Fall of an alpha

Story by Drackir on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf Pack

Hi all, this piece is a sequel to fat fucking bunnies comissioned by a Mr Annon E Mouse (If you don't get it say it out loud). So if you'd like your own comissioned smut send me a message or have a look at my journals.

Fall of an alpha.

The tiger had been waiting in the showers for ten minutes for the wolf pack to arrive. Being the kind of gym it was he had already passed on several furs advances, one of whom he wouldn't have turned down any day but today. He heard the boisterous calls of the wolf pack and waited, a self assured smile on his face

Gerald had been eyeing up the alpha of this wolf pack for a while. By nature he was versatile, enjoying both toping and bottoming equally, but as soon as he had seen what lay between this alpha's thighs he knew he had to have it. He wasn't an especially slutty cat by his reckoning; he slept with less guys than any of his friends but enough that he questioned how many was too many, still something about this wolf made him want to be on all fours mewling like a kitten.

He eyed the alpha as he stripped off, his cock thickening and lengthening between his legs at the sight of this muscular stud stripping off so casually. The way the wolf's sheath bounced as he walked into the showers gave him a little chill and a feeling of warmth through his loins. The other wolves filled up the stalls around him but, and the tiger almost cursed, the alpha chose one with a fat fucking bunny between them. He really had no taste for the larger furs, sure that thick cock between the bunny's chubby thighs was impressive but it was nothing compared to that grey furred stud just beyond him.

He stood there fuming and trying to get the alpha's attention. He flexed himself in the shower letting the stream of water work through his fur which highlighted his toned muscles. He noticed the wolf looking at him but then the rabbit moved back between them and the tiger growled softly. He stepped back a little and stroked his cock slowly, making it look like he was soaping it up but was definitely lengthening and plumping up to attract the alphas attention. Still nothing, though he felt the eyes of another wolf on him, a wolf almost at the alpha's level of hotness.

The rabbit left the showers suddenly and was followed by the alpha just a little later. The tiger shut off his shower and followed as well. He had his game plan, he had seen that this was often when the alpha would choose a fur to take home and fuck until they were raw, shivering and begging for more. He knew he was the wolf's type, his sleek body, nice round ass, glossy fur and rather sizable cock that he had teased to it's full flaccid length should be perfect for the alpha's tastes.

He smiled and put on his most submissive look and walked up to the alpha. He opened his mouth the introduce himself, to tell the alpha he could do anything, ANYTHING, to him and he wouldn't complain only for him to be pushed away to another wolf like he was barely even there. This wolf, who told him his name was Ten, a significant glance down to his crotch to imply why, was almost equally attractive. He was tall, muscled, confident and evidently well equipped, a thick grey and white sheath hinted at being crowded over capacity. He was just missing that certain alpha presence, but only just.

Ten was also very eager to take up his alpha's scraps and the tiger quickly felt two strong hands on his rump and teeth against his neck fur. The wolf growled softly and the tiger could feel the rumbling in the large wolf's chest, like an earthquake deep down below the surface.

"Did little kitty wanna play with the alpha?" The wolf said, his voice deep and sensual and obviously put on for the tigers benefit. "I'm his second in charge you know, the beta. If you show me a good time I'm sure I can find a way to..." The wolf's paws pulled apart his tight rump and a finger pushed against his rosebud entrance. "Introduce you".

The tiger moaned softly and pressed back against the beta and felt evidence that Ten was definitely not misnamed push across his own cock and into his belly fur. He quickly went through his options in his head, which amounted to accepting this studly wolf's offer, getting his tail hole well ploughed and then maybe getting to meet the alpha, or declining and hoping to catch the alpha in a more receptive mood another time. A thrust from Ten's hips made his decision for him and within minutes they had both dressed and were walking, quickly, back to the wolf pack's dorm.

As soon as they had both stepped inside the beta's room Ten's hands were all over the tiger. Gerald could only gasp at how skilled those paws were, they moved under his shirt and stroked here and there, making him moan or shiver in pleasure. Just as he was about to cry out for the wolf to stop the paws gripped his t-shirt and lifted it off, the tiger lifting his arms to comply. In almost the same movement the wolf was down on his knee's biting at the tigers striped tail base. His hands were around the front unbuttoning the shorts he was wearing and they and his underwear were off in moments.

A firm hand grasped the tigers cock and a deep growl came from the wolf's throat. "Damn kitty, what've you got here? Eight inches?" The wolf queried as he pressed the tiger forward with his muzzle.

