Drac's Domination 6

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#6 of Drac's Domination

Draconicon continues the slow breaking of the lion, and pushes a different question to the slave-to-be.

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Drac's Domination

Part 6

Sponsored by GlynWolf

By Draconicon

A night with the Totters always left him in a good mood and ready for a good night of sleep. Fucking the hell out of a pretty woman would do that to you, and having her husband beg you to do it was all the better. The fact that they were both so eager, so willing, so giving of themselves when he was around meant that there was never that bad feeling of guilt, nor that worry that he was taking it too far. It always reassured him and told him that they were ready for him to do his 'worst', and even wanted that.

Of course, having an audience there ensured that it was amped up even further. He couldn't remember the last time that Steven had rimmed him that eagerly, nor the last time that Mrs. Totter had begged him to sit on her face as she had her ass eaten out after they were done. They were frenzied, as if eager to prove that they were the best.

He wasn't sure if they were wanting to show off for the audience, getting off by being a perverted, horny couple in front of the slave-to-be, or whether they were jealous and worried about him taking someone else under his wing, but whatever it was, it combined to make for a hell of a horny night.

When he and Deke left, and he hit the sheets, he was out like a light. He drifted through a few semi-dreams, never holding onto one long enough for it to finish, often slipping back to the empty, dreamless space where time had no real meaning. That was where he spent most of his nights, anyway, and it was no exception that night.

However, in the morning...

The dragon felt a soft heat against his balls, something that was barely noticeable at first. It grew, however, and it grew quickly, spreading from the center of his sac to the two large orbs on either side. They were lifted on a tongue, then dropped. One lick, then another, then another, followed by hot, puffing breath against the base of his morning wood.

Hmm...seems that the lion's starting to learn a little bit...

He opened one eye - but no more than a slit - and saw the lion's tail sticking out from the bottom of his blankets. The bulge of his cock pushed up against the sheets, making quite the tent, but the lion's shape was unmistakable beneath the blankets. He was clearly getting to learn his place, and clearly wanting to try for something more.

He smiled, keeping his breathing as even as possible, even as he stirred slightly at the pleasurable ball worship. He didn't shift too much, just enough to imitate what he might have done in his sleep, feeling that rough tongue working from orb to orb, and then to his cock.

Definitely interested in getting more than he's been getting.

Then again, he remembered how Deke had been a good boy last night. He hadn't talked, hadn't made any requests. The only time that he had interacted with the Totters at all was to turn down the offer of getting fucked in the ass by Mr. Totter, and even that had been done with a respectful shake of the head rather than words.

The lion was learning. Bit by bit, but he was learning.

He felt a hand on the base of his cock, dragging it down so that the head pointed towards Deke's face. The whiskers and fur were pressed against him first, but then he felt the lips, the soft kiss that followed.

Good boy, he thought, feeling the tip of his cock pass between those lips. The tongue teased the head, and he oozed pre-cum in short order, giving the slave-to-be a little taste of what he would be getting later, if he was a good boy. A soft moan, very slight but still audible, escaped from beneath the blanket.

At least he's trying.

Unfortunately, that was the best he could say about that. The blowjob wasn't bad by any means, but it wasn't that good, either. There was that slow bobbing going on, but it was clear that the lion didn't know how to stretch his jaws enough to handle such a large cock, nor did he know how to take it without gagging. Every few thrusts of his head, he ended up getting caught, cough-gagging, and then pulling back.

Forward, back, forward, back, feeding on it and keeping him oozing pre-cum, but after last night, it was a reminder of just how far the lion had to go, and how much he'd have to do if he wanted to get off on his own.

And the day was due to start, so he might as well stop pretending.

Stretching his arms, the dragon let out a long, slow yawn, just enough to give Deke the chance to start pulling back if he was too embarrassed to keep going, or to be caught. The lion paused, but didn't pull off. Instead, he hesitantly pulled to the head, and started licking just under the tip. Right in a happy spot, for that matter, something that the dragon was pleased with.

He pulled the blankets to the side, not surprised to see that Deke was naked save for the chastity cage. The lion looked down at the dragon's balls, not daring to look up just yet. Draconicon chuckled.

"Tell me this. Horny, or just wanting to make me happy?"

"...Horny...and hoping to get out..."

Deke wiggled his hips a bit, and Draconicon could just make out the soft clinking that was going on with the cage. That was probably starting to feel very cramped for the feline, he imagined. He would have liked to see what would happen if they were somewhere else, like in public. Just walking down the street, or through the mall, or something along those lines. Give that cage a little squeeze through whatever Deke was wearing, remind him what he had on, and see the fireworks burn in the feline's face.

