Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 6

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#6 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 6:

Means to an end

"Sister! I missed you so much." Val wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace upon seeing me. I barked out and felt my body warm, my cheeks growing darker as he channeled his energies without thinking about it.

I clenched my teeth and growled, pushing my forehead to his own, panting softly as we hugged. After a few moments, I shook my head and glared upon him. "Huff! Yes... I missed you as well, now unhand me before my husband grows jealous."

The two of us parted and I showed the goat a fussed look, sticking my nose into the air with a huff. "Really brother, reign that in..." I grumbled and moved over to Elias's side, the incubus offering us both an apologetic smile.

"I meant nothing by it, I apologize to you both." Val gave Elias a respectful bow of his head.

The white fox folded his arms while I clung to one of them. "I know you didn't mean it." His eyes shifted to me and he gave me a look of pride. "I know my wife is loyal, she would not seek the arms of another."

My head nodded and I looked away, thinking of the feelings I had shared a year past with Lorelai. I noted I should speak to him about it in the future. Val tilted his head, picking up on my body language right away. Of course he would, he dealt with these sorts of emotions on a daily basis.

"Well! I've prepared lodging for all of you, so come in, with my hospitium, Lakestone has plenty of room!" The incubus called out the words proudly as we followed him into the entryway of the large mansion.

We settled and spent a week with Val so that everyone could relax after the trip. The incubus found me a few days into the visit, I had wandered from the house and overlooked the massive lake in the distance on a grassy hill.

"Sister." He spoke to me gently as he approached.

"This could not be a coincidence, you sought me out, Val." I looked over my shoulder at him, my hands clasped behind my back while I stood there.

"The look I saw upon your face when you arrived. Have you been unfaithful to my brother?" He asked the words point-blank, his teeth showing.

"Do not be stupid, I've been with none but him, as it has been for centuries." I spat the words out and shoved my nose into the air. "You came here to accuse me of such a thing?"

"Then why the look of guilt and anxiety?" He folded his arms, staring at me hard as if he were judging if I were being truthful with him or not.

"You are too perceptive for your own good, goat. You dare come to judge me in matters of my heart?" I spat the words and turned to face him fully, my sharp teeth showing and my black flames coming to life over my ears and tail.

"You can cease the display of anger, you know it will not sway me. I simply show concern... for both of you. What is going on in that head of yours? Talk to me, sister." He opened his palm and reached it out towards me.

"Stupid..." I snarled the word but reached and laid my palm into his, the black flames rolling over his skin but leaving no burns. "I am simply torn by odd feelings, nothing so grand."

"Odd feelings?" He tilted his head curiously as his fingertips curled around mine and he moved to hold my hand more naturally, moving to my side.

"It is difficult to explain..." I sighed and looked back over the lake in thought.

"Then we will cut to the quick of it." The goat spoke the words and drew me forcefully into his arms. I barked out sharply as he pulled me to his chest, my free hand gripping his shoulder. My brown eyes turned red and widened when his will flooded into me before my vision went black.

"Hgn..." I groaned and rubbed my forehead, shaking the haze off before blinking my eyes open and finding my head in his lap. I barked in protest and moved to sit up but his hand gripped my shoulder before he coaxed me back down. With a glare and a huff, I spat out at him. "What is the meaning of this!"

He sat there looking me over and shaking his head, as if he were reading a book. My eyes widened as I saw what he was doing and glared. "Brother! You have no right to-"

His fingertips pushed to my mouth to silence me. I felt his will crush me and my voice simply halted because he willed it. I whimpered furiously at the situation but sat there for several minutes while he held me in his lap.

"Lorelai... you have some unresolved feelings with her eh? Seems you both do..." He spoke the words gently, a hand on my head now.

"C-can I..." I tested my voice, seeing I could speak again. My ears folded and my eyes narrowed. "Val! You have some nerve ripping into my feelings like this!" I spat the words furiously at him.

"I am a terrible brother, yes. However, I do it out of concern..." He shook his head and shrugged. "Have you spoken to Elias about your feelings?"

I pushed to sit up and climbed from his bed, moving to my feet, my tail lashing about furiously. "I have not, and I won't. She and I agreed it was best to leave it buried. I am a married woman and I will not hurt him for such folly."

