Verve Chapter Seven: Winter Wonderland

Story by Drex on SoFurry

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#7 of Verve

Fall was quickly nearing its end as the snow gently fell to the earth. It piled, making a beautiful blanket of white on the grass of the campus. Drex looked out his window at the sight as he held his cell phone to his head.

"Yes mom, it'll be fine. My friend asked me to have Thanksgiving with his family," Drex said with a sigh. He had told his mom this repeatedly, trying to get her to stop pestering him to come home for the holiday.

"Well, I just don't see why you can't come home. We miss you and would like to see you," Drex's mom's voice came through the speaker into the otter's ear.

"I will be there for Christmas. Just wait a little bit longer mom. I promise to see you then," Drex replied.

"Well, ok," she said, to the otter's relief, "but you should invite this friend of yours over for Christmas. You must be good friends if you'd rather spend time with him than your family," Drex's mom said.

Drex was caught off guard by this. He wanted to spend time with Jason but he wasn't sure he wanted his parents to know about their relationship yet. "Yeah, I'll see if he wants to go," Drex said, hoping to tide his mom over for the moment.

After a few more minutes of idle chatter, the otter closed his phone, hanging up. He tossed his cell phone gently to land on his bed. The otter walked over to the bed and flopped down onto it himself. He let out a sigh as he stared up at the ceiling. He thought about Christmas with Jason. How would he hide their relationship from his parents? Would he even want to hide it?

The otter was lost in his thoughts when suddenly his phone rang. The ring tone made the otter jump slightly as he was suddenly snapped back to reality. He picked up the phone to see who was calling. He grinned when he saw Jason's name flashing on the screen.

"Hey hun!" the otter said.

"Hey cutie," Jason returned. "Did you call your mom? What did she say?"

"Yeah, I told her. She wasn't too thrilled about the idea but eventually gave in. But there was a catch," Drex paused.

"What's that?" the wolf asked curiously.

"Well, my mom wants me to invite you down for Christmas. I mean, I'd really like you there, but..." Drex couldn't really find the words he was looking for.

"But you're afraid they will find out about us," Jason guessed.

"I'm sorry. I'm just not sure if I'm ready yet. I think my dad will not take the news very well. Although I don't think my brother Jared or my mom would care all that much. Still, it's just really unsettling to me," Drex said with a sigh.

"Look Drex, I know how you feel. I went through the same thing. But you gotta remember, they're your family. Do you really want to lie to them about this forever?" the wolf asked.

Drex knew that Jason had a point. He didn't want to keep this a secret forever. He just didn't know how to bring it up, or what to say to them.

The otter let out another long sigh and said, "You're right. I know you are. How about this. If you come with me down there for Christmas, I'll tell them. I really don't think I can do it alone."

"Ok hun, I can do that for you. It's the least I can do in return for all you've done for me," Jason said.

Drex was confused and asked, "What do you mean?"

Jason laughed and said, "Don't worry about it. Anyway, I'd better get going, I've got some chores to do around the house before dad gets home.

Drex looked out the window to see the sun slowly setting behind the forest covered hills. He hadn't realized it was so late. His stomach hadn't forgotten, though, and reminded him with a loud growl.

"Yeah, I guess I'd better get going and find something to eat. I'll call you tomorrow. I love you," the otter said with a smile that the wolf couldn't see.

"Not if I call you first," Jason laughed, "Love ya too sexy."

They both hung up the phone, Drex's heart lifted by the final words his wolf said to him. Still, he had butterflies in his stomach at the thought of telling his parents. He may have said the words, but he wasn't sure if he could actually do it.

His stomach growled again and snapped the otter out of his thoughts. He got off of his bed and walked to his door. In the living room he saw Colin and Sarah sitting on the couch watching TV together. Seeing them home on a Saturday night was surprising.

"Hey," they both said in unison.

"Hey guys. I was just about to go out to the Fran's Diner and get something to eat. You guys wanna join me?" Drex asked.

They looked at each other, both nodded, then Colin said, "Sure, that sounds good." With that, the three left the dorm.

Walking outside in the snow was something Drex didn't really enjoy all that much. Being so skinny, the cold got to him quick. He did enjoy doing it with Jason though. Sometimes the wolf would wrap his arms around Drex and give him a squeeze to make sure he wasn't a frozen otter.

As the three walked toward the diner, Drex started thinking about how he has gradually become more comfortable with showing affection in public with Jason. It was always little things, though. Maybe a hug here or there or holding paws. Sometimes they would even sneak in a bit of snuggling at the movies.

