Blood & Carrots: Silverpaw - Episode 15

Story by GCStargazer on SoFurry

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#15 of B&C 2

My lovely reader, I hope you've been enjoying things up to this point. Sarnai has embraced her new life and is happy for the first time in centuries. However, nothing lasts forever, and now the time for tribulations are at hand once more.

It's going to get a little heavy, but I hope you'll enjoy the ride all the same. Well, let's dive right into it!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

If this is your first visit to Silverpaw, I strongly recommend starting fromepisode one to get the best experience.

If you are new to Blood & Carrots as a series, you need to start withthe first serial if you want to fully enjoy it.

Take your time, I'll wait for you to catch up. :3

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Patrons even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

My lovely reader, I hope you've been enjoying things up to this point. Sarnai has embraced her new life and is happy for the first time in centuries. However, nothing lasts forever, and now the time for tribulations are at hand once more.

It's going to get a little heavy, but I hope you'll enjoy the ride all the same. Well, let's dive right into it!

Episode 15:

A Desperate Stand

Winter finally gave way to spring and with it, I had been with my new family for nearly a year. I and Elias settled into our roles of Marquis and Marquess without missing a beat, the old ways easy to resume, especially with one another's support.

It was a good and peaceful time for me. I had so much love and affection from everyone, even those I didn't sleep with. However, like all things, it didn't last, and though I tried to cling to each precious moment, the tranquility ended far sooner than I'd have liked.

"This isn't like her!" Alice spoke the words in frustration and fear, putting her cellphone away after trying to make the call for the tenth time in half an hour.

"We should drive into the city and look for her, we can follow her cell phone signal," Alex growled the words, his large brown ears risen to peaks, his tail fluffed and thrashing.

"Cute idea but it's only about an hour until the sun rises," Katrina grumbled the words, folding her arms and frowning.

"Master is away with Toroah on business, and... and... I don't know what do!" Alice spat the words out, panic clearly in her voice now.

I parted from the three of them, pacing away as I listened to my phone ring in my ear. The call connected as my mother answered, "Hello my pup, I can sense this is not a social call, what troubles you?"

"Mom, Gloria hasn't returned from her nightly patrol of the city. The others are getting worried and in truth, I'm also concerned for her," I growled the words, cutting my eyes over as I saw the trio focused on me.

"Hmm... Since she is fallen, we have no means of tracking her, but give me a moment, I can still focus upon her life force since I know her personally," Rachel spoke the words and I stood there for several uneasy seconds waiting.

"She is still alive, but her vitals are all peaking with adrenaline as if she were in combat or flight, and no I don't mean actual flying."

"You mean fleeing, I get it," I snarled and stomped out of the foyer and outside of the mansion. Alice and the others quickly followed after me.

"My pup, what do you plan to do?" My mother asked from the other side of the line.

"Elias and I would be the only ones that could get to the city in any decent amount of time. I will go find her, once I'm within a few miles I'll be able to pick up her energy," I barked the words as I kicked my house shoes off, leaving me barefoot in the grass in my evening dress.

"Do be safe my pup, call upon me if it is needed." My mother's voice spoke out with concern and pride before she gave me her love.

"Honey, you can't just go-"

I threw a hand out towards Alice to silence her. "None of you are at a level to get there as fast as me. Elias would be the only other choice and he isn't here."

Alex growled but said nothing and Katrina gave me a nod as she spoke, "You're right, it would easily take me ten minutes at full burn of my power to get there."

"Good, burn some of that energy and bring me a few bottles." I gave my cat a grin and she blurred out of existence. She was back in less than a minute and tossed me a few sports bottles.

"I'm going with you!" Alice stomped her foot and snarled, her eyes furiously red as I forced down the cold blood with a shuddered.

"You're not piggybacking on me, love. I'm not as big as Val and you will just slow me down." I threw the empty bottle down and started on the other, gorging myself, knowing I would use most of it up in transit.

"B-but!" The rabbit clenched her fists then jerked her gaze to Katrina who moved beside her and gripped her shoulder.

"Let Sarnai take care of it, she's the only one," The cat spoke the words gently to Alice before reaching to her side and unfastening my saber she retrieved, tossing it to me.

I caught the blade and gave my cat a nod. "Thanks, love." I gave her a playful grin then, frowned and set my eyes upon Alice. "We squander time, just trust me."

"I'll be right behind you, I'm the next fastest one on foot." Alex snarled the words, already shifting as his shirt tore apart, the pants he wore stretching to fit as he grew nearly ten feet in height. I gave a roll of my eyes as the wolf bounded away without another word in a gallop, his pace quickening to that of a car within seconds, tearing through the hills towards the city.

