The hero's secret

Story by umbratenebris on SoFurry

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Before I went on break (aka the semester starting), I mentioned in FA (don't remember if I mentioned it here) that I had a few story ideas in mind and asked them to vote for which they wanted to see first. Those that responded wanted the story of a lion hero being dominated by a pig villain. Problem was I wasn't in a very write-y mood when the semester ended also I wasn't in the mood for anything raunchy. Regardless, as a man of principle, I tried my best to get the story out and here we are.

Sorry if the sex scenes and the ending was a bit rushed, I wanted to get the story out as soon as possible rather than setting it aside and forgetting about it. Regardless, hope you guys enjoy.

The hero's secret

Being a hero defending the city was an exhausting job. There were some heroes that lived double lives: maintained a normal citizen persona and had their superhero persona as a secret identity. Those heroes had it tough having to carry two full-time jobs at the same time. There were others that fearlessly reveal their superhero personas, essentially embracing their hero identity and turning into their only career. The Crimson King was one of the former. The muscular lion hero clad in his red, skin tight suit flew across the city using his fire powers, landing on rooftops and observing the crowd below. It was a rather uneventful night that shift and the hero wondered whether he should be happy about the peace or disappointed that he practically spent hours doing nothing when he could be at home asleep.

"It's fine... it's fine..." he mumbled to himself. "Sometimes the knowledge that a hero is patrolling is enough to deter crime..."

Crimson King gazed on the large digital clock that was displayed on one of the billboards. It was almost 5 AM, his superhero shift was about to end. Just the thought of coming back home elicited a yawn from the lion. He was actually luckier than most heroes that tried to maintain 2 different lives given that his powers allowed him to harness energy from the sun. He could function with absolutely no sleep for days as long as he exposed himself to sunlight. Regardless, he could still feel mental exhaustion and could use a break after a long day of juggling his day job as a personal trainer and his night job as a hero.

"Hey, Adrian!" an excited voice exclaimed as a hand slapped the lion hero's back.

The lion practically jumped in surprise, his skin bursting in flames for a brief moment in surprise.

"Looking forward to going home?" Energizer, the electrokinetic hare, asked grinning and looking up at the taller lion hero. In contrast to the larger, more muscular fire hero, Energizer was a bit shorter and had a more lean build. His black suit with yellow lightning symbols was also a contrast to Crimson King's brighter, red suit with white highlights. It was almost strange that the rabbit hero has the day shift compared to Crimson King's night shift.

"I told you not to refer to me with my real name..." the lion grumbled.

"Relax, I scouted the area and used my powers to detect any hidden devices, nobody heard me say your name."

"Doesn't change the fact that I told you not to refer to my with my real name."

"Ugh... but your superhero name is sooo loooong..." Energizer pouted sarcastically. "Is it alright if I just call you 'King'?"

The lion sighed. "Yeah, it's fine. Anyway, since you're here already, is it alright with you that I clock out early?"

"Aw, don't want to hang out a bit with your pal?" Energizer said as he wrapped his arms around the lion's arm and gave it a hug. "You've got 5 more minutes on your shift anyway, I can keep you company..." he looked up and gave King his best attempt at puppy eyes.

The lion hero smirked at his clingy coworker. "Slow day at the club?"

"Ugh, we didn't even open." Energizer rolled his eyes as he let go of King's arm and started pacing around. "Some issues with the management or something I dunno I wasn't paying attention. I considered joining your shift tonight but the league told me that there was no available hero to take over my shift in the morning so I just decided to catch up on sleep."

"You actually enjoy working as a... dancer?"

"Stripper, King, no need to censor that I'm a stripper and yes, I very much enjoy my job." the rabbit said. "Anyway, I've taken enough of your time. Thanks for chatting with me." he said as he turned around and was about to take off. "Oh! And visit the club next week, I'll give you a special discount for a private dance."

Crimson King shook his head. "Do you really think it's a good idea for two heroes to get involved like that?"

"Why not? It's not like casual sex between friends is more distracting than two heroes getting married and raising kids."

"I'll think about it..." the lion hero said although it was unlikely that he would do so. "Have a good one." he said as a cape made of fire materialized on his shoulders as he flew away

After clocking out of the league of heroes, he was given an inconspicuous ride back home so he didn't give away his civilian persona by flying directly home as a flaming hero. Adrian let out a long sigh after he closed the door behind him. He did a few stretches first, loosening up his body before relaxing and taking in a deep breath...

"Hm?" Adrian paused for a moment before taking a few more sniffs in the air. There was a strange scent lingering in the air; strange but familiar... something Adrian couldn't ignore. He followed the scent through his house only to end up in his bedroom where he found the culprit: a discarded piece of used, musky jockstrap on his bed.

A million alarms and red flags should've sounded in the hero's brain. He left his house earlier neat and tidy, he locked the door as he left and even had to unlock it again when he entered, and although he recognized the jockstrap as one of his own he most definitely didn't let them get this dirty. But none of those thoughts came across the hero's mind. Instead something inside him clicked, a deep dark side of him that he kept hidden from his peers. His eyes practically glazed over and his mouth watered as he picked up the jockstrap and pressed it against his face, breathing in deeply and sneaking in a few licks every now and then.

