chater 4 Family ites

Story by Sid burn on SoFurry

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#4 of Vigilante 8 the 3rd war

Chapter 4 family ties

"I came down here to join you in this fight." JJ said as he held his hand out to Damon now/

"I need to get another vehicle." Damon said as he looked at Val which surprised her.

"Already? Your RV blew up we don't have any extra vehicles." She protested

"I know we don't have any other vehicles here, I have one stashed in a safe house near the city of Beatty, I don't even thing it will run." said Damon "besides I have info on the vigilantes." when he said that it went dead quite, every ones eye's were on him in shock

. "You have information on the vigilantes??" Sarah asked amazed.

"Yea, I had a copy of all the info in the RV but it's gone, but I have another copy at the other house." Damon said.

"Well what are we waiting for lets go, go, go!!" said Valiena with that every one started to scramble for there cars.

As they approached the city Damon signaled for then to slow down.

"Turn right here down the dirt road." he pointed out she turned down the road a mile down the road the house came into view she was amazed when she saw the house.

"What a mess." Said Valiena as they stopped in the drive way.

"Well I haven't been back here in a long time, all the sand storms haven't been kind to this house, and I just hope my car is still here." Damon said getting out, he walked towards the garage. Grabbing the handle he pulled it up releasing it the as garage door went up revealing the vehicle.

"Is that a v eight interceptor?" Dante asked in shock.

"Yes, it is I haven't seen her in a long time, I moded it up so it looks like the one from the second mad max, black paint style too." said Damon popping the hood. "The info is in strong box it's in the locker behind the car, the code is 0317." he said removing the long dead battery. Jack walked to the back, nearly tripping over the fallen tools, he had trouble opening it because it had rusted shut. Pulling hard the door gave way braking of the hinges, grabbing the strong box out the locker, looking for the dial and thumbing the code. Opening it he found a map and a twenty GB USB drive.

"Hey, look at this map it has marked areas, ammo, vehicles, weapons and hide outs." said jack "We can use this to our advantage to crush the vigilantes."

"No, wait we can steal their supplies and leave them with out any thing to use." Sarah added.

"That's the plan." said Damon as he finished putting in the new battery they brought with along. "Ok now for the moment of truth" getting in the car he searched for the key, finding it under the seat where he had left it the last time he used it. The dinger went off as he put the key in place turning the key all the way it started right off the bat they cheered in excitment. He laughed, revving the engine to the red line, getting out he put the hood down then shut the car off.

"Wow! That was fast I didn't expect it to start right away." Valiena said in excitement "Why did you turn it off any way?" looking for anything wrong with car.

"I need to eat, the eggs were the only thing i have eaten in about a day and a half" said Damon "Now, I know I left some MREs here." walking into the house and coming back out three minutes later with hand full of rations. Once he was done he said "we have to wait until night fall to attack so we don't attract any attention."

"Why not attack now?" JJ said in frustration.

"I think I know why, it's safer to move at night and we can take out the security system" said Valiena.

"That's exactly right, so I suggest you all get some sleep we move out after sun set." said Damon, they did as he said and went inside the house to relax.

Once the sun set it was time to move he walked into the living room and woke them up

"Ok, its time to move out we are raiding the vigilantes' weapons storage in Salt Lake City." they were eager to get going once on the road they took every short cut and back road that lead towards salt lake city. It took two hours to get there longer then needed but they had to stay out of sight. "Hey stop guys I need to take out those cameras" reaching into the back seat Damon pulled out a 12 gauge single shot Shotgun with a modified scope with night vision added to it for increased range.

Getting out he moved to the right front tire, sliding a slug round into the firing chamber and took aim at first camera stationed at the left side corner of the storage building. Damon fired the gun which obliterated the camera doing the same to the other four before signaling to them that it was safe to move in.

"Nice shot!" said Valiena as she stopped right beside him.

"Thanks, we should hurry there's no telling if one of the vigilantes could be coming" Damon said scanning the land in case of patrols. Getting back in he joined the team just as they were loading up ammo and weapons crates onto the flatbed. Getting out he walked inside of the storage room carrying a block of c4 and placed the pack down, priming it for remote detonation. "Ok I set the charge once we are done here I will blow it sky high." grabbing a crate, and taking it out to the flat bed.

"Good, leave nothing behind for them to use." Valiena said in hatred.