"Love is hardly a folly, Sarnai..." He leaned back on his palm, giving me a gentle smile. I felt my cheeks darken as I stared upon him, looking upon him as a man, not a brother. He wore an open white shirt that showed every crease of his muscled chest, leading to the ridges of his abs that disappeared into his silk pants.

"Release me from this dream... now!" I spat the words, clenching my teeth and jerking my gaze away from his form.

"The dreams... how long have you had them?" He spoke the question, ignoring my demands.

I shuddered at the thought of him finding that secret, the thing only Lorelai knew. Not even Elias had been made aware of them in full. My teeth clenched and I glared hard upon the incubus, my vision blurring with tears of anger. "T-that... was not yours to see!"

"Yet I did and it cannot be undone. Answer me or I shall make you do so." He spoke the words with authority and I felt his will bare down upon me, not unlike how Lorelai did in reality.

"S-since I changed... Lorelai says it was a curse that came with me when I turned. Said some of our clan can have it as a side effect." I hissed the words, wrapping my arms around myself and shaking my head.

"Centuries of that... my gods, sister..." He frowned and stood before me.

I shook my head and sighed. "You have your answer, end this."

He nodded and I felt reality flood back into being. I was standing in the grass again, embraced by him. My eyes narrowed and I slapped him across the face sharply before stepping from his arms.

The goat didn't seem surprised or phased by the strike and simply turned his head to look upon me once more. I showed my teeth in a snarl and shook my head, having a plethora of venomous words for him, but unable to find them. My vision grew hazy with tears and I cursed myself for my weakness in this moment.

His arms were around me once again, his hand on the back of my head, guiding my face to his chest. I shuddered and hugged him tightly as he embraced me, I couldn't control myself and the tears came forth uncontrollably. I yowled and sobbed, feeling him hold me while he stroked the back of my head.

I told him everything that night, the dreams, the fury in me, and the feelings of losing myself to them. He had delved into my mind for answers about my feelings but ended up unearthing something much more severe and he knew it. He just held me and listened to me, comforting me where he could.

"Please... do not speak of this to Elias. If he knew the extent it wore upon me, he would torment himself nightly to find a solution that doesn't exist." I spoke the words weakly, my arms crossed as I looked away from the incubus.

"I feel he should know... especially if it is weighing upon your mind," Val told me gently.

"It is not your right to decide that. They are my dreams and you forced yourself upon me to see them! Your word is the least you can offer me for this!" I snapped my teeth as I barked out at him sharply.

"You have it, sister, I will not disrespect your marriage. Know that you may call upon me anytime to speak of these dreams though. Perhaps council will ease the-"

"I would sooner we pretend this never happened. Speaking of them does nothing but open the wound deeper." I spat the words and turned from him, stomping away from him back towards the mansion.

"Know it is an open offer. I am here for you always, my sister." He called out to me and I felt my feet halt.

I looked over my shoulder with a glare. "You forced the knowledge from my mind, then you offer to counsel me as if a doting sibling who is concerned? You crossed a line, brother."

"A line I would cross again if I felt it would help you. I could see the pain upon you and still do. Let me be there for you, Sarnai. You don't have to bear this burden alone." He spoke the words confidently and reached his hand towards me.

My teeth clenched as I looked away, but my hand gripped his. "Fine... I do love you brother. I thank you for your concern, even if you were heavy-handed in the method."

He laughed and squeezed my hand. "I've known you for centuries, fox. There is no getting through in your thick skull otherwise."

I scoffed and stuck my nose up. "The nerve... do you say I am pig-headed?"

"No need for racial stereotypes, my sister. I know plenty of open-minded swine." He showed me a grin.

Barking out a laugh I stepped to him, pushing my forehead to his own. "You're a fool... if it had been anyone but you..."

"Yes yes... you're a tough dog, we know." He spoke the words gently and moved to stroke the back of my head while we held one another.


I left the rest of the family with house Lakestone, me and Elias continuing on to the west coast of the land by train. After nearly a month of time, we found a homestead to set up in, a lovely plot of land that overlooked one of the few large towns in the region. After finalizing things with the bank, construction was underway of our new home and would be ready within a few seasons.