Gerald gasped and tried to reply but couldn't as a tongue rasped through his ass crack against his all too sensitive freshly cleaned tail hole. The wolf's flat, hot tongue pressed against his hole and the tiger gasped, unable to help but relax as a large paw stroked his now fully desheathed cock from its thick base to its thick helmet shaped head.

"I asked a question kitty" Growled the wolf and the tongue and muzzle disappeared and then were felt on the tigers neck. Gerald gave a gasp as ten inches of wolf meat ground through his crack and then the hand not currently working his meat like a world class violinist, all pressure and controlled speed, slapped his ass cheek firmly.

"N..nine" The tiger moaned out and then was pressed forward against the bed. The hand that had slapped his ass gave it a hard squeeze and then was up at his shoulder and then was forcing him to bend over onto the bed, the movement so fast and fluid the tiger didn't even realise where he was going until he was face first in the bed. His knees gave out and he collapsed into the thin, musk filled, covers, his chest on the bed while his hips balanced in seeming limbo.

"I love fucking a guy with a big cock. Something to hold on to. Now, stay right there kitty" The beta growled as he stepped away to his night stand. Gerald obeyed and shivered slightly in anticipation and turned his head to watch. The wolf's cock was full and long, longer than the alpha himself possibly, and even if he wasn't the confidence and the way he was holding himself more than made up for it. Ten pulled a foil wrapper stamped with XL and a small tube from the drawer and then moved back behind the tiger. Gerald shivered, feeling every heavy footfall and knowing each one bought him closer to being stubbed gut deep by a throbbing wolf cock.

The tiger waited in anticipation, his tail lifted but the tip waving back and forth in excitement, as he heard the foil wrapper being opened and then wolf grunting as he rubbered up. The tiger wouldn't have complained without the condom, the difference in species making disease not really an issue, but found it comforting to know that the wolf did use protection. The click of the bottle of lube broke him from his thoughts and he raised his hips expectantly.

The wolf growled theatrically and the air filled with his deep seductive rumble. He grasped the base of his cock with one paw and then lubed his cock from tip to base with both. He slowly moved forward until he heard Gerald gasp and grind forward a little as he rested his large head against the tigers tight, but definitely not virgin to the wolf's discriminating eyes, hole.

"You might want to bite down or something" The wolf said in warning and then gripped the tigers hips. Gerald gasped and grabbed a handful of covers and bit down on them hard. No sooner had he done so than a wave of intense feeling rushed from his ass and wracked his body. The huge cock split him open just like he had imagined an alpha would, brute force and strength with no room for tenderness or concern. The wolf was taking what he wanted regardless of weather the tiger wanted it or not, this was how an alpha did things and the beta was eager to learn.

The beta grunted as he dug his claws into the all too willing tiger's hips. He had already thrust almost all of his length into Gerald's surprisingly spread able ass and now used his paws to pull the tiger back against him. He let out a deep moan of pleasure as he sunk in right to the base, his eyes widening in surprise as his last inch just slid in like a sword into its sheath with no more resistance than the rest of the tigers ass. He hadn't found someone who could accommodate him all the way in months and the growing smile on his face reflected that. He flexed himself and felt the tigers ring squeeze down around him in response.

Gerald groaned around the thin fabric in his muzzle, tasting the wolf's sweat and other fluids faintly. He held his bite down as he felt himself being pulled back right to the base of that amazing beta length. His eyes opened in amazement at the way the wolf's cock just kept spreading him out, further than he thought possible. The last guy he had let top him had only been six inches and while he had been so proficient he had made the tiger cum twice in one session the wolf was delivering something no skill could ever replace. Finally he let go of the chewed material as he felt the wolf's balls brush against his own, the worst of the sensation done with.

"Damn kitty" the wolf said, his voice a mixture of lust and wonderment. "I thought you'd fill out at seven inches like most guys. But you're in this all the way.." He pulled his hips back a few inches and then rammed forward, the tiger giving out a gasp as he was shoved forward. "Yup, grade A bottom material with a cock worthy of a top. My favourite kinda guy to fuck".

The tiger just nodded in agreement, the feelings roaring through him just too intense to let him reply with anything more than nods, gasps and moans. With the kind of length and intensity currently ramming his bowels terms like pleasure and pain went by the wayside, instead it was just a feeling too immense to be classified. The look on his face, all curled up, didn't indicate pleasure while the way his cock pulsed and wet the floor with his pre seed said volumes about it not being pain either.

"Mmm just feel that tiger. This is beta material, can you imagine how good it'd feel if it was the alpha doing this?" The wolf growled out as he bought his hips back and thrust them forward in great loose arcs, his cock plunging back and forth with force but no accuracy. Occasionally he'd thrust right against the prostate and other times miss it completely, quite an effort considering the wolf's size. The tiger shuddered as he realised that what felt like a lack of accuracy was actually the beta deliberately missing his sweet spot and exploring his ass like a cave spelunker.

