Untill I find a better name... Part 2

Story by Drakue on SoFurry

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Lone Wolf:


The SECOND story in the Lone Wolf series

By Daniel Lebon


Jayson sat motionless in front of his computer screen, breathing very softly with his eyes half open. The screen continued spewing its blue light onto the wolf's face, the solid colour spotted lightly with blocky grey letters. Jayson knew these letters off by heart now, and he loathed them even more for that.



| Y/N |

And of course, he'd have to press Y. He knew this. But every time he saw that Blue Screen Of Death he just liked to wait, even for a few minutes, to delay the inevitable. Each time he rebooted, he lost all recent data.

Jayson 'The Fuzz' Bradly hated his computer. It was like him, although the similarities did nothing for their relationship, object to owner. It was silver grey on the back, just like him, and it didn't seem to like work, just like him. But it wasn't as old as Jayson, much to his surprise. A sixteen year old computer, he thought, would certainly run faster and smoother than this old heap of blood-pressure raising, frustration creating pile of crap. It was also true that his old Toshiba wasn't a fully grown male Blackheart Timber Wolf, mores the pity.

Jayson sighed.

"Fine, have it your own way..." He said. The screen stared blankly back at him, the small cursor flickering on and off as it made its way to the small grey "Y".

The next day Jayson was walking to his college. He had long since seen the back of Marvel High, even before he was meant to. But this was COLLEGE, this was Different.

A fresh start. No evil bullies. No mysterious fires. No weird dreams and most of all, no more vivid hallucinations.

He heard his name being called.

"Hey Fuzz!!!"

It was Dead Freak. Known to his mother and some of his closer friends as Jonathan, his name originated during high school and seems to have stuck with him since. Jayson had met him just before dropping into college, on some sort of outing to "Improve team spirit". As far as Jayson could remember, it had been Teachers VS Students, and the latter had won.

"Hey, Dead. What're you doing here?" Jayson asked curiously.

"I've come to walk my Wolfie friend to school, silly!" Laughed Dead.

As far as Jayson was aware, Dead Freak was a cross-breed between a racoon and some sort of rabbit. This was mostly guesswork of course, but John's long ears and bushy tail didn't leave much to the imagination. Feeling it to be better polite than correct, Jayson had never thought to ask him specifically. And as far as he was aware, nobody else had, either. Jayson WAS aware, however, that Dead Freak usually took the bus. He pointed this out to his friend as they walked down the frosty mid-winter path.

"Well, yeah, but I thought you might want the company. If that's how you feel, I could just go now." He said jokingly.

"Naah, it's alright, dead. Wouldn't want you to be lonely on this cold, wet, dark morning. Who knows who might want a snack..."

The Bunny hybrid flailed. "Don't joke about that! Besides, if I'm with you I'm MORE likely to be eaten. You're not exactly well-insulated, are you?"

This was technically correct. Jayson hunched his shoulders most of the time, and often wore large, bulky coats and sweaters to mask just how thin he was from everyone. It'd only cause an unnecessary bother, he thought. He couldn't eat too much anyway, for two reasons. The first was the one he told people who asked. "I don't want to get fat" he told them,

"I'd rather not wake up one day at 500 pounds and unable to move from my bed."

The other reason was quite simple. Jayson had tried on a few occasions to eat enough to satisfy his stomach, but it always, always led to horrible stomach cramps and awful pain for hours afterwards. These, he reasoned, were perfect reasons he didn't eat more than he needed to stay active and alive.

"Yeah, well... I might have been waiting for a good bunny meal." He giggled.

As Jayson and his friend walked through the main gates to the campus they both stopped and looked up at the large building to the left. It was breathtaking.

Each wall was made of orange-yellow bricks, except the top half of the walls, which were red. Every five feet or so, a window broke the line of contrasting colours with dark black of insulated glass. They were not what drew the eye the most, however. Above the bricks, the metal-blue roof and the grey top of the huge building, was a spire.

From the look of it, it was quite old. The ugly stone faces carved around its arches were worn away, and the roof itself looked rather kicked-in. However here and there were telltale signs that it was not totally abandoned. The most noticeable was probably the large satellite dish on the side of one slanting roof.

