Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 8

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#8 of B&C 2

You want to hear the tales of Sarnai Silverpaw do you? How did I get to this point, and where shall we go from here? These are all fine questions...I will gladly take you on a trip through the past. Perhaps, you will learn a thing or two. As to the future, only the gods can tell you of that one, my dear.

I know the rabbit before me was a bit more...salacious in her tales. I shall try to accommodate, but remember; I am no Mistress of the night. My story will have love and lust, but it will be fraught with blood as well.

18+ Mature sexual content.

Episode 8:

To the end

Things are going to jump around a bit, just so you know. A lot happened in a short time all things considered.

I didn't have to wait the full twenty years for the information, the celestial's finally made good on their word around year nineteen.

"You do not look well, Sarnai." The archangel spoke out to me, his voice sounding gentle and sympathetic.

"Who asked you?" I snapped back at the platinum-haired rabbit, my sharp teeth showing as my tail thrashed.

"Sarnai, try to mind your temperament, Toroah was just showing concern." Lorelai spoke to me in a gentle but commanding tone that made me bite back the additional outbursts I was ready to level at the angel.

"So, you've finally got my wife's information then?" Elias cocked a brow and folded his arms, looking between the two angels before us. Toroah had been accompanied by Rachel for the meeting.

Rachel cleared her throat and spoke towards my husband, "We do, but-"

"But nothing! I swear to the gods if you put any more stipulations on this, I will murder the lot of you in cold blood!" I snarled the words, my eyes turning red, black flames already showing at my tail and ears.

"Peace, Sarnai. We are doing no such thing." Toroah held his hands out, palms open. "Just hear us out."

"Speak quickly, my patience and sanity are already at their limit," I growled the words, the truth in them painfully obvious even to me. I had witnessed my own collapse of sanity over the last two decades first hand. I hardly slept, having withdrawn from everyone but Elias and the twins. Even they were cautious of dealing with me because of my anger.

Rachel thrust her hand out. "This information will ruin your life, do not take it. I can say it no more simply than that."

Lorelai lifted her ears sharply at the words and I saw her put some pieces together in her eyes. She glanced at me and spoke out to me sternly, "Sarnai... perhaps we should think about this."

"No! I am already at my wit's end!" I barked the words and jerked my gaze back to Rachel. "You are honor-bound. I demand that which is rightfully mine, now!"

Rachel showed her teeth and jerked her gaze from mine, hissing as she spat the words out, "So be it... Yes, the one that slaughtered your family is still amongst us."

My ears lifted, the fury in my soul becoming like a roaring inferno with the knowledge that the one that wrought so many centuries of suffering upon me still walked the earth. I practically screamed the word as I responded to her. "Where?!"

Toroah grunted and folded his arms, giving me a sad look. "He's right beside you, Sarnai."

Lorelai's back stiffened and my ears folded before I jerked my gaze to my husband. I saw him looking shocked and confused at the words before looking back at me. My heart sunk in my chest and my mind went numb for a heartbeat before running the numbers. It very well could have been, it matched the timeline and everything, still I couldn't believe it.

"You feed me falsehoods, angels. My husband would never keep something like this from me!" I snarled the words, shifting my furious gaze back to the winged rabbit and fox before me.

"Celestials cannot break oaths or lie, Sarnai. If they are honor-bound, they must follow through or they will die. If they had been feeding you falsehoods, you would be yelling at corpses right now." Lorelai spoke the words calmly to me as both the angels averted their eyes from me.

"Then... all this time... these centuries... you've both lied to me?" I huffed the words, feeling pain fill my chest as I looked between the two of them.

"Gods no!" Elias barked out and folded his ears, looking directly at me, his eyes wet with tears. "Sarnai... I love you and I never would keep such a thing from you..."

"He was nothing more than a mindless monster when I found him, Sarnai. I never bore witness to him slaughtering your tribe, but if the celestials say it's true, then it's true." Lorelai spoke the words in a placative tone towards me. "You must understand I put down dozens of wild ones both before and after Elias. I never considered he would have been the one..."

I shook my head and stumbled back a few paces, putting my hand to my face. I could feel my tears flowing against my cheeks as I barked out a weak laugh, "Ha ha... seriously... I know I'm a monster, but did the gods just decide I would be their personal plaything?"

"Sarnai..." Elias took a step towards me, his hand extended. "You're still my wife... I still love you and I'm sorry..."

I showed my teeth and shook my head, feeling the fury resurface. I slapped his hand away and barked into his face. "Sorry?! I've been suffering and losing my mind for centuries! Half a millennia of torture, all because of you!"

"Sarnai! This is not Elias's fault and you know it!" Toroah spoke the words sharply at me, his arms folding.

