Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 14

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#14 of B&C 2

My lovely reader, words cannot express how eager I am to share this episode with you. I won't lie, that sheep is my favorite of them all, I love Lorelai so much and I've been chomping at the bit to write this scene that you know is coming. Gods, I've had to fight the urge many times to give her a separate spin off!

However, let us pull from my eagerness for a moment, for there is more at play here than just that! This episode will bring everything full-circle. Yes, that's right my lovely reader once this episode is in the books, the events from the first serial will now be caught up! This means Sarnai can begin to tell her newest story to you in the present as it happens to her! I hope you're as excited to read what comes next, as I am to share it with you!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

My lovely reader, words cannot express how eager I am to share this episode with you. I won't lie, that sheep is my favorite of them all, I love Lorelai so much and I've been chomping at the bit to write this scene that you know is coming. Gods, I've had to fight the urge many times to give her a separate spin off!

However, let us pull from my eagerness for a moment, for there is more at play here than just that! This episode will bring everything full-circle. Yes, that's right my lovely reader once this episode is in the books, the events from the first serial will now be caught up! This means Sarnai can begin to tell her newest story to you in the present as it happens to her! I hope you're as excited to read what comes next, as I am to share it with you!

Episode 14:

Sarnai Blackpaw

We no sooner made it into the penthouse suite than I had pushed the sheep to the wall, taking a knee and shoving my mouth to her own. Lorelai bleated out a gasp but eagerly threw her arms around me, returning the kiss with the desperation I felt earlier.

Our kiss broke just long enough for her to whisper, "I love you my fox, now and always." She didn't give me time to respond and quickly pushed her mouth back to my own, her tongue demanding mine. I gave it eagerly, tasting her and drinking in her love, trying to savor this moment.

We parted after several moments of desperate kissing, both of us panting, my hand on her face, staring into her now red eyes. A growl bubbled up from my throat and I pushed against her throat, kissing along her flesh, dragging my tongue along it, feeling she had willed her heart to beat, a strong thrum of a pulse now present.

I didn't hesitate and snapped down upon her throat, teeth pushing past her soft flesh before her blood erupted in my mouth. The sheep gave a throaty euphoric bleat, her fingertips tangling into my hair, pulling it hard and making my scalp throb. She held me there as I slowly supped at her wound. I didn't take her essence in ravenously, I savored it like a fine wine.

Her blood was very much like her; potent and overwhelming at first, but then a gentle subtleness came through. I only took a few gulps before I dragged my tongue over the wound, meeting her eyes and pushing my hair back, offering my throat to her as well.

Lorelai's teeth showed at the display as she lunged forward, shoving me to the floor. I yipped out from the sudden shift, feeling her push over me and plunge her teeth deep into my throat. My own teeth clenched as I hissed out, then lolled my tongue slightly as the euphoria gripped me.

Of course, it wasn't the first time we had shared one another's blood over the centuries, but those were always moments of tension, usually recovering from battle wounds or the likes. This was different, it was the first time we had done so in such an intimate gesture.

The sheep was very eager and I gave a shudder, feeling the pleasure grip me harder as she drank deeply of me. My fingers dug into her curly locks, then brushed her horns as I panted, "Ngh... Lor... D-don't get too eager, I'll have no energy left for the other things I want to do to you."

She pulled another small gulp and shuddered before dragging her bloody tongue over my wound, healing it as I had her own. I bit my lower lip looking upon the sheep, still slightly dazed from the embrace before our foreheads bumped together as we sat up. Our eyes locked as I drank the whole moment in, she was here and we were in one another's arms.

I pushed my bloody lips to hers once more, both of us drawing into a heated kiss, our hands moving to explore one another more intently. Her chest was larger than mine, and her breasts were softer. When I squeezed them she gave a gentle bleat of a groan, parting from my lips with a shiver.

Before long I had her in my lap once more, right there on the floor of the suite, kissing at her throat. The urge to touch and taste grew more intense for both of us, her own hands frantically tugging buttons free on my top while mine did the same to hers. Before long we were both stripped to our bras and I could see her heavy swell of breasts before me in the soft cream-colored fabric.

Lorelai gave me a familiar smile, one of the lady of my home I had seen centuries ago, that of a female in full control of her confidence. She moved a palm to my cheek, staring into my eyes as she huffed out, "We have gazed upon one another's bodies many times my fox, yet it all seems very different in this context, does it not?"

I nodded slowly and pushed my cheek into her palm, trying to relish her touch. I had not seen her since that fateful night, and who knows how long it had been since I had fully enjoyed her company in my right mind. "Foreign, and yet so familiar, comforting. Lorelai, I love you, I love you and..." A deep snarl filled my throat as my eyes met hers. "I've been waiting a long time for this."

