When stripes and spots meet
So the lovely https://www.furaffinity.net/user/vicdaleopard/ allowed me to use his leopard in this story featuring my liger Disco. I had a lot of fun experimenting a few things in this one and you should check his gallery out, it has some pretty beautiful stuff.
What happens when a smug and handsome leopard crosses ways with an equally smug and dominant liger? Some good things I can tell you that much.
When stripes and spots meet
Disclaimer: This story contains explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, alongside other kinks which may not be of your liking. If this isn't your cup of tea, I suggest you go look for another tea store or read some of my other work. Otherwise, have a good read.
'Summer...such a lovely season is what people say all the time, you can go to the beach and enjoy sunbathing or just enjoy some nice family bonding...but not when the sun is threatening to cook you alive.' That was what the black leopard thought as he looked at his clock and nodding as he had reached his goal and smiling as he saw the gym he frequented was close by.
Pressing a towel on his head as he entered, Vic gave a pleased sigh as He finished his morning jog. Being greeted by the wolf who worked at the desk, he gave a small wink as he saw the canine staring a little at his chest. "Hot day today Vic?"
"Yup, I went through a shortcut this time to get here but I'll spend some extra time on the treadmill...also I think you're feeling hot for other reasons now." The feline pointed to the hint of red the wolf had on his face which he knew was from how the leopard was currently. Having run with the hot sun out, his shirt had already become quite see-through but as much as he liked some of the attention, he wasn't about to use a damp shirt like that to continue working out.
"oh yeah, a new guy arrived yesterday, he might come by again today, I heard he is a trainer, maybe you can talk to him." Now that interested him, he had been looking for someone to at least help change his routine a little and who knows, maybe this new guy might actually be a cutie he makes a move on.
Once he had arrived at the locker room, he took everything off showing no shame, there wasn't anyone to see him at that moment but he still enjoyed thinking someone might come in just to take a look, maybe he should work out shirtless today. He wondered if he would get any wolf whistles if he did that.
The tinkering sound a padlock and a shadow appearing by his side caught his attention before he saw something he wasn't expecting. A liger and a big one at that, he was a good foot taller than Vic, his fur a soft cream shade much similar to an ice cream scoop. Taking a better look at his face, he saw that some of his stripes also went to his mane and what a mane it was, fluffy, well kept and it didn't stop at just his head, the fur also going to his chest. Was this the new guy who had arrived?
"Oh good morning to you, I believe you're Vic right? I heard you were looking for someone to help you today."...Oh. He had a British accent and it fit him rather well, his voice was somewhat deep. When the liger started taking his shirt off, Vic took the opportunity to give him a look over, he has a rather muscular build much like the leopard, his mane ending with a tuft between those pecs, it certainly was a nice sight but what he really wanted to check out was low-
When Vic had looked down, the liger had managed to slip out of his shirt, causing his whole lower half to wiggle. Now that Vic was looking directly at it, he had to blink slightly as he watched the front of the liger's shorts wobble slightly with his motions, making his mind wander a bit before snapping back to himself...' No, it can't be.'
"I'm Disco, I'm a personal trainer but I've been giving lessons for free recently." The friendly feline said as he finished changing his shirt and took notice of the distracted look Vic had.
"Huh? But why? I'm sure you could get a few customers here." Vic answered back
"That might be true mate but I prefer interacting with people, in reality, training people is a hobby of mine even if I do have a diploma from completing classes to be a personal trainer." Disco said in a much softer tone as he gave a pat on the leopard's shoulder and other patrons had started flooding the room. As expected, he got quite a few glances but he wasn't exactly paying attention to that, he was more focused of distracting himself from the sight he had witnessed.
"Then I'll take you up on that offer, how about we do some cardio exercises?" The two talked as they made their way towards the main area of the gym and Vic had almost gotten his mind off from earlier...if it wasn't for what happened next.
As the two of them were turning around the corner, Disco ended up bumping against another gym patron and unfortunately for him, the bear ended up spilling his water over the larger feline's shorts. "Ah sorry man, I have spare shorts in my locker but they might not fit you."