"To hell with what you think! I have the information I sought, so piss off and leave me!" I growled the words, glaring at the two angels.

"Sarnai, that's enough." Lorelai moved between Elias and me, setting me with a hard look. "You are still a member of this court, you will not treat a fellow brother in such a way."

"No... let her say and do what she will," Elias spoke the words, moving a hand to grasp Lorelai's shoulder and gently push her away so he could stand before me. "I love you, you are my wife. Had I known... I would have offered you my throat. Knowing I have caused you such pain and agony, It is worse than death."

"Elias..." Lorelai spoke his name and frowned. "You don't-"

"Stay out of this, Lorelai. This is a matter between husband and wife." The fox showed his teeth, giving the sheep a strong glare. He then met my eyes and tilted his head, baring his throat. "Teeth or saber, take your pick. If ending my life quells your pain and madness, I'm happy to offer it."

"S-S... Stupid!" I spat the word into his face and stomped away from him, clenching my head as I howled out in fury. "This is unfair! Argh... why didn't you just take me with the rest of my family!"

I felt him draw closer to me and I gave him a warning growl. "Stay away from me..." The fox stopped in his tracks and I shifted my wet gaze between him, the sheep, and the two angels. I shook my head and turned my back to the lot of them, my feet starting to move. "Lorelai! Come find me in a week's time!" I didn't know where I was going nor did I care. I just had to get some distance between me and my husband, before my madness did something I couldn't forgive.


"I'm withdrawing from house Silverpaw. Let my husband head it." I spoke the words with resignation, standing before her on a cliffside overlooking the Pacific ocean.

Lorelai frowned and shook her head. "Sarnai... he has been nothing but distraught since a week past. He has hardly spoken or fed. You must understand-"

"You must understand!" I spat out sharply, interrupting her. "I... I love him... I want to see him... but I can't... gods take me, I can't..." I sobbed the words and shook my head. "I don't... I can't control myself... It took everything in me not to end him then and there..."

"My fox..." Lorelai frowned and folded her arms. "Elias told me to tell you he loved you. Told me to tell you, the house is yours."

"What?" I growled and looked at her through my fingers, my palm against my face now, tears flowing freely.

"He said he expected this, said he gathered this would be your way of dealing with it." The sheep clicked her tongue and nodded as two figures came out of the darkness and stood behind her.

"Jeremy... Jennifer? What the fuck are you two doing here?" I snarled the words, anger for myself building at them seeing me in this state.

Jennifer folded her arms behind her back and spoke dutifully. "Well..."


"You cannot be serious, my lord!" Jeremy shook his head as he tried to process the request.

"I am. I know my wife and I won't let her do what she plans..." The white fox folded his hands and sighed. "I've already spoken to Lorelai... I am no longer a member of house Silverpaw, I will start my own house with the few members that remain... I will give my wife the distance she needs."

"Sir! Just talk to her!" Jennifer spoke out pleadingly. "You two have been married for centuries... you can't let her-"

"Do you think I would like nothing more than that?!" Elias snarled the words, showing his sharp canines, his tail thrashing violently. "You two... we've known each other for nearly five centuries, have I ever asked anything of you?"

Both of the mice shared a look and shook their heads. Elias gave a resigned laugh and lowered his own head. "Please... let this be my one selfish request then... Keep your allegiance to Silverpaw and my wife. Go with her, keep her safe and try to keep her sane. Even if you must one day face me as a foe... stay by my wife's side... I'm begging you two..."

Jeremy set his jaw then gave a respectful bow. "It will be as you command..."

"Brother, you can't be serious!" Jennifer grumbled the words and shook her head.

"What choice do we have? Let our lady and one of our oldest friends walk off to succumb to her madness?" The twin asked his sister.

"No but, but..." Jennifer frowned and looked to the fox before her. "My lord... Elias... there has to be another way!"

"When I find one, you two will be the first I contact... please, Jennifer... I beg of you." The white fox bowed his head once more.


"So that's how it is, eh?" I turned from the three of them and looked out over the ocean, the waves slamming into the craggy rocks below. "Even now, he thinks of nothing but me..."

"What will you do Sarnai?" Lorelai folded her arms and tilted her head.

I put a hand to my forehead, shaking my head before looking upon the two mice before me. "Jennifer... Jeremy... I may eventually become as mad as the devils that run the nine hells... "

"We won't let that happen my lady." Jennifer spoke out pointedly towards me, her head still bowed.

"My sister speaks the truth, and even so... We have given our word. We will follow you into the flames of hell if need be." Jeremy gave me a sharp nod before returning to his own bow.

"Lorelai..." I looked upon her and folded my arms. "You truly wish me to keep the name of Silverpaw?"

"I do... if I ever feel you are beyond hope... I will be the one to do it, as I promised." The sheep gave me a strong nod and put her hands upon her hips.

