her when she had said that she could handle it rough. The fox had been careful but not to the point of treating her like a delicate treasure, that and they had respected her mind as well. Remembering Wel's belief in her ability to crack the spell on the book brought her back to the wards. As Wel had said, there were several wards, not just one. She could feel that they overlapped but did not weave together meaning that it would be easy to undo one without the other's erupting if something went wrong. With a small smile, she got to work.

The moon had long since replaced the sun by the time she had managed to break open the first ward and she could have continued onto the next but she chose to watch it reform, the binding of the book glowing as motes of light were gathered to reform the complex structure of the ward that she had just broken apart. It was progress! And a learning experience to see how such a ward could reform after being broken. Mara leaned back and stretched, the plum-furred feline yawning while looking toward the window. It must've been somewhere around midnight and she remembered several promises she had made to Ridel to sleep earlier.

She puffed up her chest and muttered in her best old man impression, "It isn't enough just to get sleep but you need to get enough sleep for the mind to work. Perhaps you should sign up for classes in biology."

Mara snorted, a big smile on her face as she sighed and got up from her seat to head to bed. As she sat at the edge, she looked over at the door recalling that she hadn't quite locked it yet. She had told Wel that her doors were often unlocked at night along with the number of her dorm. There was a wolf that she had told could come around if he desired but he had grown distant as he was simply too nervous both around her and in handling her. Wel, however, had not been nervous in either regard. With a sigh, she brought her legs onto the bed while watching the door, digits looping through the waist of her panties to tug them off and toss them to the floor. The feline spread her legs while watching the door, digits trailing down her chest until they rested over her crotch. She still felt sore but not enough that she wouldn't want a little bit more pleasure before bed. Besides, how could she sleep with thoughts of that ink corrupted merchant pounding into her still so fresh despite all of that studying?

As her digits began to move again, the door shook. She blinked and watched as the door creaked open, her cheeks practically on fire as Wel's blinking face appeared, "Hello? Did I...Oh, I did interrupt something. I can come back later."

Crimson flowers through the fur on her cheeks blossomed and brightened further while she closed her legs and scrambled to sit up and croak, "Wait! No no, don't leave! I'm not busy I was just, just getting ready for bed but I'm up. I-is there something that you need?"

Wel chuckled, "May I come inside?"

When she nodded and brought her knees up to her chin, Wel stepped inside of her room and shut the door behind them. A coat adorned the fox's body and their neck was missing a scarf so she assumed that was what they were here for but on closer inspection, she noticed that there was a satchel over their shoulder. Wel turned their attention to the satchel and began fishing through the contents, the sound of glass clinking together causing her ears to twitch while she tilted and raised her head to try and see if she could spot whatever was in the bag.

Curiosity urged her voice out when she couldn't figure it out, "What are you doing here at such a late hour, Wel?"

Their ears perked and Wel looked at her with a small smile, those same tired eyes watching her as they responded, "I thought it might be nice to visit." A moment passed before they chuckled and shook their head, "Jokes aside, I realized that I had done things incorrectly. You see, I enjoyed myself immensely with what we did and even lost myself in it a bit. In fact, I lost myself to the point where I had forgotten one of the most important rules and aspects of such an engagement. Aftercare."

"Aftercare? I don't think I need to be coddled Wel." Mara sniffed.

The fox took a seat next to her as they pulled a glass flask from the satchel full of a soft violet liquid, "Yes, you don't need to be coddled but I should have done something for your aches, pains and more importantly, the marks I left. If not properly taken care of then they could add extra discomfort. A salve should ease the pain a bit and disinfect."

Mara watched them for a few seconds before smiling, "And here I thought you were trying to pity me. No, what you said makes logical sense."

Ruining her sense of goodwill were two digits that came up to pinch her cheek as Wel grinned, "It isn't entirely up to logic. After all, what is logic without care? I want to do this because not only do I think it is right but I care what happens to you. It is a small budding thing because we just met but it is still there just the same. Without that care then I don't think I would really feel bad about leaving you to tend to your own wounds. I should have offered immediately."