"This..." Jayson started and trailed off.

"....is gonna be fun." John finished happily.

The next few days went by with both friends very busy, sorting out schedules and times, making provisions for the following college year.

About a week later, Jayson got a call from John.

"Hey, Dead. What's wrong? It's like eleven at night-"

"I know, but uh... I just... "John sounded nervous. Jayson sighed and rubbed his temples.

"...I'm sorry it's so late but uh... could I come over? There's something I want to talk to you about..." John stuttered. Jayson nodded to himself and hung up the phone. Looks like I'm going to have to get back up, he thought.

Jayson got dressed in some shabby clothes, an armless shirt and some jeans, tried to sort his hair out with his palms and un-fuzzed his tail before his door was knocked upon. He walked slowly downstairs, as to not wake his parents who slept in a room near the stairs, and opened the door quickly.

"Hey- what's wrong? You don't look so good" He said, seeing his friend's tear-streaked cheeks. The rabbit hybrid shuffled into the hallway without saying anything and waiting until Jayson had re-locked the door before following him up to his room.

Jayson closed the door gently. "Now, what's wrong? Why did you call me so late?" He enquired, letting his friend sit on the small bed which was pushed against one wall. "I can't keep this in anymore... I just..." John started crying again, and so Jayson sat next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulders. "Come on" he said, "You know you can tell me anything."

His friend looked at him with red eyes. He looks sort of cute when he's like this, thought Jayson, before dismissing the thought.

"Jay... I... I think I love you..."

Jayson watched his friend ram his head into his palms and bend down until his head was almost in between his knees. The wolf blinked a few times before patting John on the back gently, not saying a word.

"It's... okay, Dead. Really, but uh... how do you... ... I thought you weren't..." Jayson trailed off uselessly, and substituted for simply stroking up and down his friend's brown shirt.

"It's NOT alright! You're my friend, and... and we're both... it's not right..." John crumpled up again and whined quietly. Jayson had no idea what to say. He had experimented here and there, and knew for a fact he liked guys... but he had no idea about anyone else. He felt stupid for not knowing his closest friend was that way inclined. "uh... It is okay... I mean... I had no idea, but... why didn't you say something?"

Ten minutes of comforting and assurance later, Jonathan "Dead Freak" Moratoria explained it all. Apparently, he had felt something towards Jayson since they'd met, but had no idea of what it was. Then, over the last week or so (since they hadn't been spending a lot of time together as usual) John had been feeling a growing urge to see him. Then, one night when he was alone, he asked himself what he felt for Jayson, and it had appeared obvious.

"So you see, I... just... know." He finished lamely.

"It's okay, John. But... I do have one question..." Jayson said, blushing slightly. Although his winter coat was in, he was sure his friend could see his red cheeks from that small distance away. His friend looked at him, still red-eyed from his long explanation full of "um"s and "er"s.

" Why did you guess I was straight?" Jayson asked. He saw his friend's eyes visibly widen as he said it, which just made Jayson blush more.

"B-but... you didn't say anything!" John spluttered.

"We don't exactly wear nametags you know..."

"But... last week, you went on that date with that girl..."

"I TOLD you that I was taking my sister to see a movie. You guys just didn't believe me, remember?"

"But... but you don't go to that gay club at college-"

"I'm not exactly going to advertise myself to the entire college, am I?" Answered Jayson.

John looked down, realisation dawning like a comet into an ant farm.

"But..." Said John, and Jayson decided that enough was enough.

Suddenly and without warning, Jayson pulled the back of John's head towards his and kissed him, his other paw stroking down his friend's back as he felt John push gently at first, then acceptance and finally enthusiasm. He felt the Bunny hybrid's tongue push past his lips, with great surprise from the wolf.

They sat there for about a minute, Jayson's tongue pushing roughly over his friend's, John's tail swishing happily over the smooth surface of the bed before dropping as he felt his close friend's muzzle withdraw from his own. John whined and opened his eyes, looking for a reason as to why the most wonderful (and first male to male) kiss of his life had stopped.