I gave her a slight smile and sighed, shaking my head. "Very well... you two with me." I barked the words in commandment, walking past the three of them to head back down the trail to my waiting vehicle.

"Where are you going, Sarnai?" Lorelai tilted her head curiously.

"As far from here as I can... far enough away that he is safe from my madness," I spoke the words calmly, feeling the presence of the twins behind me as I walked.


So it was. For the first few years, house Silverpaw was simply a nomadic trio that wandered. We moved through the country doing the only thing I could think to do. We hunted down rogue elements that threatened our court's veil. Eventually, we found ourselves across the ocean and within Europe once more.

Thanks to the age of technology, telephones were fairly common all over the world now, so Lorelai was always a call away. I kept in contact with her when she needed problems solved. I didn't think much during those times. Simply focusing on the next hunt and the next kill, trying not to dwell upon my husband and former family.

It was the mid-sixties when I had an unexpected visitor. We were traveling through France when she found us.

"What the fuck do you want?" I folded my arms, growling the words, both the mice flanking me, hands already at their weapons.

The platinum-haired fox folded her arms. "Nice to see you too, Sarnai."

"Do not address me as if we were old friends, celestial!" I barked the words, my spittle landing on her face.

Rachel flicked an ear and growled slightly before wiping her face. "Fine... I will cut to the heart of the matter. You've been hunting down wild vampires and lycanthropes, correct?"

"You mean what should be your job? Yes." I snapped my ears forward and growled. "I have no patience for you, out with it!"

"Do you have the patience for anything anymore?" Rachel fired back, showing me a glare before she continued, "You've heard of the war the mundane are fighting to the east I presume?"

"In Vietnam? Yes, mundane slaughtering one another for stupid reasons, call the news stations." I rolled my eyes and set her with a glare. "What does that have to do with us?"

"The church has been using the war to purge local vampires and lycanthropes in the region. I just felt you should know." The angel gave me a shrug and casually turned from me.

"Why? Why tell me this?" I snarled the words, easing my grip on my saber.

"Because your family needs members, and they need help." Rachel gave me an indiscernible look from the corner of her eye.

"Yes, but what do you get out of this? Is this a trap to-"

"It is not a trap, you have my word upon my power. I simply give you the information, do with it as you will!" The fox barked the words at me sharply and snapped her wings open. She didn't give me the chance to respond before she launched herself into the night sky and was gone.

"Bitch..." I growled as I watched the winged silhouette vanish from sight.

"What will you have us do, Mistress?" Jennifer spoke out towards me, her stance having eased.

"It's been a while since I've been in a war zone, why the hell not?" I showed the mouse a grin as my tail wagged eagerly.


It was not the kind of war I expected. This was a war of trickery and subterfuge. It was the perfect cover for the church to do its dirty work. We spent a few weeks gathering information and hunting down disguised acolytes that posed as soldiers for various fronts. Creative interrogation led us to a small village they planned to purge, that was said to house a few of our kind in it.

"So you think them civilized and not mad?" Jeremy asked me as we walked through the jungle, a barely noticeable path beneath our boots.

"If they are comfortably living amongst the mundane in a village, they couldn't be wild." Jennifer answered her brother's question as I nodded to her.

"They can't be any more mad than I, so yes. They at least function. It could be they just integrated into the small village and feed off the various soldiers. War is great for getting your kill on without drawing attention." I shrugged as we finally reached the outskirts of the small village.

I could tell right away it had its fair share of attacks. several burned down houses could be seen, the crude wall made of large log stakes had several chunks missing from it. I narrowed my eyes and focused my senses, my ears folding. "Hmm... yes this seems to be the place. I can sense three of our kind within the walls, one is upon that tower as we speak."

My ears lifted, my body responding before my mind could. Almost as if on cue to my statement, a loud clap of gunfire filled the air. I narrowly pivoted my head out of the way, my shoulder taking the bullet that had been aimed right at my face. I grunted as I slammed onto my back, my shoulder torn open.

"My lady!" Both the mice called out and were over me on their knees, assessing my injuries.

I snapped my teeth together and my eyes went straight to red, my flames of black erupting before I had even climbed to my feet. I hopped up and howled in fury before launching myself several dozen yards into the air towards the tower. I crashed into the front of the tower, grabbing the sniper by the throat and slamming him so hard into the wooden flooring we both fell through and tumbled to the ground below. I held my hand on his throat the whole time, pinning him to the earth, broken wood all around us while I loomed over him with my tail thrashing.

"You can fly?!" The sniper spoke out in a hiss as I held his throat. He was obviously a viper by his scale pattern near his throat and forked tongue. I hadn't seen a snake-folk in over a century now that I thought about it.