The blush returned to her cheeks while she looked away, "I see. While I am uncertain how to process those words, I am grateful for the opportunity."

"May I apply this salve, then? The smaller scratches shouldn't be too much of a problem but the bite on your neck pierced the skin." Wel said quietly.

She reached up with two digits to feel over the spot where Wel had bit down on her neck, "Hm, it wasn't too bad when I got to the baths. Didn't even stain the scarf that much but better to be careful. Go ahead."

Mara heard Wel pop the cork off the flask and turned her head to watch as they poured the concoction onto their hand and brought it to her neck. She expected it to burn as most salves did but instead, she felt a cooling sensation run the course of her body that had her shivering. The fox kept their hand pressed to her neck while whispering something quietly, light pouring through the concoction, charging it, and pushing the effects through her neck. She could feel the dull throbbing on her neck fading away along with the odd tingling of sewing flesh. A bruise would remain but she was familiar enough with this type of salve to know that it worked wonders for smaller abrasions.

When Wel pulled their hand away, the fox sighed, "There. That should take care of it with the added bonus of soothing any pains you might've had. I might've done more but even if I had offered I doubt you would have wanted to go to town with me to a cafe or pub."

One of her paws idly rubbed her neck while she hummed, "I suppose I would have said that I am far too busy but it wouldn't have been difficult to convince me for another time. Regardless, I have a curiosity. Why didn't you use your ink to heal my neck if it is so potent?"

The fox corked the flask and put it away in the satchel, setting it on the floor carefully and pushing it just underneath the bed with a grunt, "Well, my ink is reliant on my intent, which is reliant on my knowledge and confidence. If I do not know something well enough then I might make a mistake in what I want the ink to do or what I truly want is incomplete. For instance, it might mend the outside of a wound but there might still be damage just beneath the surface, and possibilities of infection are still there." They then looked at her with a small smile, "Mostly as well, I'm just nervous about using it to heal because if something goes wrong it might not be something I can reverse."

Mara hugged her knees to her chest while rocking back and forth, looking up at the ceiling while chewing over what Wel had just said before nodding, "Okay. I understand that. Though the prospect of you using me as an experimental subject is entertaining, the risks would be too great without the knowledge which is something I can respect."

"I'm glad to have your respect but I think it is time that I leave you to your own devices." The fox chuckled.

As Wel got up and reached for their satchel, Mara reached out to touch their arm, "Wait, I know you came here for a particular purpose and what we did was simply a transaction but I was hoping that you would want a, uhm, second round?"

They fixed her with a raised brow and a tilted head, a small smile crawling to one side of their mouth while they hummed, "Is that so? The salve should have soothed your pains a bit but you must still be sore, right?

"I won't lie, I do feel sore but I can't really stop thinking about what we did. Studying that magic tome proved more difficult than I'd like to admit and I only managed to break one ward in part because I couldn't stop running through the memory of what we did over and over again."

As she shuddered, Wel grabbed her paw gently and brought it to their mouth to plant a kiss atop of it, "You should have taken a break with the other book then. It was meant to fill your mind with such fanciful eroticisms that you would have been cleared of such thoughts with a quick movement or three of these lovely digits of yours."

The warmth of her cheeks spread to the rest of her body as she brought her legs over the edge of the bed and watched them, "If it were anyone else kissing me like that then I would have scoffed and gotten irritated but here we are." She then lowered her voice just a bit, "Honestly, I don't think a book would be enough no matter how well written. Would my body be serviceable outside of a transaction?"

It was difficult to keep her concerns to herself. It wasn't so much that she wasn't confident in herself, rather, she wasn't confident in Wel's interest. She didn't need the fox as her own or anything, didn't even want their love. At the same time, what if that heated moment they shared had only been satisfying because it was transactional? Such thoughts put odd doubts in her mind, shuddering doubts that clasped at her heart and made her ears start to fall until she heard Wel chuckle.

"Mara. If I didn't want your body then I wouldn't have asked for it in exchange. To be honest, when I saw you with your legs spread I thought about tearing my coat off and breeding you with all my strength." A small response came from the feline, too quiet to hear and so Wel hummed, "Come again, dear?"