"Don't worry, I read the gym policy and as long as the underwear covers enough we can work out with just them right." It took perhaps a second for Vic to realize what that meant and he didn't know if he was happy, excited or perhaps a combination of both. As soon as his hand pulled the wet shorts down Vic was even more surprised than before. His eyes glanced down the large bulge he had noticed earlier, and now here, where he could get a much closer look. Sure enough, there was a decent-sized shape in those jocks, the outline of his package showing through the fabric. 'No way'... Vic thought to himself, not noticing how he was starting to stare.' Th-there's no way....he can't be that big....can he?' and then it hit him...he probably was still soft under the tight confines of his underwear.
Disco gave an amused chuckle as he pat the bear's shoulder giving just enough time for Vic to recompose himself...as much as he could at least."Sorry for the small distraction mate, shall we continue?" Vic nodded as he saw the bear was just as shocked as he was and walked forward to start.
Having told his new friend about wanting to at least use the treadmill, the liger helped him set up a good timer and speed, his earlier comment about having taken classes proving quite true as he went on about different workout routines, which Vic would have listened with more attention if he wasn't distracted by the fact every time the liger moved his bulge would bounce and move, it was almost mouth-watering seeing the hefty package move in such a way...and it was so close too.
At least he was able to keep up with the speed the two had agreed on, each beep had him making more and more effort slowly but surely feeling his legs work themselves to that burn from exercise. It was instinct for him to show off even if it was just a little, if only he knew what that was instigating...and soon he found out
"I haven't had fun being in a gym in a while, I think it has been maybe a week or more?" Disco spoke as he kept a watch on the leopard's form, his gaze changing as Vic focused on the exercise. When the leopard started wondering why the liger was silent, he turned around while lowering the speed and that's when he really began to feel hot...but not from the heat.
The way he stared at him was predatory; someone that knew what he wanted and how to take it. Those types were dangerous. However, Vic knew they were also the most fun. When the leopard felt his legs starting to tire a little, he stopped and looked back to see the liger lick his lips showing that long tongue and fierce look before it went back to the more good-natured one...but he hadn't stopped staring at what he wanted.
It went on for a few more sessions that day, Disco made sure to help Vic get a proper workout while at the same time giving the leopard more and more to imagine, he didn't just make his member shake in that pouch, he sometimes groped and squeezed it while still keeping it soft, only making the leopard wonder how it would look fully hard, he had managed to see most of that thick cock through the fabric as the day went on.
By the end of the day the two had managed to go through a handful of sets, their shirts far with sweat to the point one could see the outline of their pectorals against the fabric easily. Vic panted as he caught his breath and the liger let out a pleased sigh with a smile. "I have to admit you've done an excellent job today, I'm impressed...now we should probably go shower, it's getting late and there is something I'd like to show you."
The leopard nodded, missing the rather mischievous tone Disco had that time as he sat down on the mat as his feline friend made his way towards the locker room. He had to admit, he had enjoyed himself, looking at the liger had given him quite the drive to work out even if at some points he had almost made fool out of himself by missing the point of the workout and his new friend had proven himself to be quite the energetic fellow.
Once he had enough rest he got up and went to see what was it that Disco wanted to show him. When the leopard entered the room, he hadn't seen his friend anywhere, even his locker was closed, maybe he was showering already? He thought about where he could have gone before he heard the feline speak behind him.
"I have to say, it was hard holding back until now but I don't think I'm wrong to believe you also want this." A hand went inside the leopard's pants and grabbed a handful of his ass, but it wasn't any kind of groping, just like the liger's gaze before, it was a fierce and dominant squeeze that made Vic let out a gasp.
When he turned around in reaction to that, Disco put a hand on his chest and then dragged his hand up to caress Vic's cheek and make him look up. Given their difference in height it was quite the intimidating pose yet Vic couldn't get enough, and the best thing was that with how close the two were, their bulges were pressed against it each other.
