Ringing in the New Year

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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With just a few hours to go, Nick and Judy seek to welcome to new year with a bang. Well, several bangs, actually. ^^

This story was written for Silvergatomon as his Patreon commission reward for December 2019. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and takes place in the world of Zootopia! :3

Ringing in the New Year

From the moment their shift was over, Nick and Judy's countdown began. They walked hand in hand but oddly silently to the subway, and stood still clutching gently at one another's paws for the vast majority of the journey to their apartment, parting only to pass through the ticket barriers and once or twice to allow passage for another mammal too engrossed in their phone to notice the fox and rabbit's somewhat conjoined state. They dared not talk. They dared not interact much more than that, because the closer the countdown grew to zero, the harder it was for them to resist pre-empting it, and beginning their celebrations early.

Their hands were squeezing tightly at each other, and their breathing was quickened and slightly ragged as they slipped into their apartment building. Judy's violet eyes glanced over, and she shuddered as while standing in the elevator with Nick on the way up to their fourth floor home, she saw an undeniable twitch, a tenting of the front of his trousers. She whimpered softly at that sight, and it took all of Nick's willpower not to round on her in that very moment, snatch her up into his arms, and do unspeakably wonderful things to the bunny right there in full view of the elevator's security camera.

They could hear the countdown in their heads as they approached their apartment door.

Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven...

They could feel the rush of joy that the countdown's completion was going to bring already surging through them as Judy fumbled with her key.

Six. Five. Four...

It was the last day of the year.


It was New Year's Eve.


And though it was only just before seven PM when the lock of their apartment door clicked open, and the fox and rabbit bolted urgently inside, their countdown was finally over.


The door slammed shut. The lock clicked from within. A heavy thud followed, with a muffled squeal ringing out immediately in its wake as Nick snatched Judy up into his arms and pinned her against the interior of the door. It had been a busy December for the pair, the two of them working right the way through the Midwinter festival with overtime aplenty. But today, after another long day of work, they were done for the year. They were free from their work obligations not just for tonight, but for three whole days to come. And for both Nick and Judy alike, that meant just one thing.

It was time for them to make up for the lack of time and attention they'd been able to share with one another personally, and privately over the past few weeks... and regardless of the actual time, it was time for them to start ringing in the new year right here, and right now.

"Oh, Nick! Nick!"

Judy's jeans were around her knees, her body bent double with her back pressed to the apartment door and her legs stretched up across the fox's chest as he fucked her feverishly, his own trousers only just unfastened enough to set his cock and balls loose and the rest of their clothing still untouched, both mammals far too desperate for one another to be concerned with removing it quite yet. The door creaked, and repeated thuds rang out through the hallway beyond, thankfully empty at that time, as the pair made tense, urgent love against it. There would be time for tenderness, for playfulness, for more indulgent and extreme pleasure later on. They had days, days to experience one another in all the ways their bodies could bear, which needless to say from past endeavours they knew to be a great deal indeed. For now though, they bore days of pent up, unsatisfied longing within themselves, and at this moment all that they wanted, all that both Nick and Judy could think about was bringing an end to the interminable amount of time it had been since they had last cum together as swiftly and passionately as possible.

"Ohhh Judy... Cahh... Carrots, I... ah!"

Nick tried to talk to the woman he loved, tried to whisper how much he loved her, how incredible it felt to be inside of her. But, his mind, his heart and of course in that moment of wild desire his body most definitely chided him with the simple reminder that he did not need to perform for her. He didn't have to spend his time whispering those words or staring deep into her eyes with soulful adoration. He could, of course. And there were many times when he wanted to, and did so with relish. But at times like this, the fox had to remind himself that Judy trusted him. For some unfathomable reason she loved him just as much as he loved her, and while he would never take that fact for granted, it did mean that he didn't have to tell her how he was feeling with every ragged breath of their love-making. He just had to show it.