The few people that actually seemed to mind Drex being gay didn't really bother him much. Aside from a few bad looks, no one really said anything to him. He hadn't even seen Shawn in a few weeks. Maybe Mr. Johnson had something to do with that. Drex wasn't sure, but he didn't really care. He was just happy that things were becoming a bit more normal around there.

"Yo, earth to Drex!" Colin shouted from a distance, "You're passing the diner!"

Drex's ears burned from embarrassment as he walked back to join the group.

"Something wrong? Colin asked.

"No. Actually, things are pretty good right about now," Drex said with a grin.

Colin looked over at Sarah. They both shrugged and laughed as the three of them entered the diner.

The warm air was a welcome feeling to the otter. There were a good number of people that filled the restaurant. A family of badgers occupied a booth. Their plates had burgers and fries, with milkshakes for them all. The bar had three people sitting there. Young looking guys, probably from the school as well.

One empty booth caught the group's eye. They went over and sat down. Colin and Sarah took one side and Drex took the other. The vixen that the group had seen many times before came to the table.

"Hey guys! It's good to see ya'll again." She looked over at Drex and said, "Aww, no date tonight?"

Drex smiled and said, "Nah he was busy." He realized what he had just said. She didn't know the otter was gay. Still, saying it out loud like that really didn't bother him as much as he thought.

The waitress smiled and said, "Well, it's his loss then. Now can I start you all with something to drink?"

The group ordered their drinks and food at the same time. All of them decided to get burgers. Sarah, for such a petite looking girl, sure could eat. She was one of the lucky ones that just ate and never gained a pound. It wasn't long before their food arrived.

"So," Sarah said with a smile, "You got any plans for Thanksgiving? We were thinking of going up to Whitecap Mountain to the ski resort up there for the four day weekend."

Drex swallowed a mouth full of burger before replying. "I'm spending the weekend at Jason's place. His family invited me to stay over."

"Aww, that's soooo sweet," Colin said in a mocking tone. A grin formed on his face.

"Says the guy that's gunna go to a ski resort with his girlfriend," Drex countered.

"Touché," the tiger replied simply.

"There's one thing though. I kinda invited him to come with me to my parent's place for Christmas. I also sort of told him that if he came I'd come out to my parents," Drex said as he looked down at his food.

Colin almost choked on his burger. "Woah! seriously? How do you think they'll react?" he asked.

"Well, knowing my family, everyone but my dad will be ok with it. I just don't know if I can say it to them. I think he will be pretty upset," the otter replied.

There was a pause before Colin said, "Well, I guess they have to find out eventually. I hope that goes well for you dude. Your family has been pretty nice to me, and I'd really hate to see this cause any issues."

"Thanks," Drex replied with a half smile. It did make him feel better hearing what his friend said, but it still didn't quite get rid of the worried feeling.

After finishing their meal, they all headed back to the dorm. It was getting late so Drex decided he would head for bed. Sarah and Colin were going to stay up a bit longer, so they said goodnight to the otter.

Drex saw his phone on his bed. He realized he forgot it there. He looked at it and saw a text message from Jason which read, "Hey hun. I'm sorta being sappy right about now, but I just wanted to say I love you."

Drex's heart melted and he quickly replied with, "I love you too. I'm heading to bed now though, so I'll text you tomorrow."

The otter got undressed and laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. He kept thinking about Jason. He wanted to hold the wolf close to him. Feel the warmth of his mate against his body. Hear his heart beat against his ear. He wanted to kiss him. Wanted to feel his lips pressed against the wolf's. His tongue slide across his mate's.

Suddenly Drex realized that while he was sleepy, a part of him was wide awake. He could feel his shaft pulsing under his boxers. He hadn't had sex with the wolf in a while. They've both been too busy to really see much of each other the past few days.

Drex slid a paw toward his crotch, feeling the hard shape under his boxers. He let out a sigh as he moved his paw slowly up and down the shaft, the thin fabric only slightly impeding his touch.

The otter slid his boxers down until they were at his ankles and gently kicked them off to the side as he laid flat on his back. One of his paws rubbed his balls while the other gently stroked his shaft.

He grabbed a bottle of lube out of the drawer next to his bed and applied a small amount to his paw. He moved that to his shaft and slid the liquid over it. The otter let out a moan as he rubbed himself. A drop of pre formed at the tip of his rock hard shaft.

