King Angelos: The Secret Desire

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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NOTE: This story is a tribute to Danillo's "Sparta lion" art. He removed all his art from FA so unfortunately, I'm not able to link you to it. Sorry!

King Angelos of Arcadia, one of the most recognized leaders of ancient Greek Peloponnese, was a well-respected leader in his village. As a lion, his aggressive nature was a proud character trait found in his ancestory. For most of his life, Angelos took part in many wars, which is why it was hard for the lion to adjust to a quiet, more peaceful life. However, during his downtime, he managed to fall in love with a beautiful female. The lioness, Tasia, was immediately wooed by his good looks and radiating masculinity. Angelos was attracted to Tasia because she was strong-willed and just as aggressive as he was, but she was very loyal to him.

Two months into their relationship, Tasia became frustrated with Angelos for a number of reasons. One morning, she confronted the king as got dressed in their open-air courtyard. Sitting on a stone bench, the muscular feline slipped on his brown boots, leather briefs, a black harness and a red cape. Quietly, Tasia watched him dress while she crossed her arms in a disapproving gesture. She leaned her back against one of the columns holding up a part of their roof. Once he finished dressing himself, Angelos looked up and saw Tasia standing ten feet across from him.

"Is there some business you have with me, Tasia?" Angelos asked tersely. He pushed his long, brown mane back over his forehead.

"Do I no longer amuse you?" Tasia asked in a strangely monotonous tone. The question irritated Angelos.

"You amuse me when you don't ask me questions like that," he snapped back.

"I want an answer from you, Angelos."

"I don't appreciate my patience being tested at such an early hour." He looked down at his boots, adjusting its laces to make a more comfortable fit.

"For many nights, you chose to not lay with me in bed. You have spent a wealth of time in the andron. Is there a reason for that?"

Angelos wasn't pleased with her line of questioning. He felt his frustration increase steadily as he was interrogated by Tasia. The lion stood up from the bench and walked out of the courtyard despite calls from the lioness to respond. "Speak to me, Angelos," she shouted repeatedly as she followed him out of the courtyard. As soon as he reached the doorway into their house, she appeared directly behind him, visibly upset. The lion could feel his blood boiling in a stew of rage.

"Tasia, do not fear. I am here, but by your side, I cannot satisfy your request. I am deep in thought, and I must focus on upholding the peace of Arcadia."

"I understand," Tasia said quietly, "But what..."

"What is it?"

"What's happening with Arcadia?"

"I hear talk from the villagers who are entertaining the thought of taking my throne."

"You can't let them do that!"

"I must speak with the council post haste."

Angelos left his quarters and jogged a half-mile through the lush, grassy fields before reaching the barracks. The barracks were vacant except for a few soldiers guarding the area. The rest of the soldiers had left the barracks to spend time with their families. In fact, there was no clear reason for Angelos to visit the barracks. Even the patrolling soldiers found his visit to be unusual. When they saw Angelos approach the barrack buildings, the guards walked toward the lion to greet him. The lion brandished a slight smile and pat the armored shoulders of his shoulders.

"Good to see you, Pavlos. And Spiros, you've grown into a man. Last time I saw you, you were still a boy," said Angelos.

Pavlos, a young, brown and white-spotted dog, wagged his tail and smiled as he was acknowledged by the ruler of Arcadia. "Sir, nice to see you. What is the occasion for you to stop at the barracks -- ah, if you don't mind me asking, of course."

"I've come to speak to Thomas. Is he here?"

"He is inside," replied Spiros. The tall, green dragon pointed to a building behind him. Angelos walked past the guards and entered the building's courtyard. From there, he could hear the clanking of a hammer slamming against metal in the armory close by. Angelos casually strolled to the armory door and opened it. Inside the armory, a dark gray, middle-aged wolf -- dressed in soldier garb -- was refining his sword over a large, black table. The flames from a nearby, stone-made stove lit up the room. The warmth inside the armory was comforting for the lion, who -- like the wolf -- was lightly dressed on a cool, spring afternoon.