"Hey, when we get out of here drinks are on me." said Dante they smiled at his offer.

"Ok, that's all we can fit on the flat bed and in the cars." Jack said loading the last crate into the Trailer blazer. They drove away down the road once they were at a safe distance, Damon detonated the c4......

The smoke could be seen for miles. Looking off in the distance he could see lightning arced over head illuminating the night sky.

"So Damon, what do you know about the vigilantes?" Valiena asked looking back in the rear view mirror, making eye contact with him. "Plenty tell me what you want to know and answer if I can." he replied, one of the interesting things he told her was that OMAR was the cause of the first and second war. It started to rain heavy when they were half way back obstructing his vision until he turned the wipers on, Damon looked around in his car and found what he was looking in the glove box, it was an aged picture of his family he missed them dearly. He looked at it for a while before placing it inside the sun visor.

"Hey, what is wrong baby?" Valiena asked she saw him moving around in side the car.

"Oh, nothing just found an old picture I left behind." Damon answered. The Vegas lights slowly appeared ahead traffic wasn't as heavy as early, turning down the gravel road to the base he was glad to be back and safe he wanted to sit back relax and drink with his mate and new friends.

Once inside they unloaded it all and placed it near the far end of the warehouse away from anything explosive or flammable and especially the vehicles.

"Ok, ill go get the drinks." Dante said before walking over to the make shift kitchen, opening a small cupboard filled with different types alcohol. "Take your pick guys there is plenty more where that came from." he said placing the box full of bottles on the coffee table.

"Drinking contest any one?" Valiena asked grinning.

"I will take you up on that challenge, once I have had a drink or two." Damon said accepting her offer before anyone else did. They walked over to the table and each grabbed a glass, poured their drinks.

"Go, go, go!" they chanted as Damon versed Valiena they were all drunk now, gulping down his tenth shot of very strong whisky shaking his at the strong taste.

Valiena sucked down her drink, gritting at how powerful they were becoming.

"Last set, moment of truth to see who wins" she said slurring her words and laughed, nearly falling of the couch.

"I ...*hic*... am ready when you ar...*hic*...e" Damon said grabbing his last shot as it was poured.

"Ok on three..." said JJ nearly falling over "1...*burp*......2......3!" Drinking it down at the same, seconds passed by and both of them were still standing Valiena broke the silence.

"Looks like we both win."

"Well" he whizzed laughing "It looks like you have met your match" kissing her he held her in his arms as she pushed into the kiss, she braking the seconds later.

"Uh....what time is it." looking over at the clock it read one am "it's that late already, wow what a hellefav party that was, we should get to sleep now." Valiena said, getting up but falling back on the couch, grabbing Damon's arm by accident, making him fall pulling her along with him onto the floor pining him down. Both were too drunk to move and fell asleep right on the floor.

"Good night guys." JJ said before collapsing onto couch as the others fell asleep fast from being drunk.

Damon awoke with a slight headache to find himself on the floor pinned down by Valiena; looking at the clock he saw it was only five thirty in the morning. Sliding out from under her careful not to wake her, picked her up and carried her to their room, under dressing her down to her bra and under wear. Placing her gently in bed, then undressed and slid under the covers, kissing her on the cheek before drifting off to sleep.

Valiena awoke to the warm sensation of sun light was over her, looking around she saw that she was in her room; she heard whistling and the sound of the shower running. Getting up she walked into the bath room, undressing she joined him in the shower.

"Good morning there, that was one fun party last night." Damon said smiling as he turned to see Valiena enter the shower she was perfect match for him, she looked so sexy when wet.

"It was, I haven't had a drinking party like that in a long time." she said moving close to him kissing him, pushing her tongue against his, breaking it seconds later.

"I drink, but once in a while." he said grabbing a bottle of shampoo, looking at it he was surprised to see that it was men's body wash. "You use men's body wash?" looking at her with a raised eyebrow which made her laugh.

"Yea I don't care about smelling sweet,but I don't want to smell sweaty either." she replied, taking the bottle from his hand, Squeezing some of the shampoo into her hand, lathing up her hair and body. Giving back the body wash once she was lathered up.

" I don't want to also I just hate smelling bad, last time I had a shower was the day I met you before I found you." Damon said pouring the in his hair and on his chest, washing off after he was covered, Valiena wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulder.

