Bathroom Break

Story by Vaunmutt on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissioned Work

Technically, "Fun in the Sun Part 2: How Caleb Got His Groove Back", but the focus groups didn't like the title, so we workshopped it. Features some light orientation play!

The clatter of a crumpled soda can careening into a bin accompanied the soft sounds of muffled voices just within the park restrooms, the empty husk of a discarded bottle of water laying just beside it. After his risqué brush with public exposure - an impressive feat given the fact that he was a practicing nudist - Caleb found he just couldn't turn the offer down. But, while he was plenty content to bust an abhorrently fat nut mostly out of sight, the otter was considerably less sure he could get away with a bout of full-on, raunchy butt-stuffing sex in the same locale. Still lust-drunk and woozy from his volcanic orgasm, he opted to leave the thinking to Jessie - the young, athletic hoss who'd caught him in the first place.

After quickly procuring an *out of order" sign from the nearby maintenance closet, the pair followed Jessie's friend Don inside. Decidedly more jock compared to Jessie's slimmer runner's body, the more muscled rottweiler looked a little less than pleased with the arrangement.

"Bro, can't you just, like, pound that guy out without _me being here?" _

Jessie scoffed, his hooves clopping against the tile floor as he quickly joined Caleb in the nude, his leathery cocksheath already looking plump with a near-buried chub somewhere behind that peeking flare.

_"Uh, no? I gotta have someone standing lookout just in case that sign doesn't fool everyone. Sides, I'm your ride home, so just chill!" _

Don grumbled beneath his breath, briefly stealing a glance at his friends package before averting his eyes and putting on his best "fuck you but whatever" face. He crossed his legs just a little bit tighter when he saw Caleb lift his tail up, the horse's hand sliding beneath to cup those fluffy, squeezable cheeks.

"Mnh. Fuck yeah, dude. You got a real nice ass. You on a special regimen, or just squattin' on a lot of dicks?"

Jessie didn't wait for the otter to respond, but that didn't stop him from trying, even as the colt brought a finger to his lips and slathered it in spit, Caleb's gaze occasionally turning back to look as he pushed his ass out and gently pressed the front of his chest to the wall.

"H-hf.. N, nah! I uh, I jog a bunch and I spend a lot of time on the be-eEEhhnnh~.."

How rude! Just when he was explaining himself, Jessie yanked that spitshined finger free with a soft pop and pressed it between Caleb's cheeks, those supple mounds pushed apart by his knuckles as he dug that slick digit inside the otter's tight rear.

"Daaaamn. I dunno if you're just the tightest hole I've gotten up in or you jog that _ much, but I'm gonna have a tough fuckin' time workin' all_ this_ up in you, dude.." _

He punctuated his words, dripping as they were with that raw, intense arousal that only comes along in a men's room, with a weighty smack against Caleb's thigh - a thick string of pre-jizz clinging to his fur and connecting the pair for a moment until it sagged under its own weight and snapped, splashing onto the floor. The sudden warm thwap of flesh distracted the otter for the briefest of moments from that invading finger, it's presence not remembered until he felt a thick knuckle slide inside accompanied by a soft squelch of spit that made Don shift his hand a little further up his own thigh. While he wasn't sure just how deep in that finger was, he knew he could feel it fumbling in the dark near his prostate, the odd little touch sending a faint shiver down his spine that made him clench down around it and pulse that sensitive bulb up against the very tip of that probe.

"Oofh. That's a tight _little slut. Cmon, don't clench up so much, I gotta get you loose enough to take my cock... Real fuckin hot feelin' you squirm around me though." _

The rottie was done voicing protests by this point - the only thing on his mind being his hand squeezing that plump sheath swelling up in his jockstrap. Caleb pushed his ass back juuust enough to get Jessie's finger to push into his prostate, the half-hard chub he had drooping between his legs jumping just a little bit from the touch. A long shuddering sigh pedaled from his throat as he reached back to stroke and squeeze the horse's flare.

_"I'm.. Hh. I'm really trying.. Spit ju-uhhfh.. Just doesn't make the best lube, yknow?" _

It was a valid point for sure, one that escaped Jessie in his pursuit of otterbutt.

_"..Yea, you right. Hey, Donnie? Either quit hiding that boner and help me loosen this boy up, or go fetch my gymbag from the car. I got a bottle of lube in there." _

Equal parts embarrassed, angry and confused, Don addressed these feelings one at a time in the order they presented themselves. He cupped a hand over the obvious bulge behind his mesh shorts and cursed.

