Live Reenactment

Story by VictorTheMaker on SoFurry

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While watching one of their favorite kaiju movies, Ves thinks of a way to make it better. Instead of costumes and camera tricks, simply use a life-sized kaiju instead! Ves decides Berry is the perfect fit for the role, and with a little magic, resolves the issue of size. Will the live reenactment stack up against the original?

Content Warning: This story is intended for Mature readers and the following tags apply: Male, Panda, Cat, Feline, Labrador, Dog, Kaiju, Magic, Unaware Growth, Macro Growth, Harmless Destruction, Planetary Growth

Good day yall, I hope you're doing well and staying safe. Ves commissioned a story from me a little while ago, and it's finally ready for reading ^^ Let me know what you think, and feel free to leave a comment~

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Live Reenactment

By Victor Waite


A Commission for Ves

Ves belongs to Ves

Cherry and Berry belong to Cherry

While watching one of their favorite kaiju movies, Ves thinks of a way to make it better. Instead of costumes and camera tricks, simply use a life-sized kaiju instead! Ves decides Berry is the perfect fit for the role, and with a little magic, resolves the issue of size. Will the live reenactment stack up against the original?

Content Warning: This story is intended for Mature readers and the following tags apply: Male, Panda, Cat, Feline, Labrador, Dog, Kaiju, Magic, Unaware Growth, Macro Growth, Harmless Destruction, Planetary Growth

The roar of the towering monster shook the movie theater, rattling loose chairs and enrapturing its small audience. A lovingly crafted costume rampaged about a vintage cardboard city, unleashing special effects that were at the time cutting edge. Though they failed to stand up to modern computer generation, the sparks and plumes of smoke retained their charm. At least, in the opinion of its three watchers. Perched in the highest row of seats, a trio of friends watched with a mixture of mirth and reverence. A panda nearly as wide as he was tall sat in the middle of the group, comfortably filling two seats. At his sides sat Cherry and Berry, a tuxedo cat and labrador retriever respectively. Among them sat a feast's worth of snacks, which they happily munched and crunched between scenes of scaled up destruction. More than half of it found its way into Ves's muzzle, by his own or his friend's paws, though no one had any complaints. Despite their admiration of the film, each of them had seen it several times before and their affections were a welcome distraction. Still, the feeding slowed to an idle crawl as the movie's most famous scene began.

The climax of the film began with the creature rising from the depths of the ocean. A masterfully crafted figurine broke the surface of a dyed pool of water, which combined with slowed down footage to create a deceptively colossal moment. The fluid flowed from its hide and waves rippled out from around its legs, and the ground trembled with its first step toward the capitol city. The resounding thud echoed between simulated buildings, and a miniature military gathered in answer. Detailed tanks rolled in from narrow side streets and formed up on the main road, a show of amassed strength as a last desperate ploy to deter the creature. A dramatic cut of the camera showed the tanks' main guns leveling and taking aim. The creature reached the shore and rose to its full, imposing height, and a moment of tense silence hanged in the air. The sound of lapping waves filled the theater for just a moment, until the monster's roar broke the instant. Glass windows shattered and dropped glittering rain on the military, and they answered with thunderous cannon fire. The monster raised its arms and shielded its most vulnerable spots from the shells, then spun and slammed its tail into the street. The scene gripped Berry and Cherry and strengthened its hold as it played on, though Ves's mind started to wander. It was a fantastic classic for sure, but that didn't mean it was beyond improvement.

Ves reached into his double ultra deluxe bucket of popcorn and shoveled a handful of it into his muzzle. He considered each element of the scene while he snacked, scrutinizing everything from setting to scripting choices. The panda's thoughts circled back around to casting and props, bringing the main monster to the forefront of his thoughts. Sure, the costume was a work of art and the actor within played the role perfectly, but a better combination was possible. In fact, a better candidate sat right beside him! Ves's gaze left the screen and settled on the feline squished against his side, and his daydreams ran wild with the simple suggestion. He idly pulled the cat into a side hug and squished him against his love-handle, pondering the possibilities of a macro-sized friend. Visions of the towering feline mixed with remembered sections of the movie, convincing the panda he could create a film at least worthy of the original's competition. The idea appealed to him more and more the longer he dwelt upon it, and it wasn't long before he had all the major scenes re-shot in his head. It wasn't until he considered camera work and angles that the fatal flaw of his production dawned on him however. Berry was a far cry from filling the role Ves wanted, and there wasn't much of anything he could do to change that. He took in a deep breath and let it out.

