DUI Part 4 - Hangover

Story by Lykos Bane on SoFurry

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#4 of DUI

I finally finished this. I got about part way through and ended up getting side tracked by other projects again. You muse can drag you into strange directions. On top of that, the ending just wouldn't come. Either way...I hope the wait was worth it. Enjoy!

*Disclaimer: More of the same. This story contains scenes of hard things and not so hard things mingling in ways they shouldn't. Or at least in ways your parents tell you they shouldn't. *

DUI Part 4 - Hangovers

Heavy drops of water splashed in ever-growing puddles outside the cafe. Roland sat alone at a table out on the patio. The overhang herded the water to the edges of the roof and prevented the wolf from being drenched. Regardless, there was an umbrella attached to the table. Overkill.

For the second time that day, the wolf was drinking coffee. It was a nice skim flat white. The fresh brew flowed down his throat with a slow burn that warmed his stomach. The wolf's foot kicked at the ground in a steady tempo that revealed his discomfort to anyone who should look. If it wasn't his foot, it was the furtive... glances around... that the wolf kept making. He finally found what he was waiting for. Roland's ears perked up when a smaller fox approached the table. He leaned up, but didn't bother to stand and greet her. The vixen wasn't bothered, promptly sitting herself across from him.

"Hey babe," Roland rumbled softly.

The vixen smirked, "Hey yourself. What was so urgent you had to bring me out in this storm?"

Kelly sat heavily into her chair with an exasperated sigh. It was all show, though. The smirk on her face told him as much. She was in a positive mood. This was good.

"Heh...didn't mean to drag you away from Buck," Roland returned with a grin. He was doing the cool routine quite nicely. But he was still a chaotic mess inside. His stomach was in knots over what he was about to do. "You know. I hope I didn't interrupt anything."

Kelly's ears splayed a bit which only helped bring some attention to her growing smirk, "Whatever do you mean? He's been a complete gentleman."

Roland wasn't sure, but he thought he could see her blushing. Morbid curiosity got the best of him and instead of dancing around the question, he sniffed the air. The wolf didn't smell any trace of the hyena on her body. She was a good girl. Of course, there were many ways to cover a scent.

"Uh huh," Roland finally nodded.

"So what is this about?" Kelly asked, her voice a bit more serious now, "It seemed like there was something wrong when you called."

Roland inhaled slowly, as if there was endless room in his lungs, before he exhaled just as slowly. He didn't know where to begin. Should he start with the party on Friday night? Would it be better to go further back? What exactly was he trying to tell her?

"Please...whatever I say..." Roland looked down at the table, ears splayed as he continued to talk, "just let me talk."

Kelly nodded, "Ok. Yeah. I promise. Are you okay, Roland?"

The wolf shook his head and finally brought his gaze back to her. It became difficult for him to breathe, as if a heavy paw gripped his lungs while in their empty state. Every attempt to fill them failed and he felt trembles of panic bristle out the fur of his tail. This was going to be a hard discussion. Roland exhaled slowly.

"Roland?" Kelly's voice was soft.

Now or never.

"So," Roland began, the vixen leaning forward intently, "Buck came to see me at work. We had lunch."

"Yeah?" Kelly laughed, but it sounded nervous and forced, "So that's where he went. What happened?"

Roland didn't know how else to say it, so he just did.

"He caught me fucking Sarah."

Everything went quiet as Roland let that sink in. The rain wasn't even there in that moment. Just them, then silence. Kelly looked at him quietly, not saying a word as she realized that she had heard right. His ears splayed wide under the accusing glare from the silent vixen. The wolf had to look away as he continued.

"He threatened to tell you. Buck threatened to blackmail me with that information. Threatened to tell you if I didn't do as he said. He could ruin me if he let any of this out." He swallowed. "I didn't want him to be the downfall of us, though. I decided it was better to grow a pair and tell you myself.

"I haven't exactly been faithful..."

Kelly smirked and Roland looked away again.

Then the vixen spoke before Roland could continue, "Are you serious?"

Roland slowly nodded.

"Look at me Roland," Kelly growled. "Do you think I have no sense of smell? You don't think I know you've been fucking around behind my back?" The vixen laughed, surprising the living hell out of the wolf,

"But..." Roland was confused, but oddly relieved by this reaction. It was totally unexpected. There were no drinks thrown in his face. There were no screamed words. His cheek remained unslapped.

"I don't give a fuck," Kelly snickered. "You came home to me every time. Love isn't fucking."

Roland thought about that.

"You don't love Buck do you?" Kelly grinned

Roland could only growl at that. He quickly answered, "No."

"You love me, don't you?" Kelly's ears perked forward.

"Of course I love you."

"I know every bitch you've mounted, Roland. You reek of them when you come home. I just never wanted to bring it up. I didn't care. But you always came home. That's what matters to me." Kelly continued to surprise the old wolf. "I sure as hell wasn't going to bring up why you reeked of male hyena last Friday either. You boys must have had fun at that party to still smell like that the next day."

And just like that, Roland was reminded of his trip to jail. The wolf's ears splayed again. He nearly forgot about that lie. Buck probably never stepped foot into a college classroom. Let alone, a college classroom twenty years ago.

The young fuck wasn't even that old yet.

"Well..." Roland was once again unable to find his words. There was that knot of panic again. He was on a roll though. He bowed his head, "Buck was in jail with me last Friday night."

Kelly laughed, "See? You boys did have fun at that party. They probably called the cops on..."

"No," Roland growled, which stopped Kelly mid-sentence. "Buck wasn't at the party."

Kelly's ears perked up as if she realized something, "Friends don't blackmail each other, do they?"

"I had a little too much to drink last Friday..." Roland sighed softly and ignored the question as he began this new story. From his encounter with Officer Kat to the moment he walked out of the jail the following morning, the wolf didn't leave out a single detail. The whole time, Kelly listened quietly. She didn't interrupt once and let him tell it all. "And then you took me home. They gave the bastard my license. There has to be some kind of law against that. He showed up the next night and..."

"Wait," Kelly interrupted the wolf; thought for a moment. Her brow furrowed when she looked up at her husband. A thought had occurred to her in the midst of Roland's story. Anger punched her in the face with the force of a runaway train. If it weren't for the chair, she would have staggered away from the table.

Roland's ears splayed.

"Are you fucking insane!?" Kelly was livid. Her voice lifted with her anger, "You met him in jail?! You've left me alone with a convict? You let him fuck me? What the fuck were you thinking!?" Her ears perked up and she grabbed her purse, "Shit! He's alone in our house right now!"

"Shhhh," Roland hissed once he overcame his initial shock at Kelly's angry outburst. His paw gripped her forearm to prevent her from rushing off. For the second time that day, the old wolf could feel the disapproving looks from those around him. "You act like he was on death row for murder or something."

"Was he?" Kelly hissed, the question oozing with oily sarcasm. Even whispering, the vixen sounded incredibly angry.

"Well..." Roland began.

"Well," Kelly repeated, mockingly, before the wolf could say anything else, "Well? You don't know! You know nothing about him."

"No no!" Roland replied, trying to keep her calm and get those questioning stares off of the back of his head. "He was just in there like I was. Drunk and disorderly. It wasn't anything horrible. Besides, the cops seemed really friendly to him."

"Oh...you mean like he was a fucking regular there?" Kelly's ears perked.

"He couldn't be that much of a regular," Roland retorted, fighting the anger in his own voice at his wife's reaction. "He's only 19."

"My god, Roland! What were you thinking?"