The sheep gave me a cocky smile as she pulled from my lap, saying nothing as she grasped my hands and helped me to my feet. I saw her sway her hips in a manner I'd never seen her do before, while she pulled me along with her. It was obvious the decade with Alice had bolstered her sexual confidence.

"Has my- Our lover, given you any insight upon me?" She asked the words with a playful grin, her small tail flicking behind her as we made our way into the bedroom of the suit, a massive bed of crimson satin sheets before us.

"If I skirt the question, you'd simply force me to answer. Yes, she has." I huffed the words as she released my hand to step away a few paces.

"Forget it." She called out casually as she slipped from the snug skirt she wore, her curvy hips and backside coming into full view, the panties surprisingly skimpy and sharing the cream color of her bra.

With a playful growl, I peeled off the remainder of my own outfit, my skirt falling to my feet, leaving me in my own set of panties and bra, both a soft crimson. Folding my arms I tilted my head, showing her a coy grin. "And why would I do that?"

"Different lovers need to be approached in different ways, my fox." The sheep grinned as she moved toward me, pushing a palm to my chest before shoving me back onto the bed. I barked from the landing, my breasts swaying in my bra from the bounce.

"How you treat Katrina is very different from how you treat Alice, is it not?" Lorelai hummed the words as she climbed onto the bed over me, showing a wide hungry grin, her sharp teeth still faintly stained with my blood. I felt her deftly peel off my bra, my breasts pushing into view as I huffed out in surprise from her dominant display.

In truth, I had expected to be the aggressor when it came to it, that was the advice Alice had given me about it. However, every fiber of my being told me to submit to her, and it wasn't her will that was coaxing those feelings. I shuddered at her touch, feeling her kissing down my throat and moving lower to my collar.

Her tongue moved out to circle my left peak teasingly, her sharp teeth showing before she snapped down upon me. I felt them dig into my flesh slightly as I hissed out through clenched teeth, my ears folding as she suckled upon me, but didn't draw blood. The sheeps touches were full of absolute confidence as her palms glided over my flesh to grip the crimson panties I had, peeling them down as her mouth popped free from my teat, moving lower to expose me to her.

"Beautiful dog... my dog, my fox..." She cooed the words and I barked out as she grasped under my knees and jerked my legs open in a spread, her mouth moving right down to push to my folds. I yowled out in an excited moan, my tongue lolling out as she got right to work, once again her tongue moving with confidence as she lapped at my pearl.

My growls turned to whimpers, then to a whining moan before I was flung over the edge, my honey being lapped up by the sheep who had been with me practically my entire existence. I shuddered as I finally came down from the euphoria, fingers tangled in her curls while she licked at me gently.

Lorelai sat up with a haughty huff, licking her lips as she reached behind herself, peeling her bra away. I watched her heavy swell of breasts come into view, her skin soft and pale, peaks a dusty rose color. She gave me a grin, noting my intense stare as she followed suit to peel her own panties free, kicking them away.

She sat up on her knees and gave me a cocky huff, poking her nose up into the air playfully. "Now, you may take the lead and ravage me, I give you permission and submit to you, my fox."

My eyes widened at her words but my body was already in motion before my brain could catch up. I snarled like a feral dog as I tangled my fingers into her hair, rolling us over with me atop the sheep.

"Fucking love you..." I hissed the words through my teeth, eyes smoldering red as I moved my hands over her breasts, squeezing and kneading them curiously. The sheep moaned at my touch, then gave me an excited bleat as my mouth found her right teat, suckling hard upon it.

I took it in as deeply as I could, her taste, her smell, and the sweet sounds of her pleased moans. It wasn't enough, it never would be, I had to have all of her. I frantically spread her legs and shoved my mouth to her folds, tongue lapping violently against her own spot like she had done mine.

"Gods... S-Sarnai! S-Slow down!" She cried out, her voice pitched as she tangled her hands into my hair, bleating out in soft moans while I worked her even harder at her pleas. The sheep clenched her sharp teeth, shaking her head violently as I pushed and pushed until she couldn't take anymore.

My scalp and ears ached from the tight grab she made upon them, a throaty yowl of a moan ringing out in the room as I made her give in at last. So long, so very long I had waited for my prize and now I had it. I dragged my tongue against her folds, lapping at her honey, listening to her whimper and twitch at my affection through her euphoria, savoring every blissful sound she made for me.

"S-Sarnai! My fox..." She panted the words, looking drunk with pleasure, biting her lip as she felt me shift above her once more. I tangled our legs together, the position a familiar one to her as she moved to aid me.

I clenched my teeth hard and shoved my folds to her own, both our hips getting right to the desperate grinding and movements of lovemaking. "Ngh! Lorelai, my sheep... I love you so much!" I barked the words with desperation in my voice, never wanting to be apart from her again.

"Yes! Yes! I can feel your love my fox!" She sighed and lolled her tongue, bracing on her own palms as she ground and jerked her hips frantically, her body building up as quickly as mine was. "Ngh... so much of my love, you have a part of my heart no one else has, my fox!" Her words came in a desperate pant, tears in her eyes.

