Love in The Snow Part 3

Story by Zygarde22 on SoFurry

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#3 of Love In The Snow

Well this is the end of the Love in The Snow series, it took me a while but I'm happy to see this through. I'm happy to make more stories and I can't wait to work on my next.

Follow me on Patreon if you wanna commission stories like this

The morning air of Isfält was something that could chill most to the bone, and Olivia wasn't an exception, feeling the cold to her bone, she searched unconsciously for any source of heat, then feeling something wrap around her she smiled. Opening her eyes, she looked at the heat source, her beloved: Gunnald the future thegn of Isfält. His eyes opened as well and the two for a moment stared in the other's eyes, his deep yellow eyes and her bright blue ones, this was becoming a common occurrence for them each morn, to look and see the one they loved the most.

"Morning my love." Gunnald said softly as he kissed her, Olivia melted into the kiss and she allowed him to move it to more intimate areas, first her neck then her breasts, letting out a soft cry as he suckled at her left breast a trickle of milk leaking from them.

"D-Dear! We can't right now, we have to get r-ready!" Olivia said as she managed to pry the hungry wolf from her lactating teat much to the frustration of the wolf, but he accepted it and removed himself from Olivia, and he didn't blame her, today was an important day for the both of them, today was the day they were set to be wed. And to say that both of them were nervous would be a vast, vast understatement, even Gunnald who had fought in his fair share of battles during the Reckoning Wars and the small border conflicts that he and his family participated in, none of them compared to the weight of the fact that he was about to be married to Olivia.

It was strange, he thought to himself, he'd faced down giant naga's, humans, minotaur's and other creatures, but getting married was the thing that was the most nerve wracking for him, if his former commander in the army heard that he'd be laughing-telling him he'd gone soft. Pushing that thought aside he got out of the bed finally and went to dress himself, looking at Olivia as she bathed his eyes made their way down to her belly. She was now at least seven months pregnant and showing her gravid belly was a sight to behold especially given her rather petit form. The way she washed herself carefully so as not to bump their child (a girl if the life weavers were to be believed, and they usually knew what they were talking about, usually.) The way the water washed over her, it was the most beautiful sight in the world to Gunnald, he imagined some of the grandest painters, sculptors and bards in all of Elheim would clamor to create wondrous works of arts just describing a fraction of the beauty that Olivia had in his eyes.

"You know, staring is unbecoming my love." Olivia said, making Gunnald immediately avert her eyes, she laughed at this and she stood up from the bath, walking over to her fiancé the water dripping off her form, she wrapped her arms around his chest, "You can join me in the bath." Olivia whispered softly as she undid the drawstring of his shirt one after the other, her deft and nimble hands then lifted his shirt over his head and she let out a light mewl of happiness when she rubbed the scars on Gunnald's chest she then moved her hands further down and undid the drawstring of his pants allowing them to fall on their own, Gunnald was now as nude as his fiancée, he turned to face the deer and kissed her deeply, then pulling away, Olivia took her hand in his and brought him to the bath and beckoned for him to join her. The bath was just big enough for the two of them to fit comfortably, they'd usually have slightly more room, but with Olivia's condition there was slightly less space for them to move, probably for the best they would have time to consummate their marriage later, for now they needed to be clean.

Using some oils and perfumes the two washed their fur and skin as best they could. When they got dried and dressed Olivia was humming a tune to herself as she laced up the bodice of her dress.

"Do you mind helping me dear?" Olivia asked, nodding as Gunnald walked up behind his fiancée as he began to help her tie the offending garment. The day was just beginning but there was so much to be done, even though a good majority of the work was done months in advance, including but not limited to guests, seating and a whole swath of other things that had to be finalized, it was as hectic and as draining as one could imagine. Still Olivia and Gunnald handled this whole situation with a marginal level of grace, as much grace as one could have in this situation.

Olivia was sitting in the dressing room of the wedding, normally for such an affair as big as a wedding between a noble lady and a thegn of a keep she'd be doted on by a handful of handmaidens and other servant's but her mother had insisted that she and her sister be the ones to make Olivia look as beautiful as she possibly could for her wedding. Weaving flowers through Olivia's hair Lydia hummed as she did,

"You know this was the dress I wore when I was married to your father." Lydia said happily, braiding her daughter's hair with the flowers that represented what Lydia wanted for her daughter, baby's breath, orange blossoms and red roses.

