Growing to Freedom (Commission for F3L4N)

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#76 of Commissions

Haven't written a story with ferals in a long time, yet here we are! This one with a science experiment gone wrong, turning one of the two wolves into a macro. Hope you all enjoy this commission for FA: f3l4n!

(And omg, I'm so sorry for not posting this sooner)

Felan and Sara (c) FA: f3l4n

Story by me!

Want a Commission? Details here!

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Growing to Freedom

By Cimmaron Spirit

Commission for F3L4N

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WARNING: This story contains: macro growth, feral wolves, blood, minor violence, and destruction. If it's not up your alley, then you better go find something else to read. Otherwise, enjoy!

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The room was cold and dry, making the grey wolf shiver despite his fur coat. The bright lights that never turned off made him wince and whimper, while strong smells of cleaning chemicals and mysterious compounds overloaded his lupine senses, giving him a headache and making everything else that much more painful and sensitive.

Felan had been in this single room for a long time now. He had no idea how many days, since there was no sun or moon to show the passage of time. All he knew was that it had been a long time since he was trapped in this cage, barely large enough for him to turn around in and curl up into a ball and sleep. He was fed, sure, but the meat they provided tasted odd: it wasn't fresh, but it wasn't rotten either. The water in the other bowl wasn't very cool, and had a taste not unlike the smell of the air. If he counted by feedings, then it must have been... Fifteen? Maybe twenty days since he was captured and brought here.

There had been other wolves in here at one point or another. Felan could still smell them, even though they were now gone. Most became sick and weak, and had been taken out when they were nearly dead. What happened to them after, Felan could only hope for the best. But he feared for the worst.

And then there were the humans. The humans in the weird white and yellow suits that smelled weird and covered their whole body and obscuring their faces, who provided the food and water, but also poked him with needles and stuff, injecting things into him, taking out blood, running tests and so many other things.

Felan hated the humans and what they were doing to him.

He had tried to fight back at the beginning, but they had stinging sticks and other needles that made him sleepy, preventing him from fighting back.

It was painful. It was humiliating. It was degrading. It was not right.

The only thing that kept Felan from losing all hope and giving up was another wolf. A very recent arrival, three or so feedings ago. She was strikingly beautiful white wolf, her fur as bright and clean as a fresh snow, in a cage not dissimilar to his right across from him, but always seemingly out of reach.

Her name was Sara, and she was a lot stronger and tougher than Felan was. No matter how many times the humans in the white and yellow suits tried to restrain her, or poked her with the stinging sticks and needles, she still snarled and bit at them until they finally have to put a smaller cage around her muzzle. Sara would never stop fighting them, and Felan couldn't help but be encouraged by it.

"One day we will break out of here," Sara said to Felan one day, after the humans had left after poking and prodding them like they had an uncountable number of times before. "Just got to hang in there."

"I hope so," Felan said, trying his best to keep positive and upbeat despite everything. "But the last time a wolf like us left was when they were very sick, dragged out of their cage and out of the room. I've seen it happen a few times already."

"If we leave though, it's on our terms," Sara stated.

"I hope so," Felan repeated.

That night, as he curled up at the back end of the cage, he dreamed of the forest: of the cool wind in his fur, the glow of the sun and shimmer of the moon, the rustling of leaves in the trees, the cool and refreshing water, the freedom to run and hunt.

All Felan could do was whimper at what seemed like an impossible dream.

The door crashed open, and two humans in the white and yellow full body suits arrived, like they did every so often, with their food and water on a cart. They each went to work, sliding the not fresh meat through the slide at the bottom of the respective cages, pouring water into the dispenser attached to the side of the cages.

The human that was feeding Sara made a noise, one that Felan didn't understand. The human kept saying stuff, louder through his mask though it made no sense.

Then he banged the cage that Sara was in, making more loud shouts.

Felan's ears perked, and he looked past the human that was putting meat into his cage, and froze.

Sara was lying on her side, unmoving, eyes closed.

Felan whimpered. He had seen other's like that... and they would be taken out right after.

The other human said something, and unlatched the door of Sara's cage, and reached in to grab the white wolf and started to roughly drag her out.

And then her eyes snapped open, and with a ferocious howl, jumped up, pouncing on the human and digging her teeth into the white and yellow suit about where the neck would have been.

Red drops of blood splattered around the room as the human in the suit screamed, trying to fight off Sara. Felan's handler turned around, and immediately tried to help his fellow man, but Sara's iron grip on the human's throat was too strong, and soon the human went limp.

Sara then jumped up and knocked down the other human, who fell to the ground with a loud crack! He was knocked out stone cold.