The question caught the wolf by surprise. What was he thinking? Roland shook his head, "I don't know." He sighed and stopped trying to calm her down, "I honestly don't know what's come over me."

"And now he's blackmailing you?" Kelly asked. Her voice was calmer now, but he could still feel the sharp edge of an angry tongue. The vixen hardly ever got angry. So when she did, it was really bad. Roland expected to hear that edge in her voice for a while to come. "This....boy?"

"Well," Roland began, "not anymore. He was trying to make me comply by threatening to tell you about...the others."

The vixen only nodded.

Roland really hopped she wouldn't realize he was only telling her because he felt forced to and not because he wanted to.

"I need to deal with him," Roland growled.

Kelly stopped nodding her head and just looked at Roland. She seemed confused for a moment, "Deal...?"

"Yeah," the wolf's head bobbed in a single nod, "I need to make sure this stops.

Kelly met Roland's gaze and instantly felt the sharp edge of anger dull. The look on the wolf's face told her how serious the situation was getting. The lupine had a chilly demeanor when he got truly angry. She could tell just how angry he was at that moment.

"What are you going to do?"

Roland stayed quiet for a moment. He bit his lower lip as if it would put the words in his muzzle his brain so desperately searched for. It didn't. After a moment of silence, Roland sighed and told his wife what he planned to do.

When Buck woke up, it was dark. The slight glow from behind the fluttering curtains let him see the room he was in. From the sounds of things, it was no longer raining. It had been a heavy storm and easily lulled the hyena into a deep slumber. He lay sprawled on the large bed for longer then a moment. The haze of a lost afternoon hung heavily in his mind. There was no telling what time it was, and this confused him. He tried to remember earlier in the day.

The vixen had left as he came back from lunch. Their paths crossed briefly on the front porch.

"Hey Buck," the vixen said as she pulled out an umbrella. "The front door is unlocked. I've made some sweet tea, it's in the fridge."

"Awesome," the hyena grinned. "I can't promise there will be any left by the time you get home."

Kelly laughed and swatted him on the arm as she passed by. The hyena watched her walk off the porch, his eyes darting from her ass, then directly to her covered breasts the moment she turned around. He didn't bother to take his eyes off of them as she spoke again.

"I'll be a few hours. Roland should be home around the same time." Kelly then smirked and turned away. Her tail fluttered about playfully, but never gave him another view of her ass.

He waved from the porch as she drove off. Apparently the wolf's little lie was still working in his favor.

After he was inside, all he wanted to do was take a shower. The only thing worse then wet clothing was cold wet fur. Buck was covered in both. Before he could do that, he needed a drink. The hyena hunted down a large glass in the cupboard and poured himself some of that sweat tea the vixen had mentioned. He found it on the top shelf in the fridge.

Buck made short work of the drink, allowing it to run down the sides of his muzzle and into his fur. He was wet anyway, but about to shower. The drink made him pant heavily after he finished it. He set the glass on the counter and went to shower. He used the bathroom in the master bedroom and left his clothes there when he was finished. They'd need to be tossed into the dryer. Later.

Buck rubbed his belly and yawned wide. That lunch a few hours ago had hit him hard and easily convinced him to crawl to bed. And that was it. The rain lulled the hyena into a deep slumber that apparently kept him asleep for the rest of the day.

Another yawn and his body was light enough to sit up. He wasn't so confused now. Repeating the steps that led to this point helped, but still didn't give him a time of day. Common sense told him it wasn't too late since the bed was empty. That, and the heavy smell of cooking meat. Regardless of what he ate before he slept, his stomach growled at the scent. Buck pushed himself from the bed.

The hyena was reminded of his nudity when he brushed his paws down his body. It wasn't hard to find something to pull on. A quick search through a nearby dresser in the dark found a pair of sweats that easily fit the hyena. There wasn't that much difference in size between the hyena and the wolf. At least there wasn't in regards to height. The arrogant male groped himself through his sweats, just because he could. Buck was glad it wasn't too late. He'd hate to wake the old wolf up.

There was no need for a shirt, so Buck left the room in just the sweats. Hopefully those wouldn't be needed anymore either. The hyena didn't want to scare Roland and Kelly too much, too quickly. Walking around the house nude might be a bit too much.

Or was it? He did fuck the old wolf right in the middle of the kitchen that very morning. Neither of them seemed particularly bothered by that fact. Perhaps they already walked around the place naked. There was no doubt that the pair were kinky, and Buck couldn't believe how lucky he was to have stumbled across them, but there was always a limit. Finding that limit was going to be a lot of fun.

But not tonight. Tonight was special. Tonight he gained a wealthy pet. Tonight, all of this became his. The hyena was confident of that. The wolf wouldn't want his wife to discover his secrets. The old dog loved that bitch.

After tonight, there was no doubt he'd be walking the place naked, just like he owned it.

Buck followed the scent down the stairs where it was overflowing from the kitchen. It was distracting enough that he didn't see Roland rounding the corner. They both stopped within inches of each other. The hyena grinned quietly as he regarded the older wolf. Roland's ears instantly splayed under the strong gaze of the younger male.

"Hello pup," Buck said.

Roland kept his gaze low for a bit before he met the hyena's eyes, "Hello."

Buck cleared his throat.

"Sir," Roland quickly added.

The hyena's paw came up. His fingers danced along the wolf's muzzle before he nodded approvingly, "Good boy. And do you have an answer for me?"

The wolf inhaled sharply, silent for a moment. He slowly nods his head.

"And what would that be, pet?"

The excitement was becoming too much. Buck was trying to maintain his calm appearance, but his stomach was a tightly coiled knot that bordered on painful. Unfortunately, Kelly appeared before any answer could be given.

"There you are, sleepy head," the vixen teased. "You boys get your asses in here. Dinner's ready."

Buck hid his frustration with a wide grin. He waited this long, he could wait another hour. As he turned his back on the older wolf, he didn't see the quick nod and grin Roland flashed at the vixen. And as he walked by Kelly, he didn't see her reply in the same way.

Husband and wife followed the hyena into the dining room.

Dinner was quiet. Roland sat across from Kelly with Buck at the head of the table. No one talked. The only sound was the hyena as he wolfed his food down, for lack of a better term. It wouldn't have lasted ten minutes if it weren't for the occasional drink breaks Buck slurped down. Seafood never kept him satisfied for long.

Unlike the hyena, the wolf just wasn't hungry. Roland felt like a pup as his fork arranged, then rearranged the contents of his plate. Peas mixed with potatoes mixed with chicken into an unsavory mess that covered the once organized plate. It did nothing to intensify his hunger. What the fuck were peas and potatoes doing on his plate anyway?

A quick glance at his wife showered that the vixen was handling her nerves much better. She ate at a much slower pace then the hyena, but she ate. Each bite took a good minute. She was pacing herself, making dinner last. She was making the hyena sit there and wait.

The lupine looked back at his plate and forced a forkful down. His insides were going crazy. It felt as mixed and twisted as his head, as dizzying as it was sickening. So many thoughts ran wild in his mind. He imagined his brain must look like the mess on his plates. It felt as confused.

It could be so easy to just say yes to the hyena. Why wouldn't he enjoy being the hyena's pet? He's heard of those relationships going well before. It would ruin his marriage, sure, but he didn't need it. Kelly could be angry, but that was ok. He didn't need her. He felt a chill at that thought.

Another glance at his wife found the vixen looking back at him. It was obvious to the wolf that she was thinking the same thoughts as him. The corners of her muzzle curved upwards and her eyes narrowed. Her eyes darted to the left to see the hyena was still focused on his food and then nodded once to Roland when she looked back.

