A Standard Adventure

Story by DragonsBridle on SoFurry

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A couple warriors think that kobolds are easy pickings.

So they take a quest to hunt some down.

How do you think that's going to work out for them?

James sauntered along with a spring in his step and a smile on his face. He had some new companions, new armor and a quest to go on. A quest to kill kobolds no less. Always easy and the reward was more than enough to fuel his drinking and whoring ways. Which was, in fact, the only thing he liked better than questing and killing.

"Will you stop grinning! You're driving me mad." It was his new elf companion Sivil. "Besides this quest could be more dangerous than it appears!"

Sivil seemed a stereotypical wizard to James. Green and brown robes, a spell book at his side and a ridiculous hat. The elf stood a bit taller than him but was a beanpole otherwise.

James let out a laugh, "No way. It's Kobolds. I bet we've all killed their kind before."

Ben, a well armed and armored man like James, spoke up. "I sure have. The tiny lizards really aren't much of a threat if we stick together. On top of it they love to hoard valuable things. Kobold hunting is just good business."

James joined Ben in another laugh and slapped him on the back. "And were being paid to do this. Good coin for each ear we bring back! I'll be eyeball deep in drinks for weeks after I'm paid."

"Look you two." Sivil began. "That's exactly my point. The amount of money for the job is a bit high. They must have been desperate for someone so let's just be a bit cautious alright?"

"Sure, sure." James answered. "We'll be careful."

With the wizards silly concerns brushed aside James looked at the path ahead of them. A twisted and partly overgrown dirt trail that led to some old abandoned copper mine in the hills. Apparently kobolds had taken it over and were being a problem for the nearby town. How typical. It wouldn't take long to get there on foot. Half a day at most. They had gotten off to an early start so they should get there with plenty of time to get the job done before sunset. He spent the travel time talking to Ben about what they would do when they got there. They had no one to scout the tunnels but that shouldn't be a problem. A smaller party just meant a better split of the loot.

Hours passed and the path entered the wood surrounding the hills. They grew quiet and watchful for this portion of the journey but nothing happened along the way. Finally the old mining camp was in sight. Set in a large clearing with half collapsed buildings. Mostly overgrown.

"No sign of the buggers." James stated.

Sivil frowned. "No guards at all. I could understand meeting no resistance in the woods but here? There should at least be a few."

Ben chimed in. "Maybe it's a new den? Wouldn't be a lot of em if that was true. Could explain the lack of guards and such. As well as why they were only recently found out."

Sivil scratched at his chin, "According to the guild master a scout spotted some entering the mines. Assumed it was their home. Perhaps the kobolds were scouts themselves from a different den looking for a place to expand to. In which case there may not be any here."

James gave the wizard a horrified look. "Don't say that! You're jinxing it!" He sighed. "But that would just be my luck. Come all this way and nothing's here. No fighting. No loot. No pay!"

Ben gave James a playful push. "Well let's go find out. No use sitting here crying over problems we don't know we have yet."

The group left cover and approached mines. What buildings remained were checked along the way. As expected they were long picked over. Disused cart tracks led into the darkness of the mine's entrance. Sivil summoned a light to float along with them as they stepped inside. Still with no obvious sign of kobolds they began to follow the single path ahead. It didn't take long to run into the first problem.

"It splits." James stated.

"Obviously." Sivil replied.

He moved the light to the front of the party to help examine their choices. To the left the tunnel curved and narrowed. While to the right the tunnel began to incline downwards.

Ben pointed to the right. "If there are kobolds here down is where they would be."

James frowned. "But if we don't clear the other tunnel and it's infested with Kobolds we could find our exit cut off."

"So. We'll just kill our way out." Ben lifted his warhammer.

"Oh yeah! How dumb of me. Lets go right." James shared a grin with Ben.

Sivil rubbed his temples and took a steadying breath. Saying nothing as he followed.

Down they went into the tunnel. The further they went the more disappointed James became. There was no sign of anyone. No kobolds, no giant spiders, no skeletons, no anything. The tunnel eventually opened into a small underground cavern. The place showed signs of heavy mining as well as more tunnels heading off in all directions.

"Gods!" James exclaimed.

Ben lifted a finger as he had a brilliant idea. "What if we-"

Sivil cut him off. "No. We are not splitting up the party."

James turned on the wizard, "Well what should we do then?"

Sivil pointed to the nearest tunnel, "Let just go down each tunnel one at a time. If we get tired we head back up top and camp, then try again tomorrow."

James bristled at the idea, "You mean we take our time?"

"Yes!" Sivil replied. "We keep going till we find something or the whole place is searched."

James's expression soured as he stared at the mage. He looked over at Ben to see his opinion but the fellow warrior just shrugged.

"Ok. Fine. Jeez." James finally replied. "If we have to be thorough, or whatever, we will."