"Whoa..." Felan said, eyes wide as Sara, her white coat now discolored by the blood of the first human. "Can you get me out too?"

Sara looked at the cage for a moment, before jumping up and tried to open the latch to open the grey wolf's cage.

"Grrrr, the thing is so small," Sara growled, before reaching forward with her nose, and trying to bump it open that way. Eventually, she did manage to unlatch the door, and Felan burst out of his cage, walking on very shaky legs thanks to the long time he had been trapped in it, but he quickly found his footing.

"Come on!" Sara barked, heading for the door. "We need to get out of here!"

The two wolves ran through the door, and down the hallway, with the stronger Sara pulling ahead.

"Where do we go?" Felan asked.

"I don't know... out of here!" Sara replied, as she barged past a human in a white coat, who immediately starting shouting, then grabbing something from the wall and making a loud ringing noise echo through the hallways.

Neither wolf cared, their freedom so close. Felan was panting heavily, struggling to keep up with Sara thanks to his weakened state. She turned a corner, several lengths ahead of Felan.

And there was a series of loud crashes, followed by the yelping from Sara.

Felan got around the corner, to see that the white wolf had crashed into one of those carts, this one filled with a lot of glass containers, all of them having spilled or broke over the white wolf.

"Sara!" Felan said, sliding to a stop on the slippery floor. "Sara! Are you okay?"

"Ahh... get... get out of here!" Sara whimpered. "Don't stop!"

"No!" Felan growled. "We are getting out of here. Together."

The grey wolf nosed at the white wolf, trying to get her standing on her four paws again.

But then something impacted his backside, making him jump and yelp. He turned around, to see several humans, this time in black and grey outfits, all of them holding guns.

Felan tried to turn and fight them, but the sleepiness he felt when he was sometimes poked with needles came back. He stumbled, tripped over his feet, and crashed to the floor; everything having gone black.

When the grey wolf woke up, blinking his bleary eyes to try to regain his vision, he realized that he was back in his cage.

Felan sat up, looking around. This was a different room from before though: the bright lights were gone: his eyes adjusted to the dark surprisingly quickly. There was a constant rattling and banging from pipes and machines in the room. While the smell of chemicals had vanished, now the scent of damp and mold filled his nose, along with other, very unpleasant smells.

And across from him, again, was Sara, lying in her cage on a table, whimpering in pain.

They had failed.

They were trapped again.

"Oh no... Sara?" Felan asked, pushing his face against the cage. "Sara? Are you okay?"

Felan could only watch as the white furred wolf shuddered and twitched, as if she was struggling to breath. The grey wolf whimpered, unable to help at all.

Then... she moved.

Felan shook his head. She was still lying on her side, panting heavily, but something seemed weird. Like she was growing.

At first, the grey wolf was sure he was seeing things. But as he watched, transfixed, he realized that Sara was getting bigger, almost imperceptibly, but she was getting bigger.

As Felan watched, the white wolf, still panting and whimpering in pain, grew larger and larger: her tail and legs got longer, her chest puffed out bigger with each inhale until soon she took up the entire bottom of the cage, and was inching higher and higher up along the edge by the moment.

"Sara? Sara!" Felan exclaimed, as the already large white wolf grew even bigger, her body pushing against the bars of the cage and making her long white strands of fur push past the bars.

She continued groaning and whimpering as the cage became a tight trap. She started to move, lifting her head up and hitting the top of the cage with a thud. She looked over to Felan.

"W-what's happening?" she groaned, as she struggled to look over the growing torso.

"I... I don't know," Felan said. "But you... you are getting bigger!"

Sara blinked, not fully able to comprehend what was happening. She pushed a foot out to try to get more comfortable and bent the steel bar of the cage with seemingly little effort.

The white wolf tried to stand up, but she was now a bit too tall for the cage she was in... and she was still growing.

"Ow! This really hurts," Sara groaned, as she tried to stretch. By now, all the metal bars were bending, creaking and groaning, struggling to contain the growing wolf.

Then one of the bars on the top, bent too much by Sara's back, and under increasing pressure, finally snapped. In a few moments, more and more of the cage cracked and broke, her powerful muscles covered by her snowy white fur no match to the human's steel.

With a final, frustrated growl, Sara finally pushed her way out of the compromised cage. She had doubled in height already: she had to be three times bigger than Felan.

She stepped out of the ruins of the cage one massive paw at a time. She glanced behind, scowling at the cage, and flicked it with her back foot, sending it flying across the room and crashing into boxes of papers and other items, and making them all crash to the floor.

Sara yawned and stretched her limbs, working out the kinks from her confinement. When she stood upright, her ears were brushing against the ceiling thanks to the groaning table she was standing on.

