Ikenna's Weekend Away

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#15 of Kinktober 2020

A tiny micro lion gets to enjoy some intimate time with his lovers, without them even realising he's there! :3

This story was written for Li0nbones as Day #15 of Kinktober 2020! Today's kink was "Micro" and the story contains sexual acts in various permutations between an M/M/F trio of consenting adults, as well as incestuous goings on.

Ikenna's Weekend Away

This weekend, Tafari and Jen had the house to themselves. At least, that was what Ikenna had told them. Normally the lion would never have lied to his parents, but they'd shared more than enough in the past for their son to know that when they learned the truth, they'd be amused and hopefully excited to hear about what Ikenna had actually gotten up to over those three days of his supposed absence.

The truth was far more wonderful, particularly for Ikenna but in a way for all three of them. The truth was that Ikenna would be spending the whole weekend with his parents, but shrunk down to perhaps the smallest he'd ever been, an indestructible but barely noticeable one eighth of an inch tall. And while shrunk down that way, practically invisible in his tininess, the younger lion had some very specific ways in which he planned on spending his time.



The male lion huffed as he was awoken, only to find that it was still pitch black. He could feel his wife's hand on his shoulder, nudging him awake as her voice spoke his name again, an edge of urgency to it. For a moment he tensed up and listened, wondering if he was going to hear sounds of a potential intruder in their home. Instead though, as he rolled over to face his wife, her face close enough to his that even in the near total darkness of the bedroom his sharp eyes could make out its bashful yet frantic expression, he was met by a far more pleasant response. She leaned in closer and kissed him hard, a breathless moan on her lips when their muzzles parted again just moments later.

"Fuck me, Tafari."

Her voice cracked with the urgency of her whimper, and her husband regarded the lioness with concern even as she lay back and wordlessly urged him to straddle her.

"You okay, Jen? You didn't have a nightmare or something, did you? Because... I promise you, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere."

The lioness' eyes widened, and despite her still rather desperate expression, she giggled and smiled gratefully at her lover's concern.

"Oh. N-nhh... no, it's nothing like that. I just... I... fuck... I woke up horny. Like, really fucking horny. I swear it's like... god, like I'm in heat. Like I left a vibrator on inside myself and forgot about it... hhhahh, and it's humming right against my g-spot, or something."

In the darkness, Jen bit her bottom lip to stifle a strangled cry of lust, but mewled openly in glee when her husband smiled and rolled over onto her without any further hesitation. His cock was only just beginning to swell, but as they kissed and Jen wrapped herself around Tafari's body, face pressing up against his lush salt and peppered mane, it didn't take long at all for the lion to rise to the occasion in full. He pressed into her, eyes widening at just how hot and wet she already was, and as Jen screamed and clamped her legs around his midsection, Tafari resolved that no matter the cause of his wife's seemingly spontaneous excitement, he'd ensure it was dealt with in the swiftest, most direct way possible.

Within Jen's pussy, Ikenna moaned loudly as he was finally dislodged from where he'd been humping his tiny body against the lioness' g-spot for the last half hour. He groaned in ecstasy as Tafari's huge cock rolled over him and pushed him deeper still into his mother's depths, and with Jen's pussy already almost wet enough to wash his absolutely minute body away it didn't take long at all before the eighth of an inch tall lion was entirely adrift, unable to cling to any flesh for more than a moment before another motion of the two vast bodies around him cast him into the clutching, soaking wet inner reaches of the lioness' now even more bliss-stricken nether regions once again.


It was bright outside when Ikenna finally dragged his tiny body out from under the sheets of his parents bed, but as he glanced over at the bedside table and the comparably colossal digital clock resting there, he saw that it was nine AM and his parents were still fast asleep. He grinned, and hurriedly began to clamber his way up and over the sheets. His teasing the night before had kept them up for almost two hours as even in the wake of that first bout, their love and passion for one another had coaxed them out of slumber and into a decidedly intimate mood. Now they were catching up on that lost sleep, and hopefully that would give Ikenna all the time he needed to get to the restroom before the next predictable portion of his parents routine began.

Sure enough, Ikenna had only been hanging out in the restroom for ten minutes or so when both lions padded in, Jen giggling as Tafari's morning wood brushed up against her plump ass. Peeking out from behind the cup that held their toothbrushes, Ikenna trembled and squeezed his own rigid erection in one paw, his fur mostly dry again despite the thorough soaking he'd received earlier that morning, but the lingering and intermingled scent of his mother's juices and his father's cum still noticeably clinging to his body with every breath he took. He watched as Tafari began to run the shower while Jen peed, only for the two of them to swap places with a playful kiss, Jen stepping into the shower and under its rushing flow as Tafari emptied his own bladder, flushed the toilet, then stepped back into the shower to join his wife.

This was far from the first time that Ikenna had watched his parents together in the shower, but he never tired of it. Especially exciting to him however were the few occasions when he'd watched from a position of stealth, or had at least believed himself to be hidden at the time. There was something about knowing that his parents were still all over each other, teasing and fooling around and fucking at every opportunity even without his libido and the shameless incestuous allure of their entanglements to further excite things, which delighted Ikenna to the extreme.

He watched as they embraced under the water's flow, and kissed deeply. They spoke to one another in soft voices, not whispering to hide their words, believing themselves to be entirely alone together, but speaking softly in tenderness and adoration of their partner. Hands roamed. Tafari's fingers slipped into his wife, and she rose up on her toes to hump his hand. She grasped his cock in return, and they leaned against one another huffing and moaning as they pleasured themselves in unison.

"Sit down."

Jen gasped eventually, Tafari obeying without question. He settled onto the shower floor cross legged, and growled as his wife stood over him, leaning forward to kiss her thighs before she too bent her legs and came to rest upon his lap. Ikenna almost lost control, and had to let go of his own cock entirely to keep from cumming as he watched through the slightly steamed up glass the sight of his mother slipping with experienced ease onto his father's cock.