The smirk warmed the wolf instantly and made all his worries go away. Just like that. Kelly knew the plan or at least what the attempted plan was. She seemed less angry after that. And she was more than willing to help. Roland returned the smirk a moment later and bobbed his head once in reply. He felt hungry again, and took another bite of his food, then another. Soon, he matched the hyena's pace.

"So what are you boys going to get up to tonight?" Kelly asked after swallowing another bite of food.

Roland grinned. Step one. The plan was in motion.

Buck's ears perked, but he left the wolf to answer. The young male thought he knew what was going on tonight. In fact, he seemed quite confident of it. It was why he now grinned at the wolf, waiting for the lupine to answer.

Roland played the game.

"I...think... Buck and I... are going to have a talk," the wolf said, ears splayed slightly. "We'll do it in the basement though, so we don't bother you."

Kelly smirked again, "The basement huh?" She grinned at Buck, "Wouldn't it be more comfortable if you just bent him over in the bed or on the couch?"

Buck laughed and then nodded his head, "Yeah, but the basement could be fun too. Haven't been down there yet."

Roland continued to keep his gaze down a little with his ears splayed.

Kelly laughed again, but nodded, "I'm just wondering. I'm going to run over to my sister's house for a couple hours." The vixen rolled her eyes as if she felt like she was wasting her time.

"You have a sister?" Buck grinned.

No, Roland thought quietly.

"Yeah," Kelly said, then stuck out her tongue. "Don't get any ideas. I'll castrate you myself."

"Awww," Buck mock pouted, "Guess you'll just have to do then, huh?"

The hyena stuck his tongue out at the vixen and gave it a wiggle.

Roland focused on his food and started to eat quickly again.

"You boys can get your talk done by the time I'm back." The vixen filled her muzzle with another bite of chicken.

The wolf grinned a bit around his food. This was working perfectly.

Buck laughed and then nodded, "I can't make any promises for the pup, but I'll still be awake. He might be worn out though."

Roland tried to look embarrassed. He hoped he was pulling it off. Buck didn't react if he wasn't. The wolf was feeling those nerves again. What if he couldn't go through with it? What if he couldn't do what needed to be done?

Somewhere, the wolf felt like a bitch again. He needed to put a stop to this.

Clearing his plate ignited Roland's nerves again. This was it. It was almost time. He started to doubt himself again. What if he couldn't do this? What if Buck worked his magic again? There were just so many things going against his plan. Things were about to go wrong.

Roland caught himself from jumping when Buck suddenly stood up from the table. He looked up at the hyena in time to see the younger male nod his head towards the basement door. The younger male's excitement was getting the better of him. There wasn't going to be any problem getting him into the basement.

After the vixen left the room, Buck grinned at him, "It's time."

Step two.

Roland's eyes followed Buck as the hyena left the table. The confident swagger and grin on the younger male only helped the wolf grow more confident as well. The lupine pushed himself from the table and followed the hyena to the basement door. Before they could go down, Kelly rushed by and grinned at the two.

"Don't have all the fun without me," she teased.

Buck stopped with the basement door open and grinned, "You know you wouldn't miss anything if you just had your sister come here to talk."

Kelly growled playfully, but gave Roland a playful push, "Tell your friend to behave himself."

God, she was a good actress. Roland wondered if he'd still be able to pull this off without her help. He'd rather not think about that.

Roland just smirked, "He is behaving. I don't think he knows how to misbehave."

Kelly left without another word. Roland was nervous. He was terrified this plan wasn't going to work. It had to. He knew it was his last chance. The basement door's hinges creaked as Buck opened it, revealing the dark depths beyond. A stairway led into complete darkness.

Roland turned toward the hyena as headlights glanced through the darkness and arched across the wall. Buck looked more like a grinning demon than a hyena as he held the door open for the nervous lupine. He held his arm out, bowing slowly at the waist.

"After you," Buck growled softly.

Kelly put the car into drive and drove away. The darkness came as a relief to Roland. He didn't have to see that grin anymore; that confident, knowing grin. There was no game behind the wolf's splayed ears as he walked down the stairs. The hyena soon followed.

A new fear buzzed in the back of Roland's mind. He realized he wasn't getting hard. The truth was, he was just too nervous. His nerves were starting to get the best of him. His plan depended on at least him being able to keep an erection.

"This must be good if you want to talk in the basement, pup," Buck teased, closing the door and cutting off the light. He stomped down the stairs, two steps behind the wolf. "I'm guessing you've made a choice then?"

Roland disappeared into the darkness there, leaving the hyena to drift in silence for a moment. Buck cautiously sniffed the air. There was a heavy musty scent; old and unused. The hyena wasn't surprised to find the basement being used as a storage space. Regardless if he could see or not, it was obvious the basement was full of old furniture, maybe loaded through a larger entrance in the back that led outside.

"Pup?" Buck felt off into the darkness with a paw. It felt along the wall's smooth surface in search for a light switch. And failed.

"Over here," Roland called, somewhere to the left.

The hyena turned his ears in that direction. No sooner had he left the safety of the wall, the basement was flooded with light. Buck squinted at the glare, but soon focused on the wolf.

Roland stood in the center of the large basement with his paw gripping a small string that dangled loose from a large lamp that hung from the ceiling. He released it as he looked over at Buck, who now stood in the basement. This was it, the final parts of his plan were in motion.

And he was incredibly nervous. A tremor ran through him before he had the chance to prevent it. First, his legs trembled, then his tail twitched before it ended with splayed ears. He couldn't shake it.

He began to panic.

Buck didn't miss it, "Awww. Why so nervous...pet?"

The bastard's voice made his legs shake again. Roland looked down and clenched his jaw. This wasn't going right. He was getting that sensation again; that need. It was a desire he had become quite familiar with to the point of instant recognition. This time he couldn't stop shaking his legs.

It was that need to submit.

It wasn't part of the plan.

"Let's hear it," Buck stepped closer.

"Hear what?" Roland stepped back once, but started to pant.

The stale odor in the basement was soon covered by the heavy stench of Buck's musk. It made the wolf's head spin. It was clean and primal, nothing masking it at all. The need grew in the lupine.

Maybe he didn't have to put a stop to this. It was ok to submit. What could be the worst that could happen? He wouldn't lose that much, would he? If he submitted, the hyena wouldn't tell anyone his dirty little secret. All he had to do was say yes.



Thoughts of his wife came back to him. The vixen was amazing. Maybe it took this little punk for him to see that, but she truly was. And if he gave in, especially now having come clean to her, she'd definitely leave him. He couldn't let his happen. He had to keep reminding himself of Kelly.

The hyena was standing before him now, grinning widely. A heavy paw came to a rest on Roland's hip while the other went for the wolf's pants. The wolf's only response was a weak grip on the hyena's wrist, which brought a snicker from the confident young stud. Their eyes met as the hyena pulled the zipper down, the sound easily filling the silence between them.

"I think I want your answer as you're hilted on my dick, pup," the hyena snickered as he pushed his paw into the older wolf's pants and groped the lupine firmly. He was rewarded with a groan for his effort. The wolf was trembling even more then normal. Buck liked that. Their eyes never broke contact. "Pull my pants down."

Roland hesitated for a moment. His mind told him to hold the course, but everything else told him to obey. The wolf's paw rested on the hyena's sweats, his sweats, then pressed to the groin. It was like electricity, the feeling of the younger male's sheath under the fabric. The way it filled the sweats and...and...throbbed.

Buck was as hard as a rock. The sweats did little to keep what was inside to the imagination. The wolf was panting again, fighting heavily to keep his fingers from the hyena's sweats, but there was little he could do once they hooked around the waistband.

