A Pool Party With a Difference

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#26 of Kinktober 2020

What's better than a chill pool party with friends? How about one with an abundance of cum! :o

This story was written for Dyluck as day #26 of Kinktober 2020. Today's kink was "Cum Bath" and the story contains M/M sex between multiple consenting adults. :3

A Pool Party with a Difference

"I'm flattered and stuff, it's just... you know it's not my birthday or anything, right?"

Dyluck murmured as he followed the fox through Asahi's home, his friend chuckling and nodding but making no further comment on the matter. With his own cheeks burning beneath his blue scales and his stomach tied up in knots of mingled anticipation and nervous curiosity, the dragon pushed a little more.

"So... why do I get a party, then?"

Rather abruptly, Asahi stopped in his tracks. The fox turned to face Dyluck, an eyebrow raised and a broad grin spread across the white and rather pale, muted pink fur of his face.

"Ah, I think I see the reason you're confused. See... I never said it was your party."

Dyluck's eyes widened, and he was about to argue that he was certain that was what Asahi had implied with the messages that had brought him here when the fox continued to speak.

"I said you were the guest of honour. But, the party's for everyone."

The dragon felt relief for just a moment, then tension flooded his body once again as a new thought crossed his mind.

"Uh, everyone? H-how many people did you invite, exactly?"

With a wider, more cheeky grin than before, Asahi just turned away and began to walk through the house once more. He led Dyluck through to the kitchen, then into the smaller laundry room behind it, and moved to stand by the rear door of the house before regarding the dragon once more with a teasing smirk.

"Not too many. Just, y'know, a couple of dozen folk. Now, c'mon. They're all waiting for you."

Before Dyluck could say anything in response, Asahi pulled the door open and slipped outside. The dragon watched, eyes bulging as he peeked through the door and saw the fox waving to someone further along the large rear garden of his suburban home. He couldn't see who they were thanks to his standing far enough from the door to remain hidden from those outside, but what Dyluck did see was his friend reaching down, grasping at the hem of his t-shirt and swiftly pulling it up and over his head. He moaned in bashful anguish as he watched Asahi continuing to strip until he was entirely out of sight, and though the dragon knew rationally that he could quite easily have turned around and left right then, not to mention that he could still do so at any point if he got too overwhelmed, he took a deep, steadying breath before stepping through the door and out into the balmy late summer sunlight once more.

Immediately, the dragon's legs grew weak as he saw what awaited him. His head span. His eyes bulged. His cock immediately began to stiffen as he saw at least thirty people standing around in the grassy garden; all of them men, and all of them stark naked. There were tables around the edges of the garden laden with food and drink. Music played from speakers set up at intervals across the grass, but the central feature of the backyard party appeared to be a brightly coloured inflatable paddling pool, beside which a sign drawn on card and mounted upon a stake had been driven into the earth.

The sign pointed at the empty paddling pool, and Dyluck's already stiffening cock began to throb and swell faster still as his heart thundered in his chest while his eyes darted back and forth across the sign, reading its five simple words over and over and over again.

'Guest of Honour - Paint me!!'

It was around then, as Dyluck realised what this party was about and what role he was expected to play as a part of it, that the already naked partygoers seemed to notice his presence. He heard murmurs, saw people pointing and more and more of the party's attendees looking his way. His face burned scarlet beneath his smooth blue scales when the first of the naked men wolf-whistled at him, and amongst the gathered group Dyluck saw Asahi watching and grinning while all around the garden, the plump but mostly resting cocks of the myriad men present began to swell in glorious unison. He felt like he was going to explode. Like his face was going to melt off his body from embarrassment. And yet, he now understood that there was a very good reason why Asahi had invited him to this party. A very good reason why he of all people was the guest of honour, and why that paddling pool, empty and surrounded by dozens of hardening cocks, was labelled as though he was meant to be sitting in it.

Because overwhelmed and embarrassed by everything he was seeing as the dragon might have been, this situation was his idea of absolute, undeniable heaven.

By the time Dyluck reached the paddling pool, he was already naked, clothes littering the grass in a trail behind him. He gently lowered himself down into the empty plastic pool, just big enough that he could lie back in it and only have his head and shoulders resting on one side with his ankles hooked up over the opposite end, and looked around as the crowd gathered. His cock was already rock hard, and it twitched every few seconds as Dyluck looked around at all the different species, all the different shapes and sizes of naked bodies, and all the varied but now equally rigid cocks pointing in his direction.