"Have you felt the tension from the mundane as of late?" Elias spoke to me conversationally as we strode along through the large town a few hours from our soon to be home.

"Yes... they are a curious bunch. They can pick up on the flow of things fairly easily, especially en masse." I gave him a nod while we held hands and walked in the late afternoon, having just risen as the sun dipped.

"Something is on the horizon, I can feel it." He gritted his teeth and I felt him clench my hand a bit harder.

"Your perception of the supernatural is a credit to your abilities." The words called out behind us. Me and Elias both parted our hands from one another, I drew my revolver in my left hand, my right reaching for the grip of my saber.

We both turned with guns drawn, Elias sporting one in each hand. Three barrels were all pointed at the platinum-haired fox. She wore a red and white tunic, the divines' holy symbol clearly displayed upon it. She was armed with her longsword at her side and a large lever-action rifle across her back.

"Rachel!" I snarled her name and lowered my gun. "I trust this is a visit and not a confrontation?" I hissed the words cautiously, my hand still resting on the hilt of my saber.

"You would be correct." The angel gave a nod, her hands clasped together before her, showing she held no weapon.

Elias hesitated before lowering his revolvers and sliding them into their holsters at his hips. "Why are you here? Do you finally have news for my wife?"

She bowed her head before shaking it. "Alas, I do not. However-"

"However, my tail! How many centuries do you mean for me to wait?" I showed my teeth in a growl, my black tail whipping about in anger.

"I warned you at the time it would be difficult but I would do it." She folded her arms and glared upon me. "You asked a mighty thing of me that the divines are hesitant to bequeath to me lightly. I am doing what I can to honor my word."

My eyes rolled and I put my hands to my hips. "Fine... why are you here then?"

"I seek your aid." She spoke the words pointedly and bowed her head.

I and Elias shared a look and we both barked out in laughter. The white fox shook his head with a grin. "Seriously, Rachel. Why have you come?"

"I am serious..." The brown eared fox growled the words as her ears folded, her cheeks growing dark in humility.

"Damn... she's serious... a high and mighty celestial, here to ask for help from the deplorable abominations they constantly hunt." I showed my teeth in a cocky grin. "You've not even made good on your previous promise yet, why should we give you the time of night?"

Rachel furrowed her brow and bowed deeply. "Y-you don't understand... this isn't just a celestial concern. The whole region is in danger right now."

Elias and I shared a look before the white fox cleared his throat. "Fine, we will hear you out."

We sat in the corner of one of the saloons, all of us with a beer before us that hadn't been touched. I peaked my fingertips together and frowned. "So let me get this straight... one of your ranks 'fell' and is now wanting revenge for their disgrace."

The platinum-haired fox nodded with a frown. "Charlotte, a powerful elite angel of greater rank than I. Her corruption was laid bare at a tribunal and she somehow escaped the other high bishops."

Elias drummed his fingertips upon the table. "And now she seeks to use a band of demons to create a catastrophe here in the new world, something capable of potentially wiping out most of the life here?"

"Yes..." The angel frowned and looked down at her tankard of beer.

I clicked my tongue. "This sounds like some serious world-ending stuff. Isn't this a job for Toroah and company, not a knight and a few vampires?"

"You are both considered elder-vampires by our records, you are not merely riff-raff," Rachel spoke the words pointedly as she looked between the two of us.

"Well dang, honey. Y'all hear that? We're coming on up in the world!" Elias barked the words in a mock southern drawl.

"I will divorce you if you ever do that again." I showed him my teeth in a playful glare, then cut my eyes back to Rachel and cocked my brow. "The question still stands, let your precious archangels deal with this."

She grunted and looked away. "They can't. This has been planned for some time apparently. The demons she enlisted seemed to have some sway in the netherworlds. Several very powerful pit lords and other demonic entities have gathered en masse in the northeastern portion of the country, intent to raze a major city there with fire."

I growled and folded my arms. "One city vs an entire region. Still seems a no brainer to me."

"Yes, but we didn't realize what was happening until they had already left. We can fly, that doesn't mean we can instantly appear at will. We have key gateways we can reach and there are none in the vicinity. It would take the archangels a minimum of three days to arrive, which would be a day too late since the plan will be enacted tomorrow night." Rachel barked the words sharply and pushed her hands to the table, with a pleading look on her face.

