My Great Big Brother- Fun in the Park: Part 2

Story by ArcticWolf451 on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: Don't read this if you are underage, meaning if you are under 18 SHOO! NOW. And I know you aren't gonna listen because I did the same thing when I was 16. Sigh, so just make sure you lock the damn door so your parents don't catch you, a'ight? All characters are mine. Also, this story contains Incest in it. For the record, I don't condone it and sure as hell don't recommend it. So listen up kiddies and don't try to bang your sis. Got it? If not, your ass is grass and your dad's foot is a lawn mower. Oh, and any copyrighted names I used belong to their respective owners and I was not paid to use them. Go Steelers! And also Go Gators even though I don't go to that school. =)

June 1st 8:25 A.M. - Blackmon Residence

John growled to himself as he looked at his watch. His kids should have been home twenty-five minutes ago from their morning jog, but there was still no sign of either of them. Unlike most parents in his position, John was not the least bit worried about either of his pups. He figured if Kyle could survive getting shot, he could handle some scrawny mugger any day. No, John was much more concerned with what Kyle and Katie shouldn't be doing. He tried to convince himself that he was being paranoid, that maybe his kids had just lost track of time and were unaware of how late they were. But deep down, he knew that his step-son had once again circumvented his authority and probably yiffed his daughter, AGAIN.

When I get my paws on that little...

"Morning dear," Eliza said as she walked out of the downstairs bedroom and into the kitchen to see her husband scowling at the television. "Something wrong John?"

"Did you know Katie and Kyle went out jogging this morning? By themselves?"

"Yes, Katie asked me last night if she could go to the park, and I said Kyle would have to go with her to keep her safe and whatnot," Eliza replied while pouring herself a mug of coffee.

"You what?! Eliza, are you nuts?!" John exclaimed while standing up from the couch and walking over into the kitchen.

"Oh come on now, you're over reacting," Eliza replied with a warm smile. "You don't think they'd have the audacity public do you?" Eliza said, straining to get those last few words out.

"I'm not putting anything past them. Besides, you're lucky. I was the one who caught them tied together in her bed!" John shivered a moment as he recalled that sight.

"True, I can't say I've had the displeasure of seeing that of all things." Eliza sighed for a moment and then looked over at John. "Do you think we made the right choice though?"

"What do you mean?" he asked while scanning the street through the kitchen windows.

"Sending Kyle away after we caught him and Katie together," she replied while as she walked over to John and stood by him as they looked out the window together.

"Don't tell me you actually approve of them being together," John said, concern hanging heavy in his voice.

"No, I mean...yes they shouldn't be sleeping together, and yes they did it even when they thought they were flesh and blood siblings. But think about it, are we really gonna be able to keep them apart forever?"

"Well it's never too late to call the cops and file rape charges," John mused.

"You promised Kyle you wouldn't do that. And you also promised me. I don't want the whole neighborhood finding out my daughter had an incestuous relationship with her step-brother," she said sternly.

"Then all we can hope for is that when Kyle goes back overseas the Taliban actually do their job," he said with an amused smile.



"That's horrible! Besides, I know you don't really mean that."

"Huh? How?" he asked, now confused.

"After the way you broke down when you thought Katie was right about Kyle being dead I know you still love him as much as I do."

John sighed and rested his paws on his forehead as he pressed his face against the window. "Yeah you're right. I don't hate him enough to want to kill him. But damn it, we have to do something before he screws up and either gets caught or gets her pregnant. The last thing I want is to be a grandparent at forty-one."

"Indeed," Eliza said, nodding in consent.

"And look who decided to finally show up," John suddenly stated while looking out the window. Eliza looked out and sure enough Kyle and Katie were walking up the street together.

"Did you have to cum in me twice?" Katie asked as she tried to hide her discomfort at having Kyle's cum leak out of her and create an irritating wet patch on her panties.

"Don't blame me sis, you were the one who wanted me to go for sloppy seconds," Kyle smugly replied, while also being thankful that he wasn't in Katie's shoes.

"Sloppy what? That just sounds...eww."

"It means to have a second round of yiff after having already..."

"I CAN FIGURE IT OUT," she shouted while cutting Kyle off. "Besides, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"No, I left my watch and cell phone at home, just like you," Kyle replied. "What's the big deal though?"

"We're late! I left a note saying we'd be home by eight o'clock and now it's...I don't know, probably eight-fifteen or something. How are we gonna explain that?"