His hips quickened. His balls slapped against Judy's ass as liquid lust from the bunny herself began to drip down over those swollen, fluffy orbs, wetness staining their apartment's door as the motion of Nick's testicles sent her juices flicking out across the woodwork and the welcome mat below. Nick whined a high, keening whine as he desperately jackhammered Judy's pussy and felt her hands clutching hard around his shoulders, balling up and almost tearing at the fabric of his shirt. He heard her cries rise in intensity to match his own. He heard her scream once, twice, three times in rapid succession before her face buried itself in his neck and the next few screams were muffled by his flesh and fluffy fur. Still though, he pushed himself harder. Faster. His hips bucked like this wasn't just the first opportunity he'd had for release in days, but as though it might well have been the last of his lifetime. The fox worked his cock inside Judy's depths until she flung her head back from his neck and screamed a haggard, wild scream as a hot torrent of juices flooded out from within her. Only then though, only when Judy had cum, as she was cumming, did Nick truly hold nothing back, and made use of her extra lubrication to drive home his already semi-engorged knot with a wet pop, a thick slurp, and a frenzied howl not just from his own throat, but from both of them as while Judy continued to milk his erection as she writhed and squirted against and around him, Nick began to pump his hot cum deep, deep into her own body's blissful yet still deeply pent up, innermost workings.

They shuddered, growled, grunted and gasped to one another against the doorway of their apartment until the very last tremors of their first round of mutual bliss had abated, and even then as their bodies began to calm down, they lingered there a while longer. Red faced, grinning, weary and exhilarated all at once, the bunny and fox smooched and giggled and whispered. Judy's hands ran all over Nick's face, and she squealed with laughter as unable to escape him, not only grappled within his embrace but knotted tightly to his still rock hard erection, he began to lick her face, and to murmur to her all those sweet, silly adorations that he knew he still did not need to say aloud, but dammit, he wanted to anyway.

Eventually, some five or ten minutes later, they did leave the front hallway of their home for more comfortable environs. With relative ease Nick cradled the smaller body of his lover against him as he half strolled, half waddled through to the living room of their apartment, as much to avoid his trousers falling down and further compromising his movement as it was due to the strangeness of moving with a rabbit's body anchored to you by the genitalia. They soon settled on Nick's side of the couch, and there, slowly but steadily in their still entwined state, they removed one another's clothes amidst a fresh flurry of kisses and touches. They rendered themselves and their partner naked in their entirety, and once comfortable and still in their naked and still locked together state, they chatted. Sure, they wanted to spend the whole night fucking. They wanted to celebrate the new year together, and begin it as they meant to continue it. But for a little while at least their bodies were both unable and unwilling to go on, and honestly, as much as they loved fucking, just sitting there like that and talking while wrapped up in each other's arms and nether regions alike was every bit as enthralling to them.

Or, at least, it was as enthralling to them right up to the point where sex became a viable option once again, at which point it became a still ever so appealing, but less immediately vital choice.

"Lie back..."

Judy murmured softly as she kissed Nick on one side of his muzzle while stroking the other. The fox didn't ask why, he didn't even think to ask, just turned himself around and lay down across the length of the couch, easily large enough for him to lie end to end without touching either armrest with his head or feet. The couch's size also meant that Judy was more than able to straddle Nick's body with plenty of extra breadth to the couch either side of her, and thus it was an easy feat for her to scramble up across his body, plant her feet firmly and stably upon the couch either side of his head, and crouch down directly over the fox's face, planting her pussy upon his grinning, already panting muzzle.

"Eat me?"