My head shook and I cried out in another moan, tears in my own eyes at the thought I was finally making love with her. I couldn't hold it and my release crashed forth, my mind feeling muddled with euphoria as I listened to my sheep make her own desperate bleating moan, joining me in the release.

We both ground our hips, riding through the release while panting. After that we got right back to it, eager for more. We drove one another to release again and again until we were thoroughly spent, a mass of exhaustion and limbs, desperate to keep touching one another.

I collapsed into her arms, tail limp as I panted, my chest pushed to her own as we bumped our lips into soft kisses again and again. "Love you so much..." I snarled the words in between kisses.

"And I you, now and forever." She whispered the words, a palm in my hair, rubbing at an ear while we drew into a deeper kiss, sharing our feelings without the words.

The sun rose while I was in her arms, and we spent the day in one another's tight embrace. I slept deeply without the slightest hints of a nightmare, just her scent in my nose and her beautiful will washing over me constantly. Truly, if paradise existed, this was it for me. The embrace and comfort of my lovers, with no fear of the night terrors, just restful sleep with their scent and love all around me.

Dusk came and after a little more heated lovemaking, we showered. The shower was also an interesting affair, the sheep eager to touch and please me as much as I was her. Hands exploring and touching, driving one another to release in the flow of the water.

I found myself seated on the edge of the bed while Lorelai was behind me, lazily putting my long hair into braids. "How does it feel to have finally made love with me?" She puffed the words into my ear as it flicked against her lips.

"It was all I dreamed and so much more. I- I love you, Lorelai." I looked back at her as I spoke the words timidly.

She hugged me from behind, holding me tight, pushing her smaller body into mine. "I know, and I love you Sarnai, my beautiful fox."

We settled into silence for a while, just enjoying one another's company until I spoke out at something on my mind. "Lorelai... You, Elias, and even Katrina. All of you are doing that thing Alice does. I can feel your energy tearing through me when we make love. It's not as potent as hers, but it is there."

She nodded, "Toroah has told me as such too. She has somehow passed on her abilities in a way and in doing so, mingled all of ours. It is a minor thing, but..." The sheep shifted to push her chest to my back as she brought her palm out for me to see, a faint haze of blue fire beginning to show on her fingertips, the radiant fox fire my husband had.

"By the gods! You've not even-I mean, I assume you and my husband have not-"

She bleated out a giggle and pushed the flames away, "Heaven's no! The only male I've laid with in a millennia has been Toroah. I find your husband quite lovely, of course, my fox. However, my heart is yours, not his. If I am truthful, I am not Alice. It is difficult for me to share my love so easily, so I am content with you, her, and Toroah."

I folded my arms in thought, I had assumed a lot of things about Alice and her power, but I didn't think it would be quite so prolific that she could start moving around powers without sharing common lovers. I had assumed the radiant foxfire I had started gathering was because I and Elias shared her, but Elias wasn't a factor with Lorelai, yet here she was; developing the power all the same. Then again the divinity obviously came from Gloria and Toroah, both of which I had not laid with.

"You are lost in your thoughts again, you are thinking of our rabbit, are you not?" Lorelai hummed the words as she moved back to begin braiding my hair again.

"Yes, I'm just perplexed and trying to fathom her power as a chimera." I huffed the words, giving a nod to my sheeps' question.

Lorelai grinned and shook her head, "Welcome to the last ten or so years of my life, Sarnai. She is a mystery to be sure. Still, all of us seem to be the better for it."

I frowned and thought about it more, looking back to the sheep. "Touching Toroah no longer harms you? The most potent of the celestials?"

The sheep sighed and gave me a coy smile, "Oh he is indeed a potent one, but no, he does not in the slightest. I can freely handle blessed silver as well."

My frown deepened as I thought about touching my mother, and the sword I now had. I had only been sharing the rabbit's embrace for a few months, it stood to reason the ones that came before me would have grown more powerful from it. "What of sunlight? What of the celestial's little trick they use?"

Lorelai shook her head, "Sarnai, you will forgive me if I've not tried to take a stroll into the sunlight, and we've been at peace with them, how would I have experienced it?"

I grumbled but nodded, "I shall have mother bring it forth and see for myself when I visit her again."

"A fine idea, let me know how it goes. Just please do not test such things out with the real sunlight, my fox. I'd hate to lose you after everything we've been through to something so simple as the sunlight."

My teeth grit as I looked down, feeling her tugging at the ends of my hair, finishing and tying off the braid. "Lorelai, Do you have any idea of what this unease everyone is feeling could be?"

The sheep gave me pause, not saying anything as she gently pulled away and moved to the dresser where her things were. She reached for the wakizashi that I had seen had the same type of maroon blade as my saber. Withdrawing the short sword she looked upon the blood steel, giving a few practiced flicks of the blade before snapping it back into its scabbard. "You know, I melted down that old katana I got from Hagen."

