An Ordinary Week: Sunday. Part II: The Reckoning

Story by star dragon on SoFurry

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#3 of An Ordinary Week

Kevin dragged his eyes open, the sunlight having fallen upon them at some point, denying him his rest. His gaze swept lazily about the room, taking in the streams of bright sunlight and the dazzling sparkles on the ceiling made by the glimmering surface of his lover's skin. He was a bit less irritated to have been woken now. The chance to watch Eva sleep was worth a lot to him. She was always so active and animated. He wanted to see her as something other than a jittery green blur for once. And of course staring at her as he was would've been rather rude when Eva was awake. His eyes became lost in the tapestry that was his fiancé. He found himself snuggling closer to her, if that were possible, the two had remained pressed tightly together for hours.

Kevin wondered if she could still spring back to her original shape, then reminded himself that there didn't seem to be much of anything she couldn't do, and resumed his efforts to gently caress his mate. He feared waking her and ruining the moment, but he simply had to have her against him. His hand stroked the back of her neck seemingly of its own accord. She cooed gently in her sleep, seeming to be partly aware of him. Kevin smiled at the thought of even unconsciousness being unable to separate them. They did seem to share a truly amazing bond. He felt as if he could never get close enough. The way Eva had hooked her legs into his made it appear that she felt the same way. The tapered shape of her hair was pressed flat against the couch and looked considerably less lively than normal. Kevin just couldn't get enough of how it felt though. Nothing could compare to that silky, enveloping embrace the clutched his hand, gently kneading it and tugging at his arm in time with Eva's even breathing. Sleeping with her all that time had made her body pleasantly soft and pliant. There wasn't the electric thrill of that first cool touch, only the quiet enveloping warmth that made him long for an excuse to stay put.

He could feel himself drifting off again, in stark defiance of the persistent evening light. He felt no reason to resist it. Just as his grip on the world fell away from him though, the object of his affection stirred in his grasp. She mmmmhed gently as she returned to the waking world, her arms curling almost reflexively around him.

"Oh Kevin..." She breathed. "I never want to wake up without you there."

"Likewise." He said, nuzzling her snout and giving her another compassionate squeeze.

Kevin couldn't tell if it had actually been a long time since they both woke, but it had felt like a blissful eternity wrapped in affection. The odd time of day, the nagging sunlight, the fact that Kevin was still lying naked on his couch in the middle of his living room, none of it mattered. All that Kevin wanted to do was continue to take in those gorgeous eyes of hers. Of course, the eyes belonging to Eva, they refused to behave themselves for very long. They drifted about the room, occasionally darting back and forth as Kevin looked on. It was really rather distracting. He couldn't help but risk broaching the subject.

"Something the matter?"

"Just a little stir crazy is all. I love being close to you, I really do, but you've been smooshing me for a very long time now. Being under all this pressure brings back... unpleasant memories."

Kevin's reservations about getting up were immediately swept aside. He knew how old memories liked to crop up where they weren't wanted. He wouldn't wish that fate on anyone, least of all the one he cared about the most. He stood, his body felt a bit stiff and unresponsive, but he seemed to be getting some mobility back. Eva struggled, appearing to have become ensnared by the couch cushions during her long stay. A well placed tug was all it took for Kevin to heft her out. She flexed her limbs daintily, her compressed parts returning to their previous shapes and sizes.

Kevin had to glance away as she went through some shamelessly erotic stretches, suddenly very aware that they were both still naked. As he went to retrieve his pants from the top of the television, it occurred to him that the necessity of a balloon doing stretches was rather questionable. He suspected that those semi-suggestive poses were intended to illicit that exact reaction. Kevin marveled at her persistence as he clumsily slid back into his jeans. Her coy giggles made him blush as she stood with her arms folded behind her head, still in the pretense of stretching.

Another distraction tugged at Kevin's mind. This time it was the proximity of the kitchen. He didn't know why he was so hungry all of a sudden. He thought that he had just ate, another glance at the sun gave him his answer. He gauged it at late afternoon, meaning that he'd eaten precisely once in the last 24 hours. A cardinal sin in his book. He quickly settled on something simple that wouldn't take a lot of prep work. If he tried to start another cooking fiasco now they'd burn up the whole rest of the day, and he preferred that they be able to go through what Eva had in mind, if they could...

