Deviant Delights #3 - An Offshore Account

Story by SilasConnall on SoFurry

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#3 of Deviant Delights

A lawyer sent by the Unity of Virtues visits the bar on business, seeking to interview Rick and Seth to determine if their transformations were forced or willing. Will they be able to keep it professional, or will they get more than they bargained for from this Capricorn?

Dylann was a man out of place among those in the alleyway. There wasn't much that was remarkable about him, though his short brown hair and professional goatee only framed his tanned face and intense, navy blue eyes. Even though many of those hanging out near the bar's entrance turned to stare at the man, he kept moving forward with purpose. It would be time for regulars to start showing up, he surmised, so it would be best to get through the door before the crowd around him grew too dense to navigate. Checking his watch, he sighed as he straightened his posture and looked up at the bouncer. Raising a bushy eyebrow at the unfamiliar lion man, he scanned his outfit before his eyes rested on the name-tag on his shirt: Rick.

"New hire, hm? I don't believe I've seen you before," Dylann said, holding one hand out as a briefcase loosely dangled from his other. Weirded out at first, Rick warmly smiled and took the hand, shaking it once before letting it go.

"I just started in August. Maybe you just missed me before, mister...?"

"Just call me Dylann," the man said, his tone soft but confident. "I'm sure we'll become more well-acquainted in the future."

"I hope so," Rick said, clearly appreciating the man's style. "You're here for a drink, hm?"

"Among other things," Dylann said, waiting until the lion waved him through. Nodding his head, he strode through the door quickly, not stopping until he was at the inner door. Taking a moment to mentally prepare himself, he tapped his alligator-style shoes a few times before opening the door and stepping through.

It was lively, even for this early in the night. Deviant Delights had been growing in popularity lately, and not just because of a certain video he'd had the displeasure of seeing. It had reminded him of things he often had to repress later; while he was no stranger to his sexual side, he preferred to do everything in moderation and expected the same of his employees at the firm.

"Welcome, what can I get y-" said the man at the bar, stopping mid-sentence as their eyes met each other. "...Dylann. Is it that time already?"

"I'm afraid so, Davin," Dylann sighed, sitting down at the bar as he placed his briefcase on the floor. "I don't really want to be here on business, what with that upcoming murder case and all, but it can't be helped this time."

"Let me guess. You all pulled straws and yours was the short one," chuckled Davin, and when Dylann's tanned face grew slightly redder he shook his head. "...I was joking, but... well. Let's get on with it then. What have you got for me this time?"

"...Are you sure you wouldn't rather do this in your office?" Dylann asked, grudgingly bringing up the briefcase and opening it.

"No one's going to hear us, and I do have other customers to look after at the same time," Davin said, growing more serious. "Besides, you know I hate sitting at a desk. Thank you again, by the way. It was a lovely gift."

"As long as it gets some use, I'll consider that thanks enough," Dylann said, smiling slightly. Pushing past his papers, he finally opened up the false compartment inside and produced a single piece of paper. Handing it to Davin, he organized his files before once more closing and placing the suitcase down. Davin's eyes danced quickly across the paper, before he rolled his eyes in obvious irritation.

"Really? An audit? You know I've been a good boy this year," Davin said, flirting a bit at the unamused lawyer. Even if it was the holiday season, Dylann wasn't feeling as merry as Davin was about the situation. He'd been hoping to wait until the New Year to do this, but some things just couldn't be put off until tomorrow. Besides, he wasn't one to slack off from his duties.

"You only have yourself to blame," Dylann said, sighing. "I mean, first of all you transformed and hired the son of an influential preacher, using him for advertisement for the bar while he denounced everything he had been taught by him. Then when his father sends a private investigator, suddenly he's not interested in the case anymore and abandons his career for that of a bouncer at your club. I assume that was him out there?"

"Rick's been helping out here, yes. I have the contract if you want to see it?"

"And then there's any number of transformations you may or may not be responsible for between then and now. Halloween night alone..."

"Yeah, that was a good night," chuckled Davin, before shaking his head. "Well, if we're going to go through the list, shouldn't we both slip into something more comfortable?"

"You know I don't like to show off," Dylann sighed, watching as Davin's form shifted to his bull-and-lion appearance. "...But I have been in this suit all day. Perhaps a little wouldn't hurt..."

The air shimmered around Dylann, though the transformation from human to daemon was not as quick as Lust's was. Part of it was his reluctance to draw attention to himself in another's realm, but most of it was because his abilities weren't as strong in the heart of Lust's power. His suit disappeared, being replaced with aquamarine slacks that gave off the impression of fish scales and ocean waves while somehow remaining modest, and his shoes turned into actual alligator feet, webbing and all. Horns rose from his forehead even as his hair turned to an off-white color, spreading across his face and body while his goatee grew longer and even more pronounced. Bleating a bit in relief, his upper clothing disappeared while runes and wave patterns interlaced with his muscles and skin, glowing a deep blue color even in the lights of the bar. Opening his eyes, they had remained navy blue but were now more goat-like nature, though there was a sharp intelligence behind them. As his goat horns finished and his muscles finally filled out, he sneezed before shaking his head.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" Davin asked, causing the other to nod.