Jayson looked back at those beautiful emerald eyes and wondered how long his friend had felt like this. Certainly the kiss was not passionless, but he could tell that John had been holding back for a long time.

"...Wow..." Whispered John. He smiled and licked his friend's cheek.

Jayson smiled, his eyes half open as he licked his friend back, this time on the nose. "You should have told me..." He whispered, looking down as his close friend got a little bit closer by pressing against him slightly. John smiled and wrapped his arms softly around the wolf's neck, his paws playing gently with it's mane.

"Hey, Fuzz? Jay? I've never felt this close to anyone before... I love you..."

For the first time since the kiss, Jayson looked up. He was smiling gently as he leans forwards and kisses his friend's neck gently, whispering into one of his long, delicate ears. "...I love you too. I always have..."

Jayson started slowly stroking the rabbit's brown shirted sides, nudging the shirt up inch by inch until it was to John's slim shoulders. At this point the bunny had figured out what Jayson was doing and he took it upon himself to slip his shirt upwards, exposing his small belly and chest to the wolf while he fumbled to get the small head hole over his delicate ears. Jayson enjoyed the view, and his smile almost doubled in size.

John finally looked at Jayson and blushed brightly as he tossed his shirt to the side.

"Hey, don't look at me like that... it makes me shiver..." John said, smiling and covering his chest with his arms. Jayson smiled and pulled him close, pressing his lips once again against John's and pushing his chest against the shirtless fur of his friend to the extent they both fall against the bed, Jayson atop John, kissing each other in a deep embrace.

John moaned softly and felt the wolf's paws tracing slowly down his chest, then down his stomach, finally resting on his belt. He blushed even brighter and pulled his head back from the kiss with Jayson, looking questioningly into his eyes.

"Jay... I'm not sure... I mean I've never even kissed another guy before..." He mumbled himself into silence and closes his eyes, ashamed of his own shyness. Jayson smiled and blushed softly, to the surprise of John. The bunny tilted his head questioningly.

"In truth, Dea-John... I've never done this with anybody either. I've never felt strongly enough about someone to... but... Don't worry. I'll try and be gentle..." He smiled assuringly. John smiled back, and nodded.

Jayson licked slowly at the bunny hybrid's neck while his paws slowly unfastened the belt restraining it's loose jeans. He smiled happily, thanking whichever gods had given him such a wonderful friend before sitting up and sliding down the jeans, belt and all, to reveal the buncoon's boxers. Jayson threw the jeans to one side and stared.

"Wow.... I had no idea..." He blushed. John joined him in that sense, looking down to his green boxers with pink butterflies printed across them. "They aren't... mine?" he tried pathetically. Jayson laughed quietly. He just remembered it was still late. He didn't want to wake anybody...

He held up a finger to his muzzle. "Shh, my parents are still asleep... so we don't want to wake them. They don't know about me being..." He trailed off and smiled. The bunny nodded and giggles quietly. Jayson stroked across the boxers of the bunny once and realised that they were stiff already. He traced a finger from the base of the bunny's hard lump down, much further than he expected.

Enough, he thought.

He took the elastic top of John's boxers and pulled them down the smooth, furry legs and towards him, blocking his view until he pulled them away from the buncoon's feet and threw them to one side. "I... I hope it's not bad or anything..." Said John, meekly.

For the second time that night, Jayson the wolf was mesmerised by the buncoon's appearance. The pink shaft, after the small sheath it had protruded from, was beautiful. It was, from Jayson's point of view, at least seven inches of pure, glistening pink bunny-hood. He smiled happily, watching as the nervous owner caused it to twitch now and then. "It's... perfect." He announced much to John's relief.

He smiled happily and slid off the bed.

"Wait... where are you going?" John asked, saddened by the wolf's departure.

"I'll be right back, don't worry... I'm going to go and get ready." Jayson smiled and blew a blushing kiss to his friend before darting silently into the dark corridor outside his bedroom door.