Of course, they were a long way from that. He groaned, stretching his arms over his head for a moment, and then sat up more properly. His cock popped out of the lion's mouth, and Deke sat up, kneeling at the foot of the bed.

"So...what do I do now? Master?" he asked, attaching the title just at the last second.

"Better," Draconicon said. "As for what we do? I'm still deciding that. I did just wake up, after all."

"...I hope that I did...um...that is..."

"You're hoping that your blowjob was good?"

The lion nodded. Draconicon shrugged.

"It was good enough to get me dripping. It wouldn't have been enough to get me to finish, sorry."


"That's not a bad thing," he said, sliding his legs off the bed and standing up. "That just means that you don't know what you're doing yet. That, and I have a lot of experience with very good mouths, that must be said."

The lion was pouting already, looking down and away. It was like he had expected that, because he was doing it without being asked, he might already be that good. The black dragon rolled his eyes, floating a robe to himself. There was no need to cover up, but it was part of the morning rituals.

Out the window, he could just make out Mrs. Totter and her husband snuggling in their bed next door. Neither were awake to see his morning wood, but that wasn't too surprising. They always seemed more affectionate to each other after a session like last night's. He imagined that they used it as a bonding thing.

Shaking his head, he pulled the robe on, nodding down the hall.

"Come on. Let's get breakfast."

The dragon was the one to cook. Not necessarily because he didn't think Deke could do the job - though he was pretty sure that he was the better cook of the two of them - but because he wanted to get it done quickly. He got some sausage frying, and then got the batter for some pancakes prepped.

"So, um, what are you going to do to me today, Master?"

"It's Sunday. That means it's another work day."


"I do have to earn a living. The book sales are a start."

"But...you have magic."


"So, why not just..."

The black dragon sighed, looking over his shoulder. Deke was doing the little finger-wiggle motion that everyone did to 'imitate' magic, and he shook his head.

"It's a thing."

"What do you mean? Does it have limits?"

"Yeah, but that's not one of them. Not here, anyway," he said, shaking his head as he poured the batter into the pan. "I could walk right up to the bank, look someone in the eye, and say 'Hey, give me a hundred thousand dollars' and walk right back out. It would be easy, and easier still to have the cameras altered so that they didn't show me walking in. Most banks have a number of discretionary funds on hand in case there's something off, so it wouldn't be tracked for too long, either."

"...You could do that?"


"Then why -"

"One, it'd be wrong," he said, flipping over the pancake with a twitch of his wrist and catching it as it came back down. "Just because you can doesn't mean you should. That money might not be stolen from a specific account, but someone's going to get in trouble eventually for losing it.

"Two, I can make it in different ways. Sure, I'll get someone else to comp me a meal or do something like that if I really have to, but by and large, I can make it. I did all that porn and all that other writing for quite a while, remember?"


"Why do you think I did that when I could have just stolen that money at any time?"

"...Well...you liked it, right?" Deke asked.

"I liked about 20% of it. The rest ranged from meh to painful," he admitted.

He didn't even have to look over his shoulder to know what the lion's reaction would be. It was the same one that he always got when he mentioned that he didn't really like what he did. After all, why would someone want to believe that of one of their favorite erotic creators?

Probably the same reason everyone wants to believe that the girls in porn enjoy everything they do, or that the guys in porn are always enjoying all the pussy they get, he thought, plating up the breakfast. It lets them keep the fantasy of it.

He floated one of the plates to the breakfast table, continuing to cook his own share. Deke, however, wouldn't let it go.

"But you had to like it. I mean...you did it for a long time. Even these master-slave sessions. Why would you -"

"Because I had to do something to earn a living. Magic's meant as a tool, and I use it that way. However, it's not something that needs to replace actually doing things. It's a way to make your life better, not a way to keep you from living life."

That was his reason, anyway. Aside from the fact that using his magic regularly would have outed him and started a whole drama that would have likely forced him from the universe entirely, he rather liked having earned it. It made it feel like his, rather than just something that he created out of thin air, or pulled into his own accounts by stealing from other people.

And it was something deeper than that. There were times when he used his magic that it felt like he was just cheating. It really did. Oh, sure, he had forced himself to learn all these different spells, all the different things that he could do. He had gone from world to world, attempted all kinds of different shenanigans, and he had come out on top in so many ways that others never would have had the chance to try.

But that didn't mean that it didn't feel like cheating when he could just wave his hand and have something happen, and other people had to actually go through hell to get the same thing.

Rules are there for a reason. They aren't just to keep people from hurting others. They're there to give people the same opportunities, the same chances to advance, the same chance to be happy.