"You know how it is out there," Dylann said, his voice deeper and somehow echoing like a wave at the shore. The effect caused a few people around them to notice before Davin waved a hand, his power obfuscating them from their perception. They weren't truly hidden, but it would distract anyone who would bother them with something that wasn't important.

"You really should take a vacation or two. From human and daemon business. But you don't need a lesson from me, even if it would be very... educational..."

"And you wouldn't listen to me even if I tied you down and scolded you for an hour, brother," Dylann chortled, ignoring the lewd look in Davin's eyes as he said it. Despite their domains opposing each other at certain points, they weren't enemies. This Lust cared more than the previous one about mortals and their problems, and now that they were on Earth they didn't have to fight or engage in more petty struggles for dominance.

"More to the point, then," Davin sighed, clearly not wanting to deal with this. "The sooner we get this done the sooner you can relax. Or leave, if you choose. Either way, I should probably get my employees in here, huh?"

"If you don't mind, might I get a drink as well?" Dylann politely asked, before Davin nodded and quickly began mixing the drink. He saw Mark out of the corner of his eye, suddenly focused and irritated; he clearly had been on a break, but now he swiftly rose and headed toward the entrance. Not too soon afterwards he felt the presence of someone coming up behind him just as his drink arrived, and he grabbed the glass with a clawed hand, the dark blue webbing between his fingers not impeding him in the slightest as he took a small sip of the rum.

"Wow, who's this cutie?" he heard a voice say, causing him to blush. He almost considered going back to his human form but decided it would be rude, even as his blush deepened.

"Seth, take a seat. You too, Rick."

"Wait, who is this?!" Rick exclaimed, sitting next to Seth at the bar. "I didn't see him come in boss, I swear!"

"Relax, Rick. He's a daemon like me, he just doesn't like to flaunt it."

"Really? Oh..." Rick said, seeing the suitcase. "Oh! Dylann! Sorry I..."

"It's okay," Dylann quietly said, causing Seth to smile at him.

"What a beautiful voice," the wolf man said, before turning back to Davin. "But we're not here for a foursome right? This is business?"

"Well, Rick has already met him, but allow me to formally introduce my brother to you both. Temperance, this is Seth and Rick. Seth and Rick, the Cardinal Virtue of Temperance."

"A pleasure," Dylann said, suddenly very aware of the fins and fur on his forearms. "I hope I'm not too intimidating to you both. I'm aware of how... exotic I look."

"You're a Capricorn, aren't you?" Seth asked, smiling knowingly. "Though... I expected hooves or a fish tail if I knew you would be so literal about it."

"He actually has a tail, especially when he goes swimming," Davin said, raising an eyebrow at the other daemon. Grumbling, the air shimmered around Dylann once more as he completed the transformation, his thick, scaled tail sprouting from his spine. It was a combination of some sort of large fish and a crocodile, the aquamarine scales matching his feet.

"I don't like to show off," he muttered, blushing deeply as he took another drink. "You know that."

"I think a small part of you does, but that's neither here nor there," Davin said, waving dismissively. "And he's not just a Capricorn, Seth, but the genuine article. He's been at this a very long time, you see. But gawking at my brother isn't why I called you both here."

"I'm still not used to that mental call thingie," Rick sighed, shaking his head. "But then, why are we here boss?"

"He wants to ask you a few questions. You see, in addition to his day job as a lawyer, he has a seat in the Unity of Virtues. You mortals call them the Council, though I suppose it's the same either way. They keep us 'Deadly Sins' in check, as I'm sure you know."

"So he's like... the opposite of your role then?" asked Seth, kind of getting lost.

"Yes and no," Davin said, smiling. "You're thinking of that silly one-to-one list aren't you? The one that tries to make seven virtues for seven sins?"

"It's not like that?" Rick asked, now being the one who was confused.

"Four Cardinal Virtues rule over other virtues in a sort of hierarchy," explained Dylann, sounding bored and disinterested. "I'm one of those four. If it helps you can simply call me an elder daemon. My domain opposes not just Lust, but Gluttony and Greed as well. Though all of us overlap each other a bit... share the burden, as it were. Now that that's out of the way, can we please move on?"

"Right. I'll be back to check on you later. Try not to keep them too long," Davin said, winking as he turned to help some other customers at the other side of the bar.

"Perhaps a booth would be better?" Seth suggested, causing Dylann to simply nod as he rose. The two followed as he beckoned, and soon they were sitting in a more secluded area of the club.

"...Do you know why I'm here?" asked Dylann, once they'd all settled down in their seats. Dylann took one side of the booth, while the other two sat on the other side. It was one of the larger booths specifically for anthros of their size, but even so Seth sometimes fidgeted a bit.

