Practice Makes Perfect

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Jackie lead him behind the farms old barn, "Come on city boy you'll like this I promise." The 12 year old black and white half horse waved at him to hurry up and follow along, forcing Toby to speed up to a trot to keep up with his cousin, who with an extra year of growth on him had a slightly longer stride.

"Better a city boy then a country rube!" he shot back, his legs flashing as he looked about wondering what his cousin was on about. His white hide gleamed in the sunlight with a sheen of sweat as they had just finished their chores.

Jackie smirked an replied, "That's what you think," as he lead them into a pen that couldn't be seen from much of the property for all the trees behind barn. A small jet black pony mare whickered in greeting as they came into her stall as she walked over to them. "This is Jess; Pa lets me keep her as a pet," he explained as he was nuzzled by her. He scratched her neck lightly letting the mare search him for treats.

"I remember you showing me her when I first got here a couple of days ago," he replied as he admired the mare. She really was rather pretty though not very dainty. The pony was built along the heavy lines of a working horse. He blushed a little as the mare taking a treat from Jackie moved and he realized that that his cousin was starting to get an erection. "Um dude shouldn't you like pull it in?" he asked.

Jackie just chuckled and replied, "This from the guy who almost blew his wade watching those plow horses go at it yesterday." Toby couldn't help but blush hotly at the memory even if he didn't understand all of what his cousin meant. "Man the way you were dripping all over and flared I was wondering if you were gona cum all over the place right on the spot."

Toby stammered back, "I uh..." Toby gulped trying to control his flaming face. "Uh flare? And I thought that uh you like uh had to have sex for cum?"

Jackie ran a hand down the mare's back and scratched the base of the Jess's tail which lifted in response. She gave an interested wicker and nuzzled his cousins flank in return. Toby watched as his cousins shaft became fully erect the black and pink skin taught over its length. Jackie looked at him and all but laughed, "We can talk about what you call things later, lets worry about teaching you what to do with a willing mare first." His cousin ran his hand down Jess's hunch and traced his fingers along the mares slit, causing her to begin to wink. A moment later she dropped her hips and raised her tail as she dribbled strong scented fluids and looked back at Jackie entreatingly.

Toby looked at his cousin trying not to stare at his cousins throbbing cock, as it dribbled a drop or two of clear fluid, as he blushed furiously. "You can't mean to hump her! She's just an animal!", he replied indignantly.

"Why not?", Jackie asked in a reasonable tone as he teased Jess's winking knot of flesh with a finger. "She's in heat and clearly wants it doesn't she? And anyways looks like you want too" he continued even as Jess backed into him whickering hopefully. "Now watch what I do ok?"

Toby felt he must have been blushing all the way down to his hooves as he realized that his cock was so hard it ached. He watched Jackie press his forequarters against Jess's rump and then slipped up onto her back gripping her with his forelegs. His cousin's rampant erection flexed as he pressed it against the flesh under Jess's tail; much as he had seen the plow horse do the day before. Jackie seamed to search for a moment and then his cock slipped into the folds of flesh a few inches. With that foot hold gained he thrust powerfully into the mare with a grunt of effort although his cousin's face had a look of ecstasy on it. He watched as his cousins hips began to buck as he drove himself in and out of the mare.

Toby's blush faded as he watched; even more enraptured than when he had watched the plow horses the day before. His cousin's cock pumped in and out of Jess's folds, his thrusts slowly shifting from an eager steady pace to an erratic frantic pace until suddenly with a soft slapping noise he bucked his hips against the mare's and held there. Jackie's tail twitched a half does times up and down a little, the look on his face one of bliss. After a few moments he slipped off her back his cock pulling out of her as he did, its length glistening with the fluids of their coupling. Something white drooled from the tip, he saw even as the slightly swollen head vanished back into his cousins sheath.

Jackie shook himself and seemed to draw his thoughts together. "So Toby are you still unsure you want to try?", he asked a bit breathlessly.

Toby flushed and approached the mare who was still standing with her hind legs slightly spread apart her wet folds winking slowly as a dribble of white slipped out lewdly. Feeling out of his depth he asked, "You think she would let me?"