_"Ey, fuck you Jessie. I got a girlfriend, yeah? I ain't gettin' stiff from watching you jam your finger up some dude's ass. And why the fuck do you have lube in your bag?" _

Jessie looked a little dumbfounded, as if he'd just been asked why water is wet, the chestnut colt pausing for a second to ponder such an obvious question.

_"Uh, because I use hookup apps and fuck a lotta guys on campus under the bathroom stalls?" _

Don's bulge pulsed while he tried to look wholly nonplussed.

".. Gross. Whatever. I'll go get your fuckin _'__ lube. Just hurry up with this shit." _

Checking to see if the coast was clear, Don quickly dashed out of the restroom and made his way towards the parking lot, dodging curious stares towards that pointed doggy-dick cock mound. Slowly working his finger out, Jessie wiped the leftover spit on Caleb's ass, then sidled up close.

"Much as he's being a boner-kill, he's right. We got classes starting in an hour or so. Gonna have to make this more of a blow-and-go than I'd like. Hop on Grindr sometime after we finish, I'll hit you up. In the meantime, how bout you get down here and show me how much you want this horse cock in your throat?"

With a pointed gulp born from a mixture of outright arousal and sheer nervous energy, Caleb hastily nodded and rounded, pressing his bare chest up against Jessie's for a moment just to feel his body heat seep against his fur. With a little grin and a hesitant flutter to his lashes, he dropped down to a squat, his tail fwapping against the floor as he wrapped an eager hand around the wrinkled base of the hoss's cock. He felt it pulse against his hand for a long, pregnant moment, merely enjoying the warmth of flesh-on-flesh and the way his cockveins bulged and thickened when he tightened his grasp. And then, he lunged, wrapping his lips around the broad tip and smooching it like a lost lover - tongue dancing across that plump, circular cumslit while he tightened his mouth around the rim of the flare, feeling the spongy flesh bend and flex beneath his jaw. Jessie tipped his head back and ran a hand through the otter's blonde mop of messy surfer's hair, clenching a few strands in a gesture that seemed more desperate than demanding. As Caleb dipped his lips down further past the flare and suckled on the thinner, brown dickflesh, he could hear the horse draw in a sharp breath and the grip on his hair immediately relaxed, shifting to a gentle stroking and patting as his fingers drifted towards the back of his head to offer gentle encouragement to go deeper - which the otter gladly obliged.

A slow glimmer of split appeared on the otter's lip as he suckled, nursing like a newborn calf on the dribbling prenut the horse had to offer, his tongue working that head as best he could until depth demanded that he leave it be and tongue those pencil-width veins, his throat tensing in anticipation of swallowing that broad equine head. Letting his hand dip down to his own idly-dripping dick, Caleb gave it a slow, lazy stroke, moreso to feel the foreskin roll up and squish against the puddle of pre buried within it than to hurry himself towards another explosive climax. Despite the word of urgency Jessie had said, he was in no hurry to draw this to a close - content to savor the salty, sweat-flecked cock in his gullet for as long as this cruel, unforgiving universe would allow. Being the horny college guy he was, the horse was certainly appreciative of the suckjob he was getting, but he definitely wanted more than Caleb was content to offer at that second - the grip on his head turning a little more forceful as he knocked the otter out of his dick-drunk stupor and pushed him down a little further, and then a little further still until he felt the ridge of that knobbed flare pop into his welcoming, tight throat and a slight bulge began to show in the otter's throat.

A low, lusty grunt poured from his throat as he shuddered, ears twitching and tail flagging as he spared his hand to reach back and play about that puffed-out donut hole the stallion had buried between his cheeks, fingers tugging and pulling at the rubbery flesh to spread and tease his backdoor.

"Fffuck, bro. You've got a good mouth, just.. fuckin' swalloin' me up. Mhhh.. That dick taste good, dude? You like that sweaty horse cock?"

