Silver Stream Memory 29

Story by cardia on SoFurry

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The Book of Particles started as a story journal that mixed things from my real life in with the continuation from Hail Primus. I gleaned some of the more personal details from these sagas and left more of the fictional story content. I call them memories.

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"This might be fun," I remarked to Ava.

I looked out toward the lake and western side of town.

I turned back toward the others and spoke entranced, "Whatever happens this day and on forward we will know this day we stood and looked at everything as it is but not as it was. Onward here we fight out against the tyranny against earth. Be it in the form of Glite and the Zombie apocalypse or even Lord All for that matter. Even he would agree that an end to the web of lies and deceit will eventually happen. I looked ahead to the way things really are and how they will be and I am not afraid. But we can't let things stay the same. Bop and I with you go mobile not in one place but everywhere and the opposition we come up against let us surmount."

I looked at the Sky and took the night air in and the lights along the shore of street lamps. I sat down in the air over the water surface and meditated a moment.

"Oh..." I remarked and made a whirlpool underneath me and went into it and it sucked me to the bottom of the lake. Sko came down next to me and I hugged him and we swam around.

"A waste of time," Sko gurgled underwater.

"Unwise," I remarked.

"Where are we, in a stomach or the lake?" Sko remarked.

"Why not both?" I said dreamily holding on to his arms as we spun around each other in a circle and spun around in circles together holding into each other's arms.

"Okay" I said shooting up and surfacing to hover above the lake.

"Finally," Ava appeared smiling with Wri.

I turned to Conclaive and Cardia frowning. I made Conclaive's belly puff out and resemble a care bear's belly with a notepad and pen image on the front.

"So amusing," I commented.