She asked, rather than demanded, but with a playful giggle that made it perfectly clear she knew her proposition wasn't one that Nick would take the slightest convincing to agree to. Sure enough, just moment's later the fox's long, rough tongue pressed hungrily into her pussy's depths, not going for the easy target of her clit but pushing inside of her from the very start, and using the direction which Judy was facing to target the upper wall of her pussy with his oral efforts. The rabbit's eyes widened, she squeaked, and then her eyes grew heavy lidded as though it shouldn't have surprised her in the slightest, she felt Nick strike out at her g-spot almost immediately. She whimpered happily and stroked the fox's face, the upper portions of his cheeks where they were protruding from between her thighs and his temples, not to mention the lengths of his cute little ears. Before long though Judy felt herself shifting from a squatting position to a more stable position on her knees, and she leaned forward, supporting her upper body on the far armrest of the couch as Nick's hands rose to both gently knead her buttocks and generally hold her in place, while his tongue continued to work her with unashamedly ravenous hunger.

"Yes... oohhh, ohhh god, cumming... aahhnnhh... Nick, don't stop..."

Juices sprayed across Nick's panting, grinning muzzle as Judy bucked against his face and writhed in orgasm for the first time, but neither his tongue nor her urgent grinding stopped for even a second. Her next orgasm arrived barely a minute after the first, the repeated lashing of Nick's tongue at her already overworked and pleasure-stricken g-spot too much for the bunny to handle, and a shrill shriek accompanying that second wild, wet high. Nick switched tactics as he continued to pleasure the bunny beyond that second peak, and slurped loudly, forcefully at her clitoris instead as he held Judy's hips firmly down against him while she tried to writhe, buck, and perhaps even to pull away a little in a search for slight respite from the all consuming pleasure. When Nick finally did lessen his grip on the rabbit's lower body and let her pull away from him though, she did so with a wail of distress and pleading desperation, only to shriek again, this time in delight, when Nick dragged her back down to his muzzle again and continued to force her to giddily, seemingly helplessly endure yet another relentless orgasm at the behest of his hungry maw.

Half a dozen times the insatiable rabbit climaxed before she finally struggled her way free from Nick's clutches, but not to escape him or in judgement of what he had done to her trembling, near broken, bliss ridden body. In an almost drunken daze Judy span around upon Nick's torso, and half leaned, half tumbled forward to grasp at his by now renewed and urgently throbbing erection. With a soft gurgle she opened her mouth wide and fed the head of his cock into her muzzle while her hands slid down to play back and forth between his balls and his once more slowly, steadily swelling knot. Her eyes rolled back in glee as Nick grunted in pleasure of his very own at last, but even after all the pleasure he had already granted her, Judy quaked as Nick enjoyed her oral efforts while still reaching out and stroking, fondling the bunny's ass, a finger occasionally circling the pucker of her backside while a different digit couldn't help but tease between the slick, flushed lips of her pussy.

"Judy, I'm gonna cum..."

It took barely five minutes to work Nick to the brink even after his earlier orgasm, such was his excitement at both having pleasured her in earnest as long and as successfully as he had, and continuing to admire and revere her gorgeous hindquarters even now. Judy was glad of the warning, but not so she could slow her efforts or tease and deny her lover, even briefly. She was glad so that she could prepare herself, and so that she could redouble her efforts to make Nick's peak a worthy equal to the multiple orgasms which the fox had granted her in the recent past. Her hands ceased dancing around from target to target, and fell solely upon his swollen knot. She didn't bob or slurp loudly with her muzzle around the first few inches of his shaft, but simply held her mouth in place allowing her lips and tongue to do all the work upon the cock's sensitive tip, while her paws massaged at its already swollen, but still thickening, throbbing base.

"Oh, Carrots..."

Her ears twitched, her heightened capacity for sound processing allowing her to revel in the many layers of joy and pleasure and pure love echoing in Nick's every bliss-stricken grunt.

"Ooohfuck, ahhhh... caaaaaaaah... Judy!"

She felt the body beneath her shift. She felt Nick arching his back, lifting his hips up off the couch beneath them and lifting her smaller body along with his own. Judy felt the fox's knot reach its thickest, hottest extreme, able to recognise that state by feel alone after having prompted it so many times both within and outside herself. She gurgled happily, and drew in one final breath so that she was ready to devote herself entirely to what would follow.