"I wish I could see what that movie would look like," he muttered under his breath. "Oh well..."

The panda let the thought go, until something in the air shifted. Maybe it was just the air conditioning kicking on, or perhaps some candy settling in his stomach, but Ves couldn't shake the feeling something had changed. He realized what exactly what it was when he tried to move his arm from Berry's shoulder and found it far higher than it should have been. He glanced over and found his friend at eye level, a connection that lasted for just a few seconds before a growth spurt carried him higher. The feline's expanding figure squished into Ves's side, contesting the shared seat for a moment before Berry won out. The panda reflexively wrapped his arms around his snacks as his friend unknowingly shoved him aside, shifting the battle to Cherry's side. The labrador sank into the curve of Ves's belly before that soft flab rebounded him out, shaking him from the movie's grip. He looked up to Ves to ask what the problem was, though his words stopped in his throat at the sight of the growing cat. Ves grinned and shrugged while Cherry processed the sight, until he shrugged in acceptance too. Their attention departed from the movie entirely while the cat continued his growth, gradually crushing seats and climbing toward the ceiling.

It wasn't long before Berry reached the limit of his clothing. Fur and fluff peeked from rips and tears in his garments, exposing his pelt to the cool air of the theater. Despite his diminishing modesty however, the cat didn't seem to notice or care about his situation. The only attention he gave the failing clothes was to paw at their splits, widening the chasms and revealing more of his fur. Ves and Cherry watched tatters of fabric flutter and tumble to the theater floor, alternating their gazes between the growing pile of scraps and the oblivious feline. The tips of his ears crept into the screen's frame, casting pointed shadows across its bottom. The cat lowered his head without a second thought, sparking a curious thought in Ves's mind. The panda straightened his posture and stretched up as close to Berry's ear as he could, then whispered his question loud enough for Cherry to hear as well.

"Hey Berry," he grinned. "How did you get in here again?"

The towing feline rolled his eyes. "Same as I do every time. I had crawl through the double doors down by the screen. We even had to get someone take out the metal bar between them, remember?"

The panda nodded. "Of course, of course. Have you always been able to eat a whole serving of snacks in one gulp?"

Without a word, the cat reached down between his feet and grabbed one of their buckets of popcorn. Where Ves or Cherry would need to wrap an arm around the container to hold it, Berry gripped it with a single hand. He brought it to his muzzle and dumped its contents across his tongue, then glanced to Ves while he chewed and swallowed. Berry finished the bucket with mundane ease and dropped it to the floor. "Yeah, I think so."

Ves and Cherry were more than satisfied with the demonstration, though that wouldn't last forever. The trio went back to watching the movie as it moved toward its conclusion, though their gazes never left the cat for long. Every couple seconds they peeked back to guess at his height. It was a tough thing to measure from Berry's side, but luckily his width was far more easily estimated. Metallic creaks and groans mixed with the movie's sounds of destruction, which advanced to buckling and popping as his hips pressed against failing armrests. A loud crack dominated the room for a brief instant when he broke through to his neighboring seat, surpassing Ves as the widest in the group. Berry only shifted his hips in response, settling his weight across the trio of chairs. The twangs of springs and popping of screws interrupted the theater at random intervals, until finally, the supports gave way with a crack. The building shook when Berry abruptly dropped, allowing him to restore his posture for a brief moment. Again, the feline hardly cared about the outburst of property damage, though Ves and Chery were more than invested in the display.

They only became more interested when the nature of Berry's growth shifted. His increasing height slowed and leveled off before his shadow encroached the screen, but the same could not be said for his width. A faint heat kindled in Ves's muzzle as his friend grew from the bottom out, bringing him into intimate contact with the feline's rear. Berry's plush cheeks squished around the panda's armrest and engulfed it in seconds, pushing him to Cherry's personal space. The dog didn't mind the close contact for a moment, though he did scoot to the side as Ves's presence became more overwhelming. His side sank into the panda's belly as they were both displaced by Berry's ass, until the situation grated on Berry's nerves. He wiggled his hips in a bid for more space and flattened the remnants of his seats, though that brought him only momentary relief. When that wore off, he stood with an annoyed huff.

