"tommorrow," sidge said.
"how?" sarge asked.
"i have no idea yet," sidge said.
Belly, Bisexual, Christmas, Cock, Cum, Dragon, Eyes, Female, Gay, Group, Jackalope, Male, Moaned, Sex, Suggestive, Vore, feel, hand, look, mouth, stomach
I wondered how that bull had forked such a potentially dangerous creature as sidge's mother was.
yet sidge had a natural pot belly and i considered him a special breed called pot belly dragon. yet i liked it and sidge.
Abdomen, Belly, Blue, Bovine, Compass, Dragon, Full, GEM, Lay, Pranoke, Sidge, Sky, Story, Trinkets, creatures, dimensions, dough, feed, figurine, pin, pushed, robe, room, rub, stomach, whole, writing
"i'd say as long as we get the pleasure we want," i said to sidge.
"no doubt, it was sooo good," sidge said crawling off the belly throne and i feeling every poke and prod on my own belly as he dismounted.
Arm, Belly, Dick, Hands, Head, Paws, Pelvis, Sidge, Size, Story, around, button, contact, expand, expose, felt, ideas, length, mounted, moved, pleasure, rubbing, sat, stomach, throne, warm, wide, writing
Air, Belly, Called, Circling, Continue, Debacho, Demon, Dragon, End, Eyes, Far, Floor, Full, GEM, Gave, Gesh, Green, Grinned, Head, Immediately, Laughed, Looked, Metal, Mountain, Nodded, Opened, Passed, Path, Primeon, Quite, Replied, Section, Seemed, Sidge, Sky, Smile, Something, Started, Stone, Stopped, Thoughts, Told, Top, Toward, Turned, Weapons, almost, anything, around, asked, away, bit, block, body, closed, creature, door, double, else, face, feel, felt, finally, floating, form, gate, ground, half, hallway, hand, knew, large, lead, length, level, line, meet, mouth, moved, name, passage, pointing, pushed, repair, room, sense, several, shape, slightly, sort, south, stomach, summoning, took, tower, tunnel, wall, whole
sidge had burst in knife and gun drawn and trained on them.
"oohh~" eckstal hissed, "see, he knows."
"you fucking assholes!" sidge shouted at them.
krios sat up, "put the gun and knife away, sidge, we're not evil."
"you're trying to trick me!"
Bed, Bedroom, Belly, Cum, Demon, Dragon, Fat, Feeding, Food, God, Jackalope, Kiss, Longing, Love, Massage, Obese, Paws, Possession, Seduction, Sheath, Shrew, body, conspiracy, goddess, guinea pig, siren, voyeur
This is because sidge, the cow-dragon outside has taken off and is flying around the mountain tops.
Appear, Cardia, Esophagus, Fat, Foot, Full, Head, Lurch, Mountain, Rouby, Sidge, Story, Top, cums, folds, outside, round, shutter, stomach, view, watch, water, writing
sidge takes a swipe at the bandits who are backing away. the bandits all break and run away. ias through this is leisurely looking.
Belly, Brown, Chubby, Circular, Comic, Cow, Dragon, Edge, Fat, Head, Leader, Mountain, Sidge, Sphincter, arms, around, bandits, body, cloak, face, fap, hair, looking, mouth, page, panel, script, stomach, writing
sidge, nellms, elaejia, eckstal, redalis, vigaush. all of them, i brought here from the places they were before despite their protests. i didn't bring some though, just a few from primeon.
Air, Belly, Building, Metal, Places, Reflected, Sidge, Silver, Small, Story, apartment, button, center, door, endless, road, shape, stream, street, trees, wind, writing
I saw behind sedas sidge's head poke around and i remarked at him, "well except if you are around i might want everyone to leave."
"well, if you'll be you big dragon..."
Almanac, Behemoth, Belly, Cardia, Conclaive, Elephant, Hands, Laid, Sedas, Sidge, Story, Treat, apartment, closet, notebook, poke, throne, writing
I will get sidge myself. there remains the task of alvin abernous, wovelmlos, and eckstal which i will talk with all ere we get everything started.
"there are more, no doubt, yet those for now.
Debacho, Eckstal, Floor, Gesh, Guardians, Metal, Power, Primeon, Story, Vigaush, Weapon, Wovelmlos, creature, door, forge, guards, hallway, level, protectors, room, troll, writing
"i thought your familiar was to be sidge yet you've choosen a book you're writing?" chris commented grinning back at us before continuing on.
"yes, i know. not really that original," i remarked shrugging.
Behemoth, Belly, Book, Dark, Glow, Head, Mansion, Sofas, Story, Wings, ceiling, chris, distance, door, hand, light, room, stairs, steps, water, writing