He began to slowly stroke himself. He imagined his mate doing all the work. He could see the wolf's paws sliding over his cock. He imagined Jason licking his lips before sliding his mouth over the otter's shaft.

The otter stopped to apply some lube to his other paw, which he worked onto his tail hole. He made sure to get the area well lubed. He started to stroke himself again as he slowly slid a finger into his tail hole. He let out a sigh as his finger inched its way in.

After a while, he managed to fit two fingers in. He slid them up and rubbed his prostate sending waves of pleasure through his body. He let out a muffled moan as he began to stroke himself faster. His fingers slid in and out of his tail hole.

He imagined Jason topping him. He could almost hear the wolf's moans as he pounded into the otter's back side. The thoughts combined with the otter's quick strokes were beginning to send him over the edge.

He could feel the orgasm welling inside him. He felt the need to release but wanted to hold back. He wanted this moment, even if it was purely imagined, to last forever.

He kept stroking himself as his fingers quickly slid in and out of his tail hole. He imagined his wolf saying that he was going to cum soon. That was all he could take. He could feel his shaft pulse as he let out a moan and bucked his hips into his paw. His muscles tensed as he felt his orgasm hit.

He shot out his first wave of cum that hit him in the chin. The second landed on his chest and slowly receded down to his navel where a small pool formed. His body relaxed and he let out a sigh. Exhausted, and a bit sticky, the otter fell asleep.

The next few days went by quickly, until Wednesday. Anticipation of getting out of there and spending some much needed alone time with his wolf made the day seem to go by extremely slow. All of Drex's classes seemed like one eternity after another. Even Mr. Johnson's class, although interesting, seemed to drag on.

When the final bell rang, Drex almost ran out of the door. He went to the parking lot where he and the wolf had met so many times before. When he opened the door he didn't see Jason. Which was normal, usually Drex beat him there.

Drex was looking out into the lot when all the sudden a pair of arms wrapped around his waist. At first he tensed up at the sudden embrace but after realizing who it was, leaned back into it.

"Hey hun. Hope I didn't make you wait too long," Jason said from behind.

"I've been waiting for you my whole life, I don't mind a few minutes," Drex said blushing. It was a cheesy, sappy complement, but he meant it.

"Awww, thanks," the wolf said as he slowly let the otter go. "Lets go, I got a surprise for you."

Drex was confused but followed along as the wolf led the way to the otter's car. They both got in and Drex turned on the ignition, and the heat to full blast. He then turned to the wolf, "So where to?"

"That's a surprise. Just go where I say," Jason said with a mischievous smile.

The otter followed Jason's directions. "You know, it's like having a human GPS. I could get use to this," Drex grinned.

"Just follow the road smart guy," Jason retorted.

He continued to drive for about twenty minutes. They were heading for an area Drex wasn't very familiar with, but Jason seemed to know exactly where to go. Eventually they came to a small diner. The wolf had Drex stop there.

The building was old, but not run down. The neon sign outside read "Ma's Kitchen" and had an old lady with a rolling pin.

"So you brought me out here to take me to a diner?" Drex asked skeptically.

"Nah. I do think we should eat first though, we need to kill a little time," Jason said, being sure to keep whatever he was hiding a secret.

Once inside they were greeted with a wonderful aroma. It made them both hungry just smelling it. They took an empty table and were waited on quickly.

It wasn't long before they had their food. Drex ordered a country fried steak dinner. He took a bite and was happy to find that it tasted as good as it looked and smelled.

"This place is great!" Drex said.

"Yeah, I use to come here pretty often as a kid. Haven't been in a while though. Just never really had the chance," Jason replied.

They ate and chatted as they wasted a bit more time. The sun was creeping down when Jason said, "Alright, I'd say it's about time." He stood up and Drex followed.

They walked outside but Jason passed Drex's car. He instead went to a crosswalk, the otter following suit.

"So you gunna tell me where we're goin now?" Drex asked.

"Right there," Jason pointed to a park that was across the street from the diner.

Drex was even more confused. "There are parks a lot closer to school you know."

"Yeah, but this one is special. Trust me," the wolf said with a smile.

They eventually crossed the street and walked on a path that lead into the park. A trail led the way splitting a line in the trees that surrounded the park.

They continued to walk for a few minutes before they could see a clearing. The sun was just setting and the sky was a vast array of color.

Once they reached the clearing Drex saw something he almost couldn't believe. It was a small city. Only it was mad entirely of ice. There were ice sculptors of buildings, trees, statues, and people of various species. Some of the buildings were life size, with people walking around in them.