"You're just swallowing ten inches of cock like it was nothing" The wolf roared out and pulled back right to the tip. He slipped out of the tiger's once tight ass and then slammed back in again to the hilt, both furs being pushed forward by the strength behind the thrust. As he slammed in he moved over the tiger and pressed his chest against his back letting the tiger feel the wolf's hot breath against the back of his neck. The tiger just gasped and felt his balls start to rise. Despite happily bottoming for guys he hadn't ever actually cum from being fucked before but was sure he would now.

"Oh god.. oh god yes. Take it kitty. Be my bitch. You were born to by me btich. RRrrrr... take it bitch. Rrrrrfffff" The wolf grunted out, his voice breaking slightly as he made short stabs with his hips again and again. The tiger partially wished he would shut up and just use all of his energy on the fucking, most of the verbal guys in his past had been making up for certain short comings. But this wolf... nothing about him was short but coming he was.

"RAAAAHHHHHHrrrrrffffff" The beta bellowed and slammed himself in to the hilt one last time and thrust like the wolf he was deep down. While he thrust his cock swelled and started to shoot its thick load into the thin, too small, rubber reservoir, the latex bulging obscenely where neither fur could see it.

The tiger whimpered and pressed back, his arms unable to move down to paw himself and the cock inside him just a millimetre away from enough pleasure to send him over the edge. His cock spasmed like anything between his legs, his balls boiled, and yet no relief came. He bucked back against the wolf but got a bite on the shoulder and held still instead. The beta gave a few more shallow thrusts, not enough now to get the tiger over the edge, and then with a deep groan pushed himself off the tiger and pulled his hips back in a slow relaxed fashion.

The tiger shuddered as inch after inch was slowly pulled out of his now well stretched ass, feeling empty and cold from where the hot wolf length had been. The wolf pulled off the condom and tied it up and then threw it into the dustbin with no great ceremony before collapsing onto the bed with a satisfied grin. The tiger looked up to see the wolf's yellow eyes looking down at him.

"You were fucking fantastic kitty." Ten said and reached down to ruffle the tigers head fur.

"Gerald" The tiger replied. He stood and slowly pulling up his pants over his still throbbing his erection, the bulge it made quite visible to anyone with eyes. Something about the wolf made it clear that while he had performed very well and was welcome back any time next time he better cum while being fucked.

"Well Ger." The wolf replied, using the overly familiar shortening with a confidence the tiger envied. He rolled over and gripped the tiger firmly and tugged him down until they were muzzle to muzzle. "I don't suck cock, I don't let guys fuck me and I'm too fucking worn out by that fine ass of yours give you a paw job. You come back tomorrow though and we can go again."

"...and the alpha?" The tiger replied, his brain on autopilot. Somehow the alpha seemed less desirable now that the beta had shown him exactly how good he was.

"Oh yeah..." The wolf's grin widened and before the tiger could stop him their muzzles were pressed together in a deep kiss, the beta's tongue taking the lead and grinding against the felines tongue. "Mmmm... good kisser too Ger. I'll invite him too, good old fashioned threeway. I think he'd go for that. Now" The wolf stood up and pulled on his own shorts, the bulge unmistakable now that the tiger knew what he was looking for. "I've got some studying to do so..."

"Oh yeah, right, OK" The tiger mumbled and slipped out of the room. His tail hole was surprisingly not sore, ten was definitely the largest he'd ever handled, but his balls were boiling with need. As he stepped down the corridor he heard some of the rest of the wolf pack whispering as he passed. At first his cheeks flushed, thinking they were talking about how he was the beta's latest bitch but when he heard the word "Fat rabbit" he paused and swivled his ears.

"..in there, got him on all fours and fucked him!"

"No way! No one fucks the alpha! Not even Ten!"

"Maybe the rabbit had something on him? Like black mail?"

"I dunno, but Theo saw him on the bed dripping bunny spunk and this weird grin on his muzzle..."

"Where is he now?"

"In the showers..."

The tiger stayed there a little longer but was no longer really listening. The alpha he'd be spying on and lusting over for the last few weeks... had let a fucking fat rabbit top him? After turning his sexy ass down? What the fuck was wrong with him?

He realised he was growling and quickly calmed himself but his fists remained screwed up and, to his own surprise, his cock throbbed angrily in his pants. Sure he had ended up having some unbelievably good sex from the beta but still...

It wasn't his rational mind that started him walking back the other way to the dorms showers. In truth it probably wasn't his mind at all but his head far lower down, the head that the beta hadn't serviced at all.

