chapter 9: the best revenge is to live well

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#9 of bob and co.: a dog's life

The best revenge is to live well

bob, jenna, freddie and Aiyana were lying on the sofa thinking about the past week, jenna ached all over after her beatings and her cunt still hurt, but it was getting better, all the four dogs had done since the other dogs left was hug and cry. They turned on the tv and watched some news "in other news three German shepherds have been found dead in the swiss mountains, two appear to have fallen off the cliff face whilst the other was found with an ice axe stuck in his head, he must have fallen off the cliff when this happened. The dogs have been identified as: herrin, blitz and Franz the brothers and mate of the recently deceased kaiser, their father has released this statement" the four dogs looked shocked "i think someone has it out for me and my family first my youngest son now his mate and two of his brothers. if anyone has any information I would be very grateful" then the doorbell went at the door was an incredibly bloody arnold "you must think of me as a monster" he coughed up a load of blood "please forgive me... only when herrin tried to have jaeger killed I warned him... I have no purpose in life... I have kept him alive... I tried to kill him but... I failed" bob looked confused "why did you come here"? arnold fell to the floor "redemption" then he moved no more "he's dead" muttered jenna checking his pulse.

Bob looked angry "so now that bastard is killing his own family now" he then saw a silver mazda RX8 pull up outside, jaeger climbed out then Mozart and Beethoven "what did he tell you"? He asked calmly Aiyana burst out crying "please just leave us alone" Beethoven just replied "we will go when you tell us what Arnold told you" "he told us he was sorry" jenna said cowering behind bob "he always was a pussy,when he warned me I almost changed my mind, then he tried to kill me but I got him first" jaeger replied grinning "now if you know what's good for you, you will get in the range rover... now" this time freddie yelled "no you can go fuck yourselves" jaeger growled "that's not the answer I wanted... get in the fucking car" Aiyana, and freddie walked towards the car "what are you two doing" cried bob tears were in his eyes "we don't want any trouble" freddie said "you know what they will do to you" bob and jenna sighed and walked towards the car "no" called jaeger "she rides with me" and he dragged jenna into his sports car.

"what do you want"? asked jenna "you got your revenge" jaeger looked at her "i... want... you" jenna looked surprised "" "yes I want a mate who will... will love me" jaeger said "the reason im so cold and harsh is no-one has ever loved me. It broke my heart beating you, but the way you look at him... you truly love him, can you just love me for one day... that is all I ask" jenna was confused "why just today? why not kidnap me forever?" Jaeger looked sad "I don't have long to live, I am dying, I just want someone to love me, then I can be at peace" jenna thought for a moment "OK, today I will love you" jaeger looked happy "can we... have sex... not rape... just loving sex... us two?" jenna looked at him "yes" so jaeger pulled over and got out the car and laid on the floor staring at the stars then jenna got out the car and laid next to him hugging him.

She then started to lick his sheath and he licked her cunt looking at were it was swollen from were he kicked her, he regretted it then she got on her hands and knees "tell me if it hurts" he said lovingly as he slowly inserted his penis into her, she smiled and moaned five minutes later he pulled out and layed on the floor "thank you jenna, that is the first time anyone has truly loved me, good bye... my love" and he stared at the stars for the last time before closing his eyes a smile on his face. Jenna started crying she knew this was the same dog that had caused her a week of pain and abuse but she still cried, he was at peace. Then beethoven started to cry "what's wrong"? Asked bob mozart looked at him and told him what was going on "jaeger... he is dying from AIDS and he wants someone to love him so he took jenna with him to ask her to love him on his last day so we brought you on this little car journey so he could have his final wish... he's probably in a better place by now... with the choir invisibles... We can go and pick up your mate and drop you off home now" so they drove to the resting place of jaeger and saw jenna crying bob ran up to her "shh it's ok love... it's ok" beethoven and mozart picked up Jaeger's body and took him to the suv and placed a cover over him "you can take his car... consider it a... thank you gift. And at that they drove off. And the four dogs thought that would be the last time they would hear from Jaeger's family.

lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca and Alaster (the elf) belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 10 "so... who are we butchering today?" the elven doctored sighed as he walked...

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lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8 (Caesar weirman & Arca vasnoth)

this is a story both i and Arca vasnoth have wrote. sampson belongs to me and arca belongs to alaster enjoy! Lost in the evergreen forest chapter 8 Arca slowly opened his eyes and looked at the german shepherd on top of him "Sampson!" he cried as...

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chapter 10: A normal day

A normal day bob and jenna were lying in bed "bob hun, I think we should move I mean so much bad things have happened I this house, every time I walk through the front door I see you and freddie tied to the wall and Aiyana being raped by those German...