"Is that right?" I growled the words, noting she hadn't answered my question.

"Yes, Alice used more of her blood steel technique on the silver slag with one of the celestials best blacksmiths. The smith said she had been making blades for near on two millennia, and yet never seen something with so much power." The sheep moved to a larger sword in the corner of the room, tossing it to me still in its sheath.

I caught the blade, feeling it burn in my grip. Pulling the maroon blade free, I could see the mingled silver in it. Just looking upon it made me nauseous. I had to snap it back into its holder, feeling queasy, as I sat it upon the bed and stepped away from it. "Such a brutally powerful thing, I feel ill just looking at it."

"It even gets to me a little, and I've a decade of her resistance in me, my fox. That should tell you how powerful it is." She collected the blade, moving to put it back in the corner of the room.

"You didn't answer my question," I growled out after a while longer.

"Would you believe me if I said I feel you're safer not knowing?" The sheep folded her arms, giving me a level gaze.

"I believe, that after all of our history together, you'd not give me some bullshit line like that. Shoot straight with me." I snarled and gave my lover a slight glare as I spoke.

Lorelai kept her level gaze upon me for several moments before sighing and shaking her head. "Sarnai, have you ever heard of the Faemarch?"

When you're as old as I am, asking one to recall memories can sometimes take some effort, we do after all have centuries of knowledge to look back upon. I rubbed my chin for several moments before shaking my head in response. "I recognize the 'fae' part, but that's about it."

"More than enough insight from just that." Lorelai sighed and closed her eyes, choosing her words carefully as she spoke. "It's the world the fae exists in. It runs parallel to our own in a way."

"Oh, I've heard theories on this before from the magi circles when I studied with them. Something to the extent that our worlds interact with one another, but are usually sealed off." I lifted my ears and tilted my head, "Is that what this is all about?"

"It's hard to say, my fox." Lorelai sighed as she gestured with a hand. "Like how we have the celestial realm and the underworlds, we also have our reality and the Faemarch."

"So we're their foil, so to speak?"

"No, just like the celestial realms and the underworld, they are attached to our reality, but they are not the other side of the coin. Our realm is like... well, the port between the three. You can't travel straight from the underworlds to the celestial realm, likewise with the Faemarch."

"I think I follow, but what is it the fae have to do with this, this unease?" I growled the words, feeling more confused than I did when I asked the question to begin with.

"I don't know, but other than the few oddities that slip through, it's exceptionally rare for them to get involved in any other realm, and yet the magi have warned that the Faemarch is starting to show signs of influencing our realm. The unease every being is feeling is a result of that influence."

I set my jaw and nodded. "How much power are we talking about? What kind of threat could we be facing?"

"I can't say. I can only speculate, but it's enough that the archangels and the greater pit lords are even talking of potential military truces." Lorelai spoke the words with a grim look on her face that sent a chill down my spine.

"Gods, what in the nine hells?"

"The underworld and the celestial realm need ours. They both draw power from it." Lorelai closed her eyes, hesitating before she spoke out pointedly, "The fae do not. The mundane, the angels, and the demons. They don't need any of us, they could get by fine without us. Do you see what I'm telling you, Sarnai?"

I swallowed a lump in my throat and nodded as I spoke, "If they wanted to start something, they wouldn't need to be subtle about it."

"Yes, and we don't have any idea what kind of power they could bring. If theories are true, some of their great spirits could very well just decide to change the weather to something cataclysmic, like maybe just plunge our whole realm into sub-zero temperatures for a few centuries, or maybe crank the thermostat up to Valley of Death levels for the whole planet."

"Do you really think they hold that kind of power, Lorelai?" I huffed the words, feeling my knees growing weak at the thought of it.

"Who knows? They are theories for a reason, my fox. Perhaps they do, perhaps they do not. An unknown enemy can sometimes be a bigger threat just from the mental torment it provides." Lorelai sighed and shook her head, "Let us deviate from the topic. We do not have enough information to go on. All I can say is; be diligent in your training my fox, and... Well, let us live our lives to their fullest with each day, if the world does end around us, let us at least go out knowing we are as happy as we can be."

"That's a pretty grim segue, my love." I frown and fold my arms.

The sheep huffed and put her hands to her hips. "You insisted upon hearing it."

"Does Alice know?" I tilted my head curiously.

"No. Like everyone else, she knows something is going on, but not what it is. I've spoken with none other than you, Torah, and Kazemde of the circle."

"Why tell me?"

"Because you and I have been through a lot over the centuries. I knew you could handle it. Also, I know if the time comes, you will be the one to stand by my side, even if it is to the bitter end."

"Again, a pretty grim statement, but you are correct, of course. I am by your side no matter what. My lady, my love." I growl the words and clench a fist, red flames rolling off it as I show my teeth.