"Well" the tiger thought to himself "Time to see what this alpha is made of"

Before he knew it he was at the shower doors and a second later he was inside. The only occupants he could see was a ferret and a hippo just about to go shower, or possibly more from the growth he saw between the hippos thighs. A quick word, well more so the look on his face, and they decided that perhaps their dorm room was the better place to carry out their activities. The tiger was left alone in the showers, except for the sound of falling water down the far end. He pulled a bench across the door and then stripped out of his clothes, his nine inches hanging in front of him like some kind of joke on his long lean frame.

He hadn't minded being Ten's bitch, in fact he had loved every second of it. But part of the way he was a switch, the way he was able to be so versatile, was to give as good as he got. And right now he had gotten a lot and was ready to pay some out. He walked quietly, his feline genetics and upbringing helping him move silently, until he reached the last cubicle and slowly pulled open the flimsy plastic sheet.

The sight before him made his cock pulse with the desire. The wolf was bent over, his tail lifted, and hot soapy water was running straight through his crack. Obviously the rumours in the hall were true and the alpha was trying to wash off the stain of his sinful indiscretion. The tiger wrapped his paw around the base of his cock and stroked slowly as he stepped forward.

The tiger didn't know it but at the moment the wolf was still hard. He had never been fucked like that before, never been the submissive one so entirely, and it had left its impact on his system. His fingers traced his sore hole and he winced in pain and yet his cock pulsed, the memory of the bunny's thick blunt cock jamming against his prostate so well, the way he had begged for more like he had had so many other guys do for him. He sighed and straightened up only to find a paw pressing him back down.

"Well well well... how the mighty have fallen" Gerald said, shocked out how deep and dominating his voice came across as. He squeezed the alpha's muscular shoulder and then pushed him forward, testing to see how much the wolf would resist. To his surprise the wolf moved forward easily and didn't stop until his head was pressed against the clean white tiles. He let his other paw move down and thrust a single finger straight against the red pucker. He loved the gasp the wolf gave as he slid into the warm tight ring.

"Rumour has it a big old fatty bunny came along and popped your cherry. Is that true?" The tiger asked and before the wolf could create an excuse or a reason he thrust his finger in right to the knuckle and curled it until he felt the familiar hard smoothness of the male prostate gland. He pushed it softly and heard the alpha gasp and, only audible because of his good ears, the sound of a squirt of liquid hitting tiles.

"Ye...yes..." the alpha gasped out. H wanted to deny it but the finger against his prostate was better than any lie detector and part of his brain wondered if the FBI or CIA had ever tried it. His eyes shut tight as his cock betrayed him in the worst possible way. He hardened and pulsed and a shot of his pre splattered against the once clean tiles. He tried to pull away, to deny in some small way how much he was loving this, but couldn't. Whilst his mind might be content to think of himself as a top his bottom knew much better now.

"Well if a big old thunder thighed rabbit with a big belly and stubby cock made you holler like a bitch... imagine what a studly tiger in his prime could do" Gerald said as he stepped in closely. His cock brushed against the wolfs wet thigh and then was guided up so it thrust past the wolf's balls, letting the once proud alpha realise just how big the feline was.

"Oh god...." The alpha mumbled, his vision blurring as he imagined just how big the feline was. It came up with a number than was two inches too long but then he wasn't exactly well practiced at having to estimate cock sizes based purely on how they felt brushing against his balls and ass. The alpha pressed his rump back and groaned needily as the tiger pressed against his pleasure spot harder with his finger.

"Nope, just Gerald the tiger" He replied and then pulled his finger back out of the clean, hot hole. He had been worried that there would still be bunny spunk left there, the tiger not being one for sloppy seconds and going back to his pants to retrieve a condom would ruin the effect, but was pleased to find it now clean as a whistle. He drew his hips back and then forward again until his cock pressed against the wolf's tail hole. He was surprised at how loose the wolf's hole was, not realising that while he completely dwarfed the bunny in length it would take something the size of a beer can to beat him in girth.

"Tell me you want it" Gerald purred out softly as he pressed his chest against the wolf's back and wrapped his arms around him tightly. He knew the alpha, or possibly omega at the rate things were going, wouldn't escape but loved the feel of this muscled wolf against him. He glanced down and was reward by the sight that Ten was definitely superseded by the alpha in both length, but only just, and girth, by a lot.

"I... I want it" the wolf whispered out and was rewarded with the slightest of thrusts to his tail hole. He repeated himself, a little louder, and found the tiger thrusting a little harder. "I WANT IT!" He all but screamed out and then groaned as the tigers pre slickened head stretched him open easily and slid in but then stopped right there. He pushed back but the tiger pulled away at almost the same speed, keeping himself embedded but not going any deeper.