"At first I thought it was just you being impressed by my build...but with all the looks you've given me today...safe to say you're interested." Vic didn't even have time to react, the rough pressing of their bulges made him gasp but it was quickly shut off but the liger's lips. At the same time he also grabbed the leopard's cheeks again, each on one hand and pulled the apart really making Vic moan into their kiss. Fiercely pressing forward with such strength Vic's back was against the locker's in no time, the liger sharing a deep growl of lust as the leopard moaned.
Vic could feel his own member growing hard in his pants and the liger was much the same, he wanted to look down but Disco hadn't given him any opportunities yet but he knew before the end of the day he would get much more close to it than he was a few hours ago. In just a few seconds it had turned into a rather aggressive pressing of their lips but none of the two would dare stop it, the bliss that came from it was far too great.
He had fallen so deep into the kiss he hadn't realized Disco pulled their pants down, and now their dripping members were pressing against each other, the liger's member towering over Vic's own. Finally the two pulled back with one last press of their lips, still rather Dazed, Vic took a moment to process what he was seeing.
There, right in front of him, sat the liger. He gave a small lick of lips showing those fangs and the look of lust he seemed to pull off so well and finally he saw what he was so curious about. It looked like Disco had two grapefruits for his balls which hung low and swung from one side to the other like a pendulum, his shaft however was whole different story, the massive pair of balls certainly matched the throbbing pulsing 'monster' he sported, 7...8 inches? And how thick was that thing. This was one of the biggest dicks he had ever seen and he was there not knowing what to say...but there was nothing to say, rather there was something he needed to do.
"I like saving up for a week or two before I make a move on anyone go out to a club to have fun and I have to say...I only saw you today but you've got one hell of backside mate." The liger grinned as he saw the leopard approach.
"T-Thanks, you've got a nice-" Disco cut him off by giving a quick pull to the back of his head, roughly shoving the feline muzzle deeper into his loins. "I've got what? A big pair of full and ready to burst balls? A big and girthy dick that is gonna stretch you?" He accentuated his words with another rough shove against the back of the feline's head so he could feel just how big his assets were.
Vic mind was still somewhat in shock but his body reacted in the way he would want...the way he needed to act seeing such a member. His tongue went into motion almost instantly. He lapped over the cream-furred balls without even thinking about it, and in the process, obtained a true idea of just how big those orbs actually were. With a slurp, he pulled his tongue away from one and moved to the other, the surface area of the feline sack being so big that he had to physically move his head. Then dragging his tongue up the entire length of the liger's member he got a few pleased grunts to tell him he was doing a good job.
"Suck on them a little, it helps me get started." Immediately he went to attempt it, the tone of the command couldn't be any more straightforward. Opening his muzzle while pressing low again, he attempted to get one of them in his mouth doing his best to suck on the full and soft orbs he could feel it churning with what he could only imagine was a load big enough to justify its immense size. He couldn't quite see the liger past that monster of cock but he could feel the bigger feline's gaze of devious intent.
I might have trouble getting up tomorrow after this.
The constant attention to one of his balls alone had gotten him to leak quite a lot, the leopard feeling it drop on his hair and his thought were then clouded on how it would taste. "I want to taste it." He said as the liger chuckled and pulled Vic so he was with the tip pressed right against his lips, and he couldn't help but let out a bit of a whimper. "I know the look of someone who wants to suck on my cock and you're far beyond that now." Already was Vic trying to get the head inside with his tail lashing out in excitement from taking such a huge cock in his mouth.
It was a challenge getting his muzzle around something so large, but the struggle was worth it as he watched Disco's eyes close focusing the pleasure. Vic on the other hand, fought back his gag reflex as the liger pushed more of that heavy cock into his already stretched muzzle, the tip prodding at the back of his throat as he struggled to swallow around it. "Ngh..." he gurgled, trying to gulp, feeling the first sticky shots of the feline's precum flooding his taste buds. His ears were filled with the pulse of his rapidly beating heart as he sucked off such a powerful shaft, nearly drowning out the sounds of Disco's panting and soft whimpers.