"...Is it because of me?" the wolf said, causing Dylann to nod. "I knew it."

"I'm also here because of Rick. This is regarding your recent... transformations," Dylann said, avoiding the word 'corruption' until he was sure. "I will be interviewing you, and I will expect full compliance and honesty once we begin. I will also need you to keep calm. Do I have your consent to begin?"

"...Yeah," Rick said, feeling uneasy. "I mean, you're just checking up on us right? Make sure we aren't here by force or something?"

"Seems that way," Seth said, who was more at ease than the lion. "I'm just happy this doesn't have to do anything with my father this time. Let's do this, Temperance... sir."

"Dylann will be fine," the daemon said, before closing his eyes. The patterns and runes along his skin and fur began glowing brighter, the smell of the ocean wafting over them as the sounds of water rushing around them drowned out the club. Before any of them could ask what was happening, they recoiled when they saw Dylann before them. Gone was the booth, gone was the club... all that was left was a maelstrom surrounding them and a giant sea-goat god holding a trident. His legs and feet had been replaced by a more merman-like tail, and a crown completely made of pure aquamarine formed and hovered like a halo above his head, light dancing in and around it as it slowly rotated clockwise. Staring down at them, his eyes shone only with a blue light as his power radiated out from him.

"Fear not," his soothing voice rang out, magnified by his size but somehow still subdued. "You will not be harmed. But let me make this less frightening for you. I sometimes forget mortals are not accustomed to this sort of spectacle anymore."

Taking the trident, which matched his crown in color and composition, he jabbed it into the side of the maelstrom. While it did not stop, the water parted where his trident lay, and with his free hand he gently scooped the two from their seats which until that moment had simply been an extension of his power holding them up. Breathing over them, a bubble formed from his mouth and expanded around them before the giant sea-goat dove into the side with his charges.

"Welcome to my realm," he said, answering the unasked question as the two anthros stared in utter amazement. Sea life of all varieties thrived in spite of the maelstrom directly behind them, though it seemed less terrifying now that they were not in the heart of it. "In this place, I will know for certain whether you are telling me the truth, and I will be able to tell if your souls have been corrupted beyond redemption or not. I sense them still within you, so I know they have not been consumed. But we must reach the heart of my power before I can truly begin to examine you."

The anthros tried to ask him more questions, but whether he didn't hear them or was simply ignoring them, they couldn't quite tell. Making themselves comfortable in his palm, they simply enjoyed the sights as fish and flora and all sorts of colorful coral zoomed past them. It seemed an ocean of infinite size and depth, some places opening up into chasms that made their heads spin before they found safety closer to the center of his hand. Everything here, even the smallest morsel, would easily swallow them up if they had been here without the elder daemon's protection.

Soon, a palace of pure aquamarine could be seen, and before the two could wonder at its architecture and size they were entering through the main gate. After some twists and turns, they eventually entered what could only be a throne room as the bubble lifted itself from his hand while still carefully ensuring the safety of its occupants. As he rested upon his throne, his tail somehow not getting in the way of his comfort, the bubble found its way to a pedestal nearby and gently landed. Despite it being made of the same gemstone found throughout the entire place, it was soft and comfortable to their paws. Raising a hand, a miniature set of chairs emerged from it, and the two sat without prompting from the god before them.

"...I know, I said I don't like to show off, but I wanted you both to understand how serious I truly am. But think of it this way; in your world, I am an exotic creature. But here, I am only one of many similar beings, though I am the most powerful of them all," Dylann explained. Despite him closing his eyes for a moment, the two felt as if they were being stared through to their very souls, causing them to look nervously at each other as they waited for him to continue. "Oh I can hear you now, by the way. Otherwise this would be a very one-sided interview, yes?"

"Oh!" Seth said, slapping his forehead. "S-sorry. It's just... a lot to take in..."

"It's wonderful, though," Rick quickly added, and Dylann smiled at the genuine compliment. Sighing in comfort and relief, he finally turned toward them with that powerful gaze of his, though there was a gentleness and humility to it that put them at ease.

"Your souls have certainly changed," was the first thing he said after some time. "But they do not contain the corruption I was expecting. Though I didn't realize I had that effect on you, Seth. My apologies."

"Ah!" Seth said, clearly embarrassed as he crossed his legs. "Um... it's fine! Really!"

"...I see," said Dylann, chuckling. "But it's not my role to tempt you. Tell me something, both of you: why did you shed your human forms?"

As they answered with their own reasons, they found that even if they had wanted to do so they were unable to lie. There was just something about that gaze of his; just looking into it put their worries at ease, a thrum of some kind of power penetrating their bodies and minds. Seth especially found it all very arousing, even though that wasn't the magic's fault.

"...You were clearly tempted, and lead to certain conclusions... yet you were not lied to, it seems. Even with your altered perceptions, you still had full control over your choices. Is this correct? Or is there something else I need to know about?"

