Roommate Bull-y: Chapter 1

Story by seakinklets on SoFurry

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#2 of Roommate Bull-y

Quick pronunciation reference: Natan is pronounced Nuh(like The) Tawn(like Lawn), but Nat is pronounced like hat. Its actually an old hebrew name, and Nathan and Nathanial are derived from it. You don't have to read the prologue, but it does a lot of setting up for the environment and the characters.

Nat had to hurry, who knows how long he had to blow his load before Alan came back. Alan had left to take a shower, leaving an old jockstrap just sitting there on the floor. He pressed the musky jock firmly into his nose, getting a high off the smell as he fisted his short cock. Him stripping down to a towel already had Nat hard as a rock as he tried not to look, but he couldn't resist. Not 5 minutes later he pulled down his briefs as was tugging away at his cock while sniffing his roommate's sweaty pouch. He at least had the presence of mind to pull off one of his socks to hide the mess. With a moan, he accidentally touched the fabric with his tongue, and in a frenzy began licking the old musk. That was more than enough to set him off, whimpering and moaning into the musky jock as he shot off into his sock. He took a moment to recover from the intense orgasm before quickly realizing the situation he was in, throwing the jock back where he found it and putting himself away. Throwing the sock under his bed he was barely back to where he started when he heard heavy footsteps.

Alan came back in, mostly dry but still a bit damp from his shower. The towel did little to hide his swinging cock and low hanging balls. His broad chest exposed, the two large slabs of beef jiggled slightly as he walked. He scratched his belly, looking so soft and yet belying the power hidden beneath the layer of fat. He only glanced at the jock sitting on the floor, before dropping the towel in front of the closet. Nat practically started drooling, two large globes shook as he dug for some clothes. His fat ass sat just above thighs Nat was SURE could crush a man's skull. His eyes drew across the slightly hidden muscles spread across the bull's back, before back down to his amazing ass. Alan had pulled on a jock, taking a moment to stretch before putting on sweatpants a tank top. Nat quickly looked back at his laptop as the broad bovine turned back around.

"Phew, man I'm fuckin' beat," Alan said as he flopped down on his bed, his hands tucked behind his head gave Nat a clear view of his hairy pits. "What are you up to tonight man?"

"Not much, just finishing up some homework," Nat replied, taking a breath and calming down. He had been roommates with this hulking god of a man for a week and it was almost annoying how hot he was. Nat didn't like having to work in a quick jack off session, but Alan had no problem with nudity and he needed to bust one out to clear his mind enough to carry a conversation. The first few days were hell, but the past couple have been pretty alright with his post-nut clarity alleviating a lot of his awkwardness and making him less anxious. He was just a horned up 20 year old with no outlet for his sexuality except his roommate, yeah that sounded good in his head.

"When is it due?" Alan asked, now looking over at him.

"Not until Monday, but I'm getting it done now so I can relax over the weekend," He replied. "Also as a distraction from your constant teasing," but he didn't add that part out loud.

"Great! That means we can hang out!" Alan said with enthusiasm, surprising Nat. Alan had always been very chill, quiet, he hadn't often seen him smirking like he is now.

"Hang out?" Nat closed his laptop and turned with confusion on his face, "I thought you said you were beat."

"What, expecting me to drag you out to a club or something? We can go cruising for bitches tomorrow if you want, but you don't seem like the club type," Alan said with a deep chuckle. His voice was low and rich, and when he laughed like this the warmness helped make Nat genuinely at ease.

"Yeah, I mean I'm only 20 anyway," he said with a nervous chuckle, "but I somehow doubt I'd be a very good wingman."

"Are you kidding?" Alan was sitting up at this point, "You'd be a GREAT wingman! You're so shy and cute you'd attract chicks like a puppy! The trick is finding some girl doin' the same thing, then set you up with someone to show you the ropes while I went and-" he paused and wiggled his eyebrows "-educated someone myself."

Nat was blushing at this point, the fact that Alan had called him cute was not lost on the possum, but neither was being called a puppy. Or the assumption that he was straight. He tried to focus on that, and it helped tamper the fantasy of Alan showing HIM the ropes that had begun forming.

