Love Is... Chapter 14

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#14 of Love Is...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I...

Love is not something that everyone finds easy to show, or to find. But me... I... well, I love it. :3 To show that, this series of short, single-scene stories is all about the many aspects of love. ^^

Love Is... Laughter.

"You want to know why you shouldn't do it? You want to know why it'd be a mistake for you to make that move?"

Staring down his girlfriend as her paw hovered over the board laid out between them, Martin wracked his brains for an answer to her question. He knew if she laid down that double-six domino, she'd won! That'd make it six games in a row, and as a loving and honourable boyfriend there was no way that the border collie could allow Emma to legitimately beat him six times in a row. He had to find some clause to end the game now; to invalidate her previous wins or to discover a way to prevent this one!

"Yes, Marty, I wanna know. Why shouldn't I do it?"

Emma giggled as she watched her lover's face contort with the effort of thinking, knowing full well that he was trying to bullshit his way out of losing but finding it wonderfully entertaining nonetheless. Never in her life had the vixen had such a run of good luck as she had so far that day, always getting the right dominos at the right time, always playing the right combination to stump her boyfriend at the last minute. For someone who normally sucked she was playing phenomenally, and that was why it was so horrible for Martin to have to sit there and lose. He enjoyed teasing her about her awful luck in games, and a good half hour of their lazy Saturday morning before this dominos marathon had consisted of him asking her if she was ready to get her ass kicked, if she'd thought of a way to cheat and not lose anyway, or if she'd rather do something a little less reliant on luck like, say, trying to grow wings and fly to Vegas!

As much as she would have loved to draw out his torment longer though, especially if it meant hearing him come up with some wonderfully mad excuse like 'doubles can't be played on the winning move', Emma also wanted to win. She was just as competitive as her boyfriend, and just because she sucked at dominos didn't mean she didn't try her hardest whenever they played. This was a potentially once in a lifetime chance, and as much as it pained her to do so Emma would not hesitate to kick her boyfriend's ass to the dominos world championships and back for once chance to legitimately beat him at an entire morning's worth of games!


Emma grinned. The collie had nothing; not a single excuse. It seemed that his quick wit had gone out of the window with his ability to play dominos, and thus he was wide open for a full frontal assault.

"Uh? Is 'Uh' the national language of Domino-land for 'I suck and I'm getting my ass kicked by a girl'? or is it just your way of telling me that you forfeit?"

Wide eyed and indignant, the collie shook his head.

"No! I can only forfeit when its my turn, and I'm now declaring my turn officially over, so I can't forfeit! Ha!"

Smirking, Emma nodded. She then proceeded to wave the domino held in her left paw up in front of the collie's eyes.

"Oh good, then I can play this. Double six. I win!"

The vixen laid down the domino next to one of the two sixes at the ends of the chain, and grinned proudly as she watched the colour draining from her lover's face. For the last ten minutes he'd refused to admit that his turn was over, just so he could have more time to think and to convince her not to make the move he knew she was going to win with. Then, with barely any effort whatsoever, she'd tricked him into admitting it was her turn voluntarily. He was appalled, and rightfully so. To be tricked by reverse psychology like that... it took a really special kind of stupid!

Martin growled softly, catching Emma's attention. She giggled, raising her eyebrows.

"Oh shush, sweetie. You lost fair and square, now what are you gonna do about it?"

Again he growled, and though Emma was still grinning madly she couldn't help but notice the glint in the back of her lover's blue eyes. Not one of malice or anger, but of mischievous savagery. The kind of playful yet truly evil glint he only ever took on when he was planning something particularly dastardly; something that he knew Emma wouldn't be able to handle.

"Marty... you wouldn't. Not because I won a game of dominos..."

The collie fixed Emma with a sudden and frenzied grin of his own.

"Six games, Emmy. Six. Like the double you beat me with, when I told you not to."

Emma slowly began to shuffle backwards on all fours, away from the coffee table they were sitting beside and away from her lover. She whimpered as he rose to his feet, and slowly began to advance towards her. A moment later she too was standing upright, and running at full tilt towards the living room door with Martin growling savagely behind her as she shrieked in fearful laughter!

"No Marty! N-no!!"

She reached the stairs and bounded up them, two at a time. Her summery dress flew out through the air behind her, giving Martin a momentary view of her panty-less buttocks as he ascended the staircase just a few metres behind the vixen. They reached the upstairs hallway and tore down it, Emma feinting a left turn into the guest bedroom and shrieking with delighted laughter as Martin veered off course, half way through the door before he realised that the vixen had doubled back and was still darting down the corridor towards their home's main bedroom.

