Cold is the Night

Story by Wolvesatyourdoor on SoFurry

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#2 of Café Plaisir

It's important to put on a professional face when you're dealing with investors, even if it's only their son. The last thing you want to do is slip up and have that information relayed back to their father. Maras is used to being a people (or pokemon) pleaser, and a man like this is easy to handle.

Later in the night, after a few drinks, she discovers just how interesting her client's desires are. Turns out he's not your average alpha male!

For Café Plaisir's second contest I wrote this story with Maras from my first entry! The contest topic was 'Super Effective' and I am very happy to say that this was one that I won! My very first idea when I saw the topic was to have Maras playing both sides of the type spectrum, and I think it came out very well!

Setting for Café Plaisir belongs to

The dark gloom of Maras' room was lit only by dying candles, their light obscured by a cloud of steam and incense. Even with the windows open, the temperature and feel of the room was akin to a sauna. Her body shifted with the heavy weight of the Houndoom on her back, teeth gritting together when he found a sensitive area in her sore cunny. How long had they been going at it? With tongue hanging from her mouth, she glanced back at the grinning face of the devil dog on her back.

He was staring down at her, his paws wrapped tightly around the 'Glaceon' and drawing her back into machine-gun thrusts that battered her blue-furred ass.

"You like that?" He demanded, his voice soft enough to play like a hypnotic melody in her ear but loud enough to rise above the wet slap of his haunches. "Come on, moan for me, ice bitch!"

Maras' tail twitched, pinned under his stomach by his generous weight. It wasn't the first time she had taken a canine with an alpha complex. She only needed to see him arrive to know that he was just like all the rest. Hot headed, young, dumb, and full of cum.

"Ah! Y-Yes, Thain!" She managed to squeeze out, her voice cracking from the exertion. "D-Don't...don't stop!"

She could feel the bulge of his knot colliding with her icy cold pussy, steam rising from their interconnected bodies. He was big, that was undeniable. His pointy, probing tip was hitting all the right spots in her, leaving her quaking. Even when she felt the fat knot colliding with her desperately trying to seek entrance, she found herself rocking back into his thrusts.

It had been a simple request. Some investor informing them that his son had just graduated from college. Maras had hoped that might mean he was a little more professional, maybe even a stand in for Firenze she could imagine on her back. Alas, that cocky grin on his face the first time he walked in her room, tip already poking free of his sheath was enough to win her over.

He had wanted an ice type. That had been his desire even before he arrived here. She thought she could understand his reasoning. A dog like him didn't need any extra gimmicks or situations to feel powerful over his partner, but this was the epitome of domination. Weak against his typing, Maras had been nervous even while she ushered him over to the bed.

Tall, long-legged and lanky, he stood almost twice as tall as she did, batting a paw against her hips playfully while he walked behind her. Fur dark as the night and horns that shone like polished ivory, she had no doubt he was irresistible in college.

His prestigious upbringing was worn front and center around his neck where a mega evolution stone hung. It was sending shivers down her spine in worry should he choose to awaken it. He was already big enough to stretch her to her limits, she didn't fancy having to take anything bigger.

While they had been walking to her bed, he had even shoved his nose under her tail, taking a rather abrupt sniff at her upturned ass and giving a swipe to her icy cold pussy. It made her shiver, the vast differences in their temperatures finally hitting her.

It had taken her breath away when he first slid his cock in, her body reacting in shock to the sudden temperature change. She hadn't even been able to gather her senses before he began to thrust.

It was incredibly sensual being taken like this. Not only by an alpha male, but by one that held so much sway over her that he could make her body lust for him. Every drop of her icy feminie juices seemed to sizzle before evaporating, adding to the hot cloud of steam.

Maras hadn't realized just how few men had made her feel this way while she was working here. They always seemed to be the same, cardboard caricatures of each other that were quick shots.

Thain? He was different.

He was searching, probing, testing her limits just as much as she was him. Their lovemaking rocked the bed, the posters that held up the canopy pounding against the wall in a steady rhythm that led her movements.