"Well, since we are in here why don't we have some fun." she asked in a sexy tone, kissing him on the cheek. "I thought you'd never ask" he said becoming aroused as she grabbed his growing member, rubbing it up against her moist slit.

"You don't waste time to get want you want do you?" Squeezing her breast slightly, getting a moan soft out of her.

"Not when I want you really bad, I was waiting for you to ask last night" she answered back, pushing his member slowly inside both enjoyed every second of it.

"We can have fun whenever you want beautiful." he whispered into her ear he blue eyes staring at him.

"Good, now show me what you got!" she ordered, grabbing his shoulders. "As you wish, boss." Damon said in a mocking tone, thrusting into at a slow steady pace, feeling her walls ripple around his cock. Straddling him she wrapped her legs around his hips, as he pulled almost all the way then slowly pushing inside her teasing her making her hiss with pleasure, the water made it even better.

"Come on, don't hold back I want to feel alive!" begged Valiena losing it, at that he sped up. Pulling close as he slipped in and out of her sex making a soft smacking sound, her walls squeezed down on him. He was close she could see it in his eyes, slipping her fingers in and out of her pussy to speed things up "don't slow down I want your seed inside me." she gasped moaning in pleasure as he hit a sensitive spot. He pumped into her faster, moaning as hilting inside of her as her walls milked him for every last drop. He continued to thrust until he felt her shiver; she climaxed her juices mixing with his as it exploded out onto the floor. They leaned there heads against each other, breathing heavily trying to catch their breath.

"Wow, you are amazing I'm glad that we met that day, I can't think of anyone else to be with." Said Valiena as she got off him, getting out of the shower with him, drying off.

"Same here, I couldn't think of anyone that I would rather be in love with" Damon said kissing her passionately; once they were done he grabbed his clothes.

"Man, I need to get some more clothes, if only I had grabbed my clothes out of the RV, these will do for now." He said "I'll go in town later for some clothes" checking his clothes for any big rips before putting them on but leaving the chest guard behind. Valiena wore a pair of worn blue jeans and a white short sleeve shirt. They walked out of their room toward their friends, Jack and Sarah, were repairing their cars, JJ was replenishing the ammo stock in his car while Dante was still sleeping.

"Hey, looks like the love birds are here" JJ said in a cheery tone Which made them grin, making him burst out laughing.

"Yea, I guess you heard us we were a little too loud, but were not going to get quiet any time soon" she said grinning not hiding anything, making Damon grin at what see meant. Damon tapped her on the shoulder; she turned to look at him.

"You wanna go into town, for some McDonald's breakfast?? He asked waiting for her reply.

"Yea, I had a craving for some any way" she said her stomach growled loud enough for him to hear it, getting in the car she saw that the back had been gutted to add a small area to sleep. Once on the road she reached for the radio, surfing through the channels until she found Jack Fm. Looking down the rode Damon saw a ford van with a 3 an 8 sticker on the left and right rear door windows, then it hit him he knew that car.

"Val look up ahead at the van." He said in an excited tone.

"Yea, what about it?" she asked confused looking at the car not knowing what he was getting at.

\"There is only one car I know that has those two stickers, my parents van!" said Damon wanting to find out if he was right.

"Really, well let's find out!" she said wondering if he was right.

He checked the road for any incoming cars before gunning it, getting along side he looked over at the driver and was shocked to find out he was right! He saw his Dad in the driver's seat, his mother in the passenger, and his three brothers and one sister in the back, flipping a switch Turing on the siren, which caught there attention. They pulled over side of the road put the car in park, shutting the siren off he said

"I was right it's them, come on I want you to meet them" getting out of the car, they walked towards them. Once he was beside the driver's window a voice said

"I am sorry office-....Damon is that you!?" the voiced asked in astonishment.

"Where's Damon!?" everyone in the car asked.

"Yes, it is Dad its me." he said before hugging his father, every one got out of the Van and ran towards him all of them hugging him.

"It's so good to see you again Damon." his Mother said pure in happiness, close to tears. They broke the hug "It's good to see you guys again, what are you doing out here?" Damon asked so happy to see them.

"We wanted to see you so bad, we could take it any more." his Dad replied hugging him again, making him smile. "Guys, there is some one I want you to meet I love her very much." he said Valiena walked up next to Damon "I would like you to meet Valiena."

"Hi, it's nice to finally meet you guys." Valeina said shaking the fathers' hand.