Bereft of the ability to reply verbally, Caleb was forced to emphatically nod - a difficult task when you're at the mercy of an iron-hard shaft of flesh pinned into your gullet by a slowly-growing flare. Still, the gesture was understood and appreciated all the same, the otter's lazy stroking growing a little more needy and intense as he noisily squelched his foreskin back and forth, a fresh dollop of pre-jizz pouring out onto a floor that had assuredly seen worse. He quietly gagged as he went deeper, his nose beginning to feel that radiating body heat pouring out of Jessie's sheath the closer he got to the hilt. Slow, dribbling jets of clear fluid ran down his throat in thick rivulets as he worked his way deeper and deeper, finally feeling his chin softly plap against those pendulous lemon-shaped nuts hanging beneath the horse's cock, the air he could draw in past that clogging cockshaft dripping and tainted with that sweaty, heady scent swirling about that fleshy pouch. Little tears of exertion welled in the corners of Caleb's eyes as he felt each full throb of dick press his already-strained jaw a little further, his lungs starting to grow hot as his eyes went half-lidded - the hand on the back of his head keeping him from wrenching back and drawing in the deep breath he really could've used right then. Spit ran from his chin in thick dollops as he clenched his throat around Jessie's length, each fruitless gag doing nothing more than adding stimulation and pleasure.

The otter could feel when he'd finally worked a finger up into that pliant pucker, as the effect in his shaft was immediate. Quickly, he felt that flare throb almost to its full size before deflating almost as fast, the underside of the horse's sausage growing fat with a rush of fresh, salty-sweet pre-nut that he really wish he could taste, rather than wasting it right into his gut. Content - for now - Jessie released his hand and let Caleb work himself free with a sputtering gag and a choked, sharp inhale, a frothy foam of saliva clinging to his jaw as he gathered himself up and let the rush of fresh air quell the faint tingling in his extremities. For all the protest his glare at the horse gave, his throbbing, leaking cock told otherwise - a point Jessie quickly picked up on.

"You can give me that look all you want, but I know_ you loved that shit, mate. Now c'mon, Don'll be back soon, and I'd like my nuts shined up before he gets here. Dude always throws a hissy fit. Guess his girl won't do it for him, or some junk."_

Shit. Minor bodily betrayal aside, he really did love that. Voice still a little hoarse from the rough, protracted deepthroating, he croaked out a reply.

"..W-Whatever. C'mon already, I've.. I've been eyeing those nuts, like, this whole time, anyway."

He'd almost wished he'd chosen different words, given the cocky, shit-eating grin Jessie wore in reply, but he obliged all the same, sidling up to the squatting ott and dropping those heavy, sweat-glistening nuts atop his brow. A quick shiver ran down Caleb's spine, the sudden wealth of heat on his face making his skin prickle beneath his fur as sweat sluiced across it, his nose buried in the crook between balls as one settled over an eye and the other hung loosely in its pouch over his lips. He darted his tongue out and gave the pendulous orb a long, slow lick, careful to collect every drop he spotted on the dark flesh. The taste of sweat mingled with the faint flavor of dried, reconstituted jizz - as if he'd blown a load this morning and just let it dry where it landed. Gross. ..But, also pretty hot. Definitely more hot than gross, he thought. He'd have plenty of time to weigh the decision later - he had churning, drooping horse nuts to clean first. With gusto he popped one between his lips and pulled back - taking the chance to get a little payback. Yanking down and pressing his teeth in just hard enough to make the hoss wince, Caleb sucked hard on it and let it go, the orb bounding back up and loosing flecks of spit against his thigh where it smacked against fur and flesh.

The otter was considerably more gentle with the next nut, thinking he'd gotten his point across - peppering it with small pecks and kissed before gingerly suckling it into his mouth and battering it with his tongue, even pressing it up against one cheek as it suctioned against it, just to feel it gently pulse against his skin. Just as he was about to let it loos,e he heard the door crack open, his eyes going wide as panic briefly flashed through his nerves, only to feel a wash of relief when he saw it was Don returning, the rottweiler clutching a bottle in his hand with his fingers carefully placed to hide the label. Just as he stepped in, he looked over to see Caleb mouthing that fat horse ball, his eyes narrowing as he huffed and stormed over, pressing the lube bottle into Jessie's outstretched hand as he grumbled and stomped back off towards the sinks.