"Yes! _Ah! Ahh! Yes! _"

Sure enough, moments later the first thick ribbon of Nick's cum painted the back of Judy's throat, and from that instant onward until every last drop of the fox's cum was working its way hurriedly down to her belly, Judy was unwavering in her duty. She not only pleasured the fox throughout every second of his orgasm, but ensured that she gulped down every last spurt, drizzle and droplet which Nick produced from the very first potent spray, to the last shuddering, gasping twitch as she flicked her tongue across the underside of his head in the wake of his orgasmic high, teasing forth one final little trickle from his now overstimulated and desperately tender shaft.

Once more, with Nick temporarily spent and Judy... well, Judy at least sated enough for the time being to give Nick a chance to keep up, the rabbit slipped off the fox's body and allowed him to sit up. Of course almost immediately she scrambled back into his lap, and they sat face to face, Nick's head bowed and Judy's muzzle tilted up, noses rubbing intimately as they just grinned and pecked playfully at each other's lips, already crimson cheeks getting hotter and redder as both of them tasted themselves on their partner's tongue and smelled themselves on their partner's breath.


Judy murmured after about ten minutes of just sitting like that, Nick's belly growling a moment later in answer. They grinned, and slipped off the couch before padding off to the kitchen, the rabbit squealing as Nick gently, ever so playfully lifted one foot and kicked her in the lightest sense, effectively just flicking his toes forward against one of her cute buttocks. After washing their hands, though Nick's face remained damp with Judy's arousal, they set about preparing dinner. Aprons were donned as a spicy stir-fry was produced with Nick chopping and Judy operating the wok, shredded carrots, spring onions, greens and tofu soon being joined by fresh noodles, and a sauce made of chilli oil, garlic, ground toasted sesame seeds, lime juice and soy sauce.

With plates soon piled high, the pair returned to the couch and their previously naked state to eat, and with plenty of energy to restore not only after their recent activity but a long day on patrol before it, they devoured every morsel, panting and grinning at each other through the intense heat the chilli oil brought to the dish.

"Mmmh... congratulations..."

Judy murmured as she slurped down the last of her noodles with a playful grin at the fox she adored, his cock having hardened again as he ate in her presence. Nick raised an eyebrow, but his eyes widened, and his cheeks flushed as soon as Judy clarified.

"It's been exactly three months since the last time you dropped sauce on your crotch while we ate this. I think that's a record."

The fox winced, and scowled playfully at the gorgeous, naked rabbit.

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to eat naked if you weren't so sexy."

He pouted in continued jest, only to break the act hurriedly, grinning as Judy set her plate down on the coffee table, then sprawled back on the couch, legs spread, and belched loudly.


Nick growled as he took one last bite of his own meal, set his own plate aside, and leaned forward to kiss Judy tenderly on the muzzle.

"So fucking hot."

He murmured with genuine desire, and had a hand half way up her thigh before Judy giggled and closed her thighs, regarding him with a raised eyebrow.

"And it's been six months since you last touched me with chilli on your fingers, and almost got kicked in the jaw. Wanna see if we can't keep that record going just a bit longer?"

Nick blushed, nodded, and rose to his feet as the rabbit did the same. They washed their dishes, their hands, then without so much as a word wandered over to the bathroom together. Nick's cock was still twitching and occasionally dripping a single bead of pre-cum as they brushed their teeth and washed their faces, more to get rid of any lingering chilli oil than in preparation for bed or any sort of winding down of their daily routine.

Before Judy could fully finishing washing her own face though, Nick was done with his, and seconds later the rabbit found herself squealing as without warning she was grabbed from behind and lifted up into the air.

"Niiick! C'mon, I just ate!"