"Simple," Kyle calmly said as they turned to walk up their house's driveway and into the garage, "We'll just say that I got tired and we walked instead of ran. And we stopped at one point to bird watch or something while in the park and lost track of time."

"...that's actually a not a bad plan," Katie agreed, now feeling slightly relieved. However, those feelings quickly faded as they walked through the door from the garage into the kitchen.

"Where have you two been?!?" John irately asked them.

Kyle paused to see John and Eliza both still dressed in their pajamas and bathrobes, standing at the kitchen's island countertop with anger evident on their faces.

"Uhh, we were out jogging?" Kyle weakly replied.

"For an hour and ten minutes?" John countered.

"Well I got tired so we just ended up walking the whole time, and then we stopped in the park to bird watch and I guess we just lost track of time."

"Uh huh," John said skeptically. "Ordinarily I would believe that, but I can smell you two from over here. Now I don't know about you, but I don't work up that big a sweat from walking in cool morning air."

Katie looked to the side, unable to face her parent's disappointed stares. Kyle on the other paw just kept repeating, Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, over and over in the back of his mind.

"Also," John continued, "I don't believe running can give your fur grass stains," he said while pointing to Katie's green furred knees. "So, here's what's gonna happen: Katie go to your room and get cleaned up. Kyle, stay right there." John started to move around the island counter.

"Oh crap!" And with that Kyle ducked behind Katie and ran around the opposite side of the counter.

"Get back here you little bastard! I'm gonna kick your ass so hard you'll be able to chew on my foot!" John snarled while chasing after him.

Kyle darted for the living room, bounded over the couch, juked left and right until John himself tried to jump over the couch at him. Fortunately John's slippers made him trip and he landed on the coffee table in front of the sofa, causing it to break under weight. John quickly recovered and chased Kyle back into the kitchen. Kyle tried to run for the door to escape through the garage, but John in his rage had picked up the TV's remote from the ruins of the coffee table and quickly chucked it at Kyle, hitting him squarely in the side of the head.

"Ow! What the fuhh...ooh crap!" Kyle said as he clutched his head, only to see John charging him like a bull.

Unfortunately for John Kyle hastily turned and began running in circles around the island counter, with John closely behind him the entire time.

"Daddy! Leave him alone, he didn't do anything!" Katie shouted as she and Eliza looked on.

"John, honey please just calm down..." Eliza pleaded.

"I'll have time for that when I'm scrubbing his blood outta the carpet!" John snapped back.

At this point Shelly walked down the stairs into the kitchen to investigate the commotion.

"Arrghh, can't you guys keep it down? It's not even nine o'clock yet," she moaned while rubbing her eyes, only to be greeted with the sight of John panting for breath as he and Kyle paused for a moment. "Mom, what are dad and Kyle doing?"

"Your father is trying to punish your brother for...stuff," Eliza tried to politely explain.

Shelly looked at her sister and blankly said, "Oh my god, you did not do what I think you did, in public, with him, while you were supposed to be jogging."

Katie blushed and looked off to the side, trying to feign innocence.

"When will you two learn to keep your pants zi-SHOVED OW! Kyle what the hec-TRIP AGHRRG! Dad get offa me!" Shelly exclaimed as she was cut off by Kyle suddenly barreling into her and knocking her down as he charged up the stairs, followed by John tripping over her body as he tried to run up said stairs.

"I got you now you little dick! There's no way down from there!" John said gleefully as he stood up and hurried up the stairs after Kyle.

Kyle looked around, realizing that John was right; Kyle was trapped like a rat on a sinking ship. Or was he? Thinking quickly, he grabbed the laundry hamper out of the bathroom and threw it down the hall at John just as he was coming up the stairs. John lost his balance and almost tumbled head over tail down the stairs, but he managed to catch himself on the railing, utter a curse, and then angrily proceed up towards Kyle's room. He found the door closed but unlocked.

"Mom," Shelly asked while rubbing her head, "What's dad gonna do when he catches..."

Shelly paused as she heard a faint yell followed by a loud thud. Everyone went quiet as they listened for Kyle's screams, as they were certain John had just tackled him. However, they were all surprised when Kyle re-entered the kitchen from the garage door, walked over to the sink, and stuck his muzzle under the faucet and began thirstily gulping down water.

"Kyle! What the heck's going on up there?" Eliza asked as she heard John now coming back down the stairs.

"Window... jumped out...sore...oh shi-!" Kyle managed to stutter out before John came back down the stairs with pure rage glowing in his eyes.

"You're not gonna have the balls to try that again after I'm done with you!" he yelled as he chased Kyle back around the island and into the living room.