"No, I jump high." I growled the words and drew my revolver with my free hand, pushing the barrel of it to his forehead. "Now go to the gods..." I snarled as I cocked the hammer back on the gun.

"My lady!" Jennifer called out behind me. "Were we not here to help them, not kill them?"

"That was before one of them tried to kill me!" I growled and pushed the gun barrel harder against the snakes head, watching him wince, his dark eyes shifting nervously between me and the mice at my side who already had weapons drawn.

"Wait... please... I thought you were attackers." The young snake hissed the words out and I could see the sweat forming at his forehead.

"Damn right I'm an attacker!" I growled and started to pull the trigger before Jeremy gently put a hand to my shoulder.

"My lady... Sarnai... he could be young and not able to sense our energies..." The mouse called out to me gently, trying to rationalize with my eagerness to kill.

"Fucking... fine!" I snarled and climbed from the viper, keeping my gun trained upon him. "Get up and give me your name."

The snake rubbed his throat before pulling himself from the ground and looked between the three of us before speaking out respectfully. "It's Radcliff, my apologies for the misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding, my tail..." I growled and rubbed at my shoulder, the wounds already starting to heal, the bullet having gone straight through.

"What's going on that you're shooting on sight?" Jennifer spoke out, questioning the young vampire now.

"There are wild lycanthropes in the jungle, it's been a problem for years. Now the church has been sending small groups to try to kill us as well." Radcliff hissed the words as he looked up at the tower above, the whole floor now torn out of it.

"Well we originally came to get you out of here. The church will keep sending acolytes until they achieve what they-" Jeremy lifted his rounded ears as he spoke and turned back to the jungles behind us, a loud howl cutting off his words.

"Another comes!" Radcliff hissed the words as he drew a small handgun from his side.

"Leave it to us, one lycanthrope is no big deal." I grumbled the words, sounding bored as the mice moved into formation at my side.

We prepared to move back to the jungle as an all to familiar whistling sound came to my ears. The twins knew what to do and scattered right away. The snake looked dumbfounded as I clenched my teeth. "Are you stupid?! Move!" I snarled and grabbed him by the wrist and quickly pulled him away as an artillery shell impacted at the base of the tower and sent it down.

"Really? The church and a lycanthrope! Are we cursed?" Jennifer hissed the words as she found her way back to me, Jeremy already next to us.

"Y-you... saved my life..." The viper spoke the words in shock towards me.

"Yeah yeah... thank me if we get out of this..." I growled and scanned the area, sensing the presence of the lycanthrope drawing in on our location.

"Jeremy, Jennifer! Take the snake and deal with the soldiers, I sense at least a dozen. I will take care of the lycanthrope myself!" I barked the words in commandment and the mice nodded before moving to flank the viper.

I gave Radcliff a nod and blurred out of sight, moving into the jungle to intercept the beast on its way. I only made it about a quarter of a mile into the vegetation when I came upon the lycanthrope. It was over ten feet tall and covered in brown fur, obviously a wolf.

"Well... I give you props for keeping it traditional." I spoke the words casually as I set my stance, bending at the knees as the hulking dog towered over me by nearly twice my height.

The wolf howled and lunged for me, it's movements slow and uncontrolled. I blurred from its swipe and gave it a sweeping kick that slammed into its large chest. I heard bones crunch as the dog left the ground and sailed a few dozen yards back, tearing through trees before coming to a rest slumped on the ground.

The werewolf howled in fury and clambered forward, bounding towards me, it's large tongue hanging out, dripping saliva as it charged me.

"Oh, you're just a puppy... you're not even close to my level." I sighed and frowned, drawing my saber. "You must have just turned recently. Well, I will make it quick then and put you down painlessly."

I showed my teeth in a hungry grin as the large dog was nearly atop me, then it halted and lifted it's large brown ears. I lifted my own as well, hearing the audible sound of several semi-automatic rifles having their safety locks disengaged.

Me and the wolf scattered as gunfire raked across the ground where we had been standing. I barked out my frustration as I slipped into the darkness. "Fucking acolytes!" I spat out the words, then lifted my ears as I heard a scream, then the unmistakable sound of someone being torn apart limb from limb.

A moment later the brown wolf emerged behind me, its muzzle now soaked in blood as it threw the remains of the body to the ground at my feet. I set the dog with a cocky grin and lifted my ears. "Oh... you got enough sense in there to know what's what, puppy? Fine... a truce then."

The wolf snarled but lowered to all fours and turned its back to me, bounding into the darkness. I barked out my own laugh as I homed in on the nearest soldier, I wasn't about to be outdone by a fledgling lycanthrope.

I and the werewolf stalked through the jungle for several minutes, tearing apart the soldiers of the church. The constant gunfire in the distance told me the twins were having a good time as well.

