Story of Kass: Song of the Rito
Little green notes floated away as the rito played the ancient tune. the rondo of the rito was a fast paced tune that was possibly older than the relic of an instrument he was playing it on.
A Caught Fish
Gruve just nodded and turned his back to the rito. "sometimes it's strange how we forget that we are different races." the rito had dropped his trousers, shaking off some of the water as he returned, "how so?"
Kass's Easter pt. 1 (fetish warning)
A cheery voice called out from behind the rito. the rito wasn't really expecting anyone to be up here.
Kass's Easter pt. 2 (fetish warning)
For a finale, to push the rito over the edge, the cumchu withdrew all the tentacles from the rito except for the one wrapped around the base of the rito's cock, and forced its entire mass into the rito's stomach through the ass.
Link and Revali
We rito are especially well equipped." the hylian knight below him nodded in response. so revali grabbed link's thighs and hoisted him up so that his rear met the rito's hips.
The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wind
"really." the rito confirmed. "thank you.
A Bird In The Hand
The lynel marred deep in his chest as his cock was squeezed and milked by the rito's throat.
Ritoyami Story 2 - Kass's Affections
Kass, ever the humble rito, bowed before the younger avian while thanking him for his kind words.
Ritoyami Story 1 - Teba's Affections
Up over them brought a pleased croon from the younger rito's beak.
Price of Theft
Donned in the common rito garb with a scabbard resting on his back, lonta's preference of sword was unique compared to most rito that mastered either archery or spearplay.
Ritos on Guard
A commission for darkartificialsweetner on fa of his two beefy rito dudes, ulan and hesso, dealing with a pair of thieves who have been sneaking into rito village and robbing the place story contains lots of cum and cockvore.
Ritokoyami and Calamity Dark Shadow
Many good rito had been lost in their attempts to try and repel the various bokoblin and mokoblin hordes which marched underneath the moonlight towards the rito valley, tokoyami's father and mother having been two such avians.