Judy squealed at the unexpected manhandling, the fox's hands wrapped around her waist, though gently so. He just kissed the side of her neck, and without a word carried the rabbit, face still dripping and slightly soapy, over to the shower.


Judy giggled as she felt the fox's cock throb against her short, twitching tail, and made no effort to escape as she was pulled into the glass cubicle with the man she loved.

"Slow this time, okay?"

She gasped as the water turned on and drenched them in thankfully already warm water, feeling herself being turned around, one of the fox's hands cupping and supporting her rear end while the other reached for his own body, and guided the base of his cock to align it with Judy's once more glistening, eagerly waiting depths.


The fox murmured back seductively.

"As slow, and as steady as the bunny commands..."

He growled, and moments later Judy was shaking, eyes bulging, toes curling as sure enough Nick ever so slowly, luxuriously sank her down upon his throbbing erection, and cradled her against himself and up against the shower's tile wall as he slowly, rhythmically began to rock against her, and fuck the woman he loved as though there had been no interruption whatsoever to the flow of their pleasure.

For almost an hour, they stood there together under the water's flow.

For almost an hour Judy screamed and begged for Nick to fuck her harder, to cum in her, but he just growled and echoed her earlier words...

"Slow this time. Slow, and steady."

...as his gentle but constant, unyielding rocking drove her to orgasm over, and over, and over and over and over again while he huffed and growled, but held his own throughout. By the time Nick did finally tip over the edge, over an hour after he'd first slipped inside of her and having made Judy shriek and cum enough times for both of them to have lost count, he did so with intensity enough to literally bring him to his knees. He didn't so much collapse as feel his legs giving way and lower himself to the ground in anticipation of that fact, but as his cock began to twitch, spasm and flood Judy's pussy once again, he just groaned breathlessly in the all consuming rapture of his release, leaving it to Judy to scream, to kick out, and to wail at the perfection of that moment for the both of them in her own latest peak.

Soaking wet and still wrapped up in each other the fox staggered from the shower some ten minutes later with Judy's arms and legs encircling his torso tightly as ever. The fox didn't wish to soak their bed or the couch, so it was one of the living room's armchairs into which they sank, and there they let the warmth of their apartment slowly dry them as they made out, and as ever so often Nick's fingers slipped into Judy just enough to bring her to another quick, sharp orgasm, then withdraw until the next time her kissing grew that little bit more intense and demanding, betraying her desire for more of the same.

Still somewhat damp, they remained there as Judy rode Nick's cock, the rabbit in full control that time round and Nick doing nothing to subvert her plans. As swiftly as possible Judy drove herself down onto Nick's cock, and even though it might still have been just small enough at that point for her to slide back up and off it again, she ground and rocked herself against Nick urgently until he was locked deep inside her once again.

"Don't cum yet..."

She begged as she reached out with trembling hands and grasped at one of the fox's wrists, drawing his hand down between their bodies, and pressing two of his fingers to her swollen clitoris.

"I want to feel you inside. S-so hard, so thick... filling me completely while I... when I... o-oh... oh, Nick. Yes!"

At one point they rose shakily from their seat to go and hurriedly gulp down a large glass of water apiece, but in the wake of that rehydration Nick carried Judy to their bed, and no sooner had they tumbled forward onto it, their cries rang out yet again. The bunny shrieked. The fox yelped. They called one another's names and wailed with mindless incoherence as they kissed and embraced and fondled and sucked and fucked not just to their heart's content, but so, so far beyond mere contentment, knowing that the mammal they loved deserved vastly more than to just be content in their life, and in their passions.

Truthfully, they grew so wild and unbound in their desire to please one another that the original reason behind that desire to please entirely eluded them. There had been something behind their initial urge to spend the entirety of that evening together in ecstasy, some deeper meaning to it, but it was lost, as all less immediate concerns were, in the raw pleasure, in the frenzy of that night. It was lost in every ear-splitting howl Nick let loose, lost in every hot, copious gushing of Judy's juices, and in every kiss, every look, every touch shared in the purest and most unbridled, wild love they felt for one another.