With a plan in place they set off down the tunnel Sivil had indicated. It dipped down at a steeper angle than the first but it was nothing difficult. No signs of activity here either. Kobold or otherwise. James was already tired of this. He had come to fight not crawl through empty tunnels. He was halfway through a yawn when he spotted it. A small figure peered at them from around a corner of the tunnel.

"There!" James pointed.

Ben readied his weapon. "I saw it! Kobold!"

The figure ducked around the corner and both warriors charged. Like dogs after a squirrel. Sivil struggled to keep his hat on as they tore through the tunnels. Around a corner, then another. They were gaining on the figure as it took a left turn at an intersection.

"Gonna get ya little lizard!" James bellowed.

At that next turn the tunnel wided into a small cavern. This one was filled with soft light from columns of crystal that rose from the ground. The escaping figure dashed between the columns easily while James skidded to a halt right before one. Ben slammed into his back and sent James flying up against the crystal column. With a soft pop and a flash of light his perspective changed. He found himself somehow inside the crystal itself.

"What the hells?" James exclaimed. He gave the inside of the crystal a punch with his fist but it did not give.

Ben stared at him in shock. "How did you get in there?"

James replied angrily. "You pushed me!"

Ben straightened. "I did not!"

James smacked the inside of the crystal again. "You did too! Look, it doesn't matter. Just get me out of this stupid thing!"

Ben, without warning, hooked his weapon behind him and swung with all his might. The weapon hit the crystal prison with a loud clang and bounced off. The weapon sailed from Bens grip.

James snapped his hands over his ears. "My ears!"

Ben cradles his hands with a groan. "My hands!"

Sivil simply hissed. "Gods, you're both idiots."

The mage pointed at Ben and, with a word, cast a spell. The large man was lifted from his feet and hurled to the far side of the room where he slammed into another crystal. There was a flash of light before Ben found himself trapped in his own crystal prison. The big man pounded on the walls to no effect.

James pressed against the inside of the crystal and glared at Sivil. "Hey! What the hells?"

The mage walked closer to James while a grin formed. "It's called being betrayed. Surprised?"

James' eyes widened. "You bastard! Why?"

The wizard wove his hands before him in a complex pattern. His elven form flickered like a reflection in water then vanished. In its place stood a crimson kobold. The short figure robed in black and gold. Horns carved and decorated with golden rings. Piercing gold eyes fixed on James.

James gasped, "A kobold!"

The kobold Sivil let out a bark of a laugh. "Yes! So observant of you."

From behind cover two other kobolds appeared. Both were red like Sivil but lacked the decoration on the horns. They wore a combination of simple clothing and armor. Each carried a sword belted at the hip. The two grinned at the human captives.

"They are as stupid as you said, Sivil." One stated.

The other added. "Real big brains. We didn't even have to do anything."

James fumed. "Just wait till I get out of here! I'll stack you little lizards like firewood after I hack you a-"

The sure to be legendary rant was cut short as a flare of power washed through the crystal. That power moved through James in a wave of pure delight he could never have imagined was possible. It was a pleasure that left him slumped against the side of his prison. Hands shook as he lifted the helmet from his head. Then let it fall to the ground. So distracted he didn't notice the clumps of hair that came off with it.

"Poor human." Sivil teased. "Caught in my trap."

"Was happening?" James slurred.

His body massaged inside and out by the force that passed through him. A deep attention was given to his cock. Which swelled under the gliding fingers of power that stroked him. It pressed with quickly increasing discomfort against protective armor. His head left to spin as lust poured into his veins. The need to fuck rose so fast. It was nearly impossible to think of anything else.

"I dont-" James said through clenched teeth. "Stupid kobold! Stop this corrupting magic!"

"Make me!" Sivil replied.

With a sudden rush James's body was compressed. Several unneeded inches in height were shed in a moment. Along with his compression came a sudden, acute release. A heavy spray of seed shot from his engorged cock. As if squeezed out of him by balls that had shrunk along with the rest of him. Cum coated the inside of his pants in a sticky mess.

His whole body quaked as he dropped to his knees. "Fuck. YES!"

Sivil stood tall. Snout twisted into an endless grin as he watched his victim. "Feels good doesn't it. Just relax and enjoy!"

James's clothing and armor now sagged over a thinner body. It felt heavy against him. Restrictive. Annoyed at the discomfort he tugged at straps. Sections of armor dropped off one after another. Clothing ripped from his body. It all piled up around him until he was completely naked. His erection stood tall. Slickened by the previous release. Unable to resist his own lusts he gripped his dick with one hand and began to jerk himself off. So lost to the pleasure he failed to notice the patches of scales that began to spread over his hand.

"Oh. Gods!" James groaned.