Taking a breath first, Mara repeated but louder, "I think you could have done anything to me and I would have loved it then. Dominated me physically, mentally if you're so inclined. Use whatever hole you want, kiss me, slap me, choke me, however you'd have me I probably would have enjoyed at that moment because you were an invader coming into my room and I had fantasized of such things and you were the one who had just ravaged me during the day." She then sniffed, "Don't get me wrong, it isn't that just anyone could do that but I did say you could and you are attractive both on the outside and the cursory inside."

She watched the fox and felt their digits on hers tremble as they muttered, "I see. If you say such things then you'd better be prepared for retaliation. I wonder, do you even know what mental domination is? What corruption is? You would cede your mind and body to me both?"

Mara's cheeks were sore at this point but she managed to continue while she brought her paw away to fold them both on her lap, thumbs twiddling together, "I do know and I wouldn't need to prepare because I'd leave all my defenses down for you. My mind can't stop thinking about how amazing it would be to just be absolutely ruined by someone more powerful than I am, for me to learn beneath them, truly beneath them. I imagine it's a result of reading too much fiction but I also...I also find comfort in being led by someone who I know is more competent than I am in either decision making or smarts."

"Ah, a parental sort then?"

Though she sucked in a breath and was about to hiss out something mean, she instead sighed, "Yes."

An arm came around her body, tugging her close against theirs while Wel spoke quietly, "You wanna talk about that?"

She huffed while planting her head against their side, "Come from a small household. Rather traditional and nowhere near wealthy. Mother and father were always busy with my siblings who were much more active and outdoorsy. Meanwhile, I was expected to take up with a church, marry, and mother many children. They taught me very little of what I know and what I still struggle to know and so I read and I kept reading until I realized I had a desire for academic arts and in particular, magic. They at least had the decency to send us all to school but I professed and continued to excel until I managed to get into this academy. I don't think they really cared all that much. Just passing congratulations and pats on the back with weird looks as if I were expected to either fail or as if I was doing something odd in their eyes." She then sighed, "So yes, I enjoy thinking of a parental partner in the sense that they will be someone who will actually care for me and be there for me, strict or otherwise but I have most certainly not shared this with anyone."

Whatever bubbling fear she felt from sharing such a thing began to vanish as Wel planted a soft kiss on her head, "My family wasn't the best. Not the greatest in the sense that I would never speak to them ever again and if I met them I would be disgusted. I don't want others to have that same problem and so I enjoy caring for folk in that parental manner when they desire it."

Mara thrust a fist into their side while scoffing, Wel chuckling as she stated, "That's fantastic! What a perfect pair we are, however, I cannot ask you that without feeling like I'm about to blow s-so...I don't know, surprise me with it later or perhaps the urge will come to me in the middle of something. Let's move on from this topic, shall we?"

Two digits reached up to clasp her chin firmly, Wel's mouth moving to her ear to nip very carefully before they whispered, "Ah yes, you wanted me to dominate you in body and mind. Sure you want to do that? You could risk putting yourself as the servant of another for good?"

She shuddered and shut her eyes, speaking while trying to ignore her embarrassment, "If that was the case then I know you'd put me to good use."

The digits on her chin trailed over her neck where she felt something thick and cool dripping, smearing through her fur. When Wel pulled their digits away, they got up from the bed and began working their coat off, "All right then, guess this means you'll be mine from now on. I'll even leave you under my control until I get back. How does that sound?"

Mara cleared her throat, "I suppose as long as you don't make me do anything too embarrassing through our connection."

"Ah, I'll just make you suck off your mentor or something."

The feline sputtered before she managed to say something, tail frizzing up, "Excuse me?! I respect him as an academic! I would never, I mean...Maybe I would but I doubt he would ever!"

There was more to say but she paused as she felt something forming around her neck. Mara brought her paw up to touch her neck where something smooth and cool. She grasped and found that it was a collar of some sort made of ink. Shivering, she wondered if already she had been cursed, if she was already going to fall to the fox's commands but she didn't feel anything coming from the choker. It was simply aesthetic, at the same time, that aesthetic had managed to shut her up, her heart throbbing wildly against her chest.