"Oh fuck..." he moaned as he reached down and undid his pants. "Fuck..." he pulled his pants down and released his throbbing cock. "Oh fuck..." he kicked his pants off his legs and dropped down on his knees, his face, still covered by the jockstrap, planted on the ground with his ass up as he started fingering himself. Several fantasies played in his head of men as large or larger than him plunging their thick cocks into his ass, treating him like a needy whore and dominating him. He thought about Energizer and how he secretly envied the rabbit's job as a stripper. Oh what he'd give for the chance to get railed by large men.

"Wow, I was worried I had to use more of my power to take you down. Didn't even have to try."

Adrian's heart skipped a beat when he heard someone talk behind him. He took the jockstrap off his face and got up and turned to face the intruder and was met with the sight of a musclegut pig wearing a leather harness that practically framed his large pecs over his gut, crotchless leather shorts, and leather boots. What really caught the hero's attention, however, was the large cock and balls that hung in between the pig's legs.

"That's actually a good look for you, Crimson King, the jockstrap on your face like some sort of mask." the pig spoke. "Would've preferred if you came home in your hero attire though, would love to tear it open and fuck you in it. Hey, are you even paying attention? It's hard making a villain's monologue when the hero isn't even reacting accordingly."

Nothing of what the pig was saying was being processed in Adrian's brain. The brain he practically fried with how much he was huffing on that jockstrap. He knew already that the pig must've snuck into his house while he was away and smeared one of the lion's jockstraps all over the pig's musky dick, probably even cumming on it a few times. He knew he was in a compromised position, too addled to even use his powers to defend himself, but none of that mattered. All that mattered to him was that there was this hunk of a man with a massive cock right in front of him obviously planning on giving it to him--


The lion's body tensed up and stood straight in attention when the pig suddenly shouted his name. His train of thought suddenly stopped and the only thing he could focus on was the pig that stood in front of him.

"Tell me what you are."

It was such a vague question that could've resulted in several different answers but Adrian had a feeling he knew what the pig wanted him to say. "A needy slut..." what was he doing? Why wasn't he giving the slighted bit of resistance?

The pig grinned, his cock slowly hardening as he teased it with his hand. "And what do you need?"

Adrian knew that he shouldn't answer. "You cock..."

"How badly do you want it?" the pig continued jerking his now hard cock

His head was clear, there was barely anything going on in it anymore to distract him. He can lunge at the pig and overpower him. Maybe even just blast him with fire. "So much... I want you in me so badly..."

"Then beg for it."

The sight of the thick bead of precum dripping from the tip of the pig's cock seemed to silence the voice in his head asking him to fight back. He turned around and bent forward, resting his upper body on his bed and spreading his ass open for the pig to see. "Please, daddy, put your dick inside me!"

The lion's heart raced when he felt the pig's belly press against his back and his cock against his hole. "Good boy." the pig said right next to the lion's ear as he thrust his cock balls deep.

Adrian was in bliss. The pig railed his ass in such a way that his toys could never do. He heroic body protected him from some pain and injuries which allowed the pig to fuck him as hard and as rough as he could without hurting the lion all that much. It wasn't long before the lion blew his load all over the bed frame, the pig experiencing Adrian's orgasm with the rhythmic clenching of the hero's asshole

"Came already? I'm just getting started." a green glow emanated from the pig's hand which he used to grab the lion's softening boner. Almost instantly, Adrian's cock throbbed back to life and even started dripping with pre. "We're not done until I'm satisfied."

And so the two continued their debauchery, changing positions and locations throughout the house. Every time either of them reached climax, the pig would just use his powers to quickly end the refractory period. They continued doing it in the kitchen, in the living room, once with Adrian pressed against the glass sliding door of the backyard, and the pig intends on ending it back in the bedroom.

"Tell me, hero..." the pig asked, lying on the bed with the lion bouncing on his dick. "Who do you belong to?"

"You... I belong to you!" with that, both parties reached climax, exhausted.

"Did I do good?" the pig, Gordon, asked as he emerged from the shower, wearing nothing but boxers and finishing drying himself off.

"You did great, babe." the lion said as he finished cooking breakfast. "Thanks for agreeing to the roleplay by the way, I know you don't really like the superhero-in-peril situation."

"Yeah, it's not really my cup of tea but hey... you deserve a chance every now and then." Gordon said as he planted a kiss on his lover's cheek. "But I'm also concerned that it's not exactly healthy for a hero to fantasize being dominated by a villain."

"Don't worry, I only ever fantasize being dominated by you." Adrian said as he reciprocated the kiss. "Besides, you can use your sex powers to make me feel no sexual attraction towards anything else anyway."

"That's not the point." the pig said as he walked back to the room to get a fresh change of clothes. "But hey, someone with sex powers probably shouldn't be kinkshaming people."

"I mean you can considering you're pretty vanilla despite your powers." The lion said as he prepared two plates of bacon, waffles, and scrambled eggs and brought it towards the dining table. "But let's discuss that for another time. For now, let's eat."

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