Horny Lockers

Story by SPenleaf on SoFurry

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#2 of Freebies

A satyr lets his cock do the thinking after working out at his local gym. Now he's being risky and trying to rub one out, is it worth the risk?

Click, clack, click, squeak! Freaking bangs, I swear. Pushing the hair out of my eyes, I looked into the blue metal locker. My blue towel set atop my street shoes, and an extra shirt. Reaching in, I pulled the towel out and started dabbing at my sweaty forehead. I gently patted around, making sure to avoid my sensitive horns.

Today had been a hard workout, twenty minutes straight on the treadmill, then a short break before pushing onto lifting weights for a half hour. Finished it all off with some leg weights. Laying the towel around my shoulders, I found my arms were a little stiff, and definitely sore.

Yeah, probably over did it a bit too much today. It's been a while since I was able to get to the Rose Gym, so I tried a bit of everything to make up for lost time. Reaching into my locker again, I lifted the shirt and picked up the shoes. Stepping back, I plopped my fuzzy ass down on the bench.

One positive and main reason I came here was that the Rose Gym, well, it's locker room is usually empty. People tended to either get in and get out, or they'd just go home afterwards. Patrons really didn't seem to stick around much even after a hard work out.

It didn't hurt that the shopping center wasn't exactly booming. I mean I guess it did well enough to keep stores open and bring in a new shop every few months, but I wouldn't say the new shops were always, well fantastic. The third time a new nail salon opened, because one person didn't like working with another, I pretty much stopped caring about what was 'new' here.

Dropping my blue tennis shoes on the floor, I raised my worn and busted up workout shoes to where I could see and rest them on my knee. Undoing the laces, I slowly take them off, feeling the cold air soaking into my foot hoof. Dropping the ragged shoe to the ground, I took both hands and pressed them into my sole, massaging the tough bottom.

Doctors use to say it was a genetic defect, normally satyr's just have hooves. I, on the other hand, have feet, like most other digitigrade mammals, but with tough bottoms like a hoof and toes with soft bottoms. Having feet instead of hooves had allowed me to be quite agile, as the toes would allow me to grip and balance on beams, much better than hooves would.

Not to mention, it meant that I got to wear shoes. My dad couldn't seem to understand my fascination with shoes, but he was always happy to indulge in going with me to the various shoe stores. It'd been a while since we did such a thing, maybe I should ring him up and when I finish my psychology paper tomorrow, maybe we could go hang out and get some new ones.

Rubbing hard into my sole I felt a big of the push against the tough skin, massaging a muscle well. Rubbing my fingers up and over the toes, I squeezes and rubbed over the joints, feeling them and feeling how hot and tired they were. Letting out a sigh, I set back, glancing around the locker room, I listened for the tell of someone walking around. The silence in the room was deafening.

This massage felt amazing after a hard work out. My enjoyment of my weird feet also had lead to a bit of a foot fetish. Leaning down, I sniffed at my sweaty feet. My tongue touched the surface of my toes, licking them. I swallowed the salty, musky flavor as I let my foot drop.

Replacing the foot back into my lap, I blushed and glanced around the room. Listening intently for any sign of anyone. A few rows behind me a loud slam came as someone closed their locker. I listened intently as their footfalls slowly got quieter, leaving the locker room.

Reaching down I massaged my clothed bulge. It was risky but... maybe some fun wouldn't be a bad thing. Besides, it'd been a while since I'd gotten off, and normally satyr's are supposed to cum two or three times a day. I hadn't felt that sort of relief in nearly a week, since moving in with my new roommates. It wasn't their fault, just constantly unpacking, and moving, and hanging with them, it made time for myself a bit sparse.

Glancing around, my mind whirled at the idea of, maybe, just, a quick one. Anyone could catch me, but with how dead it is, I could have the entire room to myself for hours. Then again, who knows, if someone finds me, maybe they'll offer to help. Maybe that otter who was working out on the weights would offer up his tight rear for me to plow and... welp, so much for a quick change and going home. The semi, and rapidly hardening cock in my lap demanded attention, now.

Standing up, I stretched my arms high above me, as if trying to touch the ceiling, eyes on swivel, listening intently. Silence pervaded the room, quickly I went to work getting my belt loose and dropping my jeans. The material rubbed against my furry legs as they dropped to the floor like a rock. Before they hit the ground, my hand was wrapped around my cock, squeezing it. A small moan of pleasure escaped, a blush colored my cheeks, looking around I seen that I was still alone. Risky? Yes, hot? Absolutely!

Slowly stroking myself, I raised my arm up. Sniffing at my pit, the musky scent arousing me further. Taking my raised arm, I reached over and grasped my horn, gently rubbing the tip, a jolt of electricity and pleasure shot through my body.

My legs buckled a bit. Taking that as a sign, I quickly took a seat. My warm hole pressed against the cool wood, my small tail flickering in excitement. The thrill and thought of someone finding me, jerking my meat in the men's locker room... it was intoxicating. Would they be disgusted? Would they want to join in? Would they be a top or a bottom?

Wrapping my hand tighter, a whisper of an idea crossed my mind. While stroking my horns was really pleasurable, a second hand could really help massage my balls too. Rubbing a circle around my left horn, an electric thrill ran down my spine.

