The Royal Treatment

Story by Aviose on SoFurry

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((This is another story I wrote five years ago, again all about the pokemons. ^.^ Enjoy))

The forest was quiet that night as Leon, the white flareon king quietly padded out of his home, the dry leaves crunching at his feet. The summer had passed, and the final preperations for the coming winter were almost complete, and tonight he was free to roam his forest kingdom. The night sky was clear, the stars twinkling down their light, pale in comparison to the moon that hung brilliantly above. Taking a deep breath, he let a smile cross his lips, this winter was going to be like all the others, warm and protected.

Trotting across the path he had made, stopping next to a berry bush for a light snack, a strange noise reached his ears, making them twitch slightly. Alerted, he quickly bound off in it's direction, a smaller path used mainly by the roaming guards that took Leon near the edges of the forest. "If this is a human starting trouble.." he thought, leaving the ending blank as he turned a corner. To his dismay, a young male human was seen, with a cocky sneer upon his face, and a hip lined with the red and white spheres he had come to hate. A yelp forced his gaze from the intruder to the pokemon past him, an Eevee was desperately trying to defend himself against a rather feirce looking Vileplume, who's vine whip had sliced open the smaller pokemon's shoulder. With a roar that echoed across the area, and that caused the boy to leap aside and fall flat upon his arse, he let fly a massive flamethrower attack upon the plant pokemon. Having not seen Leon until that moment, the attack landed squarely upon it's back and dropped the foe instantly. Seeing the plant taken care of, Leon's angry gaze fell upon the human, who quickly recalled his pokemon and ran out of the forest crying. Tempted to give chase, and a roasted behind, he abandoned such thoughts as the Eevee walked up beside him.

"Are you ok?" Leon asked, sitting down next to the wounded pokemon, his gaze falling to the younger one's baby blue eyes.

"Y-yes, thank you for saving me." He replied, slightly shaken by the incident. "My name is Rally, I don't know where I am or how to get back home. Can you help me?" He said, gazing up at the larger evolved pokemon with awe. Rally didn't know who Leon was, but he could tell that Leon was an important and powerful pokemon, which made him even more nervous.

"Of course, but you won't be doing any travelling tonight, you have to let that shoulder heal." He replied, getting to all four paws. "Follow me, I know a place you can rest for the night." He said, motioning Rally deeper into the forest. Rally was quick to smile, blushing slightly, he followed the noble pokemon onward until the forest engulfed them both. "This is my kingdom, a place for all pokemon who tire of slavery to humans to find refuge. Though it is called "The Flaming Forest" I assure you that we welcome all pokemon, be it water, fire, earth, bug, or plant." He said as they travelled, pointing out landmarks along the way of this impromptue tour of the kingdom.

An hour later, Leon and Rally were still talking, though this time they were in a serene clearing within the forest, letting the moon's light bathe their fur. Leon had called a Chansey to administer some healing to Rally's shoulder, but it wouldn't be fit for travel until well past sunrise. Leon was enjoying the conversation with this newcomer, he told stories of his life of ease in the wild, roaming the countryside and living off the land as nature intended, having become much more relaxed since the Chansey helped his shoulder. He was equally enjoying the stories that Leon told of the kingdom, it's noble history and the many skirmishes the pokemon here have had with humans.

"And that was the closest a human ever got to finding the temple." Leon finished, puffing his chest out slightly with pride. Leon smiled to the younger one, his amber colored eyes locking on the baby blue orbs of Rally's, and before either of them knew it their lips had locked in a passionate kiss, one that Leon didn't want to break. Rally was quite shocked to find himself kissing Leon, not that it was unpleasant, for it was quite good, he had never kissed another pokemon before, and this wasn't what he had originally expected. It seemed like an eternity of bliss passed before their embrace broke, a thin band of saliva hanging from both of their lips.

