Winny - A Kaos Army story (Part3)

Story by TheFieldmarshall on SoFurry

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#4 of Kaos Army

In this installment: the general strangles a skaven, gets teased by his elf and finds a whole new reason to hate that griffon's guts

WINNY (A kaos Army story) Pt3

Saturday morning was lie-in morning and general Warlock lazed in bed, sprawled out and comfy, aware of the sound of tramping boots on the parade ground outside. Someone was busy, but not him. He was going to do nothing for a whole hour and he was going to enjoy it. Yup. Nothing. At all. Well, maybe half an hour. I mean, it would be nice to not have to bolt breakfast down occasionally. Fifteen minutes was probably more than ample time to rub one out and get dressed. That still counted as a lie-in, didn't it? Sure it did. And it wasn't like his dick needed an appointment, all he had to do was picture Winny's naked body and it was showtime. Mmm. Sexy fucking elf. Nothing like a vigorous wank in the morning to set you up for the day! After making a lovely mess of his bedsheets, he bundled them up and threw them down the laundry chute. Time for breakfast. As it was, indeed, Saturday, he could wear any old thing and he needed no excuse to dress in as little as possible so a vest and shorts was more than enough. The sunglasses set it all off nicely, making him look like a character in a Vietnam movie. He'd give anything to get his filthy mitts on Huey helicopters and blast Ride of the Valkyries over battlegrounds; let's see the High Elves deal with THAT.

Still stifling yawns, Anar sat at his table in the cafeteria with a plate of hot buttered toast and two cups of coffee. As he was a little later to arrive on a weekend, most staff had already been through and he waited for serving to finish to demolish the leftovers from the kitchen. Opening up the morning paper, barely two pages in and what should he find? An advertisement for the Light Federation with major-general Swiftwing posing like a complete prat in his fancy shmancy armour._ 'Light is right' eh? We'll see about that!_ A few strokes of a biro and Anar had gleefully defaced the smug bastard. Ha! The Kaos Army didn't advertise in the paper; there was no point, the sort of people they were after couldn't read.

Rave entered the room from the parade ground, a contented look on his long, scaly face.

"Good morning?" Anar asked as his corporal helped himself to a slice of his bacon.

"Very good!" he grinned, dribbling grease, "cake battalion know their left from their right now. Admittedly, I did threaten to amputate a limb every time they got it wrong..."

Anar snorted hot coffee from his nostrils. That sounded like something Rave would do. He hastily mopped up with a paper napkin while coughing to keep liquid out of his airway.

The velociraptor's keen eyes spied his friend's work of art on the table. He added spectacles and a mustache. PIGEON was scrawled over the righteous griffon. They admired their vandalism and had a good laugh about it.

"Where's Rap this morning? He not with you?"

"Nah, he's helping Clinker out at the assault course. We could go watch if you want. Got nothing better to do til this afternoon."

Anar didn't need a reason to see his boy again. He offered Rave more leftovers to clear his plate and they set off in the general's rust-bucket of a jeep to the far end of the compound.

As soon as they arrived the lieutenant came running, chattering excitedly, "one of the orcs is stuck at the top of the vertical wall, come look; it's hilarious!"

Sure enough, a pale and terrified orc was gripping the top of the wall as though his life depended upon it and staff sergeant Clinker was failing to coax him down with the pack of Haribo he kept for such occasions.

"How long has he been up there?" Anar asked.

"Ten minutes at least," Rap laughed, "I dunno if there's anything we can do except wait for him to get tired and fall splat. Could take hours."

There was much nodding; it had happened before.

Clinker spotted the general and beckoned him over. "You got any ideas, sir?" His military professionalism was faultless; no-one would have guessed they'd shared bodily fluids in the early hours of the morning.

Anar folded his arms and drummed his fingers on a bicep, thoughtfully, "We could always just shoot at him."

The orc heard this and gripped tighter.

A hand rose up from the waiting recruits who were stood around, bored, scratching at themselves and picking noses. It was Welwyn's. Anar made a very concentrated effort not to call him Winny. "Yes, private?"

"Please, general, sir, I can be of assistance," his sweet voice pleaded. He looked down sheepishly as the other recruits stifled smug laughs; what could a wimpy elf do that could possibly help?

