Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 5

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#5 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 5:

Captain Silverpaw

I had my caravel within a year's time, after having frequented the ferries between Ceuta and Cádiz with my brothers, who were eager to assist me in my plan. We finally found one moored in the harbor of Cádiz under the church's flag. The three of us snuck upon the boat under the cover of darkness and with a little creative persuasion from the incubus, we had a willing crew to sail her back to Ceuta.

A month was spent stripping the ship down and repurposing her for what I wanted. We installed only four guns on her, small cannons, two on the port and starboard. Why only two? We weren't mundane and we had a small crew. The years worth of training we had done, easily would account for a lifetime of skill a mundane would have. After all, we didn't even need spyglasses at sea and could see fine in the dark of night. I rarely needed more than one shot to cripple a ship if needed.

Lorelai with some hesitation agreed to let us begin our campaign upon the church. Our wealth was still drastically smaller than it had been in our old home, and this would be a splendid way to rebuild it. Also, thanks to the truce with the celestial's we could prey upon the church for more vengeance without concern of retribution by the divine.

Do not let the fantastic tales of pirates fool you, the hunting was slow and arduous. Sometimes we could go months without seeing a target, especially given we only targeted the church.

One week a month would be spent stalking the straits, the rest of that time was at home, with regular training and education. On some occasions, we even convinced Lorelai to join us. I believe she didn't enjoy that I was more knowledgeable than her in a subject, and so she sought to learn what she could.

The means were always the same, Val would help keep watch with the servants during the day, we would watch at night. When we found a target we would follow from an impossible distance for even a spyglass to see us. Then when the sun was down, we closed in and boarded in the darkness of night.

Of course, no prisoners were taken. We couldn't have word get back about our little raiding party. I did this for the thrill of the hunt and to promote the growth of my family, not for fame. No, Val would convince enough to help us sail the ship back to harbor then they would fall like the rest of their wicked brethren had.


I found myself at the bow of my ship, my teeth clenched in an excited grin as we closed upon a carrack in the darkness. We had not seen a prize in months and I was eager for the hunt. The salty wind cut through my long raven-wing hair, making it flow and whip in the air as my tail wagged. "Time for a rude wake-up, you scurvy little bastards." I growled the words excitedly while shouldering my saber.

"You're always so excited, you would think after nearly ten years of this, you would have calmed down." Lorelai smiled as she stood next to me. She had her long wooly hair pulled back into a thick braid, a small silk bandana of blue over her head. She wore a thin chain vest with a heavy jacket of dense leather over it for protection.

My teeth showed as I drew my flintlock pistol in my left hand and gave my lady a hungry grin. "A hundred years won't quench my thirst for retribution. I will claim a score of ships for each sibling we've ever lost to these currs."

"You've been spending too much time with the sailors again, you're starting to talk like them." Elias folded his arms with his own grin, standing next to me with two rapiers at each hip. His hair was in the ponytail he always wore, a similar bandana over his head, holes cut out to let his ears poke through.

I fussed at him and stuck my nose up in the air. "Well one of us has to get into the moment."

"Be that as it may, we should still use caution. Val is not with us and none of these servants are combat-ready. It's going to just be the three of us."

I nodded. "It's a carrack, probably won't have more than around forty upon it."

"Still... we don't see many carracks from the church. Aren't those mostly for the transport of passengers or trading?" Elias asked me, rubbing his chin as he stared at the ship we were only half an hour from.

"Yes, but it flies the church's banner, so they die all the same. I care not if they are soldiers or traders," I snarled the words and tapped my saber on my shoulder impatiently, my tail cutting through the salty air.

Lorelai and Elias shared a look but said nothing. I could see they didn't share my enthusiasm, but I cared little. I would not forgive them, they had taken much from me and I could not forget the look of sorrow upon Lorelai's face, that night I held her in my arms. "Their crimes are too great to count. I will turn the sea red with their blood," I growled the words.

We closed upon the slower larger ship quickly and were within a few minutes of it when the situation changed. I was at the starboard side of the ship waiting for my chance to leap when I felt a sudden but familiar presence I hadn't felt in nearly a decade.

I brandished my saber, my teeth showing in a furious glare as the winged fox landed upon the deck of my ship before me and the rest of the crew. Elias and Lorelai were next to me, weapons drawn in an instant.