Alice gave me a frown as she looked to Alex, then me, but nodded her head several times, the tears obviously showing in her eyes. I growled at seeing her so distraught and turned from them before blurring out of sight. I leaped over the galloping wolf a few moments later and was out of his view as well in another few heartbeats.

I felt like I would throw up from all the blood in me, but sprinting, leaping and dodging past things at this level of speed was massively taxing, even on beings of my age. I could have thrown my clothes off and shifted to a flying form, but I would have been slower and buck naked to boot. That's the problem with shifting forms, your personal effects don't change with you and it's even more taxing than this would be.

Springing off the asphalt I launched up to the top of an office building, scanning the area for energy. I had made it into the city in about three minutes and my eyes were still trying to adjust to normal vision again, most of the blood I had drank was now burned away. I certainly wouldn't be making that kind of run back.

I narrowed my focus to just celestial energy and found her within seconds. I began leaping onto rooftops, bounding through the metropolis until I perched on the edge of an office building. I could hardly believe what I saw.

Gloria stood there, her longsword in hand, the blade a deep maroon and veritably crackling with divine energy. She was standing off against what looked humanoid but easily towered thirty feet high and had the mass of a large moving truck. The creature was covered in thick brown fur, tusks jutting from its lower jaw and half of a broken powerline pole slung over its shoulder as a makeshift club.

"By the nine hells, what the fuck is going on?!" I snarled the words, seeing the retriever slowly backing up, her body battered and covered in wounds. As if the creature wasn't enough, this was happening in the middle of the street, there were turned over cars and small fires all over the street side.

My ears lifted as I saw the behemoth swing at the retriever with the power pole. Gloria deftly evaded the hulking swing of the makeshift weapon and quickly darted forward. Her sword flashed and the beast roared and began to retreat. The small dog seemed to blur as she crisscrossed all over the large creature in just a few heartbeats, leveling slashes and stabs all over the beast.

The creature toppled over in a mighty thud of impact before simply erupting into flames of green fire and vanishing. I shook my head trying to comprehend what I was seeing but then six figures all appeared around the angel, swords drawn and surrounding her.

One lunged in first as I was already making my dive. Gloria barked out and sidestepped the mundane looking figure before running them through. The other five were moving in more unison but they weren't expecting me.

Let me tell you, I'm not a heavy female and actually a little small for my species, but even something half my size would do serious damage coming down from a dozen stories or more. I landed on one of the figures, hearing bones crush as I drove my knee into what I assumed was its spine. Two of the four remaining turned just a split second too late, my blade flashed and I ran the figure through that looked like a fox. My free hand raked out and I simply grabbed the other by the throat before wrenching my grip downward and tearing their throat out, this one looking like some sort of elk.

Having only two attackers on her, Gloria handily parried one strike while dodging another. The angel swept her blade and cleaved the head clean off one of the swordsmen, the other setting to square off with her. I simply dove on them and grabbed their head before giving a twist and breaking their neck. The creature looked like just a regular mundane cat and I was ravenous after the sprint, so I plunged my teeth in and pulled deeply for a little pick me up.

The blood hit my mouth and my eyes widened before I spat the crimson out and felt I would vomit. "What in the-" I coughed out, feeling like I had swilled down poison, my whole mouth burning.

Gloria was to me in an instant and shoved her wrist in my face. "Quickly, dilute it with my blood, only enough to wash it away." I lifted my ears at her offer but the taste was too vile to reject her. I quickly sunk my fangs into her wrist, hearing the angel hiss out before shuddering. I took a few pulls before huffing out and lapping at her flesh to close the wounds.

Gloria panted, looking all the more winded now from my quick feeding. "S-Sarnai... what are you-"

"What the fuck is going on!" I snarled out looking at the carnage and bodies strewn about. All the figures were dressed in what looked like white cloaks with olive tunics out of the middle ages.

"It's glamor, all of it." Gloria snapped out the words and set her sword as a large rolling torrent of green fire spiraled before us and another hulking monstrosity appeared, this one holding, I kid you not, one of those feudal stone statues you would see at an old shrine.

"What in the nine hells is glamor?!" I snarled as I darted to the side, Gloria moving the other way as the massive stone statue came down onto the pavement where we had stood.

"Fae magic, they've sealed this whole area off and have been pulling in troops for over an hour now!" She panted the words, staggering back before clenching her teeth and diving on the creature that I could only describe as an ogre. Her maroon blade sunk into its throat as the giant gave out an unearthly howl of pain. I joined her and with a few precision strikes the monster fell and erupted into green flames.

"So the mundane can't see all this?" I snarled as more foot soldiers materialized around us, me and the angel moving back to back with our swords drawn. I processed the words 'fae magic', a chill running down my spine at the prospect of it. It was happening, and much sooner than I'd have liked. It had only been about a year that I had been in my right mind, perhaps this was all the time I'd have for peace.