Lorelai moved to me and placed her hands over my fist, giving me a gentle smile. "These are theoretical talks, my fox. Perhaps nothing will come of it, do not let it mar your day to day. Do not let it ruin your happiness."

"I will not. I will be diligent and train, but I will not lose sight of my loved ones, not after so recently regaining them...and myself." I pulled closer and we embraced, kissing deeply, my fingers tangling into her curly locks, taking in her scent and taste once more, trying to relish it.

I rolled my champagne flute in my palm, cradling it while watching the small amount of blood slosh up the sides, staring upon it for several moments before I clicked my tongue and shifted my gaze to you. "Well, I think you're more or less caught up now, my child."

You gave another look of disbelief and then the questions came about what happened after Lorelai. I of course had omitted the talk of the fae, I wouldn't send my new progeny into a spiral of distress after having just changed a few weeks ago.

"I've not seen her since that night, it was only a month ago you know. I came back home and the day to day resumed," I huffed the words as I finished off my drink and slowly stood, the long flowing red dress clinging to my form as I sauntered over to the window, placing my fingers upon the sill.

We both stood there in a long silence, I still hadn't come to full grips with my situation, me with a turned progeny. It had been a few weeks and I had regaled you with my past a few hours each night once things had settled down. I sighed and shook my head before speaking out, "Have you managed to draw forth your flames yet?"

A shake of your head was your response and I gave a nod to it. "You've all the time in the world now, my child, my student. Eventually, it shall come to you."

I hesitated before asking, "What of your dreams?" Your head shake and acknowledgment of no night terrors eased my heart as I gave a relieved sigh.

My arms spread as I faced you fully and showed my teeth in a grin, "Now the time for tales of the past has ended. You are in the here and now, so you will tell me of your day to day, and I shall tell you of mine."

You nodded and spoke out eagerly, the look in your eyes saying there would still be plenty of questions to come. I folded my ears and moved to you, giving you a gentle embrace, feeling you relax in my arms before we parted once more. "The sun will soon be upon us, go to your room and get some rest, my student. Tomorrow will be another busy day of training and study for you, I'll not accept any less than three new languages under your belt by the years end."

Once again you responded dutifully and eagerly before quickly slipping from my chambers, leaving me alone. I heard the door click and took a seat on the chair, sighing as I rubbed at my forehead, thinking back to how I had gotten here. I felt myself brooding for several minutes before another knock came to my chamber door.

"Come in darling," I called out as I sat up, folding my hands into my lap. Of course, I knew who it was just by the scent alone.

My husband slipped in and gave me that same gentle smile I'd seen throughout my life. "Sarnai, how was your nightly chat with our newest sibling?"

"They are not part of my family, Elias, so it is not 'our' newest family member, but yours and Alices," I grumbled the words and poked my nose up, the words sounding surprisingly fussy even to me.

"About that..." Elias took a seat and my soft brown eyes met his sharp blue ones. We stared upon one another for several moments before he spoke out, "Alice spoke to me about wishing to step down as Marquess."

"She has told me several times she only took the position to ease my transition. This is of no surprise to me, husband. Will you take the reigns back, then?" I tilted my head, giving him a matter of fact look as that would be the logical course.

"She wants us both to take the reigns of the house," He spoke the words pointedly to me.

I scoffed and gave him a halfhearted glare. "Have you forgotten I am the head of our original home? My duty is to Silverpaw and when the next six months are finished I will-" I felt my words cut off, finding I didn't want to speak the words. I clenched my teeth and averted my gaze from his.

"You will what? Will you return and leave us all behind?" He asked me point-blank.

"I have a duty to fulfill, Elias!" I barked the words out, showing my teeth and growling as I felt frustration build within me.

"Jeremy and Jennifer are nearly our equals in age, they would be fine candidates to see to our lady's former house." The fox folded his arms, giving me a level look.

"Be that as it may!" I barked out and clench my fists, feeling a myriad of emotions swirl in me. Of course, I didn't want to leave, I had grown fond of my new friends and lovers, not to mention being with my husband again.

He stood without a word and I felt my heart sink at the prospect of him leaving, I frowned and looked up at him, not saying anything as he stood over me, looking down upon me with that same level gaze. "Sarnai, I can't make you do anything you do not wish, my wife. I do not want to lose you again though, I want you to stay in my life."

"I will-" I sighed and folded my ears, looking away once more. "I will speak with the twins, and I will take all of this into consideration. We will decide something once my new student has finished their evaluation in a few seasons."

The white fox gave me a knowing smile as if he already knew I was trying to find a way to make it work. He gave me a hungry grin and put a finger to his cheek, "Ah, by the way, Katrina and Alice, they were asking for you."

My heart began to thump slightly in my chest as I looked at him and cocked a brow. "Were they now?"