"Oh uh, well, thanks Alan, that's nice and all," thankfully Alan cut off his flustered blubbering.

"Anyway that's not what I meant. We've had like, 3 fuckin' conversations since we moved in here? It's been a week and I didn't even know you're 20!" he smiled started becoming mischievous as he reached up and behind him, "Which means we need to do some male bonding."

Nat just gulped, nervousness returning as the bull pulled down the whiskey bottle sitting on the shelf above his bed. He unscrewed the top and took a swig before leaning and offering Nat the bottle. Nat just looked at it nervously and didn't move for a moment.

"Alright, move over," Alan said, getting up and flopping down where Nat's legs had been a fraction of a second before. Nat sat up and put his laptop on the desk before gingerly taking the bottle. He took a whiff, not exactly enjoying the scent.

"Clearly you've never drank, so here's what ya' gonna do," Alan said, moving the bottle to Nat's lips and putting his hand on the bottom of it. "You're gonna take a little swig, Try not to let it sit on your tongue, just let it go back and right down your throat."

He nodded, Alan's hand not raising the bottle, just keeping him from lowering it. It was do or die, so he tilted it back and tried to swallow down the drink. He barely managed a gulp before lowering the bottle, the whiskey burning his throat. He coughed once, but was a little proud of how well he managed to handle his first drink.

"Not bad little guy, I might just turn you from nerd to frat bro yet," Alan said sagely, nodding his head at his own words, before grabbing the bottle and throwing back at least double with no effort. They did that twice more, with Nat not coughing anymore and managing to handle the psuedo-shot well enough to not embarrass himself in public at least.

"Alright, now that we got some loose lips, lets get chatty," Alan had an evil grin at this point. Nat really didn't expect him to be so chatty, from what he had heard and seen the bull was quite stoic. The burning in his gut made him feel a lot more comfortable as he felt the alcohol start getting absorbed into his bloodstream.

"First up, cut it with the 'Alan' shit, everyone calls be Al," The arm now around Nat's shoulders inspired heat in more than just his stomach. "and why Nat, instead of Nate? Your name's Nathan right?"

"Actually its Natan, but since it's spelled N A T A N, I just go by Nat," he said quickly, hoping his blush wasn't obvious.

"Oh that's cool, never heard that name before," Al said, seeming genuinely interested, catching Nat off guard a bit. "So what's your major? Hobbies? I wanna get to know you man."

"U-uh, I haven't picked a major yet, but its probably gonna be computer science," he said, sweating a bit under Al's unwavering gaze. "As for h-hobbies, I like games and movies and shows, ya know, normal stuff."

They continued like that for a while, getting to know each other better. Al was majoring in sports science, liked football and weightlifting, his favorite color was red, he always wears jocks cause he likes the support, and so on. Every couple of minutes Al would take a swig and prompt Nat to do the same, even holding the bottle for him. Nat wasn't sure how long they had been talking, but he was certainly feeling the alcohol. He wasn't quite drunk, but he certainly felt loose enough to make some mistakes. While he still had the clarity to do so, he kept at least one hand discreetly covering his lap. Al had kept his hand wrapped around Nat the whole time, and if he moved his hand there would be no mistake about the effect it had on him.

The sun was set by this point, and Al finally got up to take a piss. Nat quickly adjusted himself so he could remove his hands, and was glad it was less obvious. Al returned quickly and decided to cap the bottle and sit down on his bed, an intense look on his face.

"So, Nat, got a girlfriend?" He asked, as Nat willed his booze addled brain to give away how nervous he was with his response.

"N-no. Girls tend not to be attracted to guys like me," he said with a self-depreciating chuckle as he turned away. "I assume you have no trouble there."

"Not really, but girls are a lot of work, and I'm not really interested in having to deal with that."

"Oh, I get that, kinda."

"Do you?" He responded, making Nat look back at him in confusion. His hard features started to sharpen as the edges of his mouth moved up ever so slightly into a cocky smirk.