"The glamor is keeping the area shielded, the destruction is real though!" Gloria quickly barked out the words while parrying and side-stepping blows, striking down the soldiers before her.

"Noted!" I barked out as I brought my maroon saber up to parry a short sword strike, kicking another fae soldier away before I swept the blade, cleaving through both of their throats in one strike. The figures crumpled around us, again erupting into flames as me and Gloria pushed our backs together again.

"This is endless, they just keep coming!" She barked the words and I felt her tense, setting herself as more soldiers appeared in gouts of green flame, these at a distance with longbows at the ready.

More foot soldiers formed in our path as we darted to the side, arrows whizzing by as we cut down the swordsmen before us. I growled furiously as I blurred across the field of battle, slashing through the archers before we met together once more.

Both our ears lifted as massive torrents of flames spewed forth before each of us while our backs were together. Two hulking ogres appeared, each with massive stone pillars slung over their shoulders.

"Gloria! We can't keep this up, we need to withdraw!" I yelled the words out as I blurred to the side as she simply took flight, stone pillars slamming into the asphalt we had been standing on.

"I can't just abandon my flock to be slaughtered!" She cried the words out as she dove on the same one I had moved against. In a flurry of blows, we brought the giant down and scattered as the second moved on us, slamming its makeshift club down into the ground.

I pulled back and set my stance, the angel doing the same in mid-flight as we sprang upon the other giant, similar results coming from our assault as the beast toppled over in an eruption of green fire.

"Flock or not, if we stay at this too long, the sun will rise on us. I don't think I need to tell you what that means!" I hissed the words as I felt her back push to mine after she landed.

"I- I know sister... I just don't know what to do!" She called back to me, the resolve in her voice wavering. I could hear her labored pants, she had been at this for much longer than I had after all.

"The two of you have won my praise, my underlings appear to be no match, no matter how many I send to the slaughter, you persevere." The haughty words filled the air as we both lifted our ears, shifting our gazes to see a quick burst of green light before another stood before us.

She appeared to be a fox like myself, but 'appeared' was subjective, to say the least. She was closer to Katrina's height; about a head length under my own stature. She had long flowing hair the color of vibrant green foliage. Flowers and brambles were interwoven through it, as if growing from her. Her ears were larger than my own, the fur pattern sharing the same vibrant colors of her hair.

The most shocking feature was her tails; she had nine of them. All were that bright green color, the myriad of them fanned out behind her in constant motion. Another surprising feature was her body; it was covered in a thin coat of fur. Her bared feet looked more like paws, and her hands sporting pads, the shape still similar to my own.

The ninetails wore a simple silk-looking gown of white that clung to her small body, the cloth almost translucent and making no attempt to hide her figure beneath. She had a lithe, petit form, with small but shapely breasts. There was a slight curve to her hips and face, the fur along her belly and chest turning to an offwhite green that moved up to below her throat where she sported a small muzzle.

I felt my ears lower as I looked upon her, she reclined back looking bored as if leaning on her mass of fluffy tails, but I could see her foot-paws weren't even touching the pavement, actually a few inches off the ground. Her sheer presence was overwhelming, I had faced down archangels unflinching, but this power wasn't even in the same realm of comparison.

Her yellow eyes looked between the two of us, seeing the effect she had made upon us, I could feel Gloria trembling behind me, her knees starting to buckle before she reinforced her stance, pushing against my back as if to support herself and stand.

"You two should count yourselves blessed, I've not appeared before any creature of the mundane realms in over a thousand renewal seasons," She spoke the words in a melodic tone as she pushed off her own tails it seemed, her padded-footpaws gingerly touching the ground, small sprouts of grass blades bursting through the asphalt beneath her paws. Her tails swayed as she took a few paces towards us, leaving a trail of grass in her wake.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, finding it difficult to speak in her presence. Snarling at myself I summoned my fires, pushing them straight to blood-red so I could compose myself. Pushing from Gloria's back, I faced the other fox full-on, saber set as I growled, "What are you playing at with all this?"

The ninetails stopped in her tracks and put a hand-paw to her muzzle, giving a wide grin at my display, her rows of teeth looking sharp as she seemed to savor the chance to interact with me. "Oh my... so it's you. I had my suspicions but to see it in the... flesh as it were."

A shocked bark escaped my throat as she was just there in my face, no blur, no sign of movement, just nose to nose, her footpaws suspended off the ground, her eyes upon mine. I saw her muzzle spread into a wide grin, even as Gloria readied her own blade and took a step towards us in my defense.

The small green fox gave an exasperated huff in my face and flicked her left handpaw towards the celestial, a wave of force slamming into Gloria as she flew back in the air several yards before finally spreading her wings to catch herself.

"Sister!" I barked out towards Gloria, then turned to snarl upon the fox before me, starting to set my stance. She gave me a bored frown and I didn't even see what she did, I simply flew away from her in a similar motion, tumbling and bouncing against the concrete of the sidewalk before finally catching myself.