"My dear friend," said Angelos, who walked over to the wolf.

Thomas looked up and saw the lion. He smiled warmly. "Ah, it's a pleasure to see you again!"

"How long has it been since I saw you last?"

"Too long!" Thomas laughed heartily and wrapped his arm around the lion's shoulder. He pulled the lion close to him. Angelos purred and flicked his tail happily. Compared to earlier -- when he was questioned by Tasia -- the lion appeared to be significantly calmer, more sedated and engaging. The sense of urgency was no longer there.

Thomas could feel the lion's breath glaze over his muzzle. The wolf could smell Angelos' dignified, manly musk and perspiration soaked in his fur. The lion's presence was very alluring to the wolf. Words could not describe the feeling of lust that cradled Thomas' loins. Undoubtedly, there was a measurable amount of sexual tension coming from the wolf, who appeared to be lost in a sea of yearning. He was clearly infatuated with the lion -- but was the feeling mutual?

Once he walked into the room, Angelos felt a tingling sense of arousal that made wearing his leather briefs feel somewhat uncomfortable. The lion's libido reached a critical point; he required immediate sexual gratification from his loyal servant. The lion wrapped his long arms around Thomas' back and rocked the wolf's body gently in his arms. Without Tasia's knowledge, for months, Angelos waited nervously for the moment to meet with Thomas again. The wolf was the sole object of his desires; he wanted nothing more. He already had everything he could ever want, but this forbidden love was an unquenchable thirst.

"Do you think Eros would ever grace us with his blessing?" asked Angelos, who calmly wrapped his arms around Thomas' chest.

"Not a chance, my king," Thomas replied. "Let me assist in your conquest to release your... tensions."

As he was being teased by Thomas, Angelos could feel his arousal steadily increasing. His contained shaft curved against his briefs. The level of anticipation was rising. The moment he's been waiting for -- for many, long months -- was about to arrive. Instinctively, the lion nibbled on the wolf's neck, which evoked a sudden, pleasurable gasp. With his arms still wrapped around Thomas' chest, Angelos one of his paws down to massage the wolf's crotch. He felt the wolf's bulging member, looking for a way to escape. Thomas started to thrust his hips into the lion's welcoming paw -- displaying his willingness to satisfy his superior.

"Very nice," complimented Angelos, who appreciated the wolf's apparent desire for intimacy. "I've waited a long time... and so have you it appears."

"Please... release all that you have to offer. I am your servant. Here is my body."

Angelos took a step back from Thomas to undress. The leather undergarment strap quickly fell to his toes. The wolf unbuckled his harness and cape, revealing his enthusiastically wagging tail. While they were taking off their clothes, both males flashed back to their first chance encounter. In between clashes against rivaling nations who attempted to conquer Peloponnese, both were temporarily stationed in a small, sheep-skin tent on the peninsula's eastern coastline. There, Angelos would strategize with his army's second in command, Thomas, during the day and rest in the evening. It was then that the king would make a strange discovery.

Angelos woke one evening to find the tent was empty. Outside, he could hear someone moaning. Assuming that Thomas was in danger, the lion grabbed his sword and ran outside. Once he was outside, he saw the wolf, sitting on the sand, looking down at his lap while jerking his arm in a frantic place. It was late at night, and Angelos couldn't see what the wolf was doing. Thomas quickly stopped and looked up at the lion with a frightened expression on his face. Thomas pulled his undergarments up and stood as quickly as he possibly could. He brushed the sand off his back and cleared his throat.

"My apologies, Angelos. I did not mean to startle you. I was just --"

"Are you hurt?"

"No, I was... I have been awake for some time. I didn't get any sleep, so I thought I could go outside..."

"What were you doing?"

Thomas looked around nervously, gulped and cleared his throat again. He scratched behind his ears and looked around. He thought about a series of explanations he could give. After spending a few seconds in thought, the wolf was ready to answer albeit hesitantly.

