
Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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S.M. Wolf

Clover and Talia as well as this story are copyrighted by S.M. Wolf 2010. Vixen's Secret is taken from Tiffany Ross' works. Ambiance, The Store For Lovers, is copyrighted by the company and used without prior permission. This story may not be reproduced in part or in full without the prior, expressed written permission of the author. Any resemblance to anyone, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Clover lay naked on her bed. The young rabbit doe's legs were tied together at the ankles, and a pair of pawcuffs secured her paws behind her back. A large vibrator filled her pussy, and a larger butt plug was crammed into her rectum. A large, soft gag overflowed from her mouth. The scent of her arousal permeated her small bedroom.

It was the first time in weeks that Clover could enjoy her secret sex play. Her roommate, Talia, an orange tabby cat, was at work, and Clover did not have classes at community college that afternoon. It was the perfect time to strip down, insert the two large dildos, and tie herself up.

Clover moaned into her gag. She clenched her buttocks. The hard tools in her cunt and bottom felt so good!

The rabbit looked at the clock. It was already 5:00. She would have to hurry to get cleaned up and things hidden away before Talia returned in twenty minutes. She reached behind her for the key to unlock her pawcuffs.

Clover's questing paw found nothing but bedspread.

Clover blinked. She had carefully placed the key on the bed within easy reach. It must have moved while she was squirming in sexual ecstasy. She patted her paw around feeling for it, but she found nothing. She wriggled her body around and looked for the key. It was gone!

Clover nearly panicked. Where could the key have gone?

Clover scooted over to the edge of the bed. Looking down, she spotted the key on the floor. She gave a sigh of relief.

"Clover! I'm home!" a female voice said from the general direction of the door to the apartment.

Clover nearly jumped out of her pelt. Talia was home early. She had to get out of her predicament fast. She rolled over and fell to the floor with a heavy thud.

"Clover? Are you okay?" Talia asked. Clover could hear her roommate coming closer quickly. The gag in her mouth prevented her from replying. Desperately Clover lunged for the key, but it slipped from her paw.

There was a knock on Clover's door.

"Clover, are you in there?" Talia asked in a very worried voice.

Clover tried to grab the key again, but she missed. In frustration she cried into her gag.

"Clover?" Talia asked as she opened the door to Clover's bedroom and stepped inside.

Talia took one look at the room and screamed. "My God, Clover! Are you alright?"

The orange tabby rushed over to her best friend and pulled her up to a sitting position. She fumbled with Clover's gag as she asked the doe, "What happened? Are you okay? "

Clover was sick to the pit of her stomach. Talia had found her out! It was sure to ruin their friendship.

Clover's gag came free, and Talia asked again, "Are you okay, Huni Buni?"

"I'm... I'm okay," Clover replied weakly. She felt like digging a hole and jumping in, never to be seen again.

"Okay, just hold still. I'll call the police and get some policefurs up here."

Talia took out her phone and turned it on.

"We'll get whoever did this to you!" Talia said in an angry voice.

As Talia started dialing 911 Clover came out of her funk. She screamed, "Talia, stop!"


"Stop! No one did this to me."

Talia paused with her index finger hovering over the 1 key.

"What?" Talia asked in a confused voice.

Clover started to cry uncontrollably.

"No one did this to me. I did it to me. It's something I do when I want to have special fun."

Talia looked at Clover blankly. Her empty stare set Clover off crying again.

"You must think I'm some sort of pervert," the doe managed to get out around her half stifled sobs.

Talia came to her senses. She turned off her phone and wrapped her arms around her crying roommate.

"No, I don't!" Talia reassured the doe as she held her tightly and rocked her back and forth to calm her.

It took some time, but Clover's crying eventually stopped. She looked at the tabby cat with bloodshot eyes. She was still sniffling.

Talia looked at Clover and asked in an even voice, "Do you need help getting out of that stuff?"

"The key got knocked down onto the floor. I can't find it."

Talia quickly found the key and undid Clover's pawcuffs. She handed the key to Clover and said, "I'll get dinner started. Come out whenever you are ready."

Talia stood and walked out of Clover's bedroom.

Clover sobbed under her breath the entire time she was removing her gear and showering. She knew that her friendship with Talia was over, and she was going to need both a new best friend and apartment tomorrow.

When she was done showering and dressing Clover walked woodenly to the kitchen. Talia was putting the finishing touches on a large salad for Clover and a meat pasta dish for herself.

"Evening, Huni Buni!" Talia greeted Clover cheerfully.

Clover blinked. Talia was still calling her by her pet name from Middle School.

"Grab a drink and a seat. I'm just finishing up."

Clover took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and sat down. Talia dropped the large salad on the table in front of her.

"I figured you might need a lot of energy tonight," Talia said slyly with a grin and a wink.

Clover put her elbows on the table, placed her face in her paws and started to weep again.

The doe felt soft feline paws running over her shoulders and back.

"What's wrong, Huni Buni?"

"You- You saw what I was doing."

"Yeah? So?"

"You've got to think I'm some sort of sex freak. You have to hate me and want me out of here!"

"No. I most definitely do not think or want any of that!"

Clover raised her face and looked at Talia. She was smiling at the scared and confused rabbit.

"You're not going to throw me out?" Clover asked in a dazed voice.

"Over that little thing? Hardly! I have my own little sexual secrets, some of which would embarrass me to have you know. This was nothing!

"It actually looked like fun!" the tabby added with a bit of a laugh.

Clover knew that Talia was a lot more experienced and adventuresome then her. The tabby cat was a year older than Clover, but had entered puberty almost three years sooner. She had a reputation even before leaving Middle School. She was discrete, but Clover had been awakened more than once by her best friend returning from a late night encounter. It seemed that she did not care about what Clover had been doing that afternoon.

Talia turned serious.

"But you could have been hurt. If it had been after I left for a business trip or a weekend away, it might have been days before I or someone else found you. I don't like the idea of you being home alone with no safety net.

"Next time you do it, promise me you will tell me so I can make sure you are okay."

Clover looked at the almost glaring visage of her roommate.

"You want to know?!"

"For your own safety, yes.

"I don't care what you do, when you do it, or how often you do it. Do it while I am out here watching TV for all I care! I just don't want you to get hurt."

Clover wrapped her arms around Talia and rested her head on the cat's generous C cup breasts. She started crying again, but this time in relief. Her best friend did not hate her, and she was not going to be thrown out on the street. Even more, the tabby cat honestly cared about her enough to want to make sure Clover was not hurt if something happened.

"Just promise me you will tell me," Talia reiterated.

Clover did not respond immediately.

"Promise me," Talia repeated in a stern voice.

"I promise! I promise!" Clover replied between sobs.

"Good! Now that that is taken care of, eat your salad, and let's see what's on TV tonight."

The rest of the evening passed quietly. Neither femfur talked about what had happened. Clover was too embarrassed, and Talia seemed to want to give the doe her privacy.

In the following days neither femfur talked about the incident. Clover felt her cycle starting, and her arousal rose with her estrus. Finally one day when she had no classes and Talia was going to be at work all day, Clover decided to indulge in her favorite sexual fantasy to relieve her built-up tension. She had to honor her promise to Talia first, though.

"Talia...," Clover said hesitantly to her roommate as the tabby was grabbing breakfast on the way out the door to work.

"Yes, Clover?"