"Rachel! We are under a treaty, what are you do-"

"Why are you on my fucking ship!" I cut the sheep off, storming over to the other fox, tail furiously whipping through the air, my saber at the ready.

"Peace, Sarnai. I have come to talk and nothing more." Rachel held her empty hands up placatively and I noted she didn't have her longsword on her.

"I will not hear your treacherous words, angel. Away with you before I cleave your wings off and toss you into the brine!" I spat the words out, holding my saber at the ready.

"Sarnai! That is enough, this may be your ship, but I am still the head of this family!" Lorelai pushed next to us and glared up at me.

I scowled at her words but sheathed my saber. "My apologies..." I turned to the angel and clicked my tongue. "My lady would hear your words, out with them before my patience wears thin."

Rachel furrowed her brow and looked between the two of us, then her eyes widened as Elias joined us. I growled, seeing her eyes wander his form and drew my saber once more. "Mind your eyes, fox... that one is spoken for." I hissed the words and narrowed my eyes at her, her own darting back to mine as I glared.

"We have a ship to claim, say your piece, and move along," Lorelai grumbled the words and folded her arms over her chest.

The divine fox cleared her throat and spoke out pointedly. "That ship is full of nothing but missionaries and a saint bound for the new world. They are unarmed and-"

"They die all the same, I care not if they fall to their knees and beg. They wrought nothing but pain wherever they go, like the rest of their kind." I spat the words out and turned my back to the fox, moving back towards the starboard side of my ship.

"Wait! Lorelai... please, calm her!" Rachel barked the words out towards the sheep.

Lorelai folded her arms once more. "She is the captain of this ship and I will only question her authority if I grossly disagree with her. Their lot has caused me grievous pain at every turn, I have no reason to spare them."

"A trade then!" Rachel called out sharply to me, extending her hand.

I lifted my ears and turned back to her, my heavy boots stomping upon the wet deck of the ship until I was face to face with her. "A trade you say? Very well... return my five siblings to me along with the eight servants we lost to them. Do that, and your saint may go in peace. I will even stop my raids and forgive the loss of the estate they took."

Lorelai gave me a sharp nod of approval at my words and Rachel jerked her gaze away from mine, her teeth clenched. "Sarnai... you know-"

"You are on my ship, you will look upon me eye to eye and refer to me as Captain Silverpaw!" I spat the words into her face, showing my sharp canines.

Rachel shot me a glare and showed her own teeth, her eyes golden now. "You ask an impossible trade, Captain Silverpaw and you know it!"

I felt pride fill my chest at her calling me such and folded my arms. "Then our business is concluded, get off my ship."

"Wait! Surely there is something you want, perhaps knowledge?" Rachel called out to me as I had already turned my back to her.

My ears lifted at her words and she saw she had my attention. I glanced over at her and narrowed my eyes. "You lot deal with the dead frequently... yes?"

"We do... it is not within my jurisdiction of power, but some of the elite and archangels can commune with the fallen directly." Rachel nodded and pressed the issue, seeing she had struck on something with me.

"Find me a monster..." I hissed the words and turned to face her fully once more, sheathing my blade.

"What? Can you explain further?" Rachel folded her arms and frowned.

I gave her a quick and dirty explanation of my past, while we sailed alongside the carrack, ready to board her at any time. I showed her a furious glare as I spoke, "Find the monster that laid my whole tribe low and haunts my nightmares. Tell me of its fate if it is dead, or direct me to its location. You do that, you can keep your ship and it's missionaries."

Rachel rubbed the back of her head and looked away awkwardly. "I can... but it will take time, possibly decades or longer."

"I have nothing but time, celestial, but I am an impatient fox in the moment. Do I have your word or do I set my crew loose on this hapless vessel? Answer me now." I showed my teeth and barked the words.

"Fine! You have my word! I will find this information and-"

"And ten more years of peace!" I spat out the words, adding to my negotiation terms.

She flinched and bit her lower lip. "Sarn- Captain Silverpaw... I do not know if I can-"

"Prepare the boarding lines and ready yourselves, I grow weary of this!" I yelled out to the crew along with Lorelai and Elias. I then turned and stomped away from Rachel, climbing to the side of the starboard edge, grasping a rope in my hand.

"Wait! By the divines wait!" Rachel barked the words and rushed over to the three of us who had already taken up positions. "Fine! You have it! My word upon both, I will make it work, just let them be!"

