Silver Stream Memory 28

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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SS Particle 28

The time became inevitable as time did. I thought such thoughts as I stared into space from the disc of Silver by the Spindle Pillar. I stepped down into the silver stream and proceeded to the spindle core where the light intersected the disc in the point in the silver stream. I knelt down and reached my hand toward the spindle pillar and followed with my other hand.

"Let this light power this universe as I am this universe," I spoke toward it.

I stood up and stepped into the beam of light pillar and rose up through it until I was up above the sky my whole feeling lifting with the grand view of sky over shimmering bright silver.

Time and space zipped by in a blur until I was in the highest plane of the universe Inskirus in the Province of Primski in the midst of the Sky Prime Compound. My beautiful rabble was there already, the highest of my elder created Gods or Ultin Mentors, Power, Dream, Explore, and All. I met them warmly with a smile, although at first I was mindful of time. I remembered time was not ruling here but space was. Here every object kept the universe in order. In fact the obsidian pillar I had stepped out of was the top most attachment of the spindle pillar. The obsidian pillar was a wide edged justification that only went as tall as a double tree line above us. It was razor in appearance but was wider also than appearing.

"I have those figures to show you back by the abyssal trench and void," Lord All reported. He being made out of ghost vapor and wearing a flowing robe of gray. He was similar in appearance to Sko but was as clear as any other real flesh figure.

"Later, Lord All, I need to get my bearings. I haven't need to come here in a few millenium, let's take a tour. I did have to make the map in the almance lest I change the general design further. At least I remember where in general are some of the buildings in the compound. I am not even sure of the name of the compound originally. I will probably find the original map someday. Let's go toward the endless stair. It is still there?" I spoke to them all.

Dream remarked, "We will be going past Sister Explore's exploritorium. Maybe we should take a tour of it first?"

"Thanks, sis," Explore remarked grinning and fanning her green dress. Dream and Explore were human with Dream having dark hair and skin and blue eyes while Explore was pale skinned with brown hair and hazel eyes. Dream had her hair banded in several places by a ponytail while Explore had hers braided several times. Dream wore a blue dress and Explore a green dress.

"There's no way I want to suffer the endless stair or even the walkway," Power remarked.

He was a man with yellow tinted skin brown eyes short orange red headed hair. He wore a tight knitted uniform tunic and closely knit red pants. I turned to them and saw Wri, Bop, Ava, Cardia, and Conclaive following us.