Just a Taste - Part One

Story by Taelan on SoFurry

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#1 of Just a Taste

When a fox tries to give his friend a taste of his own medicine, the tables are turned unexpectedly, yet predictably if he had thought things through more carefully.

Just a Taste - Part One

By Taelan Sabretooth

All characters are © Taelan Sabretooth

"Dude! Listen to that beat; I told you this place is wild!" Benny said, already bobbing his head and swaying his hips to the erratic beat. His long vulpine tail swayed in opposition to his hips, his club attire jingling with his every move.

Furs on the street could feel the pulsing music and irregular vibrations from the club's rumbling bass. Threads of light shimmered out in a myriad of colors near the edges of the blacked-out windows. From the street, all Benny could see were the furs in front of them. Mac, however, had a great view of the entrance where two burly bouncers rejected or accepted those in line from beneath a curtained canopy. Above them were cube glass bricks that let out little more than the multi-colored lights shining from within.

"I don't know, I've never been one for clubs, Benny," Mac said as he snorted through his nostrils. The giant shire was huge compared to his small vulpine friend.

"Ahh c'mon man, you'll love it, and I'm certain someone in there will be able to ahem..." Benny said as he looked to the dragon in front of them. The voluptuous feminine rabbit with the dragon was drooling at Mac and his muscles. She quickly looked away as Mac snorted once more, glaring towards the jealous dragon. "I'm sure someone should be able to take your...big friend," Benny said in a whisper.

"C'mon Benny; I'm too big..." Mac said, unsure of why Benny had insisted the shire join him. Regardless, the argument was a common one, Benny always demanding Macheath date this fur or that one. The truth was there was only one fur for Mac, and it was Benny.

The shire felt strongly about the fox for many reasons, but two precisely: the plush rump filling out his short-shorts in all the right ways, lifting him to a full height of five-foot-eleven. Ways that Mac loved to ogle, even as he felt his ample sheath stir in his tight leather pants. Benny's lush red tail with white tip was extra plush, all to match his ample buttocks. His shorts were so tight his jiggling butt-cheeks peaked out from beneath the ragged cut-offs, cut-offs so snug that they left nothing to the imagination, and it was driving Macheath wild with lust.

Benny's enormous thighs tapered down towards his muscular calves and then disappeared into his black combat boots. The boots themselves were ragged and worn, with holes that showed off his bare paw-toes and claws. Benny's midriff was also bare as his curvaceous hips slimmed down to his thin and furry waist. The only covering on his plush pectorals was a mesh top showing off his pierced plump nipples. The large hoops that pierced his areola hung through the worn mesh top. Benny's dainty paws were slender and long, swaying with his dancing booty and glowing from the neon carbon-fiber raver's rings he wore.

The fox smirked up at the massive shire next to him; his best friend Macheath was far from in the dancing mood. "Ahh, come on, Mac, let's dance tonight! I'm sure you'll get some sweet tail!" Benny said as Mac grunted and crossed his arms. Mac's forearms were each as big as Benny's thick thighs. They were covered in pale tan hairs, while his white fetlocks glowed brightly in the streetlamp glow. His biceps and triceps were even more prominent as they flexed beneath the straining leather top that Benny had tricked him into wearing. It left little to the imagination, and Benny barely came up to Mac's elbow as he draped his paws on Mac's forearms begging with his bright green eyes. Mac grunted and spun Benny around on his paw-toes before catching him in his broad hands, his fetlocks trailing in the night air.

The muscled shire was huge compared to Benny, nearly three feet taller and all of it pure muscle. Mac combed his long, lush mane to one side, the white hairs silky smooth and well kept. His chest was a shelf of steely hard muscle and the cold night air made his nipples thick and pert, poking against the leather shirt in sharp definition.

Mac wore leather pants that Benny had picked out for him, and the tight leather kept pulling at his enormous balls. Overly snug, the pants left little to the imagination, and he hated the way every fur was ogling him. Or, as with the dragon in front of them, glaring while his date openly lusted after the horse. Mac's hooves clicked against the asphalt as they shuffled forward. They were almost to the front of the line, which stretched down the block. Despite the sounds raging inside, Mac hadn't seen anyone in view enter; each fur turned away by the twin bouncers.

The rabbit and her date, the jealous dragon, were next up. Benny was saying something that Mac missed as he watched the two enter.

"What did you say, Benny?" Mac asked as he stepped up to the bouncers. One, a rhino, was a foot shorter than him but was incredibly muscled. His arms are more massive than even Macheath's or the other bouncer's, a bull. The rhino smirked at Benny and licked his lips with his thick slug of a tongue. The bull, who stood even with Mac, listened to his earpiece and nodded his head to an unseen speaker.

"I said good luck!" Benny shouted over the blaring music streaming from behind the door.

"You, yes, you no," the Bull said, pointing first to Mac and then to Benny. Though Benny's ears flattened, he pushed Mac forward.

"C'mon Mac; you'll love it, I'll get back in line and try again!" Benny said it even as Mac found himself ushered in by the powerful grip of the rhino.

"W-wait!" Mac cried out as he looked behind him. The door swung closed behind his long-braided tail, yet as it approached, Mac swore, he saw Benny's eyes flash bright blue.