"Um... Remember that thing you had me promise I had to tell you about?"

Clover was certain her face was beet red from her embarrassment.

Talia stopped completely in her rush out the door and turned to look at Clover.


Clover looked down at her feet.

"I think- I think I am going to do it again this afternoon."

Talia took two steps towards Clover. She planted a gentle kiss on the doe's forehead.

"Have a good time and be sure to enjoy yourself. I'll check in on you when I get home."

Clover caught a brief glimpse of Talia's knowing grin as she sprinted off to the bus stop and work.

Clover spent the morning trying to study, but her need was too great to allow her to concentrate. Instead she started to clean the small two bedroom apartment. She had vacuumed, dusted and wiped down everything before noon. The work did not bank the fire in her crotch.

After lunch Clover made her way to her room. She took off her clothes, folded them neatly and set them aside. She walked into her bathroom and took care of her needs before stepping into the shower. She applied a generous amount of pelt shampoo to her paws and began to wash.

As they always did, her paws found their way to her waiting pussy. She ran her paws over her cunny several times before starting to finger herself. She gasped at the electric shock her touch sent racing up her spine. She reluctantly stopped. She had other plans for this afternoon.

When she was done showering Clover stepped from the shower and dried her pelt thoroughly. The hair drier took care of her long headfur quickly. Completely dry, she was ready for her fun.

Clover went back into her bedroom and opened her closet. She took down a locked security box from its hiding place on the top shelf. She went to the bed and sat down. She unlocked it and took out its contents.

Clover closed her eyes. She imagined a noise in the apartment. Somefur was breaking in. She fantasized that she went to investigate as she lay back on the bed and spread her legs. She found two large males standing in the living room. She screamed and ran for her bedroom to lock herself in and call the police. As Clover ran the tip of the large vibrator up and down her slit, she dreamed of reaching the safety of her bedroom only to have the first male crash into the door as she was trying to close it. In her dreams Clover fell down onto the floor and lay in a dazed heap as the pair entered her bedroom.

In reality Clover turned on the vibrator. The low buzz of the powerful motor driven by two D cells filled the doe's ears.

The males grabbed Clover and threw her onto the bed. They talked coarsely about what to do with her for a few moments. As it always happened in her fantasy, one grabbed her and started to rip off her clothes. She struggled, but the other male held her down as the first stripped her. She was helpless in their strong grasps.

In her dream, Clover tried to scream. Her left paw found the gag and brought it up to her waiting lips. She imagined one of the males forcing her shredded panties into her mouth to silence her. With practiced ease Clover secured her gag in place to ensure that her cries would not be heard by others.

One of the males held her tightly as the other stripped. The naked male jumped onto the bed and forced her legs open wide. As she lay on her bed dreaming Clover opened her legs wide as well. The male in her dreams was poised above her with his large cock pointing at her tight snatch.

Clover grabbed the base of the vibrator firmly in both paws. As she imagined the male thrusting deep into her unwilling body, Clover jammed the large vibrator deep into her own cunt. She worked it in and out in rhythm with her imaginary rapist. She screamed into her gag as her first orgasm struck.

Clover was far from done. In her fantasy she imagined the second male turning her over onto her belly. Clover did the same in real life as she lay on the bed. He knelt between her legs. Clover took out her butt plug and a tube of lubricant. She carefully greased the large phallic tool.

As she imagined her attacker forcing his way into her back door, Clover pushed the hard butt plug into her ass hole. She screamed into her gag in a mixture of pain and ecstasy as she felt her anus stretched wide by the intruder. The pain did not stop her from pushing until all eight inches of the butt plug was securely buried in her behind. As she imagined the second rapist shooting his load deep in her bottom, Clover came a second time.

The imaginary attackers tied up Clover. She applied the short length of rope to her ankles. She laid a second piece of rope beside her in easy reach. As she thought of her attackers starting to take their pleasure with her she slid the vibrator into her pussy and turned it up all the way. Clover's body arched in pleasure. That did not stop her from grabbing the second piece of rope and binding her legs just above her knees. She could no longer open her legs, and the vibrator was trapped deep within her pussy.

Clover took out the pawcuffs and key. This time she had the key tied to the cuffs by a short length of twine. The doe put her paws behind her back and secured her wrists.

As she lay there, Clover imagined the two large males taking her repeatedly. The twin phalluses in her lower abdomen sent her off on repeated orgasms over the next two hours.

Clover was just starting to come down to a nice afterglow when she heard the bedroom door open. In shock she raised her head to see who could be here.

Talia slid into the room and walked across the few feet to the bed. Clover's eyes bulged out of her head in shock.

The orange tabby was wearing a one piece red fetish outfit. It was little more than a thin strip of fabric that ran behind the back of her beck, down across her nipples and through her crotch and the crack of her ass to the base of her tail. There was a small triangle of fabric that covered most of her pussy, but Clover could still see much of the tabby cat's bush.

Talia crawled onto the bed and sat down cross-legged in front of the rabbit doe. She looked down at the shocked femfur and said in a low, sultry voice, "I told you I had some deep, dark sexual secrets of my own. I thought it would be a good idea to let you know one or two since I stumbled upon you acting out one of yours.

"Do you know why I thought this looked like so much fun? One of my fantasies is to be a dominant and dominate a fur.

"A fur that happens to look a lot like you!"

Clover could only stare up at Talia.

"So now you know one of my sexual secrets. We can discuss it more after dinner."

Talia leaned down and kissed Clover on the forehead.

"When you are done in a couple of hours, come out to the kitchen. I will have fresh baked carrot cake with lots of vanilla ice cream on top waiting for you!" Talia said happily.

Talia slid off the bed with the sinuous grace of a feline. She smiled at Clover before opening the door and leaving. The last thing Clover saw was Talia's long tail disappearing between the door and jamb.

Clover spent the next two hours thinking furiously about what Talia had done and said. Around five o'clock she started to smell the delicious fragrance of baking carrot cake.

Clover undid her pawcuffs and took off her bondage gear. She went to the bathroom to clean up. She grunted a bit as she pulled out the vibrator and butt plug. Her fur might be soaked with her own juices, but both toys still filled her totally and required some effort to remove even after all of her play.

After a shower Clover dressed and went out to the kitchen.

Talia had put on a turtleneck top and a pair of jeans. She smiled at Clover as she entered and asked cheerfully, "All done for now?"

"Ye- Yeah.

"About what you said-"

Talia shoved a large piece of carrot cake topped with a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream in front of Clover.

"Cake first; talk later, Huni Buni!"

While she was uncertain about what Talia was doing, Clover was not about to pass up fresh carrot cake that was still warm and covered in slowly melting ice cream. She picked up her fork and dove into her cake.

The two females ate in companionable silence.

When they were done, Talia picked up the dishes and deposited them into the dishwasher. She sat back down across from Clover and said, "Ask."

"Did you mean what you said? Is dominating me one of your secret sexual fantasies?"


Talia's simple answer was, in some ways, more of a surprise than if Talia had given her a long explanation.

Clover took a deep breath and asked her next question.

"How did you know I was interested in you?"

Talia laughed deep in her throat.

"Huni Buni, you've been staring at my tits and ass in the Girls Locker Room shower since you hit puberty. The entire school knew you wanted me! Heck, I used to get asked why I wasn't 'playing for the other team' whenever I went out with a guy. Most of the kids thought I was bi.