My husband gave me a playful smile and offered a hand to me. "My bed is large, but it does get a little cramped with all of us. All the same, I feel the urge to invite you as well. Won't you come spend the day with us, my wife?"

I grasped his paw and stood, giving him a coy smirk as he started to walk me from my chamber. "This is the fourth day this week my husband. Why not commission a larger bed and closet for your chambers?"

"Would you stay with us if I did that?" He asked with a child-like grin on his face.

I couldn't help but giggle and pushed to his chest, moving to kiss him briefly, my free hand brushing over his face, sliding up into his white hair to rub at one of his large ears. "The times have changed but I am an adaptable fox, my love."

His tail wagged as he growled and moved to pull me closer, his kisses moved down to my throat, his palms already starting to wander my body. I hummed playfully and tilted my head, "I won't stop you, but our rabbit and cat will be furious with you if you have me yourself instead of bringing me for them to partake as well." I puffed the words into his ears as he had started to kiss along the curves of my breasts through the dress I had worn.

Elias seemed to consider that as he weighed the pros and cons of it before gently pulling from me. "Y-Yes... then let's go before I go crazy." He growled the words and took both my hands into his, starting to pull me from the chambers.

I dug my heels in and didn't move as he looked back, confused at my stance. With a cocky grin, I titled my head before speaking out in a haughty order, "Tell me you love me first."

He grinned back and wagged his tail, meeting my eyes as he stepped close once more, giving me a quick peck on the lips, before whispering against them, "I love you my wife, now and forever."

The words made me give a confident huff and I nodded, "I love you too you lecherous fox, now let us be off."

"Lecherous? What hurtful acu-"

"You have I, Katrina, Alice, Val, and I know you've partaken of Kiley as well while in the throes of being with our brother. Will you deny it?" I growled the words matter of fact.

Elias hesitated before nodding. "I apologize if-"

"It is fine my husband, I was only being playful. I still am coming to grips with it, but I myself now count three lovers aside from you. I will not judge you." I huffed the words as I began pulling him along, finding myself eager to be done with this banter and in all of their arms.

"Thank you for your understanding, my wife. I'll understand if you find another male in the future as well," He spoke the words gently as we both moved towards his chambers.

The thought had crossed my mind many times, but something about taking that step still gave me pause. Perhaps if I found the right one, but now that things were sorted, I wasn't sure if I really felt the urge to look for one, after all my husband did such a fine job keeping my carnal desires for a male in check. I gave another nod and huffed, "I am aware my husband."

"So we're not going to go hunting for another fetching male, sister?" My twin hummed the words while lounging on the small bed of our room, her back to my own, while I sat on the edge of the bed.

"We are tangled together in a bed with three of our lovers, exhausted from their adoration of us, and you want to talk about looking for more?" I huffed the words with amusement in my voice.

"Come now, are we not due such? We do not need to restrain ourselves to one male. Are you not curious about others? Our brother Val has always stirred something in us, and I still advocate that wolf, he looks so exciting to lay with."

I growled and rose up off the bed, facing myself as I put a palm on my hip, staring down my double. "The feelings we get from our brother are just the nature of things with him, I'll not sully our relationship like that. That wolf once again is dedicated to Alice and Gloria, I'll not disrupt my sisters' relationships in such a way."

"Then what of Toroah? Surly him and Lore-"

"Stop it!" I barked out sharply, growling as I pushed a palm to my forehead. "You- I- We are not succubi like our lover, we do not need so many!"

My double frowned but put a palm to her chest, wearing the same crimson night grown I had on. "Are we not? The rabbit has mingled so many different types of power through us in these few months, even the touch of celestial's and blessed silver is weakened. Could we not consider ourselves a bit of all that?"

I wanted to refute the statement, but I couldn't. All of my kinsmen from Katrina to Elias were showing the same signs only much more potent than my own. I thought back to seeing the foxfire on Lorelai's hand before shaking my head. "Perhaps we are, but I am content for now... We are content and you know it as such."

My double sulked a little and clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes as she shifted her gaze away. "I suppose... still I'd not mind having some cock that was new after five hundred plus years."

"Such a crude way of speaking, are you sure we share the same soul and mind?" I huffed out with a frown, feeling my desires start to make themselves known. It shocked me to feel such sensations, knowing how thoroughly Katrina, Alice, and Elias had sated me before I collapsed.

"Oh, we are the same, sister. I'm just taking the mantle of the deviant for now." She hummed the words, then leveled me with a calculating look. "This peace has been nice, but I fear for the future, I fear in a way I never have."

I sighed and shook my head while putting a palm to my chest once again, "Yes, we have so much to live for, so much to lose now. New lovers, new family... even a new progeny. I fear Alice has brought them into this world of ours when a tribulation the likes of which none of us can fathom is upon us."

"Are we... Are we afraid, sister?" My doppelganger tilted her head curiously.