Drex looked over at a slide that was made. A ferret climbed to the top and slid down, laughing all the way to the bottom.

Jason wrapped his arm around Drex's shoulder and held him close. "Welcome to what the locals call 'Dream City'," he said. He then lead the otter around.

The pair looked at the statues, got up close and saw some of the detail. The intricate work looked like it must have taken several hours to make. But that paled in comparison to the buildings. There were castles, towers, and even just normal houses that all shined in the pale remaining light of the sun.

"This is amazing," Drex said.

"Just wait. There's a reason I had to wait until night," Jason said with a grin.

As if on cue, Drex saw one of the most spectacular things he had ever seen. All of the ice sculptors began to light up. There was every color of the rainbow all throughout the park. Some statues were a single solid colors, while others, especially the buildings, were glowing in a verity of colors.

Walking through the park made the lights dance. The sculpted ice made the light bounce and reflect in all directions. It was like watching a natural light show.

Drex stood in awe at the display. He had never seen anything quite so beautiful in his life. Jason walked up behind the otter and wrapped his arms around Drex's waist. Normally this would make Drex a little bit uncomfortable, but for some reason, he didn't mind at all.

Jason leaned his head on Drex's shoulder and said in a low voice, "I use to come here every year with my mom and dad. Its been a few years because we've all just been so busy it's hard to get us all together for it. It's a really special place to me and I wanted to share it with you."

When the otter heard this, he had to fight back tears. He turned and kissed the wolf right on the spot, not caring what anyone would think. It only lasted a moment, but the world seemed to slow just for them, allowing the moment to last. He slowly pulled back from Jason and looked him in his beautiful, blue eyes. "Thank you," he said and hugged him tight.

They walked through the park, Jason holding his otter close to his side. Drex marveled at the sights. He knew this was something he would never forget. A perfect night, with the perfect mate.

As time passed, people began to slowly leave, and the pair decided to do the same. Even with Jason keeping him warm, Drex was starting to get cold as the temperature dropped for the night. A light breeze passed by which sent a shiver through the otter.

They walked back to Drex's car and got in. "Thanks again for showing me this hun. That was really amazing," the otter said with a smile.

Jason had a warm smile of his own and said, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." He then leaned in and gave the otter a passionate kiss. Drex forgot all about the cold as the leaned into the kiss. He slid his paw up to the back of the wolf's head while Jason moved his own paws around Drex's waist. They couldn't get as close as they'd like because of the car's interior, but it was enough.

When they broke their kiss Jason whispered, "Love ya babe."

Drex blushed and replied, "Love you too."

The drive back to Jason's house seemed short and before they knew it, they were parked outside the small home. Light shined out through the windows.

The pair got out of the car and Drex grabbed a bag of clothing and various toiletries he had with him for the weekend. They walked to the front door, which Jason opened and allowed Drex to step in.

"After you," the wolf said with a grin.

As Drex walked through the door he let out a muffled, surprised yelp as he felt a paw playfully slap his butt. He could hear Jason chuckle behind him as he himself blushed.

The door closed behind them as they walked into the living room. Sammy and Jason's mom sat on the couch watching TV. When they walked in Ms. Brigam got up and went over to the pair.

She hugged Jason gently and asked, "Did you guys have a good time?"

They nodded in unison. Ms. Brigam smiled brightly. She then looked at Drex and gave him a hug too. The otter was a bit surprised, but hugged her back.

"It's good to see you again Drex," she said. "You really should visit more often."

Drex was fighting back a smile. He felt so welcome in the home. It was almost as if he were really a part of the family there. "It's good to see you too. Sorry, I'll try to come by more often," the otter replied.

"Hope you brought your apatite with you. We've got a lot of food planned for tomorrow," Ms. Brigam said, a warm smile on her face.

Drex laughed and said, "I think I'll manage."

"Well, I think I'll be getting to bed now. Sammy, you too," she said over her shoulder. A barely audible, "Aww man!" could be heard coming from Sammy's direction. "Have a nice night boys," she said as she and Sammy walked down the hall to their rooms.

The pair decided to take Drex's bag to Jason's room. Once inside, the wolf plopped down on the bed. Drex sat his bag down in a corner and walked over to the bed. He climbed on top of the wolf, his legs and arms spread on either side of the wolf so that he hovered over him. Their noses were just inches apart.

Jason looked up into Drex's amber eyes and a smile came across his face. Drex lifted an eyebrow, confused. "What?" the otter asked.

