The End (Final)

Story by Alec Foxx on SoFurry

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A/N: Alright. So YES, Alec is my fursona. NO, this obviously has not happened. If it has, then how would this be written? I brought up Rose and Leon, who are both based off of two people I care about, in the last one, I bring up Jet in this one. I was listening to Blue October's The End when this whole damn story came to my mind. In fact, some of the final bits of dialogue are grom that song, but there was an attempt to change them around. The two songs mentioned in the story are Green Day's Good Riddance(Time Of Your Life) and either Gary Jules' or Adam Lambert's cover of Mad World. The pentacle described is legit and can be seen here:

She Was My Dahlia

Alec sat at the bar, his wolf and siberian tigress companions hopping from topic to topic to take all the legitimate bullshit off of his mind. His mind continued to trail back to what he had seen in the room. What the fuck? The grey tabby woman ripped out his heart. She was the last to be able to do that. His mind had snapped once he attacked the doberman she was fucking. Once he heard her say 'No idea.' His entire body trembled.

"She's just a fuckin' woman dude. Don't let her actions get to you," Leon said softly.

"She was my dahlia. My happiness. My.... Hope..." Alec sighed heavily and took a drink. How was he going to get his revenge on the final woman who crushed his heart? He shook his head.

Time passed and Leon and Rose both left the bar. Alec stayed, drinking as much as he could to get his mind off of her. Saraiya. His dahlia. His love. He let out a soft growl and pulled out his wallet, slapping money on the bar for the marten to collect and stumbled out of the bar with drunken rage and stupor. He already technically said good-bye to the wolf and tigress. The last person to say good-bye to was the hound.

Alec stumbled down the street, soft growls rumbling out of his mouth with negative intentions. He clicked his teeth before baring his fangs. He had to get to Jet's house to tell him that his end was near. He tripped over his own drunken feet, hitting the ground with a heavy thud. He growled softly and pushed himself up. He'd get there. He had to. He let out a soft yowl.

Soon enough, he had gotten to Jet's abode. He hiccuped and walked to the door.

"Yuh... Better be awake.. Cause I'm only doin' this once."

He knocked softly. From inside, he heard the hound growl softly, "Hold your horses. I'm comin'. Who is here at four in the damn morning?!" The hound opened the door, and looked.

"Oh shit. Hey! Alec, are you okay?" The dark furred friend moved out of the way to let Alec in. Alec stumbled in, his eyes half opened in drunken idiocy.

"I.. Nope! I'm fuckin' not," Alec let out a soft, drunken growl. Sure enough, once Jet closed the door, he guided the intoxicated kitsune to the sofa and quickly moved to get them both a bottle of water from the kitchen. He walked back in slowly, his tail swaying. The male was obviously wanting to go to bed, in nothing but his boxers. The small silver balls of his collar piercings sparkled softly due to the dim light in the living room. He set the bottle on the table in front of the kitsune, who quickly snatched it up, broke the seal, took the lid off and gulped down the refreshingly cold liquid. Jet sat on the recliner nearest the couch. Alec looked at Jet.

"I.. I've come to say good-bye, dude," the drunken kitsune said softly.

"Good-bye? The hell? Are you leaving?"

"You can say that..."

Jet looked at Alec for a long while, trying to piece together the males words. He pushed himself up and walked over, placing a hand on the kitsune's left shoulder.

"Good-bye as in.... Death...?" The hound murmured softly. Alec let out a snort.

"Tis either death or life in prison, my dear friend." He responded, raising a hand and scratching his right shoulder roughly, as if attempting to tear through the pale flesh under the fur.

"Wait WHAT?!" Jet's vibrant forest green eyes stared into the kitsune's brilliant yet empty hazel eyes. Alec let out a light laugh.

"You heard me, Jet. Tis either death or life in prison," he said again, popping his neck. He hiccupped softly.

"Alec... What happened? What's causing these thoughts?" Jet questioned, now officially worried for his friend.

"Saraiya... She killed what was left of my sanity, Jet. She fucked someone else. She's probably been fucking multiple people!"

"How do you--" The hound was interupted by the now furious kitsune.