"I don't know why I let you two talk me into trying these seats again," he murmured. "This always happens..."

Ves and Cherry shared a puzzled look as the cat stood to his full height and sidestepped toward the stairs to the lower sections. The remnants of his clothing fluttered from his bottom heavy figure with each lurch, leaving him exposed to both the chill of the theater and the attention of his friends. Ves and Cherry watched with heat in their muzzles as he cleared the surviving seats and descended the stairs, making his way toward a section left open for those with wheelchairs. The film fell further from their attention as they watched his hips sway, brushing guardrails with each stride. The pair decided to follow by the time he reached the landing, prompting Ves and Cherry to rise from their seats as well. The panda filled the walkway as well as Berry, though Cherry would need to stand on his shoulders to match the cat's height. The size difference between them only continued to increase, and by the time they joined Berry in the lower section, he was already approaching the limits of the section. Still, that didn't stop them from settling in against the soft curves of his rear, each taking a seat on one of Berry's sides. Ves and Cherry's attention favored the feline over the movie still, and effects of the panda's wish rewarded that choice.

As the conclusion of the film approached, Berry's growth accelerated. Ves and Cherry pressed into his plush curves as he filled and dominated the open section, and his upward growth resumed and carried him toward the bottom of the screen. Berry neglected to duck down when the shadows of his ears poked into the frame however, making his display that much moire difficult to ignore. Not that Ves or Cherry had any intention of doing so. The pair watched with equal parts anticipation and wonder as their friend grew, testing the limits of their surroundings. The floor beneath them popped and crackled under Berry's climbing weight, unleashing lightning bolts and spider webs of cracks. Ves and Cherry's seats squished into his plush rear before breaking loose from their bolts, knocking the pair off balance. More chairs joined the loosened tide as Berry filled the floor, accelerated by his shuffling and shifting. His friends climbed onto his thighs as his backside pushed up through the elevated section, dodging the worst of the destruction. Berry remained oblivious to it all however, even when his shadow rendered the rest of the movie unwatchable. The only thing to shake his attention was the approaching ceiling, and only when the tips of his ears spread across its surface.

Ves and Cherry watched with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. Both were positive Berry would breech the building any moment, but neither knew exactly when that moment would arrive. Berry betrayed no knowledge of that instant either, but continued growing and bringing it closer. His expansion tapered off for just a moment, as if sensing the threshold about to be crossed, then powered through it with glee. The feline surged upwards several feet in the span of seconds, crashing through the roof and flooding the theater with daylight. Ves and Cherry squeezed into Berry's shadow and avoided the rubble in his wake, only to be caught up in the renewed wave of expansion in her rear. They clung to his thighs as the feline's ass swelled and filled the theater, stretched from wall to wall as he continued his upward climb. The feline's shadow spread across the block and swallowed neighboring buildings, and the theater's walls bowed out as his ass tested its limits. A thunderous rumble tore through the city when he finally outgrew them, snapping and slapping the structure's shells to the ground. A wave of wind and dust washed through the streets, and by the time it cleared, Berry was by far the tallest thing in the neighborhood. Berry and Cherry seemed satisfied with his stature, but Ves had higher ambitions in mind by then. He slid down the cat's thigh and touched down on a pile of bricks, then uttered a new and improved wish

"I wish we could just reenact my version of the movie in full."