The nine-tailed fox gingerly dropped to her footpaws once more, sighing as she lazily drifted her gaze between me and Gloria, both of us in a stance with our swords drawn. "I suppose it would do no harm to tell the soon to be final-dead that this was all a ploy to draw forth the messiah."

"Messiah?" Gloria frowned as she tilted her head.

"The savior of their damnable race." The fox huffed the words as she lazily thrust a finger towards me.

I gave a bark of a laugh as my flames roared to life and poured off me, rolling down my saber as it crackled with divine power. Of course, I knew who she was talking about. "Ha... too bad you got me instead, bitch! I'm much more dangerous!" I screamed the words as I blurred from sight right as Gloria sprang to the air.

"Oh?" The green fox lifted her ears as I and Gloria both struck at her with our blades. She seemed to simply cease to be there, then a microsecond later I felt a wave of force slam into my back, forcing me to topple straight down into the ground, displacing the asphalt and feeling my left arm break from the impact.

A similar wave of force slammed into Gloria as she swooped down, sending her sprawling in the air before she righted herself in mid-flight and called out to me, "Sarnai!" Her eyes narrowed as she growled furiously at the bored-looking fox, diving on her once again.

I snarled and jerked my shoulder hard, setting my arm as I climbed to my feet, feeling the bones already starting to stitch themselves back together. I refocused just in time to see Gloria swoop down on the ninetails who unceremoniously extended her left arm and caught the angel at the throat in mid-strike.

"Pitiful creature, do you not see you wade straight into the jaws of death?" The green fox huffed the words as she slowly tightened her grip, Gloria's eyes widening as her air was being cut off.

My teeth clenched as I set my saber in my right hand, my left arm still mostly useless. I prepared to strike when I saw a massive blur of brown fur and claws lunge forward. The ninetails wasn't expecting reinforcements, her eyes going wide as the werewolf pounced upon her.

Alex roared in fury as his massive hooked paws simply tore the arm the fox had raised in defense off her body along with most of her shoulder, blood spraying over his brown coat. The fox looked more surprised than in pain, her left paw still holding Gloria by the throat.

The wolf snarled and lunged in to finish the job, going for the foxes' throat. Her yellow eyes widened a wild grin spreading over her muzzle as green flames rolled over where her arm had been, then a new one was in its place. There was a flash of claws and Alex yowled out, blood spraying from his chest, an afterimage of green flaming streaks following the wave of her paw.

Gloria screamed out against the foxes grasp, desperately struggling to break free, a look of fury and hatred in her eyes. My own eyes widened as the massive wolf dropped to his knees, his form reverting as the ninetails grabbed him by the throat, his stomach and chest tore open, blood pouring forth heavily, his eyes already looking empty.

"Stupid dog... you threw your life away and for what?" She growled the words, shifting her gaze to the angel, Gloria writhing and snarling furiously. "Not to worry little one... I can sense your bond, you'll be right behind h-"

She didn't finish the statement as I had blurred behind her and brought my saber down atop the arm holding Alex. The ninetails gave a surprised and painful yowl as her new arm severed and the wolf toppled lifelessly to the pavement below. Gloria fell from her grasp as she retreated back from me, grasping against what was left of her shoulder.

"Y-you! You actually caused me pain?!" She screamed the words, her eyes wild looking as she summoned her fires, the very sound of her enraged voice seeming to make the air quiver. Green fire poured over her shoulder and then she gapped her maw as the fires came away with nothing to show for it.

"Gloria! Get Alex to somewhere safe and h-" The fox was atop me and slammed her fist into my jaw. There seemed to be a split second of impact, then I was sprawling through the air at blinding speeds, my vision blurring as I slammed through a few power poles and crashed into a parked car.

My mind couldn't even process it all as she was already there and had a paw wrapped around my throat. "I do not know what that blade is made of, but rest assured you will pay for this!" She spat the words into my face with a growl in her voice before throwing me to the ground. The impact made my arm break again along with my left hip and several of my ribs.

I barked out weakly as she kicked me over to my back, then I felt her foot-paw slam into my chest, more ribs crunching under her force as she glared down at me while digging her heel in. "I was being kind before, but now... I won't kill you fox... I'll keep you alive and torture you every day for a thousand cycles over this... I'll bring you to the brink of death again, and again, and again!" Each 'again' ended with another stomp as more of my bones shattered from the impacts.

"Say something, where's that pride now?!" She hissed the words showing me a wild grin as she peered down over me.

I weakly raised my right hand to give her a finger gun. "Something..." I snarled the word and sent a lance of hellfire straight into her face. She howled out from the flames, stepping back and rubbing her eyes before summoning her own green flames in her left handpaw.