When she looked toward Wel, she could see that they were standing fully nude, the dark tip of their canine shaft poking free of the sheathe already. Again, the fox grasped her chin and tilted her head up so their eyes were meeting as they purred, "Are you ready to surrender yourself to me?" When she nodded, Wel chuckled, "If you want to be free then all you have to do is think of it and I will free you. Good luck and enjoy."

Why would Wel wish her luck? Mara had little time for questions or thoughts as the fox grasped both of her cheeks and leaned down so their mouths were nearly touching. The cool tips of their claws pressed through the fur just as she felt the fox's presence begin to wash over her. It was much larger than she expected, much more fearsome but that somehow quiet; like a beast that did not need to posture to be threatening. Her eyes were wide while the world of the arcane opened to her and she exposed herself to it freely. Mara's defenses came up on their own, a wall of inner light that sought to keep that presence away from her mind but the fox only chuckled and brushed through them as if they were nothing before she could even lower them. It was as if that presence were made of ink itself, seeping through the cracks and dipping in deeper and deeper until they were at the most vulnerable portions of her mind and spirit. That inky presence curled around her over and over again until she was practically being swallowed in it and then she heard his voice, Wel's voice chuckling and planting instructions in her mind, images of various things. There were plain things that she understood and loved and among them was her obedience to them but there were also embarrassing things like images of her mentor's cock. How Wel knew what that was had already been answered by a few choice memories shared between them.

When her mind was fully under the fox's sway and her eyes were swirling with hints of inky black, Wel took a step back and beamed, "So...How are you feeling Mara?"

Her mouth opened but her words came without thought and much more bubbly than intended, "I'm doing fine daddy."

Both of her paws came up to cover her mouth, her ears drawn back and her cheeks blazing! That had been much different than she had been expecting but Wel simply sat on her bed with one leg drawn on it, a grin on their features as they snickered, "I suppose that might be a bit too much for now, right? But you see, I can control you as I like, mind and body. You only move because I let you and now, I let you speak, so speak your mind."

Mara blurted with a whine, "I can't believe you showed me Ridel's cock!"

"I can't believe you were practically drooling over it." Retorted Wel with that same grin.

She had nothing against that and instead shifted from one foot to the other, eyes looking down before she suddenly looked into Wel's eyes, her body shuddering as she muttered, "I really am your toy now, aren't I?" When Wel nodded, she asked, "Are you going to free me after you enjoy me?"

"Depending on how I feel afterward. You did give me such a good pet, so how could I not want to keep you?"

Mara couldn't tell whether or not they were being honest or just messing with her but either way, she felt her heart long to stay with them as their pet, kneeling before them and doing whatever they asked. Wait? Was that part of their control or simply something she wanted? Every time Mara tried to pull from her thoughts or memories, it felt like things were being shuffled around, her fears and concerns melting into desire and arousal. It felt like her habit of thinking too much had faded into the distance and instead had been replaced by an intense loyalty toward the fox sitting on her bed. Someone she had just met today and had allowed to take control of her mind and body.

Her mouth opened and she found herself wanting to say the words, "Then I am yours to do with as you please, master."

Even just the word master was enough to make her cheeks burn and her eyes grow wide but Wel simply kept the same expression as they planted both feet on the floor and sighed, "I suppose I'll have to keep you for a bit then, at least until I've determined your worth so, let's get that tongue of yours moving, shall we?"

Without needing to be told directly, Mara got down on her knees before them and cupped their heavy ebony balls with both paws. Her body trembled as she felt warm pleasure filling her body from every movement taken in pure obedience to her master. Even her mind was crawling with the thought, with the knowledge that Wel owned her and it was such a dangerous place to be. She had no doubt that they could bind her mind completely and keep her as their pet forever but some part of her was still allowed to exist in her mind and so she persisted and watched, perhaps wishing that she had been broken entirely so she wouldn't have to experience such embarrassment. Her mouth started on one of those heavy balls, tongue dragging from one to the other while she held them up with one paw, free digits moving up to grasp around their sheathe.