"Kiss me."

She moaned.

"Hold me."

She whimpered between the flurry of smooches which Tafari began to eagerly deliver as soon as he was asked. His arms encircled her, stroking her back, reaching down to cup her rump. Yet for all their passion and their breathless moans to one another, they didn't move. They didn't actually fuck one another at all. Ikenna stood watching, staring, overwhelmed with desire and absolute joy as his parents enjoyed the simple act of being together enough that orgasm ceased to be the goal of the event. The contact, the love, the tenderness they were able to show one another without so much as a single word; that was enough. At least, for a while.

Some twenty minutes later, Jen giggled, then squealed with laughter as Tafari leaned her back in his embrace for a particularly long, drawn out kiss, only to place her down gently upon the shower floor flat on her back, and lunge forward until his hips began to pump in and out of her missionary style with the warm shower's flow drumming against his back. With her legs in the air and her toes curling, it took less than a minute of urgent humping for Jen to scream the announcement of her orgasm, and barely ten seconds after that as his wife's depths milked him, Tafari's roars muffled Ikenna's tiny whimpers as he painted the surface of the shelf above the bathroom sink with his own copious, though proportionally miniscule load of cum.


As the weekend progressed, Ikenna shared more and more experiences with his parents all without their knowledge. He lay on the sheets of their bed on his belly and watched his father's balls swing as Tafari ate Jen out while jerking his own cock. He raced into the kitchen, panting and breathless after hearing their moans while he'd been taking a nap hidden away in the stuffing of the couch, to find his mother vigorously fingering herself as she suckled on her husband's cock, Tafari snarling as he helplessly, greedily fucked Jen's face. He lay on the bedside table beside the clock and watched his parents cuddle and chat, blushing as they talked about him, and as they teased one another with suggestions of what they might be doing if he was the one here with either one of them, rather than them both being present.

It was on the Sunday of the weekend however when Ikenna's wildest dreams came true, as he already lived out one of the fantasies he'd been hoping to achieve that weekend by finding himself hidden away in the crotch of his mother's panties when they got dressed to go out for dinner with a couple of friends. For almost two hours Ikenna lay in complete darkness, surrounded by his mother's scent; by soft fabric beneath and around him and heat radiating down from above. He masturbated several times, and idly considered squirming his way up and starting to tease his mother's clit while she was eating and chatting and innocently enjoying her evening. What truly set the evening apart however was when he felt motion against the fabric in which he was resting, and suddenly found the fingers of a hand joining him in proximity to his mother's pussy.

"Tafari! T-they're... they're right in the next room!"

He heard his mother gasp, the sounds less muffled than they had been thanks to the hand stretching out the fabric of her underwear and allowing more to reach Ikenna's tiny ears.

"Tell me to stop then."

Ikenna trembled. He loved it when his father acted that way. So rough. So dominant. He knew Jen loved it too, and sure enough he heard her breathless moan, and felt a large droplet of wetness splash down upon his tiny form from above.

"Mnnhh... fuck, no. I love our friends, but... god, spending a whole evening with them always makes me wish we'd just stayed home. Naked. Fucking till we're sore."

The micro-sized lion didn't hear much after that, as it was then Tafari started to more actively finger his wife, and the squishing and splashing sounds of his digits invading her soaking wet and exceptionally receptive pussy consumed all of Ikenna's attention. Beyond that, the evening was something of a joyous blur. Ikenna was soaked by his mother's juices when she came, and not long after that he felt the vibrations and heard muffled conversation between his parents that suggested they were in a car.

"...feel guilty, bailing like that. But, I need you."

Ikenna felt a finger caressing the outside of the panties in which he was tucked, squirming over until his mother was stroking his whole body, masturbating his tiny cock with her giant fingertip while she idly rubbed herself as Tafari drove them home. Once there though, Ikenna barely heard his parents get through the door when he heard the sounds of fabric in motion, and realised that they were stripping right there in the hall. He just had time to wriggle his way into his mother's fur and cling there, hovering upon her neatly trimmed pubic mound, when dazzling light surrounded him after hours spent in darkness. He peered out to see what was happening, and saw Tafari falling to his knees, his huge head moving in towards his wife's crotch.

"Tafari... please, I want your cock."

Jen begged, but only received a deep growl from her husband in return.

"And you'll get it. After you cum for me."

As Tafari leaned in to eat his wife out though, he frozen mere fractions of an inch from her pussy. He blinked. His eyes widened. He stared at Jen's crotch... and at the tiny figure of Ikenna clinging to her fur and staring up at his father, blushing as he found himself well and truly caught.

"Oh god..."

Jen whimpered as Tafari just knelt there, raising a curious, playful eyebrow at his adult but currently micro-sized son while Ikenna just waited, frozen with excitement in anticipation of how his father was going to react.

"Ahh... goddammit, Tafari! Fine, you want me to admit it? I want you to eat me out! I want to cum, now! So please, stop teasing me and eat me!"

After almost ten seconds, Ikenna heard his mother cry out, wrongly assuming that her husband was delaying to try and tease her. Tafari's gaze tilted up and away from Ikenna, and he expected to hear his father's next words being an explanation of what he'd found upon his wife's pussy. Instead though, Ikenna heard only six words rumbling passionately from his father's throat.

"That's what I wanted to hear."

An instant later Tafari was regarding him again, but just for a fraction of a moment. Then the older lion winked, he bowed his head further forward still and closed his eyes, and for the rest of the night he made no more effort to look for or in any way acknowledge his micro-scaled son's presence as he gave his wife everything that she craved, over and over again.

By Jeeves

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