"I'll burn that smirk off your face!" She snarled the words as she brought the flaming paw towards my eyes. "You don't need your vision to enjoy the torture I have in store for you, burn my image into your mind, it's the last thing you'll ever-"

A flash of silver filled my vision as the ninetails bounded off me. I blinked up to see a large set of wings spread out before me, an angel standing over me, longsword at the ready. Of course, I knew who it was by her scent and energy.

"Get away from my child!" Rachel screamed the words, her own sharp teeth showing as she stood before the green fox.

"Ah... another comes, you save me the trouble of hunting you down high bishop." The ninetails spread her paw open, more green flames rolling forth as she gave my mother a wicked-looking grin.

"Enough! Why have you come to this realm Triallia!" Another voice called out, one I recognized, it was Toroah. He stood next to my mother, a regal-looking rapier drawn forth.

"I need not keep you celestials abreast of my intentions! Know that your presence here does not shift the odds in your favor!" Triallia hissed the words as she thrust a flaming padded-finger towards the archangel.

"How about now?" Another voice called and I saw another set of wings before me, the massive warhammer that was shouldered near them, easily telling me who it was.

Rachel slipped down and thrust her wrist into my face, "Drink my daughter, quickly!"

I blinked up at my mother but nodded as I shoved my teeth into her wrist, feeling her divine blood fill me as I drank deeply from her while the archangels stood down the ninetails. I could feel the divine blood fill me and begin healing my body, my mother's other hand resting on my shoulder, healing energies filling me.

"Triallia, will you truly strike out against all of us at once? You are already injured after all." The third archangel called out, this one I had never met personally, but I knew of him. A massive saint bernard clasping a large silver staff in his hands.

"Ichiro! So you're still alive? Tsk..." Triallia took a step back and sneered, "The season is still young and my power has not fully bloomed. Know that I'll return at its height and I'll purge this world of the lot of you. Celestials, vampires, demons, and even the mundane. You're all on borrowed time!"

"Why do this?" Toroah called out, his ears lifting as he looked past the ninetails to see Gloria on her knees with Alex.

"Because the mundane's insistence in destroying this realm is starting to influence ours." Triallia snarled the words as she pointed at me as I found my feet. "And you... inheritor of your elder's powers, do not think I'll forget this. I'll slay everyone you love before your eyes, then you and I will have a nice long time to get to know one another."

I felt a chill run down my spine at her words, watching the ninetails disappear in a spout of green flames. She wasn't even at full strength and she handily tossed me around like a pup, even with only one arm.

"Ichiro! Toroah! I can't heal his wounds!" Gloria cried out to the two archangels as all of us moved to her.

Alex's head was in her lap as she sobbed, his chest and belly were still torn open from the strike he took. He looked pale and lifeless in her arms. I hesitated before I knelt and pushed my fingers to his throat. His heart struggled to beat, the lycanthropy desperately trying to heal him, but the wounds were too severe.

"He's still in there, but he's struggling. You angels better do something quick... he's not got much left in him," I snarled the words as I looked back at the trio of archangels before us.

Toroah took a knee next to me and pushed a palm to Alex's chest, his blue eyes widening as he gasped. "By the gods... these wounds..."

"What?!" Gloria practically sobbed the words, reaching out and grabbing Toraha's arm. "Be impressed later, heal my wolf!"

The rabbit shook his head and looked back to Ichiro, "Can you look at him?"

With a huff of effort, the large dog took a knee and moved his fingertips over the bloody wounds. "Gods... poor thing... so it's true. Wounds inflicted by greater spirits cannot be mended with our powers, not even mine."

Gloria blinked her tear-filled eyes and shook her head. "No... No! I refuse to lose him, do something! I've given and sacrificed dutifully, gods let me be selfish and keep him!"

Toroah gritted his teeth and looked away, "Gloria... he's a noble wolf. All I can do is ensure he is welcomed into our ranks after he passes."

My mother frowned and gave the retriever a frown. "Gloria, please. Let us pray now for-"

"No! I won't! I can't... I-" She pushed her fingers to his throat, shaking her head. "Please love... stay with me... I don't want to lose you..."

"You won't lose him, you'd see him again within a few years if he accepts the call," Ichiro spoke out gently.

"And to what end?! He'll not remember me, Alice, Sarnai, or any of us!" Gloria lifted her ears and gave a sharp panicked bark. "O-Oh gods... his heart stopped... Do something, gods!" She cried out, then shifted her panicked gaze to me, tears flowing as she grabbed my shoulders. "Sarnai! For the love of the gods! Please... do something!"