"So let's humor this further... say that's the case. How will this fallen angel of yours enact such a wide-sweeping disaster?" Elias rubbed his chin as he spoke.

Rachel took a deep breath before explaining. "There is a major geyser system east of here, by a day's travel on rail. It connects to a large volcanic network deep underground. The system is stable, but Charlotte intends to enact a ritual using demonic and divine blood to destabilize the forces, essentially causing a massive volcanic eruption. The proceeding waves of force would send vicious earth tremors throughout the region, tearing apart civilization. The resulting ash and soot would then blanket most of the continent. Nearly all life in this region would be wiped out."

"Damn... Val..." I growled with folded ears.

"Not just him... Lawrence and two other lords are here now too. We can't pretend this won't affect our family, and we have no time to properly warn them either." Elias ground his teeth as he spoke.

"I will be leaving with or without your help. I am no match for Charlotte alone, she is my better. Still, I will not shirk away and leave my flock to die. I will just go a little sooner than the rest." Rachel spoke the words with resolution, clasping her rosary as she nodded.

"How dramatic..." I snarled the words and stood from my seat. "Let's go, Elias."

Rachel barked out as we both stood and our hands joined once more. We paced away a few steps before I looked over my shoulder at the winged fox. "Well, are you coming or do you expect us to do all of your work?"


We quickly gathered our supplies and were on a train that evening. Elias and I slept through the day in one of the passenger cars, safe from the light of the sun. Upon waking the following evening we disembarked to make our way to the location Rachel had mentioned.

"Why seek us out, Rachel?" I asked her while we rode through the wilderness in the darkness.

"Because you two were the most powerful beings in the area. Not to mention, for fair or foul, we have a history together." The angel nodded to me in response.

"This may serve our family as well but know you owe us largely for this. You tell your precious archangels we will have my wife's request when this settles." Elias showed his teeth in a snarl.

"Upon my word." The brown eared fox spoke out politely.

"For what that's been worth these last centuries..." I muttered with a growl on my breath.

"I got you your treaty, didn't I? I was demoted to a cadet for the entirety of it, do not think I did not try my best to do right by my word and still do." Rachel showed her teeth at me with a growl, her brown tail cutting through the air.

"Vixen's, please... we need to focus, not fight amongst ourselves," Elias called out to the two of us in a gentle voice.

"Yes." I sighed and stuck my nose into the air.

"You speak sense." Rachel also jerked her gaze away with a sulk.

We rode for a few hours before coming upon the small camp near the geyser. Taking up position in the hills we could clearly make out the energy of both the demons and the fallen angel.

"Gods... nearly a dozen in total..." Rachel hissed the words through clenched teeth.

"No one said it would be easy." Elias nodded as he looked over the camp. "They seem to be setting up the ritual now, I recognize the arcane patterns they've carved around the geyser."

"In truth, I'm not sure how to approach this." Rachel frowned and then lifted her ears as I rested my hand on her shoulder. She looked back to me as I winced, feeling the burn from touching her, even through her clothing and the cuirass she wore.

"Just follow my lead, I used to do this sort of thing for a living, remember?" I showed her my teeth in a cocky grin before withdrawing my hand, shaking it a little. The divine fox gave me a nod.

"So what's the plan, Captain Silverpaw?" Elias showed me his teeth in a grin.

I nodded and drew my saber before pointing towards the geyser. "You two will wait for them to begin the ritual. Once that starts they will have no choice but to endure the attacks or abandon it."

"Why the two of us?" Rachel asked me.

"Because you and Elias are bringing the divine oomph to the party. Between your blessed silver and his radiant fire, the demons there should be dispatched quickly." I gave her a coy grin and flicked my ears. "I will skulk the camp and waylay the guards quietly, to not draw attention. Once they call for help, it will not arrive."

"Sounds reasonable." Elias nodded then looked to Rachel. "Are you in agreement with this?"

"Yes, I've got your back... I'm curious to see this radiant fire of yours as well." The brown eared fox lifted her ears curiously while staring upon my husband.