His heady panting echoed relentlessly in her ears now, his hot, sour breath filling her nose and leaving her to grimace. Every breath she took was saturated with the pure, raw masculinity of Houndoom sex, and she loved every second of it.

Her eyes rolled upwards when she felt him jabbing against her g-spot, forcing a wheezing moan from her lungs.

A climax tore through her, certainly not the first that he had given her. It came with a burst of her juices and another cloud of steam, her sweet cries calling out to the gloomy expanses that surrounded her. It came with a heavy exhale of frost and sparse snowflakes, the temperature in the room dropping quickly and causing her partner to chuff behind her head.

"Nnngh...that's right...cum for me, ice bitch!"

With her head tilted back to announce her orgasmic bliss, she felt the wet probing of a tongue against the corner of her muzzle. The deep, rumbling growl above her was akin to a train roaring down the track and filled her with just as much foreboding.

That last climax seemed to satisfy him, however.

His paws dug deeper into her hips, moving them higher so she could better receive him. That was when his thrusts became faster, more incessantly jabbing the veiny bulge of his knot against her. He was demanding entrance now, no longer content with teasing her.

A lance shot through her lower stomach, causing it to cramp up when she felt the first burst of hot, watery seed. Again and again he came, his body trembling. Her initial groans of discomfort soon began to fade, replaced with heavy, labored panting. His legs had gone lax, leaving her to hold most of his weight up while his twitching balls imparted his seed in her.

For the longest time the two of them could only remain there, panting and trying to regain composure that was completely ripped away from them. At some point, Thain began to release her, letting her sink to her damp bedding even while his knot continued to tug at her sealed entrance. With a sigh and a sloppy lick against her cheek that left a trail of saliva he finally asked.

"So...want to go to the bar?"

Maras had always considered thespians to be the forefront of creating an image, but she had to give it to business majors. Thain radiated confidence when they were at the bar, one paw tucked around her flanks and holding her. The display of control over her was completely unnecessary. The scent of their lovemaking was still heavy around them, stained in their fur.

She was actually surprised by his choice in drink. Eschewing the harder liquors, he favored overly sweet, spiked berry juice. It felt like all eyes were on them as he became more and more verbose as the night wore on, and she didn't have the heart to tell him that his father hadn't put a deposit down at the bar.

The Houndoom grew content as he began to speak in a more excitable tone the later the night went on. She learned that he was planning on working for his father's financial firm, leaving no doubt in her mind that nepotism was still alive and well.

She didn't drink a quarter of what the Houndoom had, leaving him a wobbly mess when he began to get up from his chair. Immediately she was at his side, helping prop him up while they walked to his rented room.

"You know..." The Houndoom began, his voice echoing off the walls of the empty highway. His voice was slurred, no longer holding that edge to it that had made her shiver. "My dad...used to always say..." His face twisted up, his voice deepening an octave, "Thain, in this world there are Houndooms and there are Mareep." He glanced at her out of the corner of his eyes, the sweet smell of fermented berry juice covering the sour odor of his breath. "Pretty...cut and dry, huh?"

"I suppose you could say that." She retorted, having no doubt in her mind just what part he must have imagined them both playing. "Guess you never wanted to be a Mareep?"

"Heh..." His demonic tail swished slightly, his hazy eyes and his lolled out tongue turning in her direction. "I suppose. Dad was never too good...with his allegories." His flank brushed against her, nearly knocking her over with his superior strength. "It's always super stressful, being a 'Houndoom', though..." He admitted, hesitant should she seem uninterested in him. "Everyone always expects you to be in charge and boss them around. And don't get me wrong, it's like, super fun..." His paw batted at her rear end playfully, but his sigh relayed his true feelings. "Dad said I should get a girl weak to my type...said they're the best mates."

He grinned and nudged his muzzle against the bottom of her chin when they finally came to his door. The Houndoom waited expectantly, hazy yet still hungry eyes focusing on her before he sighed to himself. "Hey uh...if you know any maybe I could..."