After several minutes of waiting in the dim light of the bedroom, John had some time to take in his surroundings. He had been in here before, but only once or twice to wake his friend up. Now, as he looked around, he noticed a few things he hadn't seen before. For example, there was a poster cleverly hung behind the wall, so that anyone walking in wouldn't see it, but someone laid on the bed would. It was of a cowboy horse, complete with hat, whip, rope... and no pants. His large hands covered most of his waist, but his rear was exposed for anyone to see. There was a small slogan under it. John leaned forwards to read it.

Jayson - Thanks for reminding me who I was. Come by any time you want, you'll be welcome... Your little buckaroo. Kacashi. September 2008.

He blushed brightly and looked down in embarrassment, finding that he was even harder for seeing the poster than before, which just made him blush even brighter. He looked around and calmed down a bit. There was no clock on the wall, so he had no idea what time it was... then he spied a screen. He walked slowly (And somewhat penguin-like) towards a cabinet with a chair adjacent.

He looked towards the door. Still quiet...

He slowly pulled the swivel chair back and sat on it, not thinking for a second about his nakedness. His soft buttocks felt quite nice against the soft fabric, as he let himself relax into the padding. His paw hit the mouse, out of habit, and the screen lit up.

An image (A background desktop image of a furry of some description leaning over a bar top, showing buttocks framed by a red waitress skirt) flashed across the screen before the computer logged off.

John blinked and looked at the screen, interested to see more details of that picture. He frowned.



He sighed. A password and a personalised login message... how would he ever guess this? There was no hope left for him seeing that image. But at least Jayson didn't catch-

"Well hi there." Said a voice from the doorway.

John curled up defensively, and then relaxed somewhat when he saw it was just Jayson. He looked down and blushed brightly for the first time since he had seen the poster.

"Y-you're...um... " He faltered. Jayson smiled and stayed leaned against the door frame, totally naked. His tail swayed gently at his side as his paw stroked slowly up and down his exposed length, a full eight and a half inches of pre-wet wolf cock, throbbing with every slight movement of his paw.

"Naked?" He offered. "Huge? Lovely? Kissable?" He giggled gently and walked slowly over to the increasingly aroused buncoon, who was watching his stroked penis with a mix of hormones, nerves and envy.

"Ahh... you wanna see what I keep on my computer, do you? Well, normally I don't let anyone see... but seeing as were hah, close friends, I don't see any problem. The Password's Kacashi." Jayson smiled and sat next to the chair, watching John punch in the password without a word.

John, on the other hand, had his mind racing. How close were that horse and Jayson? What should he look for on this computer? Was he too bold to be sitting here in the first place? All these questions raced through his mind as the image flashed back onto the screen. This time he could see it better, and he felt his penis become more aroused, as it has shrunk somewhat out of nerves.

The image on the screen had icons over it, here and there. It WAS a furry bending over a bar top, but it was a male feline. He was looking back and winking, his short waitress skirt hitched up to reveal his tight hole, which had...

John squinted slightly...

Yes, a firefox shortcut over it. He looked just beneath it to the title.

"Light Bondage - M/M"

He blushed again, but calmed down quickly this time. He looked down to Jayson and was startled to see him slowly pawing to the desktop picture.

"Uh... J-Jay? Are you sure I should look at these? I mean I'm a bit nervous around other guys and......" He trailed off. Jayson looked up to him and stopped stroking his shaft to put a soft paw (the one that wasn't previously in use) on his. "Don't worry," he said in a comforting voice. "It's okay. I think you'll like some of this stuff... click on his left ear." Jayson smiled widely and shuffled slowly until he was besides John's leg, looking up at the screen.

John clicked the left pointed ear of the suggestive cat, and looked down at his own, still erect penis. Normally he would be flaccid by now because of lack of physical interaction. However, the thought of a sexy aroused wolf pressing against his leg, and the thought of more to come, had his body locked and prepared for action.

The feline vanished, and was replaced by a loading symbol. John turned his head to look questioningly at Jayson but found he had moved... He was now between his legs, still with his back to John and still stroking slowly up and down his shaft.