I growled and tapped the flat of my sword against her tail. "You lay a paw on my husband, I will take your tail off."

Rachel barked out and shook her head. "Do not be ridiculous! I have no ill intentions, Sarnai. Will you please trust me already?"

"Nothing will garner my trust more than standing in battle with me." I lifted my ears and saw a group of six form around the geyser. We could all feel the hum of power begin to fill the air. "We are out of time, we must go."

I started to move, but Elias grabbed my shoulder hard and pulled me to face him. I blinked in shock as his mouth pushed to my own in a deep kiss. With a growl, I threw my arms around his neck, my saber hanging loosely in my grip. He parted his lips from mine and gave me a strong nod. "Be safe, my wife, my love."

"You as well my husband, my reason for living..." I showed my mate a cocky grin and bounded away into the darkness.

My body practically danced down the stones and outcroppings of the hill, moving like water over the terrain as I rushed into the camp. I could sense the demonic energy and soloed out a lone imp. My hand was over her mouth and my saber was halfway through her neck before she knew what hit her. I finished the cut, severing her head before dropping her lifeless body to the ground.

Curiosity got the better of me as I dragged my tongue over my fingertips to taste the demonic blood, it made me shudder at the flavor and not in repulsion. I had to reign in my desires to simply stop and feed upon the fallen imp right there and then. Regaining my focus I moved to the next demon in the camp.

My task took only a minute or two and the four remaining demons lay dead. I gave a quiet bark and felt my body shift as a tremor filled the earth beneath me, lifting my ears in worry I slipped into the darkness, moving for the geyser.

I arrived just as Elias and Rachel got to work. There was a lance of radiant fire that soared through the air in a heartbeat and slammed into one of the demons, charring them to ash. The winged fox then dove upon another like a bird of prey, slashing it's entire body in half with her blessed longsword, the severed corpse burning with fire as it tumbled to the ground.

The energy in the air halted as the remaining four turned on them and melee ensued. There had been one figure watching over the whole proceeding, a large female wolf with jet black wings. She had a large lean frame, easily two feet taller than me and with much more mass. Her tail and ears were snow-white, like my fox. She had flowing straight blonde hair that came down to her shoulders but it wasn't platinum like Rachel's, more of a dirty blonde. I saw her posture change, a snarl showing on her face as she produced a large straight rapier.

Like hell, I would have her getting the jump on my fox. I leveled my revolver at her back in the darkness and as she sprang forth to take flight, I emptied the entire chamber into her wings and back. The wolf yowled out in pain and fell from the air in a heap of bloody black wings.

"Coward!" She screamed the words, finding her feet and turning to face me. I had already summoned my black flames, a cocky grin on my face.

"Hey now, you were about to do the same thing. What's that old saying about stones and glass houses?" I hummed the words and thrust my fingers forward, summoning a lance of hellfire that slammed into her chest.

The wolf yelped from the pain and I showed my teeth. "Aww... do the unholy fires still hurt little puppy? Guess you're not as fallen as you thought!"

My eyes widened as the wolf snapped her teeth together and sprang upon me, rapier drawn overhead. She had been several yards away and simply lept and closed the gap in an instant. Sparks flew as the rapier clashed with my saber. I stepped back several paces as she furiously swung and pierced with the weapon, her speed blinding.

The tip of the blade made a slight bite into my hip, just a hair of a scratch but I felt the familiar burn of blessed silver send a wave of ache through my body. I growled and leap from the fray but she bound after me, not letting me make distance. She thrust her rapier forward and my saber caught the blade, forcing it downward, the tip digging into the dirt at our feet.

"Bitch! Don't underestimate me!" I lunged forward and slammed my forehead into her own, seeing stars and feeling the burn from touching her. The wolf reeled back from me with a bark and I brought my saber up dragging a large sweeping strike over her chest, tearing away flesh and cloth.

The fallen angel howled in fury and clutched her chest, the wounds already starting to heal upon her. Crimson now dotted her snow-white ears and tail, along with the side of her face. "Vampire, you cannot best-"

I snorted and sent another torrent of hellfire over her, listening to her howl furiously in pain. "Spare me your bruised ego, you took it too far involving my family!"