With the door closed behind Mac, Benny slipped the bouncers each a hundred and sauntered off, the irises of his eyes their standard shade of light green, while his pointed muzzle beamed with a predatory smile.


Macheath found himself staring at the undulating floor as hundreds of furs jumped and danced to the music. It was like the whole dance floor was alive, and Mac supposed it was. At the far end of the building was a stage where a lithe dragon bedecked in glowing attire played DJ to the raving horde of furs. Mac's phone buzzed in the tight confines of his pocket, and the pleasant vibration felt good against his heavy sheath. Fishing the device out of the pocket proved difficult, and he almost launched it into the crowd before catching it as it bounced between both hand-paws.

It was Benny; "Hope you have a good time till I get there! Then the party can start. The line is a few blocks long...might be a while."

"What should I do?" Mac replied.

"Enjoy yourself...duh!" Benny answered and then sent a kissing emoji.

Out of his element, Mac decided to head straight for the bar. He needed a little liquid courage, or maybe a lot, he thought--the undulating mass of furs framed by iron beams that supported the roof. Overhead a catwalk housed various anthros drinking and watching the raving group bouncing to the beat as they chatted away above the crowd. Further above were clear skylights that glowed with the countless lights beaming and reflecting around the room.

Around the dance floor's outskirts were tables and booths and three bars, one against each wall except the entrance. Macheath headed for the closest one on the right-hand side. As he approached the far end, someone vacated a stool just as he arrived. Stepping up to the bar, Mac sat his muscled glutes against the tall stools leather seat. It groaned audibly from his bulk. The bartenders ignored the shire waiting for service.

Their uniform was a crop-top tank-top with "Taste" in bold blue letters against a white background. The skimpy shirts ended just above their nipples and exposed their big muscles for all to see. The nearest bartender was an Andalusian horse, half a foot shorter than Macheath. Despite this, his white dapple-grey fur was in high definition with the brilliant lights and thick muscles. Though he was smaller, the colt could have been a world-class bodybuilder with muscles that rivaled Macheath's. The other, a wolf, was as tall as Mac and surpassed the shire's massive physique. The wolf had thick gauged nipple rings with captive beads through his plump areola, both of which glowed blue in the ambient light.

Torn jeans encased bother of their muscled buttocks showing off their rippling thighs and calves. When the Andalusian turned around, his tail tied up in a short braid, his tight jeans showed off a distinct and relatively wide bulge between his rounded cheeks. Snorting, Mac adjusted his heavy sheath, which his leather pants painfully constrained.

As the bartenders continued to ignore him, Macheath leaned over the bar and tried to get their attention. His butt was in sharp definition, the curved globes of his ass straining against the tight leather. The deep cleft between his cheeks cradled his tail. Macheath's long braided tail hung between his crack halfway to the floor. It jolted suddenly as a sizeable furred hand-paw cupped the curve of his ass.

Macheath jerked upright suddenly, spinning around. The long fluffy tail of the same fur teased his broad, blunt muzzle as he did so. The rope-like furry serpent teased his nostrils and caused him to sneeze.

"What the fuck?" Mac said as he realized the fur was still behind him, having slid around his massive frame as agile and fluid as a serpent. The anthro behind him now stroked down his sculpted sides feeling his v-shaped structure. As the hand-paws slid lower, they squeezed both cheeks of Macheath's ass. Mac wasn't sure what was more surprising, the groping or the fact that the paws were able to cup his massive glutes easily, one in each hand.

"Mmmm, pretty pony..." The voice said as he purred behind him. Mac looked over his shoulder and had to look up, for the first time in his life. As he did so, the feline groped towards his front, wrapping his large muscular arms around Macheath's chest and groped Mac's crotch. What was worse, Mac felt the obscene bulge of the other male grinding against his muscled glutes and lower back.

Behind him, the snow leopard was enormous, a genuinely masculine and intimidating feline that sent a shiver down Mac's spine and straight to his tail hole. As soon as Mac made eye contact with the male cat, the snow leopard puckered his lips and blew a kiss at Macheath. Bristling fur coated his jawline along his sharp angular muzzle. A large gold hoop hung like a door-knocker just above his upper lip from his pink and black spotted nostrils. The more Mac took in of the powerhouse male behind him, the more his head swam. Thick spicy musk exuded from the snow leopard as he grinned, his large fangs glinting in the club lights.

As Mac stared at the feline for mere moments, his bright blue eyes enticed Mac. They seemed to glow though Mac was sure it was another trick of the club's lighting. Yet as he watched, the color remained constant. Before Mac could say anything, the Feline smirked and spun Mac around to face him, much like Mac had turned Benny earlier. Dizzied by the sudden movement, Mac fell forward into the beefy chest of the snow leopard.

The snow leopard stroked down the length of Mac's neck to the middle of his back and smiled. "That's okay, pony, I don't mind." He said.

Mac braced himself on the thick slabs of the feline's pectorals and pushed back. "Uhm sorry," Macheath said, clearly uncomfortable.

"No need to be sorry, pony," he said. The feline purred and then offered Mac one of his oversized paws. "Name's Azul," the snow leopard said.