"Were you this nervous on your wedding day as I am?" Olivia said as she looked at herself in the mirror, her dress was a sapphire one, covered in sequence and a few precious gems, Olivia was not much of a fan of such opulent dresses, but her mother insisted.... A lot and after listening to her complain for months, she relented and allowed her mother to use the dress that she got married in.

"Oh yes, quite a bit," Lydia said with a hum, "I was so nervous that I almost vomited." Lydia said this made Oliva laugh. She wasn't that nervous, though she might vomit as a side effect of being pregnant.

"I'm happy to see you become one with him." Lydia said as she finished working on Olivia's hair. And she slowly placed a veil atop her head. Olivia wondered how Gunnald would react to seeing her in this outfit.

"You look really pretty sis." Helena said happily as she walked out of the dressing room.

"Well, the moment of truth." Olivia said as she walked out of the room with her sister and mother, standing at the far end of a flower altar in the courtyard of the castle flanked on both sides by family, friends and other royalty was her fiancé. Covering him was an ornate set of armor, probably different then the kind he wore during his time as an active soldier.

Gunnald looked at his bride and his heart began to soar higher than anything in the world. If she was beautiful in his eyes before, then at this very moment she was absolutely radiant to Gunnald, her dress showed off her pregnant belly for all the nobles to see, something that he imagined a lot of them were sneering at her for, Gunnald didn't care his bride was the epitome of beauty to him and seeing her in her wedding dress while heavy with their child was just, it drove him up a wall, He'd have to be careful that night or else he might hurt their unborn child, the aisle towards the altar, a traditional Lupine wedding song was being played by bards and in this moment he fell in love with her all over again. Stopping next to him Olivia held his hand and whispered to him.

"I love your armor.' Olivia said as she held his hand tighter,

"And your dress looks absolutely radiant on you dear." Gunnald said as the deer giggled at his compliment. Two holy people, one a priest of Isran, the god that Olivia worshiped and a priestess of Gorm the Howling Lady, the patron god of the Lupine began to cite the various rites of marriage that both cultures used. Neither of them was paying much attention only waiting for the moment of truth, when they could say that they would be bound together in marriage for the rest of their lives.

"Do you two agree to be bound by the holy bonds of marriage?" The priest of Isran said.

"I do," Oliva said, with Gunnald following behind her. Then the Priestess of Gorm also asked them the question and as before she replied, "I do." With Gunnald following right behind her.

"Then you may now kiss, binding your two forever." The priest and priestess said in unison. Lifting the veil from over Olivia's head Gunnald brought his lips down upon Livia's and the cheers of their guests echoed through the courtyard of the castle. The two were now husband and wife and they couldn't be happier. Now it was onto the reception which was being held in the main feasting hall. In the grand feasting hall, plate after plate of freshly cooked meats, vegetables lay on ornate platters, tarts of various makes and sizes filled with sweets and fruits from all over Elheim and the wine and ale and mead flowed like water.

"A toast to my new Son-in-Law!" Olivia's father Gunther said as he raised a tinkered of ale in the air, Olivia rolled her eyes, her father was already drunk, and the reception had only been going on for an hour. Olivia was abstaining from drinking and so was Gunnald (mostly cause he hated the taste of most drinks sans wine,)

"And a toast to my new Daughter-in-Law!" Gunnald's father Solmund said, decidingly less drunk then Olivia's father, "And one more toast to our future granddaughter!" Solmund mentioned the two's unborn child. The gathered guests erupted raising their tankards and glasses in the air in solidarity. Olivia couldn't help but let out a laugh, which Gunnald followed. The two danced and ate and talked to guests, Eventually the two of them found some time to slip away from the party and return to their room.

"Weddings are fun, but I hate having to talk to relatives I've not seen since I was a pup." Gunnald said as he removed the chest plate of his armor rolling his neck to get a few of the cricks that formed from wearing armor for half the day out of his body.

"Ugh, tell me about it." Olivia said as she unlaced the front of her wedding dress, Gunnald not being told to, began to help her untie the back laces of the dress.

