Broadening Ken's Horizons - Chapter 9 - Changes

Story by ErickTheClyde on SoFurry

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This story contains adult material. if you are too young to be reading this stuff..... scram. :)

Randy slid back down on top of me, resuming the kiss we had been in the middle of earlier. I started rubbing his cock, feeling it emerging from his sheath. Running my hands down further, I found his compact ballsack with two little balls bunched up inside it. I think my balls were bigger than his.

After his cock rose to full erection, I could tell it was not much bigger, if any, than my cock. Randy laid down on top of me, his cock and my cock rubbing together between us.

I reached over and found some lube on the bedside table and rubbed it over my cock. Randy slowly slid down onto my cockhead, rotating his hips a bit in an effort to get it to push up into his tight pucker.

It took a surprising amount of time to get my cockhead inside his tight hole, but it felt so good once inside. Randy was not much more than five feet tall, so I guess his small stature played a part in that. I could see now why he didn't seem to have a sexual interest in Tank.

"Oh yes, you're cock is so big," he murred as he wiggled around on just a part of my cock.

"You're pretty tight," I replied. "It's been a while since I've topped such a tight hole."

"I'm not that tight, stud," he winked. "You're just a well hung guy."

As Randy continued forcing himself down my throbbing shaft, I did seem to remember that my cock was feeling a little fuller lately - maybe even a little longer. I doubted it had grown in length, though. Despite all the claims by the various penis enhancement companies, it had generally been proven that the human cock cannot be lengthened with pills or exercises. Still, I made a mental note to measure up later.

Randy worked his way slowly down the length of my cock. He probably worked on it for a good ten minutes before finally landing on my pelvis with a proud smile and somewhat out of breath. He laid down on my chest.

"Take me. Make me your little mare, you big stallion," he playfully whispered in my ear. "Fill me with your seed."

I rolled us both over so I was on top and started slowly pumping my cock in and out of his still tight hole. He had a better grip on my cock than I had with my own hand when I would jerk off. Not only that, but he had some amazing muscle control. I could feel him tighten up his rectum around my cock from time to time, milking it like a cow teat. He was undeniably the best bottom I had ever fucked.

Eventually, I was slamming home inside that tight hole. Both of us were panting, grunting and sweating. I could feel my orgasm coming about the same time I noticed Randy's cockhead starting to flare laying on his stomach.

Just before I came, I slammed my cock in to the hilt. Randy whinnied loudly and shot three or four smallish ropes of cum onto his chest. I felt the first of my shots traveling up my cock, almost feeling constrained by the tight hole surrounding it. It seemed as if I had to push harder to get it to travel all the way to the head.

As my first shot blasted into Randy's gut, he tossed his head back and let out a guttural sound almost like a growl. At the same time, I felt his colon spasm around my cock, literally milking out my next load.

I lost count of how many shots I pumped into Randy, but it was the hardest I can ever remember cumming in my life. I was literally out of breath by the time the last one trickled out. Sweat was rolling down my chest. I looked down and Randy was smiling, almost angelically.

"That was the best fuck I've ever had", Randy said amid his heavy panting. "I probably won't walk straight for a week."

"That was good," I agreed. "I'm not sure my cock will ever be the same after the way you were massaging it."

We laid there for a while, catching our breath and snuggling for a bit longer. We decided to get dressed and go see what Tank was up to. Once we found him still camped in front of the TV, I grabbed a round of beers for the three of us and we watched TV for about an hour.

Once we all got tired, Tank and I pulled out the sleeper sofa. Randy and I slept on it while Tank retired to his room. We all slept soundly.

After breakfast in the morning, I walked Randy to my car and gave him a ride home. Before he got out, he leaned over and we exchanged a long and sloppy kiss.

"See you later, stud," he said as he climbed out of the car. "I hope to see you again soon...and hopefully often."

"Sure, I'd like that," I replied as he shut the car door.

He looked back once more and blew a kiss before walking away in his best girlish walk. I was getting hard just watching his cute little ass in those tight shorts.