Roland never looked away as he tugged the pants down, continuing to stare at the hyena. Even as the impressive dick sprang free and waved lewdly in front of him. The scent only intensified as the wolf's senses grew dizzy again. He wanted that dick, more then ever, and he definitely knew that wasn't part of the plan either. A sense of failure made the wolf whimper, but the sound was dead before it even left his muzzle.

Regardless, Buck heard it. He only snickered though and pushed the wolf's pants down. The lupine didn't put up much fight, but why would he? It was obvious the wolf wanted it as much as he did. Excitement surged through the hyena and his dick grew even harder.

Soon, he was going to have this wealthy and powerful wolf collared and sleeping at his feet.

Life was good.

Roland took a step back. The movement alerted the hyena and Buck leaned in to take the wolf into a firm, passionate kiss. The lupine only had the chance to gasp before his muzzle was filled with the stud's tongue. He tried to pull his head back, but couldn't get very far with the hyena's paws firmly gripping his now bare rump. It massaged the firm orbs before drawing the wolf close again.

Roland whimpered. Where had it gone wrong? This wasn't how it was supposed to go. All his work, the preparation, everything, wasted. And he found himself not caring. He melted against the hyena and returned the kiss after a moment. Fuck the plan. Fuck it all. He knew what he wanted and it pressed, wet and hard, against his sheath.

The kiss continued as the hyena stepped forward again, this time letting the wolf step back. Roland's feet slipped from the pants that were puddle around his ankles as he moved with the hyena. The younger male's dick pressed hard against him now, showing just how excited the hyena had become. The wolf suckled harder on the hyena's squirming tongue as his paws moved to grip Buck's hips.

Roland suddenly stopped sucking with a grunt. He felt his sheath stretch, and not in the way it did when the doctor was checking him, but to its limit. His ears perked and he pulled back from the kiss, as his paws felt Buck's hips flex again. The wolf clenched his teeth and whined out before his gaze shot down to his sheath, where two inches of Buck's dick had disappeared inside..

Buck's hips flexed again while Roland stared, easing another couple inches into the shocked wolf's cock holster.

Roland knew what was happening instantly. He was being docked. Another male's dick was being wedged into his sheath. Buck hissed in some form of pleasure as he pushed in deeper. Each thrust got the wolf to tense up more, but he couldn't take his gaze away from the morbid sight. As it got deeper, the tunnel of flesh was forced to stretch more around the invading member. Roland squirmed when Buck's dick found his own and rubbed up against it in the confines of his body. The pressure prevented him from growing hard; made it impossible to do anything.

Of course, Roland had never had another shaft in his sheath, but he wasn't stupid. He had seen this numerous times in movies, especially prison flicks. The stronger inmate would dock the weaker inmate as a sign of domination. Sucking off another male was one thing. Getting your tail lifted by one was a little closer. But it didn't get much more submissive then housing another male's dick in your very own sheath.

You might as well have a cunt.

Buck's paws reinforced their grip and pulled the wolf closer, making it impossible to move. Roland was losing any control he had in the situation and Buck was quick to swing in and soak it all up. As the hyena stepped forward, the wolf stepped back, and each sway of the hyena's hips ground his cock against the still limp dick hidden within the lupine's foreskin. His dick was soft enough that each grind pushed the hard hyena dick firmly along his normally well protected penile bone.

The sensation was indescribable. Roland felt his legs give up and he fell against the hyena as Buck humped again, walking the wolf back another couple steps. Each movement was an explosion of orgasmic pleasure that made his spine fail to function normally. His tail was a limp weight behind him and Buck exploited that. A paw lifted it upwards easily and made it easy for the other to explore.

"Mmmm...what does it mean if your sheath is tight around my dick, pup?" Buck snickered as he wiggled his hips again, "Does it mean that my dick is larger then yours?"

Roland whined into the hyena's chest, "Fuck." He hadn't expected this. He had expected it all to go differently, but as he inhaled the hyena's scent with quick pants, defeat didn't feel so bad. He pressed in against the hyena without answering. There must have been a good six inches of the younger stud's dick inside his sheath by now.

Buck snickered and nodded his head, "That's what I thought it meant, pup."

Roland's rump pressed against the old desk behind him. It was high enough that his upper thighs pressed against it. He felt another inch of the hyena's dick push into him and rub once more against his still flaccid penis. He danced on his toes as the pressure grew. And the pressure started to lift him from the floor.

The wolf released the hyena's hips and pressed his paws out to either side. His fingers met the cool resistance of metal chains when they curled around the edge. It reminded the wolf of something.

His plan. All his work. Why those chains were there. Those heavy chains leading to metallic cuffs. They were on either side of the desk. It confused Roland for a moment, until his fingers traced the loop of the cuff a couple times. It just barely began to graze the surface though and the wolf didn't have that much time.

Buck wiggled his hips and leaned in. He placed his paws on either side of the wolf and trapped him there. "Mmm...this was the last part of you I haven't claimed yet, isn't it?" the hyena started to move about an inch of himself in and out of the wolf, but kept most of his dick lodged deep. "If I keep this up, you'll be as stretched as that bitch slut you call a wife."


The vixen, his vixen, wasn't a bitch slut and he wasn't about to let this little punk get away with saying things like that. Not anymore. Roland caught the growl in his throat. This was it. Now or never.

Buck's thrusts worked the wolf's rump further onto the desk before Roland gripped the cuffs firmly, one in each paw. The hyena leaned in and pressed Roland back onto the table. The movement withdrew the younger male's dick from his sheath with a slow, even stroke until it left the sleeve of flesh completely. Both male's gasped.

"I'm about ready to hear my answer, pup," Buck teased as he wiggled his hips down, spreading the wolf's legs wider....wider...until the tip of his dick traced over the presented cleft again, finding the all too familiar path to the wolf's tail ring.

Buck was confused by the sound of the click and the pressure that encircled his wrist. He thought the wolf was gripping them again for a moment, until the chill of metal worked its way through the fur. Another click closed another cuff around the arrogant hyena's other wrist.

"What the..." Buck pulled back and found his arms restrained, connected to two reinforced cuffs on either side of the desk, "What the fuck is this?"

Before he could regain any composure, Roland pulled himself back and off the desk, opposite where the hyena stood. Luckily, he fell onto a chair left pushed against the desk. He would have fallen to the ground if he needed to, but thankfully the old wolf was saved from having to do that.

Roland sat there for a moment and watched as realization drifted into the hyena's form. This hadn't actually gone according to plan, but somehow, it had worked. He had hoped to be as smooth as they hyena and seduce Buck into getting onto the desk, or...something. It was good he could improvise, but he never thought it improvisation would take such a form. The wolf looked down at his sheath, and blushed a bit at its condition. It rested loosely around his swelling dick, as if it wasn't made for his cock anymore. And in a way, at the moment it wasn't.

Yet one more mark...

Roland shook the thought from his head. He didn't let the thought get the best of him. The hyena's rage was met with a grin from the wolf, a confident grin. There was no way the younger male could get him. The chains prevented it. This was his plan once again.

While the younger male slept the afternoon away, the older male had been in the basement hard at work. The sex shop provided most of the toys and the hardware store provided the chains and metal reinforcement. He attached the cuffs to the chains, then the chains to the sides of the desk. They were just long enough to nearly reach the center of the desk. It wasn't enough that the hyena could touch his paws together though.

It was a good thing the sweet tea masked the flavor of the tranquilizer or Buck never would have slept through the racket.