For a moment, neither of them moved or spoke, their eyes locked upon one another, trying to decide if what just happened was real. It was Leon who made the first move, purring slightly he leaned down and began to nip gently at the other's fur, his kisses travelling from Rally's neck down his uninjured shoulder, causing the Eevee to murr in pleasure. Lying down upon his back, Rally submitted to this pleasure willingly, his sheath swelling in the moonlight, his tip peeking out from it's furry covering. The scent of his arousal spurred Leon on further, his tongue sliding across Rally's nipples playfully. Taking his paw, Leon then began to gently stroke the furry member, eliciting a moan from Rally as his member slid out fully, a drop of pre glistening at it's tip. Without hesitation Leon's lips wrapped around the red organ and began to gently suck the salty flesh, his own member also sliding from it's sheath.

Rally was in another world of pleasure as his loins were engulfed by Leon's maw, his hips bucking forward slightly. Never had he imagined that anything could feel so good, or that he would meet such a kind and caring person. Not wanting to deny Leon such pleasure, he raised his head up and ran his tongue over Leon's salty rod, bringing a murr of pleasure from the king. Lifting his paws up to Leon's hips, he pulled him closer and took the throbbing meat eagerly into his mouth.

Leon was surprised a bit when he felt Rally's tongue upon his lower region, but he did not complain, Rally's hot breath upon his flesh and the scent of his arousal quickly bringing him over the edge, his seed erupting into Rally's mouth, overflowing and dribbling down his cheek fur. Rally's climax quickly followed, Leon drinking up as much of the salty sweet juices as possible, before backing up and running his tongue across Rally's face to clean up what the younger one couldn't swallow.

"You are very cute." Leon said after the two had caught their breath, his paw tracing random patterns in Rally's bellyfur. Rally giggled slightly, gazing up at the flareon lovingly. "And you are very handsome." He replied, raising his paw to stroke Leon's fur, and by sheer luck his paws reached up to brush against his hips, another murr rising from Leon's throat. "I have never done anything like that before, not with someone whom I just met." Leon said, bucking his hips very slightly at Rally's touch. "But that felt so right, you feel so right...." He said, trailing off at that point, not sure how to end that statement.

"I know what you mean, but I felt it too." Rally responded, masaging Leon's hip even more now. "And I liked it, a lot. I don't want it to end." He said, the words flying from his mouth before he knew what he was saying. Was he in love? He hadn't given much thought to love, figuring it was something he was never meant for. Gazing up into the other's eyes answered the question for the both of them. Rolling over and getting to his feet, Rally sauntered over to the sitting king and lowered his head to Leon's sheath and began coaxing his member free with his tongue. Murring in response, Leon's erection quickly appeared again, and was promptly bathed by the other pokemon, a small bit of pre forming upon the tip once more.

Leon couldn't believe that this was happening, his hindquarters quivered with the attention Rally was giving him again, his bottom lip slipping between his teeth as he tried to pace himself. However, Rally's lips slid from his loins moments later, leaving it dripping with both saliva and pre. Looking down, he saw Rally turn and lift his tail invitingly. Leon didn't need any more prompting after that.

Being careful not to risk injuring his tender shoulder, Leon positioned himself atop the smaller pokemon, his tip pressing hotly against Rally's tight virgin passage. With a gentle thrust, the flesh expanded and allowed Leon entrance, causing both of them to groan slightly. Stopping to make sure Rally was ok, he was answered by a kiss upon his lower chin, and Rally leaning back, impaling himself further upon Leon's rod. Thrusting again, Leon set up a slow, blissfull pace of thrusts against Rally's movements, both of them soon purring in unison as sweat began to form upon both their brows. Rally was the first to reach his climax, his whole body tightening up as his seed splattered against the warm soil below, quickly followed by a moan as Leon's warm fluid rushed into Rally's tailhole, filling him in a way that Rally had never thought possible. It took the two a few moments to recover enough from their orgasm's to lie down, Leon's softening erection sliding from Rally with a satisfying pop. Now competely exausted, the two of them curled up in the clearing, content in the other's company that night, and for many more nights to come.