"Well, that was fun!" I stood before the large dog, my arms folded, my clothes covered in fresh blood as well as my mouth and throat. I had been famished and happily fed while I killed. The wolf apparently had been as well, its whole snout and chest drenched in crimson. The twins found me moments later, their weapons drawn.

"Mistress, are you okay?" Jennifer called out, both glaives drawn as she took a step towards the lycanthrope.

"Hold, my dear..." I spoke the words and held a hand up.

Both the twins looked at me in shock, then realized the wolf wasn't attacking. I put my finger to my bloody chin and flicked my tail.

"What to do with you... I hate to just kill you, we fought together after all..." I hummed the words and the wolf gave me a heavy snort before turning it's back on me and plodding away.

"You will let it go, my lady?" Jeremy asked as he looked at me out of the corner of his eye.

"No, I won't." I frowned and launched forward off my feet. I was atop the wolf faster than it could blink and leveled a heel drop right into its skull. The dog slammed into the earth with a mighty impact. The blow made it lose consciousness as it reverted back to its normal form.

"It's... he's a soldier?" Jennifer called out next to me, having stayed near me during the attack.

"So it would seem, he showed some reason just now too, not completely lost to the madness of the change..." I looked down upon the wolf, his short hair sandy brown, his military uniform torn to shreds. I frowned and folded my arms, giving the situation some thought. I then turned to the twins. "Check his dog tags, get his information and send it to house Blackpaw. If anyone can help the stupid bastard, he can." I barked the orders to the twins and turned my back on the whole thing, returning to the small village.

To make a long story short, Jennifer and Jeremy took the lycanthrope back to what they assumed was his former military camp. They simply followed his trail of destruction back to it. They left him there to figure out what happened and returned to me a few hours later.

We spent the next week helping the villagers prepare to move to a new location. I wasn't thrilled about it, but I commended the trio of vampires for their loyalty to the small collection of mundane. When all was said and done the village was safe and house Silverpaw now had six members. Albeit three fledglings, but members all the same.


Time moved on and we ended up with two more members, more fledglings that didn't know what they were or the power to defend themselves. I settled a new home on the east coast of the region Blackpaw resided in. Far enough away to give my husband peace, but close enough to be within striking distance if the need arose.

Jeremy and Jennifer were ever-present through the decades that followed. I even formed a decent relationship with Radcliff. They were all dutiful and always tried to calm my madness. I met with Lorelai several times and each time the sheep tried to convince me to speak to Elias. It would do no good, I knew I was already too far gone. Civility under extreme duress would be all I could muster.

I longed for my husband, I longed for my family. I even missed that stupid cat he found, even though she was always so mouthy, and I didn't like how she looked upon him. I found myself with a family,but still alone and lost. I spent most days sobbing to myself and cursing my hatred, while nights I brooded while trying to keep it together.

As I said before, time moved on. I tried to keep a peaceful distance and keep the fires of hatred at bay. Things were going well enough and we made our way into the turn of the millennium. I desperately wanted to reach out to him, but I could not bring myself to. Still, it had been over half a century and each year a rose was delivered to my home on our anniversary, making his lingering intentions clear.

A few decades into the new century, something changed. Something happened that reawoke my anger and dialed it straight to uncontrollable.


"Mistress! Please calm yourself!" Jennifer cried out to me from across my study, her brother standing beside her looking both concerned and fearful.

"I will not!" I screamed the words and grabbed the chair behind my desk, throwing it out the nearby window, the force of the toss taking several inches of the wall with it. I snarled and punched one of my bookcases, shattering it and sending books and papers flying in all directions as I huffed.

"My lady, please... what happened?" Jeremy called out, raising a hand as he took a few cautious steps towards me.

I snarled and my flames erupted as I looked at him through my cracked fingers, my palm over my face. "Get away from me, rat..." I hissed the words with a glare. I saw the look of hurt on his face as he slowly backed away from me.

The look on his face, the way he defended her. I still could hear his words ringing in my ears, 'My rabbit'. She kept a cocky look on her face the whole time, knowing she was playing me and making me look a fool before him. I growled furiously and kicked my desk over at the thought of it all. Then to see her steal my powers and show them off in my face like that.

"My lady!" Jennifer spat out sharply at me. "You left him! It has been half a century. Is he not within his rights to move on!?"

I snarled at the mouse, feeling my flames rolling off me as I tried to compose myself. I dug deep and took a calm breath, trying to quell the fury. My demons in me wanted to just go to Blackpaw and deal with this tonight. I shook my head and folded my arms across my stomach, trying to push the anger away. I could still feel her pulling my power away, feel her taking what was mine. I also felt what she did to my body, pushed feelings of desire into me I had not felt since I left him, reawakening the carnal urges he used to fulfill so well for me.