"No, it's like you said," Rick said, sighing as he found himself wishing to snuggle with the sea-goat god. At some point he had fallen to his knees, feeling completely at peace. "I was unhappy. I wanted this change. I knew I'd have to pay a price, and the price was employment for a time."

"Along with your human side, I imagine."

"Is that a problem?" Seth asked, causing Dylann to slowly shake his head.

"It's common practice. Our kind feed on different aspects, though the most powerful ones are tied to sapient mortals. Human and anthro alike. My only concern was if it was given willingly or not, and it seems that it was. I sense no deception in either of you so far."

"What else would you ask of us, lord?" Rick asked, clearly enthralled by this point by the glowing eyes and patterns.

"...Any other day I might accept your reverence without question, but please stay seated until we are finished here," Dylann requested, causing the lion anthro to immediately spring back up to his seat. The look in his face suggested he was reluctant to do so, however.

"What are you doing to us?" Seth asked, more curious than anything. "Even I'm having trouble not bowing to you, sir."

"It's partly my nature, but also yours," Dylann said, the light shimmering on his scales as his power pulsed. "I've enthralled you only enough so that you will not lie, though it is temporary. And as mortal, finite creatures seated before an infinite, godlike being... I do not blame you for wanting to pay tribute. Especially when I appear as a king of the sea. Would you believe I used to be worshiped by your kind as a god? I grew very powerful in that time, and even though my power has waned a little over the thousands of years since I still am able to rule over this place unchallenged."

"Are you more powerful than my boss?" Rick asked, causing Dylann to shrug.

"Who can say? I have not had reason to do battle in some time, and as free as he is with his body... well, I know of only a few who have seen him as anything other than what you two have seen. Although he is Lust, this one is... different than his predecessor. But how do you feel about him, now that we're on the topic?"

"He's a good boss," Rick said, a dopey grin on his face. "I feel more free and happy with him than I have in a long time. Even met my boyfriend at the bar, my lord."

"I'm sure you know about my human life already," Seth said, clearly not wanting to talk about that part. "My last interview wasn't like this though, that's for sure. But I like my boss well enough if we're talking just professionally here. He's fair, pays me well, and he's even come to my rescue a few times when it comes to stalkers. But he's never forced me to do anything I don't want to do, if that's what you're implying, sir."

"Clever one, aren't you?" chuckled Dylann, the gills on his neck pulsing rhythmically with the laughter. "Perhaps one day if you grow tired of being ruled by lust and desire, I might ask you to consider living here with me. But I can sense that time is too far off to even consider yet."

"Aren't you the opposite though?" Seth asked, clearly surprised at the offer.

"To be honest, the title of Temperance is a human invention. Taken from your catholic faith I suppose, but one I adopted all the same. I draw power most from those who practice moderation, humility... that sort of thing. It's not wrong to have... desires... but when it becomes everything to you then I step in to curb it. Too much of a good thing, you see, though my brother would disagree I'm sure. But on the subject of desire, what would you do if I asked you to stay as my subjects?"

"I mean, you know how I feel about... this," Seth said, gesturing to everything and especially to Dylann. "But I'm not ready to... well, settle down I guess? I had enough of that 'modesty' stuff and it almost killed me... though maybe I didn't moderate the moderation, did I? So back to Earth for me, if I even get to choose, sir."

"I... don't know," Rick said, conflicted. "If I have a choice then... I'd want to go back to Earth. To Mark."

"But what if I brought Mark here to serve me as well?" Dylann asked Rick, his eye leveling with the pedestal as he leaned over. "What would you do if Mark decided to bow before me as you have already done? Would you still go back?"

"...I have a contract, but... once that was done I'd willingly serve, my lord. So long as Mark is with me, that's enough."

"...I see," Dylann said, leaning back into his throne as his power relaxed a bit. "What a refreshing answer. But don't worry, I will not be doing such a thing against your wills. I simply wished to see where your hearts truly lay. But I know for certain Mark will not bow to me, since he 'owes' my brother the same way you feel you 'owe' him. But should time pass and you find yourself wishing for my guidance, I will happily accept it then. Neither of you are in any state to make such a decision now, of course. Although... if you would like a small taste of what it is like to be my subjects, I can oblige that curiosity. I'm sure my brother wouldn't mind you trying 'something new' out, so long as I bring you back how you were before we left. He might even have suggested it first if he were here."

"...Is it really okay?" Rick asked, smiling. "I wouldn't break my contract?"

"No, you wouldn't. In fact, this realm is removed enough from Earth that it appears to others that we are still there conversing. Though the truth is time between here and there is different. You could spend years here and only moments would pass there."

"I suppose it would be nice to try something different for once, then," Seth said, already agreeing. "I like my job but a day or two off wouldn't hurt. I'm only really busy on Saturdays anyway. But sometimes during the week I help out how I can... um, sir."

"I mean as long as I'm back to take my shift over again from Mark, I guess it's fine," Rick said, relaxing more. "He's been getting a lot of bed rest, lately. I wouldn't want him to overwork himself again."