"Hi my name is Dennis and this is my wife Katrina." His father said. "

She is beautiful Damon it's good to see you with some like her you've earned it. His mother said shaking Valeinas' hand "this is Lucas, Sydney, Dominic and Austion she pointed to the two teens and two young kids.

"Listen, we should really talk some else" Damon said looking around cautiously his family looked at him confused.

"Why, is some thing wrong??" Dennis asked looking around, not seeing anything.

"Nothing I was just wondering if we could finish this at McDonalds, Me and Val are kind of hungry." he said, his stomach rumbling shortly after.

"Oh, not at all we are hungry too" Katrina said looking at the time on her Iphone; it read ten thirty five am.

"Ok, just follow us and we will be there shortly" Valiena said as she and Damon got into the car. In ten minutes they were at McDonalds eating breakfast. " tell me how did all start in the first place??" Dennis asked munching down on his egg-mc-muffin.

"Well, it all started in the seventies when OMAR hired a group of people to wreck havoc on the oil industry and economy which would destroy us then OMAR would be the top Company of oil and other products." Damon replied taking a bite of his breakfast burrito.

"But the Vigilantes stop them, twice, the last war ended in two thousand." she said finishing his story." She said before chowing down on her meal. "Are you friends with the vigilantes." Lucas asked and was surprised by her response. "No and I despise them with all my heart." Valiena hissed in anger which startled every one but Damon.

"They tried to kill us, I am no longer one bastard's teammates, and I hope they all rot in hell!" Damon growled slamming his fist against the table, denting it. "Please lets talk about something else the mere mention of their name makes my blood boil." Throwing the last bit off food into his mouth, washing it down with his coffee.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad." Lucas said in apology.

"It's not your fault, if they attack us again I will wipe them from the face of the earth." he said back.

"So, how did you two meet?" Katrina asked looking at the couple.

"Well, that's the funny thing we didn't really meet up I found her motor cycle crushed on the side of the road, she had been thrown off , thankfully she was alive I was able to wake her and get her patched up." He said before pausing.

"I let her stay at my safe house because an old friend of mine had passed away, after I got home no more than five minutes after I got back we were attacked.

"How did you get away" Katrina asked worried.

"Luck and skill. Convoy could never catch me because I always modify my Vehicles engine so they have more power, but he could only catch the RV." Damon said, kissing Valiena on the cheek which she returned.

"Hey, honey we should be getting back to base" said Valiena before getting up and throwing away their trash. "You are welcome to come back to base with us" she added sitting back down, they agreed and drove back to the base.

"Sit down and make your self at home me and Val are going out for a little drive, we will be back in a bit" Damon said before backing out and driving out on to the road. "Now want to go for a wild ride, I'm going to show you how fast this thing can really" he said before flooring it, leaving skid marks and a cloud of smoke in their wake. Shifting gears he increasing speed, Valiena whooped for joy as he hit eighty, flipping on the CD player the song Black Betty by Spider bait started to play. "That's nothing watch this" he laughed shifting gears again going up to one thirty five, then pulling a button up on the shifter making the engine even louder, hitting the two fifty five mark. She laughed in pure exhilaration as he weaved through traffic reaching two eighty .He turned off road drifting on to a dirt side road and back onto the road slowing down to stop on the side of the road. "So how was that for a ride?" he asked.

"That was amazing!" she blurted out "I have never gone that fast before in my life I felt so alive, how can you bear to slow down or stop?" asked him shaking from the adrenaline rush. "I love to go that fast but I don't want to do it too much; there are things in life better than going fast." He said shutting off the supercharger.

"You want to try this baby out?" he asked getting out for her to slip into the driver's seat.

"Yea, I would love to." Valiena answered before getting in to the driver seat, as he got in the passenger seat, punching the gas pedal once he was in throwing him back into the seat. She felt so very alive; her Ford galaxy would be left in the dust if it went up against this monster. Looking down she saw a blue button on the steering wheels right side plate looking at Damon she asked "Hey, what does this thing do?" pointing to it to get his attention.

"Oh, that releases the nitrous into the car, that's for emergencies or a quick getaway. I haven't had to use yet" Damon Replied. They drove around for three hours then drove back to base.

"This car is amazing it handles so well, I wish my car could go that fast" Valiena said still having a rush from driving that fast, getting out the car, they walked toward the group.