Hesitantly, Mac shook Azul's paw; his hand dwarfed within the paw-digits of the meaty appendage. His claws were like talons and fully extended as he squeezed Macheath's paw within his grip, pulling Macheath forward into his personal space once more. Stumbling, Mac looked up and grunted as he felt the prominent bulge of the other male's crotch jut into his muscled gut.

Azul stroked down Macheath's well-defined muscles, squeezing his biceps and thumbing his triceps. He slid his hand-paws underneath Mac's armpits to slide his hands down Mac's side, feeling up his v-shaped back, which was highly defined and narrowed substantially to Mac's equally well-defined waist.

"Woah..." Mac said, slapping away the feline's hands. Azul smiled and purred before backing up to lean against the bar; his massive forearm was as thick as one of Mac's thighs. The Shire settled next to Azul, staring at the feline god of muscle before him. Azul was dressed in leather pants as well, though his bulged profusely at his crotch where his large orbs and sheath distended the leather. Otherwise, he wore a simple white t-shirt stretched over his big muscles with the word Taste across his chest.

"So uh, do you work here? Are you a bouncer?" Mac asked.

"Something like that..." Azul said, purring deeply, his tail waving behind him in slow hypnotic rhythms. "Thirsty pony?" Azul asked.

"Yeah, I was about to get a drink," Mac said.

"Hmmm..." Azul said. Mac felt the deep hum of his voice from the few feet that separated them. It was a deep bass that penetrated the body. Macheath wondered how his voice would sound if there weren't a cacophony of club music blaring behind them.

Azul snapped his fingers, and the Andalusian quickly dropped what he was doing and trotted over. He was practically on the tips of his hooves swooning over Azul. "How may I help you, sir?" The Andalusian said, his bubbly voice practically dripping with lust.

"Give me a Taste for my friend...and I'll take a whiskey sour," Azul said, his commanding voice leaving no room for debate. The Andalusian moved to prepare the drinks when Mac stopped him.

"Make mine a double..." Mac said. He needed a boost in confidence. The Andalusian's eyes bulged when Mac said to double the drink, and he stammered.

"B-b-but..." The Andalusian said, fumbling with his words, looking to the much larger snow leopard.

"You heard the man!" Azul said as he slapped the bar. "And make it fast," he added.

"What was that about?" Mac said, clearly confused.

"Nothing, nothing, but my, aren't you eager? Just met, and you're all ready to show me up." Azul said, his purrs buzzing in Mac's ears. Macheath's phone buzzed, but he forgot to check it, flustered as he was by Azul.

The Andalusian returned and slid a large whiskey sour to Azul, the oversized glass big enough to fit in Azul's hand-paw was practically a pitcher. Mac's drink, on the other hand.

"What's this?" Mac asked as he picked up the small shot glass of bright blue opaque liquid. "I thought I ordered a double?" He said.

"Oh, right..." The Andalusian slid another shot-glass of the bright blue substance across the bar. "Anything else, sir?" The Andalusian said, his desire practically dripping from his tongue.

"No, get back to work!" Azul said, the demand in his voice nearly had Mac jumping behind the bar. "Well? Cheers!" Azul said, clinking his massive glass to the shot glass in Macheath's hand-paw.

Before Mac could even sip the shot to find what it tasted like, Azul tipped back his giant glass and washed it all down. Not going to be outdone, Mac brought the blue substance to his lips and tossed his head back, downing it in one go. The entire beverage tasted like blueberries. It had no alcoholic taste whatsoever, but immediately Mac felt a tingle in his crotch. His sheath bulged as he felt his tail hole clench. Before he knew it, Mac was downing the second shot without hesitation. The glowing blue eyes of Azul observed his movements.

Azul's purrs quickly drowned out by the pounding of Mac's heartbeat. His cock felt trapped in his pants, pressed painfully into his sheath as his blood surged through his veins. Mac's tail hole clenched, and his tail lifted, arching above his buttocks. Worse, his shirt felt tighter, and so too did his pants. The tight leather garments began to stretch as Mac's muscles expanded. The shire felt rather exposed as he began to hear over the pounding of his heart the audible tear of his leather attire. The seams stretched and bulged around his masculine flesh as his shirt fell from his torso in tatters. Mac felt himself grow a few inches as his pectorals heaved with his heavy breathing. Thankfully his pants held, though noticeable tears near his calves and thighs formed.

Many patrons near the bar were gawking and whispering though Mac couldn't hear a word they said. The music and his own heart flooded his brain with sensory overload as the snow leopard moved closer. Tantalizingly close, Mac rushed to meet him and locked his lips with Azul's. He'd only ever had feelings for Benny before, yet Mac found himself overcome with desire for the domineering snow leopard.

Azul's deep purrs and Mac's heartbeat vied for his attention as his ears flicked against his skull. Azul quickly felt up his tan furred torso as the snow leopard squeezed the first one and then the other nipple. Azul twisted and tugged at them until they were plump and firm. The feline forced his tongue against the smaller shire, dominating Macheath's mouth as he groped Mac's painfully confined crotch.

Mac tried to push his tongue back into the snow leopard's mouth but found his strength paled against Azul's. "Mmm...nice pony," Azul said as he pulled away, a thin string of saliva lingering before breaking. "Want to come upstairs?" He said.