"...Very well, let's begin," Dylann said, obviously pleased. "Stay calm; this will be intense for you, but I will not allow you to perish. Remember that."

"What do you m-" Seth was about to ask, before the bubble around them suddenly popped. Water rushed immediately to fill the space, and soon Seth and Rick were thrashing as they floated in the ocean water, the pressure bearing down on them. Yet, even as they felt the power of the daemon surrounding them they began to realize they could breathe, gills having formed on their necks. Calming down at the revelation they were not going to drown, they looked down at their bodies to see that their clothes were gone and that their legs were beginning to fuse together as scales replaced claws and fur.

"There you go. Just relax," Dylann said, his voice sounding even more regal. Before, it had sounded as if they were conversing through air, even if it was with a giant sea-goat now. But with the water surrounding them, they were left unshielded from the full force of his voice reverberating through and around them. Bubbles forced themselves from their mouths as they moaned, their voices muted as their changes accelerated. They were both clearly aroused, and yet they kept their hands away from their cocks as bones and flesh shifted to form proper tails. Looking like a couple of strange mermen, the two playfully tested the water with them, the muscles in their upper halves doubling as they clumsily swam around.

"How do you both feel right now?" Dylann asked, once their changes had advanced enough. "You may speak now."

"I feel... amazing!" Seth said, his voice deeper and more aquatic. It was strange, talking underwater as if he were in the air, though he could sense his vocal chords had changed along with several other internal organs to allow for life in the water. "I mean, I can't swim very well yet, but I feel amazing!"

"...How may I serve you, lord?" Rick merely asked, trying his best to bow in humility even as he tried to right himself. "I give myself to your service."

"I accept your fealty, Rick. Though I must remind you both that your physical and mental changes will be only temporary. However, from this moment on I will be acting as if you are both proper subjects of mine, so don't be alarmed if it seems like I may be keeping you after all. Now is the time to change your minds; there will be no going back beyond this point until I choose to release you from my service. What is your decision?"

"Everything that I am is yours, my lord," Rick said without hesitation, before his eyes pulsed with a blue light. A collar of aquamarine formed around his neck, though it looked more like a necklace than anything truly sinister. Runes etched into it, and Rick soon understood it would protect him as well as link him to his new god mentally, much in the same way Davin was able to summon him with a thought while on the job. While he kept most of his lion appearance in his upper half, his changes continued as his fur became more sleek and better adapted to the water, his mane growing wilder as it floated majestically around his head and face. Fins sprouted from his forearms, spanning the length from his wrist to his elbow, and the scales upon his tail changed to a golden color. It formed a v shape around his hips, his groin free of the scales but seeming to grow with every pulse of magic that flowed through him along with the rest of his body. As Seth stared in awe, he saw his coworker double, then triple in size before his attention turned back to Dylann.

"...I... would like to... are you sure you're not some kinda lust daemon, sir?"

"I am not, nor am I one of those 'holy angels' your churches seem to think about these days, even if I am using a title of their creation," Dylann said, reassuring Seth's unspoken worries. "Daemons are not singular in mind or purpose. Any daemon feels as much as your kind do, if not more at times. Our aspects align to us, not the other way around. You will understand in time, should you join Rick here."

"Well," Seth said, smiling as he watched his slower transformation. "This is going to be an interesting experience, then. I will submit to you as well, um, lord."

"I appreciate your humility and accept your fealty, Seth," Dylann said, his power rocking through Seth even before he finished speaking. Looking over to Rick, he was pleased to see he had finally gotten used to his growing body, and was waiting with his head bowed in reverence. His whiskers were now more fish-like in nature, and he now had aquamarine bracers to match his necklace.

"My lord, if I might make a request of you?" Rick asked, sensing the gaze of the daemon even with his eyes closed. He sounded hesitant, yet hopeful.

"You may. Speak your mind."

"I wish for a new name, that I might better serve you," the merlion said, his fangs elongating slightly. "If it pleases you, that is."

"Then I shall call you... Zale. Your strength will rival that of my greatest champions one day."

"Thank you, my lord," the newly named Zale said, his demeanor changing immediately to match. Opening his eyes, the glow was now gone, but instead of his usual color they were a rainbow hue. The colors shifted constantly, rippling like the waves of the ocean itself. Where before it had only been merely reverent, now there was a fierce loyalty and devotion behind them as he gazed upon his god.

"And how does my Seth fare?" Dylann asked, turning his attention back to the merwolf. Though he was looking less wolfish now, his scales having changed to a silver color. He was still catching up to Zale, but the gap was quickly closing as his muscles brimmed with newfound power. As before, his tail merged with his upper half in a v-shape, keeping his arousal scale-free and always on display.

"...This is... so much different than... than..." Seth said, a heart-wrenching sigh escaping him. "I understand now. I will serve you in whatever way you wish, lord."