Each touch on her master's body was another throbbing of pleasure that ran down her form encouraging her to continue doing her best to service Wel. Warm spit replaced sweat as she kept on trailing her tongue over one orb, moving to the other once she was sure that she was finished with her duty of worship. She let go of their balls only to bring her mouth beneath them and plant soft pecks along the taint, her body trembling as she received her reward from that move. Her digits at his sheathe moved up to grasp a growing member which she hadn't remembered being so big but then again, even in a state so influenced by Wel she could still remember how sore her body had been after taking her master's length.

Mara's master...She mused on that thought even as her tongue returned to the center of those lovely balls. As it turned out, she had been ready to give herself over to Wel without even attempting to put up a conscious effort and now she would be theirs if forever if they wanted. What lessons they could teach her, what things they could make her do! And best of all...She knew that they cared.

A strong hand at the back of her head caught her attention but her eyes didn't move from her task as her mouth was moved lower and Wel reclined back on the bed to move their legs. One spread while the other remained resting on her shoulders, her lips getting ever closer to their puckered until her nose was buried beneath their spit glazed balls and her lips were firmly planted on her master's pucker. Those orbs she had worked so hard to polish dripped with sticky spittle onto her nose causing her to shudder and almost acting as a catalyst for her tongue to start diving into their rear. If it weren't for their influence then she might've fixed the fox with an irritated glare for making her do something so embarrassing but instead, a smile grew on her face as she kept on burying her tongue inside of Wel's rump. Mara's tail flicked from side to side happily, the arousal dripping between her legs while she dreamed of being bred and pounded by her master. Every little wave of pleasure brought on by obedience seemed to cause that inky presence to curl around her mind tighter and tighter until the orange of her eyes were practically swimming with ink. The more praise she felt radiating through her, the more effort she expended on bringing her tongue in as deep as she could manage to glaze their ass just the same as she had done with the fox's hefty balls. When the digits at the back of her head were pulling her mouth away from their rear, lines of spittle marked the connection.

"How are you holding up?" Came the voice of her master.

Mara breathed out, body trembling, "I...I only want to serve you, to learn from you."

Wel sat up with a chuckle, hand coming around to grasp her chin as they purred, "Would you proposition your teacher for me even? Hah, don't even have to say a word. I know the answer."

And she knew they did, for she could not help but feel the fox's presence around her at every corner of her mind and body. It was true, she still felt embarrassment at thinking of her mentor's cock being shown so brazenly in her mind but she couldn't help but hunger for it, her base instincts making their way to the surface along with obedience for her master. All she wanted to do was obey Wel, to give them anything that they wanted. At the same time, there was a small part of her that still clung onto academic curiosity, the remnants of her mind taking stock of what was happening to her and how it was happening as well as admiring the fox for their arcane prowess.

Gentle digits trailed through the fur of her cheek while Wel hummed, "Let's see...I've been fishing through those precious interests of yours. How about we take you out into the hall and I start pounding you, hm? Late enough that no one should be coming out of your room and as long as you're quiet nothing should happen, yes?"

Her body shook as she finally managed to say something of her own with a mewl, "That would be madness!"

Wel chuckled as they rose from the bed and strode over to the door, opening it wide. They then took a step back and beamed, "Here, stand with your head out the door and bend over for me, make sure you're checking for folk on either side while you show me that cute ass."

Unable to resist, she obeyed, head poking out into the hall as a mixture of fear and arousal crashed inside of her, body bending over with her hips raised high and plump rear showing for her master while she placed her paws on the ground. Strong digits grasped her ass almost immediately, spreading it, a thick tongue pushing inside while one of Wel's claws began drawing on her thigh. Mara could feel cool ink seeping through her fur but before she could ask what they were done, she could feel it. The ink formed words that shifted and changed to the shape of a heart on her thigh, the fox's tongue suddenly able to dip inside of her as much easier. Even then, her connection to her master told her the intent of the ink. Her mouth remained clamped shut in a crooked expression as she tried her hardest to remain quiet, even her master's slopping licking of her ass made it rather difficult to remain calm. Even their tongue sliding out of her rear made a sticky sound punctuated by a light pop that echoed in the room but not the hall thankfully enough.