Another moment of compression hit him. More unwanted inches in height fell away. Along with it another climax washed through him. He cried out in bliss as the spray of cum coated his fingers and the wall of his prison. Under his fingers his dick began to change. Flared tip started to taper and the length grew more slender.

Jaws tingled as they stretched outwards. His skin pulled with them. Patches of scales sprouted and began to spread. Eating away at his human features. Eyes started to darken as they too began to change. James stretched his new jaws. Amazed at how good they felt. He never realized how cramped his human mouth had been before. A shiver passed through him as teeth were pushed from his jaws. A clatter of dozens of human teeth bouncing off the armor that lay around him. A whimper followed as he felt lovely, new, sharp teeth pressing from his gums. Tongue stretched, grew more agile. He felt over his new teeth with it. They felt just right.

Of the two kobolds who had joined Sivil one watched while chomping on a snack. The other rubbed at the bulge that had formed under his loincloth.

The first spoke. "Wow! This is working great."

The other agreed. "Yeah. Pretty fast too."

Sivil responded with pride in his voice. "Of course it's working great! I designed this trap after all."

James was compressed once again. His height dropped along with a significant chunk of weight. Cock jumped in his hand as a third climax hit him. Seemingly every drop of seed left in him sprayed from his tapered meat. James groaned at the wondrous feeling. He continued to stroke himself even as his body twitched under the increasingly powerful changes. A burst of pleasure as a tail sprouted from his spine to wriggle while it quickly lengthened. Horns slid from the back of his head and nicely balanced out the increased length of his snout.

"So good!" His words garbled. "More! Don't stop!"

Once more he was compressed. A last shedding of all those unneeded inches. Of unwanted mass. Scales spread further until the last signs of human skin were swallowed. Cock pulsed in his hand as he felt a spike of pleasure but did not cum. Something prevented it. For a few incredible moments he was left at the peek of a climax which would not fire. His dick began to shrink. It narrowed under the grip of his fingers. Then began to draw inwards. James whimpered while his hand followed his dick towards his body. Which grew smaller and smaller until a single finger pressed against what remained. A pearl of flesh nestled in his damp slit. James gasped as within his body he felt a swift readjustment of organs. A heartbeat later his awareness of himself as a male shifted sharply to the other end of the spectrum.

"Oh YES!" James squealed.

"What the hells?" Sivil exclaimed. "I didn't design the spell to do that!"

The kobold with the tent in his loincloth muttered. "I don't think anyone will complain."

The crystal prison that held James began to crack. With the sound of shattering glass it fell to pieces and James slumped forward. The lust from the transformation had not abated. It had twisted into a desperate heat between her thighs. A driving need for something to fill her. Her own fingers pushed into her body to try and alleviate the need. All that did was make it worse.

"Someone! Fuck me!" She begged.

The kobold who had been enjoying his snack during the show was there in an instant. He gathered James into his arms. Pulled her close and growled into her ear. James melted against him. Relishing the feeling of his body pressed so close to her own.

"I'd be happy to." Said the kobold.

"Oh gods, thank you!" James replied. She hadn't noticed how handsome the kobold was until now. How well built he was. How could she have missed that?

"We don't have time for this!" Sivil protested.

"Sure we do!" The kobold responded. He quickly bent the freshly made female over a boulder before shedding his clothing and gear. His hands moved slowly down her back, her sides, exploring every curve. James arched towards his touch. Eager for any attention.

The male grinned, "You're going to be fun!"

"Mmmhmm!" Was all James could manage in reply.

The male slid his hands down to the base of her tail. Gave it a firm squeeze which sent tingles through James's body. Her tail, with a mind of its own, curled out of the males way. Leaving her completely exposed to him. Hips nervously shifted back and forth as she adjusted herself against the boulder. James turned her head to watch as the male moved in close. She felt the length of his cock slide between her legs. A slow sawing motion against her sex. He bent over her to lick at her back while his hips rolled. His length continued to glide across her slit. Its heat teasing.

"Oh gods! Please.." She begged.

"Don't worry." He replied. "I'll fertilize you."

The very threat brought out a deeper need in James. That was exactly what she wanted. What she needed. An eager nod. Her heart pound in her chest. The male rolled his hips back till the tip aligned with her sex then plunged in with a single firm thrust. James let out a cry as her sex was spread for the first time. Hands scrambled for a hold on the boulder. She braced herself as the male began to pump. Slow but hard motions of his hips drove his cock deep inside her. The sound of their bodies meeting seemed so loud to her. He kept the tempo slow even as her body quickly responded. She felt every inch of him with an intensity that surprised her. James knew her lover in a way he never could have as a male. His hands slid down James's sides till they found purchase on her hips. He tugged her back in time with his thrusts. Inner walls began to twitch around him.

"Yes! More!" She cried out.