I winced from the grip and shook my head as I thought furiously, what could I do? I was no angel, I had no healing powers. He was a lycanthrope, they couldn't even be turned, their cursed blood would-

I squeezed her hands and frowned, "Gloria... I can try to... well-" I set my jaw and looked down at the wolf, my brother in the family, the one I spared all those years ago. A snarl filled my throat as I met the angel's eyes, knowing time was running out. "Normally a lycanthrope's curse will not allow them to turn, but with Alice's influence... I can try, but I can't be sure it-"

"Gloria! He will ascend as a hero and mighty warrior, do not condemn him upon ascension. You will meet again!" Ichiro spoke the words sternly to the retriever as she shuddered at the position she was in.

I frowned and shook my head, "I can't make this decision for him, it has to be you, you're the closest one to him, only you and Alice have the right to choose."

"Gloria, this... this is not your decision to make." Toroah frowned as he pushed a hand to his own chest. "Let nature run it's-"

"To hell with nature!" Gloria screamed the words at the group of angels, then shot her eyes back to mine, a hard glare in them. "Do it!"

I quickly moved over the wolf and gnashed my wrist open on my tooth, all of the celestials but Gloria turning their heads away, even my mother. I thought it was to avert their eyes to the act I was about to commit, but it had nothing to do with me.

Pulling a mouthful of my own cursed blood from my wrist, I moved over the wolf and shoved my lips to his own, forcing the blood down his throat. I parted and pulled another mouthful from my wrist, then a third. It usually only took a few sips to turn a creature, but I wanted to hedge my bets.

"Come on you stupid dog! I didn't save you back then to see you die now!" I hissed the words and shoved my fingers to his throat. The seconds passed like hours, then my ears sprang up as I felt a heavy violent thrum of his heart give a few beats, then shudder as It halted again. I snapped my teeth together, ready for what would happen next.

"Gloria I think-" I looked up, my eyes widening as she sat there on her knees looking over the wolf, her wings now the color of my hair, solid black like Charlotte's had been all those years ago. I realized in that moment why the other celestials had averted their gaze. It wasn't watching me turn Alex, it was watching their sister fully fall in the eyes of the gods.

I had planned to knock Alex out as soon as he came to, but the distraction of Gloria's wings left me open. The wolf snapped his eyes open with a snarl, his pupils now blood red. I gave a bark as he grabbed my throat and threw me off him. I hadn't even righted myself and gotten to my feet before he had climbed and shifted right before my eyes, his wounds healing within moments.

His form had changed, it was no longer the brown coat it had before, the fur was solid black like my own, but had eerie wisps of black and red flames rolling off it. Gloria called out to him and the other angels prepared themselves before I thrust a hand out. "Stay away from him. This is something that needs to happen between us!"

The massive werewolf howled in challenge and dove upon me. His speed was already faster and I could feel his overwhelming strength had magnified. For better or worse, he was a hell of a lot more formidable now.

Maybe it was the fact I had been nearly beaten to death or the fact I had given up a lot of my blood to save the wolf, but I was having a lot of trouble keeping up with him. He blurred and slashed his claws at speeds I didn't think were possible for one of his kind, all the while his red eyes burned with fury. I can't say I blamed him, I'm sure his primal form knew deep down what I had truly done to him.

We did our little martial dance, me dodging, him striking for several moments until I found an opening and took it. I leaped up as he lunged forward, then swung my heel in a heavy downward drop, slamming into his head as I dropped him to the ground. Unlike the last time, he hit with a massive amount of force but started to pick himself up. I growled and kicked the side of his head again as the wolf barked out and collapsed fully on the ground.

I panted heavily even though I didn't need to draw the breath. I was winded, aching, and even my very soul was shaken over the revelations of today. I may as well have been a puppy before her and apparently, she wasn't even at her full strength. I collapsed on my backside, frowning as I watched the wolf revert back to his normal state, Gloria rushing to him.

With a frown, I looked over my shoulders at the group of angels. "If you're planning to hunt me and her down over this, now's your chance. I don't think I could put up much of a fight." I clenched my jaw and hissed through my teeth, "And if what Triallia said would be true, it sounds like killing me would be doing me a kindness at this point."

"My pup... I know you did what you thought was right in the moment." Rachel called out to me gently as she knelt beside me.

"She made a good dog into an abomination," Samantha sneered the words in response.

"You know... I think I've still got enough in the tank to kick your ass, cow. Lets' go." I growled the words as I shot the bovine a glare.

"Ladies, please..." Toroah spoke out gently as I and Samanth glared at one another. "We have bigger concerns than squabbling amongst ourselves, a truly fearsome power will be descending upon us in the months to come."

I grunted and nodded at Gloria, she had Alex's head in her lap, stroking his head while she held him. "What's up with her wings? I'm the one that turned him, not her."

Ichiro spoke out pointedly, "She was the beacon of light that guided his fate. She chose to drag him down rather than let him rise up to divinity, all for her own selfish-"

"Hey Ichiro, have you ever loved someone enough to give up everything for them?" I cut him off with a growl as I spoke.