The slap of fat canine shaft on her plump rear caused her to hop a bit as they slid it back and brought the tip between her rear cheeks. One of Wel's hands spread her ass while the other helped ease the head against her puckered hole, Mara's heart thumping wildly against her chest as her eyes averted from her vigil to look at what they were doing. The tip didn't take long before sliding on inside and after that, Wel grasped her tail and brought their hips forward all the way to slam every inch of their shaft into her ass in one go. One of her paws came up to clap over her mouth, a muffled mewl and squeak escaping her as she turned her attention to the hall. The fox began pulling back slowly before they slammed back in, repeating the motion over and over again until Wel had a steady rhythm going.

Mara's body was alight with sensations; pain, pleasure, and much more crashing through her as she tried her hardest to keep quiet. They used her without pause and as roughly as they desired, one hand tugging on her tail firmly while the other clutched onto her hips. Every thrust that echoed pleasure through her had the added arousal of feeling her reward for obedience, for performing well and as thanks for the splendor of her body. The last reason, in particular, caught her off guard as she mewled aloud a thank you for her master that escaped her digits and caused her to clamp her mouth tight again as she remembered what was happening right now. If someone saw her, if someone caught her then it would be embarrassing above and beyond! It wouldn't even matter if she got in trouble or not, just the fact that someone would see her so vulnerable was embarrassing on its own. At the same time, what if someone with a particular hunger came down the hall? What if there was a feral bastard like Wel who simply wished to use her body? Her fears continued rising as she heard the subtle slap of the fox's hips on her rear with every thrust along with the sticky sound of that thick canine shaft moving through her ass. At the same time, those fears compounded with a sort of odd excitement that kept on rising as if she wanted to be caught as if her master wanted them both to be caught.

The constant pounding made it difficult to hold herself up and soon Mara found herself on all fours, bent over and being railed with half of her body sticking out the door. Her arms then gave way and she brought them both beneath her head to let her moan aloud into them instead of into the hallway. Wel followed without relent, hand yanking her tail harder as their thrusts seemed to grow more violent. The base of that canine shaft was swelling, her cursed rear still needing some time to adjust to the sudden increase in girth at the base but Wel did not slow down. One of their hands moved to grab her by the head, pushing her down firmly as they growled like an animal and slammed their hips down to force their knot inside with a loud pop. A sudden pleasure like no other rocked her entire body causing her to gasp aloud off of her arms and mewl, a climax hitting her out of nowhere that gushed from her pussy while her legs trembled and struggled to remain on her knees. Just then, Wel began to fire off load after load of hot seed into her rear. That sticky and thick fluid filled her up to the brim, her plump body shaking as her master's cum painted her insides over and over again. Each shot was accompanied by a violent throb that felt as if the shaft were swelling just a bit more. When that load finally finished, her body was radiating heat inside and outside of her body. Of course, the fox took their sweet time in pulling out, hips moving backward to drag the knot out before letting it pop inside with a slick sound that seemed to amuse her master as they did it over and over again until fully pulling out. Cool air touched her insides but her ass was soon filled again with a plug causing her to yelp. Such a quick arcane construct! Was it made of ink? Or perhaps simply arcane power?

Her curiosity faded as she realized where she was but could not move because her master had not ordered it yet. When they got up and stepped out into the hall with their still dripping cock, her eyes grew wide as Wel stretched and sighed, "Get my coat and a change of clothes for yourself. We'll head to that lovely little bath."

"Is that advisable, I mean, I know it is late but..."

Wel sighed and shut their eyes, face tilted upward while they tapped their chin, "Is it so embarrassing to be seen with your master?"

The final word shook her body as she slowly got up and muttered, "No, not at all. Actually, yes it is!"

Her cheeks flushed as the inky presence in her mind seemed to giggle and laugh at her words. She thought of a few more ways to contest what they were asking but Mara realized that she wanted to go with them. The feline was sticky and still full of cum and it would be nice to just sit in warm water with her master and get clean. With a sigh, she turned and headed to obey an idle digit moving to her ass to feel over the smooth surface of the plug. She muttered something about it definitely being an arcane construct while she fished through her drawers for a suitable set of robes and a new pair of leg warmers after discarding the ones she was in. When she got what she needed, she grabbed Wel's coat and stepped out into the hall with the fox, shuddering as she felt her bare body exposed to the world.