Jason laughed and said, "Nothing. Just thinking how lucky I am to have you."

Drex smiled and leaned in, kissing the wolf. Their tongues dancing around each other's and massaging one another's. Their gentle motions driving the pair wild. Drex began to slide a paw under the wolf's shirt. He rubbed the well toned belly of his love.

Just as Jason was about to slide his paw up to the otter's butt, he heard his door creak open. The pair stopped in their tracks, looking over at the door. A tiny wolf head popped in. Sammy looked at them both.

Drex quickly got off Jason, and the wolf said, "What's up Sammy?"

"Nothin," the young wolf replied. "Just can't sleep. Do you know when dad is coming home?"

Jason sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back," the wolf said with a smile. As Jason left, Drex could hear Jason talking to his brother about how their dad worked late tonight so that he could have Thanksgiving off.

Drex decided to get ready for bed and took his clothes off, except for his boxers. He was a bit shaken up from Sammy walking in. He could hear Jason's muffled voice in the other room. After a couple minutes the wolf returned.

"Sorry," Jason said. "He sometimes gets like that when my dad works really late." Jason took off his clothes then laid down next to the otter. "That sort of killed the mood," he said with a laugh.

"Yeah. But that's alright. I'm ok with just this," Drex said as he wrapped his arms around Jason's torso, holding him close. He nuzzled his head onto the wolf's chestfur.

Jason smiled and wrapped an arm around the otter. "Yeah. This is just fine." With that, he flipped off the light, snuggled up close to the otter and the pair fell asleep in each other's arms.

Drex and Jason's not so pleasant wakeup call was Sammy's voice saying, "Wake up sleepy bums!" This was also accompanied by the wolf jumping up and down on the bed.

Jason slowly opened his eyes and said in a groggy voice, "What, Sammy?"

The young wolf sat down and said, "Dad said to wake you. He wants help cooking the turkey."

Jason sighed and said, "I'll be right out."

Sammy jumped off the bed and ran down the hall shouting, "I woke him up for ya dad!"

Jason stretched, looked over at Drex, and said, "Guess I gotta get up hun. You can sleep in if you like." The wolf kissed his love's forehead.

Drex giggled and said, "You're already up." He reached a paw down to the wolf's boxers and gave Jason's shaft a squeeze.

Jason let out a bit of a moan and wispered, "Well, seems like someone's horny this morning. Sorry though, that's gunna have to wait til later."

Drex yawned and said, "Well, I'm awake. I can help out too."

Jason knew better by now than to ask if the otter was sure, cause he always knew the answer. They both got dressed and walked outside the room.

The house was filled with all sorts of different smells. It made Drex's stomach growl. The pair walked into the kitchen and saw Jason's mom peeling some potatoes.

"Hey boys. You guys slept in. It's just past noon ya know!" Ms. Brigam said with a grin.

"Yeah, guess we did sleep in a bit. Where's dad?" Jason asked.

"Outside with the deep fryer. Jason, would you please go help him before he burns the house down?" she said.

Jason laughed and said, "Yeah sure."

Drex was about to follow when Jason's mom said, "Drex, would you help me out actually. I could use an extra pair of paws. Do you know how to peel potatoes?" She held out the knife and a half peeled potato.

"Yeah, sure. I think I can handle that," the otter said. It sounded more like he was trying to convince himself rather than Ms. Brigam.

"Don't worry dear, it's easy," she said reassuringly. She put the knife in one of Drex's paws and the potato in the other. She then took his paws and showed him how to peel the potato. They didn't get done in record time, but the otter was managing.

"So Drex, what did you think of the Dream City? I haven't been in a while, but I hear it's still quite the site," Ms. Brigam said, making small talk.

"It was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. Especially when it lit up at night. That was something else," the otter said excitedly.

"Well that's good. I'm glad to hear it's still as I remembered. You know, Mark took me out on a date there too. I had never been there before. It was really something. That date is one of the fondest memories I have with my husband," she said with a reminiscent smile.

"I think it will probably be one of mine as well," the otter admitted. "I'm really lucky to have him. He's made my life so much different," he paused, "you all have."

"You make my son happy. I haven't seen him this happy in years. You've made a big impact on his life. I consider you part of this family. I know you have your own out there, but who says you only have to have one?" Ms. Brigam said.

Drex smiled and blushed a little. "Thank you," he said simply.

Drex saw Jason and his dad outside trying to figure out exactly how to put the turkey on the hook to dip it into the big fryer. Jason was laughing as his dad struggled to figure it out. Eventually the pair got it though.