No, that settles it, massaging my horns is way better than fondling my balls. My fingers dance back up my shaft, swirling around the edge of my cock. Circling my fingers and grasping my shaft, I pulled the skin down, revealing my head. Gently holding the skin down, I reached up and ran my finger around the head, pleasurable vibrations ran from there, precum leaked from my tip.

Breathing deep, I got another whiff of my musk. The work out from before, and the work out now had given me a heady scent, sweat dripping down my armpit hair. I was a mess, and there was no way my roommates would want me coming home like this. Maybe I could have a second round in the shower before I left... Maybe some guy will find me and help me clean up.

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head back. So much pleasure, so many hot guys, tigers, lions, monkeys, rhinos, gorillas, that elephant from the other day, that otter... Dropping my other arm, I gave up the horn massage and moved to join both my hands in quick, tight, pumping. There was no hiding what I was doing now, if someone walked in I was fucked. This was lewd, absolutely breaking the rules, but Pan was it hot.

Opening my eyes, I found myself moving my fists faster than I had thought. Attempting to tighten the grip on myself, I kept moving, seeing if more friction could get me there faster. Feeling little difference with the increase of speed, I gave myself one last pump before letting go of the rod with my left hand. Moving my hand lower, I went to cup and gently fondle my sack. The fur down there was a tad moist from my sweat.

Leaning back on the bench, I could feel air brush against my hole. Blushing, I gently ran my fingers around the edge of my hole. Fuck! Pushing them in dry, my fingers roughly entered me, the friction causing some pain, and pleasure mix. Biting my bottom lip, I pushed a second finger in, trying to spread my hole and reach in deeper. The friction wasn't all pleasurable, but as the digits reached in I felt a bump. As my fingers rubbed against it pleasure was all I could see. Stroking my cock, gently pressing against that bundle of joy, pleasure was lighting my body on fire and I couldn't focus. Lighting, pleasure, dear Pan!

The room came into focus again. Blinking away the blurry haze over my vision, I came face to face with the, rather, shocked face of the otter from earlier. I stared into his face in horror, fascination, confusion, fear... All the while, my cock pulsed, cum surging forward and dripping from its head. The otter blushed, looking away from me. I felt mortified, aroused, worried, fuck too many emotions.

Blushing, I pulled my fingers out of my ass, slowly sitting down on the bench. I gave a small cough to clear my throat.

"Erm... sorry? I thought I was alone."

The otter blushed, but smirked. Glancing back toward the door first. As his gaze returned to me, he chuckled lightly.

"I know they claim this is the perfect place for a work out but... I'm not sure that's what they meant."

Hesitantly the otter stepped closer.

"Anyway... Since we've become..."

He snorts as it covers his face briefly.

"Intimate so quickly, my names Tanni."

The otter held out his paw. Glancing down at mine, I could see it covered in cum still. Glancing up at Tanni, he blushed before nodding. What a weird exchange. Grinning, I reached out and shake his hand with my cum covered hand.

"I'd say a pleasure to meet you, but you seem to have met me, while I was pleasuring myself."

The otter chuckles and blushes. He doesn't wipe his hand off as he pulls his paw away from our handshake. Interesting, weird, but interesting.

Finally glancing away from my audience, I found that my cum was slowly dripping down from where it had splashed against the lockers in front of me. Looking it over, I found a small point of pride that I had seemed to hit a new personal record, with splattering the bottom of the third row of lockers. Not too shabby for both sitting down and not trying. Returning my gaze back to the otter, I nodded over to my mess.

"Looks like I may have some clean up work to do. Sorry for the shock."

Tanni nodded but grinned at me.

"If you want, I could help with that? Besides, I think you're going to need more than one towel for all that."

Pulling my towel from around my shoulders, I nodded and waved him over.

"At this point, I'll take all the help I can get, not really in the mood to let the gym learn of my... extra curricular activity today."

Winking at the otter, I was able to pull another chuckle from him.

Slowly I stood up and started working on the cum splotches near the third row. Tanni came over and started cleaning off near the bottom, and the floor. With both of us working, we were able to clean it up in minutes.

We joked back and forth about the absurd situation we were in, discussing interests, maybe flirting some. This guy got me. He was a bit of a weirdo, but so was I sometimes. As the conversations became less lewd we started discussing similar interests as we finished up. Walking into the showers we got onto the topic of favorite sci-fi films, as we soaped up and cleaned, we discussed our favorite video games, when I started to dry off, I hung around as he was trying to tell me about this TV show he was watching.

As we walked back to the row with our clothes and lockers, I asked him for his number. After he put it in my phone, he asked if we could maybe chat more, hang out, maybe get lunch sometime. I agreed. Leaving the Rose Gym, I glanced over to see him heading to his car. Tanni glanced back, seen I was also looking, and blushed.

As I walked down the street, I glanced at my phone. Seeing his number, remembering his face, remembering our long chat as we did something absurd, clean up my cum from a public jerk off. As I headed to my new home my mind wanders to what is to come. Was it a date? Was it a hang out? Was he interested in me, or were we just going to be friends? How kinky is he? What should I wear? So many questions, for such a long walk home. What will my roommates say? How much should I tell them? Can I tell them?

No matter what, the one thing I do know for sure, I don't think the gym will ever be boring again. That's for sure.

Tray's Predator

Bump, bump, thump, bump, bump, thump. A bass belted out a rather low note, vibrating the room. People all around me cheered, swinging my LED light sticks around in time with the beat, I danced in the crowded conference hall. The conventions rave was...

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