"Yesterday was our fucking anniversary, right? Eighteen fucking months of being with that fucking cat! Got her a real nice gift. A necklace with a feline charm. Looked like it was playing with a sapphire blue ball of yarn. One kinda like my dragon pentacle, you know?" He questioned, lifting the charms on the necklace around his neck. One was the charm he had gotten from Jet years previous, the other was, in fact, a pentacle with a dragon. The dragon's wings were wide spread, the pentacle between. The dragon held not a ruby but a red orb in his hands with the tip of his tail touching against it. Alec opened his muzzle and continued, "The only thing that's fuckin' different is that the fuckin' cat wasn't a pentacle. Just a normal fuckin' cat! But I got it for her... To surprise the bitch, I get to her house, I go to her room only to fucking find some fucking doberman boning her! When he asked her who I was, her simple response was 'No idea.' I coulda killed the fuckin' guy, Jet. But I didn't. But now, I'm gonna fucking kill her. Tis either death or life in fucking prison!" Alec was breathing heavily.

"Alec... Come on.. No... You're saying this out of drunken stupor. I know you don't mean it." Jet whispered, turning the kitsune around and rubbing his shoulders to try to calm him down. He hummed a familiar lullaby to try to sooth Alec. Alec slowly allowed himself to calm down. His soul-less hazel eyes stared at the wall, a soft growl drawing from his throat. He sighed. He was sobering up. He knew that he was really going to do it, but he decided that it'd be best if he let Jet believe his own words.


"There ya go..." Jet said softly. He ruffled Alec's slate grey hair and started softly singing the lullaby again. He needed to get Alec to sleep. Alec slowly started to fall forward, his eyelids getting droopy. Finally, a soft snore told Jet that his friend was asleep. Jet slowly pushed himself off of the couch and quickly snatched up a pillow, placing it under Alec's head. Alec shifted in his sleep and let out a soft yip in pain, which was obviously emotional. Jet slowly headed toward his bedroom door.

Hours passed and Jet woke up. First thing he did upon getting out of bed was make sure Alec was still asleep on the couch. Alec was gone. There was a note in his place.

'Sorry Jet. But my mind was made up before I drank. I'm gonna do it. You, Rose and Leon are my three closest friends... I love the three of you dearly, but you three are going to have to deal without me in this world. Once the cat is dead, I will be as well. Tis either death or life in prison my dear friend. I choose death. Tell Rose and Leon I love them. Show them this note. Do whatever you want. Just one request. At my funeral, play Time Of Your Life and Mad World. That one song I've always said I want at my funeral. You've been an amazing friend, Jet. Rose and Leon all the same. Auf Weidershen. -- Alec Foxx'

Jet panicked.

Alec was making his way to Saraiya's house. He walked around the property to the back. He quietly opened the unlocked door and moved down the stairs silently. Obviously Saraiya had no means of actually caring that she had broken the kitsune's heart, for there were moans echoing through out the basement. Alec clenched the black pistol in his right hand tightly, careful not to squeeze the trigger. He walked to the wide open bedroom door, the same doberman pounding roughly into Saraiya. All went silent to Alec. Blank. All except for the color red. He walked slowly to the bed. He squeezed life into his brain but it felt like trying to push knives into his veins. He licked his chops and suddenly snapped, breaking his silence as he finally was side by side with Saraiya, the doberman and the bed. Saraiya was on top of the doberman

"I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to be here! But I just HAD to see how good this fuck-job really fucks you. Ya know why!? Because you've both practically fucked me!" He snarled, quickly pointing the gun to the doberman's head. He cocked the pistol, pulled the trigger, crimson red liquid covering the bed. The doberman released everything, the scent of piss, shit and blood quickly filling the room. Saraiya was screaming, but Alec couldn't hear her. His ears were filled with the sound of what was obviously rage. He pointed the gun to her.

"I just have one fucking question that I need to hear from your head! Was all of this worth it knowing you have just seconds left to live? Now think about your answer but lay on the fucking bed," He let out a merciless snarl. He heard the front door get kicked in. She listened and laid on the bed, pleading. Another gun shot and she laid lifeless on the bed. Alec walked over and stroked her arm as she laid lifeless on her back, looking to the door to see Jet, Rose and Leon moving as fast as they could to get to him. He smirked, waved his final wave. He placed the barrel in his mouth.

All he saw was black.