Jackie got a lazy insolent grin as he replied, "Sure, spend a moment getting familiar with each other and I'm sure she'll let you screw her silly. She's really quite the slut."

Toby hesitated for a moment then reached out and ran his hand down her neck lightly. Jess wickers softly at him and nuzzled his horse half's ribs gently her warm breath tickling his coat. He ran his hand down her side till he got to her flank, where he slipped it under her and felt her teats. Blushing just a little he took one of her nipples in his finger tips and rolled it between his finger tips a little. Jess gave a soft wicker and he saw her tail go up and looking behind her he saw her tail up again and that she was winking enthusiastically. Toby watched her winking flesh until he heard Jackie say, "Lick her clit she'll like it."

Looking back at his cousin Toby asked, "Her what?" in confusion.

"The part of her that's winking out at you, that's her clit. Lick it!" Jackie ordered him.

Toby realized his cousin was already starting to get a new hard on as he looked at Jess dubiously. But in for a copper in for a gold as his sire would say and he hesitantly leaned down and licked her flashing clit. He found the taste to be a strong one hard to describe really, but the lick seemed to have her winking even harder. He gave a few more licks getting used to the taste when she backed into him causing him to stumble.

He heard Jackie say with amusement, "I think she is saying she really wants you to fuck her now. Just mount her the way I did, have patience when trying to get it stuck in and when your dick feels like it's ready to explode hold it back as long as you can it will make it last longer."

Toby looked at Jess's rump his cock rock hard beneath him, his blush returning in full force as he realized he was gona have sex for the first time and with someone other than the filly he was humping watching to boot. Yet he was so horny that he knew it wasn't going to stop him. Remembering how Jackie had bumped Jess's rump with his forequarters before getting up on her back, he did the same. As he slipped up on her back she dropped her rump a little as she spread her hind legs and lifted her tail to one side. He was so hard he felt like he could drive his cock into board like a nail! Toby moaned as he felt the hot flesh of her rump on the tip of his cock as he tried to get it stuck in, the first time ever in his life that he had felt the contact of another's flesh on the tip of his rod.

With a sudden gasp he felt his cock tip slide into her some, the sensation almost unbearably pleasurable. With a sudden lurch forward he drove himself deep into Jess's pussy with a desperate and instinctive desire for more of that wonderful contact on his painfully hard cock. He felt his hips press into Jess's and realized he had driven his hole length into her in one needy thrust. Spending a bare moment to adjust his grip on Jess's flanks with his forelegs he began to pump his cock in and out of her with an animalistic abandon. He knew on some level that his pinkish white cock was flash in and out of Jess in front of his cousin, coated in Jackie's and her juices.

Whimpering little gasps escaped him, as he pounded her rump; his face twisted in a rictous of ecstasy. He felt the tip of his cock begin to swell as it sometimes did when he would slap his erection into his belly on those nights when it got hard and ached with need. As his tip begin to swell a powerful ripple work its way down his cock as Jess's pussy suddenly seemed to get tighter. He felt something building in his cock and balls and grunted in effort to keep the pace up as found it getting harder to thrust into Jess. It felt like she was trying to push him out almost. Whatever was happening he just couldn't find it in himself to stop thrusting into her. As he felt the tip of his cock expand to point of being almost painful he realized that the building pressure was what his cousin had told him to hold back till he could hold it no more.

Toby whimpered softly holding it in as long as he could but then suddenly felt Jess clench tightly about him and something pouring out of her and down his cock and the insides of his hind legs as she grunted softly. With an "AHHHHhhhhhhhhhh!", the squeeze caused him to explode the feeling of release and pleasure making him see stars as he felt something spurting from his cock in time with jerky motions of his tail. His energy ran out of him and he just lay there on Jess's back for a time, he wasn't sure really how long.

Jackie finely pulled his thoughts back to earth so to speak, "Come on get down from there so she can recover and I can hump her again."

Toby slid off the mares back reluctantly his cock pulling out with a wet slurping noise as he did. "How often do we get to do that?", he asked his cousin.

With a grin Jackie slid up on the mares back working to get his shaft in her again and with a pleasureful grunt replied, "As often as we can get her in the mood of course!"