Maras didn't need to hear anymore. She simply smiled and nuzzled her cheek against his flank before pulling away from him. "Get some sleep, big boy." She mumbled. She tried to ignore the sight of his damnable tip poking out of his sheath again; it always got her excited that canines seemed to get so randy so fast. "I'll get you breakfast in the morning..."

The disappointment on his face flashed for only a moment before he begrudgingly nodded and sighed. "I guess that sounds good...later, ice bitch." He teased, his tail twitching as he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Maras only made it ten steps down the hallway before she came to a stop. It was infuriating, but what meager amount of alcohol she had drunk was enough to leave her feeling randy.

A quick glance up and down the hallway left her feeling a sense of confidence. Her body began to shift and change, keeping the form of a quadrupedal fox but changing her features. Her tail grew longer, splitting at the end into a fork. Her icy crown seemed to simply melt away, a white frill forming around her neck. It always made her anxious doing this in public, and she tried to make it fast.

She slipped into his room quietly, the low snoring from the bed already telling her what she needed to know. It was dark in the room when she found him lying on his back. She wasn't typically one to take control of a situation. For her, it was knowing her partner enjoyed themselves that always mattered to her.

Maras heard him grunt in his sleep when her paws pressed on his chest, one of them curiously tracing the mega stone before she heard a questioning whimper.

"Hey there, big boy..." She made sure to use a different voice, lighter and airer than she had with her Glaceon form. Her body shifted on him, and she let out a soft sigh of delight when she felt the slick, veiny erection grinding between her legs. "My sister told me you were looking for a water type..."

She felt him tense up, his body going as rigid as his cock was. He began to shift, and she growled at him faintly. It was an odd feeling for her, but after putting up with him all day she couldn't deny she needed this.

"Just lay back." She commanded him, finding his muzzle in the dark and giving his nose a quick lick. "She said you wanted to be...what was it now, a Mareep?" She asked inquisitively. Her eyes squeezed shut in delight when she felt that probing tip catch on her wet walls...It was so much more bearable in this form, although by the sounds of his whimpers of discomfort he wasn't feeling the same way.

"F-Fuck..." He whined, the last thing she expected from him. "You're so damn wet..." His body was motionless, silently giving her full control which Maras was more than happy to take.

She bit her lower lip and began to rock, sliding him deeper each time her hips plunged down. The opportunity to be on top, to experience what the devil dog had been just hours earlier was more invigorating than she would have ever imagined.

The darkness closed around them, the sounds of whimpers and moans becoming a beautiful serenade to her ears. Just knowing that this was what he truly wanted was all that mattered. It didn't surprise her.

There wasn't a single second - even when his knot began to swell - that he tried to stop her. The wet sliding of his shaft along her smooth vaginal walls beat a constant rhythm into their head. Maras shivered when she felt the knot beating against her pussy lips, so less threatening now that she held type advantage over him. Their lips met in the dark, Thain initiating it in a sloppy kiss that surprised her when she found his tongue pushing into her mouth.

They both cried out for each other with each passing second. Maras ground her wet cunny against his knot, really savoring the sensation of the fat orb threatening to breach her.

It did suddenly, much to her surprise. She hadn't realized just how much she had lubed it up, how excited she was for him. The Houndoom's ragged howl sounded when his knot caught in her, spreading her deliciously wide. That was all she needed, and her entire body trembled when she was once more gifted with a hot load of canine seed.

Her climax washed over her, making her entire body tremble as she collapsed on him. By the sounds of his drunken pants, she knew he wasn't going to be able to get it up again that night.

"So...what did you think?"

She waited for the response, only to roll her eyes when she heard a soft snoring starting back up. There was no escaping his knot until he was done with her, the sleeping canine still laying claim to her even when he wasn't aware of it. That was fine, though.

Maras closed her eyes and sighed happily to herself. She hadn't expected it to go so well. She just felt bad for the Houndoom that would wake up with not only a massive headache, but an even larger tab at the bar.