The liger wasn't above reward the leopard however, as he caressed the side of Vic face again."You've got a really handsome face now that I really look at it, that must be why it will feel so good to do this." That comment in particular had the liger leak quite the amount of precum down Vic's throat again, just like before that enticed him to go lower and taste more.
Pulling back and then going down, the two worked a small rhythm so it would be easier to take it but Disco had other plans for him. Pulling out so his member came out with a *pop* sound followed by some coughing from the leopard, he showed just how strong he was by grabbing a hold of Vic's waist and pulling up so the leopard was upside down while still within perfect reach of the liger's member. Disco on the other hand was presented with a sight he always loved to see, a well-worked ass that he knew could take a good pounding.
Vic, attempting to go back to his work, smoothly licked upwards again but loudly gasped as Disco licked his hole, his long tongue already was managing to dig its way inside and really getting the leopard to growl and moan out his pleasure, he wasn't plain with his moves, he licked, pressed on, nibble and then went deeper each in sequence creating a good pace of preparing that nicely shaped butt.
When the flexible muscle finally entered him, it gave just enough time for Disco to thrust up and get inside the warm confines of the skilled leopard muzzle. No matter how many times he did it, it was always a whole different experience to have a big dick deep in your throat and the liger was determined to test Vic's limits. Wiggling and pushing deeper, the liger helped him relax as the two tasted each other with much more intensity than before.
'Ngh! Not only does he have a big dick but his tongue too, I've never had such a massive tongue in me.' But even that didn't stop him from giving that cock what it deserved...besides he wanted to get it lubed as much as possible before the two got to the real fun. Every time he pressed his muzzle right between those delicious and soft asscheeks, he would pull his tongue out, pressing his nose to the base of the leopard's tail then back his lips back to the cat's rim. Another kiss, and then he was taking great long drags of his tongue all over that cushy butt, pressing so hard he was getting his tongue inside even with just flat pressing of it. He wouldn't dream of sparing any effort for such a tasty ass.
On the other hand, Vic couldn't quite focus on his task. The liger went down and acted like a hungry beast having a banquet, even while he sucked he could hear the wet sounds of his friend going deeper and nibbling at the soft flesh of his butt. Kneading, toying, and squishing then for a moment he pulled back and stopped, Vic thinking he would be given a moment of rest, he tried to catch his breath before he moaned around the big rod again as the liger licked across his hoe again and wiggled his tongue back inside, keeping his firm grip around Vic's waist then fully spreading those cheeks to dig in, drawing circles and shapes all around and then inside the leopard's tailhole.
"You've really got a tasty piece of ass here, I could do this for hours." He stopped for a moment to push a few more inches inside the moaning leopard muzzle before diving back in. No matter how much Vic sucked, slurped or put attention to that shaft, it couldn't break the focus his friend had on preparing him, he was starting to get afraid he'd cum too early. So he sucked as hard he could, Vic had a feeling that maybe attempting a more rough approach with his treatment might just be a good idea, if the liger was going to give him a pounding, he surely could take a little bold move.
Going forward with his plans, Vic rolled the full orbs on his hands while he wrapped his tongue around the middle of the shaft and pulled back, finally earning a groan from his friend and he managed to slurp all over it in a swift motion, making the liger push up but this time he took the generous amount of pre and cock down his throat much more easily, he was rather proud of himself knowing he had so easily gotten used to that huge dick. With one last deep, wet, and powerful lick and suck, he pulled back spreading Vic's cheeks to appreciate his work barely holding himself from doing more.
"I hope you've done a fine job at lubing me up, but from the way I feel now, I think you did." Vic whined as he was pulled away from that shaft, he had been enjoying it's taste and shape so much he hadn't noticed how needy he turned. The leopard's member was dripping almost just as much as the liger was, but his mind being so distracted had prevented him from reaching orgasm too early.
Still keeping a good hold on Vic, Disco positioned the leopard just above his hard throbbing member. It being lubbed by copious amounts of precum and a nice coating of the leopard's own spit, it shined under the locker room lights. He pressed down but never quite penetrated the feline as he teased him while whispering to him. "You know what I'm about to do to you?"