"Most of them probably thought we were shacking up together when we got the apartment. I thought it might be time to take it to that level now since you certainly have not made any serious attempt to."

Clover cringed. She was on the verge of tears. Another of her deepest secrets had been found out, and it turned out that it was not even a real secret.

Talia leaned forward and asked, "Why do you think I call you 'Huni Buni' if I am not interested in you?"

The question stopped Clover. She thought back to all the times Talia had called her by her pet name. It had always been so nice having her use that special name. It sent a little thrill down her spine knowing she meant so much to her best friend.

"So you don't have a problem with me liking you like that?"

"Nope! I am more bi-curious than bisexual, but I think it's time to give it a try.

"What about you? Any problems with a female playing with you and doing the things you do to yourself? I'll probably force you to eat me out and do other things as well. You could end up spending a lot of time between my thighs if this works out for me."

Clover nearly wet her panties at the thought of Talia caressing her body before forcing her large butt plug into her ass or pushing her face down to the feline's waiting pussy for hours of licking.

"Talia," Clover said hesitantly.

"Yes?" Talia asked when Clover paused for several seconds.

"My fantasies. The ones where I get tied up and raped. Not all of them involve males."


"My other favorite one involves you."

Talia just smiled.

After dinner, Clover asked Talia, "What should I call you now? Mistress?"

"I've never really been into the Master/slave or Master/pet thing. Talia is fine. If you want to get into the scene, you can use Dom."

Talia leaned in close to Clover. The rabbit doe's hackles rose just a bit in anticipation.

" This is all about us - and especially you! - having fun. So just sit back, or in this case lay back, and enjoy!"

The two femfurs spent the evening and several more days talking. Talia refused Clover's offer to have her immediately. Instead the tabby cat forced the rabbit doe to think through what she did and did not want. The tabby cat asked the doe many pointed questions about her preferences, desires and fears. It was only late Friday night as Clover was heading to bed when Talia took charge.


"Yes, Talia?"

"Do you have much homework this weekend?"

"Not much," Clover replied. The community college classes were light on homework, and she had been keeping up in her studies daily by doing her homework between classes.


"Tomorrow morning put on your shortest dress and tightest tank top. No bra and no panties!

"Do you understand?" Talia asked in a very meaningful tone.

Clover did know what Talia was telling her and what it meant. She grinned almost uncontrollably and replied, "Yes!"

Talia gave Clover a deep kiss on her muzzle.

"Good night. Sleep tight!" Talia said as she left Clover standing in the short hallway and closed her bedroom door.

Clover could barely sleep that night. Her paws roamed over her body as she thought about what Talia might do to her tomorrow. She came repeatedly with two, three and even four fingers buried in her cunt. Sometime around three o'clock in the morning she finally succumbed to shear physical exhaustion and slept.

Clover awoke shortly before nine o'clock. She cursed herself for sleeping so late on this special day. She ran into the bathroom and prepared for the day in record time. Her pelt and headfur were still damp as she threw open her closet door and rummaged around inside. She located a pink dress that barely reached mid-thigh and put it on. She went to her dresser and found an old tank top from her early teens that she should have thrown out years ago. She had to struggle to get it on over her B cup breasts it was so tight, but it hugged every contour of her upper body like a second skin. It was exactly what the tabby cat had ordered.

Clover took a couple of deep breathes to try to calm herself. She was only partially successful.

The rabbit opened the door and went to the living room.

"Mornin', Sleepyhead!" Talia called to her roommate from the sofa where she was reading the paper.

"Good morning, Talia." Clover replied. There was just a hint of a catch in her voice that Talia instantly caught.

"Nervous? We can stop now or any time that you want to."

"NO!" Clover yelled without thinking.

Clover cringed a bit at her own reaction. In a calmer, softer voice she continued, "No. I want to do this. I want to try having some fun.

"With you."

Talia grinned like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. She set aside he paper and stood.

"In that case, I have something for you."

Talia walked over to the island between the living room and kitchen. For the first time Clover noticed the small box sitting on the counter.

Talia turned the center stool around and pulled out the stools to either side of it. She patted the seat of the middle stool and cheerfully said, "Hop on up here, Huni Buni!"

Clover crossed the room and started to sit down.

"Lift that dress up over your waist before you sit down."

Clover did as ordered. She was totally exposed to Talia. She glanced at the tabby cat and saw her roommate staring at her puffy labia. She grinned at her best friend's attention as she sat down as ordered. She felt the cold vinyl of the seat on her buttocks.

"Scoot out to the edge of the seat, Huni Buni. I want full access 'down there'."

Clover did as commanded. She felt a growing warmth in her cunt. The fire grew stronger when she saw that Talia had not taken her gaze off the bunny's crotch. The tabby cat was just staring and grinning broadly at her roommate.

"Now put your feet on the seats of the other two stools."

Clover eagerly lifted her legs and placed her feet on the other stools. She had to lean back and open her legs almost obscenely wide. It hurt a bit, but it was worth it to present her body to Talia.

Talia just smiled. She could see Clover's nectar beginning to flow and knew that the slightly younger doe was enjoying what was happening.

"Now it is time for your present!"

Talia opened the small box. She turned it around to show Clover what was inside.

Resting on velvet padding were two stainless steel balls. Each was one and a half inches in diameter.

"What are those?" Clover asked in confusion.

"Ben Wa balls," Talia said as she took the first ball out and set aside the box.

"What are those?"

"Lots of sexy fun!"

Talia reached down and spread Clover's labia. It was the first time the feline had touched Clover there, and the doe sighed in pure pleasure. She had wanted this for years, and now she was finally getting it! Talia was dominating her!

For her part Talia was enjoying watching the doe's sex and her reactions. She was interested in the bunny and had been for years. She had wondered if, when the time came, she could get pleasure from being with the doe. As she played with Clover's pussy lips, Talia learned that she could indeed touch another female for sexual pleasure and enjoy it. Her curiosity about the other things that she had dreamed about at other times rose. She would apparently be finding out more about them and how she liked them today.

Clover felt cold steel pressed against her outer pussy lips. Before she could complain, Talia shoved the first ball deep into her pussy. She used her middle finger to force it as deep as she could. Clover whimpered a bit as she felt the heavy intruder pushed inside her, but she did not complain. Talia picked up the second ball, and it joined its brother inside of Clover's vagina.

Talia closed the box and said, "I'm hungry. Get us breakfast."

Clover was a bit surprised at Talia's command. Clover was a mediocre cook at best, but the doe was going to do whatever Talia told her to do today.

Clover put together a small breakfast and placed it on the island. She was aware of the large weight in her pussy and the balls pressing against her vaginal walls with every step she took. Sitting down to eat did not help. Her weight pressed against the balls even harder while she was sitting.

After breakfast, Talia ordered Clover to vacuum the apartment. Clover thought her friend was taking advantage of the situation to get out of cleaning until she started vacuuming. The pressure inside her cunny combine with the feelings of the balls pressing against her innermost recesses and moving inside her with every step rapidly made Clover wet. The scent of her arousal filled the small apartment. Every so often Clover caught Talia giving her a knowing look.

Noon came, and Talia announced, "Time to do some shopping!"

"I'll get changed," Clover said and took a step towards her bedroom.

"Nope! You're going like this."