I showed a snarl and cut my eyes to Lorelai, the sheep giving me a quick nod. I hopped down and yelled out to the crew. "Bring in the sails, give her some distance!"

My arms folded and I frowned as I watched the ship slowly gain distance from us. I took a few minutes to compose myself before cutting my eyes back to the platinum-haired fox. "You have your terms, why are you still on my fucking ship?"

"Thank you for your graciousness." Rachel gave me a deep bow then sprang straight up into the air, her white wings unfurling as she took flight and moved back towards the fleeing carrack.

"Ten more years huh?" Lorelai quirked a brow curiously.

"I would be a poor captain indeed if I only negotiated for myself." I gave my lady a gentle smile and flicked my tail.

"I'm not going to lie... you were wonderful just now, my love. You handled that in such a strong way, I'm lucky to call you mine." Elias spoke to me proudly, his tail wagging like a puppy's would.

I looked between the two of them and smiled. "Of course... a treaty keeps all of our family safe." I gave out a hearty laugh. "And gives me more time to raid their ships!" With a loud bark of order, I called out to the crew of servants. "Full sail! We head for home!"

Pride filled me as we pulled into the harbor. I may have not landed a prize ship, but I gave my family another decade of peace, and perhaps some insight into that incident. Perhaps if I could resolve it, the nightmares would finally leave me and I could rest peacefully in my white foxes arms.


The years moved along and though I never heard from Rachel, we did receive a formal notice of our treaty extending. I spent another decade plowing the waterways and building my family's fortune. The small villa had turned into a splendid manor with tracts of land stretching far and wide. I had spent nearly two decades as a bloodthirsty pirate captain, preying upon the church and as our last year of peace began to come to an end, I decided it was time to quit the game.

I enjoyed a year of nothing but home life with my family, reaping the rewards and comforts of decades of work. Even the port had developed nicely thanks to my constant income and protection. However, the mundane powers were becoming more volatile by the day, and I had no wish to become wrapped up in their petty power struggles.

Life was comfortable and stable, but like all things, it did not last. Change is always inevitable and after nearly thirty years of stability, my life once again changed dramatically.

"You called for me my lady?" I spoke the words dutifully as I entered Lorelai's study. I had been told it was official business so I came dressed proper and with the appropriate mindset.

Val and Elias were already there along with the two twins. Lorelai stood from her desk and paced over to the five of us. "Silverpaw has grown and you five are my most trusted friends. I will not lie... I would have given in to my rage and fury long ago after losing our first home, had it not been for your constant support."

Lorelai clicked her tongue and folded her arms behind her back. "With the advent of more ready transportation, the council has come to a decision. The head needs to be dedicated to council affairs first and foremost, not personal family business. I am stepping down as the Marquess of Silverpaw."

All of us were stunned by the words and Elias barked out sharply in protest. "You cannot, my lady. We need you!"

The sheep leveled him with a strong look. "You do not. The five of you are more than capable of keeping this family strong and powerful."

"We've been with you for over a century, Lorelai... I'm not sure we can handle losing you in our day to day..." Val spoke the words while folding his arms, his face showing a deep frown.

"I believe in all of you, my brother." Lorelai gave him a gentle smile.

I simply turned my back and stomped away a few paces, clenching my teeth. "How selfish of you... leaving us to fend for ourselves..." I spat the words out bitterly, feeling my eyes burn.

"I do this for the good of all of you and the council, my sister. Were it left to my own devices I would stay here in our home we built together and live my life peacefully with all of you." Lorelai walked over towards me and I could feel her presence behind me. "The treaty has ended, we need to be ready to deal with the celestial threat once more. All of our clan needs me, not just this house."

"Well, I need you more than they do!" I turned and shouted the words into her face, tears obvious on my cheeks.

The sheep opened her arms and I took a knee, embracing her. I felt her hand on my head, stroking my ears comfortingly. "You will still see me, this isn't goodbye my fox..."

"Lady Lorelai... it's been an honor serving in your name. Know we will both continue our dedication to Silverpaw." Jennifer came to the sheep and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, please do come to call as often as you can." Jeremy bowed as well, the looks on both of their faces saying they were just as upset as the rest of us.

"Who will run the family then?" Elias asked her curiously, all of us shifting our gaze to her at the question.