"You're...going to fuck me until I'm begging for more?" The liger let out a deep short laugh with a devious and mischievous smirk on his face.
"That's only the beginning, I'm not just going to fuck you, I'm going to push this deep inside you until you can feel every inch of it before I cum and fill your belly with so much you'll be leaking enough for me to appreciate my work, then I'll stretch you just a little more after that and when I'm done you're going to clean it as a thank you for everything it has done to you." That was the last thing he said before he really started pushing Vic down and enter him for the first time. "You're such a handsome one, I'm going to enjoy seeing the faces you make."
'H-Holy shit!' It was such a drastic change from the good, polite and well mannered British liger to someone who dominated Vic in such a way he didn't even want to fight back...he didn't need to, even with that rough and dominant personality, he knew his friend wished to cause him no harm aside from a very stretched hole, which he had no complains about.
"Does it make you feel hot? Knowing one of the biggest dicks you'll find out there is about to ravish you and you're going to love it?" With a little work, not only did he find the perfect spot to really get the noises he wanted out of Vic but also reaching the steady pace he always liked when getting inside someone. If there was one thing he enjoyed was dominating someone and a cat like Vic was such a rare treat for him, the leopard didn't even hesitate as he forced their lips together again in a kiss, going straight to the point and pressing his tongue deep as his own cock went deeper inside the leopard."Y-Yes, gosh you're so big." Vic whimpered. Feeling his tight warm tunnel wrap around the needy cock, Disco's hips thrust and pumped as he got deeper into that welcoming tunnel, determined to get himself inside the stretching passage no matter the cost.
A particular pressure against his abdomen made him look down as his eager friend finally managed to hilt inside him, even in the middle of their heated kiss, he was able to look down just enough to see a small bump in his belly.'N-No way...he actually got deep enough to...'. Knowing why Vic had such a reaction, he flexed his member making the leopard moan again as it ground against every sensitive spot inside him.
"You see that? You're one of the first ones to be able to take me like this...just imagine how it will look when I cum in you, I'll make sure to put it all inside you." Even if the liger hadn't cum yet, he felt as if someone had already cum in him with how much pre he had been putting out, he still managed to put up that same smug smirk he liked to have when showing off. "Then go ahead and do it, I can take it."
Disco couldn't be happier with that answer, nodding at it and then pulling back a little only to drive it back inside. That alone sent an electric tingle of pleasure through Vic that made him feel numb for a second before another one came through and so on. He could feel his friend's chest go up and down as he pressed against it and their lips separated. Their lusty fury made working up momentum rather easily, Vic could feel his body already getting used to the rather rough pace. There was no lack of experience there. He knew just how to move his hips, how to stay steady and strong and most important of all, how to hit a man's pleasure spots.
"Do you have any idea how you look right now? How you feel? A big muscular predator like you, submitting to me and moaning like you're in heat...do you understand how much that makes me want to ravish you and cum until you can't walk straight in the next morning."He teased the leopard again. They kept on like that for a while, they roared, moaned and growled lost in their lust and desire to indulge on each other's body. Using those stimulating movement to grind against him with every single movement, to the point Disco started panting as he struggled a little to keep up the pace by supporting the leopard. But having worked on his legs enough, Vic managed to help him by using his own legs to somewhat start hiding the liger. Even then, Disco did most of the work with his arms."If that's what you want to do, then do it, go ahead and show what this breeding tool of yours can do." Was the last thing he said before he reached his limit.
The last thing he expected was to cum without feeling his orgasm approach. He looked up into the liger's face. He watched those teeth gleaming, the pleasant mating snarl on the Disc's face so endearing to look at. Grinding at the spots that put so much pleasure through him, those plump liger balls were still spanking him, and that cock was still spurting pre deep inside of him. It was all enough to set him over the edge with quite the release, leaving him roaring orgasm seized control of his body, possessing him from within with a pleasure that started from his taint and prostate, and worked all the way up through his body, cumming from feeling of that cock pounding his ass alone.