She turned to look at Felan, who instinctively recoiled from the gaze of the giant white wolf, whimpering at the much larger, much stronger wolf.

"Felan?" Sara said, cocking her head to the side. "What are you scared of?"

"Y-you are just so... big!" Felan whimpered.

Sara gave a small laugh, before jumping off the table, her weight making the wood creak and crack, then get knocked over from the force of her kick, sending the remains of the cage flying across the room.

"What, do you think I'll eat you?" Sara asked, pushing her nose against Felan's cage, and easily pushing it several inches back. "Make you a tasty little snack?"

Felan cowered lower, whimpering.

Sara gave a toothy grin, before opening her mouth wide, showing off all her teeth. She was big enough to easily stick Felan's whole head into her mouth now!

Felan huddled, closing his eyes...

Then she clamped down on the metal bars of the cage, and snapped down. With a grinding of metal against metal, the cage was torn and bent, unable to be stopped by the giant, and still growing wolf.

Felan opened his eyes, to see Sara standing there, quite pleased with breaking the cage open.

"So, are you coming?"

"What?" Felan asked.

"To get out of here?"

Felan lowered himself, gazing at the ripped steel. Just how strong was Sara now? "But the last time we tried..."

"Last time I wasn't this big," Sara reminded him, even as her body continued to expand, until, even standing on the floor, she had to look down at Felan on the table.

She was now almost as tall as the humans in the white and yellow suits that fed them and poked them with needles and stuff, and she would have been much stronger than any of them even before her growth spurt. But humans were a cunning bunch. They were smart, and didn't always rely on physical strength to do what they want. They might have something worse than the stinging sticks and darts that make you sleepy, or the guns they use out in the wild.

Sara turned around, her tail smashing against the cage that Felan was in, and nearly knocking it off the table. One of her paws stepped on the other table that her cage had been on, and broke it with a loud crack!

She looked down at the table with a satisfied smirk, before looking back down on Felan. "And if they try to stop us, I'll make sure they will regret it," Sara said, baring her fangs in a sharp-toothed grin.

Felan shuddered, ice running down his spine to the tip of his tail at the predatory grin of the much, much larger wolf. However, she easily had her chance to pin him down, eat him, squash him like a bug, yet she didn't. So maybe Sara actually meant it?

The grey wolf took his first tentative step out of his battered cage, as Sara took three steps, ignoring the boxes of papers and objects that crashed to the floor around her, and arrived at the metal door.

"Freedom, here we come!" she excitedly announced, heading for the door, the top of which was now eye level with her.

She reached a massive paw - equal to the size of the cage that once trapped her - up to the knob that the humans turned to open the door, but her lack of dexterous fingers made it impossible for her to grab onto.

Felan came up, and sighed. "Of course, the humans were not nice enough to leave the door open for us to leave like last time."

Sara pawed at the door, struggling to make it open. With each swipe of her giant paw, she got more and more frustrated and angry. She was growling as her sharp claws dented and scratched at the metal, but one knife like claw knocked the doorknob, which fell to the floor. The door then swung open.

"There, see? Nothing to it," Sara said, puffing out her chest.

Felan slipped through the door into a hallway. Unlike the wide pathway, white walls and cleanliness from their first escape, this hallway was much narrower, with metal pipes and wires strung along the sides. The floor was cold concrete, occasionally with small puddles of water from the condensation of the humid tunnels.

Sara struggled to even get through the doorway: she was now almost a foot taller than the door, and just a bit wider. But the longer she took to get through the door, the bigger she would get too.

"Grrrr... the humans should have made this big enough for giant wolves," Sara growled, clawing at the wall as she struggled to get through the door and turn to follow Felan, who was pattering down the hallway to try to find the exit.

It took several minutes, but Sara finally managed to wiggle her way out of the storage room, and into the passageway, following Felan as best as she could through the narrow and tight passageway. Her shoulders rubbed up against the rough concrete walls and the pipes and wires, busting the few lightbulbs that provided illumination. Each step forward was just a tiny bit harder to move, not from lack of strength but from the solid concrete walls that refused to give.

"Sara!" Felan shouted from down the hall, looking back to see the giant white wolf following him. "There's another door here. I can't get it open."

Sara grunted and panted, struggling to get closer to the door, her constantly expanding mass making it difficult to get any closer. The pressure on her chest and legs was getting intense, and she couldn't even walk properly: she had to crouch since her back couldn't go through the ceiling.

When she finally got to the door, Felan tried to move to the side to let her pass, but there was no space for him to move from in front of the narrow door and the giant, tunnel filling Sara.