"It must have been difficult, serving in a role that did not fit you, all for the sake of a mortal's public image and ego. But you will never need to worry about that here with me, Ortun."

"Ortun?" Seth asked, confused but happy to receive a new name as well.

"You were of the shore, of the land and its pleasures. But you have now chosen to serve me here in my realm, and so here you shall remain as one of my advisors."

"Thank you, lord," Ortun said, clearly touched even as his changes accelerated further. If he was concerned at all with what had just been said, he didn't show it. In addition to the fins on his forearms, he now had black and silver fins on either side of his head, replacing his ears completely as they traveled down the side of his face to meet his jawline. Opening his eyes, the glow faded to reveal his eyes had changed to an amethyst color. Patterns flowed around his arms and down the sides of his torso to match his eyes, and while he still brimmed with power and muscle he appeared slightly more feminine next to the merlion. A collar of aquamarine also adorned his neck, though his bore a different symbol to signify his new role.

"Your new lives begin now," Dylann said, and the two bowed in reverence as they accepted their fates. Whatever they had felt before, there was nothing but the joy of serving their new master now. Nothing else seemed as important to them than whatever the sea-goat daemon required of them.

"Yes, lord," they both said in unison, their arousal forgotten even as they remained erect for their lord's pleasure. "Our lives for yours."

Basking in the energy from their subservience, the elder daemon found himself desiring them for himself despite his promise. But no, he would have time with them all the same no matter what happened later. He channeled a bit more power into the both of them than he would normally do for a new servant of his, and the two of them moaned in unison as they grew even more. While they had already grown to half his height before, dwarfing their previous forms many times over already, they now grew enough to be just a head shorter than himself. Zale's muscles expanded even more in both his tail and upper body, putting Ortun's leaner muscle to shame. Even so, the aura around Ortun began to radiate with magic as more runes formed along his tail fin, the amethyst lines mixing with the silver to create hypnotic and mysterious designs.

"Lord! I live to serve!" Zale shouted with increased fervor, crossing his arms over his chest in a salute. It came naturally to him, knowledge of years of service already flowing into his mind as the magic flowed through him.

"...I am humbled you would bestow such an honor upon me, my lord," Ortun said, his words flowing more eloquently than before. Similar knowledge of having been an advisor and magician flowed into him; while his power was an extension of his god's, he knew he could call upon it in an instant if he needed to.

"Come, let me show you to your new quarters. I will not take no for an answer. As you serve me, let me serve you in return," Dylann said, and the two bowed before they propelled themselves through the water, moving with a speed and grace they hadn't shown before. The castle that had been so large to them before was now just right for their new size, though even the smallest hallway or room still towered far above even their master's head. There was enough opulence to signify this was an important place of power, and yet where there could have been just a bit extra detail or lavishness there was just simple decoration or furnishings. Many other smaller merfolk bowed as they passed by them; while most they met along the way seemed to have been converted like them, there were still many others who seemed to be fully aquatic in their appearance and origin. It was clear what sort of subject their lord preferred however, though none were ever like the sea-goat himself.

"You will both be staying here, nearer to my own bedchambers," Dylann ordered, motioning to doors on his left and right. "In this hall are my many advisors and generals, among others. Should you ever need their guidance they will be happy to aid you in your instruction. I have given you much of what you need to know already, but you can always learn so much more."

"But we are more, are we not?" Ortun asked, before bowing his head in reverence. "I mean that as an observation, not pride, my lord. I have noticed we are... larger. More powerful. But I assume that comes with added responsibility, does it not?"

"You assume correctly. I have very few like you two, but those that exist are second only to me in power and authority. This does not make you superior, but it does mean you will have extra duties. You will grow in power and knowledge, and perhaps one day you will be doing the instructing to a pair of new merfolk who have entered my service. Whatever you do, do it for me and my people."

"Of course, my lord," Zale said, a wide smile on his face. "I am proud to be chosen for this role, but not so prideful to let it go to my head. I have so much yet to learn if I am to properly protect you against our enemies, though I know I am nothing next to you."

"You know your place then, that is good," chucked Dylann, stroking Zale's chin. "You have both taken so well to this, I fear I may desire you more than I should. So let us all rest for tonight. I must clear my own head, and I am sure you have much to think about as well."

"I don't know about Ortun, but I desire you greatly as well, my lord," Zale said, his eyes lingering a bit too long. "But I do not wish to shame myself or you."

"A bit of lust is good, in moderation," Ortun said, nodding as if something had just occurred to him. "Though we will do as you say, and retire for tonight. Perhaps if we feel the same way after some time... well, it is not my place to hope for such a thing. Forgive my boldness."

"There is nothing to forgive," Dylann said, before turning back the way he came. "I keep all my subjects permanently aroused, as a test of their resolve and mine. You will have good dreams tonight, I imagine. Now go and rest, for tomorrow your work begins."