"I made some improvements to this old desk. Like what I did while you slept all afternoon?" Roland teased as Buck tried to pull back and away again. The wolf grunted with the effort required to slide the heavy desk across the smooth concrete floor with his legs. It lurched forward and hit the hyena. It was enough to knock the big hyena off balance and force him to fall face forward onto the desk. Buck caught himself, but the older wolf was up and gripping him tightly around the neck. "Look what else I did."

For some reason, the wolf never thought of the hyena biting him. Luck was definitely on his side though, as Buck apparently didn't either. He struggled against the hold, but couldn't shake the wolf, who started to pull firmly downward. He knelt suddenly, in a way that forced all his weight onto the hyena's neck. Buck had two choices, either break his neck or lay over the desk.

Bound to the desk was a collar.

Buck put more effort into shaking the wolf, but he had no leverage. This was going into areas he wasn't expecting it to...and it frightened him. The hyena wasn't used to losing control. He always had it, in everything he did, except now. And he was losing even more.

"Let me...go..." The hyena's voice was strained as the arm around his neck tightened. There was no stopping it. Buck felt his neck push down onto the desk top, chin forced to rest across the cool surface. Before he could pull back, the leather strap was pulled tight around his neck and latched.

Buck was bent over.

Roland moved away suddenly and left the hyena restrained. He did it! His plan had ended up being successful. The wolf couldn't stop himself. He grinned from ear to ear as the hyena struggled on the desk, rump bouncing comically as he tried to step away.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Roland couldn't tell if the hyena was angry or actually getting scared. There was a crack in his voice like a pup going through puberty. He knew the danger he was in.

Roland leaned back in the chair and placed his feet firmly against the edge of the desk, "Giving you my answer."

A paw bounced hard off the hyena's ass. It was enough to send the area into a deep chill before the heat of pain forced a yell from the bound male's muzzle. Buck snarled back at the wolf.

"Just wait until I tell everyone what you do," his voice was strained, panted through clenched teeth. "I'll tell your colleagues, your friends." Somehow, Buck found a grin again, as if he knew a secret, "Your wife?" He strained to look at the wolf, "Let me up, pup."

The paw fell onto the hyena's backside again. It gained another grunt. Buck was tense, paws clutched into fists as he strained not to whine, "F...fuck!"

Roland let his paw finally rest on Buck's bare rump. It caressed the growing red spot. The wolf snickered as he felt how tense the hyena's ass was, "You can tell whoever you want." The confidence was there, now he just needed the strength to continue. He leaned in and growled to the bound male, inches from his ear, "And Kelly has always known...kid."

Buck stopped struggling.

Roland hoped the camera was catching the priceless look on the hyena's face. The look of surprise excited the wolf even more. He wasn't having any problems with his erection now. It throbbed hard before him. He was happy to see that his sheath was no longer loose either. In fact, it hugged the base of his dick in a tight ring. As he moved around behind the bound hyena, his cock tip traced through the hyena's hip fur.

"Remember Friday night?'

Buck began to panic when he heard the wolf's question.

"I do. I don't think I'll ever forget it." Roland moved behind the bound hyena as he talked. The wolf's dick caught Buck's tail. It twitched at the touch, but was powerless to offer any resistance. "Remember how you had me restrained?" Both of the wolf's paws rested on Buck's hips in such a way neither ever expected. They tried to dance away, but Roland's claws closed more firmly. "It was nothing like this, was it?"

Buck tugged at the chains again. His body tensed with the force of it. He wasn't going anywhere. The old wolf sawed his dick along the hyena's unprotected rump.

"Do you remember what happens next, son?" Roland laughed as he tugged the hyena's hips up and back.

For the first time in his life, Buck found himself in a place hen ever imagined he'd be in. He was restrained by another male....being mounted. The thought terrified him. There was no problem with fucking another dude, but the moment you got mounted...?

Buck suddenly kicked out at the wolf behind him and connected weakly with the lupine's leg. Roland's paws held fast and kept the hyena's hips lifted. Frustrated that it didn't even dislodge the wolf's grip, the hyena tried the trick again. This time, his foot found nothing but air, but his inner thigh dragged along the wolf's hip. Another kick was just as useless and the hyena soon knew why.

The younger male whined when he felt the cock press firmly under his tail, completing his mounting.

Buck growled low as Roland leaned over him. A final heavy squirm failed to knock the wolf off and cemented just how hopeless his current predicament truly was. He was restrained to the table and wasn't going anywhere.

"This...doesn't change things," the hyena panted. "You're still a bitch."

"No," Roland grinned, cock aligned with the younger male's entrance. "It means we're equal now." He licks into the hyena's ear, "It's about all we can be now, pup."

A nasally whine rushed from the bound hyena as Roland felt the ring of muscle under Buck's tail resist for the longest time. He was incredibly tight, like a virgin. Buck closed his eyes tightly, as if that would help his chances of resisting the wolf. But it was all for naught.

Roland remembered the night he was in jail, how he was restrained to the bars; how he was mounted by the hyena. A grin spread on his muzzle and doubled his effort. The added pressure did the trick and Roland gasped as he sank into the bound younger male slowly.

It was incredible!

Buck tried to pull away from the invading member, but his hips just hooked over the desk and couldn't go any further. It gave the wolf that much more leverage which made his penetrating much smoother and the dick burned its way deeply into him. The hyena was reminded that the lupine wasn't exactly small in the groin department as inch after inch stretched him wide. It seemed like an eternity, but the wolf's heavy balls finally pressed up between Buck's spread legs. He was dizzy with the realization that another male had finally hilted their cock within him.

The wolf's words rang true. Buck had always prided himself on being a top...a stud. Nothing mounted him. Nothing. He did the breeding. And now that was gone; taken away by the eight inches of dick within him. He could try to lie to himself, but that wouldn't change the fact that he had been fucked. He'd never forget being taken like a bitch.

Roland, on the other hand, couldn't remember another hole this tight. It fit like a glove and quivered in all the right ways. The old wolf never thought he'd ever be this excited at the thought of sticking his dick in another guy's ass. But here he was. And something told him it wouldn't be the last time he was in this position.

Teeth met leather when the lupine leaned in and bit down on the hyena's neck. He didn't need to say another word. As if it were the best meal the wolf had ever had, Roland savored every bite, and thrust.

The wolf slowly withdrew his hips from their perch on Buck's rump. A new sense of control came over Roland as he felt the tight passage grip him. He was no stranger to anal sex, even before his recent introduction into receiving, but this was new. This wasn't just sex for the lupine anymore. This was for possession.

And it was fucking powerful.

"Uh...." Buck was rocked with the force of the next thrust, then finally gave in and whined out. It was music to the wolf's ears. "Please...R...Roland..."

The transition from slow, savoring thrusts changed without warning. Fueled on by the whines from the bound hyena, Roland only sped on. The wolf's aroused scent swelled with the wolf's dick.

Buck could feel a slick fluid running down his ass and knew immediately what it was. He saw the lupine leak before, how much of that clear pre spurted onto his belly while he was fucked. And now, it was lubing the dick that was taking his virginity. When the liquid ran down the back of his balls, only to drip from the swaying sac, Buck blushed heavily.

Roland laughed around Buck's scruff when the hyena pushed back against his thrust a moment later. The wet sounds his cock made as they drove into the bound male mixed well with the wolf's heavy panting and the slowly growing moans from the submitting hyena. The older male felt a familiar burn in his loins and started to squirm from foot to foot.

His knot was swelling and he wasn't opposed to pushing it hard against the hyena's stretched ass.