"What?! I thought this was for just around the apartment!"

"No, it is what you are wearing all day."

Talia smiled and added, "Well, at least it's what you are wearing until I tell you to take it all off."

In a daze the doe followed Talia down to their shared car. The old beater was good enough to take them to the nearby mall.

The two femfurs window shopped for some time. Clover felt the stares of several males on her as they walked by and checked her out. Her raging hormones had to be a storm surrounding her that telegraphed her sexual arousal to the other furs in the mall. The Ben Wa balls kept her at a high state or arousal, and Clover frequently wondered if her juices were going to start dripping on the tile floor of the mall.

Suddenly Talia intruded into Clover's fears by asking, "Hey, is that Doug over there?"

Clover looked in the direction Talia was pointing. A rabbit buck Clover knew was sitting alone in a corner of the coffee kiosk drinking. His back was pushed against two walls. No one else was near the rabbit.

"Yes, it is."

Slyly Talia said in an undertone, "Maybe we should go over and talk with him. I'm sure he would appreciate you lifting your dress and doing a pirouette for him!"

In utter shock Clover cried out in a hoarse whisper, "Talia! You wouldn't!"

Talia laughed at the look on her best friend's face. She reached over and pulled Clover close. Her right paw groped the bunny's butt.

"No, not today. I want this all to myself for now.

"But in the future..."

Talia left the possibility dangling as she released Clover and started walking again. Clover fell in beside her. She was still in shock at her friend's suggestion.

Still, it might be fun someday to do it, just to see what would happen..., a small voice said in the back of Clover's mind.

The pair stopped in front of Vixen's Secret. Clover eyed the latest lingerie on display. She coveted the sexy fabrics and revealing cuts, but she had no money to afford them.

"Perfect!" Talia declared. She grabbed Clover's right paw and dragged her into the store and right up to a salesfur.

"She needs some of those," Talia said pointing to some of the frilliest and most revealing crotchless panties in the store.

"And after that, some of those," Talia added pointing to matching demi-cup bras.

"Talia, I can't afford those," Clover complained.

Talia just took out her credit card and said, "My treat today!"

Clover walked out of the store with several new outfits, all of them sexy and all of them obviously meant for fun in bed. Clover had little doubt why Talia was buying them, but it made no difference. Clover still loved them. She had not even cared about the questioning looks that the salesfurs and other customers had given her and Talia.

The next stop was Le Claws. Clover got a full pedicure and manicure. She was surprised how much better her nails looked after the lemur was done with them. She did have to wonder about Talia's insistence on bright red nail polish for both. Still, it did match some of her new underwear, so she suspected she knew why the tabby cat wanted it.

The next stop was the hair dresser.

"Her hair is... bland," Talia complained as Clover sat in the chair. The tabby cat lifted the rabbit's headfur and let it drop back onto her shoulders lifelessly. The orangutan hairdresser nodded in agreement.

"I was thinking trimming it up and giving it some waves."

"The orangutan lifted up Clover's hair and said, "She needs some highlights as well..."

An hour and a half later Clover stared at her new look in the mirror.

"I look beautiful," she said in wonder.

"You always were," Talia told the rabbit. "We just put a better package on you."

The pair left the mall. It was late afternoon. After a late lunch Clover expected to go back to the apartment, but instead they stopped at a small strip mall.

"Ambiance?!" Clover asked in shock.

"It's the store for lovers," Talia said with a wink as she got out.

Clover had her reservations, but she followed Talia into the upscale sex shop.

The femfurs walked in through the front door and were greeted by a twenty-something white female cat with black points and paws.

"Good afternoon. How can we help you today?"

"I want a strap-on, a double dildo, some regular dildos, some cuffs, some thigh restraints, and a selection of butt plugs," Talia said without batting an eye.

Clover wanted to fall through the floor. How could Talia be so brazen?

"Certainly. Back of the shop on the left. Let me know if you want to try anything out in the 'fitting rooms'. "

Talia led Clover to the back of the store where a large selection of phallic devices was laid out. Beside them was an entire aisle of bondage gear that ranged from mild to wild. Talia purred as she picked up a nine inch dildo based upon a rabbit cock.

"How can you do that?" Clover asked.

"Pick up and appreciate a rabbit dildo?"

"No, be so open about what is happening."

"It isn't nearly as hard as you think. Once you get used to the guys wanting you, you'll see. You get used to sex, and things open up. You stop pretending it's something dirty, and you start enjoying it more. When that happens, it gets really easy to discuss."

Talia set aside the rabbit dildo and grabbed a strap-on. A ten inch dildo was shaped like a pony's cock jutted from the front.

"This is more like it!" Talia purred as she caressed the silicone phallus.

"Why waste your time with that thing when you can have a real cock, Sugar?" a new voice asked.

Clover and Talia turned to find a large silverback standing behind them looking at Clover. He puffed himself up and flexed his considerable muscles. The ape had to be at least four hundred pounds, and none of it was fat.

"Anything she can give you, I can give you more and better. Dump her, and we can go somewhere to have fun," the male said arrogantly. He sidled up against Clover and wrapped a long arm around her shoulders. "You know you want a real male, not that 'thing'."

Clover was flustered by the male coming on to her. She never had to deal with something like this before. She had dates growing up and went out regularly, but strangers never came up to her and asked her out like this.

Talia came to Clover's rescue.

"Is that so? Drop your pants and show us your package," the tabby cat demanded.

The silverback looked at Talia in shock.

"What?! Here?!"

"Sure! Why not? This is a sex shop after all.

"Show us your package. If you can beat the dildo in size and girth, you can have not only her but me tonight. Anything goes."

The ape let go of Clover and took as step back.

"Hey, I don't want any trouble-"

"Then just show us what you've got. You won't get trouble. You'll get us."

The ape put up his paws and waved them back and forth as he backed away.

"Maybe some other time," he said as he turned and fled from the store.

Talia laughed.

"Apes! All muscles, no penis!" Talia said to Clover.

"What do you mean?"

"I found out the hard way that the average male ape has a two inch dick. Not very satisfying!"

Clover stared at her best friend for several seconds before laughing.

"Eddie Johnson?"

"Yep! Our high school's star middle linebacker had nothing between his ears or his legs."

The two femfurs shared a laugh together before turning their attention back to the subject of their shopping trip. The two purchased several new toys to go with what each had at the apartment. Clover nearly swooned at the feel of the leather cuffs Talia selected for her. She was so bemused that she missed the knowing look between her roommate and the salesclerk as they checked out. Clover knew the next stop would be back home, and the real fun would begin. Together the pair left to shop with four large bags of sexual goodies.

When they arrived back at the apartment, Talia sent Clover to her room with orders to shower and change into a red lace teddy purchased earlier at Vixen's Secret. When she was done, she was done she was to sit on the foot of her bed and wait for Talia to come for her.

It did not take long for Clover to get ready. She sat with her legs spread wide to expose her sex through the slit in the crotchless panties. Her nipples rose proud of the red lace of the teddy top far enough to be easily visible. Clover was so aroused it took all of her self-control to not bury her fingers knuckle-deep in her pussy.

Talia kept Clover waiting for forty-five minutes. To the doe, it seemed like forever until the tabby cat opened the door.

Talia was back in her red fetish outfit. She smiled at Clover and said, "If you still want this, come with me, Huni Buni."