"Good girl," Wel said as they took their coat.

Mara shuddered in response and cursed as she started walking with Wel at her tail, "Fuck, how are you so good at this? I know I opened my mind to you but I can't...I can't even conceive of getting free and what freedoms I have you've carefully given me."

A chuckle came from Wel who put an arm around her, hand resting at her rear, "Magic is one of the few things I'm good at, I suppose. While mine isn't as refined as yours, it is a force to be reckoned with. That includes my presence. As you no doubt felt, it is infused with the very curse that keeps me up at night."

Though her mind still swam with the details of what they had just done, she chewed over their words and tried to think about what they meant by refined. Her thoughts were only interrupted by the sound of moans coming from nearby. Mara's ears raised up high and Wel pulled her close to their body as they passed a couple locked in heat; one against the wall and the other pounding into them. Wel whistled and made a motion toward them but otherwise didn't attempt to stop them as the blushing students continued.

"So this is the nightlife I'm missing out on," Mara muttered with a snort.

Wel shrugged, "Yes, and no. If you want nightlife then on your next vacation I offer you board in my wagon for free and we can go to a proper city."

She raised a brow at that, "It sounds like you're asking me out on a date."

A claw pressed against the choker she wore just enough that she felt it as Wel whispered to her ear, "I don't have to ask." They then kissed her cheek and smiled, "Joke and horniness aside, I guess you can consider it me asking you out on a date. It is more me making an offer that I figured you would be interested in. Sex and whatnot are optional."

Soon enough, she said while hugging her robes to her chest, "I'll think about it...I mean, it certainly sounds better than going back to my family's home."

The fox then stopped for a moment and hummed, "Oh right. Almost forgot. If you want to be free of my spell, then all you need to do is take off the choker. Likewise, putting it on will connect us again. I thought I would weave my little domination spell into the choker and make a gift at the same time."

Mara smiled just a bit, "Thank you Wel. I can't say I'll wear it all the time because of what it represents but I'll enjoy it all the same."

Despite saying that, she didn't take the ink choker off even when they arrived at the dorm's bathhouse. They took their first few steps into a small lobby of sorts with a set of square shelves where students could leave their things before getting in the bath. Normally there was someone behind the counter but the hour was too late for that. Mara noted that there were a few odds and ends in about three shelves meaning but it was better than it being crowded she supposed. With a sigh, she pushed her and Wel's clothes into one of the shelves before grabbing a towel nearby. Wel did the same but with a quiet snort hidden behind a large hand. She ignored their teasing and huffed, heading through the curtain doors and into the bath itself. A large chamber filled with steam opened up for them, a pathway cut through the center while pools of water being drained and filled dotted either side. Some of those pools had screens to keep from prying eyes. Wel had their towel over their shoulder, humming far louder than she would have liked as they headed through the center path. Mara followed along despite wanting to get behind one of those screens as soon as possible until they got to an open pool of water that stretched far with no one in sight. The students that were here must've been behind one of the screens leaving the public bath open for them. Still, she would have preferred some sort of privacy but couldn't exactly voice that with the inky presence in her mind prodding her toward obedience.

Wel sat at the edge of the water and brought their legs in with a sigh, "Sit with me, kitten."

There was no compulsion to sit next to them but she did so either way, grateful for the warm water touching her legs as she dipped them in, "Can't believe you made me do that, can't believe that I'm still wearing this stupid thing you said I could take it--" Her words stopped as she looked over and saw that Wel was idly toying with their cock, tugging at it and leaning back with a satisfied smile and eyes closed, "What are you doing?!" She hissed quietly.

The fox opened an eye, side of the mouth raised in a smirk as they asked coyly, "Just enjoying my time with you."

"You know what I mean." Huffed Mara as she thrust an arm out to push them.