"W-what? Here?" Mac said. His heart pounded, and for a moment, he thought of Benny as his phone vibrated once more. "Oh-okay..." Mac said before following the giant muscle cat to a door he never noticed. It led to a staircase hugging the right side of the old warehouse turned club. Soon they ascended to an office. There leather couches and a massive desk dominated the room. A glass wall overlooked the club, yet no sound penetrated the office.

Mac fumbled with his belt and tried and failed to peel the leather away from his waist. He followed the Snow Leopard, who sat on the oversized couch and spread his legs. His bulging crotch rounded between his legs as his trapped sheath began to bulge. Patting his knee, Azul purred as his tail curled this way and then the other. Mac moved over hesitantly, noticing the office's clear lighting that Azul's eyes did indeed glow faintly. A neon blue, they seemed more predatory than ever. Nevertheless, Azul patted his knee once more, his tail curling and uncurling.

"Come here, pony, I'll help you get ready," Azul said, patting his knee once more.

Feeling awkward and oddly out of control, Mac sat on Azul's knee. Azul's left paw cupped Mac's muscled buttocks as he brought his right up to Mac's crotch and pressed a large talon against Mac's sheath, which pressed painfully against the fly of his pants. Azul's large talon-like claw slid slowly, painfully slowly across the zipper before tracing the foot-wide outline of Macheath's sheath. "Mmmm, you are a big boi."

Mac moaned as he rested his hand-paws on his knees, unsure what to do with himself. "I-I hope not too big. I mean, if you don't think you can take me?" Mac said, searching Azul's eyes for some form of an answer.

"Oh, hmmm. That sounds like a challenge. I like challenges," Azul said, purring into the nape of Mac's neck as he nibbled at the hairs there and suckled at his flesh.

"Ohh..." Mac said, moaning as Azul dipped his claw behind Mac's pants' leather and pulled forward. The claw cut through the leather like butter as the material began to tear, freeing Mac's crotch of the confining leather. Azul grasped the rear of Mac's leather pants and pulled the remnants of his pants off in a quick, powerful grasp. The material ripped free, and Macheath was bared naked to the snow leopard.

His cock quickly distended from his sheath, his heart pounding faster and faster. The wide trumpet-shaped head spilled down towards the floor before arching and throbbing ever harder. First, a foot slipped free, quickly stretching outwards inch by tantalizing inch. After the second foot of cock distended free of his sheath, Mac began squeezing his sheath base as more and more pushed outwards. Pinching his cock's root had the added benefit of increasing pressure and increasing the rate at which his oversized shaft reached full hardness.

Finally, three feet of long, turgid horse-meat began arching above the floor, dripping copious amounts of pre-cum. Azul began rubbing his massive paw, the sensitive paw-pads of his hand like velvet against Macheath's marbled cock. The pink and black flesh grew to full hardness in mere moments, three feet of enormous tumescent meat dripping with his need. Azul stood up as Mac slid free of his knee, standing on shaky knees as his bowling ball-sized testicles dipped between his legs. The weight of the massive orbs pulled on his impressive cock. The trumpet-shaped head, which was nine inches across in his current unflared state, dipped lower and nearly touched the floor.

Azul reached one soft furred paw to the root of Macheath's great cock; the turgid length lurched at his touch as he gripped it about the base. He pulled it upwards and slid his hand-paw beneath the underside, gliding his paw to the tip before gathering the copious pre, which dripped there. Dipping one paw digit into the wide gaping hole at the crown of Mac's cock, Azul let go of the shire's cock. He brought his paw to his lips and suckled his sticky paw-digits into his muzzle. Purring, he smiled at Mac.

"Mmm, not bad, pony..." Azul said before shoving his paw digits into Macheath's drooling maw. The shire's mind was fevered with lust, his mouth agape. Azul took full advantage as he pressed Mac backward until he fell over and into the plush leather couch. Cradled by soft plush cushions, Mac began stroking his length mindlessly. Both hands rubbed up and down the cock, one on top, the other against the spongy urethra and veiny underside. Paying particular attention to the thick medial ring, Mac moaned as his cock spurted large globs of clear pre-cum. The copious pre-cum bubbled and oozed from his cock, which Mac used to lubricate his thick paws. Mac's hands squeezed his length as hard as he could, driving his turgid cock to grow harder with his need.

The snow leopard pulled at his t-shirt about the waist, lifting it up and over his chiseled physique. Mac moaned as he watched the thick slabs of feline muscle exposed to the open air. Though the t-shirt had left little to the imagination, the sight of Azul's pink nipples hanging from the shelf of his pectorals made Mac's cock lurch. It bucked in his hands as his hooves spread wider, bracing himself to keep his footing. Beads of his pre bubbled free of his throbbing cockhead steadily as his need grew.

Azul smirked as he chuckled, "Don't worry, pony, I'll be ready for you soon..." Azul said. Unbuckling his pants, he kicked free of his fancy leather shoes; Mac hadn't even noticed before now. Slowly, he glided the leather pants down, bending at the waist, and when he stood back up to kick free of the tight confines, Mac nickered.