"She's even got me thinking like her..." Kevin mumbled.

"You say that like it's a bad thing honey." Eva chided. It seemed that her vain posing had no affect on her perceptive abilities.

"Hey, somebody has to be the sane one here."

In response, Kevin received a blank stare, accompanied by an inquisitive tilting of Eva's head, reminiscent of a confused puppy.

"Which would be me." Kevin clarified.

Eva's maw opened wide in a silly grin, her tongue lolling out to the side and panted excitedly. Kevin suppressed the reflexive 'I didn't know she could to that.' That came to mind. He appreciated the chance to relax and just be silly, he always felt that that was every bit as important as romance in a relationship. Of course he had to play along.

"Ya hungry girl?"

Eva's wisp of weight fell on him as she leapt up to lick his face, clinging to his still bare chest. Kevin smiled at the unusual sensation of her slick tongue dragging over his now relatively think stubble.

"I see that obedience school money was well spent." Kevin mused, as he walked his charge to the kitchen. True to her nature, Eva quickly tired of the dog gambit and hopped off to find something else interesting. Kevin poked through the freezer as she flitted about the kitchen. Where did she get all that energy?

"So what was that all about?" He asked casually.

"You looked like you needed cheering up. And I look the part, why not be man's best friend for a minute or two? I see it worked regardless." She eyed Kevin's cheerful expression as he shuffled through the still meager choices before him. He came up with a box meal that didn't look like it would be too bad. He had steered clear of those at first, they reminded him too much of MRE's. Yet his schedule had forced him to think inside the box more and more as time went on.

"Ahhh, Salisbury steak and mashed potatoes. Just like Mom used to mass-produce, freeze-dry and then vacuum-seal in a Polynesian sweatshop." Kevin quipped as he popped the dish into the microwave. He noticed Eva sniffing around the stovetop, trying to pick out still-edible morsels of latex caked on the surface.

"A bit peckish as well I see."

"Yeah, pretty hungry too." She replied, never turning from her search.

"You know I may have just the thing." Trying his best to ignore Eva's little eccentricities.

The microwave hummed in the background as Kevin pawed through the hall closet, a known hangout of unusual junk. An unassuming box was lifted from the pile with a great calamity of coat hangers, mismatched power cables, old shoes and various other detritus. Kevin dusted off the find as he brought it out to the kitchen. The calamity had attracted Eva's attention, difficult as it appeared to be to hold for long.

"My old galoshes," Kevin explained as he worked open the fiddly little cardboard tabs that held the box shut. "I had intended to leave them home so they'd quit being in they way, but my mom packed them without me noticing. I wouldn't be caught dead in them, but moms will be moms."

"You want me to eat your muddy old boots?" Eva asked.

"Eva, I'm hurt." Kevin replied, looking up from the particularly frustrating little flap he had just torn off. "Have I been nothing but thoughtful and accommodating thus far?"

"Oh, well yeah I guess so."

Kevin could see that the subtle bite of his sarcasm was lost on her. She really did feel bad.

"Don't worry about it. I wouldn't want to eat old muddy boots either. These are different though. They were standard issue, so everyone got a pair in boot camp. Stunningly, in all the time I spent in Kabul, I never had occasion to use them. Plus even if it had rained cats and dogs I looked plenty enough like a dork already. I bet you'll find them a bit more appealing though."

The troublesome lid finally came off the box, revealing the shiny black surface of a pair of old-style galoshes. Their great size alluded to their intent to be worn over combat boots. They looked quite out of place to Kevin, but to say that Eva seemed to approve is to say that excitable dogs 'seem to approve' of car rides. Her ravenous leap surprised Kevin as she snatched one from the box. There was something in the back of his head that instinctively feared that predatory pounce of hers. This one was a lot less playful than the one a moment ago. Had the boot been a rodent it wouldn't have stood a chance. Eva gnawed aggressively at it and apparently became fed up with the slow progress of her saliva and crumpled the whole thing up to swallow it whole. An awkward silence followed as Eva licked her chops and forced the misshapen mass of rubber down her gullet. Kevin set the box down on the kitchen table and looked over his hands carefully as he walked back to Eva.

"Just making sure I still have all my fingers." Kevin said.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Eva squeaked. "I guess I was a lot hungrier than I thought."