Buck was lost to the sensations. Fuck it. It didn't matter anymore. He didn't care that he was lifting his rump for another male, or that he was pushing back to meet that male's thrusts. Blackmail was the last thing on his mind as he accepted his once bitch's dominance. He heard his voice, but it was distant and muffled. It didn't sound like it was coming from him, but that didn't change the fact that it was pleading for more.

And just like that, the pounding stopped. Roland's dick made a popping sound as it pulled free of Buck's clenching ass. Buck didn't know if he was relieved or disappointed when he felt the collar com off, followed soon after by the cuffs. He was free!

Roland's paws gripped the hyena's hips and tugged, "Turn over, kid."

Neither was surprised when the younger male obeyed the growled command. This time, when their eyes met, Buck was the one to splay his ears. He blushed hard at the large cock that rested over his belly when he turned over, now belly up to the shockingly dominant lupine. Roland snarled as he gripped the hyena's dick and squeezed.

"Bitch," the wolf smirked and stroked over the dick once.

Roland's intense gaze kept a firm grip on the hyena's eyes. The wolf moved as if he owned the younger male. Paws gripped his thighs and spread them, taking away the recently gained leverage without any fight from Buck. The aroused wolf lifted the hyena's legs higher and higher, and put them over his shoulders.

Roland leaned in and pressed Buck's knees down against his chest. This time, the hyena willingly stayed in place, no longer restrained by chains. The wolf gently ground his hard cock through the space made by the hyena's thigh and sheath, similar to the way the hyena had only a couple days before.

"Grab my dick," Roland commanded again, pulling his hips back to make it possible for the hyena to obey. "Now."

Fingers curled around Roland's dick and squeezed, getting a soft groan from the wolf, but he maintained his composure. They felt along the older male's shaft a bit, feeling the slickness that coated it. It twitched once, spurting another stream of hot pre seed. Neither male moved.

"You should know where that goes by now, son," Roland said with a low, lustful growl, making the younger male feel even more like a pup with his words.

Buck swallowed noticeably and splayed his round ears. He knew what it felt like now; that desire to give in. It was unyielding once it started to get its grip on you. The wolf's use of words wasn't helping either. They made him feel like a pup; demanding his respect. A moment later, both males felt the wolf's dick guided upwards, then slowly pressed to the recently used ring under the hyena's limp tail. Buck's eyes closed tightly and he bit his lower lip, before both shot open in a sudden mixture of surprise, pain and pleasure when he was impaled again.

Roland just grinned and watched the change of expression on the younger male's face. In no time, he was hilted again. The swelling orb at the base of the older wolf's dick dimpled the ring of muscle inward. Its threat of penetration became all the more real in this new position and each thrust pounded that reality home into the bound hyena. One paw tangled its fingers through the Mohawk like mane along the back of Buck's neck and tugged backward forcefully. The hyena couldn't look away from the wolf now.

Arching his back, Buck moaned out and pressed his paw firmly against the table under him. Hot lupine breath blew over his muzzle as Roland pressed the cold tip of his muzzle against it. Grinding against Buck again inflated his knot further.

"Feel that?" Roland couldn't help but snicker, "You don't have one of those, do you? Only real studs have those." He pushed his tongue rudely into Buck's ear, "It's a knot. It's how a wolf locks himself to his bitch." The wolf snickered with his knot still pushed flush to the hyena's hole. He leaned in and looked directly into Buck's eyes, "You're my bitch aren't you?"

Buck squirmed, forced to look into the wolf's eyes. He felt panicked again; threatened. There's something vicious behind the old wolf's eyes; something wild and dangerous. The urge to say yes was strong, but something still fought. He couldn't admit it. He quickly shook his head and tried to nip at the wolf anyway, "N...no."

Roland just grinned, even as he was nipped. It sent a chill through the hyena. The slick dick teased along the hyena's tail as it withdrew slowly from the young punk's body before the wolf shoved forward again. This time, the tail ring provided little resistance as he punched his knot home with shouts from both males.

Intense heat burnt under the hyena's tail, nearly leaving his ass numb with pain. The heavy grind of the older wolf's hips made Buck realize his worst fear. The wolf had just tied with him. Another fear was realized when the hyena felt the burning in his groin grow. His throbbing cock swelled more, like the knot within him.

The hyena was going to cum.

Roland slowly ground himself there, moving the uncomfortable orb inside the younger male. Buck was unable to prevent his eyes from watering. It was easy to see he was trying not to cry out. Roland pulled back and threatened to rip his knot from its new home. The hyena inhaled sharply, but the wolf held there. Intense pressure throbbed against Buck's prostate. It became too much.

"Are. You. My. Bitch?" Roland repeated, this time much more seriously. The implication of a wrong answer was as clear as an aimed gun.

Buck didn't have to be a genius to know that the knot would hurt so much more being pulled out, "Y..yes! I'm your bitch!"

Buck's climax was instant when the wolf pushed his knot back in. The release of pressure on his prostate sent him over the edge. The dark length suddenly surged and the hyena barked out in ecstasy. Thick gobs of cum jumped from the hyena's dick, splattering in messy white blotches over the humiliated stud's chin and chest, showering him in his submission.

Roland started to rock hard against quivering body he was tied to, panting heavily through clenched teeth. He couldn't stop grinning at the sight of the male ejaculating, untouched, "Yes...you are..."

Finally, Roland's cum wasn't wasted. The wolf howled out as he reached climax as well. His entire form tensed up as his tail raised high behind him, poised in a sign of dominance. Every part of his dick shook as a torrent of cum sprayed from his tapered tip and filled the hyena completely.

The howl died off with a low growl. Once again, their eyes locked, roles fully reversed for the first time. Roland grinned wide as the hyena tried to push himself through the table. With his climax over, the cold sense of humiliation sank in deeper. There was no going back from this. There was no way he could blackmail Roland either. Like the wolf said, the best they could be were equals.

But right now, he was the bitch.

"Feel that, boy?" Roland teased, "So much cum...and it's all being pumped into you. Nothing wasted." A wiggle of his hips moved the knot within Buck, "And my knot is going to ensure insemination."

Roland didn't wait for an answer. A roll of tape was within reach and the wolf quickly wrapped some around the bound hyena's muzzle. The younger male didn't even fight him. Roland knew the signs of defeat when he saw them.

Buck splayed his ears again, still pinned under the wolf; unable to move his legs off the lupine's shoulders. He couldn't say anything. The words just weren't coming to him. He couldn't get his mind around the continued pressure under his tail. The wolf was pumping him full.

Buck was still dizzy too. His head rested heavily back on the table, uncomfortable with the collar under it. He didn't care though. At the moment, he was trying to regain his composure, his breath...something, but no amount of panting would help. His paws were gripped again, but he didn't care. The cold metal closed around his wrists again, but he didn't care. The collar was no obstacle either.

Buck grunted, surprised as he tugged at the chains again. A bit of his fiery look returned and the hyena squirmed.

"You think I'm done with you?" Roland growled and actually hit the hyena across the muzzle.

It felt good.

Buck just blinked. Had he just been slapped? A tremor rushed through him before he returned the wolf's gaze. He was shocked, but couldn't say anything.

Roland tensed and growled low, as if in pleasure, "Calm down..." He panted, "or we're going to be locked together for a while." He snickered a moment later, "Unless that's something you like, bitch."

Buck bit his lower lip, but then whined in frustration. He knew the wolf was right. He had to lay still under the old wolf, fully hilted like a willing bitch; like he was getting knocked up.