The general was not happy to see his boy being mocked and stubbornly continued, ignoring the rude remarks, "If you've got an idea, be my guest." Elves were smart. If anyone could bring that great lug down, his Winny could.

Feathered wings fluttered and the forest guardian floated elegantly up until he was eye to eye with the petrified orc. The gathered spectators were all thinking the same thing: oh yeah, forgot that he can fly. Surely he's not strong enough to push this guy over? Winny said something, but the big orc shook his head, tightening his grip again.

The elf shrugged and rammed his antlers into the orc's backside. With a yelp, he came crashing down into the dirt.

The general applauded, followed respectfully by the others. Welwyn landed back down on the ground, grinning proudly. The orc brushed himself down, rubbing his bruised rear. He frowned at the elf.

"Alright, fun's over! Back to the beginning!" Clinker ordered, ushering them along. Rap jogged down with them.

"That was brilliant," Rave wheezed, "antlers up the arse! I never saw that coming."

They watched as the new recruits made their way around the course again, trotting over beams and wriggling under netting, up and over obstacles with plenty of falling and entanglement involved. The cocky goblins who were small and agile got their comeuppance in the muddy swamp, being trampled on by everyone else and nearly drowning.

The general's handsome boy was holding his own at the front of the group, long lithe limbs that leapt and bounded with ease, catching up with the nimble skaven, his soft angelic hair bouncing about his shoulders in that way that the general liked so much. He sighed, wistfully. Sexy fucking elf.

Then, it all went to shit. As Welwyn had drawn level with the rats, they had decided that that wasn't on, and, chittering in their own language, Anar watched as a rodent hand darted out and gave the elf a shove, sending him sprawling over the ropes they were traversing and sending him crashing face first into the dust. With a murderous growl, he charged towards the traitorous rat, who promptly skidded to a halt with an 'oh crap' look on his whiskery face.

The general grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, "You little bastard!" Rodent eyes bulged. It scrabbled at the hands constricting it's windpipe. Nobody touches my elf! A fall is one thing, but a push?!

"Anarchy Warlock! Put him down this instant!"

Rap's sharp tones broke through his red mist and he dropped the gasping skaven.

"Christ, mate, you can't just go around strangling people." He turned to Rave, "what happened?"

"The elf got pushed over."


Winny was bleeding profusely from his nose, tended to by staff sergeant Clinker.

"I'll clean him up," Anar barked, "you deal with that bloody skaven!" He whipped off his vest, bundled it up and mopped Winny's face as best he could.

"Yessir!" Clinker saluted, looking daggers at the disgraced rat.

The course runners had been interrupted for the second time now, and they weren't too happy with this particular skaven neither. His days were numbered.

"Let's get you inside," Anar soothed as he led Winny to his jeep, apologising for having to use his clothing which was probably a bit whiffy by now. The elf was quite happy about the officer's state of undress and blinked his blue eyes at him, "I'll be fine, daddy, honest. It's only a nosebleed."

They could hear Clinker bellowing behind them as they sped off, gears crunching. "Well, now, we need to make sure you don't have any other injuries," the aardvark said in a serious tone, "so I'll need to strip you."

Welwyn laughed into the cloth. A moment of silence. "Did... did I ever tell you how hot you look with your top off?" he asked shyly.

"I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that!"

"Can we have some fun?" Although half his face was covered with green army vest, the heat from his reddening cheeks was radiating.

He's adorable when he blushes, and he blushes a lot. "_of course we can." Oh fuck yes._

Blue eyes widened slightly, "I was thinking about you last night, about the fun you were having without me."

"I see," Anar nodded, hitting the brakes and turning to his elf, "and, er, what were you doing while you were thinking about me, eh?" he swung out of the dilapidated vehicle and steered Winny towards his private quarters.

His boys cheeks were hotter than the sun as he stumbled over his own words, "I was doing something very naughty," he managed.

Anar feigned confusion, "really? A good boy like you? You'll have to show me as I can't imagine what you were possibly up to"

"I was -"

"I said you'll have to show me."

They made their way up the steps and with a touch to the security scan the door clicked open. Anar showed the elf inside his room, excitement ramping.

Winny looked around him, it was an interesting space; how did he manage to create clutter with so few possessions? And did housekeeping ever actually come in here?