"I can't get past you," Felan said, as the white wolf lifted a giant paw, which alone was as wide as the tunnel they were in.

"Then I'll be careful," Sara replied.

"Wait, what are you-" Felan started, before Sara's her paw pushed him against the door. But this time, the metal and glass simply gave way, getting knocked down. Felan spilled onto the concrete floor, slightly sore from the pressure from Sara's giant paw, but otherwise none the worse for wear.

They were now at the bottom of a stairwell. Felan looked up, seeing row upon row of metal railings and concrete stairs that went up seemingly forever.

The grey wolf cautious went up the first flight of stairs, as Sara struggled to go through the now tiny doorway, struggling to get one paw, then another through the small opening.

Felan got up to the first landing with a door and got up on his back feet to look through the glass at the top of the door, to see that the hallway was the wide, brightly lit hallways from before. There was no one down the hallway, thankfully.

"Come on Sara!" Felan said, shifting his paws to look down to the growing pelt of white fur. "You can... whoa!"

There was a crash of metal against metal, and the door swung open, making Felan fall into the hallway.

He looked up, to see the door with the push bar close.

"Where were those doors when you needed them," Felan grumbled, getting back up onto his paws.

But then he realized Sara was still down there.

"Oh no!" Felan said, running back to the door. But it latched shut, and he wasn't able to work the door latch to open it.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Felan whimpered, realizing that Sara was now trapped behind him.

"I can't do this by myself!" the grey wolf whimpered.

Then the floor began to rumble and shake. Cracks began to appear in the floor, tiles lifting up or breaking...

Then with an earth-shattering crash and bang, a giant white wolf head appeared from the middle of the hallway.

"Missed me?" Sara asked, her voice a deep rumble now. Considering she was big enough to push her head through the concrete and steel of the passageway below and into the hallway, that was the least of Felan's concerns.

Sara wiggled her head back and forth, making the hole in the floor bigger to allow herself to climb up. The roof wasn't much taller than it was before, but the hallway was easily double the width. But even with the new space, Sara had already nearly filled it.

"Now, where to?" Sara asked.

"I... I don't know," Felan said. "You are kinda blocking the hallway.

Sara snorted, and turned around. Her body, nearly twenty feet tall now, crashed through the walls on either side of the hallway, opening up laboratories and offices to make the building more open plan than the architects had planned.

Felan went through the rubble of the strangely empty offices to get back to the front of Sara, and started exploring the hallways. The titanic lupine followed, crouching to keep up with Felan.

Unlike the first time they broke out, the hallways were rather empty: there were few people, and some of the lights had been switched off. Had the humans gone away? If so, then getting out of here would be easy!

Except for the fact that the white wolf following him was growing faster now. Of course, it could just be that her slow growth back when they were caged up was because it only making her slightly bigger each time, and she was still only growing at that speed. But now that she was nearly two stories tall, and each step causing the floor to crack and break, the walls to buckle, and the ceiling tiles to snap and crumble, each bit of growth made her that much bigger.

Felan was nearly trotting to keep ahead of a single step of Sara, leading her down one hallway, then sniffing the air to see if he could smell fresh air, then darting down another hallway.

But the building was so large and confusing that it was hard to figure out what way they were going.

"Gah! This is getting painful," Sara groaned. "Everything is too small!"

"Sara, what are you..." Felan started to ask

With a groan, Sara stood up.

Now she went through another floor, and her head through the floor above that, sending tons of debris ranging from wooden support beams, steel girders and ventilation ducts to desks, filing cabinets and computers crashing through the holes in the building.

Felan was knocked off his feet from the crash.

Bells and sirens began to ring. Water began to gush from broken pipes. Lights flickered, electricity sparked, and the whole building seemed to wobble.

Then the humans showed up.

These humans were in the same black uniforms of the people that caught Felan and Sara when they first tried to break out. They came running up to try to find out what the problem was as security cameras went down and the building shook and power failed.

On one floor, they came face to face with paws that were the size of a car. The next one up, a giant white wall of warm fur, speckled with dust and detritus from a collapsing building. And one floor up, they were face to face with a giant wolf's head, with teeth as large as they were, in a snarl that made even the most hardened of men scared and filled with fear.

However, they were professionals, and they tried their best to subdue the forty-foot-tall, several dozen ton white wolf.

Some tried to shock her, but she only had to flick a paw to send the men flying and crashing to the floor and each other. Others tried to shoot the tranquilizer darts that would put down any animal, but these just bounced off her fur and thick hide. Some even used their handguns, the loud reports of gunshots echoing through the building that was being demolished from the inside.