As I drove home, I reflected on the weekend's activities. Hanging around with Tank had been surprisingly fun. The fuck with Randy made me impatient for the next time. And my jeans didn't seem to fit as well as they used to. I shrugged that off to my muscle development and made a mental note to go shopping later in the afternoon.

Once home, I sorted through the mail, finding an appointment reminder from Tom's office. Monday afternoon at 4:00. Another of those "last appointments of the day". Fortunately, with all the workouts I had been getting at the gym, my back pain had all but disappeared.

I decided to shower up after the previous night's sweaty activity. I took a moment after undressing to look at myself admiringly in the mirror. My cock was hanging limp and long. I could swear my balls looked a little heavier as well. I shrugged and stepped into the shower, lathering up and enjoying the hot water.

By the time I stepped out, I had a pretty full erection, which stuck with me throughout the drying process. I held it up flat against my abs, pointing straight up. My cock head had always just come short of reaching my navel. Now, it was nearly an inch above it. Maybe all the ab work had made my navel sit lower, I thought to myself and shrugged.

Heading towards the bedroom to get dressed, my still raging hard-on jutting out proudly in front of me, I stopped by my desk and grabbed a cloth tape measure just for curiosity sake. Once in the bedroom, I unrolled the tape and pressed the end of it against my groin on top of my cock. I pulled the tape down the length of my cock out to the tip of the head. My cock has always been about 7 1/2 inches long, so I had to measure more than once to make sure that what I was seeing on the tape measure was correct - 8 3/4 inches.

I didn't have any such scientific method to measure my balls other than to note that they were hanging lower and the testicles did seem bigger, each one almost the size of a chicken's egg. I was both pleased and somewhat concerned about my increased manhood. I figured I would just keep an eye on things. If the only thing those pills affected other than my physique was my cock and balls, then more power to them. Which reminded me - I hadn't taken a pill yet today.

I went to the gym for the afternoon on Sunday using the pass Tank had given me. Tank wasn't around and there was the typical small Sunday crowd, a mix of furs and humans. I had a really good workout session, feeling all my muscles burning good.

During my shower, I was really getting into the admiring glances from around the shower room. I gave my cock and balls a good cleaning, making sure to show as much flaccid cock as possible. My heavier package felt great dangling between my legs, especially as I walked out of the shower.

The next afternoon after work I headed down to Tom's office for my appointment. Julie checked me in, having me stop by the scales on the way back so she could update my charts since I had obviously put on some muscle weight.

"You're looking really good, Ken," she smiled as I stepped on the scales. "Been working out with the boys?"

"Mainly Tank," I replied. I had noticed since Tank and I had started being chummy that Tom was a little more distant. I figured he and Roger probably had something going on, so I pretty much kept out of his way.

"Two hundred, twenty-one pounds," Julie announced as she slid the counterweights back to the zero position. She glanced down at my chart and scribbled for a bit. "About 35 pounds of weight gain. All muscle, I'm sure."

She smiled at me and ran a fingertip over one of my biceps. I flexed my arm for her and she giggled and blushed slightly. She then extended the height measuring apparatus on the scale and set the top of it on my head, reading off the scale. Glancing down at my chart, she frowned slightly, then messed with the scale again.

"That's odd," she said, somewhat puzzled. "Your chart says you are six feet tall, but I measure you at six feet, three inches. Huh." She scratched out my old height and wrote in the new height.

"Nobody has actually measured my height for a while," I explained. "I've always just said six feet even." I knew that was a lie, but hiding a height gain is not as easy as hiding a bigger cock. This was a bit concerning.

"Hmm. OK," she conceded. "So, uhm, I was just wondering, Ken. Oh, never mind." She smiled and blushed a bit.

"What?" I asked.

"Well, to be somewhat forward, I guess..." she stumbled with her words a bit. "Well, to be honest, Ken, I find you very attractive. I was kinda wondering..."

"If I found you the same?" I finished for her.

"Well, yeah, I guess." she replied, blushing again.

"Well," I continued. "I'll cut right to the chase. What are you doing tomorrow evening around six?" I'll have to admit that Julie was a little cutie. She was barely five feet tall, really nice little ass and perky little tits.