"Ohh, Gods..." Mac said as he viewed Azul's impressive sheath. It was larger than Mac's own and quickly swelled with his distending length. The grey-white furs of Azul's underbelly and the black-grey spots of his coloration soon stood in stark contrast to the ebony length that slipped free of his sheath. The pointed head quickly widened to a small melon's size with a furrow through the tip where his piss-slit gaped. It was thicker than Mac's length while it was unflared. Thirteen inches across, Azul's cock began widening as he tugged at his sheath to let the fattening monster spill out. It was enormous, and as it swelled and hardened, it grew fatter around the middle.

As the length swelled, Azul's sheath trapped the rest of his cock behind his sheath, and the feline thrust his hips out in response. Globules of his pre-cum splattered across Mac's face as he licked up the potent slime. Still, Azul had to tug his sheath back with both of his massive paws, and his cock spilled out rapidly. Bulging turgid veins pulsed with his heartbeat, crisscrossing his length and bunching up near the middle where they spread out once more only to disappear beneath his ebony flesh.

Mac thought it would stop, as it began to dip lower, but the length continued to harden and grow. Below his sheath and rapidly engorging length hung a pair of testicles like oversized basketballs. The giant orbs were at least half a size larger than Mac's own and tightly wrapped in white velvet fur. They hung low, swinging as Azul swayed his hips, gripping his engorged length about the root as it continued to swell. Soon it was as large as Mac's length, though much broader, especially about the middle. It throbbed visibly, crisscrossed as it was with bulging throbbing veins. Unlike Mac's cock, the snow leopard's barely dipped low and soon was at a forty-five-degree angle from his crotch. As Macheath stared at the gaping piss slit, it gaped, and soon a splash of the feline's potent pre-cum washed across Mac's muzzle anew.

Mac licked his lips and fell to his knees; his brain awash with the felines overwhelming pheromones. His length laid between their legs, oozing pre-cum onto the carpet as Azul stepped closer, stroking his cock above Mac's head. "Mmm, be a good pony and worship my balls," Azul said.

"But...I..." Mac stuttered.

"You what? C'mon don't be shy, I know you want to." Azul said, purring. "Get to work, bitch, be a good sissy pony..." Azul said teasingly.

Without waiting, Azul grabbed Mac's long equine muzzle and dragged it along his shaft. Forcing Mac's head between his legs, Azul ground his muzzle deep into the cleft of his balls. Mac breathed in his masculine scent, the overwhelming aroma of his potent testicles. As he inhaled, Mac reached out with his tongue and lathered the silky fur of Azul's enormous balls with his drooling mouth.

"Mmm, such a good little bitch." Azul said, purring as he undulated his hips against Mac's muzzle while dragging the equine's head against his crotch. Mac felt confused. Was he a good sissy pony? His only answer to lap and suckle at the tight flesh of the snow leopard's tight sack. The smell was overwhelming, potent, and masculine. It made Mac's head swim in the heaviness of his rank testicles. Mac dipped his head beneath the testicles and licked and nibbled at Azul's taint. He chewed and suckled, pulling on the flesh that held the potent part of the scent. The shire couldn't get enough as he returned to Azul's balls, nuzzling and worshipping the powerful orbs.

"Mmm...enough lick my cock..." Azul said, letting Mac go to service the feline on his own.

Mac grasped the thick throbbing stalk of feline cock with both hands and couldn't reach all the way around. He lathered it with his tongue and mouth. Tracing his tongue along the veins, he trailed his way towards the tip, backing up as he did so. Pure heat radiated from Azul's cock as Macheath finally reached the end. Mouthing the massive crown, he could only get about six inches of the shaft inside his mouth despite his bulk. Even so, Mac bobbed up and down tonguing and mouthing the tip of Azul's rod.

The snow leopard patiently let the shire suckle on his tip for a few moments before he grabbed the back of Mac's head with both paws. Thumbing his soft paw-pads over the twitching ears of Mac's head, Azul arched his back and bucked his hips against Mac's muzzle. Holding his head in a steely grip, Azul's cock battered against the back of Mac's throat. Macheath was confident it couldn't fit, but the spongy cock-flesh gave as Azul shoved his impossible girth down into Mac's throat and long equine neck. His tongue writhed against the underside as rivulets of his saliva pooled around the corners of his mouth and jawline, dripping steadily in rivulets.

Mingling with Azul's pre-cum, frothy foam developed around Mac's jaw as he sucked and swallowed against the invading length until, impossibly, Azul's cock was halfway to his stomach. More than half the cock still protruded from Macheath's muzzle, but the width of the cock now strained the limits of Mac's jaw. Just as Mac's eyes began to water and roll against the back of his head, Azul ripped the length free, and Mac gasped for air. With just the fat pointed tip in Mac's mouth, Mac's tongue pressed against the gaping piss slit. His tongue pressed against the giving flesh as Azul began a steady rhythm of sawing his cock in and out of Mac's throat.