"I can upgrade your car to move faster or you can ride in the car with me and be a gunner." said Damon "Sorry, we were gone so long we were seeing how fast the car could still go. Still goes past two hundred mph."

They sat down across from his parents who were talking to JJ who that haven't seen in a long time. Dominic and Austin were asking Dante questions, Sydney was moody as usual and didn't want to be here while Lucas was learning the proper way to loaded and equip a machine gun.

"It's ok, you were just having some fun, and you look like you guys don't get that much." Dennis said looking at them.

"So, how long are you guys going to be down here?" Valiena asked hoping no more than a day or two knowing they probably wouldn't approve of them having sex, but she didn't care.

"We have been here for about two days so this is the last day; I took a break from my job to come down here." Dennis answered happy that he gets to see his oldest son again but a sounding a little upset that this was the last day. They spent the whole day together catching up on time, by they time they were done it was eight thirty pm.

"Looks like it was getting late, do you guys have a place to crash at?? Valiena asked looking at the time.

"Yea, we do a hotel room back in town. We will come to say good bye before we leave." Dennis said swallowing the last of the pork roast Damon had made for everyone. Once ever one had said their goodbyes and they had left, Damon tapped Valiena; she looked at him with a questioning glance. "I want to show you something, it's a place I used to go to when I wanted to relax." Damon said as he scooted close so no one heard him. With out hesitation she got in the car with him, outside it was a hot one hundred and two degrees and the sun had just set. It wasn't very hot for them; they have been in places like this for a long time they loved the heat.

"So, where is this place at" she asked ten minutes into the trip, the road was unusually empty. "When I became too stressed out, upset or wanted to relax I went there" he said not taking his eyes off the road. "It's a hidden place, we aren't too far. If you want we go there faster if you want?" speeding up slightly.

"Yea, I want to see this place." Valiena said bracing herself for the power he was about to unleash from the car.

"Ok, hold on tight this is going to be fun" he grinned, gripping the steering wheel harder before pushing the petal to the floor, avoiding any cops and reaching their destination in twenty minutes. Damon slowed the car down to a halt behind a bunch of bushes to hide the car "We have to go on foot from here, the car wont make it through the narrow space."

Getting out of the car Valiena followed him. Stopping before wall of bushes Damon said "we are here I used to spend a day or two here when I wanted to get away from the world. I hope my tent is still here." Pushing their way past the bushes she was amazed at what she saw. "Amazing" Valiena breathed out, it was a swimming hole, it was a perfect place no one could see them, the sun had just set and could be see. Looking around she saw a camp site, a trail leading down to the crystal clear water where a rope swing was attached to a tree, looking over at Damon who was stripped down to his boxers. "You up for a swim?" Damon asked before diving off the edge and into the water. She quickly undressed, and she dove in just as he surfaced grabbing him and pulling him under. It surprised him, looking around under water he couldn't see her, he stopped swimming up to the surface for a breath of air. Coughing slightly as he swallowed some water, he began to looked around for her and jerked when he felt something brush by him.

"If you think you can get me you wro-" he was cut off as he was grabbed and pulled under water again, Damon struggled but stopped when he felt Valienas' lips press against his, she broke the kiss just as he was running out of air. He quickly swam for the surface, bursting through it he gasped for air. Valiena surfaced, laughing at him for not watching his back, swimming close she licked him on the cheek " I got you, what are you gonna do now?" she gloated, he looked at her and grinned.

"this!" he yelled, using both hands he poked her in the side making her yelp in surprise. She glared at him, flashing an evil grin at him. "your dead meat now" she said. "Oh, you will have to catch first" Damon laughed, before swimming up to the shallow water, Valiena following close behind. Getting up he got into a wrestling stance and waited for her to move Valiena was six feet away from him when, she used her tail to swipe his feet from under him. He jumped out of the way, her tail missing him by an inch, she lunged for him but he did a front flip over her, landing behind her and putting her in to a head lock "looks like the tables have turned." he laughed. "Bad move, you are in for it now" Valiena laughed, flaring her wings she took off and was thirty feet in the air before he could let go.