His tempo increased in answer. James found herself rocked against the boulder. Until, with another cry of pleasure she reached her peak. Slick inner walls tightened around the cock that impaled her. A delighted hiss from the male as hot seed was pumped into her. Grinding his hips up against hers as, for a moment, her body focused entirely on the act of draining him dry.

Then silence. James lay atop the boulder. A warm feeling swelled within her. A type of satisfaction that left her unable to stop smiling. She wished this moment could last forever.

"Are you two done then? Good." Sivil blurted.

A soft laugh from James's lover. Whose member began to soften as he eased out of her sex. He placed a hand on her shoulder and leaned in to touch his nose to hers.

"C'mon. I'd love to just chat with you a bit but it's going to have to be later, alright?" He smiled warmly, "Hope I made you happy. If not we can try as many times as you like."

James gazed into his eyes. Her heart jumped. Only managing to mumble, "Did, umm, great. So, so very great."

She felt her face and ears grow hot as he gave her nose a tiny lick. He helped James to her feet. Where she stood in shock. Finally able to look down at herself. At the mess between her thighs. At the slender red scaled body that she was now graced with. One that would grow new life very soon. She turned back and forth a moment. Watching her own body move. Her smile grew into a happy grin. She felt incredible. She felt whole.

"Names Irbo." He said.

"What?" James lurched back to the moment.

"Irbo. It's my name." He looked her over. "We'll have to clean you up and get you a good new name too. I'm really glad I came along for this!"

Irbo took James's hand and led her back to the group. Where Sivil and the other male kobold guard had stood watching.

That other guard spoke up. "Is that going to happen every time? Because, yanno." He gestured over to Ben, who stood in shocked silence in his crystal prison. "I'd like a turn."

Sivil frowned. "It's not supposed to happen at all but I guess we're going to find out."

Everyone turned their attention on Ben. Who spoke up quickly. "Now, wait. Just wait. I don't want to end up like that! I mean. I want to stay as is. Maybe we can work something out? I can bring you lots of-"

Sivil gestured towards Ben. His crystal prison began to glow. Ben's words cut off as magic flowed through him. Irbo found a big rock to sit on. He pulled James in beside him. An arm around her to keep her close. With a free hand he lifted a bag of trail mix.

"Snack?" he offered.

"Sure!" She replied. Unable to get the smile off her face. It would be nice to have something to nibble on while they watched the show.

Much Later-

In the dark caverns of a mountain long forgotten a single clan of kobolds worked. Long tunnels snaked through the deepest, darkest places. Precious metals had been found and exploited. Deposits of gems were carefully mined. In one particular tunnel several kobolds were mining a rare crystal.

Jami, a red scaled female, was one of the workers that extracted the crystal. It took great patience and even greater precision. Delicate tools were used to remove pieces of crystal rich rock. Which she stored in one of many satchels wrapped around her chest. It was light work but considering her swollen abdomen it was the only work she could do.

A ripple of contraction washed through her. It was time. She slipped her tools into her belts and placed her hands against the wall. A grunt as another contraction moved through her. Felt to start at her stomach and stop at her thighs. Lines of lubrication dripped from a swollen slit. She spread her legs without thinking. Her tail curled upwards. Eyes closed as another contraction hit her. Then another. She felt herself being spread as the egg was moved downwards. Tiny spots of pain ignored as nature took its course. Each contraction pressed the egg a bit farther until it slid from slick walls to fall lightly onto the waiting patch of bedding she had below her.

Jami took a deep breath then let it out slowly. She knew she wasn't done yet. The next egg was right behind the first. Sex spread once again as it was pushed downwards. Her body quivered with each contraction until, finally, the second egg joined the first. It was done.

"Two? Wonderful! Kurtulmak has blessed you." It was Sivil. The mage walked down the path towards her.

"Thank you Sivil." Jami replied. "It's good to see you again."

"Likewise. I had actually come to deliver some news to you, but first-" Sivil crouched beside her and examined the eggs. "These look perfectly healthy. I will take them to the hatchery. You get yourself cleaned up then get back to work. Remain on light duty for now. Oh and the good news. It's been cleared for you and Irbo to have your own private quarters. You will have to dig it out yourself, of course."

"Yes, yes! Thank you!" Jami beamed. "That is very good news. Irbo will be thrilled! I can't wait to get to work on it."

Sivil shook his head. "Don't thank me. You and Irbo both earned it. Also I'm going out to get a few more captives soon. Want to join the hunting team?"

Jami purred. "Oh! You mean where you turn stupid humans into kobolds? I'm in."

Sivil was all smiles. "I figured! I'll let you know the details. See you soon Jami!"

Her eggs gathered in a satchel Sivil hurried to deliver them to the hatchery. Jami headed to the upper levels to get cleaned up and checked by the cleric. Eager to get back to work. More importantly she couldn't wait to catch a few humans to add to the clan. That always made a good show.