Kyle made his way to the La-Z-Boy recliner to try to put something between him and John, but just as he hurdled over it John managed to grab Kyle's tail. Although his tail slipped free from John's grasp, Kyle lost his balance, did a 180 turn upon landing and stumbled backwards...right through the large six-by-six foot window that overlooked the back deck.


As if God had hit the pause button on the Blu-Ray player of life, everyone froze and said nothing. Then they slowly made their way into the living room, looking out through the large hole in the house where a double pane window had once stood. And there laid a pile of shattered glass that made crunching sounds every time he moved. Lifting one of his arms, Kyle noticed several small glass shards sticking in his flesh, along with several small trickles of blood that that left a small puddle under each arm. He looked up at his family, who was now standing over him-although technically they were still in the house-with shocked expressions.

"Way to go John. Good job!" Kyle said sarcastically while looking straight up at the sky and trying to move as little as possible.

"Well...I guess this can count as your punishment. Hold still or you'll just make the cuts worse," John instructed.

"Right. Katie, could you cover your eyes for a moment and not look at me?" Kyle asked.

Katie did so, placing a paw over each eye. At this point, Kyle then brought both of his hands up and flipped John off with both middle fingers while mouthing, YOU FUCKING MORON! Once he was done Kyle lay back down and let John come outside to help him out of the glass. Fortunately his shirt and shorts had protected most of his body, and so he only had glass in his arms and the back of his neck. Still, after brushing and/or picking over forty pieces of glass out of himself, Kyle realized he was gonna need stitches, as he had a long four inch cut on his left arm.

With sigh, John scratched the back of his head and said, "Alright, wrap a towel around it and we'll go to the emergency room. And Katie, you're coming with us."

"Why does she have to come?" Kyle asked, as he knew how long and boring a trip to the emergency room could be.

"Because I need to talk to both of you, and we're gonna get it out of the way as soon as possible. Now Katie, hurry up and get changed before your brother passes out."

Katie nodded and ran up the stairs, returning two minutes later wearing a red t-shirt with a short sleeved denim jacket over it, and a pair of matching blue jeans. John didn't bother to make Kyle change, as he was too busy holding a washcloth to his arm. Once Katie returned, they all headed into John's Honda Accord and drove off to the hospital, with Kyle sitting in the passenger seat, and Katie sitting in the back. For the first couple of minutes they were all silent, but finally John broke the silence as they were sitting at a red light.

"Okay, sighs heavily going to be awkward for all of us. But we have to address it before it turns into a real problem."

"My arm being sliced open like a suckling pig doesn't already count?" Kyle retorted.

"Shut up Kyle. This is serious."

"What is? My arm or your hair trigger temper?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about," John growled.

"No. I don't. Seriously, what'd I do?" Kyle asked sarcastically.

"You screwed my daughter behind my back! Do you really think you can lie your way out of this just because I didn't catch you on top of her this time?"

"Not anymore," Kyle said while looking out the window.

Katie just buried her face in her paws and tried to tune out the conversation.

"And Katie, honey, honest with me...did he force you to do something you didn't want to do?"

"NO!" Katie shouted back, her voice somewhat shaky as she tried to hold back tears of embarrassment.

"Lucky for you Kyle, I take her word over yours."

"Yeah, well what about your word?" Kyle asked.

"What about it?"

"You said if I come back from joining the Marines you'd let me be with Katie. I hold up my end of the bargain and not die, only to come back and have you kick me in the nads, chase me around the house, and make me trip through a window."

"Yes, but you haven't served out your enlistment, you're only here because of sick leave. Now I'm still willing to hold up my end of the deal, but you need to realize that until you get a pink slip from Washington, you're not to so much as come within three feet of my daughter."

Kyle cracked a smile and reached his left paw back towards Katie. John rolled his eyes and lightly backhanded Kyle in the face.


"Don't be a smartass Kyle; it'll only make me want to hurt you more. Now, this isn't what I wanted to talk to you two about."

"Well since football season isn't for another 3 months I can only assume it's about how I've managed to avoid having you destroy my testicles today, am I right?" Kyle said jokingly.

"No. It's about you being an irresponsible little prick."

"Say what?" Kyle asked, now a little confused.

"Katie is fourteen years old. You're seventeen. You're above the age of consent in Georgia, which means that each time you and Katie fool around, you're breaking the law. If I wanted to, I could send you to prison for statutory rape."

Kyle's ears flattened at this and he found it hard to look anywhere near John's face.