Over the next ten minutes, Roland and Buck rested there as one, stud and bitch. The occasional sway of the wolf's hips tested his tie and got a low moan from the hyena, who promptly blushed again. Roland was beginning to like that color on Buck. It looked good. Finally, the wolf swayed his hips and found his deflating knot slipping free of the hyena. He didn't wait for it to fully go down. He wanted one more yelp.

The wolf got his reward when his orb of flesh pulled free. Roland stepped away from the table on shaky legs.

Before Buck could lower his legs, Roland lifted a metal bar from under the table. It was curved at the sides so it could still be connected to the table, like the cuffs and collar. Buck had the perverse image of a carnie latching a roller coaster restraint in place, but this bar wasn't going over his lap. It locked into place and kept the hyena in a very precarious position, rump exposed and legs elevated.

The wolf's seed leaked lewdly from the younger male. Roland couldn't take his eyes off the sight. That was his seed. That was his ass. That was his hyena. A sense of power like no other filled him. He claimed this male, this dominant beast, and took what was his back. A part of Roland wondered if this would be the last male he left his mark on.

His mark!

Roland's grin wickedly. That's what was really missing, wasn't it? Besides...it was only natural.

"Do you know what a male wolf does with his territory?" Roland grinned down at the re-bound hyena. The wolf walked around the table slowly, "He marks it of course."

Buck's ears perked at the words before he looked up at the older male. He looked shocked, another priceless expression for the camera to catch in a way his memory never could.

The naked wolf moved fully around the table until he stood above where the hyena's head was restrained. Roland's sense of power only increased. This was different then ordering a subordinate around. This was the true meaning of power in its most primal form.

The fact that it was this young bastard only fueled the growing fire.

Roland leaned in and growled softly to the bound hyena, "You're my property."

Buck hardly had any time to think at that point. The wolf stood up again, making it impossible for the hyena to see anything but the heavy and spent lupine dick, which was quickly pulling back into his sheath. The hyena tried to shake his head.

Buck growled and tested the strength of the tape around his muzzle, but silently cursed himself for not having thought of it sooner.

Roland walked back around the restrained hyena and looked over his catch again. The urge to mark became an undeniable need: a savage need. The hyena barely had time to respond again before he felt the hot sting of urine splash onto his well fucked tail ring. The stream was strong and quickly covered the scent of sex with the pungent odor of male wolf.

Roland grinned as he guided the thick stream of piss along the hyena's exposed ass, down along the cleft, then let it sit for a moment on the underside of the younger male's tail. The stream suddenly stopped, as if he were already done, and left the hyena to sigh in relief.

The break was short lived.

Buck tensed up and whined when the strong stream returned. This time it splashed down on the hyena's lap. The wolf's mark quickly coated his limp sheath and balls before moving up to his belly. Then it stopped again.

Buck was panting hard by this point, disgusted more by the fact that another male was truly leaving their mark on him than by what is quickly soaking into his fur. He could feel it on his sheath and balls, even in his sheath. The liquid left his belly fur soaked as it trickled along his sides to puddle on the table top. He was left to lay in it. He didn't think it was possible for him to get any more humiliated.

Roland came back around the table again and looked down at the restrained hyena. He shook his dick in such a way that sent a couple drops of the yellow musk onto the hyena's muzzle. Their eyes locked again and the wolf growled in satisfaction, "Mine...." And then he pissed in Buck's face.

Buck jerked with a muffled bark of shock and was rewarded with a mouthful of the bitter fluid even with the tape around his muzzle. The hyena was quick to close his lips. He tried to close everything he could, his eyes and nose, his ears. It was impossible to prevent it stop. It traced over his muzzle, along his cheek and into his ears. Finally, the stream subsided to a gentle trickle before it stopped completely, but not before it soaked the Mohawk like mane of fur along the top of his head.

Roland finally backed away and took a seat near by. He panted heavily and watched his newest acquisition tremble and shiver on the table top. The wolf couldn't wait to watch the video later, his proof, and protection, from the bound hyena. If he even threatened to say anything, it would be his word against the wolf's video.

No one would believe the young hyena now.

Something told him that Buck wouldn't say anything though.

Buck stayed silent, lost in his thoughts as Roland continued to pant. Both males tried hard to recover. The door to the basement creaked open and disrupted the silence in the basement. Roland's ears perked and soon he was grinning again. It was time for the final part of his little plan and it would be complete.

Buck tried to see who was coming down the stairs, but his view was blocked by his raised legs. The sound frightened him. Who could have opened the basement door? Only one thought came to the hyena's mind. It terrified him.

"Oh...and Buck?" Roland grinned as he sat before the bound hyena. Buck looked up at him and whined again. "I lied. There is no way we're equal. Not after this..."

Two russet colored paws came to rest on Buck's wet hips. The hyena was dragged out of his stupor at the touch. Buck couldn't help but whine when he caught sight of the smiling vixen and knew she could see his exposed rump. And smell the heavy scent that was all over him.

"I'd never be equal to anyone that let a female fuck them." The old wolf shows a bit of his chauvinist side.

Buck realized there were whole new avenues of humiliation yet to be explored when he felt something thick and hard press against his opening. The hyena was confused until he got a better look at the mounting vixen.

Kelly wore a strap on. A thick, leather band was wrapped around Kelly's hips, supporting it at her groin. Two additional straps hooked between her legs to help support the length, which jutted outward from the codpiece that covered her cunt. It appeared like the vixen was sporting quite an impressive shaft of her own.

The dildo reminded Roland of the hyena's length. It's why he bought it at the sex shop. Kelly had smirked when he brought it up, apparently having noticed the same thing. The vixen had seemed unsure about this part of the plan. She wasn't sure if she could do it. Those worries were put to rest when she saw the condition the hyena was in, restrained, well fucked...and apparently pissed on?

Roland grinned at her and winked. She returned the smile as she nudged her hips forward again in such a way that eased the bulbous head of the dildo into the hyena. Any fears left her as she drove it home.

That beautiful blush filled Buck's ears again. A whine whistled through his nose when he was penetrated by the female. He underestimated the wolf apparently, underestimated both of them. Now he was paying for it. The dildo slid in effortlessly, thanks to the added lubrication already within him.

"How does it feel to have that dick slip into you using my cum? It's a good thing I left so much of it there." Roland was fucking loving this.

When Buck turned his head back at the wolf's voice, he whined to find the lupine's dick swatting him in the face. The hyena didn't get a chance to reply before he felt Kelly press forward. That thick dildo was forced home to the hilt.

Kelly ground her hips against the hyena's ass and moaned out. An added perk to the strap on was hidden by the cod piece. The opposite side ground firmly against her nub of flesh at the apex of her labia. Each sway forced the nub on the strap on to tease at her clit. The scent of her arousal began to overpower even that of the wolf's mark on the hyena. She loved this as much as her husband.

And so was Buck. The hyena moaned again, his once spent shaft showing signs of life again as his prostate was attacked for the second time that night. His dick pushed out into his still wet belly fur, resting in the wolf's mark.

A deep breath filled Roland's chest, which puffed out. He exhaled audibly, directly down at the bound hyena's face, "Mmmm. Smell that...pup?" Roland repeated the action and inhaled deeply, "She's excited. It excites my wife to fuck you."

As if on cue, the vixen starts to moan. Her hips begin to thrust, pulling that hyena sized dildo from Buck's ass. The tip remained within him a moment later and the hyena wiggled his own rump at the strange pleasure it caused. Of course, this wiggled that magical finger back against the vixen's cunt. She couldn't control herself, not with full release so close.