Clover rose and went to the door without hesitation. Talia's heart leapt at the willingness of her best friend. She still had some lingering doubts about lesbian sex, but, with her roommate, she was certain it would be a worthwhile thing to try even if, in the end, she decided she was only bi-curious.

Talia wrapped her arms around Clover and gave her a quick but far from chaste kiss. Without another word she turned and walked down the short hallway to her bedroom and opened the door. Clover followed her to her best friend's bedroom.

During the short trip Clover kept her eyes down as much to watch the feline's swaying ass as in subservience. Clover preferred males, but she definitely did not mind a good romp with a femfur. Part of her desire for females had been her repressed sexual desire for Talia. Now she would have her roommate and in the very special way about which she often fantasized. For her it was literally a dream come true, and Clover was going to make it as special as possible for Talia as well.

Talia opened the door to her bedroom and entered followed by Clover. The bedroom was lit by dozens of candles. They had to be scented, because the rabbit doe could smell the aroma of her namesake filling the room. In the middle of the soft glow created by the candles was Talia's bed. On top lay the wrist, ankle and thigh cuffs that they had purchased only an hour ago. On the nightstand and the bureau were arrayed many sex toys including Clover's long time playthings.

Talia wrapped Clover in her arms again and said, "Last chance to get out of this, Huni Buni. You can still call for a stop, but from here on out things start to get really serious."

Clover swallowed and nodded her head. It was almost surreal standing here with the girl of her dreams, in a bedroom arranged for kinky sex, and knowing that she would soon be dominated by her best friend as she had craved for years.

"It's okay," the doe replied in a slightly unsteady voice. "I want this.

"I want you."

Talia kissed Clover again full on the lips. This time she kept her muzzle pressed against the bunny's and forced her tongue between her lips. The cat's questing tongue found an eager and willing companion inside the rabbit's muzzle.

The two femfurs played tongue games for several minutes. Clover felt herself growing even wetter. The scent of clover was soon joined by the scent of an aroused rabbit. Slowly Clover became aware of a third scent. It took her a few moments to identify it as the musky scent of an aroused feline in heat.

Talia reached behind the door and took Clover's gag from its hiding place on the doorknob. She broke her kiss and placed the gag against Clover's lips.


Clover opened her mouth wide. Talia placed the soft gag into Clover's muzzle. It filled her mouth and silenced her. Clover closed her eyes and murred in pleasure. For the first time in Clover's life she felt the gag buckled onto her by another fur, and it was her best friend doing it, the very object of so many of her sexual fantasies. It sent shivers running up and down her body.

Talia looked Clover in the eyes and said, "Yell three times quickly."

Confused, Clover complied.

"That is your safety signal. If you do that again, I will stop what I am doing and take off your gag."

Clover just smiled. Talia cared about her and was concerned for her safety like any good Dominant, but the doe knew that she was not going to be safing out tonight. Talia would never deliberately place her in a position where she would need to do so.

"Time to tie you up, Huni Buni."

Talia placed Clover standing at the foot of her bed facing the headboard. Clover glanced down at the restraints. The black leather contrasted so nicely with the white of the bed sheets. Soon they would be on her.

One by one Talia secured the cuffs to Clover's wrists and ankles. Thick straps went around the doe's thighs just above her knees. All of the restraints had small D-rings riveted to the sides and fronts. The feel of the leather wrapping around her body was heavenly.

Talia gave Clover a gentle push forward.

"Crawl onto the bed and turn over," the cat ordered the doe.

Clover crawled onto the bed. She missed the grin on Talia's muzzle as she stared at the doe's swaying butt and tail. She might be giving Clover pleasure, but the cat was also getting plenty of her own. She was sure that more for both was to come soon.

Clover rolled over onto her back. She lay with her legs tightly together. She lifted her arms in front of her and placed her wrists together to signal that she was ready to be secured.

Talia grinned down at Clover and gently chided the doe, "Oh, no! No topping from the bottom. We're going to do this my way, not yours."

Clover watched in some confusion as Talia reached under the corners of the bed. She brought up four ropes tied to the bed's feet that had been hidden beneath the bed. She ran the ropes through a D-ring on each of the cuffs and pulled. In two minutes Clover was bound spread-eagled to the bed.

As Talia stood above her looking at her nearly-naked, aroused body, Clover felt more open and vulnerable than she had ever been in her life. Talia could do whatever she wanted to do to the doe, and there was nothing that the rabbit could do about it. Under other circumstances her current plight would have sent Clover into a panic, but knowing it was Talia and she could stop what was happening calmed any fears that she might have had. Instead her perceived helplessness drove Clover to a state of extreme arousal she had never reached before.

Talia circled the bound bunny. Her roommate looked delicious as she lay there in her red two-piece teddy and black restraints. The tabby cat purred as she examined every visible square inch of her best friend. She had been waiting for years for Clover to make a move. The accident had let her take the lead and finally fulfill one of her secret fantasies while exploring her bisexuality. She was not about to rush into this. She wanted to draw it out not only for Clover's pleasure but her own.

Clover had expected Talia to do much the same to her as she did to herself when she played out her special fantasy. Instead of grabbing a dildo and starting to fill her with it, Talia crawled onto the bed and knelt between Clover's legs. She grinned down at the rabbit. Without a word she dropped to her paws and knees. Her head descended until her muzzle was just above Clover's right tit. Clover watched wide-eyed as Talia's very pink tongue flicked out and lapped her engorged nipple.

Clover screamed into her gag. She had played with her nipples and breasts many times, but never like this. Talia's tongue was rough, and it stimulated her immensely. Apparently the tabby cat knew this, because her tongue flicked out again to play with Clover's tit some more.

Clover closed her eyes and arched her back. Wave after wave of pleasure was running through her breast. She had to open her eyes again and stare at Talia as she worked over her nipple to make sure this was not some incredible wet dream.

Talia continued licking Clover's pink nipple for several minutes. She went slow to make sure that the bunny would not cum too soon. When Clover was reduced to just mewing pitifully into her gag, Talia resumed a kneeling position.

Talia looked Clover in the eyes and announced, "Time to kick it up a notch or two."

Clover was not sure how that was going to be possible. She had never felt so horny in her life as she did right now.

Talia reached down and undid the ties that held Clover's teddy top closed. She carefully undid the snap between her breasts and laid back the fabric onto the bed on either side of Clover's chest. The bunny's heaving bosom was fully revealed to the cat. Talia might only be unsure about her bisexuality, but right now she purred at the sight of the twin soft mounds of hot flesh beneath her awaiting her attention just as loudly as she would at the sight of a large, hard dick.

Talia paused for just a moment to savor the view before diving down onto Clover's waiting breasts. She licked and nibbled the bunny's left breast furiously while fondling and squeezing her right. The assault was too much for Clover. She bucked hard as a massive orgasm wracked her body. Even with the ropes holding her down she managed to flounce about quite a bit. Talia never stopped her play and kept Clover cumming for well over a minute. Clover nearly passed out from the intensity of her orgasm.

When Clover stopped moving Talia gave her roommates left nipple a final playful nip and raised back up to a kneeling position.

Rhetorically Talia asked Clover, "Did you enjoy that, Huni Buni?"

Clover's big smile and weak nod confirmed the obvious.

"Good! Because we still have a lot of night left, and I am not even close to being done with you!"