Relaxing his jaw and swallowing continuously, Mac's muzzle became a frothy pre-cum, and saliva-soaked mess as Azul humped his cock in and out of the shire's mouth. The horse's throat massaging Azul's enormous cock soon left his balls lurching upwards. Mac grappled with the snow leopard's cock, squeezing the cock flesh that hung out of his maw. Locking his paw-digits behind Macheath's head, Azul drove his cock again and again in and out of Mac's wanting drooling muzzle. Suddenly, unable to hold back any longer, Azul let loose a loud yowl as his cock swelled, locking it inside of Mac's throat. His urethra expanded as his balls drew up, and a full load of his seed jetted out of his cock and splashed into Mac's stomach. Mac's stomach ballooned until his well-defined abs bulged outward, rounded out by the voluminous cum swelling his middle.

The orgasm continued far longer than Mac could handle, and soon he thought he might black out until Azul shoved Mac off him. Macheath fell onto his elbows as Azul stood above him, his cock lurching and shooting large ropes of cum across Mac's chest. The last few jets splashed across Mac's muzzle, and the dripping, oozing cum mingled with the frothy mess already there.

"Enough...time to ride!" Azul said, smiling as though he were clever. Mac moaned and waited for whatever was to come. "Turn over bitch, get on all fours!" Azul said, his voice ragged with lust.

Mac moaned and turned over onto all fours, no longer capable of independent thought, his cock hanging between his limbs as the tip stretched out beneath his head. The shire braced himself on his palms as he spread his knees wide, his muscled thighs rippling as Mac bared his broad backside to Azul. Azul grasped Mac's braided tail in one thick fist as he placed the pointed tip of his enormous cock against Mac's pucker. Soaked and sticky with the remnants of his spent load, Azul's cock glistened with saliva from Mac's muzzle and bubbled with the last vestiges of his orgasm.

Wielding Mac's tail like a leash, Azul speared forward as he pulled Mac's ass backward onto his big pole. "Ohh fuck..." Mac moaned as inch after incredible inch surged inside him. Copious spurts of the snow leopard's cum and Mac's saliva coated the way as he didn't stop till the first foot of cock was enveloped in the shire's depths.

"Mmmm, good pony, such a good little pony..." Azul whispered as he let go of Mac's tail and braced himself on the shire's hips. Grasping them with his meaty palms, Azul gripped Mac in his steely grip pulling the shire backward onto his cock. "Mmm, suck your dick pony," Azul said. "I want you to taste your last load as a big bad horsy..." Azul added.

Moaning, Mac locked his lips on the bulbous crown of his trumpet-shaped cock. His hips rocked forward, gliding on Azul's tumescent cock, driving his cock further into his waiting maw. Mac smacked his lips and suckled audibly on his cock as the snow leopard rammed more of his cock into the shire's eager tail hole. His furred muzzle already coated in saliva, and cock juices glistened as Mac drew his cock as deep into his wanting maw as he could. Macheath moaned as Azul began sawing his cock back and forth, pulling at his muscled anal ring. Azul's paws groped and squeezed Mac's muscled glutes as his ass pulled out with every backward motion and plowed further in with every forward thrust.

As Azul's cock rocked back and forth, Mac's length surged into the back of his throat. His gagging suckling noises as his lips smacked and his throat swallowed against his cock drove Azul to ram in more vigorously. "Mmm, yes, take my cock bitch!" Azul said, loving the squelching wet slurping noises from below.

Soon Azul bottomed out inside the shire, and Mac could feel every throbbing inch of the gigantic cock hammering away inside him. Every gush of pre-cum, every pulse of the thick length. All the while, Mac suckled and moaned around his giant cock. His cockhead flared soon enough and trapped itself inside his mouth. His urethra expanded as his piss slit opened into his throat, and began shooting his load deep into his already swollen stomach. Locked deep in his maw, he had no choice but to swallow every last drop as he began to shoot potent thick seed.

Azul's balls slammed against Mac's own as the feline drove his cock furiously against Macheath. His pounding rhythmic fucking forcing his incredible cock deep as Mac's muscles began to lose their definition. "Yes, give me everything," the snow leopard said.

The shire's muscles melted away slowly, as inch by inch, the shire grew shorter. Azul grasped Mac's shoulders and hammered into him harder and harder. His balls were growing larger and larger as Macheath began to grow smaller. As his balls expanded with more of his potent seed, drawing the very essence of Mac's muscles into him, Azul's cock began to expand and swell against the tight ring of Macheath's pucker.

All the while, jet after copious jet of pearly white horse cum shot through his flared cock and into his maw. His tongue worked furiously against his piss slit as he suckled and guzzled down an endless stream of thick white spunk. Azul's claws dragged back along Mac's muscled backside, watching as the well-defined muscles shrank beneath his lush pelt. His pelt grew more luscious, his hairs longer as Azul continued to pound into Mac's thick butt. Even as his muscles shrank, his thick butt cheeks grew plump and plush, jiggling away with every thrust. Mac's ass grew thicker even as his sinuous frame diminished. The jiggling bubble round globes of his ass shaking as he bounced his ass on Azul's pounding length.

"Unf, yes fuck, give me all of it!" he said as Azul continued demanding of Mac everything he had to offer. Mac's hips grew out, his waist shrunk down, his muscles draining away as Azul grew more massive behind him. The thick snow leopard's muscles grew larger and larger, his abdominals bulging with his constant thrusting as his ebony cock disappeared again and again into Macheath. Every thrust brought with it more of Mac's muscles into his cock as it too grew larger inside the shire. "Ungh uhhhn, yeah, you're such a good little slut."