Now with that out of the way, they both dipped it down into the fryer. As the liquid engulfed the bird, they gave each other a high five. Obviously proud of their accomplishment.

Drex laughed and went back to his work. Time seemed to pass fairly quickly as everyone was busy doing their work. Drex and Ms. Brigam talked and laughed as they made their dishes.

Mr. Brigam and Jason would occasionally come inside. Jason's dad would usually grab a beer, Jason would grab a soda, and occasionally grab his otter's butt when his parents weren't looking.

Everything was finally coming together. There was bowl of mashed potatoes, also some gravy. There was stuffing, cranberry sauce, biscuits, a casserole, green beans, some corn and a pumpkin pie for dessert. All that was left was the turkey, which came in just a few moments later.

Drex had been told ahead of time that the family likes to dress nice for Thanksgiving dinner. So before they started, everyone went and got changed. Drex wore a white dress shirt with black dress pants. It was his church outfit, but it worked for this occasion.

Jason, on the other hand, wore a black dress shirt, black dress pants, and a red tie. The outfit made the wolf's blue eyes really stand out.

Now that everyone was dressed, they could start with the turkey.

The turkey had a nice golden brown color. It looked and smelled delicious. Jason's dad did the honors of carving the turkey. The older wolf wasn't doing that great of a job, but no one cared. They wanted to eat it as soon as possible.

Now that everything was on the table, the family all took their seats. Drex sat next to Jason and Mr. Brigam. Ms. Brigam sat on the opposite end of the table from her husband, while Sammy sat between them.

"Now Drex, we have a bit of a tradition on Thanksgiving. We all sort of split grace up and everyone says what they're thankful for. I'll start," Mr. Brigam said.

Everyone held hands and bowed their heads. Mr. Brigam said, "I'm thankful for my family. They mean everything to me and I'm very thankful that they're all happy and healthy. Your turn Sammy."

"I'm thankful for all my friends. Also I'm thankful that my dad didn't burn the turkey this time," Sammy said, and everyone at the table laughed.

Ms. Brigam said, "I'm thankful that my two boys are here to share this dinner with us. I know that eventually they will leave to go make their own mark, but I'm thankful for every minute I get to spend with them."

Jason was up next and he said, "I'm thankful that I have such awesome parents. They support me and help me through my life. I'm beyond grateful to have their love and support. I'm also thankful that I have someone that I love with all my heart. I think every day that I'm the luckiest guy on earth because I've found the one person that makes me feel more alive than I ever thought possible." The wolf gave Drex's paw a squeeze.

Drex was fighting back tears. He had to take a moment before he could actually start. He cleared his throat and said, "I'm thankful that I've gotten to know the most incredible family on this earth. This family I've been welcomed into is loving and caring. They have a kind heart and make me feel at home. I'm thankful that I get to be with the most caring person I've ever met. He means the world to me and I'm grateful that he stays by my side through thick and thin."

Everyone opened their eyes, and Drex looked over at Jason. He could see tears welling in the wolf's eyes. He quickly wiped them away and smiled.

Mr. Brigam said, "Alrigh guys. Lets eat!"

Everyone filled their plates as best they could. There wasn't much space left at all by the time they got everything. They all dug in. Drex took a bite of turkey, which was tender and moist. He couldn't believe how great it tasted. His dad wasn't very good about cooking the turkey, so it always ended up being dry or flavorless, the exact opposite of what he was eating now.

They all ate their hard earned meal. "It tastes better when you help make it," Ms. Brigam said to Drex, who nodded, his mouth full of food.

Eating, talking, laughing, and enjoying their dinner. It was the best dinner Drex had in a long time. It reminded him of home. This house was a second home to the otter.

Eventually, everyone had their fill and then some. Drex didn't think he could eat another bite. There were some leftovers still, but they had managed to eat a large portion of the food there.

Jason's parents insisted on doing the dishes so Drex, Jason, and Sammy sat down on the couch to watch TV. Drex leaned against Jason and rested he head on the wolf's shoulder.

They flipped channels, surfing for something to watch. Sammy wanted to watch a cartoon that was on, and so Jason left it there.

Drex wasn't paying much attention to the show. His eyes were heavy. All the food he had just eaten was making him tired. The warm wolf he was leaning against was too comfortable. Eventually the otter fell asleep.

When Drex awoke, the room was much darker. He saw that Jason was there still. He was sleeping as well. The TV was still on, but Sammy had left. Drex looked at his phone to see the time. It read, "9:12 PM".