"Whoa, shit!" Damon yelled looking down, letting go and cannon balled into the water. It scared her when she saw him fall to the water, but she saw him reappear laughing, relief washed over he to see that he was ok "that was fun!" he said, pausing for a breath; they swam around for an hour more before getting out. They were drying off when they heard sounds that startled them, and then realized it was their stomachs that were making the sounds. Once dressed Damon said "I'll be back in a few minutes, I'm gonna hunt for some food. Can you get a fire ready, I wont be long" walking to the car and getting his shotgun out, he walked off to hunt. Crouching down behind a bush, he saw a group of six rabbits thirty five feet away in the clearing. Putting his hand in the pocket of the jacket he pulled out five buckshot bullets, sliding the shell into the chamber he took aim at the center of the group. Taking a deep breath he lined up the cross hairs with the center rabbit, and fired.

Valienas' head snapped up from the fire as she heard the shotgun fire, then she heard it fire again and three more times. Damon returned minutes later with five rabbits, walking up to the fire he sat down and set about skinning, gutting and cleaning the rabbits and making sure to have all the guts were buried so as to not attract scavengers. Grabbing pair of sticks he impaled the rabbit's carcass on them, placing so they were angled over the fire. Valiena eyed the rabbits with hunger as they turned to a tender and brown, he reached out for one of the rabbits, handing it to her.

"Sorry, I don't have anything to add flavor." Damon said as he took a bite out of his rabbit. "Mm...It's ok it tastes fine." She said munching down on the rabbit. They ate in silence enjoying the night and each others company. Once the fire had died down a bit there stomachs full, Valeina was curled up against Damon her head his next to his looking up into the sky, watching the stars, a shooting star streaked across the sky winking out of existence as it burned up in the atmosphere. "I see why you come out here; the sky looks so beautiful at night." Valeina said softly.

"Looking up at the night time stars always clamed me down." He said looking down at her, smiling "we can stay out here or sleep in the car, it's too late to drive back now." Sitting up he yawned. "I need to tell you something important." She said looking at him with a serious expression. "Yea, what is it? Damon asked, wondering what she was going to say.

In about a month I will be going into heat, when that happens we will have to go away for a while until I get out of it. We have about two weeks to prepare for it." She said serious about this matter.

"Two weeks huh, we will be ready then Valiena" He yawned "we should get to sleep, it's late and who knows what we are going to face tomorrow." Getting up he sleepily stumbled towards the car, Valiena followed close behind. He opened the door letting her crawl in the back first, getting in he undressed placing his clothes in the front seat along side her clothes. He slid under the covers; she curled up laying her head on his chest, both falling asleep fast. Damon looked around the warehouse it was in gulfed in flames, most of the vehicles were crushed the only one that wasn't crushed was a triumph motorcycle, trying to move he cried out in pain, looking down he saw a rebar imbedded on the right side of his chest. Gritting his teeth he grabbed the bar, pulling it out wasn't easy, discarding the bar he picked him self up and limped towards the vehicle.

"That's as far as you go!" Convoy yelled, he had Valiena, a gun pointed at her "One step closer and she dies!" Damon stopped dead in his tracks.

"Please don't hurt her, want do you want?" Damon yelled in fear, hand lowered next to his holstered gun, hand twitching ready to move.

"Give me the black box." Convoy ordered moving back dragging Valiena with him, who was trying to break free.

Damon ran into the other room grabbing the strong box, he stopped. "If he wants this box he can have it in hell!" he though, placing one pound of c4 inside it, breaking the lock after shutting it, so he couldn' topen it easily, then ran back out to hand it Over.

"Don't do it!" Valiena screamed "I'm not worth it." trying to break loose of his grip.

"Hand it over now!" Convoy yelled.

"Let Valeina go first, then you get the box." Damon spat.

Convoy let valiena go she stumbled towards Damon.

"Now the box." Convoy said training his gun on Damon. "Take it, you paranoid fucker." He said tossing the box to convoy, grabbing Valiena yelling "get down!" detonating the c4 before convoy could react, obliterating convoy and half the building.

The building started to fall apart, getting up they started to run for the vehicle, a chunk of the roof fell he looked up in time to see it. He pushed her out the way just in time as the debris landed on him.

Damon awoke gasping, looking around he saw he was in the car still the sun was just starting to rise. He clamed down. It was just a dream, he thought It felt so real. looking down he saw Valiena was still asleep, reaching over to his clothes he grabbed his watch to look at the time it read five am. Damon slowly set Valienas' head down on the pillow before moving to the front seat and getting dressed, he started the car as quietly as possible before heading back to base.