"Still...there are some...benefits to a wedding." Gunnald said as he kissed Olivia's neck, she let out a small moan of pleasure as she felt Gunnald's teeth slowly sink into her neck. The two over the course of months have become quite accustomed to each other's bodies, Gunnald knew every curve, every inch, every part of Olivia's body, where he could tease her to make her moan just right, and the same for Olivia-a delicate dance of give and take for the two. Pushing Olivia on her back and onto the bed Gunnald climbed atop of her, kissing her body as he went up, until he reached her mouth., kissing Olivia deeply he pushed his tongue down her mouth, and the two's tongues danced and swirled in the others mouth.

Gunnald moved his hands down to Olivia's belly, feeling the small kicks of his unborn child, he lowered his face down to her belly, kissing it with the love and reference that he gave to his wife in general, and Olivia giggled at the feeling of her husband's lips on her belly. He then slowly inched his way further down, kissing her all the way like he did when he kissed her on the lips until he stopped at Olivia's now dripping wet snatch.

Moaning with pleasure Olivia felt Gunnald's tongue enter her pussy, gripping her sheets Olivia moaned again when she felt his tongue swirl and move in ways that only her wolf lover could do. He took his tongue out of her and began to slowly nibble and suck on her clit, she let out a whine of pleasure as she came. Gunnald looked down upon his wife with a non-small amount of pleasure as he made her cum. Breathing heavily Olivia smiled at Gunnald and he smiled back, the two knew the night was not over.

Pinning Olivia's arms to her side Gunnald lined up his cock with her snatch. Teasing with his cock head he prodded and poked at her entrance making Olivia hiss with a want and need for her husband's cock.

"Put it in!" She ordered, Gunnald nodded and he slowly inched his cock forward into Olivia's waiting cunny. Holding Gunnald tightly Olivia moved her hips to meet Gunnald's thrust. Thrust after thrust, pump after pump, it was pure heaven for the two of them. Olivia was clutching at Gunnald's back and locking her legs around his waist so that he would deposit all of his seed into her, she was already pregnant (and as far as she was aware she couldn't' get pregnant twice,) but still she loved the feeling of her husband's seed inside of her.

"Cum inside me!" She begged as she squeezed Gunnald's body tighter, Gunnald kissed her deeply and knotted his wife with a deep thrust, moaning into her lover's mouth Olivia felt the warm seed of her husband's cock spill into her. The warmth, the feeling of her husband's virile seed was heaven to Olivia.

"I love you Olivia." Gunnald said happily, his mind slowly getting cloudy with a want to sleep.

"I love you too, Gunnald." Olivia replied, as the two hugged one another falling asleep. All in all, a great end to a wonderful and magical day. Olivia and Gunnald, together at last.


Olivia hummed as she watched the butterflies of her garden flutter about in the air, their multicolored wings glittered in the sunlight. She was busy pruning some of her roses when she felt someone tugging at her dress, looking down she saw a little girl with the color of a grey wolf but with the vestige of a deer.

"Mama, mama, papa's coming home soon!" The little girl said in a happy and chipper tune, her daughter Astrid, named after her paternal grandmother. Astrid had grown quite a bit in the last few years since her birth, so spry and tough for a six year old, soon she'd be learning to fight like her father, she'd already professed a want for becoming a shieldmaiden.

"Is he, did you see his ship?" Olivia asked, the young deer nodded, and Olivia followed her as she pulled her along to the docks, "Astrid dear, you know I can't run the way I am." Olivia said trying to keep her footing being eight months pregnant was not the best condition to run in a way. The docks were a rush full of sailors, merchants and others walking about working on various things unloading ships and working on things that had to be worked on, in the distance a set of ships were coming, the banner of the various noble houses on them, a war had broken out a few months ago and her husband agreed to bring his soldiers to fight the enemies of his king, to see he was coming home was. Astrid was bouncing with excitement to see her father after so long. Soon after a long wait the ship she knew her husband would be on docked, and the moment of truth came walking off were various soldiers and sailors who were happy to be back after months at sea. Then Olivia saw him, in his armor a fresh new scar on his face, not that she cared.

"Gunnald!" Olivia shouted as she saw her husband, and the wolf smiled as he caught her eyes and the two rushed to embrace each other.

"It's been so long, and you''re with child!" Gunnald said as he lifted Olivia off her feet and spun her around. He then saw his daughter and smiled at her, "You've grown my Little Flower." Gunnald said as he held Astrid up and hugged both the women in his life, he was happy to finally be back home.

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