"Hey hun," the otter whispered as he shook the wolf's shoulder gently.

Eventually Jason woke up and yawned. He gradually realized it was night time. He said, "Wanna head to bed?"

Drex was still tired from his sleep and agreed. By the time they actually made it to the room though, the otter was much more awake. They walked in and Drex closed, and locked the door behind him.

The otter walked over to Jason and wrapped his arms around him. He gently nibbled on the wolf's neck. Jason leaned his head to the side and let out a light moan.

"I guess someone's still horny," the wolf said with a giggle.

"You said we could take care of it later. I'd say it's later right about now," Drex replied.

Jason turned around and kissed the otter passionately. He wrapped his paws around his love's body and slid them down to the otter's butt. He gave it a playful squeeze.

Drex let out a moan which was muffled by his mate's lips pressed firmly against his own. The otter moved a paw to the front of Jason's black, button down shirt. He loosened the tie, which fell to the floor. He then unbuttoned the wolf's shirt but left it on him.

Drex moved his paws to the now exposed wolf's torso. He slid his paws up to Jason's front, exploring the slightly toned wolf's body.

Jason broke their kiss and moved his mouth down to the otter's neck. He kissed and licked on Drex's neck while the otter leaned his head to the side, exposing more for the wolf to explore. Jason unbuttoned the otter's shirt which slid off the otter's arms and fell to the floor.

They both kicked off their shoes and moved to the bed. Jason sat Drex down on the edge of the bed and then sat on top of the otter's lap. They started kissing again. Pleasure coursing through their bodies as their tongues massaged each other's.

Jason could feel the otter's hard shaft begging for release. He reached down and unbuttoned Drex's pants. He lowered the zipper and slid a paw into the hole. He felt the otter's shaft, the thin light blue boxers he wore, the only obstacle in the way.

Jason felt around the boxers and found the small hold in the front. He slid the otter's shaft out of the hole. It had a small bead of pre on it, which Jason rubbed his thumb on. He slid his slick thumb up and down the otter's head and shaft as they continued to kiss.

Drex was bombarded with waves of pleasure as he kissed the wolf. He moaned as his love took full control of the situation. He slid his paws up and down Jason's torso, exploring every wonderful inch.

Jason broke their kiss and grinned at the otter. He got on his knees on the floor. His face was now even with the otter's pulsing shaft. He took in the scent of his mate. The otter's smell was amazing and it made Jason want him all that much more.

He warped a paw around the base of the otter's shaft, slid the boxer hole down as far as he could and licked at the otter's head.

Drex moaned, but tried to keep it low as he knew Jason's family was just down the hall. He held back the sounds as best as he could.

Jason continued licking the otter's head and shaft as he worked his way down to his balls. He licked around the base of the sheath, moving back up to the head. He then warped his lips around the otter's cock and began to slowly move up and down.

Drex rested a paw on top of Jason's head. He gently grabbed the wolf's headfur as Jason continued sucking the otter's cock.

Jason moved his head up and down faster, picking up the pace. his free paw cupped the otter's balls through the fabric of the boxers. He stroked the otter's shaft as he moved his head up and down.

Drex could feel his orgasm coming. He wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back. Jason continued his pace, hearing the otter's heavy breathing and moans. He knew Drex was close.

Drex couldn't hold back any longer, he said, "I...I'm gunna cum."

Jason didn't stop, he slid his head up and down the otter's shaft, waiting for the moment. The otter bucked his hips upward instinctively and let out a few muffled moans before finally thrusting upward again, his body tensing up.

Jason felt the otter's shaft spasm and knew what was coming. He wrapped his lips around the otter's shaft as Drex let out wave after wave of cum. Jason began to swallow the otter's seed. He rubbed his mate's balls, trying to get every last bit he could.

Drex's body relaxed as the last of his cum went into Jason's mouth. The wolf swallowed it and removed his mouth from the otter's shaft. He stood up and kissed the otter.

"That was tasty," Jason said with a grin.

Drex laughed and stood up. His pants fell to his ankles, his boxers still on, his slowly softening shaft poking through them.

Jason grinned and said, "How bout you turn around and get on all fours on the bed?"

Drex kissed the wolf quickly, then did just that. As he sat there, he could feel the wolf's paws sliding the boxers down his thighs, stopping just above the knee. The otter's pants still at his ankles. He felt the wolf's paws slide up and down his butt and thighs.