Lorelai pulled from my arms and moved back to her desk. "It's a bit unorthodox, but I would prefer if the three of you ran it together." The sheep looked between me, the other fox, and the goat. "All of you have the most time and-"

"I refuse," Val spoke out simply and walked over to the desk. "Let me accompany you, my lady. I love my brothers and sisters, but the two foxes can take care of things. I have much to still learn and I would feel better staying by your side as your sword."

"Like fuck you will! If anyone is going with her, it's me!" I spat the words out and showed my teeth, my tail cutting through the air.

"Siblings! Peace... all of you!" Lorelai grumbled at all of us. "Sarnai, would you really abandon your mate to wander around with me for years at a time?"

I showed my teeth and jerked my gaze away, not having processed the scenario she presented. "N-no... I would miss him terribly..."

Lorelai fixed the incubus with a stern look. "I accept your proposal Val, let the foxes have the house. You are not restricted by the night, your aid may be beneficial to me and the council in the future."

The incubus gave her a polite bow, then looked to the four of us remaining. "No hard feelings, I love all of you, but I feel this is the right course of action."

Elias moved to him and they embraced in a tight hug. "I understand brother... come to call at every opportunity."

Val showed his teeth and nodded. "I will... and put a ring on that foxes finger already, she's been waiting over a hundred years for you."

I barked out and glared upon the goat, my cheeks darkening. "We do not-"

"I also wouldn't mind seeing you two take this position as husband and wife," Lorelai spoke the words out to the two of us with a smile.

"We also have talked about things and wondered when you two would make it official." Jeremy showed his teeth in a grin, folding his arms.

I felt the tension of the room shift and focus squarely upon me. I awkwardly averted my eyes from the lot of them. "W-why don't you mind your own- urf!" I barked out as Elias approached me and took a knee right away.

The fox produced a golden band with a large ruby inlaid in it. "I can't help but agree with them... I would be honored to call you wife." Elias spoke the words in a proud tone, his eyes looking wet.

"Y-you! A-all of you planned this from the start?" I snarled and thrashed my tail pushing my palm to my face.

"Well... we weren't expecting the announcement about Lorelai, but yes... we were all five in on it." Jennifer offered me a coy grin.

"What do you say, my love?" He smiled upon me, eyes shining as he stared upon me with adoration.

I clenched my teeth and shook my head furiously, extending my hand to him. "S-silly... it is a foolish question, you already know the answer. Put the ring upon me like you should have done decades ago, I am already yours."

The band slipped upon my marriage finger, marking me as his wife officially and I shook my head again, feeling my eyes grow wet. "This is so embarrassing..." I huff before giving a yip as he stands before me and draws me into his arms, blinking as I felt him push his mouth to my own.

We kissed as husband and wife for the first time, right there in the presence of our closest loved ones. It was a memory I hoped would never leave my heart. My tail thrashed and I wrapped my arms around his neck, drawing him deeper into the kiss and snarling against his lips.

"Okay... okay... get a room you two!" Val called the words out playfully towards us.

We parted the kiss and looked upon them. Lorelai cleared her throat and spoke out gently. "As my last act as Marquess of house Silverpaw, let me officially introduce Elias and Sarnai Silverpaw, husband and wife."

The twins began to clap before Val and Lorelai both joined in. I shook my head and pushed my face to his chest, hiding my dark cheeks as my tail furiously wagged. I felt him embrace me tightly, stroking my ears and hair. "I will love you until the day I die..." His words filled my ears in a soft whisper and I nodded my head several times while hugging him.


What can be said from there? Life settled, I and my husband took up our roles as heads of the home. Silverpaw was large and thriving with nearly twenty members in our ranks. We were easily the largest house of the collective council.

The years flowed by and we enjoyed relative peace for the remainder of the sixteenth century of the mundane calendar. A lot had changed both at home and abroad. The world was more connected than ever before, with trade and exploration dotting across the globe.

I may have given up being a pirate but sailing never left my heart. I eventually decommissioned my carvel and had a cog custom-built for me. I often took our new ship on trade runs through the Mediterranean, just to keep coin flowing in the family coffers. After all, being an undying vampire doesn't mean bills don't still need to be paid.

One of the highlights was when I and my husband made trips to India to trade and brought back years worth of exotic spices. The trips took over two years to complete, but the income it brought for us lasted several decades.

Speaking of decades, they just whisked by with him. We watched history unfold before our eyes, watching the generations of mundane live and die. They shaped the world and grew stronger with each passing of the torch to the next generation.