"There we go, just like that."The spurts coming at such strong gushes that it hit his and Disco's chest, coating the black-furred muscles and parts of the cream furred liger. The afterglow not quite reaching him yet as his own orgasm had a rather strong effect on his friend. Putting some of his last strength into thrust that felt similar to a jackhammer on the leopard's prostate, it was almost an assault to it. He could feel the cock inside him start hardening to that one state it got when someone was about to burst deep inside him.
"You're going to..." He knew what was approaching, but with his body being pounded so thoroughly, he didn't even know why spoke in such a way. Then those well timed and skilled thrust came to a halt with a deep growl that felt lackluster for feline like the liger before he let out a roar. The heavy, large sized balls pulled up tight he began to unload thick, powerful spurts of cum deep inside his leopard friend." I told you...you're taking every single drop until you're leaking all the way until next week."Each spurt was so potent that by the second one he couldn't quite process the warmth that filled him, he didn't know how many gushes it took but the small bump he had seem before from the liger hilting had become bigger, rounder and softer, serving to show that his earlier comment about saving up was no joke.
It was impossible to ignore the feeling he felt, curiosity or shock making him bring his hand down to rub it and feel it. With his entrance already having reached its limit, started leaking some of the cum but most of it was kept inside, plugged by the large-sized member that still throbbed and spurted inside him even if it was just a little.
"Well then I guess you really are a rare treat, took everything like you said you would." The liger jokingly as Vic still seemed rather impressed by such a large output. He gave a small series of gasp as Disco playfully bounced him while squeezing his ass. After a minute or two of resting, he then gripped under those well-toned thighs and pulling the leopard off his cock. Vic couldn't help but whine as he felt it leave his body, even with it softening he could feel every inch slide out.
He was expecting to have much strength on legs given the situation, however he couldn't even stand up properly and almost fell on the floor, having to settle for a position of supporting himself on his arms and without knowing, leaving his tail on the side as if he was presenting his well stretched and filled hole to his friend. Deciding to take the opportunity to have a little more fun he grabbed both of those cheeks and playfully spread them as Vic almost thought they would attempt a second round.
"Don't worry, as much as I'd like to go at this fine piece of ass again, I actually have to leave for today, c'mon I'll help you to the showers." He wasn't at all surprised when the liger managed to lift him up again, causing some of the cum inside him to slosh and leak alongside a reflexive clench of his hole, he didn't even have chance to gasp as his lips were taken again while he carried the leopard, that long skillful tongue again made him squirm.
After that Vic was rather surprised by the rather calm nature his friend had, then again the two of them did have quite the pleasurable moment, so maybe the rather pleasant afterglow had made him act like a cat with a good brand of catnip. It was nice in a way, being able to see the gentler side as the two shared a shower, Vic even managing to help him clean that luscious and soft mane...it really wasn't for show after all.
On the other hand, the liger playfully touched around Vic's own body and even squeezed it a few times, it took the two a bit of time but soon they had managed to clean themselves. It was when they had finished putting on their clothes that he wondered what would happen next, sure the liger had given him quite the experience but would he even want to do it again? Again as if he could read the leopard's thoughts, Disco reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone.
"So we're sharing our phone numbers with each other right?" He had a small grin on his face.
"W-Well yeah, I guess we'll exercise together again right?"
"Oh we will and I'll start saving up today for next time." Just like it had begun, his friend caressed his face tenderly before pulling Vic closer and kissing him, it was slow, wet and deep, with a passion that he couldn't help but enjoy, embracing each other in a big hug before looking at each other's eyes. "I did say you were one of the best...I want to see what happens if I save for more than a week and how much I can put inside you...I'll be rougher next time."
There it was the same devious smirk and remark but now Vic welcomed it as he nodded with a fierce red on his cheeks, even through his black fur it was possible to see the blush on his face. Their farewell was brief, sweet and helped warm him in that cold night as he saw the cream-colored feline walk away waving.
...now I just need to gather strength to go back home by foot...or maybe a taxi is necessary this time, my legs are killing me.