Clover had not really thought about how long this would go on, but the prospect of remaining tied up and being dominated by Talia all night long sent another shiver through her body. She hoped that the tabby cat had plenty of plans for tonight.

Talia crawled off the bed and went to the bureau. Among other things there were a strap-on harness and a selection of dildos on top of the bureau. Talia picked up the harness and selected a dildo. She came back to the bed and laid both on Clover's stomach.

The harness was made from heavy black leather. It had a large triangle in the front that covered the wearer's crotch. A hole allowed the placement of the dildo into the harness. A wide belt and several straps held it onto the wearer's lower abdomen.

The dildo had an eight inch shaft modeled after a rabbit's cock. It gently flared from an inch across to an inch-and-a-half in diameter. The tip curved around, so it was perfect to press against Clover's G spot. The black silicone gel toy gleamed in the candlelight.

The base of the dildo was much different than the ones Clover had used before. Instead of being cut off, this one had an S-curved region covered with nubs that ended in a very large bulb above the continuation of the shaft. Talia had seemed to know what this was all about because when they had found the dildo she had immediately dropped it into their shopping basket without a word of explanation.

Talia slowly removed her clothing. Clover watched enraptured as her best friend teased her with glimpses of her body. It was far from the first time that Clover had seen the cat nude, but the current situation changed everything and made it so much more erotic.

Eventually Talia's little fetish outfit dropped to the ground and she stood naked beside the bed. Clover's eyes focused on her puffy pink labia. The cat was as aroused as the rabbit.

Talia grinned down at Clover and crawled back onto the bed. She picked up the dildo. Clover expected her to insert it into the strap-on harness, but instead the tabby cat crawled up to Clover's head. She knelt with her right knee beside Clover's head and her calf pressing against the rabbit's left arm. She extended her left leg straight out to the side. Clover was treated to a close-up view of her roommate's snatch.

"Remember Bentley from high school?" Talia asked Clover.

Clover nodded yes. He was a timid mouse that was two years ahead of them in school.

"One day he worked up the courage to ask me out. We ended up in bed because I wanted to see what he had. Turned out the little prick was gay, but he showed me this. Now I am going to show it to you."

Talia reached down with her left paw and spread her labia wide. Clover's nostrils were assaulted by the scent of feline arousal. Talia's right paw descended, and she placed the ball of the dildo against her pussy. She pushed and pressed the ball up into her cunt as she moaned in pleasure. It took some effort, but eventually the entire ball disappeared into the depths of Talia's vagina.

Talia looked down at Clover and said, "That felt good, but nowhere near as good as it's going to feel soon.

"Notice where the shaft goes?"

Clover looked. The S-curve was pulled against Talia's sex by the large ball on the end of the dildo.

"And notice where the nubs are?"

Clover looked closely. Her eyes widened. The nubs were firmly pressed against Talia's clitoris.

With a low laugh, Talia asked, 'Care to guess what happens when I fuck your brains out with this bad boy?"

Clover could easily surmise the answer. Those nubs would be stimulating Talia and bringing her to her own orgasm.

Talia reached behind her and took the harness from Clover's belly. She slid it over the shaft of the dildo resting within her pussy, and one by one buckled the straps. Clover watched in fascination as she waited for her roommate to take her.

Talia crawled back down Clover's body. She went down on her hands and paws above the bound bunny. She reached into Clover's pussy and pulled out the Ben Wa balls. For the first time in hours the rabbit's cunny was empty. Clover almost felt an ache from the lack of anything filling her innards.

The tabby cat looked the doe deep in the eyes and said, "Last chance. Do you want me to stop?"

Clover fiercely shook her head no. She wanted that dildo in her cunt, and she wanted to see what it did to Talia.

"In that case..."

Talia's hips dropped down. Clover felt the tip of the dildo slide between the open slit in her panties and into her waiting pussy. The hard silicone forced her love tunnel open as Talia thrust it deep into her bound roommate. Clover moaned in pleasure as she was comfortably filled. The contour of the dildo matched her inner recesses and pressed hard against her G-spot.

Talia ground her hips into Clover's crotch a bit to rub her clit against the dildo's pleasant nubs before withdrawing slowly. She sucked in her breath as she felt pleasant sensations coming from her clit. She repeatedly thrust back into Clover and ground her sex against her roommate's. The nubs stimulated her with each thrust and grind. She could feel her cunt getting sopping wet. She was panting hard as much from arousal as the exercise she was doing.

Beneath Talia, Clover writhed in her bonds as she felt her cunt worked over by the dildo. The grinding motion of her roommate stimulated her G spot as well as her clitty. She kept her eyes on Talia and saw her roommate's grin grow steadily larger as she approached her own orgasm.

Talia gave a little twist with her hips that pressed the dildo against the sides of Clover's vagina. It was just enough to send the doe over the top and into her second orgasm. Talia thrust hard and fast as she got closer and closer to her own orgasm.

When Clover arched her back and screamed into her gag as her orgasm peaked, it was enough along with the hard stimulation of her clit to give Talia her own orgasm. Unencumbered by a gag, the feline screamed and yowled loudly. Her cries echoed off the walls of the small bedroom. The tabby cat did not care who in the apartment complex heard her yells of pleasure.

When she was done cumming Talia lowered herself onto Clover. She purred loudly as she cuddled with the doe. The hard dildo remained buried within Clover's cunny. The doe occasionally clenched her vaginal muscles around the intruder while she lay there recovering.

When she regained her strength Talia kissed Clover and asked, "Ready for another round?"

Clover had gotten her second breath as well, so she nodded yes enthusiastically.

"Time to turn you over and do it 'doggy-style' then."

Talia undid the ropes holding down Clover. She took a moment to remove Clover's top before placing the rabbit belly down on the bed. She secured the bunny's wrists again. The tabby cat placed two pillows under Clover's belly to raise her hips well above the mattress.

Clover closed her eyes and lay absolutely motionless as she felt Talia pull down and remove the bottom half of her teddy. She was naked save for the cuffs and straps now. The tabby cat pushed open Clover's knees to expose both her cunt and tail hole. She used the thigh straps to secure her legs well open. The doe's pussy was dripping with her nectar as she awaited her next penetration in fervid anticipation. Clover unconsciously raised her tail high.

Talia stood. Clover glanced at her and saw the wet surface of the black dildo sticking out of her crotch. She grinned knowing the juices were hers. She had to wonder a bit about what the inside of the strap-on harness was like. She suspected it was rather wet too.

Talia picked up Clover's butt plug and a tube of lubricant. She grinned down at Clover and said, "I know you like double penetrations, so let's start with some 'backdoor action'."

Clover closed her eyes and smiled. Her roommate was making all the right moves and giving Clover exactly what she wanted.

Talia lay beside Clover. She grinned at the sight of her roommate and best friend lying there with her eyes closed in obvious pleasant anticipation of what was about to happen. She popped the top of the tube and spread a large amount of lubricant on the toy. When she was satisfied, she closed the tube and set it aside on the night stand. She scooted back a bit to reach Clover's bottom. She placed the tip of the butt plug against the bunny's pink anal rose. Clover jumped a bit and gave a little whimper of anticipation before lying still again.

"Want to stop? Talia asked.

