Silver and Gold – Eyes – ch 1

Story by poneyboy on SoFurry

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#1 of Silver and Gold

Jayson Silber Thompson - 18 years old just about to start at a new college in America after moving from the UK. Short black hair with a bit of stubble, 6'4" tall with a strong and wide build with a good amount of muscle and quite active. He's not looking forward to his new college after having to leave his old one rather quickly and his few friends after his father got a new job in the computer programming business and after his home for the past 18 years went up in flames.

Mark Thompson - 45 years old computer programmer for an up and coming computer manufacturer. 5'9'" tall with medium length blonde hair with a small goatee with a small and narrow build, recently moved to the U.S.A. because of a new job and old troubles.

Marry Thompson - 44 years nurse that is looking for new job after the move. 5'8" tall with an hour glass figure with long blonde/gray hair, been married to her husband for 20 years and is still stressed and worries about the move and hope this will be much safer for the time being.

"Dad! Where are my clothes?"

"There in the box that's mark 'clothes' that's in your room" the voice of my father called out from the kitchen where he was still unpacking.

"They still smell of smoke! Are there any clean ones about?"

"Jayson your 18 years old you should know how to use the washing machine by now! And anyway they are clean your mother did them before we moved"

I gave them another smell, they had been cleaned but still had that horrible tang of smoke to them. letting out a sigh as I picked them up and walked to the washing machine to only push all the cloths I had to my name as they were all that where left after the fire.

"What's for dinner?" I asked as I walked in to the kitchen.

"What do we have in the fridge?"

"Um......tomatoes, leftover sausages and some cheese ow and some flour in the cupboard, you really need to do some shopping mum!"

"Yes, yes I know! That's on the list for tomorrow. So what are we having?" mother asked as she moved from one room to the other with a box or two.

"Um ... how about pizza? Hay hang on! Why am I the only one that cooks in this family?!" which was very true as I nearly cooked all the hot meals we had.

"Because your one that likes cooking and unlike your mother you can cook!"

My mother threw a small book at him as she was staking the bookcase "Hay I will have you know that I can cook and what is wrong with my cooking?" she playfully poked him the chest.

"Well the last time you cooked something I ended up with a bad case of food poisoning and who puts chicken in shepherd's pie!" dad had a playful smile as he wound mum up. I just rolled my eyes as I start to make the pizza and ignoring their silly fight, which made me a little happier as they seem to be getting back to normal after the chaotic move and the dreadful fire.

"Dinners ready" I managed to say snapping the squabbling pair out of there little spat. They quickly sat down as dad pulled out a bundle of cutlery and some plates out of one of the box he had been unpacking and sat down at the table. The pizza was just about the right amount for all of us; I could have done with another slice but didn't feel too hungry to bother making something else.

"So looking forward to your fist day of your new college?" Dad asked as he started to clear the table after kissing the top of mums head.

I just let out a long sigh, I felt tired and confused just thinking about tomorrow, just thinking about the college made me miss my old one and the friends in it.

"I'm sorry Jayson but it's for the best and anyway you will make my new friends" Mum said as she kissed me on the cheek softly. They both new I was not happy about moving out here away from my home, away from my friends, away from the only place knew. I just wanted to go back 'home' where I grew up, the place where all the happy times and memories were made for me.

"I know but I just don't understand why we had to move all the way out here that's all, it's just so different and confusing" I let out another long sigh, thinking about the days and weeks to come wondering what will happen. "I think I'm going to have an early night" I gave mum a hug as I said good night to both of them and went to my room.

"Maybe a run around will make me feel a little better. It would at least give me a chance to have a look around the neighbourhood" I said as I locked my door and opened my ground floor bedroom window and started to take off my clothes. I had nice body I must admit good strong bones with my muscles showing nicely, nothing like some of the really muscled people I've seen but enough to catch the eye of any girl or guy.