"You've never really had a girlfriend, have you?"

Nat was taken aback at the interruption, his heart racing faster. Alan had an arrogant grin rising up slowly from the dark waters of his hard stare. With each answer, it seemed to edge closer to the surface, recognition becoming clearer. Alan seemed to have him all figured out, and that scared the shit out of him.

"N-not really I guess," he said, scared but unable to break eye contact.

"Now is that cause girls aren't interested in you? Or because you're not interested in girls?"

Nat's heart was about to burst. Al's smile was did not hold the warmth it held before. The single grin, just the facial expression, felt.... lowering. Like he was somehow demeaning him, belittling him, with just a smirk. His eyes were serious, but there was a glimmer of something, hunger, or desire. He opened his mouth to try and deny it but was cut off.

"Don't bother. I noticed how you look at me. I noticed you missing a sock whenever I shower, and how my jockstraps mysteriosly move when I leave the room. How you tried to hide your hard little prick this whole time, you got boned up just from me touching you. Admit it."

He just gaped as Alan stood up. He was going to come over and beat his ass. He was going to get sent out of college on a gurney or in a body bag. He was- wait, why is he pulling down his pants.

Al dropped his sweats and walked in front of Nat, his bulge throbbing in the open air. He gave it a few gropes, and Nat could see it start to grow even bigger.

"Man the fuck up and say what you want," Al said sternly, continuing to palm his half hard cock.

"I-I, I want you.." Nat said, now breathing in the hearty musk. His shorts had a wet stain against his thigh where he had tucked himself.

"Want me what? I said, Man the fuck up and say what the fuck you want!" Al's voice didn't get much louder, but he could feel it resonate through his mind and chest. This stud was standing in front of him, groping his practically rock hard cock, and demanding that Nat say what he wants. Since this obviously must be a dream, he was going to go all the way.

"I want your cock! I want to suck your fat fucking cock! I want to eat your sweaty ass and clean your musky pits! I want to bathe your balls in spit and swallow your cum! I want to worship your hot fucking body!"

Both of them were shocked by his outburst. Whether it was the booze, the commanding voice, the intoxicating smell, the throbbing prick just inches from his snout, or a combination, Nat had NEVER been so open and assertive. Al recovered and smiled, before simply moving his hand and resting them on his hips, thrusting towards the bed.

Nat needed no further invitation, he pressed his nose firmly into the tented jock in front of him and breathed deeply. Despite showering earlier, the musk was heavy and made him feel drunker than the whiskey. His hands grabbed onto Al's thick thighs, feeling the muscle as he shoved his face into the cloth covered prick. There was a wet spot forming at the tip, and when he sucked on the fabric there he realized why it smelled so strongly. This was an old jock. The myriad of tastes exploded over his tongue and he couldn't help but moan. He sucked the fabric clean and Al grunted, still just looking down. Nat had teased himself enough, he pulled down the jock and got a proper view at the object of his thoughts for the past week and a half. The cockhead was bigger than the shaft and flung a drop of pre onto his face as he pulled it out. His hand couldn't fit around it, and the thing was long. He didn't know how long, but safely put it under the "monster" category of cock. Al's skin was a lighter gray/pink color without his fur, and his dick was no exception. The head was tinged purple and was the widest part of his cut cock. His balls were lemon sized and hung half way down his thighs. No wonder he needed a jockstrap.

Another drop of pre formed at the tip and Nat licked it with the tip of his tongue. Al grunted, but was drowned out by Nat's moan at the taste. A little salty, but very sweet, he had to have more. He stretched his jaw to fit the fat head into his mouth, sucking gently and running his tongue over the cum slit. With one hand switching between balls to fondle, only able to fit one, his other gently worked the shaft. Flicking the bottom where the head meets the shaft, he earned more of his new favorite treat. The taste was only outdone by the low moan from above, making Nat's shaft throb. He moved further down, the head hitting the back of his throat and causing him to gag a little. He tried a couple of times, but wasn't able to get more than a third of the shaft into his mouth.