That was what he believed. And if the rules didn't allow that sort of thing, then the rules needed to be fixed.

He turned off the stove, plated up his food, and joined the lion at the table. Deke had finished half his food and was pushing the rest around his plate. The dragon arched an eyeridge.

"Something the matter?"

"Not sure I'm hungry anymore."

"What, did I ruin another dream?"

"I just...do you hate me?"

"Well, that's a question for the breakfast table, isn't it?" Draconicon asked, taking a bite of his own food to give himself a second to think. "No. I don't."

"But you keep...I don't know. It feels like you don't want me here, that I'm pissing you off, or something."

"That's because both of those things are true. But that doesn't mean I hate you."

Deke obviously didn't get it, but the lion didn't seem to have the words to ask for more of an explanation, either. The dragon managed to get through about half of his food in silence before the lion pushed his food away. As Deke started to get up, Draconicon reached under the table with one leg, curling his toes around the chastity cage and pulling the lion right back down to his seat.

"You haven't been excused yet."

"Mmmph! Nnngh. That's not - ah!"

He curled his toes just a bit more, dragging down on the cage as he pressed the ball of his foot against the lion's own sac. It was just enough to keep him from running off without actually hurting him.

"Let's go back to that question, hmm?"

"Nnngh. You don't want me here. I get it. I should just -"


He gave the lion a firm stare, and the feline stopped talking. A little hypnosis in the glance helped with that, and left the lion gripping his suddenly-paralyzed muzzle to the dragon's amusement.

"I said that I get annoyed by you, and that I don't want you here. Both of those are true, but they don't mean I hate you.

"First off, I didn't want to get into this. I didn't want to start another master/slave thing, but you pushed it so hard that I didn't really have a choice. I either had to accept it, or accept the fact that you'd be pushing the wrong kind of dom to take charge of you. Essentially, you blackmailed me into taking this on, and that's something that has to be taken into account.

"Secondly, you aren't that good at being a slave. I'm sorry, but you're not. So, as a result, it's easy to be annoyed with you and second-guess myself at the moment about whether I should do this or not. Perhaps more of that has been showing in my behavior than should be, but there it is. I'm being honest now.

"Those two things, however, do not make me hate you. What they do is make me want to do this right, so that I can make this better for you and me as fast as possible. Otherwise, we're going to be butting heads again and again. And as much fun as cocks bumping against each other is, we're not talking about those heads right now, are we? You may speak."

"Mmmph...but...you could have..."

"Said no? Left you to sign up on the internet? Let yourself get kidnapped or abused or otherwise led down a path of self-hate as you gradually learned how little you actually enjoyed being a slave, not actually serving but just being used and abused in a different but no less soul-crushing way than our society does on a daily basis?"


"No, I really couldn't." The dragon shook his head, pulling his foot back. "So, what I'm doing is trying to improve things. And to do that, I have to make sure that you're as honest with yourself as I'm making you be honest with me."

"But I am honest!"

"Mm-hm? Then tell me. What do you want to do with your life?"

"I want to be a slave. A real one, not just...this..."

"Uh-huh. And why?"



"Ugh. I'm going for a walk."

The lion got up from the table, stomping out of the room. The dragon waited, shaking his head as he nibbled at his own breakfast, knowing that Deke was heading back to his room, and that the lion was probably going to try and steal some of his clothes. That wouldn't go well, but he'd let the lion find that out for himself.

"Ah...ow! OW!"

He didn't look up from his plate, hearing the little yelps continue for a few minutes more before Deke stomped back to the table.

"What the hell did you do to your clothes?!"

"I made sure that I was the only one that could wear them."


"They've got a few magics in the stitching. I didn't want someone else to steal them."

"Ugh. Then let me use my clothes!"


"You - you have to!"

"No, I really don't." He shook his head, wiping his lips with a napkin before floating his plate back to the sink. "Look. You signed the deal. You didn't change it up. And you weren't honest with yourself about your own limits. And until I hear from you what you actually want, what I can train you to be like, you're going to have to deal with being a slave."

"But I don't want to be this kind of slave. I just...I just wanted..."

"Real slavery would be worse than this. You would have no say whatsoever in what you were and weren't doing. And you would hate me far more if that was what I was putting you through. What you wanted was the dream of slavery, the fantasy of slavery, where you didn't have to do anything but get fucked. And you still want that."

"Because I don't know what I want!"

"And there's honesty."