The loading sign smoothed out, and something flickered onto the flat screen. John looked back up at it, and blushed all over again. He recognised the stallion from the poster on Jayson's wall, be there was another just behind him.

Somewhere in the cabinet, speakers blared. Jayson gasped and suddenly stood up, fumbled around behind his screen until the loud sound stopped, and then he stood motionless, listening for any signs someone had been awakened. Of course, since Jayson had stood up, John had what he considered a beautiful view of his ass. He smiled happily and licked his maw, the first lust-like act he had done.

Jayson saw him looking and grinned. He had plans now...

He slowly sat back down, and heard the bunny sigh slightly. Then he swiftly turned around and stuck out his tongue. He felt it hit the moist, meaty thing he was aiming for. The buncoon moaned softly and looked from the screen to Jay, Jay to the screen.

John was in heaven. First, he had a sexy wolf almost sucking on him, which made him feel like he could explode right now, and now he has a movie on that same wolf's computer of two horses... John squinted to see better.

On the screen, just as John had thought, there was Kacashi, totally naked and grinning. Behind him, just as naked, was another, slightly taller horse. As the first horse swayed it's hips seducing, the second horse started to stroke it's flaccid cock. Not, apparently, flaccid for long however.

The horse named Kacashi leant against a wall with his rear end extended backwards, and turned his head to look at the advancing steed.

John moaned again as Jayson took this opportunity to move his maw up and start slowly suckling on John's sensitive tip, licking his tongue this way and that over the pink, soft flesh.

The buncoon looked once again at Jayson, and gave him a thankful look. He was gripping the arms of the chair hard, half because of nerves and half because he could cum right there if he was not careful. He looked back at the screen, and saw that Kacashi was erect already.

He couldn't take his eyes off of the amazing size of that penis, not for a few seconds. But then he was forced to as another, larger horse cock was pushed against the first's back. John whined softly, feeling a new blossoming fear that he would not be able to satisfy his friend at this rate...

Things were going well for Jayson. The buncoon's cock was sweeter than he had first thought it would be. He could suck on this meaty length all night long, be he sensed that he couldn't. His friend was moaning and almost panting, he could tell that he was almost finished. Jayson took it upon himself to take the entirety of the buncoon's hot shaft into his maw, inch after inch pushing it's way across his ribbed maw roof, until finally the tip stopped just past the point of letting Jayson breath.

All this happened in a matter of seconds, making John moan louder than before. Jayson held up a finger to John's muzzle, telling him to be quiet. John subsided the best he could as his friend's tongue pushed and licked around his pulsating cock with increasing speed, before Jayson suddenly pulled back, just enough to breath through his nose.

"J-Jayson... I can't.... "John said, at seeing the horses start to slowly have sex and feeling his end near. The large steed behind Kacashi had forced his cock's large head past the tight ring, and then he started pushing the rest of his huge shaft into the smaller equine. Kacashi, during most of this, appeared to be panting and moaning while fondling his own large shaft. He had been pushing back into the horse, until he was almost fully hilted.

Even though there was no sound, John could hear the sounds in his head. The hard, wet smacking of hip against hip as the horse giving sped up, Kacashi's moaning and panting, begging for more as the steed gave as much as he could. John was also aware, however, of a much more real noise.

Jayson was murring. He didn't care who heard him right now, because he was enjoying himself too much to care. His head was bobbing up and down the buncoon's wet shaft with increasing speed. He could feel it throbbing, wanting release with such urgency; he thought it would be cruel to keep the buncoon denied from his first male to male orgasm. He slowed to a stop and slowly lifted his wet maw off of the bunny's cock, much to his disappointment.

John stopped looking at the screen and stared at Jayson. He had brought him so close to finishing, if anything touched his cock now he was sure he'd explode. But as he watched, his smile and curiosity grew as one, until Jayson was fully stood up and looking backwards, his paws resting on the buncoon's legs.