I gave what probably sounded like a pitiful bark and slumped my back to the wall, sliding down it and laughing out bitterly as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Ha... true... so true... I am nothing but a bad memory for him now... I could smell Katrina upon him as well..."

The mice shared a look before turning back to me. "My lady, we are here for you, you know that. You are not alone or lost." Jeremy called out to me softly, giving a polite bow.

"He speaks the truth, your life has much meaning. Everyone in this house looks up to you and loves you. Please do not take this on alone." Jennifer spoke out as well, giving me her own polite bow.

"Not alone... don't take it on myself..." I whispered the words, shaking my head before I gave Jeremy a hard look. "Take Radcliff and call upon the magi circle. They owe us for that little ordeal last decade. I want any information on our ancient laws. Anything I can use as an excuse to declare war."

"M-my that wise?" Jeremy lifted his ears and frowned.

"Are you questioning me, Jeremy? If you do not agree with my orders, then you may withdraw and find a new house." I showed my teeth as I slowly climbed to my feet.

"A-as..." He set his jaw before he gave me a sharp bow and turned. "It shall be done, my lady." He spoke the words dutifully and quickly slipped from the room.

I shifted my gaze to Jennifer. "Reach out to the celestial council. I want to meet with Rachel, see what she can tell me about that rabbit, what she is and what to expect from her."

Jennifer gave me her own frown but nodded and quickly left the room, leaving me alone with my carnage I had wrought upon it.


"From what little I know of her, she appears to be a succubus, but feeds as a vampire as well." The platinum-haired fox gave me a shrug. "Granted that's just cursory observation. We have a cadet stationed in the city near where we think their house is."

"How can she be both?" I folded my arms, my sharp teeth showing. It had been a few months since the incident. I had been spending most of my nights training with Jennifer and trying to arrange plans as best I could.

"Sarnai, it's not like me being a celestial opens my mind to all the secrets of the world. I have no idea how she can do both, but that appears to be the case."

"For fuck sakes... useless..." I snarled and whipped my tail as I turned from her.

Rachel gave me a dry look and folded her arms. "I'm already meeting with you against protocol. I'm a Bishop now, I could seriously jeopardize my position and even my life by doing this."

"Well, why is a high and mighty Bishop bothering with me then?" I barked the words and shot her a glare over my shoulder. "Not like you were a help to me anyway."

The fox snorted through her nose and ran her fingertips through her hair. "Thanks... as to the why's, well that's my business." The angel snapped her wings out before folding them along her back once more. "You should have listened to me back then... I could see how much you loved him, now you want his blood... did the centuries mean nothing?"

"Who the fuck are you to judge or question me?" I barked out, showing my teeth, my flames rolling off my hands as I turned and jabbed a finger into her chest.

The celestial showed her teeth and slapped my hand away hard. There was a moment of burning from the contact before we both drew weapons and moved into a combative stance. I held my saber in my left hand, my revolver in my right. She had drawn a small curved sword, holding her own gun at me as well with her off-hand.

"Never seen you with a handgun before..." I showed my teeth as I grinned at her, moving to aim the barrel of my own gun to her head.

"A lot changes in a hundred years or so, let's say I was enchanted watching you and Elias use them against Charlotte." Rachel barked the words, her own gun aimed between my eyes as well.

"Do not say that name to me!" I shouted the words at her, snapping my teeth together.

"Fuck you, Sarnai. Elias is a good fox, more than you ever deserved, especially now." Rachel lowered her ears, watching me draw the hammer back on my revolver.

My eyes burned red and I squeezed the trigger, the revolver going off right in the other foxes' face. She simply ceased to be there and I yelped out as a booted kick landed into the small of my back.

Everything happened in a blur and I was on my knees, the celestial holding my raven hair in her fist, the curved wakizashi at my throat, my own blood rolling down the blessed silver as a small curl of smoke rolled into the air.

"Do it, I would thank you for the release!" I snarled the words back at the angel.

Rachel snorted out a huff and withdrew her sword. I felt her kick my back as I tumbled forward to the ground before quickly picking myself up and rubbing at my throat.

"You want to die, go take a walk in the noonday sun, Sarnai," Rachel growled the words and sheathed her blade along her back.

"I'm sure everyone would be thankful for that," I spoke bitterly as I sheathed my saber.

"Are you trying to die? You were holding back just now... is this whole war you seek a glorified suicide mission for you?" The angel asked me while putting her hands upon her hips. "He's a good fox, if you wish to go down in a blaze of glory, leave him and the rabbit out of it."

I already knew the answer. I knew that if I ended him I would be right behind him. Perhaps that was indeed what my madness wanted, a clandestine tragedy to end our marriage, both of us lying dead together. I clenched my teeth and said nothing, jerking my gaze from the piercing blue eyes of the fox before me.