"Stop it! You're just - you're just cheating. I just wanted a fantasy. I didn't come here to get lectured, or humiliated, or - or any of this!" Deke shouted, the lion getting louder and louder as he kept going. "I can't do it. I just - I can't do that! I tried. Nothing works. I can't...I can't...I can't..."

He slumped forward, anger obviously getting displaced by the sheer dread of what had been hiding behind everything else. Draconicon had been waiting for that. Shaking his head, he stood up and walked around to the other side of the table. Deke was too weak to really push him away, and the black dragon dragged him to the bedroom again. It wasn't that hard; dragons were naturally rather strong, and the lion wasn't one of the muscled members of his species.

They laid down together, and Deke cried against his chest, whimpering and hiccupping.

"I can't do it. I don't...I don't fit. I can't..."

He knew what was going through the lion's head. Never been that good at anything, never really had the courage to try and dream for anything, never had the push to want something when things kept going wrong.

So, the idea of being a slave, of being a nothing that didn't have to do anything but offer a hole, would have been enticing. It would become a fantasy, a thing that allowed him to just be nothing, because that was all he was good at, and then let someone else do the living, the caring. He'd be taken care of, and real life wouldn't be able to hurt him anymore.

Unfortunately, there were so many people that would abuse that, and it would be unfair to the doms that wouldn't.

Draconicon gently rubbed the back of Deke's head, encouraging him to get all the tears out, before finally patting his back and lifting him up.

"Look. You need this."

"I need to get out of here," Deke muttered.

"No. You need this. You need someone that will tell you what you've done wrong -"

"Everyone will do that."

"And someone that will tell you when you get it right."


The black dragon gently pulled on the lion's mane, making his slave-to-be look him in the eyes. It wasn't easy for Deke, obviously. The smaller male was having all kinds of trouble doing that, looking this way and that, not wanting to meet the dragon's white eyes, not wanting to get lost in them again.

Draconicon didn't care. This was needed.

"No-one can live life that way, Deke. It's more than just deserving to want something. Everyone needs to want something. Otherwise, all you're doing is scavenging, living off of the scraps that fall down, and you work so hard to be content that you can never find the energy to be anything else.

"Maybe you'll find that you don't want to be a slave, but that's fine. You don't have to be. All you have to be is you, and to do that, you need to be honest with what you want, and then with what you can do. After that, you can find your way forward, find out what you want to be."

There was no answer. He just held the lion, letting him sink down. No longer sobbing, he just leaned against the black dragon, his eyes closed, his breathing shaky, everything just...shattered.

He supposed that wasn't surprising. He had just shattered the lion's dreams, again. There had to be a way to do this better.

Eventually, Deke fell asleep, and the black dragon went back to the living room to work there. The clickity-click of laptop keys filled the room for nearly an hour before he heard the soft groans from down the hall. He half-expected to hear the thump of the window as Deke tried to open it and escape, but there was no such thing.

Instead, the lion walked out to the living room again. His eyes were red from the crying fit that he had gone through, but he was steady again, no longer shaking. It was rather cute looking at those swelling balls in the cage, but the black dragon kept his attention away from them after the first cursory look.

"Yes?" he asked.

"I...I want to try again."

The dragon arched an eyeridge, and Deke nodded.

"I'm sorry. I want to try again, Master."

"Specifically, you want to try what again?"

"To put together a list for you, Master. So I can be better."

"Are you sure?"

"I think so. I mean...I don't know, but I think I can do it. And I want to do it now before I start acting stupid again."

Smiling, he reached over to the side table by the couch. Dragging out another notepad - as a writer, he had them all over the house - he handed it over.

"There's a pen in the kitchen."

"Thanks, Master."

The lion grabbed it and walked down the hall to his own room. Draconicon watched him go, watching that ass swing back and forth a few times before shaking his head and going back to writing. Time enough for fucking later.

Surprisingly, he wasn't left waiting for long. Deke came back a few minutes later, offering the notepad. Draconicon cocked his head to the side as he took it, looking at the slave-to-be.

"That was quick."

"I...didn't want to think about it much."

"Alright. Let's see what you have."

It was a very short list, to be sure. There were only four items of interest, and nothing about experience or anything else. As he glanced at them, the lion dropped down to his knees, moving to the dragon's feet and nuzzling up against them. It was a pleasant sensation in the background as he looked at the notes.

He wants to be fucked. He wants to look pretty. He wants to be liked. And he wants to be able to speak out.


The lion didn't respond, too deep into his worship. For all that Draconicon knew, Deke might be a bit worried that the list was too small. For many masters, it might have been, but not for someone like him.

And certainly not for the people that he knew.