"Also," John continued, "You've been having unprotected sex with Katie. So far you two have been incredibly lucky, since I know you two went at it during her December heat cycle with only birth control pills as your line of defense."

Now both Kyle and Katie were hiding their faces in the paws; shame and humiliation creeping over them like a fog.

"What would happen if you got Katie pregnant? You know damn well we're not aborting any pups in this household."

"I'd do my best to help Katie take care of them," Kyle solemnly replied.

"I'm sure you'd like to, but since Katie's a minor there will be a mandatory paternity test. And guess what's gonna happen when everyone knows that you're the father?"

John looked at Kyle and glared, making him slump in his seat and look off to the side.

"You'd end up in prison for the next ten years, with nothing to do but sleep, stare off into space, and fight off hairy apes in the showers, all while Katie is home alone having to raise your pups. And if that wasn't hard enough on its own, she'd have to go through the shame and torment of everyone at her school knowing she slept with her brother, and that he's now in prison. Do you really want that to happen to her?"

"No..." Kyle mumbled, now also trying to hold back tears as he pictured John's imagery.

"Then why...why do you keep having unprotected sex with her?"

Kyle was silent. For once, as much he hated to admit it, John was right.

"Alright. I think I've made my point. Kyle, I'm not going to tell you what to do. But here's what's going to happen if I catch you two in bed together again, protection or not: I'm throwing you out of the house and you'll have to get your own place."

"WHAT? I'm only seventeen, how's that even possible?" Kyle asked in disbelief.

"You get a paycheck from the government now. You can afford some two-bit place around here, as well as food, a used car, clothing, and utilities."


"You wanted to act like an adult, so I'm leaving you to make an adult choice. Either stop messing around with Katie, or your ass is out on the street. Got it?" John said forcefully.

"Got it," Kyle weakly replied.

For the rest of the trip they were silent. After arriving at the hospital Kyle was checked in and taken back for treatment while John and Katie sat alone in the waiting room. John bit his lip as he tried to figure out what to say to her. He didn't want to use the stronger, more direct approach he did with Kyle. Finally, after fifteen minutes of drawing a blank, John heaved a sigh and said, "Do you love him?"

Katie turned and looked him in the eyes, pausing for a few seconds before nodding and saying, "Yes."

"And do you think he loves you?"

"I do."

"Even after how I pointed out how irresponsible he's been? How he could've potentially ruined your life?"

Katie nodded and said, "I was just as irresponsible as him, you don't have to be afraid to punish me for it."

John paused to think about that, and then smiled. "That's a very mature statement, coming from someone of your age." Katie didn't respond, so John continued. "For now, I'm not going to punish either of you. You're both my kids, and I love you. Both of you. But I also have to make sure you guys don't do something stupid that could potentially ruin your lives for you."

"I understand dad," she said solemnly.

"So, I guess my next question is-do you still love him as much as the day you two became...grits teeth and sighs mates?"


This surprised John. His heart began to light up as he realized that maybe, just maybe he had found a niche in their relationship. Perhaps he could finally get her to realize that what they were doing was wrong, and they'd finally break up and...

"I've loved him more with each passing day, and still do," Katie said, interrupting John's thoughts.

Crap, he thought. "Alright. So, you're completely happy with him?"

She nodded.

John sighed consentingly. "Then, if that's what you want...I don't see a reason why I should stop you from being with him."

Katie's eyes lit up and she looked back up at John. "You're serious?" she asked, her tail lightly wagging as it drooped down the back of her chair.

"Yes," John replied. "But remember, I catch him with you one more time and it's 'so long big brother,' understand?"

"I understand dad, don't worry. You won't catch him doing anything he shouldn't with me," she said happily.

"I won't catch him? Does that mean you two will actually stop yiffing, or are you going to just be more careful when you go behind my back?" John said with a hinting air in his voice that told Katie he was keen to her play on words.

"" Katie stammered, trying to come up with a truthful answer other than "yes." However, before she could a vixen nurse walked up to John holding a clipboard.

"Sir, your son wasn't sure what to put down on the insurance forms, and he told me to talk to you," the nurse said.

"Ahh, okay," John replied, immediately forgetting about his conversation with Katie as he started filling out the hospital's paperwork.

Katie slumped back in her chair and breathed a sigh of relief. Ooohhhh thank you, God. Still, John's words hung heavy in her mind. She knew she and Kyle would have to be even more careful, lest they risk John's fury. Summer was certainly heating more ways than one.