The saint bernard gave me a slow calculated look before he spoke out, "Centuries ago perhaps."

"A mile in their shoes then. You celestials would do well to be less judgemental. Had he not shown up, me and Gloria would be dead, though... by the look all of you had, it seems she might as well be in your eyes." I snarled the words as I slowly found my feet again, my knees shaking as I moved over towards Gloria. "Come on... Let's get home before the sun rises and I burst into flames."

The fallen angel gave me a sad nod before looking back over the other four celestials. All of them, even my mother gave her a sad frown but said nothing. Gloria tilted her head as she spoke out gently, "I do not regret my decision. I would do it again for him, or any of my family."

Toroah reached a hand out as he spoke to her, "Gloria... fallen or not, I know you're a good-"

"You're wrong, Toroah." She cut him off and looked down upon Alex as she stroked the wolf's brown hair. "I am selfish and frightened of losing that which is mine... These wings show that not even the gods will forgive me now. I care not though, I'd let my wings and heart turn as black as the coldest darkest night before I'd see harm to my family."

The retriever gave me a hard look, then looked back to the other angels, "Never again... I'll become strong enough to protect everyone, my flock, and my family, even the estranged ones. With or without the gods blessings."

"Come on big guy, up you go." I slapped the wolf on the cheek a few times, Alex groaning as he furrowed his brow and blinked up at me, his eyes going wide and darting around, no doubt confused by the changes in his perception from turning.

"Keep your eyes closed for now, just lean on me. I'll explain everything when we're home." I spoke gently to him as the wolf slowly found his feet, nodding as he shut his eyes and threw an arm over my shoulder.

Gloria tucked herself under his other arm as we helped him along to a nearby car that was still intact and about to get hotwired by me. My mother called out to me, "Take care of yourself my pup, I'll be in touch soon, in touch with you, Gloria, and Alex."

I gave my mother a nod then looked back to the rest of the angels, "Hey... for what it's worth? I appreciate the save, so uh... go with your gods in good faith and all that, okay?"

The trio of archangels and the high bishop gave me a bow as they simply faded from sight.

"I'm getting the oddest sensation of deja-vu here," Alex huffed the words while leaning against the bars of the cage he was in, looking upon Alice and Katrina before him. I and Gloria were in the room standing to the side, along with Elias.

"I should have come with Toroah..." Elias snarled the words as he shook his head.

"Darling, you couldn't do anything about where you were, and it's not like they can bring passengers on their little gate trips, you know those are single occupancy only," I spoke the words as I leaned back into his chest, his arms wrapped around me, a constant flow of his energy filling my aching form.

"Still..." Elias growled and held me closer, I could feel him shudder at the idea of having almost lost me. I couldn't blame him, I'd never been so thoroughly thrashed around and she wasn't even really trying.

Gloria stood there, staring hard upon the wolf, her blue eyes fierce-looking as she scowled. "I understand your concerns lord-brother. We must all get stronger and we've no time to do it in. I never imagined... I've cost my lover something so dear, and without his consent."

Alex lifted his ears and looked over towards Gloria, "Love, I can hear better now you know? I'm still in shock but... I'm not upset at you and besides... maybe this is a good thing?"

Katrina folded her arms and frowned, giving the wolf a nod. "I agree, I think it is a good thing."

"Why do you say that, love?" Alice tilted her head, looking at Katrina out of the corner of her eye.

"I won't... have to say goodbye now," Alex spoke the words solemnly and the room grew quiet.

Elias broke the silence after several moments of it. "He's not wrong, we all knew he didn't share the lifespans we do. Alex's lycanthropy helped conceal his age very well to our eyes, but he's over ninety years old. The reality was, he didn't have a lot left if you look at the averages of most lycanthropes."

"Oh ho... that is a fair point my husband. You might have had thirty years left at best." I barked the words, feeling a spark of hope in me to know I may have done the wolf a service in my own twisted way.

Alex gave me a sad smile as he put a hand to his chest. "Probably more like five to ten. I had felt my body starting to give out, I've put it through hell over my lifetime and I'd already had a few heart attacks over the last couple of years."

"What?!" Alice and Gloria both barked out sharply, giving the wolf furious glares.

"Alex! How dare you keep something like this from us!" Gloria stormed over to him, black wings ruffling out and flapping as she stomped.

"Seriously, you ass! Don't you think me and Gloria should have known?" Alice scowled and folded her own arms, glaring upon the wolf in the cage.

"Looks like you're in the dog house now, buddy." Katrina hummed the words but I saw the look of concern in her eyes. I knew how close her and Alex were, she was probably also coming to terms with how close they had been to losing him.