I witnessed the brutal wars between them, I saw their advents of steam and industry. I watched gunpowder shape the world as Lorelai had always said it would. I would see the sheep every few years along with Val.

Elias slowly became enchanted with the western world, especially after the Lewis and Clark expeditions. We found ourselves at odds constantly over it all. He wanted to move the family but I was happy in our port of Ceuta. It may have been a Spanish colony now, but it was still home.

We quarreled a lot about the matter, as well as directions to take the family into. The times had found us and I was stubborn and unwilling to change. I wanted my peace and stability, not the tribulations of change.


"Sarnai... it's been nearly three centuries. I think you should follow Elias's suggestion and uproot the homestead." Lorelai spoke the words to me while we sat on the balcony of my home, the sun having just dipped over the horizon. The sheep had made a point to visit upon us at least every few years, regardless of how busy the council was.

"We are safe and comfortable, it seems so foolish to move the family when everyone is happy." I grumbled the words while sipping on my hot cup of blood. I had taken to brewing it with black tea from India, finding the addition of flavor pleasing.

"The family is happy, or you are? Many are drawn by the allure of the new world, Sarnai. I have visited the west multiple times as well. Have you ridden upon one of the steam locomotives yet? They have been in service for decades now." Lorelai sipped upon her blood and nodded at the flavor.

"I have not." I looked out upon the docks, the lack of a ship unsettling even though it had been nearly a decade since I had one. Modern ships were plowing the waters with the power of coal and sailing them simply wasn't as appealing to me.

Lorelai smiled, recognizing the forlorn look on my face. "You miss sailing the ocean, don't you?"

"Of course I do, but modern ships are such a bore. They also require highly trained crew and I won't subject my family to more labor over my own interests." I huffed the words and shook my head.

"With the advent of banking, wealth is easier for us to obtain. No need for long arduous trips through the seas." She spoke out conversationally.

"I never found the sea arduous, but that is true. I invested heavily in the East India Company. I even used my own talents to sway and manipulate the flow of some of their trade to further capitalize upon my investments." I poked my nose up into the air with a haughty flick of my tail.

"So the infamous Captain Silverpaw didn't just prey upon the church after all, eh?" Lorelai gave me a knowing grin.

I lifted my ears and gave her my own grin. "What can I say? The slave trade left me with a bad taste in my mouth. As an honorable captain with a sense of justice, I felt it was my duty to intercept a few convoys and free their cargo. Interrupting said routes being of benefit to my investments, was simply a coincidence."

The sheep gave me a knowing smile, then hesitated before asking, "How are your dreams?"

She saw me flinch and I ran my fingers through my hair, fixing her with a tired look. "Lorelai..."

"You can confide in me." She moved to place a hand gently upon my own.

I shook my head and looked out at the rolling ocean in the distance. "I feel it's taking a toll upon me. Each year I feel I'm one step closer to descending into madness. How many times can I dream of my family butchered and torn apart before I finally lose myself?"

"Have you spoken with Elias on this?" She tilted her head curiously.

"I've not... I speak little of the dreams to him. I do not wish to burden him with problems he has no solution to." I showed my teeth in a growl, composing myself and collecting my drink.

Lorelai nodded and pursed her lips. "You never heard from Rachel?"

I shook my head. "She and I have communed a few times over the last few centuries, however, she has made no progress in my request."

The sheep nodded. "I spoke to Toroah on this matter, he told me communion with the dead is a major task and takes the clearance of all the archangels. Rachel no doubt has to really work to gain the information."

"Do you think she means to simply shirk upon her word?" I frowned and stood, moving to rest my hands upon the balcony railing, seeing the wood withered, it would need to be replaced soon.

"No... if she gave her word she will follow through with it in time. I only wish I had a solution for you. I've not forgotten you and I've even begun trying to speak with one of the magi circles to try to find information on your curse." The sheep moved to stand next to me while I stared upon the view.

"I thank you my lady... my friend." I looked upon the landscape and shook my head. "Perhaps Elias is correct. Perhaps it is time we moved on, the travel and change may do my sanity some good."

"I concur. Idle hands are the devil's playthings as the celestials are fond of saying." The sheep gave me a grin, showing her sharp teeth.

"Ha... I've never met beings worthy of being called 'devils' more than they are. How ironic." I shook my head then lifted my ears and felt her hand upon mine while we stood there.