John's curiosity fled him, to be replaced by only excitement. "Jay... I can't hold on, please don't..." He pleaded, but he knew his heart wasn't in it. When Jayson started to slowly lower himself until his cheeks brushed across his tip, he whined loudly, and then reminded himself of the time. He certainly didn't want to get caught with his best friend, best MALE friend, having sex. He tensed. He could feel his insides start to flutter, and as his delicate tip hit the wolf's tight tail hole he tried to pull back. This would have worked better if he had not been sitting down; however, Jayson sure enough got what John was telling him.

"Don't worry" he told his nervous lover. "I'll go slow... but I need you to finish first." Jayson smiled.

John shook his head. He didn't understand what the wolf wanted him to finish for, however he did need to finish soon, and if his friend was giving him the choice...

Jayson moaned softly as he felt his friend start to push up, his moist tip penetrating the soft canine ring and pushing deeper into the wolf as it started to lower it's body. Soon enough, through pants and pauses, Jayson was fully atop John. He was surprised, as was the buncoon as to how he had managed to keep a lid on his need to release.

"J-jay... God, I'm gonna...!"

John, on the other hand, had been going mad trying not to let himself go before he was inside the wolf. He moaned loud and grabbed Jayson's hips, pressing his chest into the wolf in comfort as his hot sticky seed pushed past his biological want and into the tight insides of the canine, most of his white liquid dripping out and onto his lap as he sat there, hugging against the back of his new... and first... lover.

Jayson felt the internal explosion and gritted his teeth. He felt the long arms of the buncoon wrap around his waist, accidentally brushing his pre-wet shaft in the process. He sighed a long, pleasurable sigh... before slowly lifting up, and dropping onto the still hard cock below him.

John panicked. "J-jay! I finished, I can't-" John ended this plea with a soft moan. He felt pleasure he'd never felt before, a tight, warm sensation around his lubricated cock after he had came. He sat back, his arms gripping the arms of the chair and his claws digging into the fabric beneath him as his friend started to slowly move up and down his cock, tightening and moaning at the same time.

"Mmmm... I know what you said, but I also know what you want." Jayson moaned. "This night is about pleasure, my friend..." He said, before a slow moan escaped his chest. His cock and some of his belly was already covered in pre, and he wasn't sure how long he could last, no matter how confident he sounded to the buncoon behind him. And, unlike his friend, he could now see the two horses on the screen clearly...

...Which had turned seamlessly into two horses and a feline. They had, apparently, changed position while Jayson was.

He smiled. The feline, apparently, had taken up the role of thrusting his cock into Kacashi's welcoming maw, while the other horse thrust into him from behind. Both horses and the feline seemed to be enjoying this new format. He could hear the wet slapps of his own cheeks, now soaked with the buncoon cum, meeting his friend's hips after sliding tightly down his lubricated cock.

John couldn't believe himself. Not only was he still excited after cumming inside the tight wolf, but he was enjoying it, too! He tried to laugh but it came out as a low moan. He felt the wolf tighten around him, making him stifle a loud yelp into a quiet whimper. He could feel something building up inside him again, but this time it was much bigger, harder to stop than last time. He nudged Jayson on the shoulder weakly.

Jayson felt the very light touch on his shoulder, so he turned his head away from the threesome on the screen.

"Y-yes, Dead?" He asked, wearily.

"J... "John took a long gulp of air.

"Jay... I ... I love you..." He whispered softly. Jayson smiled widely. He was sure he'd remember this day for ever.

Jayson smiled widely. Hearing those words from his friend, with such devotion made his heart beat faster... but another reason would be the approaching climax he felt, climbing down his spine and across his belly.

"Ohh" Moaned Jayson. "...Bunny, I'm gonna..." He finished off his sentence with a load gasp. He looked at the screen and moved one of his paws from the buncoon's leg to his throbbing erection. The red bar just underneath the horse on horse on feline porn was almost to the end. Jayson smiled to himself and started stroking quickly and roughly up and down his shaft, sending waves of pleasure through his body that conflicted with those sent by the hard cock pushing through his ring.

On the screen, both the feline and the horse had sped up in their thrusting, and Kacashi the steed was already starting to leak pre onto the floor below him. John still couldn't hear anything except the loud, wet slapps of his cum covered legs meeting Jayson's, but that combined with his and Jayson's moans were easily enough. He felt the familiar build up of pressure around the base of his cock again, and knew he was far too out of breath to warn the wolf this time. He just hoped that Jayson was almost done...