"I might say so." Kevin was interrupted by a beep from the microwave and an errant drop of his own drool sneaking down his chin. He had forgotten that he was practically starving too. He wiped his face with his wrist and mused at the situation for a moment.

"What is it?" Eva asked.

"Oh nothing." Kevin said dismissively. "It's just that I seem to have developed a Pavlovian response to the microwave."

"Wish I had such a fancy name for my drool..." Eva mumbled as she went to the table to wait for Kevin to join her.

"Maybe it deserves one." He called back over his shoulder. "It seems to do just about everything under the sun. What do you think of 'PolyisoEvaprene?'"

"Ero oot eerg niffims. Eh neeb muffer goghrummmrrf."

It appeared that conversation was not an option for the moment. Kevin poured himself a glass of orange juice and sat down with his microwave bounty. He was eating too fast to tell if it was any good. Eva, while more civil with this boot than the last, was still digging in with some enthusiasm. The two ate in silence as the afternoon waned on.

Kevin was thankful for the simplicity of his unflattering meal when it came time to do the dishes. Tossing out the tray and wrappings, and the old shoebox on the table across from him, was a simple afterthought. Kevin took his seat again for what he hoped would be a moment of quiet conversation. Eva was looking out the window at the bright, sunny scene in the yard. The heat from the window seemed to atomize that alluring smell of hers, Kevin found himself bumping up against the table as he unconsciously sought to narrow the gap between them. Eva looked back at him and opened with a simple question.

"So, what do you want to do now?"

Though nothing was betrayed by her voice, Kevin was quite sure he knew what she had in mind. And for once, he needed no input from her on the matter.

"Well, if the nutrition facts on that box are to be believed then I have a lot of calories to get rid of. I'm not sure how much is in a pair of size 13 rubber boots, but I'd imagine that you'll want to join me."

It was about as subtle as a sledgehammer, but Kevin cared little for romance at the time. He wasn't sure where he got this new libido from. Eva's sly smile was back in an instant as she rose from her seat to cradle Kevin's jawline, drawing their lips tantalizingly close.

"Chomping at the bit now are we?" She purred. "Seems like I'm rubbing off on you. Or I will be."

Eva left Kevin hanging, dumbfounded, as she slinked off towards the stairs. He touched his cheek, almost suspiciously as he recovered his sense. Perhaps he should leave the innuendoes to her. She was much better at this. He pondered that thought by for a brief instant before he took off after her.

Kevin, already minus a shirt, caught up to his sultry vixen at the door to his room. She of course, could strip literally in the blink of an eye, and appeared to have staged a demonstration to prove it. Seeing her curvaceous form in all its glory once again lost Kevin what tenuous grasp he held on his self-control. The pair burst the door, Eva having been shoved through the doorway as she was turning the knob. Kevin kissed her hard as he kicked the door shut behind him.

It was clear to Eva that she would have to step up her game to satisfy this new beast. She wrapped her arms around him and leaned into the kiss, deftly unsnapping Kevin's jeans with one of her toes. It was a bit of a stretch, but she could pull it off, so to speak. This was the only undressing left to do as Kevin had never bothered with socks or underwear. Kevin's pants crumpled to the floor just as he started for the bed. The combination led to a rather spectacular topping of the pair. The impact finally broke the kiss. Kevin stumbled out of his pants and slid up next to Eva on the bed. Both were already panting heavily.

"You...huff... Planned that... Didn't you?" Kevin accused.

"Oohh... I was... puff... say the... phew... same thing." Eva whispered.

Kevin slid on top of her, his newly freed member just as eager as he was. He noticed that his mate's upper body remained in much the same shape even while she was supporting his weight.

"My God..." He panted as he ran his hands over her firm chest. "You're bulletproof!"

"I was always- mmmm... a little tougher... ooooh... than you gave me credit fo- Ahhh!"

Kevin's investigations into the new properties of his vixen's breasts were driving her up the wall. The pressure of his hands penetrated deep into her, even as her bust pushed back. She was helpless in his grasp. He grabbed a hold of each of her erect nipples and pulled, stretching her whole bust towards him. The sensation overwhelmed Eva, she couldn't even ask him what he was doing before his lips sealed over hers, warm breath blowing into her. The blazing tingle danced across her body as Kevin's breath spread through her. She tried to scream out of ecstasy, but it only opened her throat wider and filled her faster. Eva felt like she would pass out and she didn't even know she could.