My eyes widened as Charlotte suddenly summoned a sphere of light and threw it to the air above us. I cursed out loud, feeling my knees weaken and my fires waver. I shook my head and clutched my saber in both hands, willing my fires to remain upon it. A moment later I gave a yip and took a knee, panting and feeling dizzy.

"Sarnai!" Elias screamed out and launched himself forward but the light gripped him as well. He fell to his hands and knees, feet from me.

Rachel lunged forward as well but the fallen angel simply pushed her will forward before speaking out in commandment. "Stand down, Knight!"

The platinum-haired fox took a knee and barked out. "N-no! You can't still hold this power!"

"You think I don't still have some tricks up my sleeve? I can still command a whelp like you easily." The wolf showed her a smirk before moving over towards Elias.

"I can sense you two are lovers... You've cost me much this night, but at least I can take some solace, knowing you see your lover go to the abyss before your eyes." Charlotte showed me a victorious grin, raising her rapier and bringing it down atop Elias.

My eyes smoldered with fury as my black flames turned blood red even through the divine light. I managed to find my feet before I leaped forward and tackled Elias to the ground, feeling the divine blade cut deep into my back. I howled out and collapsed into his arms, panting in pain.

"Sarnai, are you mad?!" He drew me to him as well as he could in the light.

"I am... in many ways..." I laughed the words and held him as the fallen angel loomed over us.

"Fine, I will send you both to the abyss together then." Charlotte repositioned the blade with the intent of driving it straight down and running us through at the same time.

I barked out and cut my red eyes up towards her. "You first." I spat the words out and poured forth my hellfire in the same trick I used hundreds of years ago. The fires poured over the divine sphere of light, extinguishing the energy.

There was another flash of steel as the wolf thrust the blade down undaunted by my trick, but it was too late. My saber caught the blow and I weakly pivoted the blade off course, sending it into the back of my thigh but away from Elias. I yowled out and clenched my teeth, feeling pain burn through my body.

"Bitch!" Elias snarled and his blue flames turned white before he sent a flaming punch across the wolf's face. She pivoted back from the blow leaving her rapier drove down into my leg. My husband turned to me and grabbed the blade, his hands burning and wisps of smoke rising as he wrenched the blessed sword from me.

I sobbed out but then gave a relieved pant to have the silver out of my body. Elias cast the sword away and took a knee to hold me in his arms, his teeth showing in a snarl as he watched the wolf rise to her feet, her face looking badly burned from the blow.

"Don't hold me stupid... go finish the bitch off." I barked up at him with a growl. Elias nodded and gently lowered me to the ground summoning forth his white flames to full.

The fallen angel shielded her eyes at the display then focused her own will and summoned her light forth once again, but this time as a radiant sword of flame. "I will lay you two low."

I saw Elias's knees shake as he stood over me, then my eyes widened as Rachel moved before us, standing between us and the fallen angel. "The divines will take no one's soul but yours this day, accursed!" The angel spread her wings out as if shielding us from the light of the blade.

"This again... I told you to stand down, knight!" Charlotte snarled the words and I saw Rachel's wings droop before she reinforced them along with her knees.

"You are no longer a High-Bishop... I... I refuse!" She spat the words and set her longsword, standing to shield us in defiance.

The fallen angel roared in fury and lunged forward, her fire sword slashing through the air. Rachel moved to parry the blade but the fires simply moved through her silver and lashed across her body. She howled out before taking a step back and thrusting her blade forward. Charlotte jumped from the strike, her eyes widening as she realized she also couldn't parry blows. The wolf and fox began a martial dance of trying to strike one another while sidestepping the others blows.

"This is stupid..." I coughed out and looked over at Elias. "Give me your gun..." I growled the words, my black tail wagging furiously. He nodded and handed off his revolver that was still full. I licked my lips and aimed the gun, waiting for my chance.

I let the fox and wolf dance until they were closer then took the shot, taking Charlotte's knee out from under her. She cried out in pain and collapsed onto her back. Rachel capitalized upon the momentum and sunk her longsword down into the fallen angel's chest. I looked to Elias and gave a nod as he helped me to my feet.

The wolf coughed out weakly, blood erupting from her mouth. "W-well done, knight..."