"In short, I was pleasuring myself, sir."

Angelos nodded. "Is that so?"

"I have been away from my wife for so long and I --"

"No explanation needed. Please continue. We have our needs, and those needs must be satisfied."

Thomas was puzzled by the lion's sudden acceptance of the fact. The wolf didn't know whether he could continue given that the ruler of the Arcadian army discovered him when he the most vulnerable -- and yet, the lion's physical presence was very stimulating. "Imagine if that muscular beast was naked," the wolf thought. "It would be so appealing." The real reason he was pleasuring himself was to curtail his sexual temptations. He wanted the lion, but he couldn't stand to sleep in the same tent as him without thinking about all the ways he could satisfy him.

"However, since you woke me from a pleasant sleep, I decided that I will stand here and watch you finish."

Thomas blinked. "Watch, sir?"

"That's right."

The moment Angelos crossed his arms, Thomas knew that the lion was serious. It was late at night, and fatigue was taking its toll on the wolf, who knew he had to comply -- not like it was a problem. He wasn't going to complain, but he was never watched by anyone when he masturbated. Though the lion's presence stimulated him, he also felt that he had to ignore him in order to complete his personal task.

Slowly, Thomas tugged his briefs down and pulled out his lengthy shaft, which remained hardened and fully out of his sheath. In order to get more comfortable, he also took his sac out of his briefs and let them sit while being surrounded by a very cold breeze. Angelos had never seen another male naked before so it was a new experience for him, but the experience felt very natural. He was surprised to notice this. In fact, he became enchanted by the wolf's musky scent. The fragrance was different than a female's. The wolf's scent was very bold and inviting. As he towered over Thomas, Angelos felt his precum dripping from the tip of his cock, staining his briefs with warm, sticky anticipation. This was unusual, Angelos thought, but exciting.

Thomas detected the faintest scent of the lion musk. It aroused him, but it also agitated him. "Why does he have to watch?" Thomas thought. The idea of someone watching him maturbate made him uncomfortable -- especially when the person watching him just so happened to be the object of his desires. The wolf resisted the temptation to touch Angelos, though the lion was only a few inches away. Thomas imagined his muzzle rubbing lovingly against Angelos' muscular chest. He imagined moving his lips down to the lion's low-hanging fruit; he would open his maw and suck on it slowly at the lion's request. Applying his fantasies would have far-reaching consequences, the wolf thought. Little did he know, Angelos was intrigued by the very same scenario.

Angelos couldn't form his desires into words, but he felt he had enough power to control his subordinates. He was not a tyrant by nature, but only when it was necessary; imposing his will on the wolf was a necessary cause. Angelos walked over to the wolf, who was about to wrap his paw around his shaft. "Lay down," ordered the lion. "On your stomach. Remove your undergarments and lift your tail." Thomas complied with the orders. "This is a private matter. Be silent, and don't wake our men."

Laying on his stomach, Thomas looked toward the peaceful, early morning horizon. The wolf could see the sun slowly rising from the sea, but tranquility was completely shattered when he felt the lion's think, determined member inside of him. Everything was happening so fast, and the rest of the morning seemed like a complete blur. The one thing Thomas fondly remembered -- from that day -- was the feeling of pure ecstacy and unwavering submission.

When he prostate was touched, Thomas felt something he never felt before -- and nearly a year would pass before he would feel it again. Hanging over an empty counter in his military's armory, the naked wolf -- completely stripped of his armor -- took as much pressure as he possibly could through his tailhole. Unlike their last sexual encounter, Thomas was able to moan in delight. "Oh, please! More!" he begged Angelos.