"You have something to say to me, I can sense it. Speak." Her words came to me in a commandment.

I nodded and spoke without thought, "If the madness ever takes me. Please keep my husband safe. Also if I must be put to the sword, I want you to be the one to do it."

The sheep flinched at my words but nodded. "Let us pray it never comes to that. I'm sure we will find a solution... the world is still vast."

With a nod, I clicked my tongue. "Perhaps... I could find my answers in the new world."

"Perhaps... if not it should suffice to be an exciting change. It's a wild untamed country right now. Especially the further west you go. Why one could say... it may be one of the few places one could still live the swashbuckling lifestyle you crave." Lorelai cut her eyes up to me, cocking a brow.

I'm sure she noted the look in my eyes and I gave her a grin. "Mayhaps... there is some merit in change. It wouldn't do me to reject my husband's wishes after all, would it?"

"You are certainly a dutiful wife, my sister." Lorelai gave me a childish grin.

I shared her grin and folded my arms. "Anything interesting with you and Toroah?"

Lorelai shifted her eyes away and shook her head. "He has been... he has been distancing himself. I suspect he thinks he is protecting me... I've tried to talk to him, but he is stubborn and worries about me."

"Tch... men and their egos," I growl the words and roll my eyes.

"Indeed... perhaps I should give up upon them and simply lay with females in the future." The sheep huffed the words playfully and flicked her tail.

We both shared a look and my eyes wandered over her curvy figure for a moment before I averted my gaze. "In truth, I had never considered such things."

She gave me a long calculated look and folded her arms. "Have you never laid with a female, Sarnai?"

I barked at the words and shook my head. "N-no... I've only laid with two males ever, I had never even considered laying with others."

The sheep gave me a shrug and shifted her gaze back towards the crashing waves in the distance. "I actually took a female lover nearly six centuries ago... We are still very close friends, but our love dwindled away."

"She's still around? That's good you two are still on speaking terms." I smiled and felt the tension in the air ease.

"Of course, you have met her. Lived with her even..." She cut her soft brown eyes to my own with a smile.

"Diana?" I lifted my ears, shock in my voice. She gave me a smile and a nod as I rubbed at my chin in thought. "How interesting... how was it?"

"Sarnai... it is rude to gossip about one's lovers, is it not?" Lorelai gave me a playful look before clearing her throat. "She was a very gentle and doting dog. She brought me more pleasure than any male had ever done. That includes both physically and emotionally."

"Laying with a female... how intriguing..." I huffed the words in thought.

"Sister, you are nearly four centuries old. Have you truly never thought about such things?" The sheep gave me an amused smile, her sharp teeth showing.

I frowned at her teasing of me and felt my cheeks darken. Was I narrow minded for not having done so? I shook my head and felt my gaze look over her form once more before clearing my throat. "I have not, it never seemed-"

"There is nothing wrong with that. Do not think I judge you my fox." She spoke the words in a tone of comfort towards me. The sheep stepped from the railing and flicked her tail before returning to her seat. "As with the twins of your house. It is just another form of love, and not every form of love is for every being."

I nodded and returned to my own seat. "I find the prospect interesting, I wouldn't be opposed under the right circumstances. Still... if I am truthful, Elias is more than enough for me. I do not seek the embrace of another other than perhaps you, my lady." I spoke the words while drawing my cup to my lips, taking another sip of my tea-infused blood.

"A confession, my fox?" Lorelai gave me a toothy grin, her naturally drooped ears lifting.

My mind caught up to my words as I blinked a few times. I huffed out and felt my cheeks darken before shaking my head. "N-not that sort of embrace my lady! I mean to say... just that being in your arms, it brings me comfort like being... in his..."

Lorelai blinked at me several times, my rebuttal seeming to just dig my hole deeper. The two of us sat there in awkward silence for several moments. I felt her eyes shift and look my form over, appraising me in a way I had never expected her to do. My heart began to beat heavily despite having no need.

"M-my lady... can we shift to another topic of conversation?" I whispered the words, my gaze darting away, my hips shifting in my seat.

Lorelai pursed her lips as if she did not want to comply with my request. "Perhaps... I never intended to make you feel awkward, let us move on." The last of the words came forth with a push of will, telling me she had resolved her mind and the topic was over, regardless if I wanted it now or not.