"Hold your breath," Al said, putting a hand on the back of his head and gripping tightly. Nat barely had time to breathe in before he was gagging again, a constant pressure that Al would not let up. He pulled back slightly and pushed against the back of his throat harder, again and again. Nat was barely able to control his gag reflex, spasming a bit but managing not to choke. Al pulled him off completely, as he gasped and wiped the spit running down his chin.

"On your knees," he commanded, and Nat got off the bed and kneeled as he took a step back. Al returned his hand and pulled his head back, before lowering back in. All Nat could see looking up was the man he had been lusting for, and the fat cock heading straight down his throat. He breathed and tried to relax as Al pressed firmly against the opening and pushed. Harder and harder, Nat gagged until finally it popped in. With the thickest part through, Al firmly guided his head to his pubes, pressing his snout into the thick black fur as his throat visibly swelled from the intrusion. Al mercifully pulled out letting him gasp and sputter, before putting the head back in. He waited until Nat took a deep breath, then pressed his cock back in. All those thick inches stretched out his esophagus as a firm hand pressed him hard against Al's crotch. He fondled the fat low hangers, feeling them rise up a bit as Al moaned, roughly pulling out and quickly shoving back in.

Al had been slow but unyielding, now he was rough. In and out the cock popping into Nat's throat, staying deep in there as he spasmed on the massive cock, before pulling out just long enough for the possum to take a breath and shoving right back in. Drool and pre were dripping down his face as his throat was roughly used like a fleshlight by his hot beefy roommate, and he was loving it. His cock was leaking as he palmed it, still hidden in his shorts and underwear.

Al suddenly pulled back, a few drops of pre shooting out and hitting Nat's forehead. He looked up in confusion after taking a few breaths, his chin still dripping wet. Al just laid down on his bed, stretching out like he was getting ready to sleep. He closed his eyes and motioned with a finger over to Nat, before turning off his light. Nat wiped his chin and walked over, barely able to see the towering pillar still leaking in the moonlight. The broad chest steadily rising and falling, Al laying down relaxing. He masturbated before sleeping every night, Nat was painfully aware of this, so he put two and two together and crawled up the end of the bed. Tonguing the fat sack, not hanging so low anymore, he licked his way up the pillar. His throat ached, and he was glad to have a chance to just worship this beautiful piece of meat. Gently suckling the head, he french kissed the cock slit, loving the taste of the copious nectar.

After a few minutes of gently bobbing on the head, using his hands to caress the spit and phlem soaked shaft, he could feel Al tense up. His balls were pulled tight, the shaft harder than steel, and the head swelling. He felt one hand firmly hold his head against the shaft, not letting him pull off.

"Don't waste a drop," he heard mumbled, barely making out the words through the bull's moan. He squeezed tighter on the shaft with both hands, milking the fat cock for all he could. With just a grunt, a massive shot of salty cream filled Nat's mouth, forcing him to swallow while barely tasting it. Shot after shot followed, and he chugged the cum shooting from the massive man below him. He could barely keep up, swallowing mouthful after mouthful for nearly half a minute. His pants got wetter, and he shook and moaned in orgasm. Grinding against the sheets below, swallowing this man's huge cumshot, it was enough to send him over the edge. His stomach gurgled with the sheer amount of seed he consumed, until finally Al's hand moved back to his chest and he fully relaxed.

Nat savored the last bit in his mouth, he had one hit and he was already addicted to the salty taste. He licked and sucked at the softening cock, cleaning it off, before gently moving back. He felt the sheets below and realized he had cum through his shorts and gotten some on the sheets, and with a blush quickly licked it off. Hopefully Al was close enough to sleep he didn't notice. He heard the slow rhythmic breathing of his roommate and sighed in relief, before quietly changing his clothes and getting back into bed.

His head was spinning. He drank with his roommate, who already knew he was gay, then got facefucked by his massive cock. His throat hurt, and he had a feeling it would be worse in the morning, but Nat just couldn't find it in himself to care. He was on cloud nine at that point, and the exhaustion quickly had him drifting off with a smile on his face.