"Tell me..." The tiger purred out again, his voice lower now. His hand slid down and gripped the huge wolf cock jutting from the alpha's legs and used it as a handle as he bucked forward just a little, loving the heat and feel of it in his paw. "...you need it"

"I need it!" The wolf growled out and then gasped as he was pulled back by his cock to a little past two thirds of the tigers cock. He repeated the words again and again, his claws scrabbling at the tiles while his words echoed around him but still the tiger got no further in. Eventually he gave up on pushing back or begging for more and settled against the tiger, breathing deeply. As soon as he did the tiger thrust forward to the hilt with a deep feline snarl of pleasure.

"Ohhh yeaaaahhhh... You're my wolf now..." The feline muttered to himself, no longer interested in playing mind games with the wolf. After all why should he settle for his mind when a tight ass was wrapped around him and a thick cock was prying apart his fingers as he thrusted. He slowly eased back until only his glans remained inside the alphas rear and then thrust forward again. The ring wasn't especially tight around him, the bunny's cock having seen to that, but the velvety insides of the alpha were far more resilient and gripped the tigers cock like a calf sucking on a teat.

The wolf just gave out soft grunts each time the tiger came to be inside him fully. Each stroke made his cock swell and pulse, each withdrawal made it jump and his throat whine for more. He lowered his head and moaned loudly as the now lukewarm water cascaded over both furs. Instead of the usual thumps and slaps of fur meeting fur and hips thrusting against rumps wet smacks and the sound of water splashing filled the shower cubicles, echoing down to two wolves with their heads pressed against the doors, their hands on each others dicks.

The tiger gave out a deep snarl of lust as he slammed in to the tight rump for the nth time. Even while fucking the tigers math major didn't leave him, though his physics background found little pleasure in knowing the force behind his thrusts. He could feel his balls boiling again, his cock stiffening just that little more, that itch all over that meant that his orgasm was only a few strokes away. He could have slowed down and enjoyed himself but instead he bit down on the wolf's neck ruff and sped up. His hips turned into a blur of orange and black stripes while his paw jerked the alpha off hard and fast.

The alpha came first. The tigers cock pressing against that spot he hadn't know until a few hours before and now would spend the rest of his life wanting to have pounded, the hand working his cock and the fact he was being the bitch again all making his balls pull up and fire too soon. He grunted and his claws dug into the grout between the tiles as thick wads of wolf seed splattered the already pre stained walls.

The way the wolf gasped, the scent that was filling the cubicle and, well yes mainly the way the wolf's rear squeezed around him like a vice coated in rubber latex made the tiger cum and cum hard. He rammed himself in right to the hilt of his nine inches and rolled his hips in small circles, his thick head swelling the most of his cock as it plastered the wolf's insides with his seed. He gave a few hard thrusts and then pulled back, his cock wrenching free while still pulsing but no longer shooting.

He admired the sight of the wolf bent over, his seed already dribbling out of the loose hole down his thighs for a moment. He gripped the wolf by the shoulder and lead him back to the changing area and laid him down over one of the bench. The wolf didn't resist at all, it all seemed pointless now, two guys had made him his bitch. Two guys he would easily have over powered physically or fucked raw not two hours ago. He watched the striped tiger get dressed and didn't even move to cover his seed splattered ass as the tiger pulled a phone out of his pocket and took pictures.

"Good puppy... now I'm not going to tell anyone about this. So maybe, just maybe you can still be alpha. But I have these photos, and Ten is my new best friend. So I think life might be changing, agreed?" Gerald said with a grin and nodded, satisfied, as the wolf replied back that he was all his.

The alpha was surprised at what happened next. The tiger lifted him up and towelled him off, cleaned off the seed coating his rear as best he could, and helped him on with his clothes. Before he could thank him the tiger pressed their muzzle together and the alpha was reminded again that he was the tigers bitch as hands squeezed his ass tightly.

They both moved the bench out of the way of the door and were surprised when two wolves fell in, one with the others cock in his muzzle and his own cock shooting in his paws at the shock and surprise of being discovered. The alpha grinned and picked them both up by the ruff of their necks, his muscled arms bulging from the effort.

"When the alphas away the wolves will play" he growled at the two of them and was satisfied to see their tails curl between their legs. Luckily neither of them saw the tiger holding in a laugh as he padded away, ass nicely sore from Ten and cock nicely drained from the alpha. The alpha put both of them back onto the ground and pushed them towards his dorm room. Little did he notice his Beta's eyes watching him from a half opened door.M