The vixen entered the bedroom and slammed the door shut behind her, panting and trembling with excitement and adrenaline as she threw her weight against the door just as Martin slammed into it. She giggled hysterically, pushing against the door with all her strength as the handle twisted and the male tried to force it open. Despite her best efforts it slowly began to slide open, just a centimetre at first and then more. Martin may have been lean in stature and hopeless at opening jars of strawberry jam, but he was still stronger than her when it came to brute force!

"Please Marty, I... I'm sorry! We can have a rematch! W-winner takes all!"

One of the collie's arms pushed its way in through the door, twisting and trying to grab at Emma's body. She shrieked and sprang away from the door, stumbling and nearly falling as she fought to dash across to the far end of the room. She half leapt, half rolled over the bed and crouched at the far side, watching as Martin slowly padded into the room and closed the door pointedly behind himself. He began to advance on her without a moment's pause, not trying to circle the bed but scrambling up onto it and pulling himself upright once more.

"Six games, Emmy."

He shook his head like a mob boss expressing disappointment in a once valued colleague's efforts, and promptly leapt at the vixen. She yelped as his paws brushed the back of her light dress, very nearly closing around the fabric even as she fought to twist out of his reach. By yet another stroke of luck on her part he failed to close his fingers in time, the smooth cloth slipping out from between his digits and allowing Emma to make yet another fated escape. She heard Martin curse as he landed his jump, no doubt sailing right past where she would have been and careering into the bedroom wall. She couldn't stop though, not to check if he was alright or for any other reason this side of life or death! The vixen threw the bedroom door open once more and ran out into the corridor again, darting towards the nearest door, that of the bathroom, and rushing inside.

Throwing the door closed behind her once again and securing it with the lock, Emma whimpered in relief. She heard Martin rush out into the hallway and curse again as he no doubt saw the closed bathroom door, and waited to hear him hammering on the wood, asking for her to come out.

She waited.

And waited.

The vixen pressed her ear up against the door's wooden surface, listening intently for the sound of her boyfriend's panting. Nothing.

A minute passed, then two, not a single sound or sign of life having come from outside. Emma whimpered.


She didn't think he was hurt or anything, but... was he even there?! It'd be just like him to leave her to stew whilst he went downstairs and made a cup of coffee. She'd come out in twenty minutes or so and creep downstairs, only to hear him laughing at something he'd seen on a Top Gear re-run!

That, or he was waiting outside, hoping she'd think of that exact set of circumstances.

But... what if he thought she might figure that out, and really had left her, hoping that her paranoia would keep her locked away whilst he claimed the psychological victory!

"Martin, i-if you're out there... you win. I think I may have forgotten to follow one of the rules when we were playing dominos... s-so none of my victories can be certain, okay?"

Not a sound. Emma whimpered, but kept on waiting, somehow expecting a response. How could she expect one though, when there was every possibility that her lover hadn't heard a word she'd said? If he was downstairs, then anything she said now wouldn't make the slightest lick of difference!

Emma's paw inched towards the bathroom door's lock. Her hand was trembling, in fact her entire body was shaking from head to toe. She couldn't help it, so wired with adrenaline after those five frantic minutes of the chase that it felt like she might not get to sleep for another day when all of this was over. But she had to end it. One way or the other, it had to be over somehow. She couldn't stay in here, not knowing what waited for her outside or indeed if anything was out there at all. That was a far worse punishment than anything that Martin could deal out to her!

She placed her fingers on the lock, and twisted it open. The lock clicked loudly and Emma leapt back from the door in an instinctual reflex, as though actually expecting Martin to leap in and ambush her. There was no howl of triumph from outside though, nor was there a single sound to indicate that the collie was there to celebrate his victory. It seemed that she'd been right after all. Martin had tried to trick her into staying in there, when in reality there was nothing and no-one on the other side of the door!

Breathing a sigh of relief, the vixen pulled the door open.

Martin grinned at her, standing directly in front of where the closed door had been until a moment before, and pounced.

"No!! Please!!"

Emma shrieked as Martin dragged her to the ground, convulsing and kicking out in terror at the prospect of what was about to take place. She whimpered in agonised anticipation as his paws fell upon her sides, and wailed in pure misery as he straddled her midsection, preventing any hope of escape. A moment later and the vixen was giggling helplessly, flailing and squirming in absolute hellish laughter as Martin tickled her tender flanks.

"M-M-aahhh!! No! S-st-aahh! Stop!"

The vixen squealed in anguish, fighting to control her body with absolutely no success whatsoever as she was worked over by the paws of the one fur on the entire planet who knew her every weakness, and every last ticklish spot on her body. Whether it was her flanks, her underarms, or the oh so sensitive flesh around her neck, Emma was reduced to little more than a mass of mirth-stricken, quivering goo by her lover's expertly well practised fingers!