Clover gave a little shake of her head no. Using her safe word was the furthest thing from her mind. Right now she just wanted Talia to keep using her as her sex toy. She was virtually off in another world waiting for the butt plug to enter her bottom.

Talia began to push the butt plug against Clover's tail hole. The tabby cat intently watched butt plug enter her best friend's ass. The blunt tip forced the doe's anus open and began to stretch her wide. Talia gave a few twists of the toy as she applied pressure. Clover whimpered again at the pleasant sensations coming from her bottom. Slowly Talia inserted the butt plug deeper. By the time the two inch diameter base reached Clover's ass hole, the bunny was panting and pulling at her bonds as her arousal and sexual pleasure both rose again.

Talia held the butt plug with the largest portion poised in the entrance to Clover's rectum. It kept the rabbit stretched as far open as possible. She twisted and pulled to stimulate the doe.

"Like that, Huni Buni?"

Clover shook her head yes.

"Time to finish the job."

Talia placed her palm against the T-base of the butt plug and pushed it all the way into the rabbit's bottom. The doe mewed in pleasure as she felt her behind filled by her toy.

"Halfway home, Huni Buni. Now it's time to fill up your other entrance. This time I don't think we'll use the rabbit cock."

Talia got up and removed the strap-on harness. Clover grinned. She had been right about Talia. Her juices dripped from the inside of the harness and nearly gushed from her pussy when she pulled the dildo out.

Talia saw where Clover was looking and quipped, "You're no better!"

Clover just grinned. A moment later Talia answered the bunny's grin with one of her own.

"Not that it matters. It just means we are just enjoying this."

Talia meant what she said. The tabby cat was enjoying gently dominating Clover. Taking the male role was something she had seldom done, but with Clover it felt so right and pleasant. She definitely wanted to continue this evening's role-playing.

Talia set aside the dildo on a towel and used another to dry herself and the interior of the strap-on harness. Next she inserted a pair of large Be Wa balls into her pussy. Each of the balls had to be three inches in diameter and much heavier than the ones that had been in Clover's cunt most of the day. With practiced ease Talia popped both into her vagina.

"I wear these a lot," she told Clover when she saw the surprise on the rabbit's face. "They help create certain 'tensions' that I enjoy."

Clover could well understand the meaning of Talia's words. She was surprised how aroused her Ben Wa balls had left her. She had been ready to pretty much screw anything most of the day. It had left her primed for the evening's fun.

Talia picked up another dildo from the bureau. This one was shaped like a small pony's cock. The shaft was straight, but the tip was flared like a mushroom. The shaft was a solid two inches in diameter, and the flare half again that. Unlike the rabbit cock dildo, this one was meant to open up Clover's pussy and stretch it wide. It was the perfect tool for a dominant to use upon a submissive to show them who was in charge.

Clover had been the one to insist on buying this toy. She had fantasized more than a few times about being taken forcefully by a stallion. Now as she looked at the dildo swinging back and forth as Talia walked back to the bed with it strapped to her crotch, Clover wondered if her eyes were about to prove too big for her pussy.

Talia climbed onto the bed and positioned herself behind Clover. The rabbit closed her eyes and bit down on her gag. She had asked for this, and now she was going to see it through one way or another.

Talia lowered herself down onto her paws and leaned forward until her muzzle was a fraction of an inch away from Clover's cunt. The doe was so intent on waiting for her penetration that she did not feel the soft caress of Talia's breathing as she inhaled the scent of her roommate's arousal. It had a strong effect upon Talia. She had never licked another female, but now she wanted to try it on Clover.

Clover did feel the rough touch of Talia's tongue on her labia. She jerked uncontrollably in her bonds as the tabby cat repeatedly licked her cunny. When Talia dropped a little lower and adjusted her aim to reach the doe's clit, Clover's world exploded with pleasure as her third orgasm took her.

Talia did not wait for Clover to finish cumming. Instead he used her right paw to keep rubbing Clover's clitoris while getting back onto her knees. She crawled forward until the flared head of the dildo was pressed against Clover's dripping snatch. As Clover's orgasm began to subside, Talia forced the first inch of the dildo into the bunny's pussy.

Clover screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. She had never been pushed so far open in her life. It felt like the dildo's flared knob would tear her insides open. At the same time, the soft silicone felt almost like a living male violating her innermost reaches, just like she had so often fantasized. The sensations of pleasure it elicited soon overwhelmed the pain as Clover's vaginal muscles relaxed and allowed easier entry to the silicone shaft violating her from behind.

Talia worked the entire stallion dildo into Clover's cunny. It took many minutes and a lot of work, but eventually she got all ten inches of equine shaft into Clover. The doe had whimpered and cried out several times, but she had never indicated any real distress or a desire to safe out. The tabby cat paused with it buried to the hilt in her roommate's vagina. She leaned forward and whispered into Clover's ear, "Still glad you picked this one?"

As she lay there with her vagina hurting more than a bit from the equine phallus pressing against her innards, Clover just smiled and nodded her head yes. It had been hard going in, but it was worth all the trouble. She felt like Talia had finally dominated her and taken her just like she wanted in her fantasies. For the rabbit, the feeling was pure bliss.

Talia saw Clover's secret little smile of satisfaction and knew that the rabbit was fine with what was happening. She went back up onto her knees and slowly withdrew the dildo until she could just see the base of the flare. She paused a moment before pushing forward again. It was still hard to force the dildo into Clover's cunt, but the cries from the bunny were definitely ones of considerable happiness.

Almost mercilessly Talia repeatedly hilted the dildo in Clover and then withdrew it. She speeded up her thrusting as Clover's vagina slowly loosened. It took a lot of effort, and Talia was panting hard form her exertions, but after many minutes the tabby cat was able to establish some rhythm to her thrusts.

The repeated violation of Clover's pussy by the large dildo rapidly sent Clover to a peak of arousal. Her juices starting flowing furiously and helped to ease the passage of the dildo in and out of her pussy. When Talia finally hit her stride Clover came in one long, slow orgasm that lasted as long as Talia could keep pumping the equine dick in and out of the doe.

Talia nearly collapsed on top of Clover. Exhaustion had taken her, and she was done for the moment. That did not mean her fun was over yet. She was down several orgasms to Clover and intended to start getting a few back. Besides, what was the point of being a Dom if you could not order your sub to pleasure you?

Talia had been watching Clover closely. It was clear that the doe enjoyed the attentions of a female as much as Talia enjoyed the pleasures from a male. She had overcome one of her inhibitions by having oral sex with Clover twice. Now she wanted to explore having the bunny use her tongue on Talia.

Talia withdrew the dildo completely. She undid the knots in the ropes holding Clover down. She rolled the doe over onto her back.

"I've been doing all of the work. Now it's time for you to do some.

"Lick me!"

Clover looked at Talia. She could see the resolve in her roommate's eyes. Clover knew this had to be the first time any female had eaten out the cat. She felt a warm glow in her stomach at the thought of being the first to pleasure Talia in this manner and the willingness and desire her roommate had for her.

Clover carefully removed Talia's strap-on. She placed it aside on the bed. She hoped it would see more use that night, but for now she had other priorities and needed it out of the way. She reached behind her head and unbuckled her gag. She let the ball filling her mouth fall out. She rebuckled the gag around her neck so it was readily available when needed again.