The horse's mind, already awash with the feline's potent pheromones, became a puddle of mush as his one thought the whole time was Benny. He felt he had betrayed Benny, and yet he wanted to share this experience with the jiggling plush twink boi fox. He couldn't wait to share the massive cock with Benny, as it was more extensive than even the shire's. That was a strange thought to Mac all of a sudden, having a large cock. Why would a pony like him have such a manly length? Mac couldn't bring himself to think of himself as manly or masculine. He couldn't even picture himself as muscular any longer.

True, Mac was much smaller by now, his muscles mostly gone except for in the right places. His toned fit body was daintier and thinner as his hips expanded and his ass shrunk yet grew at the same time. His body bulged obscenely around Azul's raging erection as the ebony length disappeared again and again against Mac's tan pelted rump. The snow leopard slapped Mac's ass watching it bounce and jiggle yet tighten and firm against his engorged cock.

The shire's waist slimmed down, giving him a thinner waist than his wide hips and plush rump. His chest, still toned, was coated in a plush velvety pelt of tan hairs, and his long luxurious white mane seemed all the lengthier on the much smaller male.

"Yesssss..." Azul said as Mac became sissified, his cock began to shrink last of all. Still cumming, Mac moaned in desperation as his stomach bulged from the already sizeable load he'd deposited into his stomach and the snow leopard's before it. The groaning shire moaned deeply as Azul grasped Mac about his thin waist, his belly rounded out between his legs as his cock popped free of his muzzle. Bent, as it was by the growing pot belly, it no longer reached his muzzle anyways. His legs and arms continued shrinking to thinner yet still defined limbs. Lifting Mac, Azul continued to drum his cock into Mac, though not all of it could fit inside him anymore.

Mac watched as his cock continued to jet cum across his muzzle, spurt after copious spurt running down his muzzle and neck, and over his chest. The cum shot all over the room as Azul bounced him up and down on his overwhelming cock. The trail of cum traced his body as he watched his body change; his hand-paws became dainty and thin. His digits, once thick and capable of palming a beach ball, were light and delicate. He grasped his cock, masturbating his length, which was still quite large though it continued to shrink. Cum shot across the room and all over the floor as Azul's hips began to ram harder, his tapered cockhead swelling and expanding with another load. Mac's eyes finally rolled up into his skull as the last vestiges of his mind melted away with the last of his masculine features.

"Fuck.... fuccckkk yesss," Mac moaned. Though his cock continued to shrink, Mac masturbated the shooting stalk as his balls shrank with his expended loads. By the time it reached a foot in length, his balls were little more than ripe oranges. The once-proud orbs were smaller than ever. He was able to wrap both of his hands around the length, just barely touching his fingers to his palms. Still, the cock was fat and blunt, the trumpet-shaped head domed outwards slightly where his piss slit was a small bead of the last of his load bubbled out as Mac's orgasm died down.

Azul rammed harder and harder, drawing the last of Mac's manly features away as Mac's eyes rolled in his skull. "Oh Gods, you're a tight little slut!" Azul yelled.

His mind long gone as Azul came deep inside of the sissified pony. Mac's stomach, already entirely swollen with his incredible load, began to bulge in truth. It distended, bending his cock down as he bloated with the force of Azul's load. Cum drooled from the corners of Mac's muzzle as his bloated body hung in the air on the snow leopard's massive cock.

The snow leopard yowled as he rammed home as far as he could inside the bitch riding his cock. Azul's muscles were bulging, and his testicles oversized with all of Mac's great strength. Macheath moaned and began to masturbate once more, his tail hole clenching around the tremendous girth spreading his legs.

"Uhnnn, mmmhmmm, yes, good bitch...but we have a date to keep. Need to get you ready..." Azul said as he began sliding Mac up off his ebony cock.


Benny kicked his legs back and forth as he sat on the dumpster behind club Taste's rear entrance. Mac was due to be back by now, but he hadn't answered any of Benny's texts; neither had Azul. The deal was to give Mac a taste of his own medicine, but now Benny was growing worried.

"Where is he?" Benny said, punctuating his words by kicking the dumpster. The club had long silenced, and the sky was beginning to lighten.

The rear door to club Taste banged open Benny could not see who was there with the streetlights blinding him as they were.

"Mac, is that you? Look, I'm sorry I just, I wanted you to be on the receiving end for once..." Benny said.

Azul's deep rumbling purr came through as he stepped into the light. Naked and still quite erect as he stroked his length. His balls were enormous. The beach ball-sized orbs were churning with seed dangling a foot from his crotch beneath his distended sheath.

"A-Azul? Where's Mac?" Benny said, his stomach lurching.

"Oh, he's around..." Azul said, purring as he stroked his cock.

"Y-you didn't?" Benny said, stammering as he jumped to his feet, his boots connecting with the pavement as Azul began to stroll down the concrete steps.

He tugged on a leash as he walked up to Benny, staring down the diminutive fox. "Hmmm, you need a reward for bringing me such a pretty pony..." Azul said as he pulled Mac into the light.