I had a slightly hairy chest with a thick happy trail going down to my soft 5 inch cock and large balls, my legs where nice and thick with a lot of power and strength in them. I was proud of my body but I didn't like to show it off or flaunt it in front of others because that is not how I like to act and the fact that I am quiet shy about myself and when it comes to personal things, I turn bright red.

I looked in the full length mirror with a slight smile, I did like how I looked but there was something I just didn't understand about myself, something that confused me about who or what I am.

It all started about the same time as puberty hit my young body at about 13, the usual things where expected and explained in school lessons when we hit that age, things grew bigger, more hair, hair in places where there it had not been, voices changing, etc but one thing about me was different and no one said anything about what was happening to me or even anything close. I didn't ask anyone about what was happening to me not even my mum or dad, the two people in the whole world I trusted and loved most, all in fear of being labelled a freak or a monster. Why was I able from the young age of 13 to turn into a big black wolf?

That question I had asked myself thousands if not millions of times and I could not find any reasonable answers that would explain it. I had tried to look things up in books, on the internet or any other source of information and all I could find was 'werewolves'. But they're meant to be big mean nasty looking wolves that walked on 2 legs, killed and ate humans or any other living thing for that matter, but I was just a normal run of the mill black wolf, that felt no urge to hunt and kill anything, heck I loved to play with the little kids in the local park back home, the way they pulled on my ears, coat and tail was just bliss for me. I am a bit of a softy.

I took me long time to get use to the fact that I could change into a big mean looking wolf whenever I wanted, I was so desperate to ask mum or dad what was wrong with me but I was more scared of what they might think or do if I asked them or show them. People have been known to freak out over the smallest things their children might be or do and that just worries me to no end. It was a rough couple of years for me until I came to the conclusion that I have not hurt anyone in anyway and I did not feel any urge to either and most of all I am who I am!

I continued to look at myself as I shifted from a big bulky human to a large black wolf that stood about 3 and a half feet tall at the shoulder, looking myself over making sure nothing had changed or stayed the same. It had taken me quiet a bit of practice and self control to shift from my human form to my wolf form so quick and effortlessly, I was thankful that I did not live in a densely populated area when I live in the UK, some the times I changed and shifted had been a little bit disturbing and painful.

I was very proud of my wolf form, the shine to my coat, the way I held myself when I moved or stood, the muscle I had but most of all my silvery blue eyes, the just seemed to look so right against the black of my coat. It was one of the of the things that helped to convinced me that I was not a savage werewolf because nearly all the information I found and read said that werewolves had golden, amber, red or black eyes but never blue or silver.

Shaking my head quickly to stop myself staring at my eyes for a moment longer, I just found them so different, almost hypnotic. I turned and swiftly hoped out my window into the lawn below, the smell of the air was different to what I use to it, more scents than I knew and would ever know.

It had just started to get dark the way I liked it, less dog catchers. They where good fun to tease and wind up, they were never able to even able to get near me let alone catch me. I felt myself sadden slightly as thought of those happy and joyful times with the children, getting the dog wardens to chase me and knowing that I might not be able to do any of those things again.

"No I need to make the best of it, I need to find new ways to have fun and enjoy my new home and life! I might even make some new friends" I said to myself as I looked up to see the street lights just starting to flicker into their nocturnal life.

I started to walk around my new neighbourhood seeing the homes of my neighbours, smelling the scents of the people and animals that lived in them. I was just aimlessly walking around looking and noting things down mentally but remembering where I was and how to get back home. Seeing the things that people had in the gardens from nice looking ponds too strange looking gnomes, I found it quite interesting and funny that there might be several hundred miles and a lot of water in-between but the people here did not seen to dissimilar to the ones back home which lifted my spirits greatly.

It had started to get quite late and the moon had just started to reach the top of its ark across the twinkly night sky and I was on my way home not in any rush but still moving quickly as I trotted back the way I had come.