Closing the door behind them, Anar took the blood-soaked vest from Winny's face. His little elven mouth parted seductively but he just smiled and threw the ruined item of clothing in the trash. Sometimes playing hard to get could be fun. He disappeared into the bathroom and powered on the shower. Where was he?

"Get off my bed, you're filthy!" he cried, making Winny jump with a start. "Get in here."

The young private stammered his apologies and obeyed.

"Strip!" Anar commanded.

More blushing ensued but he complied with a little smile, undressing .

"In you get," he jabbed a thumb to the shower. With a twist, the pump hummed and a torrent of warm water soaked the naked elf.

"You have fun now," Anar said, leaving him alone.


He popped his snout round the doorframe, "Ye-ess?"

Winny's mouth opened and closed, thinking, "I, er, I need help washing my wings," he explained, "would you come in and help me?"

Yes. Yes I would love to. "Hmm, I suppose I could, if you really wanted me to."

"Oh, I really want you to come in the shower with me, daddy."

Dropping his shorts and boxers to the floor he smoothly slid into the cubicle, grabbing the scrubber and winking, "let's wash those wings, shall we? Turn around." Staring at the elf's perfectly formed arse, he rubbed down his feathers gently. "There. Now what else shall I clean? Your face?" Winny turned and nodded. Anar removed all traces of blood and dust from his earlier ordeal. "Beautiful."

The elf parted his lips again. "What next?" Anar asked, ignoring the invite to kiss.

Was that a flash of annoyance on his pretty face? Oh my. Such fun.

"My arms," Welwyn sulked, holding them out to be cleaned.

Up and down. Nice and soapy. "All clean. Now?"

"My chest."


Suds dripped down past his stomach and trickled into the crease of his groin. The elf bit his lip, visibly aroused.

Anar played ignorant and carried on cleaning him, swirling soap around his hard pink nipples and jingling Winny's dogtag.

"Stomach please," he breathed, watching the scrubber move down towards his belly button.

Anar had a hard time avoiding the tip of the elf's erect penis but he managed successfully. I wonder if he's going for that, next?

Winny turned round and stuck his bottom out, invitingly. Wet wings framed it like a saucy piece of art. "Wash this," he wiggled temptingly.

Slowly pushing his hands up, he made the elf's pert buttocks wobble a little. Sexy. Fucking. Elf. Still groping, he reached out towards his shelf of bottles and pressed down on one of them, coating a finger liberally. As he scrubbed with one hand, the other hovered at Winny's crack. Anar grinned widely; this was going to be good! "Let's make sure you're clean inside and out, shall we?" before the elf could react, he pushed his lubed up finger into his tight little ass.

Winny yelped and slammed his hands on the glass in front of him, "wait, no, I wasn't ready for this!"

"Shhh, it's only a finger, nothing else. Just a finger, shhh" he soothed.

Winny exhaled, still a little anxious,

"Relax, daddy's not going to hurt his lovely boy. Far from it.

"Just a finger? Oh my God's," he groaned in disbelief, "it doesn't feel like it."

The general tried not to laugh, "and you wanted to come play with the staff sergeant and I."

"yes, well, I just... didn't like being left out. I was a bit... jealous."

"Ah yes, you'd mentioned that." Now was a good time to broach a particular subject; "am I to assume you're a virgin, sweetheart?"

Antlers bowed. Anar closed his eyes, feeling himself throb and grow. He'd done so well to resist temptation so far in the name of flirty fun. Having his finger deep in his elf's butthole wasn't helping, feeling him clench around it and imagining his dick in there, pounding away. Winny was still flat against the glass, pressed, trapped.

Precum oozed from his thick animal cock. "How's that finger feeling now?"

"It's fine," Winny sighed, his breath fogging up the glass.

"Good. Let's see if I can make it a little more enjoyable." Anar moved his finger, feeling for the sweet spot to get him going. A little squeak told him he'd found it. He rubbed against the elf's prostate, gently, as the water continued pouring over them. Dropping the scrubber, Anar fondled the elf's little nutsack while rubbing his own erection against pale, soft skin. Winny's breath came quicker, deeper, filled with gasps and sighs. "Enjoying it now?"