"Nothing, really," she replied a little more confidently. "What did you have in mind?"

"Jot down your phone number and I'll call you later. I'll figure out something by then."

"Here you go," she replied, handing me a scrap of paper with her number on it. "I'm looking forward to it."

With that she led me down the hall to one of the examining rooms and opened the door, giving me a little wink and a smile as she trotted back to her desk. I went on in to wait on Tom.

"Hey, Ken, it's been a bit," Tom said as he walked into the room and shook my hand. He stopped to look me over. "You've been working out with Tank a lot, I see. Looking good. How's the back?"

"Never better," I replied.

"Great, glad to hear that," he continued. He checked everything out and pronounced me healed. I was given a list of exercises to perform if the problem cropped up again.

"I don't think you'll need to come in again, on an official basis, that is," he said as I sat down in a chair. "Of course, don't be a stranger. I know you and Tank have been working out a lot, but I miss seeing you around."

It had been a while since Tom and I had really done much. I decided to fix that problem.

"Well, Tank's busy tonight. I might use your workout facilities," I said. "Feel free to join me."

"Sounds like a plan," he replied. "Come on."

We both went on into the workout room and started stripping down to put on our workout clothes.

"You're getting pretty big," Tom noted. He happened to be looking down at my cock at the time.

"No bigger than normal," I replied, looking down at my limp cock.

"No," Tom laughed. "Not your cock. Your body."

I laughed along with him, blushing just slightly. Tom had already slipped on his jock strap and shorts while I was standing at my locker pulling out my clothes. Seeing Tom again had my cock starting to thicken and dangle down longer. I was trying to avoid having him notice my increased endowment.

"Hey, Julie," Tom spoke out suddenly. I wheeled around, stark naked, to find myself facing Julie, who had quietly slipped into the workout room. She ran her eyes down to my crotch, then back up again to meet my eyes and smiled. Then she turned to Tom.

"I'm heading on out for the evening," she said. "You two stay out of trouble." She winked at me and stole another glance down at my cock.

"OK, Julie," Tom replied. "See you tomorrow."

Tom and I worked out for a while, chatting and catching up with what had been happening over the past couple of weeks. It seemed that just as Tank and I had gotten a little closer lately, so had Tom and Roger.

We undressed and headed into the shower and started lathering up. Tom's cock was sliding out of his sheath and mine was slowly dropping lower and longer as well. Even with all the equine cock I had seen or fucked over the last couple of weeks, it still turned me on seeing one dangling out in the open.

Within a few minutes, I was hanging with my arms locked around Tom's neck and my legs wrapped around his waist, riding his cock deep inside my colon. The feeling of a huge horse cock pushing around in my gut never got old.

Eventually, we assumed the partial insertion position so that Tom's cock head could flare out safely. As the first torrent of horse cum poured into my bowels, my cock released its own pretty sizable load onto our chests. Actually, I was pretty impressed with the volume. Tom didn't seem to notice, since he was still busy filling up my gut.

We cleaned up, dressed and headed to our respective homes. Curious about the volume of cum I had shot earlier, I decided to jerk off at home to see if it was a fluke. I worked my cock up to a full erection and started working it over good. Eventually, I brought myself to a good orgasm and watched as my cock spewed load after load of cum onto my chest, thoroughly soaking me from my pecs all the way down to my crotch. It was a bigger mess than I had anticipated and took a while to clean up.

I repeated the act later in bed before I fell asleep, cursing myself before having to get back up out of bed to grab a roll of paper towels and a fresh set of sheets before I could go to sleep. I finally settled in and dozed off, dreaming about the date I had set up with Julie.

I woke up the next day with morning wood, my erection seemingly reaching further up my abs than before. While it was still hard, I grabbed my tape measure and found I had just a little over nine inches now. I started debating the wisdom of taking any more of the pills, but my horniness overruled and I took my daily dose anyway.

Once I stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower, I took a quick glance at the mirror to admire my buff physique. That's when I noticed that the hair on my arms looked a little thicker.