Tied to a pink dog-collar, Mac was five-foot-seven now, smaller than benny, with a round jiggling ass and swaying feminized hips. His thighs were thick still, but they slimmed down around his muscled calves and grew to dainty hooves. His waist was similarly thin and delicate from which hung a pink skirt. Mac's chest was plush and silken tan while his long white mane seemed even longer on the tiny pony.

Rows of pink bows now tied up his mane and fetlocks, and his muzzle dripped foamy cum and pre-cum. Frilly white satin leggings bound with pink bows wrapped around his thighs and ankles. Though dainty, the one feature that was still quite large was Mac's bulging stomach, filled with plentiful cum.

"What did you do? I paid you!" Benny yelled at Azul.

"Mmm, and I suppose I should reward you for bringing me this new bitch...and all those pretty muscles..." Azul said.

"Muscles?" Mac said, confused.

Benny backed up into the dumpster as Azul cornered him, releasing Mac's leash as he reached forward with one giant paw and sliced open Benny's tight short shorts. The flaps of Benny's jeans fell forward, exposing Benny's small sheath. Azul smiled and pressed his enormous cockhead against the smaller male's crotch. As his pointed shaft pushed into the small opening, the furred flesh of Benny's sheath, it bulged obscenely around the snow leopard's massive cock. Enveloped in the furry casing, Benny moaned as Azul's cock began to cum, feeding his balls till they swelled too large for his pants. His pants tearing more, his balls fell free of Benny's shorts heavily swinging against the cold surface of the dumpster. Moaning Benny groaned as his ass began to tighten in his too-tight shorts. His jiggling flesh grew thicker as his ass swelled, and his hips rounded. Benny's lips glistened as they became poutier, and the fox moaned, his cock swelling around Azul's as it began to grow. Benny's hips widened and stretched against his tight short shorts. The fabric already at its straining point.

Mac moaned and played with his nipples as he walked over to Benny. "Oh, Benny, you're so hot," Mac said. He gripped Benny's head and pulled him into a sloppy kiss, the ample remnants of Azul's load mingling with Benny's red fur. Their lips mingled as Mac sucked on Benny's tongue, reaching behind Benny to squeeze his growing rump.

Azul began to back up his feet, pulling his cock with him as Benny's cock began to emerge from his sheath. His sheath bulged around the massive cocktip protruding from his crotch as his balls began to stretch against the tight fabric of his short shorts. Soon they were too much for the remnants of his zipper and seam as they began to tear. The seams of Benny's tight club attire began ripping audibly as his cock swelled and surged out of his expanding sheath. Once a small and dainty furred sheath, it now expanded past one foot wide.

Benny's balls dipped lower as they grew and expanded. The swollen orbs throbbing as they stretched the confines of their furred sac grew to the size of beach balls. His wide thighs jiggled slightly despite their muscle as more fat layered on, layer over layer. He had to spread his foot-paws as the oversized package between his legs continued to grow. Mac began stroking Benny's fattening length as he dipped his head to suckle on Benny's exposed nipples. He tugged on the large hoops with his teeth, twisting them slightly as he nickered in desire.

Azul's slow, methodical backing up left the fox's cock surging to catch up. As the feline's length pumped more and more of his seed into Benny's body, his femme features enhanced even as his cock became a hyper-sized monstrosity. Grasping the dumpster behind him as his chest heaved and his tongue lolled out of his mouth, Benny groaned with the newfound length that hung between them.

Benny's new cock was three feet in length, the once thin pointed head now blunt and broad from the excessive growth. His knot was a full foot in length by itself and far more expansive. His cock reached past his lush pectorals and throbbed beneath his chin. His shorts ripped free, his jiggling ass bouncing as it too was much thicker; Azul slapped Benny's ass as his cock slurped free. Benny came, falling to his knees as Azul's massive cock began to shrink to its standard size, and his balls returned to their average size as well. Azul was much taller than before, all of Mac's big muscles stored in his frame. Still, Azul smiled as he watched Benny's length spew copious amounts of cum onto the dirty back alley street. The turgid red flesh bulged and pulsed with every dribble and jet of cum that jetted from his gaping slit.

"Mmmm, you look good for a sissy little bitch...think I'll let you keep your mind, though. This way, you'll always know what you did, gave your best friend to me of all people thinking about what? I'd do what you want? Heh, what a laugh, now I have two bitches for the price of one."

"But this isn't what I wanted!" Benny cried as his cock jerked and throbbed, the blunted shaft crisscrossed with obscene veins.

"Oh, it's soooo big," Mac said as he giggled.

Benny looked into Mac's eyes and saw only lust and desire; the once-massive shire was a sissified pony driven for one thing and one thing alone. "I'm so sorry, Mac," Benny said.

"But why? All I ever wanted was to be with you, Benny, and now we are together," Mac said.

Azul stood over them both, the large shelf of his muscular pecs casting long shadows over both the twink boys. He gazed at them both from above his muscled frame, the only detail his glowing blue eyes and the sinister glare of his fang-filled smirk. "This is touching," Azul said, "But I think you both have work to do."

"Please, Azul, put him back!" Benny said, pleading.

"Mmm, I only ever promised a taste...but just a taste..." Azul said before grabbing Benny and bringing him and Mac inside.

To be continued