"Good boy." More trembles and moans. His finger moved easier now that Winny wasn't fighting against it. Instead he'd accepted it. Welcomed it. Wanted it. Kissing his neck again, he lightly brushed his teeth against the elf's flesh. Only a little, enough to tantalise rather than leave a mark. That wouldn't do. He was rewarded with a delicious shiver. Winny liked that. He did the same to his shoulder, nudging a wing away with his snout. The elf was pleading now, his body bombarded with stimulation.

It was almost too much. "You ever sucked cock, elf?"


"I bet you have." This is it. I'm going to get those lips around me if it's the last thing I do! He watched as the arse he was fingering lifted up slightly. "deeper?" he asked.

Antlers dipped again.

He was reluctant to be rough, even if Winny seemed to want it. "I don't want to hurt you."

"But it feels so good!"

Horny fucking elf. When he'd finished bringing him to climax he'd see if that mouth was as soft as it fucking looked.

He'd wanted his boy to get filthy so he could do this to him, not imagining for one moment that he would get injured and bloody in the process. Clinker was probably feeling awful about it all, he had promised to look after the sweet little elf hadn't he? The Kaos Army really was no place for a creature such as Winny. Dark elves, sure, they could be right sadistic sods. Not forest guardians. What even was a forest guardian, anyway? Was it just a fancy term for a druid? Could he talk to trees or something?

A long, soft moan sounded out and Welwyn spurted over the glass.

"Fuck, sake, Winny. Tell me when you're going to cum, will you?"

"Mmmrrr," he purred contentedly.

Anar withdrew his finger and squeezed his elf's lovely bottom. "If you've quite finished," he said pointedly, "it's my turn."

A blue eye peeped at him through sodden hair, "I've never fingered a guy before." He sounded slightly anxious.

"No, but you've sucked one. Get on your knees, private. And for goodness sake, watch those flipping antlers!" Bruised nuts were not on his wishlist.


Anar leaned against the cold tiles behind him, excited beyond belief to finally get some oral pleasure from his sweet elf. Probably won't last five minutes, I'm ready to nut now.

Soft lips touched his skin as he planted light kisses on the aardvark's wet, grey body. He sighed happily. Yes! They concentrated round his groin. Fuck yes! His cock was straining now, desperate for attention. He felt a tug as Winny sucked at his balls. Oh fuck oh fuck! Back to the kisses. Another tug...

Wait- " Are you fucking teasing me?!" he roared, his whole body on fire, natural needs screaming in his head from unfulfilled lust. He heard a little laugh, like the sweetest melody. " You little fucker!"

"You teased me!" Winny argued, blue eyes flashing mischievously, "so now I'm getting my own back!."

"Right!" He pulled his elf up by the arm, yanked off the shower pump, banged the glass cubicle door open and all but threw him onto his bed; "You're in for it, now!" he warned, straddling that pretty, smirking face. "I'll show you what I do to cheeky boys." With his fingers, he pulled Winny's mouth open wide and stuffed his cock into him, feeling the wetness and warmth envelop around his shaft, setting his mating urges off again.

The elf's cheeks flushed as his general wildly bucked his hips, sliding thick grey dick over his little pink tongue as his sopping blonde curls seeped moisture into the fresh bedsheet underneath him. Delicate hands grabbed at the senior officers sturdy backside, encouraging him to push faster, deeper, harder.

You teased me, you complete and utter tart, now take what's coming to you! Nobody teases me! Nobody!

Brushing damp locks from Winny's forehead he ran his hands over his velvet antlers, still pushing into those soft, wet lips. He was far too worked up. This wasn't like him. He mustn't be rough with his little elf; look at that gorgeous face, those flushing cheeks, that smouldering gaze. He paused, finally calm.

"Ok alright, you can take it from here," he panted, nostrils flaring. He climbed off and leaned back among his pillows, hands behind his head, comfy.

Winny smiled, "am I being a good boy for you?"

"Finish me off and you might be the best boy I've ever had."

The elf's head bobbed up and down and the general pushed back onto the metal bedfame, his fingers curling around the bars, lost in this intense moment of sheer pleasure, his whole body aching with an intense desire to reach climax; throbbing and twitching with every suck from Winny's lips, every stroke of his tongue against his jerking dick. It was the most amazing thing he'd felt all day and he was ready to spill. "Don't fucking stop," he groaned loudly, "don't you fucking dare." Arching his back, pushing out his hips and grunting like the animal he was it was obvious he was about to climax and Winny held his head down, every inch crammed inside his mouth as Anar came, hard, moaning freely and shuddering as he emptied.