"Why... why did you do this?" Rachel shook her head, holding her blade as she stared into the wolf's eyes.

Charlotte showed Rachel a grin and shook her head. "It was fate... ever since-"

"Ever since half-past I don't give a fuck?" I growled the words as I limped over towards the fallen angel with Elias supporting me.

"I can't believe you enlisted abominations to aid you, Knight..." Charlotte showed her teeth in a smirk. "How very... much like my own situation."

"Means to an end..." The fox withdrew her longsword and held her rosary, starting to say a prayer.

"Hold those prayers, I've lost a lot of blood and this bitch is going to pay me back!" I barked the words as I grinned down at the wolf.

Elias and Rachel both gave me a shocked look, Charlotte's eyes widening. The wolf showed her teeth and weakly raised her hand towards me, fingers outstretched. "You will not humiliate me in death, abo-"

I snatched her wrist and shoved my teeth hard into her flesh, drawing her divine blood forth eagerly. The wolf howled out and shuddered, but her resistance was fleeting as the euphoria took her.

"Sarnai!" Rachel shouted at me, shock in her eyes. I looked upon her but continued to ravenously drink, my tail wagging furiously as I felt the fallen angel's life ebbing.

I pulled my teeth out of her wrist and showed Elias a bloody grin. "You might as well have some too, it's just going to go to waste..." I offered her wrist up to him, blood still welling up from my bite marks.

The white foxes' teeth bared, the hunger obvious but he shook his head. "You need it more than I. Drink your fill, love..." He growled the words and folded his arms.

I shrugged and snapped back down upon the wolf's wrist and drank until I felt her heart finally give out a few moments later. I pulled forth hard and drained the last of it before I stood and moved to push my lips to Elias's. I forced the blood into his mouth, his eyes widening before he shuddered and swallowed it down. We stood there embraced in our bloody kiss, our tongues rolling against one another while we held each other.

Rachel stood there shaking her head, dumbfounded by the whole scene. Elias pulled from my lips and growled. "I'm glad you're safe..."

I grinned and folded my ears. "I'm glad you are as well..." I huffed the words, the burns on my lips obvious as my tail wagged.

"This is madness..." Rachel frowned and clasped her hands together, offering a prayer for the fallen angel.

"Perhaps it is." I sighed and tested the support of my leg, the divine blood having mostly aided in healing it.

"I should... I should take her body back... will you two be okay returning on your own?" The platinum-haired fox looked upon both of us awkwardly.

"Of course, Rachel. Thank you for standing to shield us." Elias gave her a polite bow.

"Yeah... thanks." I folded my arms and smiled. "Sorry if you didn't approve of me making a meal out of her at the end. I wanted to see what that divine blood was all about."

She swallowed hard and shook her head. "It was not expected, but I should have seen it coming. You were due... she injured you severely."

"Tell Toroah and company they're welcome. Also, they owe us one." I showed my teeth in a cocky grin.

The angel gave us both a nod and faded from sight with the corpse of the wolf. We stood there alone in the firelight of the small camp. I cast my eyes back to my husband who was looking upon me with the same intent.

We pressed into one another in a desperate kiss, our tongues lashing against each other. My nails dragged over his chest, my tongue pulling from his mouth while he moved in to kiss at my throat.

"I'm so glad you're safe..." He snarled the words, his hands already upon my hips and dragging my pants and bloomers down.

My black tail lazily wagged while I let him strip me, stepping from my crumpled clothes before I grabbed his own pants, forcing them open. I felt my heart lurch into motion at the view of my husband's swollen length and showed him a grin as I grabbed at his base. "Hum... nothing like a near-death experience to get you in the mood, eh my fox?" I hummed the words playfully while I pumped at his length, feeling him throb in my grasp.

"Well sure... Watching you fight and kill is enticing..." Elias spoke the words softly while panting into my ears. "Sometimes I think it would be great... ngh... just listen to the voices and go tear a whole city apart together..."

"My husband, the sweet talker..." I growl the words and drag him to the grass beneath us, climbing over him and pushing my palms to his shoulders while he sat beneath me.

"Something like that..." The white fox grabbed my hips and dragged me forward, sliding his pulsing length against my soaked folds. My tongue lolled as he made a point to prod and grind at my sensitive pearl.