For almost a minute he tickled her torso, one of the longest and most hellishly giddy moments of Emma's life. She couldn't stop giggling; squealing, wailing, yelping, all in the midst of uproarious laughter. His paws tickled her in places that no non-romantic partner would have been able to put their paws without risking a slap and a call to the police, working her body into a trembling frenzy of sensations as one paw tickled at her belly whilst the other subtly, as if completely by chance, squeezed one of her nipples between two of its fingertips. Had she known what was coming next though, Emma would have begged him to keep going. The tickle-torture centred around her torso was hellishly unbearable after all, but it was nothing compared with the torment of what came next!

"Getting a little kicky aren't we, Emmy... lets see what we can do about that, hmm?"

The vixen all but screamed as all of a sudden her lover was moving; using the fact that her body was practically jelly to release his hold on her for a moment and gather her legs up in the crook of one arm. He seized her around the knees, but only so he could slide his grip down even further and get direct, easy access to the holy grail of her ticklish body.

"M-Marty, please, I... I ca-aahh! N-nnn!! Please, I... I... Marty, no!!"

Those words were the last intelligible sounds that Emma uttered for almost five solid minutes as Martin's free paw began to run a single fingertip oh so slowly down the centre of one of her bare, exposed footpaws. After that all the vixen could manage were hoarse croaks that might once have been intended to be pleas for mercy and shrill, giggling shrieks which echoed around the bathroom and rang back in the female's own ears. Martin was merciless, and used every trick in the book to keep Emma in the maximum amount of torment whilst still allowing her to catch a breath once in a while. He made her cry with laughter, tears streaming down her cheeks, and tickled her until she was literally beating her fists against the linoleum floor in woeful, giddy frustration.

By the time his fingers stopped roaming across her feet, brushing their tips between her wriggling toes and dragging their trimmed, claw-like nails over the soft flesh of their pads, Emma was beyond the point of realising what was happening to her. She continued to laugh and squirm for almost ten seconds after he'd fallen still, and it took another full minute before she'd stopped giggling. Only then was the vixen able to drag herself away from Martin, putting a few metres distance between herself and his grinning, seated form while she collapsed onto her back and panted heavily. She watched him carefully all the while, not caring how innocent or playful he looked as he smiled at her. Who knows what he might try next!


The vixen tried to regard her lover sternly, but she was barely a few seconds into affixing him with a mirthless glare when she noticed the rosy glow on his cheeks that betrayed more than just a little physical exertion. A single look down at his crotch confirmed what she'd expected. He was wearing a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, neither of them having felt particularly inclined to don much in the way of clothes given their intentions of having a lazy day inside, and the male's underwear was bulging rather obviously at the front.

"Yes, Martin? Would you like something from me, the woman you just tortured against her wishes for close to ten minutes?! A favour perhaps? A little help, and some gentle affection?"

Martin's blush deepened, but he was still grinning too. He pointed at her, raising his eyebrows, and cleared his throat in a rather pointed manner.

"Actually, I just thought I'd let you know... your dress hiked up a bit while I was tickling you."

Emma looked down, and promptly turned crimson beneath her orange fur. Everything from her navel downward was on display. Everything. Her smooth, fluffy white belly-fluff, the neatly trimmed and oh so soft fur of her pubic region, and the warm pink of her slit. Even at a glance she could see how the flesh of her nether regions was slightly more prominent than one might have expected from a female who supposedly wasn't the slightest bit aroused, and a quick glance down at her chest confirmed that her nipples were indeed poking rather prominently out from beneath her dress.

The vixen looked at her lover, and at the bulge in his trousers. She thought back to just a few minutes before when he'd been tickling her, about how his paws had roamed all over her body, from her neck to between her toes. She thought about how hard she'd laughed, willingly or not, and how despite all her evil thoughts towards Martin as he tormented her with his tickling she still felt as though she'd had more fun in these past ten minutes than the entire morning of dominos combined!

Still blushing, but with a warm, seductive smile spreading over her features, Emma parted her legs a little more and lifted a paw from her side. She held it out towards Martin, and beckoned for the collie to come closer.

"You want to win something this morning, Marty? You want to play something really fun?"

The tone of the female's voice alone was enough to make Martin's already stiff arousal throb with desire, and to make the collie's tongue loll out hungrily. He nodded, and groaned as Emma slid that outstretched paw down between her legs, framing her nether regions and fixing him with an undeniable come hither stare.

"Then come and play with me. Who knows... there might even be prizes."

By Jeeves