"Look... what was I going to say? It's not like there's a werewolf hospital and my lycanthropy kept my ticker running through the hiccups." He frowned and shrugged. "I was the only mortal in the club, I didn't want to bother all of you with my issues. It already broke my heart to know I would hurt everyone when I went."

"I'm glad you don't hate me for what I've done, Alex," I spoke out gently and pushed off Elias's chest.

"Again, I'm still coming to grips with things, but right now I feel great. I'm not sure how my pack will handle this, but I'll cross that bridge when it comes." He folded his ears and looked between Alice and Gloria. "And for better or worse, we'll be able to be together longer now."

"One can hope..." I growled the words as I pushed from the room, leaving everyone behind as I stepped through the hall. I felt a presence a few moments later but kept walking, moving out to the foyer. Once on the grass outside, I simply leaped upwards onto the roof of the mansion.

As I took a seat facing the city in the distance, I felt Alice move up behind me. "You didn't mean to avoid me did you?"

"Nay, had I wanted that I'd have simply told you to piss off." I patted the rooftop next to me.

Alice took a seat next to me, her shoulder bumping mine before her head laid against me, her long white ears brushing my cheek as we stared into the distance. I eventually slid my arm around her, holding her close, trying to calm the anxiety in my heart and relish this time with her.

"It was pretty bad, huh?" She called out after a few more minutes of silence.

"She damn near killed me, and she wasn't even trying... I was burning at full power and couldn't even keep up with her movements." I sighed and shook my head.

"Were you scared?" She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, sitting up off me.

"Absolutely, but not over her threats towards me or my life. I was terrified of... what would happen to you and my other loved ones." I set my jaw, feeling a chill run down my spine as I recalled her looming over me with her flaming paw in my face. I'd not felt so helpless since I had been a mortal, yet here I was, shaken to my very core.

"Sarnai... it's been a year now. Do you love me?" The rabbit spoke the words as she casually stood from her seat.

"Of course I do Alice. I love all of my family, but especially so for you, Katrina, Elias, and Lorelai. I've told you as such many times," I huffed the words as I looked up at her while she put her hands behind her back, clasping them.

"That fateful night, heck even our first meeting. I felt the way you do now, you know?" She spoke the words, giving me a sad smile.

"You felt overwhelmed by my power?" I tilted my head curiously.

"Maybe not at first, but Lorelai quickly brought me to reality. Even that night we squared off here. I could tell you were holding back some and even then I was no match." She sighed and shook her head, her floppy ears wobbling slightly to the movement.

"I'm not sure I follow, love." I frowned, thinking back to those days.

Alice tapped her finger on her head. "Strength only gets you so far. If you can't win fairly; lie, cheat, and steal. You were a pirate love, isn't this how things worked then?"

I lifted my ears as she continued. "I don't know a lot about ships, but I'm sure yours was small and fast, usually against things that would have sunk it in one volley, yes?"

"Indeed... We didn't brute force them, we outmaneuvered them." I growled the words, rubbing my chin in thought. "You're saying if I can't match her power, out-think her."

"Like chess, think a few moves ahead. She's an ancient creature, you know all too well the older you get, the harder it is to think objectively and outside the box." The rabbit tapped her own nose and gave me a smile.

I set my jaw and gave her a nod. "Yes... know your enemy and all that." I shifted my gaze to the city as I clicked my tongue, "Looks like I've got to make a visit to the magi circle."

Alice pushed to my back and hugged me before speaking out, "You mean we need to make a visit. This isn't your problem alone, love. I'm overdue to see Kazemde anyway."

The grin on my face couldn't help but show as I felt her push her will into me, comforting me and trying to fill me with confidence, but even I could feel her own concerns. I was centuries old and one of the most powerful of our kind, I could only imagine how she felt. Chimera or not, she was young.

My gaze grew distant as it dawned on me. Triallia was specifically seeking out Alice in that attack. I swallowed a lump in my throat and set my jaw, a growl bubbling in my throat. Like hell she'd hurt my rabbit, I swore there at that moment, spirit, god, or whatever she was, she'd not have her way, I'd protect my friends and family, no matter the cost.

It was hard to avoid you seeing my injuries or the big how to do of Alex now being turned. You had been with us for nearly half a year and even longer before I sired you, so I decided it was only fair to bring you into the loop of what had transpired. I watched your various expressions as I told you of the ordeal, shock, fear, concern, and then a glint of furious rage in your eyes.

I showed you a small smile as I spoke with amusement, "Ah, like staring into the mirror. That furious rage that now burns in your soul, I can see the flames starting to roll along your clenched fists. You have inherited more than my fires, my child."

My hand rested on your own, squeezing it as I gave a resolute nod. "Rest assured, you are safe with me and I am safe as well." I saw the relief in your eyes as I stared hard into them, giving a nod. I would find a way, I had to find a way, I simply had no other course to sail at this point.

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