"How is Val? It's been nearly five years since he came to call," I asked, eager to shift topics.

"He is now a Marquis and holds a small house in the new world." She sipped upon the last of her drink before setting the empty cup down.

"I think... I'm starting to see why Elias wishes so fervently to go there." I nodded, putting the pieces together.

"They are brothers, beyond the titles of our family. Those two leaned heavily upon one another in the early days." Lorelai sighed and put a hand to her cheek. "Your husband... he has a lot on his soul... I'm sure even now the innocents he claimed weighs upon him."

I nodded and thought about my own victims from the past. Not the deplorable acolytes and their poisoned flock, but of the simple people that happened to be in my path when the hunger was too much. "I can relate to that... I have my share of regretted kills..."

"And that is what keeps you and him from truly being monsters. Remember that feeling, Sarnai... use it as a shield to-"

"Yes yes... I know my lady!" I barked the words and showed her a grin. "I am not a pup anymore. I have lived your advice for centuries now."

"Yet it seems to have gone far too quickly..." She looked off into the distance before rising. "In truth... I long for the days of our family. My foxes, my mice, and my goat..." Lorelai placed a hand to her chest, her head shaking slowly, making her curls bounce gently.

I stared upon her, seeing the beautiful sadness of her face and eyes. My heart pounded like it did with Elias and I bit my lower lip, wanting nothing more than to embrace her in comfort. I did just that, standing before moving and hugging her to my chest. I expected her to protest but she simply pushed herself closer, her forehead resting against the curves of my breasts in my gown her curled horns pushing against my flesh.

"If I am truthful... it is my fox I miss the most..." Lorelai spoke the words in a soft almost weak tone. I hugged her tighter, as her arms moved to embrace me as well.

"I am always here for you, Lorelai. You have my heart and my lo-"

"Do not finish those words." The sheep snapped the command out and I felt her will halt my tongue. She shook her head and pulled from my arms, giving me a level gaze. "Sarnai... I do not want to lose you."

I tilted my head curiously. "Lose me? I'm not going anywhere, my lady."

She folded her arms and shook her head. "Indeed... I wish to keep it that way. You will understand in time." She gave me a sad smile and shifted her gaze towards the ocean.

Despite my age, I didn't understand at the time what she was implying. I simply nodded because her will was absolute and she was not having this discussion with me. It wasn't until years later I realized, it was our relationship she feared to lose, a fear of what would happen if we followed down the path we were starting to tread upon.


"You can plainly see the ravages of the war upon this land," I spoke to Elias and the twins as we walked through the streets of the harbor town, making our way to the rail station.

"Indeed, barely a century old and their country turns upon itself. The follies of the mundane never cease to amaze me." Jeremy sighed as he and Jennifer walked hand in hand together.

"Well... we were all mundane once. Let us not roost too highly upon our perch." Elias spoke the words while walking with me, his arm linked with my own.

"I am excited to ride one of these locomotives. I hear they can travel at speeds of a ship, but upon the land." Jennifer called out, the eagerness in her voice evident.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Ha... but at least you can steer a ship. These monstrosities are laid out in a path that cannot deviate, how impractical." My words came out haughty and irritable.

"Yet I sense you are excited to ride it all the same." My fox quipped at me with a smile, his own tail flicking playfully and brushing my own as we walked. I blushed and stuck my nose up, not saying anything as we continued our walk to the station.


"This is wondrous!" I barked the words out while pushing up against the glass of the car we rode in. The trees and landscape blurred faster than a horse at full gallop. Even with my enhanced vision, it took me a moment to make out the details. I didn't see how mundane could stare upon it without growing ill.

My husband grabbed my wagging tail at the base and I barked out sharply, my teeth clenching. I shot him a glare, my cheeks dark at his amused grin. "Do not dare mock me, husband!"

Elias showed me a grin and moved in to kiss my lips briefly. "Perish the thought... I find you fetching and beautiful in this moment... I love seeing you with curiosity in your eyes, it's been a long while since I've seen such."

My ears lifted and I glanced around the car interior. "If we were with privacy... I would very much enjoy mating you while we were in motion like this..." I whispered the words as I pushed closer to him, speaking into his ears hotly.

"Ships, carriages, wagons, and now this? I believe you simply enjoy doing it in or upon vehicles, my love." The fox growled the words but I felt his hands wander my hips, grabbing them and drawing me closer.