"Damn, son," Roland said mockingly. "The bitch is gonna cum because she's fucking you."

What followed was a rush of thrusts that made Buck's rough ways seem tame by comparison. Kelly lost herself in the thrusts, as if her climax would leave the hyena full of her seed. An urge the vixen never felt before came over her. It was similar to the one she got when she held Roland's head against her messy cunt the night before.

It was a strange sense of power.

By the tingling she felt in the pit of her stomach, it was going to lead to an intense orgasm. Desperate to feel the heat of release, her thrusts became shallow and rushed, moving about an inch in and out of the hyena's body. Oh...if only she had some balls to rub against the base of Buck's tail.

"Now you're her bitch too, boy," Roland teased.

As if on cue, the flood of endorphins pushed Kelly into a flurry of thrusts. The smack of her lap against Buck's spread ass both increased and doubled. She cried out, her call of orgasm familiar to both males.

Buck knew she was cumming, even if she wasn't filling him with seed. Of course, that didn't matter. What mattered was that it had to be over. Even if he was throbbing, he was happy to have not reached another orgasm while being fucked by a female. She came quickly. That was good.

"Mmmm," Roland grinned, "That was so sexy, babe." The older wolf looked down at the hyena again, "You know what rocks about Kelly?"

The vixen grinned much like her husband as she listened. Buck's ears splayed at the question.

"Well, do you?" Roland waited until Buck slowly shook his head. "Multiple orgasms."

Buck whined loud, and tensed when Kelly began to thrust again.

"I can go all night," Kelly teased.

And she did.

Roland left the shower some time later, rubbing his fur to dry it of all the water. He couldn't believe how stiff he felt. The wolf was once again reminded of his age as joints creaked and groaned when they were touched by the cold air. He was definitely going to sleep well tonight.

Kelly fucked Buck for hours, even stepping aside for him to have another go at their bitch a few hours in. And it was all caught in beautiful high definition. They were at it until early in the morning.

There was a new understanding. Buck definitely understood it too. Perhaps tomorrow, they would let him out of his kennel. He was going to need to be a good boy if he wanted any clothes though. The great thing about the basement was that no one would hear him if he decided to be bad. And he would definitely learn the error of his ways if he was.

His bedroom, the master bedroom, was dark when he entered. Kelly had left the shower earlier then him. She looked worn out. Roland lost count of how many times she had climaxed while fucking that kid, but both had agreed they felt great about it.

The vixen even seemed to have forgiven him for...everything. He had promised not to be unfaithful anymore. That is, unless she was involved. Such opportunities lay ahead.

"Hon?" Roland called into the darkness.

A strong grip caught his hips and squeezed. The hot breath on his neck sent the fur dancing in its wake. He could smell the clean scent of his wife behind him.

"You know, Buck's been punished, but he wasn't the only misbehaving pup," Kelly growled. The tone of her voice made the older wolf shiver and tense a little. A light came on as they walked by the light switch and approached the bed.

Then he felt her hips nudge forward slightly.

The tip of her new toy poked at his tail base and the wolf froze.

"Can't let you go unpunished," Kelly continued and pushed the wolf forward some more, then stopped.

The vixen moved around the wolf and climbed into bed. She did it seductively, showing of her rump and tail in a provocative manner. The tail swayed behind her, flashing sights of her pussy as well as the fake length that moved between her legs. The urge to pounce was strong in the old wolf, but something stopped him. Something about Kelly made him hesitate.

She turned around and lay on her back. One paw stroked her dildo as if it were a real dick as her other beckoned with a finger. Roland was powerless to disobey. This was just....hot. He started to pant heavily.

"If you want lube, you had better apply it."

The wolf looked at the dick and licked his lips. He knew it needed lube. He reached into the bedside table and withdrew the bottle of clear fluid. Roland held out the bottle to the vixen, who promptly shook her head.

"Is that applying it?"

Roland's ears pinned to his head as he blushed hard. He looked at the bottle, then back at the fake dick again. He found it hard to meet her gaze and felt that all too familiar feeling he felt before the hyena. The sensation was intense and he quickly swelled from his sheath.

Roland turned the bottle over and squeezed a pawful into his palm before he promptly stroked it slowly over the dildo, unable to ignore the fact he was preparing it for himself. The vixen snickered and reached up to pet the wolf behind the ears.

"That's it," Kelly rumbled softly. "That should be more then enough."

The wolf set the bottle aside and looked at the shaft jutting up from his very feminine wife's groin. It was surreal, but he felt that urge building again.

At least the need to submit was to his wife this time.

The wolf moved onto the bed and straddled the vixen's hips. She gripped his hips and slowly guided them upwards. Roland could feel the fake dick tease between his legs before it pushed up under his tail, slick from the lube he applied himself. It nudged against his opening.

"Ride me."

Roland didn't need any more then that. He pushed back and moaned out loud as he was spread wide. It was a painful pleasure the wolf was afraid to admit he had grown to crave. They kissed passionately when the strap on hilted.

Their loins wiggled together as both learned a new dance with each other. Each thrust from the vixen caused Roland to rock and his dick swelled even more. It pushed through the soft fur of Kelly's belly while her strap on continued to touch new depths within him.

Husband and wife sang out their pleasure as they reached climax together.

Roland was forgiven.

The older wolf remained panting heavily as he rested over his panting wife, the roles properly reversed for the first time in their relationship. His eyes glanced down at the vixen's exposed torso as his spent seed soaked into the white fur there. Soon, there was no trace of it except for slightly disheveled slick streaks directed toward the old wolf's slowly shrinking maleness.

Kelly's paws rested on Roland's hips. Slender fingers massaged the muscles there as they swam through the thick fur. Her vision swam with them. The dizzy in her head wasn't a sick sensation, just the lasting effects of the bliss that shocked her body. She was worn out after countless orgasms. Sleep soon followed.

The wolf looked up at the vixen. The fox's eyes were closed so she didn't return his gaze. She could have been asleep for all he knew. How many nights did she find herself watching him sleep from his exact position? There was a difference though. She had no choice. She was tied to the lupine. He wasn't held there by anything but the weak grip of a sleeping vixen.

Muscles tensed as the older wolf slipped from the dildo. Kelly's paws fell from his hips and rested uselessly at her sides. The strap on moved in a way that stimulated her sex again. Her only reaction was a slight moan that sounded more of frustration then of pleasure. She was out cold.

Roland looked down upon his sleeping wife. A smirk teased his features as he shook his head. He fucked the hell out of that hyena locked up in the basement. The living hyena. It wasn't that long ago he had thought about killing the bastard. Now, Roland just figured he'd keep the boy for a while. There was a sense of accomplishment in the lupine. He felt that he was on the road to regaining...something. Himself? His masculinity? Whatever it was Buck had stolen from him, it was coming back.

And yet, here was another night where he was going to sleep with his seed wasted and his ass sore. A paw rubbed along his rump as Kelly turned on the bed again. It seems the added 'kick stand' was causing a bit of discomfort. The wolf undid the straps that hugged the fox's slim hips. He removed it carefully and looked at the swaying dildo. It was hypnotic. The fox's thighs were soaked in her juices, as was the other side of the dildo; the part that had allowed her to feel pleasure while she fucked her husband with it.

"Shut off the light and come to bed..." Kelly growled and regarded him with one tired eye. The other remained closed. Roland could easily hear the humor in her voice. "...boy."

The old wolf slowly set the used strap on down and moved over to shut off the lights. As the lights died in the room, a smiling wolf crawled into his bed with his wife.

Roland hoped the vixen enjoyed being the top dog.

It wouldn't last.

The End