red pen nazi

Drenched in homocide, breathing in cyanide, laughing at genocide, laughing at genocide!

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Intro - Unrequited Lovers

She "warned" them again, "leave.. or be killed by the homocide inside this barrier. if you wish to not comply, i will kill you myself." the crowd soon scattered and screamed in fright as the news crews stumbled around to drive away.

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Fucking life i wanna say all of them but the negatives are rife i hate my big heart sometimes because now i worry i'll harm someone but i guess it's better to be sincere than to hurt myself and run so, it is with a heavy heart that i announce this mass homocide

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The Shattered Mirror

Nicholas even couldn't be caught as the homocidal golden laugh who slaughtered those deemed worthless by society. radar quickly learned that being a hero, or even a vigilante would never work. he'd have to become a villain. that was the day dr.

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The End (Final)

A/N: Alright. So YES, Alec is my fursona. NO, this obviously has not happened. If it has, then how would this be written? I brought up Rose and Leon, who are both based off of two people I care about, in the last one, I bring up Jet in this one. I was...

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The Chocolate Doughnut Inn

I wouldn't want reno getting in trouble for homocide..._ _z ended up in some cave in the woods, only her two white eyes were visible as she peeped from out of the dark, panting.

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The Chocolate Donut Inn

I wouldn't want reno getting in trouble for homocide..._ _z ended up in some cave in the woods, only her two white eyes were visible as she peeped from out of the dark, panting.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Three.

It could increase the rate of crime in the city sure but the homocides always seemed to go down. i had enough cheating husbands and stealing wives to last me until the end of time if the need ever arose. i was just hoping mr.

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The ATC Chapter 6

Unaware of the attack, the serpent didn't have time to stop the cold water and dirtied cloth as it wrapped around his head like a homocidal turban.

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Fortnight: Lightning Strikes the Family Tree

Damn it: homocide, but in the context that you were so happy in your life with us, that you dreaded potential disasters that would rip it all away. you had it so good, that there had to be a catch.

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The Game

Is he homocidal?" steven gave that thought. steven gave it more thought than liam was comfortable with. as he opened his mouth to ask something else, steven interupted him. "no, he's not homicidal, though he does have homocidal tendencies.

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So.. a bunch of teenagers fight homocidal aliens every day of the week, hide this activity from their families, and go to the school which is almost ontop of the gigantic pool nestled below the ground.?_ "how do you know about the pool?"

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