The little elf tried to swallow it all but creamy dribble leaked down the corners of his mouth.

"Fuck, ah fuck," his orgasm still coursing through him, Anar slumped down happily into the softness of the bed. He caught Winny's distressed expression brought about by the cum-slathered state he was in. "Wipes in my locker," he grinned, his chest still heaving, tilting his head to the bedside furniture. "There's no lock on that one."

The elf rummaged gratefully, grabbing a wet wipe and cleaning himself up. They seemed to be in a cycle of cleaning and getting dirty again. Such fun.

Anar ran his hand over the elf's beautiful naked body, his fingers feeling every muscle and curve. He wanted to be able to picture every sexy inch of him in his mind.

All fresh and pretty again, Winny slid over into his general's loving arms, cuddling up close and gazing up at him in total rapture. "I'm so glad I came here," he said softly, stroking at the soft snout in front of him, his bright blue eyes locked onto his officer's smoky grey ones.

This time when the elf's lips parted there was no hesitation to lean in and kiss him, he'd had his fun teasing his little one and now it was time to make sure he knew how much he meant to him with plenty of deep, passionate smooches. As if in gratitude the elf spread his luxurious wings and enveloped them, making a tiny private space for secret kisses that made the general's heart pound anew.

Anar could feel the heat from his lover's body, could hear his hard breathing as their lips locked together. This was as close to heaven as a guy like him was ever going to get, Winny was the most perfect partner he could wish for, but he knew that he couldn't keep him. A beautiful elf such as this was never meant to be his, all Anar could do was enjoy every moment he could before he had to let him go. So sweet. So pure. "How's your nose now, sweetheart?" he asked, concerned.

"It still tingles a bit," he wrinkled it, cutely.

Anar gave it a tiny kiss, "there. All better."

"Thank you, daddy."

"Why didn't the Light federation want you, Winny?"

Brushing the bedsheet with a delicate finger awkwardly, the elf explained; "they won't take anyone with a Freedom badge. Never have. If I'd been taken for enrollment, they'd have had one of the mages purify me."

"Purify?" the general repeated, confused.

"Yes, all the elves they take are, er... straightened out. Magically."

A white heat spread from the officer's throat; an anger that took even him by surprise and he exploded with emotion, "you fucking WHAT? They do what?! The Light Federation?! I... I..." but no more words would come out.

Winny's eye's widened, "I knew they'd come for me. They have all the guardians at my age. I'm not ashamed to like men. No-one should be made to love someone they don't want to!" he insisted, gulping, "so I came here. You take anyone! Everyone knows that!"

Anar's head swam. That fucking overgrown turkey with his 'Light is right' slogan's and his shiny plated armour and his white-robed fucking mages with their big fancy sticks. Taking all the pale noble races and pitting them against creatures like his orcs and skaven, insisting they were no more than wild animals in need of population control and subjugation. "Well, hasn't anyone said anything about any of this?"

Welwyn gave a little laugh but there was no humour behind it, "Speak out against Swiftwing? Sure. Like that's ever going to happen. He's a national hero," He nuzzled closer, "unlike you; you're so bad, and dirty, and you don't let anyone tell you what to do. I've had a crush on you for so long. You sexy donkey you."

Anar wheezed; "I am not a donkey! I'm an aardvark! Look; long ears, long snout, long... tongue. Aardvark!"

Winny's face dropped, "what's an aardvark?"

"Oh for..." well, this was a first. Here goes; "I'm evolved from an African mammal on Earth. The aardvark. Surely you've heard of Earth?"

The elf nodded.

"Well, my Earth - 'cause there's a few of them around mind you - was populated by advanced mammalian species. Anthropomorphised if you will. Human-like. You know of humans?"

The elf nodded again.

"Well some Earth's only have humans on them, but mine had people like... me. Animals that evolved like humans but weren't. I'm not a donkey!"

The elf almost looked disappointed. "Well, you're very attractive anyway, even if you're not what I thought."

"You're not what I thought, either. What's a forest guardian when it's at home?"