Breaking the kiss brought only a brief gasp from both before Kevin blew into his love one more time. The air raised the definition in her muzzle and made her just a few inches taller. Most of it though, went right where Kevin wanted it to, straight to her breasts. Kevin caught his own breath as he gripped them, now a very generous handful each. Eva found she had her breath back, that and more it would seem, but she could hardly make more than squeaks and gasps as the magnified sensations from her breasts nearly paralyzed her.

"Kevin- Ahh!" She managed. "y-you can't keep t-teeeeasing! GAH! Do it! DO IT NOW!"

He smiled gleefully. Eva hadn't seemed much in the mood before, at least considering how horny she normally was, but now she was dripping with lubrication that fell hot on his legs, her vulva twitched and convulsed in the absence of a cock. He had made her beg for it, demand it. It felt good, though he knew he couldn't torture her forever.

They both cried out at the unexpected strength of Eva's vaginal walls. Kevin couldn't even push in all the way the first time, the pressure of the latex tunnel left him stymied after only a few inches.

"Sorry" Eva stammered. "I'll try to relax a little..."

Kevin's confidence had gotten the better of him however. Eva heard him mumble something about loving a challenge before she lost touch with the world. She felt as if she would collapse in on herself if she gripped him any harder, but she couldn't help herself. Her whole existence centered around it, she had to have that cock.

Kevin thrust slow and hard, making a little progress each time, though he was getting gripped harder and harder as he went further. He knew he couldn't last long like this. Eva's passage seemed to have gotten used to the presence of his cock, and was gripping and pressing in all the right spots. Twitches and contractions ran through him in waves, he was exerting less and less control over them as time went by. A long rippling movement up the underside of his cock milked out several drops of precum. Much more than he thought there should be. He couldn't hold out, but he knew that he had to hilt her. One more hard thrust brought him crashing down on top of her, their lips meeting once more. The simultaneous caressing of his lips and cock made his whole body shudder. She kissed him back lovingly as best she could, buried in a sea of pleasure all her own. He knew then that he had to try once more, for her.

Kevin grabbed her hips and leaned back, putting everything he had into one last effort. The final thrust surprised them both. The lips of Eva's vulva turned in on themselves as Kevin buried himself deeper than ever before. Eva's legs stretched as Kevin's arms locked around them. Her pleasure doubled over as her deepest regions were suddenly burst into. Her body was paralyzed even as her inner walls went wild. They held onto Kevin's shaft, seeming to clutch it out of desperation. There was a shift in his balls as he reflexively jerked forwards again. Kevin moaned and threw his head back as he felt his resistance to Eva's powerful ministrations fail. Eva finally came as she felt her lover tense, the combination of fluids forming a hot flood that rushed deep into her.

Those strange dark rivulets danced up through her chest as Kevin's seed was absorbed. Not a drop escaped the stretched entrance that surrounded Kevin's pulsing member, still forcefully pumping seed for all it was worth. The cascade of fluids in Eva's skin was bolstered by the entrapment of her own cum. The fluid snaked up through her skin, bringing a soothing warmth with it. It made her skin feel more supple, more alive. When it reached her breasts, it encircled her areolas, engorging them with fluid. Eva felt like Kevin was caressing her breasts again and had not the presence of mind to figure out what was going on.

As Kevin leaned on her swollen bust, she began lactating, the slick fluid clinging to his chest. Eva shuddered at the final release, forcing out even more of the rubbery fluid. She gasped at the sensation, it felt like she was cumming through her nipples. Kevin didn't even seem to notice the new coating on his chest as his spent member heaved out its last few drops. Eva's sex finally relaxed its grasp, spurting some of its juices as Kevin withdrew his flagging erection. He slumped off of her, seeming perturbed and exhausted at the same time. Eva leaned closer to hear what he was mumbling.

"Set my alarm, can't sleep yet... class... gotta be up at seven tomorrow..."

Eva kissed his forehead and stroked his cheek.

"Don't worry honey I'll take care of it."

Kevin appeared to take that as permission to pass out, as he couldn't get halfway through a thank you before doing so.