Without another word the two bowed their heads, before turning to their respective doors and entering their quarters. Dylann gripped his trident a bit tighter than he normally would have, but he snorted in irritation as he headed to his own bedchambers. He had done enough for today with their transformations. There would be time for more later, if they still wished it. Besides, he had a realm to rule over.


"Perhaps it seems a simple name to you, Ortun, but Dylann was a name given to me by those of Welsh descent," Dylann said, smiling at his advisor's question. Some days had passed, and after allowing his newest subjects to acclimate to their work and environment he had decided to invite them to his gardens for lunch. Zale seemed relaxed, but his ears and eyes were constantly on the lookout even as he rested in one of the many kelp slings that acted as a bench or bed for their kind.

"Really?" Ortun asked, fascinated. "I didn't know that. A Welsh god named Dylann?"

"I like to use it among your kind because it has grown more common in your era, though it still denotes my nature. It is not my true name, however. Such names hold more power than you can imagine over us, so we must guard them. More than once a daemon has made the mistake of telling a mortal or other daemon such a private thing, and more than once has it resulted in catastrophe. If not for them, then the one controlling them."

"A terrifying thought, my lord," Zale said, concerned. "I am glad I do not know it; though I would never use it against you, I fear what I might say if I were ever captured and tortured. Or enthralled, even. Though I would attempt to die before such a thing could occur..."

"You need not worry. Even my most trusted subjects do not know it. There is only one who does, but only because I know his. If he ever used it against me, or I him, it would start a war between our realms. But he is not the kind to do such a thing, even if he is one of the Sins."

"And if you wished us to know who, you would have told us already my lord," Ortun said, finishing the unspoken thought. It was simply an observation, and not a statement made from arrogance or assumption. "But I am curious; can a mortal have a true name, as a daemon does?"

"No, your nature is different," sighed Dylann. "You are bound to your forms normally, unless of course someone such as myself changes you. Even so, you cannot choose for yourself aside from what you can modify safely. When it comes to a daemon, we have many forms that we can choose between. Though only the more powerful ones can assume physical forms like mine or Lust's. In fact you have several around you right now."

"I do?" Zale asked, looking around to see nothing. Feeling power flow through their link, he felt his perception expand until he could sense something else floating about around them. For a moment he felt he could almost hear words, but then everything returned to normal again.

"Amazing," Ortun said, smiling in awe. "Why do they not assume a physical form? Are they not powerful enough?"

"Some are, some aren't... but more often than not, it comes down to the fact that they simply don't want to," Dylann said, bringing a goblet to his lips. The liquid inside was heavier than the water around them, sinking into the cup as easily as it would have above land. "But have you ever felt tempted to do something you shouldn't, or perhaps you had a gut feeling that you should speak a word of encouragement to another? Sometimes that's just your pure desire or empathy, but often it's because of the work of a daemon influencing you. Though as with anything, you can choose not to listen. They usually speak to those who are receptive to their aspects already, so don't think they're simply trying to take control of your mind or anything."

"I'm not sure how to feel about that," Zale said, sighing as he took a piece of food and lobbed it into his mouth. "But I fear nothing when I am with you."

"The ones here are of my own aspect, so if anything they will only aid you further in serving me," said Dylann, quick to reassure them both. "But out in realms like your Earth, there are often clashes and conflicts between various daemons vying for attention. Or have you ever wondered why you have not once succumbed to lust or desire while you have been here with me?"

"At times I feel like I need release, but then some feeling washes over me," Zale sighed, a grateful look on his voice. "And when that happens, I feel as if it isn't as important anymore. That I can keep control over my base desires. It is a strange feeling, this constant arousal and denial. It feels almost natural to me now."

"Most of my new subjects usually do release by now," Dylann said, smiling. "I'm impressed you have been able to hold out after everything you've been through so far. I knew you had some strength within you when I first laid my eyes upon you."

"...You honor me, lord," Zale said, his voice quiet and reverent. He seemed to make even more of a point of ignoring his manhood, opting instead to reach for one of the drinks. They never thirsted in this realm, surrounded and filled constantly with water, but it was fun to sometimes partake in the occasional sip of sea-based wine or some other liquid used solely for luxury. Looking around, Zale smiled at all the colorful plants and fish around them. Some even resembled fruit trees or crops that reminded them of earth, though they were clearly different in that they were adapted to the ocean.

"I have found some trouble, but I have distracted myself with my spells or by seeking advice from the wiser elders of your court, lord," Ortun said, slight frustration in his eyes. "I do not question your wisdom, but sometimes it is vexing. Knowing we have something around us helping to quell those desires, though... I think I can redouble my efforts. I will open myself to their advice, as well."

"They will help you, but remember never to open yourself so much outside of this realm," Dylann said, a note of warning in his voice. "What will aid you here may cause only confusion out there."

"I will keep that in mind, my lord," Ortun said, nodding his head. "I could stay in this garden forever. Though that would be slothful of me, wouldn't it?"