By the time either one of them remembered, they were standing in front of the fridge with nothing but its own light illuminating their naked and rather haggard looking, stained, matted bodies, and blissfully, wearily beaming faces. They both had a bottle in hand, Judy gulping down orange juice straight from its container while Nick did the same with some milk, when out of the corner of the rabbit's eye she saw the glow of the stovetop clock, and gasped loud and suddenly enough to send a brief gush of sweet fruit juice spilling down her chin and dripping onto her all but flat chest.

"Wait, what?"

She gasped, looking up at Nick for confirmation as he hurriedly cut short his own drinking and glanced down at her, then following the course of her eyes as she nodded back across the room. His own eyes widened, and he snorted with laughter.

"Uh... oops?"

He grinned, setting the milk bottle back in the fridge door, plucking the orange juice bottle out of Judy's hand and placing it back where it belonged in turn, then dropping to his knees to rest level with the rabbit's face as he chuckled in amazement.

"Happy new year, plus three, Carrots."

He leaned his head forward and kissed her gently as with the fridge door shut, the only illumination remaining in the room was the oven clock, its red lettering marking the time as twelve minutes past three in the morning.

"Oh, Nick... happy new year."

Judy giggled and kissed the fox tenderly in return, only to pull back as she shook her head in wonder.

"I... I can't believe we didn't realise. I can't believe we just... right through it..."

Nick raised an eyebrow.

"Have you met us, Judy?"

The rabbit scowled playfully, and grinned as she acknowledged the truth of what her partner was saying. In truth, this was far from the first event or appointment they'd fucked their way through. Dinner reservations, plans with friends, even work on more than one occasion.

"Anyway, it's not like we didn't do what we set out to do. If anything... it worked even better than expected."

The fox soothed any lingering frustrations he knew that Judy would inevitably have otherwise, the rabbit enjoying a good, well thought out plan seen through to fulfilment almost as much, if not more than she enjoyed the two of them making the most of their equally active sex drives. Sure enough he saw Judy regard him curiously, and grinned as he nodded warmly to her in the darkness of their quiet kitchen.

"We decided we wanted to start this year the way we intended to continue it. And... 'fucking so hard we lost track of time completely' is a pretty good way to do that. Maybe even hotter than making sure we were both cumming at the stroke of midnight."

Judy nibbled thoughtfully on her bottom lip for a moment, then blushed brighter still, and giggled gleefully.

"Definitely hotter."

She murmured.

"Definitely hotter."

Nick agreed.


The fox murmured soon after, glancing around the dark kitchen as he knelt there before the woman he loved, feeling her body trembling in his embrace, and his own cock throbbing up against her fluffy, somewhat dampened thighs.

"...do you wanna turn in for the night, since it's so late? Or..."

He let the question hang, suspecting gleefully that he already knew the answer. And, sure enough...

"Or we... we could see just how long into the new year we can go, w-without stopping?"

Judy murmured bashfully, hopefully to the man she adored.

Nick laughed, and kissed her deeply on the muzzle.

"Your libido is gonna kill me one of these days, Carrots."

The rabbit blushed, but before she could offer a different, perhaps somewhat more measured suggestion instead, she squealed as Nick's arms wrapped around her buttocks, and she felt the larger, stronger mammal lifting her off the ground within his loving arms. Judy shrieked with laughter as Nick flung her over his shoulder, and she gasped, then cried out in mindless desire as while he began to slowly turn and walk them back towards the bedroom, Nick reached in between Judy's legs, and started to fondle and pleasure her even as he held her prone and helpless to respond over his shoulder.

"But, to more directly answer your question..."

Nick growled adoringly over the sounds of Judy's latest cries of pleasure.

"...god, yes. I think that's exactly what we should do."

By Jeeves

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