"We are, not for ourselves, but for those we stand to lose now. Yes, we are terrified for the first time in centuries I believe. Alice, Lorelai, Katrina, and of course Elias... The thought of harm coming to any of them; it rends my heart. To say nothing of our family from all over the council."

My double stood, flames licking off her tail and ears as she moved over to me, her eyes now blood red as she spoke. "We'll have to be strong and get stronger. I'll not lose this, not after having only achieved it so recently. I was cast into the pits of being the nightmare for so long, only now am I able to truly live life with you."

I gave her a cocky smile, my own flames rolling off me as I embraced her. We pressed foreheads together, both grinning with our eyes closed. There were no words to be said, we were one and the same after all. No matter the cost, that which was ours would be protected.

The months moved forward after that. Elias had a larger bed in his chamber within days of our talk and I found I had exchanged my decades of solitude for a very crowded but loving environment. Sleeping with the three of them seemed to just channel their energy into me all the more quickly, especially on the nights Alice would snuggle up to me.

Your evaluation went off without a hitch and a few weeks later, I found myself back at my old home with the twins. Elias and Lorelai had accompanied me to make things official with what would transpire next.

"You do not know how good it does my heart to see the two of you together hand in hand!" Jennifer spoke out excitedly, her and Jeremy having met us at the car when we arrived at house Silverpaw.

Jeremy frowned and met Elias's gaze before bowing his head, "My lord, I hope you do not hate me and my sister for our actions that night."

"None of that lord stuff, Jeremy. You did as I asked you all those years ago. You stayed with my wife and were prepared to do so at any cost. I am eternally thankful for your companionship with her." The white fox spoke the words proudly as he clapped a hand over Jeremy's shoulder.

"Yes, I also should thank you two. You played your roles admirably, and though the cards didn't play out like I thought they would. I've no doubt I would have lost my foxes had you not intervened." Lorelai spoke the words giving the two mice a bow of her own head.

The twins looked shocked by Lorelai's words and courtesy, Jennifer stammering to speak, "M-My lady! Please do not bow your head to us! We simply did what we could, nothing so grand!"

I rolled my eyes and showed my teeth in a grin, "Have you two been holding down the fort alright without me?"

Both of their focuses shifted to me, and I saw the relief in their eyes to see mine so clear of madness. Jeremy nodded and spoke out in response, "It was very challenging, but we've managed to somewhat get the hang of things. I'm so thankful for my sisters support, I couldn't have done this alone."

Jennifer grinned and pushed closer to her brother, her arms gripping his in a surprising display of affection, hugging to him. "Nonsense my brother, it is I who would have been lost without you."

My eyes rolled again at their display, my heart feeling overwhelmed to see the two of them so happy and relaxed in my company. "I'm so glad you two are doing well," I spoke the words softly, feeling myself growing emotional, knowing what I had put them both through over the years.

"All the same, let us be inside, I wish to discuss matters." Lorelai huffed the words as she sauntered past the mice, flicking her tail. "Also, I've summoned for Val, he should be joining us within the hour if his flight is on time."

I tilted my head curiously, lifting my ears. "Why Val, my lady?"

Lorelai gave me a small smile. "For I am selfish, my fox... with you, Elias, and both of my mice. I called upon my goat as well, for I wished to have my family fully together for the first time since Ceuta."

I and Elias, even the twins, we all grew silent at the thought of it, each of us no doubt humbled at the thought of such a thing. As if on cue we saw another vehicle pulling down the long drive towards the manor, Elias's ears lifting at the approach as I gave a smile, knowing that our brother's calling was a little more personal for him these days.

Val was alone and had not brought Kiley with him, having no doubt picked up on the concept this was a family affair. He was not tactful or dignified as he sauntered up and threw his arms around both I and Elias, embracing us tightly as I barked out, feeling the cocktail of lewd emotions tear through me, not just from him, but my husband as well.

I pulled from the goat, offering him a fussy growl, and he an apologetic look to me. He then turned and moved to embrace both Jeremy and Jennifer as well, the mice happily returning the heartfelt hug. Finally, he moved to claps both of Lorelai's hands, showing her a sad smile as they stared upon one another. I knew he had a role in all this, though his was more on Alice's side of things, all the same, he stood to lose us just like Lorelai had in this gambit for my sanity.

"Lorelai... my lady. Words can't say how happy I am to see us all together again like this." He spoke the words and moved in, bumping his forehead to the sheeps before they both embraced.

Lorelai hugged him close, trembling at the realization that she had her whole family back, then snarled as she pushed a palm to his chest and shoved him off her. "Brother! Reign that in when you touch me!" She bleated the words out with dark cheeks, glaring upon the incubus with a haughty frown.

Val gave an awkward laugh and shrugged. "I apologize, I'm just so happy to be with my family, I had trouble keeping a lid on it." The twins seemed to grumble in a similar way to me and Lorelai, the only one seeming to be happy about it, being my husband who had a wide grin on his face.