Though all the men here were hard and seemingly primed and ready, knowing exactly what they had come here to do, it took Asahi himself reaching out and grasping at the knotted base of his cock for the rest of the group to acknowledge that they were finally allowed to begin. Half a dozen men immediately surged forward to stand directly over the paddling pool, encircling it at uneven intervals as they looked in excitement both at one another, but more intensely and desirously at the dragon sprawled out between them. Another wider ring of ten or so more figures stood behind them, beginning to jerk off just as the first group were, though clearly restraining themselves, holding back while the closest half dozen began to pump themselves with greedy, shameless abandon.

Two words rang out within Dyluck's head as he watched all those bodies masturbating all around him. Two words that thundered in his chest with every heartbeat, and pulsed at the very core of his cock each time it twitched in helpless, giddy anticipation of what it knew was about to happen, because the sign pointing right at him had instructed it.

"Paint me..."

The dragon whined, and just five or six seconds later, less than a minute after he'd begun to jerk himself off as fast as his hand would allow, a lithe mouse trembled, squeaked loudly, and arched his hips forward over the inflatable lip of the paddling pool as his cock quivered and three modest spurts of cum streaked Dyluck's right thigh, his belly, and in the case of the last of those glistening ribbons landed directly across the girth of the dragon's own cock. Just seconds after the mouse had stumbled away, spent and giggling, a barrel chested wolf took his place, and growled in enthusiasm as he picked up the pace of his already ongoing masturbation to match the rest of those in the closest proximity to the dragon. Dyluck's body trembled as he stared down at the streaks of cum crossing his body, on full display to so many pairs of eyes besides his own. His own cock drooled pre-cum down its length and occasionally launched a little strand of pre across the lower reaches of his scaled belly, but before long the dragon's attention was drawn wholly away from himself and back to those surrounding him as not one or two, but three of the other original six cried out and began to cum within the space of five seconds or so of one another.

"Ohhgod, yesss..."

Dyluck hissed joyously as the cum of a lion, a rabbit and an exceptionally endowed horse with volume to match the size of his cock and balls painted him and the pool in which he was resting. His arms and chest bore the majority of their loads, but a couple of strands of the horse's cum lashed across Dyluck's muzzle and he shamelessly extended his tongue to taste it. That act seemed to be the last straw for yet another of his onlookers, and with a keening whimper a long haired German shepherd squeezed his knot and milked himself through a dribbling, oozing orgasm which only managed to catch Dyluck across the ankle but still added its volume to the base of the paddling pool in which he was lying.

As the dog and the others who had cum already moved aside, they too were replaced by new, eager bodies as the mouse had been. Six cocks continued to float around Dyluck dripping and twitching as they were masturbated by their owners, and within a couple of minutes they too were unloaded, only to be replaced again.

It took maybe twenty minutes of being jerked off over and cum upon before Dyluck succumbed to his own desires and began to pleasure himself feverishly as he held his muzzle wide open while a bleating ram pumped several rather high pressure shots of cum squarely at the dragon's face, standing almost directly over where Dyluck's head was resting with his cock pointing straight down at the needy, already abundantly cum-stained figure. Dyluck gurgled, moaned greedily and was well on his own way to orgasm when he heard someone clear their throat at him from nearby, and cleared his blurred, lust-addled gaze to see Asahi standing close by, more casually squeezing his knot while he looked Dyluck up and down.

"Do whatever you want, obviously, but... just a hint, you might want to pace yourself."

Dyluck trembled. If he was being perfectly honest with himself, he couldn't imagine how he could overdo things in his current situation. Even if he came now, he was sure he'd be able to cum again once, if not twice before every man here had taken their turn coating him in their cum. As though Asahi had read his mind though, the fox chuckled and shook his head playfully.

"You... don't think that the guys are gonna stop after just one go each, right?"

He licked his lips, as if to suggest that he himself planned on indulging in this situation several times at the very least. It was what the fox said next however which cemented within Dyluck's mind the true extent of what he'd gotten himself into, and just how lucky he was to be the guest of honour at this very, very special party.

"After all, they've got a lot of work to do if we're gonna hit our goal by the end of the night."

As Asahi spoke those teasing words he nodded towards the sign stationed next to the writhing, needy, cum-stained dragon, and only then did Dyluck notice the words written on the opposite side of the sign; words which were different from those on the side he'd read before lying down within the pool.

'Dyluck's Cum Bath - Fill me to the brim!'

The dragon's eyes bulged. His breath caught in his throat, and although he'd followed Asahi's suggestion and slowed the motion of his hand upon his own cock, reading those words and understanding exactly what they meant for him in the coming hours was just too much for the dragon. His tail thrashed, his muzzle fell slack, and as he roared, grunted and began to paint his own chest and face with the intensity of his own sudden, potent orgasmic release, he heard the gasps and cries of other men around him, and felt their seed joining his own in an effort not just to paint him, but to bathe him in their cum until not a drop remained un-spent.

By Jeeves

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