Rachel sighed and I saw her eyes shift to gold, looking me over for a moment before she turned her back to me. Her head lifted and she spoke out calmly, "The cadet in the city near her, she is due for evaluation in five years. I will seek to speed that along, perhaps I can garner some information for you or at the least, set the cadet to gather intel. Give me a few years."

"What do you want in return?" I spoke the words calmly, not bothering to turn and look upon her.

"Nothing. I will be in touch." Rachel spoke the words and I heard her wings snap outward, feeling a rush of wind as she launched up into the sky before I could say anything more.


Jeremy and Radcliff returned with information I could use. A bygone accord that the magi circle had discovered after deep research into their tomes that had come straight from the now gone library of Alexandria. It was a grand feat to find and handily expended the favor they owed the house. Still, I felt helping to put down a possessed archmage would have garnered more, but I had what I needed.

"My lady... Sarnai... I implore you to reconsider this course of action." Jeremy stood before me alone in my chambers. He was on his knee and bowed as if we were on council business.

I lifted my ears and looked upon the small mouse before shaking my head. "This is fate, I will not step from the stage until my role is played."

"This is not fate, it is madness! You let the demons in you control you!" The mouse lifted his gaze, spitting the words at me with a furious glare upon his face.

I scoffed and took a seat upon the edge of my desk, crossing my leg as I looked the mouse over. "I let the demons have me long ago, Jeremy. A price I paid for someone I loved. Do you think to reason with me now? Did I not warn you about this before you agreed to come with me?"

He jerked his head away with a frown but said nothing. I gave him a smile and shook my head. "Even knowing he lays with Katrina and that deplorable rabbit, I still love my husband you know. That is why I must end his life with my own hands. We must die together on the same day as husband and wife." I hummed the words cheerfully as I spoke.

The mouse looked upon me, his eyes widening. I could see the look upon his face, the look of someone gazing upon a lunatic that was spouting nonsense. "Sarnai... my lady... I beg of you-"

"I have a request for you." I barked out the words, interrupting him.

Jeremy swallowed the lump in his throat and lowered his head. "Anything you desire, my Mistress."

I hopped from the desk and turned from him, moving to the window and looking upon the dark sky, watching the angry Atlantic ocean crashing against the shore near our home. "When my husband has fallen, I won't stop... the madness in me won't be satisfied."

I saw him look up at me through the window pane and I turned my head to look upon him. "If my lady gets to me first, so be it. However, if I fell Elias... while I am in the throes of my vengeance, take my throat."

"I will do no such thing! Not even if I must walk from this house!" Jeremy yelled the words at me, rising to his feet and showing his sharp canines as he glared upon me, fists clenched.

"Jeremy... I cannot ask your sister to do such a thing." I gave a bitter laugh and ran my fingertips through my hair and shook my head. "Do you not see I am struggling even now to have this conversation with you? I can push the cry for blood back for only so long and it gets shorter with each attempt... I know myself and my madness... I will take him first, simply for the joy of watching his kin agonize, then I will turn my blade upon them."

I folded my arms and turned to fully face my brother, giving him a strong look, my eyes blood red as I focused my will to keep myself sane for the brief moments. "I beg of you brother... before I take the rest of my family, even before I take that stupid rabbit... once Elias falls, send me to the void with him."

"You... you are truly a selfish master, my lady..." Jeremy spoke the words bitterly as he looked away.

I felt my time slip away and gave him a coy grin, shrugging my shoulders. "I am... and I will not be satisfied until all of Blackpaw is dead at my feet. Former family as welll, let their blood wash away the screams in my heart and mind."

Jeremy gave me a sad look and bowed. "I am yours to command, my lady. I will follow your orders... all of them."


"My my, has it been five years already, Rachel?" I gave the fox a cocky grin, she didn't look very happy to see me, or her face was simply filled with concern.

"Sarnai... are you well?" She folded her arms and tilted her head, giving me a motherly look that just irritated me.

"I am well enough, out with it, Bishop." I barked the words, showing my teeth in anger.

"That's High Bishop, actually..." She looked away, folding her hands behind her back with a frown, averting her gaze.

"Ha! That's quite a rank improvement. Isn't that as high as they go short of being an Archangel?" I grinned and put my hands on my hip. "What strings did you pull to get that?"

Rachel gave me a sigh and shook her head, setting me with a concerned look, her eyes shining of gold. "Sarnai... that rabbit... she is a chimera."

"What the hell is that?" I frowned and folded my arms, plucking through my memories from centuries of knowledge. I had never heard the term used in such a way that I recalled.