I had slowed to a gentle walk as a scent caught my attention, it was like nothing I had ever smelt before but it seemed normal in some way, it smelt like a canine but it was much earthier and had a strong pungent tang of something I could not identify. It was strange but familiar almost as if I remember it from a dream, but it was not just one scent but several, I continued to walk as I pondered what the scent could be. I was so deep in thought I did not keep an eye or an ear out on where I was going, I was just about to turn at a cross roads to go down the street where my new home was when I spotted another dog in the other side of the street looking straight at me.

I had mixed and played with other dog before and had found to be very fun and different be it this or my human form but it was getting late and I was new to the area so I did not want to make any new enemies, animal or human. I gave the dog across the street smile whilst not showing my teeth and a small nod. I had looked into animal behaviour and found it very interesting and it has served me well in making new animal friends and helping to understand what they are doing or about to do. I turned to go down my street leaving the other dog on the other side of the street.


I quickly stopped to see who had spoke but I only saw the same dog I had earlier who was now on the same side of the street as me. I knew it was not the dog that spoke as I had tried to speak with other dogs and only managed to scare them off or start a fight. Shaking off what I heard as to someone talking to someone else in their home I continued to walk along the pavement.

"I said stop wolf!"

That same voice, it came from behind me and it was close too. I quickly turned around to see the same dog walking towards me and stopped a couple feet from me. This dog was the owner of that strange scent and there was something a little off about its eyes, they seemed almost too bright, almost too golden. I continued to look at the other dog, it was most defiantly a HE and he looked like very large Doberman but with a lot more muscle then that was normal for the breed.

"Who are you? And who's your alpha?"

It spoke! It actually spoke and in good English as well. It had an authoritative tone with a slight hint of announce to it, but I just couldn't believe that the large dog in front of me just spoke to me. I just stood there with my eyes wide and mouth open as I looked at this strange speaking dog.

"Who is your alpha?"

It spoke again and this time it sounded a bit pissed off! I just stood there just gawking at this dog who I'd only met only a minute a go or less and it had already spoke to me 4 times no less and all I could do was just stare at it.

The dog growled and lowered its head glaring at me, I instinctively stepped back as I was expecting to lunge at me but no, it just looked at me. I could feel something change about the dog, its scent had just grown stronger and it was getting BIGGER! The muscles rippled and moved as it stood on its hind feet and continued to grow, I could only stare in shock, terror and amazement as I was firmly rooted to the spot where I stood watching this dog thing grow and move in front of me.

It stopped growing and looked down at me as I looked up to it, I could feel my tail for the first time tuck between my legs in fear and terror as I looked at the very big dog in front of me.

Something move behind it that caught my attention, it was another dog but this was a husky type but it was walking on two legs and what about the same size as the one in front of me, they both looked down at me. That was enough for me! I quickly turned and ran. I ran for my life. I ran for life its self. For the chance to see daylight. To see my home!

I must have socked them with my speed and agility as it did me, as they didn't react very quickly but they did react after only a moment of pause. They where chasing me!

My home came into view, that was the first time I had called it 'home' and I was so happy to see it, to see my window, to see safety!

I leaped with through it and knocked the prop out from the window with surprising grace and speed. I landed less gracefully as hit and knocked over one of my many boxes that I had not unpacked, I quickly picked myself up and hid behind them. I could hear sniffing and muttering but I was not able to make any of it out not that I wanted to. I waited until I could hear nothing.

I sat there for what seemed like hours as I strained my ears for any sounds that might indicate that I was not on my own, that I was being watched and waited for. I could hear nothing.

I slowly started to breathe normally and think about what I should next. I quickly changed into my human form, still hiding behind the many boxes, shaking slightly I stood and quickly looked around my room and through the window that was most definitely staying closed tonight and every night after that!

Seeing nothing I let out a relieved and pent up sigh, still feeling very twitchy and alarmed over my little meeting as I quickly got into my bed. And for the first time in years I pulled the covers up over my head like a small child would, that feeling of being hidden from the outside world, being protected by the thin layer of fabric and feather that could so easily be destroyed but feel so strong and safe. As the saying goes 'If I can't see it, it's not there!' hopefully that will work for me tonight!