"Told ya. Now, let's get down to business, yeah? You've really _ got my nut up now. Gonna bust in you like a fuckin' fountain, dude."_

Jessie pulled himself free of Caleb before he had the chance to let go himself, finding himself suddenly missing that warm, salty orb between his lips before a grip on his wrist pulled him from his thoughts and guided him towards the sinks and mirrors. With a playful little shove, Jessie pushed the otter forward and gripped him by the hips to guide him into position, his head coming to rest inches away from Don's bulge - a fact that the canine didn't let go unnoticed. He nervously shifted a little further away, palming himself while he twisted on his feet to point it away from the cocksleeve-to-be. Clearly he had a few things besides a thick load to work out himself. As much as he might've dwelled on it, though, Caleb just didn't have the time to devote - the sudden presence of something warm, wet, and sloppy against his backside distracting him from everything but. He heard Jessie chuckle under his breath as he brought a finger up to the mess of lube he'd made against the otter's hole, the digit pressing up into him just as before, but considerably more smoothly and with less of a hitching gasp from the ott and more of a slow, rolling breathy moan. His eyes fluttered as he felt him worm around inside, swirling his finger around and slowly pumping it in and out before he tentatively added a second - and shortly after, a third. Keeping his "grip" inside Caleb, the horse upturned the bottle and poured a thick squeeze onto his shaft, setting it aside just to free the hand up to properly coat that goop across himself.

"Ffh - fuck yeah, dude. You're good'n loose now. I'll try'n go slow, but horned up as I am, you might just have to grin and bear it. You cool with that?"

Gulping down another mouthful of spit, he glanced back and nodded, his tailtip twitching as he felt one of Jessie's hands gripping the mid of it while the other guided his flared head towards his hole.

"I'm not quite_ the blushing virgin you think I am. I can t-take a dick like a champ!"_

Jessie put on that cocky grin once more, clicking his teeth as he pushed his hips forward.

"Good to hear, mate. Now, relax up, fixin' to dig in deep_ on that round ass~."_

Whatever reply Caleb had in store, it was killed in his throat the second he felt the flare push against the rim of his pucker and pop inside with a hearty squelch of slick lube, the twitching muscle pulsing against the invading cock as he arched his back and let loose a simpering whimper of a moan that stretched out over more than a few seconds. Like the head of a battering ram, Jessie used the blunt tip of his cock to spread the otter's hole out around him, just in time for it to clench down tight around the thinner parts of his cock. The second surprise came when he felt another, sudden pop from his asshole parting around his medial ring. He shifted his hand down from gripping the sink to feel at his own stomach, the subtle heft of a dick felt more and more within as he pressed deeper into Caleb's bowels. Practically hissing as a low grunt worked past his grit teeth, Jessie bucked his hips up and force-fucked the last few inches of his cock up into the otter's asshole, the mouth of his sheath grinding against his taint while his heavy, slick nuts clapped against Caleb's fuzzy sack. The hand he'd used to guide himself in went to join its twin around his tail, using it as a sort of handle as he wrapped his arms around it and gripped tight. For a few long, protracted seconds, he simply sat there, hilted so deep inside the otter's ass that there was a noticeable bulge in his lower stomach, one that Caleb's hand was busy rubbing and squeezing both in astonishment and to add that tiny bit of extra bliss to his partner's experience.

Those moments came to a swift end once the stallion drew his hips back, and back, suddenly leaving Caleb feeling a little empty. Tugging out until just that throbbing flare remained within, he hunched forward and drove his hips back up, letting loose a low groan as he split him open all over again, meeting some resistance once he tried to work the thicker base of his cock in, but plowing through it all the same. Caleb felt the buck and was pushed forward, his chin bumping the rim of a sink as he felt Don's eyes shift more towards the pair, rather than shamefully away as he'd been doing before. Hazarding a glance, he was a little surprised to see that his hand wasn't just nursing a bulge, it was outright jerking a hefty, veiny, crimson dog cock, the knot still buried in his sheath as he leaked watery pre over his fingers. The rott's tongue was out, drool dripping from it as he wore a conflicted expression, one somewhere between resignation and animalistic arousal. Jessie seemed to pick up on this as quickly as Caleb, his stance shifting back a few inches to give Caleb room to push off from the sink, holding himself up and freeing up his mouth. The gesture didn't go unnoticed. Nervously swallowing, Don sat up from his leaning posture and rubbed the back of his neck, glancing away even as he took a tepid step forward, close enough that the next throb-launched lance of thin pre-cum splashed the otter's lips. He pushed his tongue out - an obvious, open invitation that the riled-up rottie just couldn't ignore. He took the next, critical step forward and felt that slippery muscle glide across the blood-engorged flesh of his cock - a shameless shiver causing his hips to buck and smear the tip across his fluffy cheek.