"I do not know the extent of her abilities, but suffice to say she can take power and claim it as her own. She doesn't lose it either... she can improve it and build upon it." The angel frowned, seeing the look of fury cross my face.

"You mean to tell me... what she took from me, was not temporary? She literally cleaved off a hunk of my power as if it were a slab of meat and kept it?!" I barked the words furiously, my eyes flaming red.

"A small piece, but she has grown it, she has turned it into her own. It is... what I saw was comparable to the power I saw you and Elias display two hundred years past." Rachel shook her head. "There's more..."

"More? How can there be more?!" I snarled furiously, my fists clenched so hard I felt blood rolling down my wrists from my nails digging into my own flesh.

"At the evaluation, she had the power to nearly stand up to the former High Bishop. However, Elias and Lorelai also appeared to defend her and the cadet on trial." Rachel sighed and shook her head as she spoke the words. "It seems the cadet was her lover and I saw the trend in her, that I saw within everyone present."

I frowned and tried to make sense of the words, digging deep to quell the fury and clear my mind. "Rachel... what do you mean?"

She showed her own teeth in a snarl as she looked upon me. "Sarnai. All of them... All of them were exhibiting power that simply shouldn't have been possible. Especially Lorelai... It was as if she had aged another half a century in the span of a decade. Elias also, he casually kicked the High Bishop around as if he were nothing, as if his levels of power were on par with archangels."

I processed all the information, blinking slowly before looking upon the platinum-haired fox. "You mean to tell me the rabbit has something to do with this?"

"I believe she is somehow augmenting or enhancing their powers. Even the werewolf that was with them, his powers seemed unnatural, much more than any of their kind I've ever dealt with. I can swat their kind away like flies, yet he nearly took my throat and would have if Elias... More than that though..." Rachel looked upon me with pleading eyes. "Sarnai... you wade into certain death if you pursue this."

"So long as I die with my husband, I care not," I growled the words and folded my ears.

"Why must either of you die? Simply make amends. Does he not still send you a rose every year?" The fox folded her own arms, setting me with an annoyed look.

"Ah... you know that do you?" I cocked a grin at her and wagged my tail.

"I do... Toroah told me as such. He comforted Elias after you left him, indeed if not for Toroah, the fox would most likely have fallen upon his own sword shortly after." Rachel frowned and shook her head. "He may have taken other lovers, but his heart is still yours. Can't you see that?"

"I do see it. Crystal clear as the lights of day." I showed her a wide hungry grin. "Don't you see, angel? He seeks to die in my arms and I in his... Oh yes, we will go out in a tragic blaze of glory. Stories will be written about our love through the ages." I sighed the words blissfully as my tail thrashed about.

"Toroah... Lorelai... I seriously question this course..." Rachel snarled the words as she looked upon me and shook her head.

"Those two? Do they have a hand in all of this? Is this why you have been helping me, Rachel?" I tilted my head curiously, giving the angel a challenging grin.

Rachel's eyes shifted back to blue and she shook her head. "Chimera have cycles of power that enhance their closest people. It ebbs and wanes like the tide. If you wish to stand a chance to bring Elias down, you need to wait a few more years. Five to be precise... Well, this is what the current head of the magi circle told me anyway."

"I thank you for the information, Rachel. It is a shame... perhaps under other circumstances, we could have been friends." I barked the words out and shook my head, pushing my palm to my face, giving her a sorrowful look. "I do mean that... I wish... I never wanted anything but to be with my family and husband... to be happy and at peace... understand... please..."

The angel frowned and nodded. "I understand... may the gods go with you, Sarnai of Silverpaw." The fox turned from me and took off into the night sky, leaving me alone in the field of grass outside of my home.

Celestials cannot lie, but that doesn't mean they cannot willingly be fed and parrot falsehoods. I had no idea at the time that this was all an elaborate game. Lorelai, Toroah, and even the head of the magi circle. They were shifting pieces around and neither I nor the rabbit knew. Even Elias and Rachel were unaware.

I bided my time as was suggested to me, playing into the hands of them. It was easy to manipulate a mad fool after all. I gave it another few years and then on the night of my anniversary, I had the formal declaration delivered to Lorelai. I had timed it so my messenger would deliver the declaration right as I arrived at house Blackpaw.


"Radcliff! Take position upon the roof, if he starts to get the upper hand, you take the shot." I nodded at the viper who dutifully bowed and slipped off into the darkness.

"Jennifer and Jeremy... you stand with me." I nodded at the mice and they returned my nod.

Jeremy met my eyes for a long moment and I gave him a strong nod, the madness in my eyes clearing for a moment. "Stand by my side to the end, brother."

His eyes shone in the moonlight, wet with tears before he blinked them away and turned from me as he spoke. "To the end, my lady... my sister."

Thank you for reading and I hope you look forward to the next episode.

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