"Well, meditation is not wasteful. And enjoying nature is not wrong," Dylann said. "Though if you were to shirk your duties in favor of this, then yes. That would be sloth. I am happy to hear you enjoy this place however. I love it here, as well. Especially now that you're both here..."

"My lord?" Zale asked, looking embarrassed.

"I mean only that I find you both as beautiful as this place. Nothing more," sighed Dylann, turning his gaze from them as he stared out there. "Your minds and hearts, not just your bodies. It has been time since I have been at such ease. The human world is exhausting."

"Is it?" asked Ortun, tilting his head. "I suppose it is... though it seems more like a dream now."

"Hm... yes," Zale said, as if suddenly remembering something. "We're from there. When I think of that place now, though, the details begin to blur and fade."

"How long have you felt this way?" Dylann asked, slightly alarmed. "You should have told me sooner."

"For a while now. It didn't seem important," Zale sighed, though now he felt a bit of shame. "But I will keep you aware of it from now on, my lord. Forgive my oversight."

"I feel like I remember less than yesterday," Ortun said, his voice more subdued. "I thought that was normal. You said this would be a fully immersive experience, yes? I assumed this was part of it."

"Ah... true," Dylann sighed, rubbing a temple with his free hand. "I just did not expect it to come on so suddenly. No doubt my fault. Does it... worry you?"

"No," Zale said, smiling. "Though I do worry about Mark... I won't forget him, will I?"

"Not if you truly do not wish to," Dylann reassured. "Though you may find the details harder to remember or changing to fit your new perception, you will not forget him and the core of your experiences with him."

"That is good to hear," Zale said, more at ease now. "Even if I had forgotten, however, I feel at peace simply being in your service. Though I am glad I do not have to empty my heart to do so."

"I do not have much I wish to remember as it is," Seth sighed. "I remember a man that fills me with... rage... but I do not remember what he was to me. But I do remember Davin very clearly. Because he is Lust, yes?"

"You will remember daemons very clearly," Dylann advised. "They imprint upon your memory differently than mortals do, unless they choose to scrub their presence from your mind later."

"That must be why I remember Maeryn then," Zale said, nodding. "He is Envy, after all."

They all sat there, enjoying each others' presence while they ate and drank. Eventually Dylann sighed heavily, allowing a troubled look to show up on his face for the first time. He held up a hand in reassurance as his subjects looked to him with concern.

"I am alright. I am simply wondering if I have taken advantage of you both."

"You have not, lord," Zale said, shaking his head fervently. "I chose to serve!"

"As did I, lord," Ortun said, swimming over to Dylann's side. "Though I imagine why it seems that way to you, you have done nothing wrong. If anything, I am humbled by the gifts you have so freely given to us. You know that is not a lie."

"...Yes, it is the truth," Dylann said, seeming to shrug some sort of burden off his shoulders. "I can feel the honesty in your words. Thank you."

"But why does my lord feel so troubled?" Zale asked, having swam over to his side as well. "Is there something we can do to help you?"

"It's more that I have been dwelling on a troubled thought or two of mine," Dylann said, shaking his head. "I find that the more time I spend with you both, the more unwilling my heart is to let you go once your time ends here. But I cannot let my heart rule over such things. If you would ease my mind, then promise me one thing."

"Speak and we shall listen," Ortun said, devotion in his eyes.

"Promise that you will return to Earth some day. No matter what you feel, or what I command you to do. When the day comes, and you will know when it comes, promise that if I do not let you go that you will flee."

"I promise, my lord," Zale said, though he was clearly conflicted. "Even the Maelstrom will not stop me."

"I promise as well," Ortun said. "I am certain it will make sense when the time comes, but if that is your wish then I will abide by it."

"...Then I cannot change my mind later," Dylann said, sighing in relief. "That is good to know. I can rest easy tonight."

"But in the time that we have, we will serve faithfully," Zale said, shaking the gloom from the conversation. "You need not worry for our sakes, lord. Though I am touched that you care so deeply for us both..."

"Yes, and I am sure we both care for you just as deeply," Ortun said, prompting Zale to nod as they gazed upon Dylann. "Whatever else happens, let us serve while we can."

"I had originally planned to keep you here a few weeks," Dylann said, rising from his hammock. "But that seems so short now, especially for me. Tell me, how long would you both like to stay in this place?"

"For as long as I can, my lord," Zale said, and Ortun echoed his sentiments. "I wish to stay by your side."

"You would really stay with me, then?" Dylann asked, clearly touched. "Very well. You will stay with me for as long as you are willing and able to do so. Come, let us roam the gardens. A change of pace will do us all some good, and I have many things I still wish to show you."

As they followed along, marveling at the many sights in the expansive garden area, they could tell Dylann's heart had lightened considerably. Before too long, he was even smiling as he pointed out his favorite plants and sculptures, some made entirely of aquamarine while others resembled kelp topiaries. It wasn't until late in the day that they stopped to rest, simply enjoying each others' company as they talked late into the night.