Clover guided Talia down to the mattress. She kissed her way down the length of the cat's body. The feline femfur arched her back in appreciation of her ministrations but remained largely still and silent otherwise. When she reached Talia's pussy, Clover almost reverently kissed it full in the center.

Unlike Talia, Clover was well versed in the art of lesbian lovemaking. She slowly and delicately kissed and nuzzled her roommate's outer labia. They became puffy again as Talia became aroused. The feline's juices began to flow once more. Clover's nose was filled with the musky scent of the tabby's arousal. The doe smiled and kept up her gentle ministrations.

After Talia became fully aroused, Clover began to dip her tongue into the folds of her cunt. She drew the tip of her tongue along the full length of Talia's slit. Talia responded with contented sighs. When she began to purr again, Clover knew that her best friend was truly enjoying her first lesbian licking.

Clover did not stop. She kept working her way deeper and deeper into Talia's soaked pussy. Her paws joined her tongue. She spread Talia's pussy lips wide and drove her tongue deep into the feline's love tunnel. She was rewarded with a yowl of pleasure from her roommate. She continued driving her tongue in and out of Talia as the cat's arousal grew and she came closer and closer to another orgasm.

The doe had been avoiding Talia's very prominently displayed and fully engorged clit. That changed when she saw Talia's eyes close and heard her roommate's purr grow louder and louder. She knew that the cat had to be close to cumming, and she was planning to send her over the top with a bang. She rapidly thrust the middle finger of her right paw up to the knuckle in and out of Talia's cunt. At the same time she took Talia's clit into her mouth and sucked on it as hard as she could while lapping it with her tongue.

Talia screamed and nearly jumped off the bed as her body orgasmed. Clover just kept her muzzle pressed deep into Talia crotch and continued to finger her furiously. She managed to keep Talia cumming for almost two minutes. When the last wave of pleasure ended, the cat curled up into a purring ball of fur and savored the afterglow. Clover curled up beside her and waited.

Talia's torpor did not last long. In a few minutes she uncurled herself. She felt so good after her orgasm, but she also wanted to get back at Clover a bit for the little game she played. She suspected she knew exactly how to do it.

"Your turn again," Talia said as she reinserted Clover's gag in her mouth and buckled it on good and tight.

Clover soon found herself tied face down on the bed with her hips in the air again. This time her arms were run between her legs, and the wrist cuffs attached to the inside rings of her thigh restraints. Two ropes ran from the outside rings of the thigh restraints to the bed legs to keep her legs well spread. Talia was kneeling beside her. The strap-on was back on her hips. She was back to the rabbit dildo so she could get as well as give pleasure.

Talia reached down and tugged on the butt plug. Clover took the hint and helped the feline extract it from her bottom. Clover was left bereft of anything filling her. It actually made her insides ache.

Talia was not about to leave Clover empty long. She grabbed the doe's favorite vibrator from the night stand and turned it on. Playfully she touched the tip of the vibrator to Clover's clit. The rabbit's reaction was predictable. She started to writhe in her bonds as pure pleasure raced through her crotch. Talia waited until the bunny's cunt was glistening with her juices and then removed the vibrator. Clover yelled a complaint into her gag.

"Not yet, Huni Buni. I have other plans for you, starting with this!"

Talia placed the tip of the vibrator into Clover's slit. She grabbed the base and jammed it into her roommate's cunt. Clover yelled again, but this time in encouragement. The tabby cat rammed the vibrator into the doe's snatch until just the very base was left visible. With a wicked grin Talia turned the dial in the base up to full power. She could clearly hear the thrum coming from her best friend's tummy even over the doe's cries of pleasure.

Talia slipped between Clover's calves and grabbed her roommate's flanks.

"Better buckle up, Huni Buni! This could be a wild ride."

Talia thrust forward and was met by Clover's hips as she rocked backwards to receive the dildo in her only remaining open orifice. The first thrust missed Clover's tail hole, but Talia quickly corrected her aim and rammed the tip of the dildo into Clover's rectum. The rabbit grunted as she felt her pink anal rose forced open and bottom filled again. Once again she had the delicious sensation of a double penetration.

Talia grabbed Clover's flanks even harder as she began to thrust hard and fast into the doe's behind. The bunny's tight tail hole grabbed the shaft of the dildo. With each thrust the nubs pressed and rubbed against Talia's clit. She was quickly rising to her own orgasm when Clover came hard.

The tabby cat did not even slow down as the doe screamed and writhed beneath her. She kept pounding the doe's poor ass hole with the rabbit phallus even until she achieved her own orgasm nearly a minute later.

Clover knew that Talia had warned her that this was going to be a wild ride, but it was more than the rabbit had expected. Even after both femfurs came Talia continued to thrust the dildo deep into her bottom minute after minute. She lost track of how many orgasms she had. From Talia's howls the rabbit was certain that the cat was cumming many times as well. The pleasure just started to flow together until neither femfur could really tell when one orgasm ended nor the next began.

All good things had to come to an end, and this experience was no exception. Talia finally collapsed onto Clover's back. She was gasping for air and panting uncontrollably form her workout. At the same time, her face had a strange, dreamy look of utter contentment. The look was mirrored by the doe with the dildo in her hurting bottom.

It was many minutes before Talia rolled off of Clover. The dildo pulled out leaving the rabbit feeling empty again. She was surprised that she could still want even more sex after this last ride.

Talia undid Clover's bonds and removed the gag and vibrator. The two femfurs snuggled close and cuddled.

"That was... fantastic," Clover said in awe. "It was everything I wanted with you dominating me and making love to me."

Talia grinned at Clover and replied, "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Huni Buni."

"Did you like it when I licked you?" Clover asked in a slightly uncertain voice. She knew that Talia was only bi-curious unlike the bisexual doe. If the tabby cat answered no, their time together was over.

"Yes, I did. It was like a male eating me, but indescribably different.

"And it was you, which made all the difference."

Clover pressed her head against Talia's breasts. She had no words to respond to the love and affection in the cat's voice and look.

"I hope we get a chance to do it again someday, if you're willing," Clover finally said.

"Well, according to my clock, it's not even nine o'clock. How about some late dinner and then round two?"

Clover pulled her head back and looked at Talia.

"You want to do more tonight?!" she asked in wonder.

"Hey, I'm a queen cat in heat. Trust me; I've got plenty of sexual desire and energy.

"Maybe even more than a randy Huni Buni."

Clover grinned at the challenge in her roommate's words and tone.

"Okay, you're on!" Clover replied enthusiastically. If her roommate was okay with having sex with her, Clover was going to make up for some of the lost time and opportunities of the past few years.

Clover spent the rest of the night being gently and lovingly dominated by her best friend and roommate. By mutual agreement the contest ended in a tie, but both could not wait for the next opportunity to see which could last longer. Both were sure that the pleasure would make it all worthwhile.

Marla Chapter 10 - The Orgy

# Marla Chapter 10 The Orgy ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Titania is copyrighted by Moldred. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, other miscellaneous...

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Marla Chapter 9 - Political Party

# Marla Chapter 9 Political Party ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla, Kayla and Jenny are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Titania, Basil and Burty are copyrighted by Moldred and used with permission. Master David Wolf, Valentia,...

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Marla Chapter 8 - Seduction Of A Wolf

# Marla Chapter 8 Seduction Of A Wolf ## S.M. Wolf * * * _Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Zassa is copyrighted her owner. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, other...

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