Whatever deity that smiled on Ves before did so once again, and a tremor ran through Berry's figure. Cherry circled around the feline's colossal rear to ask Ves what was going on, though the panda only answered with a grin. The feline's figure lurched in a wave of expansion, giving the labrador just enough time to piece the situation together. He was not granted the time to act on it however, and Berry's ass rolled over both of them in an ensuing burst of growth. It's softness did little more than pin them in place, though the slight pressure grew and shifted as Berry did the same. His prodigious rear avalanched over the ruins of the theater and spilled into the streets, blocking traffic and burying cars. Signs and billboards followed as he passed the limits of the block, and every eye in the city turned toward him as he invaded the skyline. More and more buildings fell into his shadow as he towered over everything in the district, and he further sealed his lead when he stood. Pavement cracked and shattered as he planted his hands and pushed himself up, releasing those trapped under his cheeks. Ves and Cherry climbed from their craters and watched Berry tower over all but the tallest structures. Only the downtown skyscrapers dared to challenge his size, and their invitation was irresistible. The pair could only watch the feline stomp toward the core of the city, closing the size gap a little more with every step.

The shadow of Berry's wide hips fell over the streets seconds before he did, though the tremors of his footsteps alerted the furs in his path long before. Pedestrians poured from their buildings in curiosity, only to flee with realization. Despite Berry's stature he stepped around people with ease, interested only in his surroundings. He hip checked buildings as he passed and left his mark on the city, working his way to the crown jewel of the skyline. Ruined pavement marked his path though side streets, until his figure grew prohibitively wide and forced him onto the main roads. His toes left divots and potholes in his wake, and by the time he reached the central park, his footprints carved out new ponds. Berry reveled in his height as it continued to climb, shifting his gait from simple steps to a confident swagger. The towering feline popped his hips with purpose and slowed his stride as he reached the heart of the city, where the windowed towers served as useful mirrors. Berry was too wide to fit in most of their frames, but that didn't stop him from posing and showing off before them. A subset of the city's residents overcame their apprehensions and admired him, further swelling his ego. They gathered around his ankles and formed a substantial crowd, which eventually outgrew the immediate sidewalks and streets. Fortunately for them, the feline had an idea.

Berry resumed his leisurely stroll through the heart of the city, covering whole blocks in a couple steps. His admirers fell behind as he approached the tallest building for miles, a towering skyscraper flanked by sprawling wings. His stature had yet to surpass it, though for what he had in mind, that fact worked in his favor. The cat tipped his gaze up to the top of the tower and stroked his chin in thought, estimating and crunching numbers. After a moment of consideration he crouched and wrapped his arms around the building, setting his grip roughly at knee height. A grunt of effort tumbled from his muzzle when he squeezed and lifted, filling the air with a cacophony of destruction. Concrete shattered and steel bent while Berry exerted his strength, twisting and pulling until the better part of the building tore away. He cradled the tower from below like a caber and steadied his stance, then dropped it behind the foundation and remaining stump. The feline wiggled and pressed it into the ground, and once it was steady, took his seat on his improvised throne. His widened rear partially flattened the building's wings, though the surviving sections made for perfect arm rests. The cat settled in as his admirers caught up, Cherry and Ves included. They were happy to bask in his "victory" over the city for a lengthy moment, a fitting end to Ves's theatrical re-imagining, though there was still the matter of the post-credit scene.

The feline's throne crumbled and sagged under his continued growth, until it collapsed entirely in a colossal growth spurt. Berry doubled in both width and height, plunging downtown into the shadow of his rear before it fell to the ground. A quaking boom shook what buildings he didn't fall upon, and before they recovered, another wave of expansion swept them under his rear. A smirk crossed his muzzle when he realized he covered the entire city, and it only widened as he grew into the surrounding country side. Hills flattened and rivers filled beneath him as he encroached county lines, and clouds parted around his ears as he pierced the sky. The chill of the upper atmosphere failed to phase him as his feet dipped into the ocean, and blue sky gave way to star-strewn black as he broke through the heavens. The world below molded to his figure like sand at the beach as he stretched from horizon to horizon, until he broke away from the planet's hold. Weightlessness suffused him as he lifted away, drawing him into a competing orbit with the Earth. The moon fell in line as the balance tipped toward the cosmic-scale feline, and as he filled the world's sky, so did the other planets. A halo shined around Berry's head as he eclipsed the sun, granting his subjects a lasting glimpse of his divine visage. His face dominated the sky for a lasting moment, until he grew well beyond the scale of the planet. Earth's orbit declined has his gravity strengthened, until it fell into the dark warmth of his galactic pelt.

"Yeah, the original is pretty good, but I like my version better."

If you've read this far, thank you <3

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