Welwyn withdrew his wings, letting the light back in, "we're elves selected by the nature goddess herself. That's why I knew the Light Federation would take me. That's why I came here before they could. "

Anar couldn't help himself, he smothered his boy in tender kisses, a need to protect filling his very soul. Who would do such a thing to such a beautiful, fair creature? To anyone? And he was called the bad guy! His name pulled through the mud, associated with monsters and barbarity. He'd shrugged, not cared, accepted his reputation.What was a label, anyway? Bad guy, good guy, he was who he was. He wouldn't change to please anyone! No-one should! But to convince the world you were on the side of right and do that...

"Daddy will keep you safe," he murmured into a pale curved ear, "daddy loves you." Slender arms wrapped tighter round him.

The shadows shifted, time was moving on. "I should let you get back to Clinker," Anar sighed, "he's probably worried about you. And a little jealous I should imagine."

Winny's cheeks blushed, "I really was imagining what you two were up to, you know. In my bunk. It made me very excited." He played with the generals dogtag. "Will you... make love to me?"

With a racing heart and dangerously high blood pressure, the senior officer confirmed that there was nothing more he'd like to do in the world than cram his excited dick into the little elf's asshole. But it would have to wait for now at least. "Get yourself dressed, there's one thing I want to do before you go."

Winny located his clothes and pulled them on, rubbing frustratedly at the spots of blood on his exercising vest from his nosebleed.

"Oh, here!" Anar tossed him a spare tan shirt from his closet, "have one of mine. It's a little big but it will do for now."

The elf pulled it on and yanked the spare material out from his body, comically, "a little? More like two sizes too big!"

"Are you being fucking cheeky again?" Anar demanded.

"Oh, shit!" the elf made a run for the door, laughing.

"Get back here, I'm not done with you!" he roared.

"That's what I'm afraid of!"

They were still giggling as Anar registered the elf's handprint on the door's recognition system. "Now we can play whenever we want," he explained, "you sexy fucking elf, you. Give daddy a kiss," their lips touched, sweetly, "and go have fun with your squad tonight. I think Clinker's got an old Earth film for you; Aliens. You'll like it."

"So does this mean I can sneak into your bed tonight?" Winny asked, flirtatiously.

"'Course it fucking does. Just, er, be warned: I may have a few drinks and, well-"

"Oh yes? What are you going to do to me?"

"-Knowing me, I may deafen you with my snoring."

The elf pouted, "I thought you were going to say something dirty!"

"Ha! One thing about me, kid, I'm full of surprises. Now, off with you!" he patted the elf's perfect bottom and watched as he bounced down the stairs, gracefully. Sexy fucking elf!

The only remaining choices were a sandwich or a sandwich as the general entered the cafeteria that afternoon. It didn't matter. Who needed food, anyway? He was completely and utterly in love. He made his coffee without paying attention and drank it regardless of it's funny taste (he'd made tea).

Sat at his table sighing, dreamily, ears flopping, he didn't even react when Rave flicked the back of his head.

"Oi, Big ears!"


"Me 'n Rap were wondering if you fancied a warp into town, tonight?


The velociraptor huffed, "is that a yes? Or what?" he barely resisted smacking the daft aardvark across the noggin with his swagger stick. He knew it would only end up lodged in his rear, so he resorted to shouting, "YOU WANT DRINKIES? HMM?"

Anar blinked, his overly sensitive auditory organs vibrating perilously, "yeah, drinks, sure," he wobbled, painfully, "where we going?"

"Some new place in the city centre. VIP."

"What, it's called VIP or it's for VIP's?"

"I don't bleeding know! Rap wants to go, so I've got to ask you and for goodness sake just say yes so he shuts up about it. We'll only get in if you come along, you know how it is."

Yes. He knew how it was. He got his friends into every swanky establishment going and for his troubles he read headlines the next day that read 'Donkey leader of Kaos Army neglects duties, parties til 3am.' It was all lies, he never left that early. "Fine," he rolled his eyes, "I'll get us in. Now fuck off before I shove that stick of yours somewhere. Oh," he added, "what time?"

"Errr, when the big hands on the... twenty?"

"Christ, Rave. We've been over this. Use military time OR civilian, don't try and use both."

The dinosaur's eyes flashed, dangerously, "I should have eaten you when I had the chance!" he spat.

"Yes, and then who'd get you free drinks?"

The corporal stomped off, muttering.