Between groans and huffs of exertion as he began to rut into Caleb's ass properly, Jessie managed to work out a few joking jeers, congratulating his friend on finally nutting up and getting some. Don shot back, dismissing him almost immediately and telling him to "shut up and fuck, holy shit". Such an order couldn't be easily ignored, and he set himself to the task as the canine shifted ever-closer, to the point that each hump-induced rock never took his mouth off of that warm, heady-scented cock. The otter's eyelids drooped as he opened up his throat, letting Don set the pace as he awkwardly fucked his face, his eyes averted even as he groaned and grunted from the enthusiastic - if slobbery - blowjob. Caleb could feel the young stallion beginning to reach the end of his stamina - the telltale swelling of his flare and the slowdown of his pace mingling with the hitched, shuddering breaths he let out. For all of his bravado, he was still a horse - and a young, ferociously-pent up horse at that. His ball-clapping, ass-wobbling thrusts grew quicker and quicker as his flare fattened up, the added heft only making the bulge in Caleb's guts swell out even more. Don, too, for all of his feigned disinterest, was just as raring to empty his nuts as Jessie was - maybe even more so. With his own cock leaking from each, heavy thrust into him barreling against his prostate, the otter was - frankly, in heaven, but he knew it just couldn't last.

Jessie's grip on his tail tightened almost to the point of pain as he threw his head back and let loose a low, bellowing grunt, his hips pushing hard into the otter's fuzzy ass to really drive home his orgasm - the broad flare swelling as Caleb could feel his nuts tug up past his own balls and twitch against his taint. The underside swelled with a churning mass of stoppered-up cum, the ott's tight, clenching walls damming up his flow and letting a sudden flood loose with each rhythmic ripple of contracting muscles. Releasing the otter's tail to fall forward and grip his shoulders, the horse ground himself in deep, gyrating his hips as he felt that first surge of jizz lance from his cock to paint the depths of Caleb's guts a milky, chunky white. Moaning and shuddering in orgasmic bliss, Jessie's display overshadowed Don's more meek climax, his hand coming down to squeeze his knot through his sheath, pumping it like a makeshift sleeve over the sensitive, swollen bulb as he kissed the mouth of it to Caleb's lips. Coppery, thin mutt-nut splashed across his tongue and filled up the underside of his mouth before he could swallow it, the constant pulsing and bouncing of his cock lifting and dropping the otter's head with each twitch. The horse in his ass gave a few slow bucks as his cock began to deflate, fucking out the last of the cum still trapped in his piss-vein before he took a half-step back and let physics handle the rest.

Jessie's softened dick messily, noisily schlorped out from Caleb's fucked-open hole, a river of milky cum following it as yet more dribbled from his hanging prick which he gladly pumped out with a lazy fist. Caleb's rim twitched, his taint pulsing as he tried to clench down on a cock that wasn't there anymore - the rough pace of the stallion's needy fuck leaving him oh-so close to his own peak. Don rode out the rest of his orgasm with a hand gently fondling one of those fuzzy cheeks, his spent cock falling from the otter's lips along with a dollop of mixed nut and spit from his tongue. Panting and in a post-fuck state of euphoria, Caleb could've drifted off into an hour-long nap right there, his drooping lids suddenly forced open once Don sheepishly grabbed his cock.

"..Dude, not cool. At least tug the guy off if you're gonna fuck him in the ass.."

The otter didn't need much encouragement to reach his own orgasm, his throbbing, uncut cock pulsing in the rottie's grip as he tentatively pumped and squeezed it until he bucked his own hips in a sudden deluge of thick, creamy sperm. Don almost blushed from embarrassment as he came, his hand pulling back some to keep it free of the copious ropes that spewed from his throbbing mushroom - each of which put the release of both of them to shame. He quivered and almost melted from the relief of it, his taint twitching as his prostate tingled in warm waves of bliss. By the time he'd collected his brain cells and glanced back, Jessie was already getting himself dressed, a faint dark stain showing on his pants where his cock idly leaked leftovers. Don, too, sheepishly stuffed himself back into his sweaty jock and tried to regain his tough-guy act by hanging out by the door and pretending not to notice the otter. Before parting, the stallion pressed his fingers back up into

Caleb's still-loose hole, swirled them around, then brought them to his lips, licking his own seed from his digits.

"See you next week, yeah?"

Caleb shifted his head over, knees still quivering - he would've gotten up if he was sure he could stand - and presented a thumbs-up.

Fun in the Sun

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