He curled his toes as the sandpaper tongue flicked between them, dragging along the digits and sending pleasurable tingles up his leg and into his cock. He felt it rising under his robes, adding to the soft musk in the room.

As Deke worked his tongue further along his toes, the dragon leaned back on the couch. He occasionally stroked his shaft, but by and large, he spent more time thinking about what he was going to do next. If this was what Deke wanted, then he had a small plan for how that might happen.

However, it would mean a bit of work...well, a lot of work. And a lot of set-up.

But it might be worth it...and it would give him a chance to eventually get another master.

Tapping his chin, he slowly put the notepad off to the side. He dragged his foot down one last time, smearing that tongue against his sole for a final little burst of pleasure, and then set his computer off to the side. Deke groaned, slowly looking up again.

"Mmmph...did I do something wrong?"

"No, but I do have a few questions for you."

"I'll try to answer them...I hope...I hope that I can..."

The lion was no longer as cocky and bratty as he had been. It was almost like that part had been broken out of him, which was all for the good. Brats could be a good sort of sub to play with, but Deke had taken that and gone further than he should. Now that he was broken from the bad habits - and that was the only style of breaking that the dragon approved of - he could slowly be trained into the good ones.

"First off, let's move to the bed, shall we?"

He got to his feet, offering the lion a hand. Leaving his robe behind, the black dragon laid back on the bed, his cock flopped against his bed, the hard-on slowly fading as the lion joined him. He reached down slowly, cupping his hand around the feline's balls.

"How are these feeling?"

"Full, sir."

"That's not a bad thing. Do you think that you could cum right now?"

"...It'd take some work...and a different mood..."


Draconicon smiled, flexing his hands. The cage twisted, and the lock clicked open. Just like that, the metal tube detached, sliding off of the lion's crotch, exposing a cock that didn't really want to rise just yet. No surprise there. It had been taught to stay down, to stay flaccid if it didn't want to be in serious discomfort.

Deke gasped.


"Because it's time for us to talk, and I think it'd be easier for you to be a bit honest if you were shown what happens when you follow orders properly."

And that was easily-enough done. He went from idly fondling the lion's balls to slowly stroking up along the side of the shaft. It was already twitching, starting to find out that it wasn't caged any longer. Soon, it would be rising, pushing for the chance to get stroked again, or more. It would want pleasure, orgasm, even if its owner was a little more circumspect.

Draconicon smiled as it filled his hand, at least partially. Deke moaned, leaning against him and hissing softly under his breath. He gave the shaft a slow stroke, rubbing his thumb along the head a few times.

"That's it. Just let yourself relax a little bit."

"Mmmph...hard to relax...with a handjob..."

"I think it's quite easy. Just enjoy yourself."


Deke was obviously trying, though not having very much luck with it. Every time that he started to get comfortable, he'd tense up from the pleasure between his legs, and then he'd start shivering, trying and failing to hump against the dragon's hand. Draconicon would pull his fingers back every time that he felt so much as the start of a hump.

"Ah ah."

"Mmmph...not fair..."

"Don't worry. You'll get what you need. Soon."

He smiled as he worked his fingers along the lion's shaft, encouraging his erection, drawing it out and making it stiffer, harder, more and more needy as the seconds ticked on. He smiled as the barbs started to stand out a little bit more, and Deke leaned against his chest, whimpering against his scales.

"I don't...it's so..."

"It'll be good soon."

"Please, just let me -"

"Not yet."

Another few strokes, then a little break, then another few strokes, then another break. It was always that little bit more, that little bit of a tease, never anything more or less. Little by little, the lion went from a grunting, huffing beast in his arms to something that was closer to a mewling kitten.

As Deke leaned against him again, panting, shivering, Draconicon smiled. It was just about time to move on. When he felt pre-cum rolling against his fingers, flowing freely, he slowed down just a bit more.


"Don't worry. You will get to cum soon."

"You promise?"

"Yes. This is just a little warm-up."

"What...what do I have to..."

"Good, good. Glad you understand that part."

Curling his fingers tight, he clenched them around the lion's cock, giving it a massage of sorts from base to tip, and then back down again. Each clench was another little burst of pleasure, another imitation of being inside someone.

"This is important, so answer honestly."


"You want to show off, and be pretty."


"You want to be liked, and to speak out."


"Now...tell me..." He leaned in, whispering. "Do you want to be a pretty boy, or a pretty girl?"

The End

Summary: Draconicon continues the slow breaking of the lion, and pushes a different question to the slave-to-be.

Tags: M/M, chastity, foot fetish, Draconicon, series, dragon, lion, handjob, chastity cage, teasing, master/slave, dom/sub, breaking, tears, emotional,