"Fuck, Elias... stop teasing me and put it in!" I snarled the words, my nails digging into his shoulders, my hips squirming impatiently.

The older vampire showed his sharp teeth, giving me a challenging grin. He said nothing and grabbed hard at my hips, making me wince as he began to grind and drag the underside of his throbbing length along my folds, teasing me in spite of my demands.

"D-damn... stubborn fox..." I pant out, feeling his teasing start to take its toll on me. My body responded to his movements, and my hips squirmed as he spent the next several moments drawing me to a slow agonizing build up.

"Huff... I... almost..." I groaned the words out, ears folded. He knew my body in every way after centuries of marriage and he could see when I was about to cross my edge. Right as my body started to give in, he pushed the tip of his length to my entrance and my eyes widened as he pulled me down, thrusting hard up into me in one deep thrust that pushed snug to my core.

I snapped my teeth together hard, my fists gripping his torn shirt as my body crushed his length in release. My breath came in a panted moan as I shook my head, feeling him grind and push up inside me through my orgasm, stimulating my release and drawing it out. "Ngh... so good... always so... good to me..." I panted the words and sighed in relief as the release eased.

"My wife... my everything..." Elias growled the words as he pushed his palm to my face, drawing me into a kiss. Our bodies moved and ground against one another while we sat there on the grass, making love in the midst of the carnage we had wrought tonight.

My lips parted from his and I gave him a coy grin. "Taking your wife among the slain... what a kinky fox..." I moaned the words, then shuddered as he pushed hard up into me, holding and grinding against me.

"How many times did you insist on mating on the deck of a ship we just claimed?" He spoke the words teasingly in my ear, a grin showing on his face as he felt me clench hard in release once more for him.

A bark escaped my throat as he pushed heavily into me. "Ha... stop mocking me and take me properly!" I snapped the words childishly at him as I clutched his shirt. The world then spun as he rolled me over onto my back.

"Like this?" Elias cooed the words in a confident smooth tone, his hips now shoving hard and with purpose. My tongue lolled and I nodded my head several times, panting out with each push he made into me.

My husband ground and pushed against me, both our bodies burning up for one another after the fighting. I looked up into his crystal blue eyes, then let out a sharp gasp as his heat came into my womb at last. My ears folded and I moaned out, my walls locking down hard upon him, milking at him for every drop as he filled me.

His throaty moan of relief filled my ears and I grinned with pride as my own orgasm eased off. He slumped over me and shoved his mouth to my own as we embraced in a satisfied kiss. I threw my arms around his neck and growled against his lips while we held one another in the grass, the scent of blood all around us in the firelight while our tails wagged together.


"So that's some good news," Lorelai spoke to me from across the small table we were seated at, a hot cup of blood in her hands.

I frowned and dragged a hand over my face. "Yeah... but to go so far back. She said it could take decades to sort through, given how long it's been."

"Well, wasn't it you who said you had nothing but time, sister?" The sheep lifted her drooped ears, her soft brown eyes studying me curiously.

"Indeed... but I'm not sure my mental fortitude will hold out that long. The nightmares weigh upon me more heavily by the day. I'm only sleeping a few hours a day now." The words came in a growl as I shook my head, feeling the memories already surfacing.

Lorelai pursed her lips and set her cup down on the saucer. "I've spoken with the magi circle. They have no leads on this. Are you certain this knowledge will even benefit you?"

"I don't know!" I barked the words out sharply and then looked away, teeth clenched. "But if the monster is alive, at least I can take solace in hunting it down before I lose myself."

"What does Elias think of all this?" The sheep cocked a brow, gazing upon me curiously.

"I've kept him as far out of the loop as I can. He knows I have trouble sleeping and occasional nightmares, but not the extent of them." I fold my arms and nod my head while speaking, my eyes meeting hers.

Lorelai stared upon me for a long moment before looking away. "He should know, but I will leave it to your judgment."

"Thank you... and please remember my request." I growled the words, giving her a strong determined look.

She gave me a slow nod and set me with her own level gaze. "I do not wish to lose you my fox, but rest assured... if that time comes, that I feel you are too far gone, I will."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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