We settled around the large fire pit outside the mansion, it was still in the winter months, though the cold did little to bother any of us except Val who was happy for the heat of the fire. We all sat there catching up, the first time in centuries the whole 'gang' was back together again.

"Let us make this into a tradition after this, at least once a year let us get together. We can change the location from time to time of course." Val hummed the words, stretching his arms out as he sat before us at the fire.

"I would love that." Jennifer chimed in, showing the rest of us a wide grin.

"The original members of Silverpaw, all back together for a little reunion. It's a splendid idea." Lorelai nodded with a smile, her hands resting in her lap.

I frowned and gave a nod, "Ah yes, speaking of Silverpaw."

Jeremy and Jennifer turned their gaze to mine, both hanging on my words to come. I gave a shrug to them and huffed out in a haughty tone, "I won't make a show of things, you two keep the position, you've earned it and I'm going to help my hopeless husband run Blackpaw."

Jennifer lifted ears as she spoke, "But my L-"

"Don't but me, Jennifer. No more of this my lady stuff, you're a Marquess, you can speak to me as an equal," I barked the words and wagged a finger at her.

"It was one of the reasons I came along, to make it official," Lorelai spoke out gently, then put a hand to her own chest, giving a playful smile. "I did however invite Val so that I could see us all together once more."

Jeremy gave a nod. "It seems the decision has been made. I and my sister will do our best to live up to your expectations."

Jennifer gave a pout and folded her arms as she spoke to her twin, "Are you sure about this, brother? It seems so daunting..."

He gave her a grin and their hands found one another, squeezing them together as he spoke, "It will be fine, I know with you by my side, we can make it work, and we've Radcliff and the others for support."

"Indeed, and I am always a call away if you have any questions, my mice," Lorelai spoke the words proudly as she gave them both a nod.

Val clapped his hands together. "I've a splendid idea to celebrate!" Everyone gave him a halfhearted glare as if the incubus would suggest an orgy as the celebratory festivities.

He frowned and put a hand to his chest, "Such a look! My suggestion had nothing to do with sex, I'll have you know!"

Elias chuckled and folded his arms. "Out with it then, brother."

He lifted a finger to his chin. "Sarnai, I know you well enough. I'm sure you have some sort of ship tucked away in a harbor nearby, do you not?"

I lifted my ears and gave a nod. "Of course. I have a small sailing yacht docked at one of the local marinas not half an hour from here."

The goat spread his arms as he stood. "We've still easily six hours or more before the sun rises, given its winter. Let us all enjoy some time aboard Captain Silverpaws ship, for old times sakes!"

A smile showed as I ran my fingertips through my hair, "A yacht is hardly worthy of being called a ship, but... I am willing to sail her if you all wish to continue this reunion on the sea."

"A splendid idea, but I will not be wearing a bandana or doing any coastal raiding." Lorelai huffed the words as she stood, putting her hands on her hips while giving me a loving smile.

"Oh it's been years since I've been on a boat, yes let us make our way there right now!" Jennifer huffed the words excitedly, her wiry tail whipping about, wagging like a dogs would.

I felt my heart swell as I looked over my husband and family members, then gave a sad smile as I thought about the family members I lost when the church razed Diana's home. It wasn't my full crew, but I'd have to celebrate all the more for those that weren't here.

Lorelai and Elias gave me a knowing look, clearly sensing what I was thinking. I closed my eyes and gave a grin, composing myself before I put my hands on my hips as I gave a haughty bark, "Very well you swabs, let's get to the marina and cast off!"

Everyone gave a playful response of 'Aye Captain!', and I couldn't help but smile as Elias took my hand, then I felt Lorelai take my other. I gave a nod to myself, promising to take this moment in and treasure it, making sure to bask in the love of my family as much as I could.

I lifted my ears at your words and gave a gentle smile. "Yes, my child, it was a lovely trip, even if my husband and brother did sneak off below deck to deal with more carnal desires while I sailed."

A giggle bubbled forth at your somewhat childish request and statement of having never taken you sailing. "My, are you jealous?" I gave you a smile and waved a hand before continuing, "Yes, I will take you with me during Katrina's next lesson, even show you some of the ropes."

I clicked my tongue as I looked towards the fireplace, "My lover has been visiting with the magi circle quite frequently as of late... I do wonder what that cat is up to."

My eyes stared upon the flames for several moments before I cleared my throat and addressing you in commandment, "Show me!" You sat up straight and brought the hellfire to life without question, black flames drifting from your hands.

I gave a satisfied huff and nodded. "You're improving, good job." Rising to my feet, I thought back to the foreshadowing I spoke of with Loralai before giving you a look as I moved to leave the room. "Grow strong and remain diligent, my child. Remember the old saying, the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in battle."

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