Standing behind him, the muscular feline quickly flicked his long, red cape over his left shoulder as he pushed himself further inside. It was a tight fit, but it was perfect. Once his lower abdomen touched the wolf's lower backside, Angelos was ready. The lion's low-hanging balls were ripe and aching for this moment. Angelos started to thrust slowly. Every few thrusts, Angelos adjusted himself to make sure that everything was in order. Being an obssessive perfectionist, the lion wanted to make sure that he was comfortable and in control. When he heard Thomas mutter, "Oh, please! More!" the sexually aggressive feline took those words as a challenge.

Without pulling out, Angelos climbed to the top of the counter where Thomas was. The lion was agile enough to keep his balance with both feet squarely on the brick, counter surface. Angelos pressed his arms down on the wolf's back. Thomas pounded on the counter with his fists as he felt the lion push himself even further. "Yes!" shouted the accomplished lion. "You wanted more, and I'll give you more -- but you must beg!"

"More, sir!" whispered Thomas before grinding his teeth. Angelos moved his hips back and forth in small, jerky motions while sweat dripped from his back.

"More... please..." Angelos went at a faster pace.

"More, more, more!" Thomas' faint voice was now getting louder. The pace of the lion's thrust was so intense, the wolf felt his shaft slamming into the counter repeatedly. The lion's large, luscious orbs slapped against Thomas' rear.

"You filthy slave!" shouted the lion, panting. He tilted his head up to face the wall in front of him, and he roared. He roared loudly enough to grab the attention of the guards nearby. Pavlos and Spiros ran to the armory. The lion continued. "Take my dick! Tell me you want it!"

"I've... been wanting it... for so long. For so long! AH!"

Angelos moved ferociously back and forth in a purely feral way. He felt his seed quickly approaching, but Thomas would be the first to release. The wolf climaxed hard, ejecting his plentiful, musky fluid onto the floor with a noticeable splat. When Thomas was done with his climax, he panted heavily, but the lion would follow suit and flood inside the exhausted wolf. Months of sexual frustration and yearning rushed suddenly toward Thomas' prostate. Angelos roared loudly and pulled himself out unceremoniously. After staying bent over the counter in silence for a minute, Thomas stood up and turned to face his lover. Once his eyes met the wolf's, Angelos leaned over to kiss Thomas on the lips as a sign of his gratitude. The mighty lion hugged Thomas -- and the wolf took the opportunity to nuzzle against his feline master's chest.

These tender moments were soon interrupted when the armory door opened up suddenly. Standing and looking at the two naked, sweaty soldiers in shock, Pavlos and Spiros dropped their spears and removed their helmets. Pavlos attempted to take a step toward Angelos and Thomas, but the wolf raised his arm, gesturing like he was pushing them back.

"Remain calm," said Thomas to his soldiers. "No need for alarm."

"But, may I ask sir... what is the meaning of this?" asked Pavlos as he defiantly made one step toward Angelos and Thomas, but Spiros put his scaley hand on Pavlos' shoulder and shook his head.

"Pavlos, let's go." Spiros nodded at Thomas and walked out of the armory with Pavlos. The dragon smiled, chuckled and shook his head as he closed the door behind him.

Angelos and Thomas got dressed and brushed themselves off before they left the military compound together. While they walked through a field of tall grass, they felt a very cool, soothing breeze that caressed their sweat-soaked fur. Neither of them found it troubling that their subordinates caught them in the act, but Angelos expressed concern over his personal life.

"My dear Tasia. She -- the lioness has a lot of faith in me," said Angelos.

"Ah, how is she, by the way?" asked Thomas.

"Waiting for me to come home... waiting for answers."

"Will you ever tell her the truth?"

"Would I -- well, I don't know."

"Perhaps, it's for the best that we keep this secret -- for the good of Arcadia, of course."

The two lovers didn't realize that they were being followed. Pavlos and Spiros stood on top of a hill, looking down at Angelos and Thomas. The young soldiers were very curious about what they saw. Caught in between confusion and arousal, Spiros looked at his friend and asked him, "How do you think we can be a part of it?"

Pavlos tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Depends on what you're trying to get out of it," he answered.

"Power," said Spiros with a devilish grin. "Power."

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