As the friends moaned and panted, one bouncing quickly atop another, they both felt like they never had before. Jayson watched the screen as the horse behind Kacashi gave one huge thrust into the steed's ass before his cum exploded into the tight depths. On the other end, the feline pulled the horse's maw fully against his cock before letting it's biological urges get the better of him.

Jayson squeezed his cock harder than before as he felt his heart rate increase, and tightened his ass around his friend's hard cock. As one, they both yelled in orgasmic fury, Jayson howling like a timber wolf should, and John tilting his head back suddenly and screaming like he'd been hit.

John felt the tightening ass around his cock, but it was too late. He pushed up with one final thrust and came inside the hot depths of the wolf. He pushed his head back against the fabric and called out as he never has before.

Jayson, on the other hand, felt the hot seed of his friend shoot inside him before stroked his cock once more, gripping the base with a steel grip as his orgasm shot through his body. His cock throbbed gently as stream after stream of cum came from it, pleasure driving it out of him faster than it ever has before.

The two friends sat in silence for about two minutes, enjoying the feeling, never wanting it to end. However, a loud beep ended the joyful silence...

"...Damn..." Panted Jayson.

"...I know.... It was... perfect..." Gasped John, smiling and stroking up and down his close friend's hips slowly.

"...Silly rabbit." Jayson giggled. He seemed to have recovered from the bliss much quicker than his friend. Slowly and carefully, he slid down from his friend's quickly softening cock to stand in front of the screen. John sat up wearily and tried to stand up. On the third try, he stood against his friend, still stroking his sides gently and licked his neck.

"What's wrong, Fuzz?" He asked. The smile hadn't moved from his lips, and now he was in a dream-like state.

Jayson moved from the computer screen to the side to show his friend the problem. He was, however, also still smiling.

Against the blue background of the screen, large blocky letters protruded across the face of John.



| Y/N |

John smiled. "Looks like we overloaded it, ehh?" He said, giggling softly as his finger rose to point at the sticky white goo that covered most of the screen.

Jayson laughed and kissed the buncoon happily on the cheek.

Downstairs, John and Jayson stood in blushing silence. Both had gotten cleaned up and dressed quickly and quietly, but both wondered if anybody had heard them in Jayson's room. Both were also wondering what to do next.

"So um... see you next time I see you, I guess." Mumbled the buncoon nervously.

"Yeah, we need to sort out our timetables. John..." Jayson leaned towards his friend and smiled softly. "I love you. I don't want to be without you any more..." He blushed, and looked away.

John smiled and took pressed a finger to Jayson's chin, pulling his face to meet gaze. "I love you too. And don't worry, we'll find a wa-"

A loud thump from upstairs broke off the end of John's sentence. Jayson quickly kissed him on the lips, "Welcome to my world" he joked, and closed the door as quickly and quietly as possible.

John smiled. All in all, he figured, it had been a good night.

Then he ran down the stairs and out the house as if chased by bloodhounds. If Jayson had been caught, that may be true. But that, and the questions that still riddled John's mind, would be settled another day.

...And what did he mean by "Welcome to my world", anyway?


And that wraps everything up, I guess!! Thanks for reading this short yiffy story. If this made you laugh, cry, or get your groove on, please feel free to tell me. Special Thanks goes to Zack (Curly) for his support and pointers, Brian (White Light) for the moral support and of course Jared (Seragon) for the inspiration to start writing again. You guys rock. Also, Sam (The Original Dead freak), if you're reading this, congrats. Don't take it personally, John was a random creation... but hey, you are sorta cute.

All rights reserved. This story and all characters within are copyright Fuzzy Moordock's original creation(s), and were thought up on the spot. I mean come on, Buncoon? What a cute name! Hahaha... but anyway. Thanks for reading all this legal crap. Jayson is from my previous story: Lone Wolf. John, however, is a new creation who will be in my next one.

See you in the next story!