Her cheeks blossomed with heat as Wel took her wrist and placed her digits on their shaft, the fox chuckling, "What I'm trying to do is get off, so how about you help me out with a little lip service?"

Mara steadied the burning on her face for just a second and opened her mouth to complain but instead, she found herself moving to lie at the edge of the bath, her mouth planting kisses along their thigh until she got to the base of their shaft. A few digits went up to the choker she knew had the spell that was controlling her movements. She could take it off at any moment but instead, she moved her paw to rest at Wel's knee while she kissed along their member and muttered quietly, "You're incorrigible."

Gentle digits stroked along her head and behind her ears, treating her like a feral pet more than a lover as Wel's voice shook her, "And you love every moment of it. Even without that choker, you would be in love with what I'm doing to you."

As her lips closed around their shaft, her eyes close to obscure what she was doing but she could not escape the truth of the situation. Her excitement was her own as she bobbed her head up and down, Wel's hand occasionally urging her to go faster. Her throat was full of their pulsing heat and her body was wreathed in the steam coming off of the baths. There were small sounds joining the water, noises that told her that there were others somewhere in the baths but she didn't care as her mouth kept on dipping down until she could feel her nose brushing along their thigh. The knot was already swelling again as if Wel knew that it would be better to hurry. Perhaps it was the excitement making it that much more difficult to hold back. Soon enough, the fox grabbed onto her head with both hands and began pumping into her throat over and over again, her body shaking as she gagged around their cock a few times.

Suddenly, she was drawn up and onto her knees, her eyes opening to witness Wel standing before her with their cock poised just above her face, one of their hands tugging on that massive thing. She knew what they wanted and frowned but closed her eyes again and lifted her chin, heart throbbing as she waited to accept her master's mark. Hot cum struck her face in heavy ropes that each presented a new sensation that sunk through her body. She couldn't resist purring and even drooling just a bit while receiving every drop and when Wel finished, they placed a hand on her head and said quietly, "Good girl."

The next stretch of time was spent in the bath getting clean and huffing about Wel being far too mischievous. Wel simply apologized and even laughed at one point, her cheeks blazing but a small smile forming, the choker ever-present on her neck. They walked back to the room after getting dry without getting dressed, mostly because Mara enjoyed sleeping in the nude and she had already done the trek once. When they got to her room, she stretched and sat on her bed glad to finally be back. Her eyes turned to Wel who was putting their coat on.

Mara watched for a solid second or two before she muttered, "Would you like to stay the night?"

That stopped Wel's hands on the buttons of their coat as they replied slowly, "I don't know if that's such a good idea." Wel then corrected quickly, "Not that I don't want to but I just don't have any dream suppressants right now and I wouldn't want your sleep disturbed by any conjurings of ink in my sleep."

She tilted her head, "Do you think those conjurings would hurt me?"

A hand came up to the back of Wel's head to rub while they sighed, "Possibly or perhaps they would just disturb you. Regardless, I wouldn't want you to have a sleepless night."

"Hm. Hold on." Mara fished through her drawers a bit and then under her bed until she found a box. She popped it open and plucked a flask from it marked with a few clouds, "Drink this. It might not be the same thing you drink but I made it for myself when I first got here to keep nightmares away."

Wel took it gingerly and smiled as they held it up and looked at it, "My, you must have truly fallen in love with me."

Her cheeks burned but she kept the same expression as she answered, "No. I am not in love. I admit that I admire you and that I have particular feelings for you but I don't know if I'd go that far."

"Yet," Wel added with a grin.

She crossed her arms and sat on the bed with one leg over the other while sniffing, "Whatever, just drink it and come to bed with me."

With a smile, Wel downed the potion and set the flask to the side before tossing their coat to a corner with her robes. They slid onto the bed and wrapped an arm around her to bring her down against their chest. She needed to rest against them to fit in the bed but she soon found her eyes closing and a small smile touching her features as sleep took her. This was someone that cared about her in genuine, someone she could trust. For a moment, she opened her eyes again and saw that they were already fast asleep. Her digits came around to the back of her neck to remove the choker and she found without a doubt that she still felt the same. Clutching onto the choker, she shut her eyes again and allowed a land of dreams to take her.