"Perhaps I do..." I growled and threw my arms around his neck, pushing my mouth to his own in a fervent kiss, earning shocked glances from the few passengers in the viewing car that were still awake.

My husband broke from my hungry kiss and whispered softly into my ears. "I do not sense the energy of any mundane a few cars down... Shall we-"

I didn't wait on his words to finish and grasped his wrist, pulling him in tow with me, quickly fleeing the car to find privacy. We moved down to a storage car with only stacks of luggage and cargo dotting the space. I huffed and flicked my tail sharply while feeling myself grow more eager for him.

"So here while no one is looking?" Elias growled the words and I yipped as I felt his hand paw at my backside, squeezing firmly against my rear.

"No... I want to feel the wind in my hair... I wish to be taken outside." I showed my teeth, my tail furiously wagging and brushing his arm.

The larger fox nodded and quickly scooped me up into his arms. I giggled like a young pup and clung to him while we moved outside of the car. I had never moved so quickly without effort on my own part and our hair whipped about furiously in the gale of the train.

Elias showed me a playful grin and I yelped out in shock as he simply jumped straight up to the roof of the train car and laid me out on my back over the top. I blinked up at him and barked out excitedly, my tail furiously wagging as he moved beneath my dress exposing me to his gaze. My crotch was fully bared with next to no hair growth, my folds obviously wet and eager for him.

I had taken to more thoroughly grooming myself after being introduced to a new razor in Sheffield a few decades back. They called it a safety razor and it worked wondrously after a little practice. I showed my teeth in a haughty grin as Elias parted his pants, his length rigid and eager for me.

"Hurry up, I'm going crazy for you, my husband!" I barked the words out, grinning as he grabbed my legs and spread them, pressing his eager length to my folds.

"Of course, my beautiful wife." He barked the words and I gave him a loud throaty moan, my fingers clawing at the roof of the train car as he pushed deep into me. He didn't waste any time and I gritted my teeth, blinking up at him as I felt him begin to thrust hard straight down into me.

The wind whistled in my ears and my hair whipped about furiously while my body jerked against the rooftop. I lolled my tongue and pressed my palms to his chest, grasping hard at my foxes shirt while he pushed against my core deeply. "Yes, oh yes, Elias... I missed you!"

"You had me twice on the ship ride here." He snarled the words with a playful grin on his face, his hips shoving hard against my own again and again.

I felt myself give in and shuddered hard, my tongue lolling as I looked upon him, my hair a tangled mess while my tail smacked the roof of the car heavily. "Hush and keep going... I can miss you all I want!"

"I love your haughty mouth..." Elias growled the words and I yipped as he grabbed my wrists before he pinned them above my head. My teeth showed in an excited grin, feeling him hold me down while thrusting more intently into me now.

"Of course you do, my husband... ha... fuck me as if you were in a rut!" I barked the words then clenched my teeth and shuddered, letting out a defeated moan as he forced another from me, my legs locking around him tightly.

"I've been in a rut since the day I laid eyes upon you... I will never grow tired of you!" The white fox snarled the words down at me while I panted up at him. The scenery blurred all around us and you could faintly smell the scent of burning coal on the wind from the smokestack a dozen cars up. He pushed violently into me, desperate for his own release while I barked and whimpered with each push.

"Hurry up! hurry up!" I snarled the words before I planted my heels on the roof of the car, jerking my hips hard and grinding them in time to his thrusts.

"Gods..." Elias clenched his teeth and I showed him a victorious grin as my body gave in upon him once more. His ears folded and he yowled out in relief as I felt his heat pour into me from above.

"Ngh! G-good dog..." I growled then lolled my tongue, my own orgasm making my walls clench and ripple, milking at him for everything. Elias shuddered and barked out in defeat as he collapsed atop me with a heavy pant on his breath.

I held my husband close in my arms, sighing into his ears as the train blurred down the tracks. "You gave me so much... you tease me, but I think you also find it quite enjoyable as well," I growled the words into his large white ears while rubbing at them.

His head nodded against my chest while he laid there panting, attempting to bring his control back into place. I lifted his head, staring into his red eyes, watching them shift to maroon, then back to blue. "I love you, my husband..."

"I love you, Sarnai... my wife." He panted the words and pushed his forehead to my own. We grinned at one another before pushing into a deep kiss, both our tails wagging and brushing against each other.

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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