Jason was taking his time. He wanted to give the otter a bit of a break. More importantly, he wanted that otter's shaft hard again. He unbuttoned his own pants and dropped them to the floor. He stepped out of them now leaving him in only his boxers and the unbuttoned black shirt.

The wolf got back onto his knees and began to kiss the otter's thighs and lick his balls. He was careful to avoid the very sensitive areas as he licked around. He wasn't sure if he would like this or not, but he leaned in and gave the otter's tail hole a quick lick. Drex let out a moan that was partly pleasure and partly surprise. The otter hadn't expected that.

Jason tried licking again, this time going a little slower. Drex moaned again, this time, of pure pleasure. The wolf loved the sounds the otter was making with every lick. It was a new experience for the both of them and it made it even more exciting and hot to the wolf.

Jason got a bit bolder and licked the area slowly. Moving his tongue along the ring of the otter's tail hole. The moans Drex made with every pass sent shivers down Jason's spine. He continued licking for a while, taking his time. He wanted to be sure the otter was ready.

Drex was in heaven. Waves of sensual pleasure shot through his body with every lick from the wolf. He could feel his cock starting to come to life again.

Jason slid a paw up the inside of Drex's thigh. He moved up the otter's balls to his shaft and was pleased to feel the otter fully hard, pre leaking out of the tip. The wolf stood up and went to his nightstand. He grabbed a bottle of lube out of it. He went back behind the otter and opened the bottle. He slid an ample amount onto his paw and began to apply it to Drex's tail hole.

After applying enough lube, Jason began to slowly push a finger into the otter's hole. Drex moaned loudly and leaned down so that his head rested on the bed, leaving his tail hole in the air for the wolf.

Jason slowly slid his finger in and out of the otter. Eventually he slid a second finger into Drex's hole. He could feel the otter's muscles tense as the fingers slowly slid inside.

Now that he was sure the otter was ready, Jason slid down his boxers just enough to have access to his own shaft. Pre was running down the tip of his cock. It pulsed in anticipation of what was to come. The wolf applied some of the lube to his shaft. He moaned as he stroked himself. He was rock hard and ready to go.

The wolf moved the sides of his shirt a little and positioned himself behind the otter. He put the tip to Drex's hole and slowly began to push in. Drex let out a muffled moan into the sheets of the bed as the wolf slowly slid into his mate's hole. He put his paws onto the otter's hips. He then slowly inched his cock in until his hips were at the otter's butt, their balls touching.

Jason waited there for a moment, then slowly began to pull back out. Just before the tip came out, he slid back in. They both moaned, Jason trying his best to keep it quiet. It felt amazing to be inside the otter. It had been a while since they last had sex and the wolf realized how much he wanted it as he slid in and out of the otter.

The wolf began to pick up his pace, his slick shaft sliding in and out of Drex. The otter moved a paw up to his own cock. Pre was flowing out of the tip of his shaft. He slid it all over his paw and began to stroke himself.

The pleasure was intense for Drex having just came once already. He could feel the wolf sliding in and hitting his prostate. Every time it did he felt intense waves of pleasure that made him shiver slightly and make more pre appear at his head.

Jason was now thrusting into the otter quickly. His hips hitting the otter and making a faint slapping sound. Jason could feel his orgasm building. He tried to hold it back just a little longer. He wanted to mate his lover just a little longer.

Drex was past trying to hold back, he moaned loudly as his second orgasm took over. He shot his seed onto the sheets of the bed. Jason could feel Drex's tail hole muscles tighten as the otter came. The tight warmth around his shaft felt amazing.

Jason couldn't hold back any longer. Just as Drex's orgasm ended, the wolf thrust deep into his lover's hole. His shaft pulsed as he shot his seed, filling the otter's tail hole. He thrust a few more times, shooting the last of his seed into the otter. Finally, he slowly pulled out, a trail of cum following. It slid down the otter's hole onto his balls.

Drex collapsed onto the bed and Jason did the same right next to the otter.

"That was amazing," Drex said, exhausted.

"Yeah," Jason said simply.

They both slowly took off their remaining clothes, putting their boxers back on. They then slid onto the bed. Jason held the otter close. His still semi-hard shaft poking Drex's lower back.

"Night hun. I love you," Jason said and then kissed the otter's cheek.

"Sweet dreams. I love you too," Drex replied and gave the wolf's arms a squeeze.

Sleep came easily for the exhausted pair as they laid there. The wolf holding the love of his life in his arms, wishing he never had to let go.