But they were little more than peashooters to her: she could feel the bullets hitting her all over, but they didn't even scratch her, simply bouncing off or being slowed by the thick fur.

Felan on the other hand was a target they could get. A couple black suited men were chasing the smaller grey wolf, who was running for his life through the maze of crumbling corridors and destroyed hallways. He zig-zagged, trying to avoid their tranquilizer darts and gunshots, but none of them hit. Felan was small enough to wiggle into spaces they couldn't, while they also had to be wary of what they shot: they knew well enough that not everything in this laboratory wasn't exactly designed to withstand bullets.

They were both also having to deal with a giant white wolf that now filled most of the building.

Through all this, Sara continued to grow, bigger and bigger, faster and faster. By now the humans in the black suits were retreating, trying to leave the building that was now more wolf than standing structure. Even the men chasing Felan lost him, and had to leave.

The grey wolf, however, was still dodging falling chunks of concrete, tumbling desks and equipment, floors being ripped away from their supports and the ceilings caving in, still trying to find the way out of the falling building.

Felan was panting heavily, concerned for Sara, but right now focused mostly on saving himself.

"Got to get out of here. Got to get out of here. Got to get out of here" Felan repeated over and over, climbing over fallen filing cabinets to get through a hole in the roof to the next floor. "Just go to get out of here."

He had no idea where he was going: the ruined building looked much the same as he continued to climb through the building.

Then Felan rand into a dead end. However, there was a window in the wall.

Felan jumped up onto his hind legs and looked out, and gasped.

He was really high up! Like, sixty or seventy feet off the ground. He felt like he was in the top of a tree, much like what he used to do as a pup.

It was nearly pitch-black outside. He couldn't see a star thanks to a reddish-orange haze from a sea of yellow and white lights that stretched to the horizon. Closer to him, red and blue lights flashed nearby and sirens wailed.

But above them, the white silvery moon hung in the sky, casting a warm glow through everything else.

Felan sighed softly. So close to the outside, yet so far...

The floor began to rumble and shake again, with wood and glass and steel cracking, shattering and groaning.

Then the hallway began to fall.

Felan whimpered, closing his eyes as he braced for the fall...


He shuddered, whimpering... then opened and eye.

Felan was alive!

And he was on a giant white carpet that seemed to stretch on and on and on.

Felan looked up, to see the sharp blue eyes of Sara looking down on him. Each eye was three or four times larger than the grey wolf himself.

"See? Told you we'd get out," Sara said with a satisfied grin.

Felan stood up on wobbly, tired legs. The building they had been in was now a pile of rubble. Smoke curled up from the rubble, while water jets shot up from broken pipes. A cloud of dust hung in the air, filling Felan's nose.

"So... now what?" Felan asked, looking back to the giant wolf's head.

"Well, I think my growth finally stopped," Sara said, with a twinge of disappointment.

"What... you want to be bigger?" Felan asked.

"Maybe a bit," Sara admitted.

"You did just grow out of a human building. And a fairly big one at that," Felan said. Of course, the only human building he had seen before this was a simple wooden cabin in the middle of the woods.

"Yeah... all well!" Sara said with a grin, before turning around, and casually strolling past the line of humans and their vehicles with the flashing red and blue lights and loud sirens. She didn't step on any of them, and she carefully picked her way through the straight lines of the streets, aiming for the darker horizons were the lights of the human city vanished, replaced with the dark of trees and forests.

"Where are you going?" Felan asked.

"I don't know. Away from here." Sara replied. "As far away from the humans as we can."

Felan nodded, and yawned, before curling up into a ball, a little grey speck on a giant, seventy-foot-tall pure white wolf, who confidently strolled away. He was lulled to sleep by the giant's breathing and the confident steps of the white wolf. Despite some care and attempts at walking softly, her paws did leave holes in the roads and crushed the occasional car with a screech of metal and plastic, but causing no damage to her paws.

Neither one knew where they were, nor how they would get back to where they belonged.

But, either way, they were free from the humans.

They had no idea that the appearance of a giant white wolf would cause the humans to devolve into a media frenzy, with incredulous reporters and skeptical scientists claiming that the giant had to be impossible. Some trick with computers and cameras. Yet, the evidence was there, and thousands claim it really happen. They would become sensations on the internet, the basis for memes, stories and eventually their own movie.

They also weren't aware that soon their captors would face justice for illegal and cruel animal experiments: their torture and torment wouldn't be in vain, for the scientists and executives that had authorized and conducted the tests on wild animals until the whole thing came crumbling around the paws of a giant wolf would face long jail sentences.

They didn't know, nor cared about any of that.

They had their freedom.

They were going home.

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